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Thoughts on ground PvP, ground PvP fleets, etc by Mcduffie



  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    FYI: It's called "Attack Pattern Talon Jones" I have /logout binded to my primary fire XD

    It's rather annoying when doing an stf... every time I shoot a borg... I logout :O
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    That'll show them borg to quit trying the cheezy one shots ^, even they can't fight the power of the /logout. There should be an accolade for completing your first successful /logout while fighting them or something. :P

    I'm hesitant to respond to this thread at all seeing as it's kind of volatile, but I just want to post how I feel about the whole "policing" the public queues. I think it's a fool's errand. It has been tried by certain groups in space pvp in the past to a certain degree, and it never works. All it takes is one person or group not following the "rules" to start the whole process again.

    We pvp'ers are competitive by nature, looking for any little advantage we can get over the competition. I've seen the bad side of that in space pvp quite a few times. A team is fighting "fair" and as the match drags on and they start to lose.. they start to pull out the "cheese", multiple AMS, Graviton Pulse, etc. The same thing would happen in ground pvp if this "policing" were to be even remotely successful. Say your team is down on points late in the game and a teammate decides to start chucking invisible grenades(soon to be fixed i know) or whatever the current bugged mechanic is. Your team ends up winning the match due to this.. you can venture to guess how the scenario will play out from there.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    the thing with talon jones is, he will rarely if ever change his tactics or gear once you've adapted to them after the very first volley. at which point you can just ignore him as if he werent in the game.

    resistance to polaron anyone?
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Funny when space guys who know jack ish about ground pvp chime into these threads. The guy above me has no ego no drama in his sig too which is a huge LOL! But that's nooby core for ya! Roll public q's looking for opposing pug teams to stomp on. From what I hear they are half the reason space pvp is in the state it is in!

    Maybe select players don't change their gear because they have a life and don't have time to gather every gear combo type in their inventory just because of cryptic's fail at balancing space pvp. Or maybe they don't feel like blowing 500 million energy credits per space toon to get into a premade vs premade match that's usually decided by crits and procs and takes 2 hours to finish!
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm hesitant to respond to this thread at all seeing as it's kind of volatile, but I just want to post how I feel about the whole "policing" the public queues. I think it's a fool's errand. It has been tried by certain groups in space pvp in the past to a certain degree, and it never works. All it takes is one person or group not following the "rules" to start the whole process again.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Yeah it's people like the one above you that keep the ground pvp community from growing. Instead of focusing that time and energy to helping new players they come to the forums and spew bs in an attempt to compensate for the butthurtitis they were just infected with in the q's. But for some people this is their version of raging just on a low key scale! :)
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah it's people like the one above you that keep the ground pvp community from growing. Instead of focusing that time and energy to helping new players they come to the forums and spew bs in an attempt to compensate for the butthurtitis they were just infected with in the q's. But for some people this is their version of raging just on a low key scale! :)

    speaking of raging... I heard you had a "fun" shanty yesterday against FES. ;)
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    speaking of raging... I heard you had a "fun" shanty yesterday against FES. ;)

    Hmm I only played one match before work yesterday and that was a fvk shanty. If you mean losing by a lousy 3 points while carrying a random pug team to near victory yes that is very much fun. Matches like that just prove why I have so much more to offer teams than any of you LOL. And virtually the entire match was played witha very laggy connection! Mine not craptic's end for a change. So bad connection total pug team only losing by 3. YEAH VERY MUCH FUN! Now back to the foundry for you cupcake cause you can't pvp for sure. Go make some dilithium tips isn't that how you pay your real life bills?
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmm I only played one match before work yesterday and that was a fvk shanty. If you mean losing by a lousy 3 points while carrying a random pug team to near victory yes that is very much fun. Matches like that just prove why I have so much more to offer teams than any of you LOL. And virtually the entire match was played witha very laggy connection! Mine not craptic's end for a change. So bad connection total pug team only losing by 3. YEAH VERY MUCH FUN! Now back to the foundry for you cupcake cause you can't pvp for sure. Go make some dilithium tips isn't that how you pay your real life bills?

    Hell yeah. Dilithium to the GBP is about 1:50.

    So how many times did you log out?

    P.S I can see you.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We pvp'ers are competitive by nature, looking for any little advantage we can get over the competition. I've seen the bad side of that in space pvp quite a few times. A team is fighting "fair" and as the match drags on and they start to lose.. they start to pull out the "cheese", multiple AMS, Graviton Pulse, etc. The same thing would happen in ground pvp if this "policing" were to be even remotely successful. Say your team is down on points late in the game and a teammate decides to start chucking invisible grenades(soon to be fixed i know) or whatever the current bugged mechanic is. Your team ends up winning the match due to this.. you can venture to guess how the scenario will play out from there.

    You can try to explain a lot with the competitive nature, but theres quite a difference still between slotting an AMS or a grav pulse console that seem to be working as designed (but are unpopular) and intentionally abusing a rather obvious bug.

    Same thing as with kit-switching, those people that played with their inventory open and swapping through their dozens of kits stacking doff buffs did know fully well what they do there.
  • solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My point is still the same though.

    Some of these space pvp items might not be considered exploits officially by cryptic, but they are considered so poorly balanced by players that they try to "discourage" their use. Policing if you will. It didn't work to act as "police" in space pvp, and there is little reason that I can see to think it will work in ground pvp.

    The competitive nature bit was my thought as to only why I think it won't work, regardless of the exact nature of the things being "policed". Be it genuine exploits, extremely overpowered items that are "working as intended", or just ugly ship paint jobs. ;)
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmmmmm i like the paint job police idea.. could blow those with the bad paint jobs up with priority. ;)
  • solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mikiiy wrote: »
    Hmmmmm i like the paint job police idea.. could blow those with the bad paint jobs up with priority. ;)

    Indeed.. it is a most serious offense. :D
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
  • nickksimonnickksimon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Why would anyone complain about dual boxing? It's not a cheat or an exploit? maybe you are just jealous cause you can't do it?
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