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[Bug Reports] Q's Winter Wonderland/Associated Activates *investigating, see post 54*



  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I don't remember it even having a melee attack to begin with, last year when I used it, and it works the same this year, for me. Primary mode fires, secondary mode fires. No melee attack provided, period, so I think it's intentional.

    I used the melee strike on my 'Avalanche' gun last year quite a lot on the snowman overlord because it would knock him down sometimes.

    But since you are calling me a liar and are too lazy to read the info on the item in game yourself, here is proof 8vpl.jpg I right clicked the 'Avalanche' gun in my reputation store to bring up the info window. Scrolled all the way to the bottom and there it is. Right there plain as day.

    'The Big One' weapon has 'Rifle Butt' and like the 'Avalanche' melee strike, it can't be used.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Snowballs you pick up from snow piles show that they last for only 10 minutes. Both on the tool tip that pops up on mouse over, and the right click info window.

    Wasn't this fixed last year so that snowballs last for an hour or 2? It may just be a text error. Haven't tested to see if they do start melting rapidly after 10 minutes.

    Edit: Seems to be just a text error.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Winter commodities such as Andorian Sleigh Bells, Bolian Candles, Bajoran Gratitude Beads, etc., are not showing up in the commodities category in the exchange. We have to search in the All category. I specifically remember this was a problem last year but was fixed some time before the event was over.
  • romeowoodromeowood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just to confirm I'm experiencing all of these bugs:

    Snowballs vanish from the hotbar! Mine were doing it after 40, 60, 80, 110, 140, 160!!
    They would also randomly appear every now and again. Not showing in useable actions to drag to the hotbar either.

    Player Race event - Said I left the track when I hadn't (3 times now!) - was inside the markers and on the ice each time!!!!

    Andorian sleigh bells not dropping (2 in 6 hours!!) - Drop rate is way too low for them
    Bajoran Gratitude Beads not dropping (2 in 6 hours!!) - drop rate is way too low for them

    Getting stuck on the table for pie eating contest or the 3 npcs get in the way!! Just make the table round & remove the npc's!!!

    After joining any 5 man+ map from the winter event, after map is done, it dumps you back on ESD! Why? getting a pain having to re-click Q and teleport back there!!!


    NPC vendors constantly talking (every 20 secs!) - Really? once a minute is quite enough.. Having to hear to recipe vendor and gods knows what else all talking at the same time is annoying at the best of times!!
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I dont think cryptic will change the way presents can be adquired in the winter invasion event right??

    Because honestly, i am really about to stop queueing to the winter invasion. Its really stupid how in every fight, all the players run through the map for the present, making the winter invasion map just a run-pick-leave thing with no enjoyable experience at all. Its sad to say this, but cryptic , good BAD job (again).

    I tried about 20 times now, only could get 2 presents. Sad lol. I think recipes should be adquired in other events too, not only in the winter invasion one (but i guess nobody will queue then...xD).
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I dont think cryptic will change the way presents can be adquired in the winter invasion event right??
    It's a bug. Cryptic has said that each player should be able to get the present.

    Still, I was afraid they'd do another thing like that, after Battlezone credits. This time it was not intended, but the results are the same - players rush to get their shinies first and ignore everything else.

    As for other things, there's an exploit with Fast and Flurrious that hasn't been fixed since last year - I'm interested to know if Cryptic knows about it or not. We can't openly discuss exploits on the forums, so I'd like to know who do we need to contact to provide them with reproduction steps, so Cryptic can fix it?
  • kalabakkkalabakk Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The only bug I've seen so far is with Fast and Flurrious. There are been 4 or 5 times where I will finish in 1st place, but the 1st place flag never appears. When I click on the 2nd place flag, it gives 6 tags (which I think is the reward for 1st place), but it still seems messed up.

    Other items that fall into the suggestion category, rather than bugs:

    1. Get the pie-eating NPCs away from the table. They just get in the way right now, so maybe they could be spectators instead.

    2. Fix the Invasion thing so everyone gets a present. At the moment it seems like opening a store's door on Black Friday where everyone just shoves their way through to get what they want and ignores everyone around them.

    3. Increase the timer for the NPC voices. While I think Zero has an adorable voice, hearing her voice the epohh lady every 20 seconds or so gets old fast. And the recipe guy is just creepy.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    kalabakk wrote: »
    The only bug I've seen so far is with Fast and Flurrious. There are been 4 or 5 times where I will finish in 1st place, but the 1st place flag never appears. When I click on the 2nd place flag, it gives 6 tags (which I think is the reward for 1st place), but it still seems messed up.

    Other items that fall into the suggestion category, rather than bugs:

    1. Get the pie-eating NPCs away from the table. They just get in the way right now, so maybe they could be spectators instead.

    2. Fix the Invasion thing so everyone gets a present. At the moment it seems like opening a store's door on Black Friday where everyone just shoves their way through to get what they want and ignores everyone around them.

    3. Increase the timer for the NPC voices. While I think Zero has an adorable voice, hearing her voice the epohh lady every 20 seconds or so gets old fast. And the recipe guy is just creepy.

    I've qualified in all places in the competitive race. The 6 tags you got was correct.

    First place gives 12 winter epohh tags.
    Second place gives 6.
    Third place gives 3.
    Participation (4th through last) gives 2 tags.

    That's how it was last year.

    If the first place flag wasn't there for you, even though you seemed to be the first to finish, it is possible another player had found a way to get there way ahead of everyone else, grab the flag, and take off before anyone saw them. (The person above you mentions there is an exploit in the competitive race, so that's most likely what happened)

    #1 It is a bit annoying, but not really a problem. The pies respawn fast enough, you shouldn't need to go all around the whole table to eat them if you just want to complete it. (If you're the type concentrating on the small pies since you eat them faster, I can understand the NPCs being in the way.)

    #2 I think the community manager has said in a thread on the forums that all players should be able to get the present. So it basically has been confirmed to be a bug.

    #3 I think the NPC voices shouldn't go off unless you interact with the NPCs. Same goes for the pie eating contest. You should only hear the sound effect if you're participating and eating pies. It's starting the gross me out standing there hearing other players chow down. :P We don't hear the snowman voices every 20 seconds do we? No. We only hear them when the snowman attack starts and when the overlord spawns, and every so often from the overlord while fighting him. So why do the other NPCs have to constantly talk over each other?
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited December 2013
    suaveks wrote: »
    I'm interested to know if Cryptic knows about it or not.

    We know, and it's fixed for the next patch. And we can also tell who has participated in it, and will take appropriate action, so if you know someone who has participated in it, or see someone participating in it, let them know that I personally recommend they stop and point them to this post.

    EDIT: P.S. The present with the recipe should also be fixed in an upcoming patch, allowing all teammembers to interact with it.

    Brandon =/\=
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We know, and it's fixed for the next patch. And we can also tell who has participated in it, and will take appropriate action, so if you know someone who has participated in it, or see someone participating in it, let them know that I personally recommend they stop and point them to this post.

    EDIT: P.S. The present with the recipe should also be fixed in an upcoming patch, allowing all teammembers to interact with it.

    Brandon =/\=

    Nice to know on both points. It's happened to me once or twice this year to be easily in the lead and still only see the second place flag. I suspected it's back there but didn't get around to try and confirm it...

    Oh, and please adjust the voiceovers. Not remove them (maybe do remove the chef one, actually). Just space them and turn their volume down. (Possibly make the zone they're heard in smaller as well.)
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • persephone513persephone513 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We know, and it's fixed for the next patch. And we can also tell who has participated in it, and will take appropriate action, so if you know someone who has participated in it, or see someone participating in it, let them know that I personally recommend they stop and point them to this post.

    EDIT: P.S. The present with the recipe should also be fixed in an upcoming patch, allowing all teammembers to interact with it.

    Brandon =/\=

    That is great news, it is very disappointing to be first and see the flag has already been grabbed by someone. Also good news on the recipe present. It would be nice if the fix was applied now though instead of waiting until patch day Thursday, because even though "appropriate action" will be taken against those using the exploit, the rest of us are being cheated out of our tags.
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I dont think cryptic will change the way presents can be adquired in the winter invasion event right??

    Because honestly, i am really about to stop queueing to the winter invasion. Its really stupid how in every fight, all the players run through the map for the present, making the winter invasion map just a run-pick-leave thing with no enjoyable experience at all. Its sad to say this, but cryptic , good BAD job (again).

    I tried about 20 times now, only could get 2 presents. Sad lol. I think recipes should be adquired in other events too, not only in the winter invasion one (but i guess nobody will queue then...xD).
    Before the second 12/5/13 patch (the one where Winter Invasion queues were bugged and you could only play privately) the present still worked. It's very weird that it got broken inbetween patches.

    Since then the present thing has been an issue. I've gotten the present first a few times and also saw someone abandon the group and run to present, I've never seen anyone just leave though. The worst I've encountered so far is the random DC'ing and slow connecting bug, which hasn't ever happened to me before. It's not that bad to prompt immediate action, just quite annoying.

    I also assume that they're fixing the jumja fudge mission, it registers for the accolade, but you get no fudge. My friends and I have been enjoying Q's WW and hope you guys fix this soon.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013

    The snowballs aren't melting. They're still in the inventory device slot, they just vanish from the powers tray, won't show up on the powers list, and refuse to show up even if you get more and replace them.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited December 2013
    EDIT: P.S. The present with the recipe should also be fixed in an upcoming patch, allowing all teammembers to interact with it.

    Thank goodness!... Got in a bit of a mood when some one jumped the gun in the yeti cave.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited December 2013
    While this appears to be a WW bug sheet, may as well talk about the snowball mortars, how they are missing a "0" in their despawn timer (very easily spotted if beta tested), and how I have a 20% chance (thanks to DOFFy) of spawning a PUNY Quantum Mortar II that actually lasts 3 minutes (180 seconds)!
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This thread isn't real clear on what is being taken action against. I guess I can just hope this isn't something easily achieved on accident. Kind of like that one auto thingy and the ppl didn't know why it was happening lol.

    Edit: They need to add a KDF costume to the holiday store for a coat made out of epohh's.
  • kalanikalani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I don't want any one to tell me what the exploit in F&F is but I do want to know what is acceptable so...

    If I am completing the race with any method of jumping, rolling or sliding that still travels the entire length of course am I in the clear as far as this exploit is concerned?
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    kalani2 wrote: »
    I don't want any one to tell me what the exploit in F&F is but I do want to know what is acceptable so...

    If I am completing the race with any method of jumping, rolling or sliding that still travels the entire length of course am I in the clear as far as this exploit is concerned?

    Yeah same here I don't want to know per say just wondering if anything I am doing would interfere with me being able to play in the future lol.
  • sillybritsillybrit Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A new bug for me: the Winter Chef isn't offering the Nog's Nog mission to my KDF toon, even though I have the recipe in my inventory. I've completed all the other Holiday Chef accolade missions on that toon and have completed the whole accolade on five of my Fed toons; it's just Nog's Nog on this one toon.

    I tried logging out and in, changing instances, leaving the Winter Wonderland and coming back and putting the Nog's Nog recipe in my bank instead of my inventory, but to no avail.
  • grbubbagrbubba Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    kalani2 wrote: »
    I don't want any one to tell me what the exploit in F&F is but I do want to know what is acceptable so...

    If I am completing the race with any method of jumping, rolling or sliding that still travels the entire length of course am I in the clear as far as this exploit is concerned?

    I don't know the real answer since I'm not a dev, but I would think that as long as you run the entire course you are OK. But even when you do run the entire course properly, some players will still accuse you of cheating simply because they don't know how to run on the ice.
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hellwinkle wrote: »
    The recipe drops in Q's Winter Wonderland/Winter Invasion are broken.

    I shall quote my previous post below

    So, to obtain a recipe, one has to simply abandon the rest of the team and head to the large green circle on the map. This makes the run semi-pointless and makes a season of giving into a season of greed (which it is anyways in R/L).

    My last winter invasion run went like this:

    full team of 5 at the start, 3 people with snowblowers and two people picking up snowballs (no winter guns).

    At the start, Myself and two others sprinted right through all the spawning snowmen and headed right for the green circle on the map (about half way through). Skidding and sliding we raced for the present at the top of the stairs and, smashing F repeatedly, one of us got the recipe (not me again), leaving the two guys with only snowballs back at the start to fight off 50 or so evil snowmen.

    Quote: "WTH are you guys doing!!! we are getting (insert expletive) slaughtered back here!".

    This really needs to be fixed to either a Need/Greed system or a one per run per person system Cryptic.


    So after a couple more runs I finally got a recipe. I happened to be the first there.
    On my next run I also got a recipe but was seconds behind someone else. Another player was directly behind me. At the end of the run I asked:

    "did either of you guys get a recipe too?" "Ya I got one" "me too"

    another player that was a few seconds behind us: "I didn't, it was gone when I got there"

    Im assuming that after a few seconds the recipe is no longer attainable.

    EDIT: I can now confirm this. I was first to the package in the Yetis cave. Another player just behind me. I looted and turned around to watch her loot. The package remained glowing until she had looted it and then it went away. (the glow not the package) No one else was able to loot this.

    People gunning for the present is just plain stupid and annoying. Everyone is suppose to pick up the gift at the same to make the optional "Find the Present". One person grabbing doesn't get the optional for the team.
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Someone has knocked Q out of his Chair on ESD Instance 7


  • tk1077tk1077 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Twice now I've gone to the gingerbread land and clicked the glowing present. It says I got a recipe, but both time no recipe has shown up in my inventory!!! :mad:
  • aoav160aoav160 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Wow! Look at the QA we have going on here.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This thread isn't real clear on what is being taken action against. I guess I can just hope this isn't something easily achieved on accident. Kind of like that one auto thingy and the ppl didn't know why it was happening lol.

    Judging from Brans post where he stated they could tell who was doing it, I'm guessing it was something of an active action that leaves a trace.

    If you just run the race from beginning to end I doubt anything is amiss.

    Trying to do anything except running faster and cornering better than your competitors, then you may have an issue.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    tk1077 wrote: »
    Twice now I've gone to the gingerbread land and clicked the glowing present. It says I got a recipe, but both time no recipe has shown up in my inventory!!! :mad:

    Same here actually.

    I've kind of just given up on those recipes, running the gingerbread invasion solely for commodities.

  • anyonkaanyonka Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I don't know if it's been mentioned already but I've just finished a lot of recipes and it didn't count towards the accolade.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    Same here actually.

    I've kind of just given up on those recipes, running the gingerbread invasion solely for commodities.


    For crying out loud. This is why Cryptic doesn't post in the bug report section often, usually. Because even when they say it's going to be fixed soon people still scream "CRYPTIC DON'T CARE!!! THEY NEVER GONNA FIX IT! WHAH WHAH WHAH!!!".

    Post #166 in this very thread:
    We know, and it's fixed for the next patch. And we can also tell who has participated in it, and will take appropriate action, so if you know someone who has participated in it, or see someone participating in it, let them know that I personally recommend they stop and point them to this post. <----He is referring to the exploit in the competitive race here.

    EDIT: P.S. The present with the recipe should also be fixed in an upcoming patch, allowing all teammembers to interact with it. <----He is talking about the Winter Invasion event here and the problem with only 1 player being able to claim the present to get a recipe.

    Brandon =/\=

    Edit: The fix for the winter recipes in the Winter Invasion event will probably go live this Thursday, December 12. If not, then Thursday next week at the latest I imagine. So stop crying about it and be patient.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Originally Posted by rinkster
    Same here actually.

    I've kind of just given up on those recipes, running the gingerbread invasion solely for commodities.


    For crying out loud. This is why Cryptic doesn't post in the bug report section often, usually. Because even when they say it's going to be fixed soon people still scream "CRYPTIC DON'T CARE!!! THEY NEVER GONNA FIX IT! WHAH WHAH WHAH!!!".

    Post #166 in this very thread:

    Edit: The fix for the winter recipes in the Winter Invasion event will probably go live this Thursday, December 12. If not, then Thursday next week at the latest I imagine. So stop crying about it and be patient.

    Well, if i had typed in all caps, spelled words wrongly, blamed Cryptic for everything including the Middle East, and used multiple exclamation marks then you'd have a point.

    However, as all i actually did was express my sadness at not currently being able to get the recipe and, given the circumstances, don't currently even try to get it........well, thats not exactly what you accused me of, is it?
  • angryjonny55angryjonny55 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not complaining, but here are 6 of the issues I am having with the Fastest Race in Q's Wonderland -

    1 - Trying to signal the Race Official: Quite often, I have to run around them to get the pop-up to appear so I can do it. (It's a little bothersome, but not a major issue.)

    2 - Getting DQ'ed on track: The first time I attempted to run this, 8 tries out of 13 I was DQ'ed even though I never left the track, a few times was on a straight part & I was in the middle of the track, no where near the edge. (This is the only frustrating issue. Did cause me to 'rage quit', but came back to finish. I laugh at that now.)

    3 - No race opponent: I have 4 toons, ran this race several times on each, & there are times when no opponent spawns to race against. Twice when this has happened, I failed to finish first. (It does bug me when this happens, but I find myself laughing because I lost to no one. Q & his silly tricks.)

    4 - Not being put on the track: After signaling the Race Official, I am not placed on the track but instead still standing next to the Race Official, the countdown begins, then instant DQ. Has happened 8-10 times now. (1st time this happened, I was like 'WTF?'. Now, it makes me laugh. I think the Race Official is rigging the race, lol.)

    5 - Running before the countdown starts: I hold the forward button & tap the sprint key before every race. Most of the time, my toons won't start running until 2 or 1 or GO, but a few times, my toons will start running before the countdown even begins. Sometimes, this turns into an instant DQ once the countdown ends. (This one actually helps me, as I get a big head start & win the race. My toons are such cheaters, lol.)

    6 - Attacked by Evil Snowmen: During a race, the Evil Snowmen become animated & start attacking. When this has happened, 4 of the times they attacked me & got me DQ'ed by forcing me off the track. (The 1st time this happened, I got mad. While running back to restart it, I thought "Wow, those snowmen have some pretty good aim being able to hit a moving target that's sliding around. They would make good BOff's.)

    Anyone else experience these? #2 Is the only one that really frustrates me. The others just make me laugh.
This discussion has been closed.