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Thoughts on ground PvP, ground PvP fleets, etc by Mcduffie



  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am more than willing to pull my biochemist, but the entire communtiy needs to do the same. The minute it is used against me is the moment it goes in and stays in. That means all the fleets and individuals.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    CHC (Centurion High Council) invented the bunkering maneuver :D
    all they did was run to a specific place on the map and bunker lol....
    some guys copy it these days...
    adding some kit switching made it strong...but now that's gone!!
    was always fun to break the bunker back in the good old days

    I've never heard of that fleet before. Pre-F2P?
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you want to team with me ingame, sure, toss me an invite my way sometime when I have a stable connection. I'd be up for a private match. Though I know exactly how your fleet plays and I know exactly how they fight. I was PvPing in Ground combat long before Hammer Squadron even set foot in the ground queues. Your fleet invented the bunkering maneuver, it was a brilliant strategy, but now it's overused and honestly not very interesting.

    It is overused, and unfortunately, since it's used that much, it happens alot. But, and again, you want to make assumptions and not talk about it. However, the run and gun technique is equally as bad. The match is over in seconds because people run into people and then it's just blood shed. Cloak one shots haven't worked in a while, and now with cloaker hunter, it's even worse. We do try to change up strategy, and we'll hold a door to take someone out or a couple so weaken them and then push. But we're not the only fleet doing it now. And, oh wait, only calling out Hammer about it. I'm noticing a trend here.
    I don't have a problem with most of your fleet. What I do have a problem with is when you fleet uses broken items. When I encounter such a use, I typically say something along the lines of "Come on item XYZ is broken, it's doing ABC action, which is not intended." To which I typically get a reply of "Well, Fleet LMNOP is using item XYZ, so until it gets fixed we will too." If I type the same thing when fighting a -FS- premade, to which I typically get a reply of "Ok, we will put it away if your team agrees to do the same."

    I wish I could believe you don't have a problem w/ most of my fleet. I just see you cry about us. All. The. Time. I have never ever seen you call any other person in zone on your team. Like I said, even in zone chat I've told my team to back off spawns. So everyone knows we're not trying to spawn camp. If you want us to believe you're calling your team out too, then do it in zone. Otherwise it's just you crying about Hammer again again again and again and again. I feel like I should have Cryptic send you a box of Kleenex.

    If you want to talk, I'm always happy to do so ingame. If it must be though voice chat, I'm happy to do so in my main fleet's chat server. You can take the higher ground, I do it all the time. Take pride in winning without resorting to stuff that isn't working correctly.

    Nah. I don't want your fleet to have my ip and harass me. I believe in even matches. And the root problem here is Cryptic not fixing things. I've talked to Ryche, and he says you talked to him today, cuz u wanted to know who I was. Despite that it says Lion Heart of Hammer in my signature. But hey whatever. But if we start taking things off that are broken, and you're pug group doesn't, I'll turn into the evil monster you perceive me to be.
    If you think I don't call out everyone for abusing bugs, just ask Brew. I used to team with him, but when he started playing with broken stuff, I called him on it every time I saw him do it with me on his team or when I fought him. Or ask Crimson of FES about the time I refused to help his pugmade fight when his team was exploiting the fire while cloaked bug on the Elachi Pistol when that was a thing.

    So you say. I didn't see it. And the point of saying IN ZONE chat so many times is for you to prove you're crying to everyone and not just my fleet.
    I do call everyone out as I see it. The Omega gun isn't broken at the moment by the way, it respects willpower as well as cleanses. It's only a problem if you also stack on Cryo Immobilizer module x5 with the gun.

    Tell me, have other people respecced out of that for you. You know the ones that you say you call out that no one sees? But again, whatever.

    Now look very carefully below this sentence and you'll see who I am.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the foundry holds the future for ground PVP, it would be wonderful if we had much more customization in the foundry, such as timers, special objectives, more complex triggers, and etc.
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I wish I could believe you don't have a problem w/ most of my fleet. I just see you cry about us. All. The. Time. I have never ever seen you call any other person in zone on your team. Like I said, even in zone chat I've told my team to back off spawns. So everyone knows we're not trying to spawn camp. If you want us to believe you're calling your team out too, then do it in zone. Otherwise it's just you crying about Hammer again again again and again and again. I feel like I should have Cryptic send you a box of Kleenex.
    Get over yourself already, you're fleet honestly represents a very small portion of the people I call out. If you've noticed, when your fleet plays clean, I don't say anything at all. You are over dramatizing the fact that I will police matches and call out the use of broken items. I don't have some evil vendetta against your fleet. Simply put, if an item provides an excessive advantage to a player or team, then I will not use it at all. Cryptic can only work so fast to fix broken items. Some things, such as spawn camping, can't be fixed in the near future. If the community doesn't police itself, then nobody will. Right now the atmosphere of Ground PvP is much nicer than Space PvP because players will call broken items. You may not have noticed, but I'm not the only one that calls out broken items, I'm just one of the more vocal individuals.
    Nah. I don't want your fleet to have my ip and harass me.
    That is what I thought you'd say. If you wouldn't do something with the situation reversed, then why would you honestly expect me to do it?
    I believe in even matches. And the root problem here is Cryptic not fixing things. I've talked to Ryche, and he says you talked to him today, cuz u wanted to know who I was. Despite that it says Lion Heart of Hammer in my signature. But hey whatever. But if we start taking things off that are broken, and you're pug group doesn't, I'll turn into the evil monster you perceive me to be.

    So you say. I didn't see it. And the point of saying IN ZONE chat so many times is for you to prove you're crying to everyone and not just my fleet.

    Now look very carefully below this sentence and you'll see who I am.
    It's nice to know how you view my comments. If you think educating the playerbase on what's broken is "crying", then I know I might as well be talking to a brick wall with you. I asked Ryche because I wanted to confirm that you were indeed Lion Heart. It wouldn't be the first time someone impersonated another here on the forums.
    Tell me, have other people respecced out of that for you. You know the ones that you say you call out that no one sees? But again, whatever.
    Cryo Immobilizer Module is a reputation passive, switching that costs Dilithium or Zen. It's not a simple on/off trait. I know of one person that intentionally specced out of Cryo after I told them about the unintended side effects. A number of the people I team with also don't use the trait because of the broken nature and due to the fact that Emergency Fix is honestly better in the long run. Cryo is only useful if you are intentionally trying to lock down a specific target to the point where they can't fight back. I've given up on calling that trait in matches however, switching out rep passives is not an easy or cheap thing to do.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Get over yourself already, you're fleet honestly represents a very small portion of the people I call out. If you've noticed, when your fleet plays clean, I don't say anything at all. You are over dramatizing the fact that I will police matches and call out the use of broken items. I don't have some evil vendetta against your fleet. Simply put, if an item provides an excessive advantage to a player or team, then I will not use it at all. Cryptic can only work so fast to fix broken items. Some things, such as spawn camping, can't be fixed in the near future. If the community doesn't police itself, then nobody will. Right now the atmosphere of Ground PvP is much nicer than Space PvP because players will call broken items. You may not have noticed, but I'm not the only one that calls out broken items, I'm just one of the more vocal individuals.

    Ok. I agree with you.
    That is what I thought you'd say. If you wouldn't do something with the situation reversed, then why would you honestly expect me to do it?

    I was being sarcastic at your paranoia. IP addresses go to every place I go. I'm not worried about it.
    It's nice to know how you view my comments. If you think educating the playerbase on what's broken is "crying", then I know I might as well be talking to a brick wall with you. I asked Ryche because I wanted to confirm that you were indeed Lion Heart. It wouldn't be the first time someone impersonated another here on the forums.

    K. Educating the playerbase is never wrong. Singling out one fleet is. Sorry you hate us.
    Cryo Immobilizer Module is a reputation passive, switching that costs Dilithium or Zen. It's not a simple on/off trait. I know of one person that intentionally specced out of Cryo after I told them about the unintended side effects. A number of the people I team with also don't use the trait because of the broken nature and due to the fact that Emergency Fix is honestly better in the long run. Cryo is only useful if you are intentionally trying to lock down a specific target to the point where they can't fight back. I've given up on calling that trait in matches however, switching out rep passives is not an easy or cheap thing to do.

    But you have asked us to take it off. I did a PvP today, pugged it, though, it ended up pretty much fleet against fleet w/ some pugs. They used broken mechanics. Cryo was still being proced. I didn't beam. I didn't complain. My team worked together. So whatever. Actually, you have ended up on my team as a pug. As a medic. And I still was the only one healing the team. So, do you heal other fleets? Or do you just go out of your way to complain and grief us?
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the foundry holds the future for ground PVP, it would be wonderful if we had much more customization in the foundry, such as timers, special objectives, more complex triggers, and etc.

    Let me build pvp maps!!!! I'll fill them with booby traps and other objects for y'all to moan about.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    But you have asked us to take it off. I did a PvP today, pugged it, though, it ended up pretty much fleet against fleet w/ some pugs. They used broken mechanics. Cryo was still being proced. I didn't beam. I didn't complain. My team worked together. So whatever.
    A while back I was asking everyone to put it away, but the fact that it's a reputation passive has caused me to give up and just let that one go. With all of the patches to ground PvP, there is a lot less broken items than there have been in the past. I don't think I've had to say a word about anything since Season 8.
    Actually, you have ended up on my team as a pug. As a medic. And I still was the only one healing the team. So, do you heal other fleets? Or do you just go out of your way to complain and grief us?
    If there's anything you have ever learned from watching me, it's the fact that I hate straight 5v5 fights. I prefer to have a 2v2, 1v1, and 2v2 or 3v3 and 2v2 fight going on throughout the map rather than one large 5v5. When matches fall into 5v5, both teams tend to attack with a defensive posture. When that happens, action slows down to a crawl, which makes the matches tedious.

    When I queue solo, I tend to play with a very solo focus if I don't know the players on the team well. However, if I know someone on the team, then I will change the way I play to compliment that person's combat style. It takes me a while to pick up on playstyle patterns, but once I do figure them out, I play as a team with them.

    I don't typically play with Hammer Squadron. I tend to be on the side fighting your fleet's premades. In my opinion, your fleet relies too much on bunkers. I will rejoice the day Cryptic adds an Isometric charge styled attack to ground combat. The Ghostbuster gun doesn't count, it only works when a large number of targets are exposed.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    A while back I was asking everyone to put it away, but the fact that it's a reputation passive has caused me to give up and just let that one go. With all of the patches to ground PvP, there is a lot less broken items than there have been in the past. I don't think I've had to say a word about anything since Season 8.

    If there's anything you have ever learned from watching me, it's the fact that I hate straight 5v5 fights. I prefer to have a 2v2, 1v1, and 2v2 or 3v3 and 2v2 fight going on throughout the map rather than one large 5v5. When matches fall into 5v5, both teams tend to attack with a defensive posture. When that happens, action slows down to a crawl, which makes the matches tedious.

    When I queue solo, I tend to play with a very solo focus if I don't know the players on the team well. However, if I know someone on the team, then I will change the way I play to compliment that person's combat style. It takes me a while to pick up on playstyle patterns, but once I do figure them out, I play as a team with them.

    I don't typically play with Hammer Squadron. I tend to be on the side fighting your fleet's premades. In my opinion, your fleet relies too much on bunkers. I will rejoice the day Cryptic adds an Isometric charge styled attack to ground combat. The Ghostbuster gun doesn't count, it only works when a large number of targets are exposed.

    No, you wont.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    No, you wont.

    It's day will come. Providing the ability is tied to a three piece set bonus and immune to ambush buffs, I'm all for such an ability.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    A while back I was asking everyone to put it away, but the fact that it's a reputation passive has caused me to give up and just let that one go. With all of the patches to ground PvP, there is a lot less broken items than there have been in the past. I don't think I've had to say a word about anything since Season 8.

    K. There wasn't a post about the new Dampening Field trait by you then? I guess the voices in my head are effecting my vision.
    If there's anything you have ever learned from watching me, it's the fact that I hate straight 5v5 fights. I prefer to have a 2v2, 1v1, and 2v2 or 3v3 and 2v2 fight going on throughout the map rather than one large 5v5. When matches fall into 5v5, both teams tend to attack with a defensive posture. When that happens, action slows down to a crawl, which makes the matches tedious.

    When I queue solo, I tend to play with a very solo focus if I don't know the players on the team well. However, if I know someone on the team, then I will change the way I play to compliment that person's combat style. It takes me a while to pick up on playstyle patterns, but once I do figure them out, I play as a team with them.

    You're a medic. On a team. The playstyle is target person with small green bar. Make green bar bigger. I mean wow. Even when I end up on a team I don't know, I heal the person dying. BECAUSE I'M A FREAKING MEDIC! What you just said is a round about away of saying "TRIBBLE you". Do you "figure out" other team's play styles too? Or do you, you know, actually heal them when playing as a medic? If we can't count on regular PvPers to demonstrate team work with us, why would you expect us to not run as a team? EVEN if I don't like the team/fleet/person I'm with, I still heal them. it's a team game. It's a team aspect of the game. *sigh*.
    I don't typically play with Hammer Squadron. I tend to be on the side fighting your fleet's premades. In my opinion, your fleet relies too much on bunkers. I will rejoice the day Cryptic adds an Isometric charge styled attack to ground combat. The Ghostbuster gun doesn't count, it only works when a large number of targets are exposed.

    You've been invited. But OMG HAX@#$@%. Yes yes bunker bla bla. Again, I guess we're the only team that does it. What would you prefer? Run down the hall into the other 5 players? Bunkering is a means to an end. That end is to push on the team. It's easier to push on 3 than 5. There are times that bunkering doesn't work, and we have to switch it up. But you don't see that. Because then it's something you can't cry about.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's day will come. Providing the ability is tied to a three piece set bonus and immune to ambush buffs, I'm all for such an ability.

    You'll cry then about how overpowered it is. Because Hammer will have the ability. And then it'll be bad. But other fleets, where all 5 run the Omega gun with cryo and use the still bugged for now omega shots, they're immune to the Wrath or Tira.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the foundry holds the future for ground PVP, it would be wonderful if we had much more customization in the foundry, such as timers, special objectives, more complex triggers, and etc.

    Definitely! Even just more and better maps. More open maps.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Let me build pvp maps!!!! I'll fill them with booby traps and other objects for y'all to moan about.


    All kidding aside, that actually would be a neat PvP map.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    K. There wasn't a post about the new Dampening Field trait by you then? I guess the voices in my head are effecting my vision.
    Well, that explains a great deal. If I had known this piece of information, I wouldn't have spent the last two days trying to explain to you that I don't have a personal vendetta against your fleet. You obviously need professional help.
    You're a medic. On a team. The playstyle is target person with small green bar. Make green bar bigger. I mean wow. Even when I end up on a team I don't know, I heal the person dying. BECAUSE I'M A FREAKING MEDIC! What you just said is a round about away of saying "TRIBBLE you". Do you "figure out" other team's play styles too? Or do you, you know, actually heal them when playing as a medic? If we can't count on regular PvPers to demonstrate team work with us, why would you expect us to not run as a team? EVEN if I don't like the team/fleet/person I'm with, I still heal them. it's a team game. It's a team aspect of the game. *sigh*.

    You've been invited. But OMG HAX@#$@%. Yes yes bunker bla bla. Again, I guess we're the only team that does it. What would you prefer? Run down the hall into the other 5 players? Bunkering is a means to an end. That end is to push on the team. It's easier to push on 3 than 5. There are times that bunkering doesn't work, and we have to switch it up. But you don't see that. Because then it's something you can't cry about.

    You'll cry then about how overpowered it is. Because Hammer will have the ability. And then it'll be bad. But other fleets, where all 5 run the Omega gun with cryo and use the still bugged for now omega shots, they're immune to the Wrath or Tira.

    Yeah...definitely seek out professional help for your condition. I believe the National Institute of Mental Health website will be some help to you.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    An isometric charge weapon for ground? :confused: That would be awful. May as we'll bring back ambush stacking for as much fun as that would be. I don't think you're considering how something like that would interact with other things. It's the same as the poo cloud dampening field. By itself, annoying. Stack with fuse armor, suppressing fire, gravimetric shift, and it becomes way out of balance at worst, or at best the match gets put on pause while no one can see.

    Now imagine something like an isometric charge stacked with all the different ways to hold/slow. Crazy talk I tells ya. :eek: You'd see people running to choke points even more then they do now! Something that strong that any class could use would trivialize tacs even more also.

    In answer to your other question Centurian High Council was pre-FTP. Sito might remember them too. I personally never played against more then 1 or 2 of them myself. Bunkering was different then as you couldn't bring the heavy mortar and drone spam you can now.

    I'd really like to see the facility 4028 map as a pvp map, or that map from the KdF "Alpha" mission. I started playing in S3 and it's mind boggling that it's 4 years later and we're still playing on the exact same maps when there are numerous Foundry authors, myself included, who would love to have a crack at building a fun pvp map for everyone to play on.

    And uh yea I don't think lion heart meant he REALLY is hearing voices in his head! :rolleyes:
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    nulonu wrote: »
    An isometric charge weapon for ground? :confused: That would be awful. May as we'll bring back ambush stacking for as much fun as that would be. I don't think you're considering how something like that would interact with other things. It's the same as the poo cloud dampening field. By itself, annoying. Stack with fuse armor, suppressing fire, gravimetric shift, and it becomes way out of balance at worst, or at best the match gets put on pause while no one can see.

    Now imagine something like an isometric charge stacked with all the different ways to hold/slow. Crazy talk I tells ya. :eek: You'd see people running to choke points even more then they do now! Something that strong that any class could use would trivialize tacs even more also.
    When you put it that way, yeah, not appealing at all. I was thinking more along the lines of something that deals 50 damage to the first target, 100 to the second, 200 to the third, and 400 to the fourth with 100% shield bypassing with no ability to buff it up.
    nulonu wrote: »

    In answer to your other question Centurian High Council was pre-FTP. Sito might remember them too. I personally never played against more then 1 or 2 of them myself. Bunkering was different then as you couldn't bring the heavy mortar and drone spam you can now.

    I'd really like to see the facility 4028 map as a pvp map, or that map from the KdF "Alpha" mission. I started playing in S3 and it's mind boggling that it's 4 years later and we're still playing on the exact same maps when there are numerous Foundry authors, myself included, who would love to have a crack at building a fun pvp map for everyone to play on.
    If the Centurian High Council was pre-FTP, then I certainly never fought them. Facility 4028 and Alpha would both make great PvP maps. The Voth Battlezone would even work well for a territory control PvP map.
    nulonu wrote: »

    And uh yea I don't think lion heart meant he REALLY is hearing voices in his head! :rolleyes:
    At this point, I'm inclined to believe that he was indeed hearing voices. Either that, or he's not a native speaker of English.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    nulonu wrote: »
    An isometric charge weapon for ground? :confused: That would be awful. May as we'll bring back ambush stacking for as much fun as that would be. I don't think you're considering how something like that would interact with other things. It's the same as the poo cloud dampening field. By itself, annoying. Stack with fuse armor, suppressing fire, gravimetric shift, and it becomes way out of balance at worst, or at best the match gets put on pause while no one can see.

    Now imagine something like an isometric charge stacked with all the different ways to hold/slow. Crazy talk I tells ya. :eek: You'd see people running to choke points even more then they do now! Something that strong that any class could use would trivialize tacs even more also.

    In answer to your other question Centurian High Council was pre-FTP. Sito might remember them too. I personally never played against more then 1 or 2 of them myself. Bunkering was different then as you couldn't bring the heavy mortar and drone spam you can now.

    I'd really like to see the facility 4028 map as a pvp map, or that map from the KdF "Alpha" mission. I started playing in S3 and it's mind boggling that it's 4 years later and we're still playing on the exact same maps when there are numerous Foundry authors, myself included, who would love to have a crack at building a fun pvp map for everyone to play on.

    And uh yea I don't think lion heart meant he REALLY is hearing voices in his head! :rolleyes:

    I vaguely recall the abbreviation (CHC) but the fleet name I don't.

    Devs... I want one of those Voth mechs for pvp!!!! Mobile Dome shield, Mortars, Red Lazors!!!!!
    Typhoon Class please!
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well, that explains a great deal. If I had known this piece of information, I wouldn't have spent the last two days trying to explain to you that I don't have a personal vendetta against your fleet. You obviously need professional help.

    Yeah...definitely seek out professional help for your condition. I believe the National Institute of Mental Health website will be some help to you.


    It's always sad when sarcasm is lost on people. I'm not implying you have a personal vendetta. I don't think you're out get us. I think you just need to be an equal opportunity complainer. I think you need to adjust to things that you can't change. And no matter how much you try to be hero of PvP and the policeman of the community, and while it may be a noble cause, it's a lesson in futility. And if you ever end up on with me or my team as a pug, we'll show the same teamwork you show us. We don't grief. We try to help whatever team we're on. But we also don't waste cool downs on non participants.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    It's always sad when sarcasm is lost on people. I'm not implying you have a personal vendetta. I don't think you're out get us.

    Sarcasm is never conveyed correctly in text form, welcome back to reality. With the way you've been acting in this thread, your revelation as a schizophrenia patient wouldn't have surprised me in the least.
    I think you just need to be an equal opportunity complainer. I think you need to adjust to things that you can't change. And no matter how much you try to be hero of PvP and the policeman of the community, and while it may be a noble cause, it's a lesson in futility.

    There are less than 120 players that PvP on the ground regularly within this game at the moment. It's nowhere near impossible to persuade a significant portion of the ground PvP community to leave something off the table. The ambush DoT security officer problem back at LoR is a good example.
    And if you ever end up on with me or my team as a pug, we'll show the same teamwork you show us. We don't grief. We try to help whatever team we're on. But we also don't waste cool downs on non participants.

    That's nothing new to me. I've seen your teams pull the airlock maneuver on each other, much less other players on your team. I already play as if I'm alone when fighting on your team or with non-regular players because for the most part I am alone. The biggest difference though, I don't turn tail and run whenever I'm outside of a 5v5 fight. Nor am I obsessed with having a 0 in the deaths column at the end of a match.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sarcasm is never conveyed correctly in text form, welcome back to reality. With the way you've been acting in this thread, your revelation as a schizophrenia patient wouldn't have surprised me in the least.

    I guess.

    There are less than 120 players that PvP on the ground regularly within this game at the moment. It's nowhere near impossible to persuade a significant portion of the ground PvP community to leave something off the table. The ambush DoT security officer problem back at LoR is a good example.

    I guess the prugs and premades didn't get the memo today (/sarcasm). Oh well. Maybe they like you. Or maybe they just don't want to hear you.

    That's nothing new to me. I've seen your teams pull the airlock maneuver on each other, much less other players on your team. I already play as if I'm alone when fighting on your team or with non-regular players because for the most part I am alone. The biggest difference though, I don't turn tail and run whenever I'm outside of a 5v5 fight. Nor am I obsessed with having a 0 in the deaths column at the end of a match.

    Glad to hear that. Feel free to beam too. I'd rather be down than have you take deaths while typing how we're doing everything bad in the game. Happy pew pew. See you in game.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    FYI: It's called "Attack Pattern Talon Jones" I have /logout binded to my primary fire XD

    It's rather annoying when doing an stf... every time I shoot a borg... I logout :O
    Typhoon Class please!
  • solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    That'll show them borg to quit trying the cheezy one shots ^, even they can't fight the power of the /logout. There should be an accolade for completing your first successful /logout while fighting them or something. :P

    I'm hesitant to respond to this thread at all seeing as it's kind of volatile, but I just want to post how I feel about the whole "policing" the public queues. I think it's a fool's errand. It has been tried by certain groups in space pvp in the past to a certain degree, and it never works. All it takes is one person or group not following the "rules" to start the whole process again.

    We pvp'ers are competitive by nature, looking for any little advantage we can get over the competition. I've seen the bad side of that in space pvp quite a few times. A team is fighting "fair" and as the match drags on and they start to lose.. they start to pull out the "cheese", multiple AMS, Graviton Pulse, etc. The same thing would happen in ground pvp if this "policing" were to be even remotely successful. Say your team is down on points late in the game and a teammate decides to start chucking invisible grenades(soon to be fixed i know) or whatever the current bugged mechanic is. Your team ends up winning the match due to this.. you can venture to guess how the scenario will play out from there.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    the thing with talon jones is, he will rarely if ever change his tactics or gear once you've adapted to them after the very first volley. at which point you can just ignore him as if he werent in the game.

    resistance to polaron anyone?
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Funny when space guys who know jack ish about ground pvp chime into these threads. The guy above me has no ego no drama in his sig too which is a huge LOL! But that's nooby core for ya! Roll public q's looking for opposing pug teams to stomp on. From what I hear they are half the reason space pvp is in the state it is in!

    Maybe select players don't change their gear because they have a life and don't have time to gather every gear combo type in their inventory just because of cryptic's fail at balancing space pvp. Or maybe they don't feel like blowing 500 million energy credits per space toon to get into a premade vs premade match that's usually decided by crits and procs and takes 2 hours to finish!
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm hesitant to respond to this thread at all seeing as it's kind of volatile, but I just want to post how I feel about the whole "policing" the public queues. I think it's a fool's errand. It has been tried by certain groups in space pvp in the past to a certain degree, and it never works. All it takes is one person or group not following the "rules" to start the whole process again.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Yeah it's people like the one above you that keep the ground pvp community from growing. Instead of focusing that time and energy to helping new players they come to the forums and spew bs in an attempt to compensate for the butthurtitis they were just infected with in the q's. But for some people this is their version of raging just on a low key scale! :)
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah it's people like the one above you that keep the ground pvp community from growing. Instead of focusing that time and energy to helping new players they come to the forums and spew bs in an attempt to compensate for the butthurtitis they were just infected with in the q's. But for some people this is their version of raging just on a low key scale! :)

    speaking of raging... I heard you had a "fun" shanty yesterday against FES. ;)
    Typhoon Class please!
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    speaking of raging... I heard you had a "fun" shanty yesterday against FES. ;)

    Hmm I only played one match before work yesterday and that was a fvk shanty. If you mean losing by a lousy 3 points while carrying a random pug team to near victory yes that is very much fun. Matches like that just prove why I have so much more to offer teams than any of you LOL. And virtually the entire match was played witha very laggy connection! Mine not craptic's end for a change. So bad connection total pug team only losing by 3. YEAH VERY MUCH FUN! Now back to the foundry for you cupcake cause you can't pvp for sure. Go make some dilithium tips isn't that how you pay your real life bills?
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmm I only played one match before work yesterday and that was a fvk shanty. If you mean losing by a lousy 3 points while carrying a random pug team to near victory yes that is very much fun. Matches like that just prove why I have so much more to offer teams than any of you LOL. And virtually the entire match was played witha very laggy connection! Mine not craptic's end for a change. So bad connection total pug team only losing by 3. YEAH VERY MUCH FUN! Now back to the foundry for you cupcake cause you can't pvp for sure. Go make some dilithium tips isn't that how you pay your real life bills?

    Hell yeah. Dilithium to the GBP is about 1:50.

    So how many times did you log out?

    P.S I can see you.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We pvp'ers are competitive by nature, looking for any little advantage we can get over the competition. I've seen the bad side of that in space pvp quite a few times. A team is fighting "fair" and as the match drags on and they start to lose.. they start to pull out the "cheese", multiple AMS, Graviton Pulse, etc. The same thing would happen in ground pvp if this "policing" were to be even remotely successful. Say your team is down on points late in the game and a teammate decides to start chucking invisible grenades(soon to be fixed i know) or whatever the current bugged mechanic is. Your team ends up winning the match due to this.. you can venture to guess how the scenario will play out from there.

    You can try to explain a lot with the competitive nature, but theres quite a difference still between slotting an AMS or a grav pulse console that seem to be working as designed (but are unpopular) and intentionally abusing a rather obvious bug.

    Same thing as with kit-switching, those people that played with their inventory open and swapping through their dozens of kits stacking doff buffs did know fully well what they do there.
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