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Season 9 Dev Blog #1: A New Accord



  • thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    genhauk wrote: »
    My only problem with Season 9 that's on tribble so far is that my graphics went from great to bottom of the toilet and none of the settings will improve them. Thinking that the tribble doesn't like my graphics card.

    Funny that you mention this. I have the same problem. Right now my graphics setting on Wineskin is perfect. Hardly any crashed and amazing graphics. Then I went on tribble and bam... graphics turned terrible and I couldn't restore it. It was just awful.

    Having that said I do love the new ESD. I just hope they don't change the graphics settings or whatever has changed to make the graphics differ?
  • thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    New Earth Spacedock is money. That's all I'm saying.

    A new Accord though...that's what I'm talking about. Enough with the pointless war. Let's focus on the real threat.

    And the new threat is .... ?
  • thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So going forward we will pretty much be getting a single mission as story content, and a new battle zone good only for grinding the new rep? That seems horribly limited. I was under the impression that we were going to be getting the Delta Quadrant as well as the Krenim, but from the way things are going, it wouldn't surprise me if this was season 8 all over again, and the Krenim are part of the new Expansion. Another playable race being called a faction without actually being a faction.

    Given how nice the new ESD looks, even in its unfinished stage, I really hope that the go back and redesign Deep Space 9 next. Considering that it's one of the stations most prominently depicted, DS9 could use a lot of love. I would love to see it get a revamp of this magnitude, making it more scaled to players, as well as more accurate to the show. With how the lounge area is set up, Quark's could finally be made into part of the actual map rather than being it's own instance.

    Even though the undine are currently the bad guys for Season 9, will there be any chance of love for the Borg? Or more specifically the liberated Borg Captains?
    The thread here shows that most people would love to get a mostly Visual update, and with the mention a while back of upcoming additions to the LTS, this might be a good place to start, especially if you're going to be playing around in the tailor already.

    While i'm hoping Season 9 is more than an episode and a grind zone, I AM looking forward to the revamping of the Kits, as well as the inclusion of the Armor in the tailor. Would it be possible to drop the Voth, MACO, and Omega sets into this category as well? Some of the base armors would look amazing as the underlay for the Maco armor pieces, plus it would get rid of three unnecessary tailor categories.

    I agree with DS9... i could definitely need some love.
  • jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And the new threat is .... ?

    It can't be the Iconians/Undine can it? No, it can't be. it's not like the Reman FE said, 'They are returning', and the fact that the Undine are trying to take over the Alpha Quandrant, most definetely means it CAN'T be them, right?

  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    venkou wrote: »
    According to something I read at the STO wiki site, Season 8 was intended to be the start of adding in new PvP content.

    :: LINK ::

    1.1 Revamp of PvP System
    (To happen gradually after launch of Season 8 [18][20][21], main focus will be on space gameplay at first [7], has been given priority over Foundry improvements [3])

    STO will be first game to implement a new PvP engine developed by Cryptic [20]
    PvP-faction for the Reputation System [18][22][23], "PvP Marks" as rewards [24]
    All PVP in the new system will be cross faction queues [25]
    Matchmaking, e.g. matching people of comparable gear level [26]
    Rewards based on participation more than completion [27]
    PvP ratings/leaderboard tech is now available [28][16][26][29]
    Either replacing current PvP maps or revamping the existing ones [30]
    Transferring existing PvE maps (Facility 4028 amongst others) to ground PvP maps, possibly with capture-the-flag mod [31][32]
    King of the Hill PvP map for space and/or ground [33][32]
    Ground combat may have Battleground-style development in long-term [28]
    Possible: Starbase PvP Challenges [34]
    Fleet vs Fleet (KDF vs FED) territory control game ("controlling and or harvesting a vast variety of resources") [8][35] [33][9]

    the sto wiki as far as info collecting is concerned is a what might be scenario, its just another speculation opinion like everyone else. dont believe such tripe so readily as if it was official looking. do remember that the sto wiki information is updated by other players and for the most part a lot of the info is there but also a lot of info that is not there.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Besides the new ESD (which was not necessary yet since we already had an ESD revamp, so had the Klinguns with Kronos), and the Kit revamp (which is too minor to call it a feature of a season) ... it sounds like Dyson Sphere - Episode 2 ... too similar to Season 8, sorry. It's like Season 8.8, but not really Season 9. Again no level up from 50 to 60, just a new battlezone and not even sure yet if the Voth Zone opens. And maybe another FE with a new Star Trek actor voice-over which was also possible to be released in-between seasons.

    So, what's so major about this patch to call it Season 9? I hop there's more coming than "just" that. If yes, then I'll gladly wait and get surprised, I'd love to see a revamped Romulan story arc for the Federation, just like the Klingun War chapter got revamped for us. But if that's it, it would be the most disappointing season ever.

    EDIT: I just saw in a very small sidenote that the Undine story arc for all factions (four episodes as I recall) is being revamped. Okay, that's a start. I hope there's more in the pipeline. :)
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited March 2014
    I will take a look at ESD on Tribble ASAP!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    be sure to check the undine dyson battlezone extension.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • happymarvinhappymarvin Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The ESD looks great! I can't wait to see it completed.
  • captainjgeecaptainjgee Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Season 9 : A New Accord. I was hoping for A New Hope, but we get A New Despair. I was completely bored with the Dyson stuff after a few days, now you continue the story, will it never end? Could you tell us straight which season you will be finished with the Dyson rubbish. Undine in the Dyson sphere, boring. Undine reputation system, another grind. Undine using the Dyson spheres, why? I thought they are already in the Alpha quadrant.

    ESD seen it on tribble, not impressed, stuff still all over the place. The place will get annoying very fast. Not really much of an improvement.

    Kits, massively pointless. Will only really benefit engineers, engineers will now be super strong. I'm buying all the old kits before they are gone forever.

    As someone said before not really a new season but Season 8 continued. :(:(:(
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They just have to put a single new mission into the game that details the end of the war.

    A couple of cutscenes, pop-ups with voice over, even just a bunch of words to read. All can be used to make the point.

    They can just revamp and rehash the Undiscovered Country scenario... We are supposed to pick up our faction ambassador and take them to Khitomer or wherever.

    Along the way, someone assassinates/attempts to assassinate them, we have a mystery, we find our traitor, and get to Khitomer (or wherever) just in time to prevent a bomb from going off and clearing the assembly.

    Peace is declared, our Captain is a hero, and they all lived happily ever after.

    Once again, they need to do more than that in order to at least maintain a level of some quality in this game. Because I'm not into playing crappy games.

    I'm talking about all the current KDF content that needs fixing and remaking if a peace treaty is in order. The Klingon faction has a lot of instances that are created and revolve around killing Feds, assuming that the two factions are in a state of war. And I'm not talking about storyline leveling missions, I'm talking about end-game stuff.
    Having the Federation and Klingon Empire at peace, while I still can jump to Kahless expanse and slaughter a few thoulsand feds just for the fun of it at the same time is downright stupid.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Once again, they need to do more than that in order to at least maintain a level of some quality in this game. Because I'm not into playing crappy games.

    I'm talking about all the current KDF content that needs fixing and remaking if a peace treaty is in order. The Klingon faction has a lot of instances that are created and revolve around killing Feds, assuming that the two factions are in a state of war. And I'm not talking about storyline leveling missions, I'm talking about end-game stuff.
    Having the Federation and Klingon Empire at peace, while I still can jump to Kahless expanse and slaughter a few thoulsand feds just for the fun of it at the same time is downright stupid.

    The name of the server is Holodeck...there's a lot of replaying the same thing - playing at different times, etc, etc, etc.

    There's not really an issue with the Kahless Expanse...but there's an issue with DOFFing, eh? The majority of the KDF-Fed War exists in DOFFing...
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The name of the server is Holodeck...there's a lot of replaying the same thing - playing at different times, etc, etc, etc.

    There's not really an issue with the Kahless Expanse...but there's an issue with DOFFing, eh? The majority of the KDF-Fed War exists in DOFFing...

    I don't know about you, or the rest of the people, but for me it's a big issue.
    They've stretched our suspension of disbelief in this game really thin by now and to have two factions that are suposedly at peace, while a player can go all out on a rampage against the faction he/she is allied to at the same time is, like I said, downright stupid in my book.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The name of the server is Holodeck...there's a lot of replaying the same thing - playing at different times, etc, etc, etc.

    There's not really an issue with the Kahless Expanse...but there's an issue with DOFFing, eh? The majority of the KDF-Fed War exists in DOFFing...

    This is just my opinion but what will most likely happen to what he was talking about is that the FE lineup most likely is going to bring an end to the war. Being that even back to some interviews with Stahl he made a point about how they did romulans so you don't have a small portion of players stuck with not much to do like the kdf has always been even with a lot more ppl playing kdf it still happens. So I figure this prelude to ending the war with the last FE will be the stepping stone to them just doing everything cross faction with no war.

    The issue on what you were replying to the way I bet they will do it is your empire defenses and pi canis sorties will most likely be things that will be labeled as pre-dyson FE missions so those will exist as missions as well as doffing ones before the ending of it. Then they will probally make some hoop/gateway to where you are doing missions after the fact or just make them orion and reman marauding as they are labelled since they may not be willing to participate in a non-war that lines their pockets with different currencies lol.

    Although It would be fun to not have a war if you think about it being able to visit more places without restrictions. As well I would love to play my KDF characters without worrying about population issues. If they did all that and did a little development on our stuff thats not exactly canon and put in the melee/ritual weapons I'd be a happy camper with it all. For me the main reason I liked DS9 is all the Klingon battle scenes and such they had and would more so attract me to this game if I could get that here too.
  • thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    Wow, that's pretty short time for a full season to release. That's great, I can't wait to play the new episode and see how the improvements to ESD work into the story (if they do). Maybe ESD gets attacked, and they have to rebuild significant portions of it?

    I LOVE this idea. I do hope its
  • tucker84tucker84 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I am curious about the kit revamp. Will it affect ground skills? Do we have to retrain or something? Will it affect career paths? Can anyone tell me, show me? I've read there is a video from tribble about this. Thank you!
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just going on to Tribble now to see what progress has been made but by and large, not overly impressed from what I read.

    You're doing a Kit Revamp but a Space Battlezone? Okay then. Kits are kinda pointless in space, y'know.

    New ESD. Meh, unless it changes the conversations that go on there, it'll still suck. It does, however, look amazing.

    Undine PvE queues. Also meh. Still no word on whether Mirror Incursion will return as a permanent fixture, and this all but confirms the suspicions of an Undine Lockbox and an Undine Task Force rep.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tucker84 wrote: »
    I am curious about the kit revamp. Will it affect ground skills? Do we have to retrain or something? Will it affect career paths? Can anyone tell me, show me? I've read there is a video from tribble about this. Thank you!

  • allyoftheforceallyoftheforce Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So no mention of fixing the graphics issues that have plagued this game since S8? Or is that a non issue you just don't bother with?
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    I don't know about you, or the rest of the people, but for me it's a big issue.
    They've stretched our suspension of disbelief in this game really thin by now and to have two factions that are suposedly at peace, while a player can go all out on a rampage against the faction he/she is allied to at the same time is, like I said, downright stupid in my book.

    Sorry, but you must not play MMOs then, or you would no ALL MMO's have a timeline in them, and so earlier missions do not make sense when comparing them to the latest missions.

    There are missions in Swtor, and WOW that have you going against enemies that are now all gone are even allies.

    Sorry, but you are going to be SEVIOURLY disappointed.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So no mention of fixing the graphics issues that have plagued this game since S8? Or is that a non issue you just don't bother with?

    There is still a missing floor in one of the Felh'khri missions, graphic bugs are definitely not in high priority.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i just done some testing on tribble with the new esd, the results are not good. anyways, hopefully it gets better from here though.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • rextorvan36rextorvan36 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    on the upside I'm impressed by the 'new' look of ESD.

    on the downside; the implications of getting yet another grind and battlezone....both the fun and Star Trek feeling of this game are starting to evaporate at an alarming rate (if it hasn't already)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    alarikun wrote: »
    Seriously, this is my biggest problem recently.

    It used to be that we would get a whole FEATURED SERIES a few times a year! 1 Episode a week for FIVE WEEKS! Can you imagine that these days?

    God, I miss those days... they were so awesome...
    and they also added a lot less to the game. Seriously.... FE series weren't that great.
    mvp333 wrote: »
    We don't know.
    Except that they've added new PvE queue missions to Tribble. :D They're fun!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    and they also added a lot less to the game. Seriously.... FE series weren't that great.Except that they've added new PvE queue missions to Tribble. :D They're fun!

    I disagree.
    For me story missions are the real core content of this game. Some other fluff here and there is nice, but that's why I'm here, and a lipstick of people I know too.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    on the upside I'm impressed by the 'new' look of ESD.

    on the downside; the implications of getting yet another grind and battlezone....both the fun and Star Trek feeling of this game are starting to evaporate at an alarming rate (if it hasn't already)

    Eye of the Beholder, buddy. I've played around with some of that and it's quite fun. Just because it's not your Star Trek doesn't mean it's everyone's. Please keep that in mind.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    on the upside I'm impressed by the 'new' look of ESD.

    on the downside; the implications of getting yet another grind and battlezone....both the fun and Star Trek feeling of this game are starting to evaporate at an alarming rate (if it hasn't already)
    Concerning your "downside" part, not everyone will feel the same way as you. Some will, but not everyone. Plus the part of the "fun evaporating at an alarming rate" is only for you... please remember that, because if you're not having fun, then take a break from the game and do something else. It isn't that difficult to do.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited March 2014
    So no mention of fixing the graphics issues that have plagued this game since S8? Or is that a non issue you just don't bother with?

    As a "feature" you will get even more of it with S9. :rolleyes:
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I disagree.
    For me story missions are the real core content of this game. Some other fluff here and there is nice, but that's why I'm here, and a lipstick of people I know too.

    Yeah for something that is technically based on a story will only thrive on more on going stories. The biggest problem is dynamics of how content is developed and I'll quote from this new EP "Doing the same thing where its the same exact thing over and over is boring". I really want to see how this is approached and even if its a copy of how guild wars 2 addresses that issue it would still be better than what we currently have with dynamic missions.

    The other thing relating somewhat to story is there are a lot of ships out there for example the b'rel, nebula, raptors, etc need more of a workable design where they are more influenced by canon where tactics can be employed using them but still be functional and not be underpowered but not over powered at the same time. Just a few examples the T'varo is an adequate bomber but the b'rel it can be a semi but not too effective of a bomber but the t'varo has a designed set that follows romulan canon that works (My recommendation is giving the b'rel a meter like romulan ships have that deal with its engines and the higher the meter goes the stronger the powers but a side effect being the fuel emission with being tracked with the seeking torp used by players and npcs to give it power but also balance). The nebula it has that cloaking detection grid but it really doesn't have much of any use. The big problem there is most of what is played in STO is PvE and you don't really have much of any enemies that utilize cloaks in a manner that grid helps so it kinda puts the ship in an undesirable position. The last thing is raptors although we only saw them in enterprise the statements from people involved with star trek if I remember right when explaining the raptor stated these ships were still in service but rarely seen due to their role was a recon type ship. My thought on this would be in the future they make some raptors look klingon like bortasqu' and mogh have been made. Yet though for the KDF with research with the New Romulus maybe a story line on since we know the romulans have had dealings with experimenting like in the one Fleet Action that a new Klingon ship would emerge available to KDF and KDF romulans that is a Klingon Raptor that uses a singularity core but doesn't use the powers romulan ships do but yet has a phase battle cloak that works kind of like the voth one where it has a long cd but beneficial where it can be recon type powers especially with these battlezones in space.

    Anyways those are just some of my ideas and reasons why story is important because without it the game will never evolve.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sorry, but you must not play MMOs then, or you would no ALL MMO's have a timeline in them, and so earlier missions do not make sense when comparing them to the latest missions.

    There are missions in Swtor, and WOW that have you going against enemies that are now all gone are even allies.

    Sorry, but you are going to be SEVIOURLY disappointed.

    Ok, am I talking in Martian here so noone understands me?? :confused: Seriously, this is like the fourth or fifth time I explain myslef in this thread.

    I am not talking about the leveling missions that could fall into what you describe as "the timeline". I'm talking about the current KDF (and partially Fed) end-game stuff, that happen in the same timeframe as the suposed peace treaty.
    I'm not talking about me skipping missions, going to lvl 50 and then going back to the missions where there is a war and complaining about it. I'm talking about daily grinders, wrappers, exploration clusters and especially Doff missions that are all designed with the conflict in mind.
    There is still a missing floor in one of the Felh'khri missions, graphic bugs are definitely not in high priority.

    The floor not being fixed for years just shows how incompetent Cryptic is.
    But he/she was talking about another graphical issue, much worse than floor missing that renders STO unplayable for many people and has been around S8 with no feedback from Cryptic at all.
    and they also added a lot less to the game. Seriously.... FE series weren't that great.

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