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  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The first one is easy - this is a combination of paranoia and, I feel, prejudice. PWE originates from China, right? Thus, this combined with recent security incidents has fueled paranoia that the anti-cheat devices is actually spyware designed to steal out information for China's benefit.

    No, I didnt know PWE was a Chinese company, a few of their decisions makes sense now. But don't go the "he's racist for not going along with ARC!" Route! Leave that nonsense for desperate politicians. We are gamers, and all our races here are all fiction!

    ..and we all know, the Caitians are the best of em all! :cool:
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Neither on the ARc website nor in the Arc client can I read how much Zen you get.
    When I go here: https://billing.arcgames.com/en/
    I see the price of the packages, but not what they contain.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • theboxisredtheboxisred Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hi Jonsills.

    Yes, Arc is coming.

    As one who has given constructive feedback and makes the effort not to allow my disappointment color my posts on the matter, without downloading Arc Beta, mind you, I find the comparisons to four-year-olds having tantrums and accusations of racism to be off-putting and outright offensive.

    One does not necessarily have to try a thing to know they do not like it. My refusal to eat a moldy lasagna does not make me racist toward Italians. The same applies to my lack of interest in using Arc if it does not shut down after game launch. It does not equate to an irrational hate of the Chinese.

    Business and governing bodies always want to do things as cheaply (as is least expensive) as possible and they are often caught taking shortcuts and liberties to which they know they have no right. Those are valid concerns and watching for such activities is always a wise move.

    On another note, I had toyed with the notion of trying Champions Online and it was one of your postings on that forum that gave me the final push to give it a go. I don't know if I'll ever go past silver on that one because it is difficult to find good info in game, but I am having some fun with it so far.

    Perhaps I'll see you in-game sometime.

  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    And why exactly do you not want it? What, specifically, is your objection?

    Because, as I keep pointing out, it is coming. All you can do is try to make the transition as painless as possible, by pointing out things it does either wrong or poorly, in the hope it will be improved. Just saying you don't want it is irrelevant to the suits.

    I get where your coming from, but "I dont want it" should be enough for a customer to avoid something they dont want. When your ordering your food at the window and they say, would you like fries with that, then answer no. You shouldnt have explain why and give em a good reason. The customer is always right, was such a noble concept...it showed a business had YOUR best interest in mind! ;)

    Customer: "no thanks, what I have is fine."
    Business: "Give us feedback, tell us why you dont want the fries?"
    Customer:" Im happy with what I have thanks."
    Business: "Your getting the fries whether you like it or not!!"
    Customer: "But, why."
    Business: "We here at (Nerf Burger) are committed to giving you the best quality and..."
    Customer: "..I am getting hungry, what about my order?..."
    Business: " ...service by making sure you are aware of all our other fine selections we have.."
    Customer: "Thats really not necessary, I.."
    Business: "..available to accommodate all of our customers, and to show you..."
    Customer: "...hello?.."
    Business: "...our appreciation, we will be adding in some apple pies to your order..."
    Customer: "What? hey wait a minute...!"
    Business: "aren't we generous?"
    Customer: (speechless) :O
    Business: "We have your order, pull around."
    Customer: "...."
    Business: (hands over 3 bags) "K Thx Bye"
    Customer: "I really just wanted a DoubleBurger and coke." :/ ...drives off.
    Business: " Wait sir, come back!"
    Customer: (drives back to the window) "Are you going to fix my order?" :confused:
    Business: "No, we felt the doubleburger was giving you too much, so we need to take back a patty. Have a nice day come back again!"
    Customer: =T.T=
  • jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    catstarsto wrote: »
    I get where your coming from, but "I dont want it" should be enough for a customer to avoid something they dont want. When your ordering your food at the window and they say, would you like fries with that, then answer no. You shouldnt have explain why and give em a good reason. The customer is always right, was such a noble concept...it showed a business had YOUR best interest in mind! ;)

    Customer: "no thanks, what I have is fine."
    Business: "Give us feedback, tell us why you dont want the fries?"
    Customer:" Im happy with what I have thanks."
    Business: "Your getting the fries whether you like it or not!!"
    Customer: "But, why."
    Business: "We here at (Nerf Burger) are committed to giving you the best quality and..."
    Customer: "..I am getting hungry, what about my order?..."
    Business: " ...service by making sure you are aware of all our other fine selections we have.."
    Customer: "Thats really not necessary, I.."
    Business: "..available to accommodate all of our customers, and to show you..."
    Customer: "...hello?.."
    Business: "...our appreciation, we will be adding in some apple pies to your order..."
    Customer: "What? hey wait a minute...!"
    Business: "aren't we generous?"
    Customer: (speechless) :O
    Business: "We have your order, pull around."
    Customer: "...."
    Business: (hands over 3 bags) "K Thx Bye"
    Customer: "I really just wanted a DoubleBurger and coke." :/ ...drives off.
    Business: " Wait sir, come back!"
    Customer: (drives back to the window) "Are you going to fix my order?" :confused:
    Business: "No, we felt the doubleburger was giving you too much, so we need to take back a patty. Have a nice day come back again!"
    Customer: =T.T=

    :eek: you nearly have 1k posts
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The first one is easy - this is a combination of paranoia and, I feel, prejudice. PWE originates from China, right? Thus, this combined with recent security incidents has fueled paranoia that the anti-cheat devices is actually spyware designed to steal out information for China's benefit.

    Nope, that still doesn't make sense, because if PWE came tomorrow and said "OK, ARC is scrapped, put this anti-cheat code into STO instead", Cryptic would dutifully start porting.

    The only difference would be you'd have the Cryptic systems programmers porting it into their games, and those of us running more than one game would have several copies of it on our hard drives (consuming negligible space, but still several copies), which would detract from the time they'd have to code other things.

    You'd get exactly the same results in the end. It doesn't make any logical sense.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,438 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Cat, your comparison fails because this isn't a restaurant. I'm having trouble coming up with an analogy that might involve food - perhaps ordering a hamburger, then complaining because it comes with a bun and you didn't say anything about buns? Or because it comes in a paper bag, and you never said you wanted a bag?

    No, those fail as well, for similar reasons. Perhaps it's more analogous to buying a car, and getting upset because now you have to have a driver's license and insurance, both of which have your name and home address on them. They're part of owning and driving a car, at least in the US, and whether you like them or not, you have to have them - at least, if you're driving legally. You didn't ask for them, but there they are.

    And if you really want to read back through all this thread, you'll find I'm not the one who brought up being afraid of Arc because "it's from a Chinese company, and you know what they're like," nor was I the first to mock this attitude. There are those who seem to sincerely believe that it's Chinese government spyware; I don't know why they think they're such special snowflakes that Chinese Intelligence is even vaguely interested in the contents of their hard drives, but that's a risk I think I'm prepared to take.

    I'm sorry you seem to dislike Arc so viscerally, and I hope it doesn't dissuade you from continuing to play after it becomes one of the mandatory methods. But all this stamping about and screaming about how much folks hate Arc really does sound like my children. (At least they have an excuse - they're autistic, and aren't really clear on how this whole social-interchange thing works.)

    Now, all this having been said (and it has been, a number of times), I will note that if Steam is ever disallowed as a launcher, I'll have to stop playing CO unless the resource load of Arc becomes a lot lighter; in its current format, Arc renders CO unplayable on my computer, and it doesn't look like I'll be upgrading any time soon.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Cat, your comparison fails because this isn't a restaurant. I'm having trouble coming up with an analogy that might involve food - perhaps ordering a hamburger, then complaining because it comes with a bun and you didn't say anything about buns? Or because it comes in a paper bag, and you never said you wanted a bag?

    If you want to continue on the food analogy, it's more like complaining about the building that the burger is being sold out of. The burger (STO) isn't changing, but the building (Arc) is being remodeled.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What does Arc mean anyway? Is it an acronym? Is there some kind of reason that they selected that name? That just struck me like Morpheus asking, "What is the Matrix?". From PerfectWorld to Arc that doesn't add up to me. Why not call it Ring? Like a ring around a planet, around a "perfect world".
    fknights wrote: »
    I must admit that I'm somewhat ambivalent to the ARC client, it isn't radically offensive to my tastes but it is a little annoying when it pops up windows in the middle of my gaming-- even if I launch a game through it-- to tell me that it has an update available as though it were an urgent update.

    My largest issue right now is the new website. I absolutely, positively do not like any aspect of it as it is; the website that we had before was much more well-organized and felt more like a website that is full of news and development notes-- I don't want to say it felt "alive," but that may be a fair comparison for it.

    As it stands right now, the current website feels more like an impersonal sales pitch, pushing aside current players, important news, and information into a box that is not only harder to navigate, but often times requires me to click, expand, and re-click links over and over in order for it to load the actual news post.

    I'm not going to throw up my arms, flail, and scream like a crazy muppet, but the current website feels like someone tried to fix something that was not actually broken.

    I concur. The original Sto PWE website was just fine. The arc one is too busy. It doesn't draw my eye to the newest content it just scrolls without purpose and the information is arranged in an....odd manner. I can't think of another website that I frequent that has stories arranged in the same way you would arrange a paragraph left to right and then down. The internet is almost uniformly up to down or left to right.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I do not like it, nearly all the images don't display in Chrome for me and so if I want to see them I have to open the site in another browser. I saw nothing wrong with the old version and don't support this ARC site at all.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • robyvisionrobyvision Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    - new website awful
    - arc as a game launcher somewhat slow
    - the ferengi shuttle and lobi I like
    - the khan outfit I adore
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The new site is bad and you should feel bad.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hravik wrote: »
    The new site is bad and you should feel bad.



    You know it would be nice if WE received feedback on OUR feedback. "Oh hey putting a button over here would be really helpful, thank you for that idea [random forum user X], we'll pass that onto the guys writing the code."

    As it stands now we get a "Yes we're listening, trust us" and then all feedback falls into a black hole and we don't hear anything back. It's a one way street and there are zero signs of improvement.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jmaster29 wrote: »
    :eek: you nearly have 1k posts

    Pfffffft! :P
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    catstarsto wrote: »
    Its not that simple, that leads to another bug...for me at least. When you click to an outfit that isnt in the uniform category. It starts it in the uniform category anyways and removes all the options not associated in that category even changing colors on the outfit you made. So I never could change an off duty outfit or formal outfit once made, because I would loose all progress. I stopped putting in bug reports because they never seemed to get through. Its a good part of my frustration with cryptic, its my favorite game (and ill remember cryptic in a positive light for making this awesome game!) but I feel ive been talking to the wind the last few years when trying to ask to get things fixed. GM's I gave up on too, I realize they are limited on their abilities to do things, they came across as being "Magic 8balls" that take longer to answer you. PWE...you know why, I posted it on Deviant Art, so the fans of my work know why I will no longer be entertaining them with STO stuff!

    I submitted the costume thing to help Caitian users, as I considered Caitian players as digital brethren while in game and always stopped to say "hai" when ever I encountered one. Now that you publicly know about it, I know we can count on you to fix it. :D

    Oh that bug. Yeah. Costume slots don't remember that your outfit is off duty/formal/M.A.C.O./Omega/etc., and when you go to modify it the dang slot is swapped to uniform automatically putting you in the very top shirt option and very top pants option. Sometimes the slots remember that it's NOT a uniform and sometimes it doesn't. Been this way at least since I started playing the game, Sept. 2012. :(

    One would think that with the revamped tailor with LoR launch they would fix some of the long standing bugs but noooooo! Forever broken and we are forever alone working around this TRIBBLE. :mad:
  • bigblackafricabigblackafrica Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You know it would be nice if WE received feedback on OUR feedback. "Oh hey putting a button over here would be really helpful, thank you for that idea [random forum user X], we'll pass that onto the guys writing the code."

    As it stands now we get a "Yes we're listening, trust us" and then all feedback falls into a black hole and we don't hear anything back. It's a one way street and there are zero signs of improvement.

    I agree completely with the above sentiment.

    I want to quote this every day. On every thread.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    You know it would be nice if WE received feedback on OUR feedback. "Oh hey putting a button over here would be really helpful, thank you for that idea [random forum user X], we'll pass that onto the guys writing the code."

    As it stands now we get a "Yes we're listening, trust us" and then all feedback falls into a black hole and we don't hear anything back. It's a one way street and there are zero signs of improvement.

    Well to be fair, they said they were "Ready for feedback", they didn't say they were going to listen to any of it. :D

    But I agree 100%, a lot of the time when we're asked for feedback, it really does feel like we'd be as well to send it up in a smoke signal because it rarely seems to get any sort of response.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited March 2014


    You know it would be nice if WE received feedback on OUR feedback. "Oh hey putting a button over here would be really helpful, thank you for that idea [random forum user X], we'll pass that onto the guys writing the code."

    As it stands now we get a "Yes we're listening, trust us" and then all feedback falls into a black hole and we don't hear anything back. It's a one way street and there are zero signs of improvement.

    They never listen to feedback if they did we wouldnt be forced to have everything in ARC
    First new installs through the site need Arc
    then Forums change to this crappy colour.
    Then the site transfers to ARCgames.com
    Then the game will need arc to play for existing games
    Then finally Steam gamers will get shafted as well and need to use arc to play
    I'm not saying the game is doomed but if all the people who are against Arc leave and if there paying customers then the future won't look bright for PWE or this game not even with new gamers as a lot will not want to pay nevermind find the game on this tragic excuse for a website
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Here's some feedback: I'm pretty p*ssed how PWE sneakily removed the 'Charge Zen Now' option from the website, and forces you to use Arc instead.

    Tip: ppl buying Zen are doing you a favor, PWE. P*ssing them off in the process may not work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Here's some feedback: I'm pretty p*ssed how PWE sneakily removed the 'Charge Zen Now' option from the website, and forces you to use Arc instead.

    Tip: ppl buying Zen are doing you a favor, PWE. P*ssing them off in the process may not work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.

    Yes, and not only would I agree, but my 1000th message had to be special and my final one until we can get our game back. As i said, i'm putting my paw down about this one...I'm not playing the game nor will I spend another cent on STO or Champs, until ARC is outta the way! Sure, you will have F2P accounts, but until you begin to give us a reason to spend money here, like maybe...IDK, something that would benefit US and that we would want to buy, sales will drop.

    I hate having to resort to doing this, we have had a good buyer/seller relationship for a long time, but its for your own good in the long run. If you treat your customers right and give them incentive to buy (a product that suits them), the money and paying players will increase.. If not, then you will be stuck with a few buyers, and all F2Pers...it's your call, but if I where you I'd pay a bit more attention to the guy with the money to spend, we are the ones keeping your business running. I absolutely do not want this game to fail!!! STO is my chosen game, so give me a reason to come back, make your customers satisfaction your top priority and you will be surprised at what happens!

    You have heard lots of feedback, some saying they will try to deal with it (thats pitiful!) but most dont want it! Thats not a good thing for a business to hear...marketing staff! We where happy with the way you had it, I infact had plans to buy up a bunch of zen myself once i got to using my new pc...what a disappointment, im not paying money to support ARC, why should I?

    My sword is on the table gentlemen.....
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,438 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well, if you're really quitting, can I haz your stuffz? Because the suits don't care whether you like it, Arc is coming. Remember, they believe in churn, not long-term. The devs here would prefer us to stay, so they want to make the transition as painless for us as possible - but they're powerless to stop it as well.

    Your sword is on the table, but they're carrying M-4s.
  • sparkiesoftsparkiesoft Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 47
    edited March 2014
    robeasom wrote: »
    They never listen to feedback if they did we wouldnt be forced to have everything in ARC
    First new installs through the site need Arc
    then Forums change to this crappy colour.
    Then the site transfers to ARCgames.com
    Then the game will need arc to play for existing games
    Then finally Steam gamers will get shafted as well and need to use arc to play
    I'm not saying the game is doomed but if all the people who are against Arc leave and if there paying customers then the future won't look bright for PWE or this game not even with new gamers as a lot will not want to pay nevermind find the game on this tragic excuse for a website

    All the feedback I've gotten from this thread has been sent off and discussed with the rest of the team, and I've even came back letting you guys know that some of the things will be implemented later and some are still being worked on. (Screenshots, the issue with game installs not properly loading up on Arc, etc)

    As for forced Arc, I've already stated as well that the option to use Steam will still exist if the game is already on Steam. That means for STO, you can launch it from Steam without having to open Arc.

    I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear enough and if so I'll work on that, but we are listening and we do have a lot of future plans for Arc; A lot of which has come directly from all of your feedback.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    All the feedback I've gotten from this thread has been sent off and discussed with the rest of the team, and I've even came back letting you guys know that some of the things will be implemented later and some are still being worked on. (Screenshots, the issue with game installs not properly loading up on Arc, etc)

    As for forced Arc, I've already stated as well that the option to use Steam will still exist if the game is already on Steam. That means for STO, you can launch it from Steam without having to open Arc.

    I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear enough and if so I'll work on that, but we are listening and we do have a lot of future plans for Arc; A lot of which has come directly from all of your feedback.

    I would apprciate an ETA on the ability to opt in and out of data gathering, as apparently required by the EU.
  • kingsporekingspore Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well, the only thing I don't like is how the option to buy 5 dollars worth of zen is gone on the main page. I just looked at it again and you have to click the mobile and prepaid card option to get to the old charge zen page and you can charge 5 dollars worth of zen there. Yesterday I was going to charge 5 dollars, but went to the arc page and noticed I couldn't so I didn't charge any zen. I much prefer to charge 5 dollars at a time instead of 10, and will probably buy more zen if I can do it in 5 dollar increments in the future.
  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear enough and if so I'll work on that, but we are listening and we do have a lot of future plans for Arc; A lot of which has come directly from all of your feedback.

    I think you've been abundantly clear on the matter. There's just the small matter of Cryptic/PWE saying one thing, and then moving ahead with something else, meanwhile keeping it's customer base utterly in the dark. History and all, you know?
  • kalanikalani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear enough and if so I'll work on that, but we are listening and we do have a lot of future plans for Arc; A lot of which has come directly from all of your feedback.

    I think the problem is that we've been told that the Cryptic launcher is eventually going away. If that happens many of us can't think of any other way steam would launch STO besides some form of ARC. The official info we have seems to be contradicting itself. If there are no longer any plans to ever remove the Cryptic launcher let us know so we can put this to rest once and for all. If there are still plans to eventually remove the Cryptic launcher than your gonna have to let us know how we can continue to use Steam without arc in the future without a Cryptic launcher or this question will continue to be asked.
  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    All the feedback I've gotten from this thread has been sent off and discussed with the rest of the team, and I've even came back letting you guys know that some of the things will be implemented later and some are still being worked on. (Screenshots, the issue with game installs not properly loading up on Arc, etc)

    As for forced Arc, I've already stated as well that the option to use Steam will still exist if the game is already on Steam. That means for STO, you can launch it from Steam without having to open Arc.

    I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear enough and if so I'll work on that, but we are listening and we do have a lot of future plans for Arc; A lot of which has come directly from all of your feedback.

    Thank you, sparkiesoft. I think players were feeling like their feedback wasn't getting through. You helped make things clear. Unfortunately, there will still be people who don't want Arc and they'll still post about it and some will still feel like their feedback isn't getting through. But once Arc DOES come along as the replacement for the standard launchers, players will think it was a good change.

    I think that players have an expectation Arc will be perfect right away. Arc is already pretty darn good. It needs bug fixes and the website is a little... hard to navigate through. Also, stuff like Arc, Steam, and Origin use up A LOT of gigabytes for players with limited internet, will there be any way to bypass this?
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
  • neotrident12neotrident12 Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As for forced Arc, I've already stated as well that the option to use Steam will still exist if the game is already on Steam. That means for STO, you can launch it from Steam without having to open Arc.

    Really quite desperate now :P can you please let us know how we will patch and load STO via Steam without the current or Arc launchers?
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    But once Arc DOES come along as the replacement for the standard launchers, players will think it was a good change.

    I do believe you be wrong the only one still around will be people like you who work for the company and people dont care either way and the new players which will be limited as it is so hard to find the game and looks a really bad site. But the long standing members. Some gold subscribers and many lifers will leave if they remove the Cryptic launcher. I for one will think twice before downloading the game on Steam as I refuse to download arc. SO chances are I won't see the point and PWE will lose another paying customer to the new games coming out
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • mav75mav75 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Should I buy Zen (unlikely at the moment) I would like to know HOW MUCH I AM BUYING!

    Could you please add the amount of zen to the portal.
This discussion has been closed.