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[Season 8] Holodeck crashes on startup (Latest update: Pg. 319, post #3190)



  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tarrennis wrote: »
    I do want the Solonae tribble and am thankful for that. But, I would like the key sale put back on, and they should give all of the players some dilithium and lobi for all of the missed days and aggravation. I uninstalled, reinstalled, and patched, and that took hours.

    I've been in a shut-down before. I and 106 other players lost two days during the "107" fix; PWE did work with us and I have no complaints, only praise about what they did and how they handled that shut-down. So I'm hopeful that PWE will work with us here too, on a much more severe shut-down no less. I'm a player, like you, so I'm just giving witness to the 107 shut-down/resolution and expressing hope for a good outcome now.
  • sch3ff3lsch3ff3l Member Posts: 118 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2013
    We are all frustrated. No one is happy about the eighth day of a lock-out, no fault of our own. But during this down-week, many of us have posted legitimate complaints, present possible fixes, and have tried to vent our frustration. Kyle is one who has done such; we've exchanged ideas so I know what I'm talking about.

    sch3ff3l, if anyone is whining, it's you. Compare your post, which is a personal attack upon KyleDewitt, to your own logic. Here are your key-words of your own post: whining, complaining, more whining and complaining, patience, annoying, complain (some more). And as you are yelling at someone else, what was your positive input? Nothing. No ideas to fix the bug or any attempt to handle the fall-out -- be it a joke, comment on another legitimate topic, or such. No engagement in banter. Just multiple personal attacks. You are doing precisely the very thing you are complaining about! sch3ff3l, if you can't bring yourself to lead by example and try to be part of the solution, then please stop being part of the problem.

    P.S. "...if you can't bring yourself to lead by example and try to be part of the solution, then please stop being part of the problem." That goes for all of us, myself included!

    yes i understand what are you saying...
    i can get a little pissed off when i start to read post like...
    "they are ignoring us!!"
    "they dont care about the players!!!"
    "i want it fixed now"

    its remember me of myself about 5 years ago
    and only a little sometime ago i have realized that being in here (or on any other forum) saying this type of thing only get you on two ways...

    - stress yourself up for nothing really important...
    - feeling a little stupid for fighting over a game...

    if this prevous post sounded like a personal attack then and only then i apologize...
    i really dont have the nuances of english language (not my primary language) some little things can then pass by without me noticing...

    but for real now... theres really no point on continuing this discussion...

    Edit: tickets numbers 25316319 maybe are now able to log in on tribble i have this one and im in
    9gagger, starfleet captain, bug hunter...

    spocked thumb face...
  • txspartantxspartan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    *reads ticket #18897741, reads some of the above posts, drums fingers on desk, goes read a book*
    Grand Ayatollah of the Order of Persistence, First Chairman of the Persistent Defence Commission
    Winner of two Second annual (Last 500) and three Third annual (Last 1000) Most Amusing Posts Best Entrance Awards
  • finaltom5finaltom5 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    azeitado wrote: »
    I have that same ticket and I managed get in the tribble smoothly.

    OS: Windows XP SP3

    Interesting! This is before the patch tonight as well. We'll see after tonight, hopefully it will still work.

    Keep updating please.
    Thank you
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sch3ff3l, hey, we're all Human ... unless there is a Vulcan from Carbon Creek among us! (I'm joking, in reference to an Enterprise-series episode.) Hey, it is not the friction or conflict which defines us but how we overcome it and transform it into a solution that stands out! Hence the many, many arguments between Spock and McCoy, yet it's their brilliance, compassion, and successes that always come to mind, first.

    How about we all start over? A handshake over the internet? Buddies? :)
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Since Crash: Have watched every episode of original series, cartoon, tng, ds9, voyager, enterprise, all the movies. And now am reduced to Babylon 5.....Help me


  • kakerookakeroo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i don't have the Tribble service but i find it very disconcerting that this problem was around for a month? before the main launch and it was ignored???

    i'll be patient,

    although, my plan is to get back in the game and look for all the lost lobi sitting in my main characters inventory... if not there i will do the lobi qualifying mission to see if i get all the missing lobi in a catch up... if still no missing lobi i will send a ticket into customer service requesting the lobi... if i get nothing then my only option will be to delete my account.

    i've had enough scum baggery in my life, i sure as hell am not going to accept or tolerate it in any leisure activity.

    and yes, i will tell anyone and everyone all about it with the simple aim of destroying the games player base.

    sorry everyone, i'd rather see PWE loose this revenue source then care about my own or your need to play STO.
  • txspartantxspartan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Since Crash: Have watched every episode of original series, cartoon, tng, ds9, voyager, enterprise, all the movies. And now am reduced to Babylon 5.....Help me


    *dives into wanderernotlost like Kirk dove into the Federation president in Star Trek VI while his BOFFs smash wanderernotlost's Babylon 5 data carrier to pieces with a bust of Locutus of Borg*

    Admiral Spartan, U.S.S. Ticonderoga.

    *opens a pack of Star Trek Micromachines toys and hands those to wanderernotlost to play with until the crash is resolved*
    Grand Ayatollah of the Order of Persistence, First Chairman of the Persistent Defence Commission
    Winner of two Second annual (Last 500) and three Third annual (Last 1000) Most Amusing Posts Best Entrance Awards
  • captainiwwcaptainiww Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the last 8 days including today

    i cant start Sto at this PC.

    Sto allways crash before Charakter selection comes up.

    i loose a lot of fun and some rewards, because i do
    my dailys at this PC - if possible.

    now i get little stress to do some of my dailys in the evening
    on another PC.

    hope they fix it soon

    IWW :mad::mad::mad:
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    txspartan wrote: »
    *dives into wanderernotlost like Kirk dove into the Federation president in Star Trek VI while his BOFFs smash wanderernotlost's Babylon 5 data carrier to pieces with a bust of Locutus of Borg*

    Admiral Spartan, U.S.S. Ticonderoga.

    *opens a pack of Star Trek Micromachines toys and hands those to wanderernotlost to play with until the crash is resolved*


    think I ruptured my spleen laughing on that one

  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just tried tribble. Still crashing before the game even opens up (no screens at all).

    26531885's? Looks like we're still SOTL.

    Also, no word on the lobi yet it seems. Guess we're even more SOTL!
    I need a beer.

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dave18193 wrote: »
    Whilst extending the giveaway period of a free tribble is good it ignores some major factors. Firstly, the tribble was always going to be free. All of us who wanted to claim the tribble would have done so had any single Dev bothered to read our crash reports or forum posts in the month prior to S8 launch.

    The Lobi giveaway was a huge missed opportunity for those of us who couldnt get on the game. Over the past seven days some people have lost as much 8x15 lobi for a total of 120 lobi lost (more for those like me who could sometimes take advantage of the 20 hour cooldown)

    By Thursday thatll be another 3 lobi windows missed for another 45 lobi. 165 lobi gone conservatively.

    To put in perspective, thats nearly a whole Tachyonkinetic Converter or about 1 5th of a Lobi ship.

    In terms of Zen value its even more burning. I read on http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=689621 that the average lobi per box is about 5.3552.

    165/5.3552 = 30.81 keys.

    30.81 keys, each worth 115 zen mean the total losses are approximately from this debacle are 3543 zen in lobi alone. When I was last online keys were going for well over a million ec on the exchange so you can guess how much ec value we've lost.

    I say 115 zen since they didnt extend the master key sale despite the crashing and despite repeated requests by multiple players, even though the Z-Store is now only accessible in game.

    Fortunately my friend did a couple of days lobi for me on his machine, but Ive still lost at least 90 lobi because of this so far (I wont know the exact figure till I'm able to log in myself), and since he wont be able to for the next few days that number will rise by another 45-60 lobi missed.

    All this is on top of lost dilithium, mission rewards, doff rewards, levelling, timegated reputation levelling and slowed progress of fleet development as members cannot get online to contribute. I know he only had time for the Lobi and didnt want to risk my Doffs without asking so Im going to have lost a lot personally.

    Even those who can get in game and dodge the the S8 proc bug (amongst others, including the mao crash bug) will have suffered due to the aforementioned slowed progress of fleets, slower filling of PVE and PVP queues and fewer people buying/selling goods on the exchange.

    That is not to speak of LTSers and even worse the poor monthly Gold subscribers who've paid for 10 days of game time they cant actually use. Paying monthly they've lost more than a third of the game time theyve paid for.

    Finally of course theres all the wasted time as players log in daily and visit this thread in order just to play the game they've paid for, filling out bug reports and generally try to keep their hair from falling out in frustration. Some have gone so far as to reinstall their games, rebuild their pcs laptop and do other fixes.

    But hey. We can now claim the near worthless tribble we were going to claim anyway. Huzzah. Really Cryptic/PWE, your customer services skills are remarkable.

    You're not the only F2P sci fi franchise MMO anymore cryptic. SWTOR is nipping on your heels and will be adding sumptuous looking space combat soon.

    Thank you for keeping us informed though Bran and for treating us with courtesy, genuinely. I dont mean this as an attack on you personally. I'm aiming it at the people in charge.

    On topic though, tried both Holodeck and Tribble today. Still no dice, get the same crashes for both.

    3,543 Zen. If you're buying ZEN through the Purchase Zen option above that a little over $30/player. When you look at the money alone now it reasons why they didn't want to fix this sooner.
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    And now am reduced to Babylon 5.....Help me

    Oh man, alert Star Fleet Command! We have a bone fide distress call!
  • daywalkerhawkdaywalkerhawk Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So i Patchted tribble, and i can finaly play there now, no crash at Char Selection but i detected Alot of Graphical Errors in Sectorspacemap, looks like the Screen is freezing and while Moving the Sight around everything Is squshiy like the old Mousepath.
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So i Patchted tribble, and i can finaly play there now, no crash at Char Selection but i detected Alot of Graphical Errors in Sectorspacemap, looks like the Screen is freezing and while Moving the Sight around everything Is squshiy like the old Mousepath.

    Glad you got in! If the mouse is sluggish, think like Captain Jack Sparrow and walk like a drunk pirate! :D
  • daywalkerhawkdaywalkerhawk Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    na its not the mouse is everything, is extrem Bright and Shiny Planet when you turn the view everything gets stretched its hard to describe since english is not my primary Language, tried Settings to Low and that seems to help.
  • chrisolliecchrisolliec Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well, I'm obviously not one of the lucky guys...

    ]Ticket # 18897741

    Still the same as before, I think...

    But hope dies last. Looking forward to the next pach. When will it come?
    "I came from a time long gone, saw many other times...
    But I'm still a mere human."
    Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
  • stevencherylstevencheryl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    txspartan wrote: »
    *reads ticket #18897741, reads some of the above posts, drums fingers on desk, goes read a book*

    Yeah, I hear ya...

    Forgive me for saying so, but the "Amusement" factor in this thread seems to have hit an
    all time low.
    It would seem, that If I hadn't retired from hosting the "Most Amusing Posts Awards",
    I surely would have been laid off by now from lack of work.

    But I think I discovered the reason, certain people have been posting in this forum.

    As I come back into this thread from and hour of successful (but lonely), tribble, to await
    the full patch, I was hoping some other Persistent Officers, might do the same. (Whether or not you got in).

    I would however, still like to thank the posts that are updated game circumstances,
    as well as some (albeit getting ultra-rare), that are still incredibly amusing.

    So in an effort to help bring this thread back to it's original tone,
    I have decided to hand out yet another Award.

    So if you are a Winner of this award, you can go here to claim your prize.
    Please be sure to close the previous browser tab / window after you do.
    Steve@SCCreations - Fleet General - Persistent Officer Title & Accolade
    Deceiver's Lair Fleet
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kakeroo wrote: »
    ... if i get nothing then my only option will be to delete my account. ... and yes, i will tell anyone and everyone all about it with the simple aim of destroying the games player base.
    I'd get a jump on it, because I guarantee that lobi will not be waiting for you, so you might was well delete now and get a jump-start on that whole 'destroy the playerbase' project. Let us know how that works out for ya.

    If they do anything at all they won't announce it until they have a fix in place, and if they just give us all 300 lobi or whatever the 'total' is, I'll eat my hat.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    chrisolliec, you aren't alone. I'm still floating too. I heard some second-hand good news about a possible fix on Thursday. But rumors aren't always accurate. Let's hope something works!
  • kemchakemcha Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Kyle D, your explanation about the devs not wanting to fix this because of the cost of lobi to Master Keys does not make any sense. What you're forgetting is that everything on STO is digital, which means it's not physical inventory so they're not really losing anything.
    possibilities are a thing of hope, sometimes it drives us toward something better
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They only have part of it on Tribble people as of yesterday and the rest should be coming today so everyone not getting in yet might be able to sometime today and Branflakes was going to update us on it.

    @kyledewitt: Please stop...I get your mad. I'm not happy either that I can not play till Thursday either. I'm not after the Lobi though. I am getting what I want with being able to finally play the New Fed tutorial witha new fed character when I purchase the slots and everything. :D
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, I hear ya...

    Forgive me for saying so, but the "Amusement" factor in this thread seems to have hit an
    all time low.
    It would seem, that If I hadn't retired from hosting the "Most Amusing Posts Awards",
    I surely would have been laid off by now from lack of work.

    But I think I discovered the reason, certain people have been posting in this forum.

    As I come back into this thread from and hour of successful (but lonely), tribble, to await
    the full patch, I was hoping some other Persistent Officers, might do the same. (Whether or not you got in).

    I would however, still like to thank the posts that are updated game circumstances,
    as well as some (albeit getting ultra-rare), that are still incredibly amusing.

    So in an effort to help bring this thread back to it's original tone,
    I have decided to hand out yet another Award.

    So if you are a Winner of this award, you can go here to claim your prize.
    Please be sure to close the previous browser tab / window after you do.

    Toooo funny! Sorry I wasn't able to respond to everyone helpful info last night.... in some evil twist of fate a drunk driver ran into the sub station that provides my Internet...grrr back now though still working ontribble download....high hopes!
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2013
    Is it me or does it seam that we the people who can't get in still into tribble won't be getting in on Thursday? Until sometime in an unknown upcoming patch?? At least thats how im understanding that tweet.

    If the other parts of the fix pass internal testing, it is possible that we could see it on Tribble as early as today or tomorrow. If it makes it to Tribble by tomorrow (Wed), it should be included in Thursday's Holodeck patch.


    Brandon =/\=
  • kemchakemcha Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Kyle Dewitt is just a troll trying to provoke everyone else into snapping back. He needs to crawl into his cave because nobody is biting.
    possibilities are a thing of hope, sometimes it drives us toward something better
  • daywalkerhawkdaywalkerhawk Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thursday? great that means no Tribble...
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hold on here, people! If you have a different opinion, fine. But name-calling does nothing positive and only inflames bad feelings. State your case, leave it at the merits.
  • dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If the other parts of the fix pass internal testing, it is possible that we could see it on Tribble as early as today or tomorrow. If it makes it to Tribble by tomorrow (Wed), it should be included in Thursday's Holodeck patch.


    Brandon =/\=

    Crosses fingers and does a patch dance.

    Still, even if it is fixed by Thursday we'll have lost a ton of in-game rewards, discounts and play time. As I stated in my previous post its equivalent to approximately 3500 zen in lost lobi alone.

    Will there be some form of compensation, or even an extension of the event?

    Even just for those of us who've been unable to get on, since you probably dont want to remove the incentive of buying master keys for lobi ships.

    Still thanks for the update. Forgot to say in my last crash post that Im using direct x 11, dont know if that makes a diffrence.

    I filed a bug report with the update on my last crash report (no luck for tribble either btw).
    Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?

    Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:

  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If the other parts of the fix pass internal testing, it is possible that we could see it on Tribble as early as today or tomorrow. If it makes it to Tribble by tomorrow (Wed), it should be included in Thursday's Holodeck patch.


    Brandon =/\=

    Thanks for the update, Brandon!
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2013
    Thursday? great that means no Tribble...

    You may have missed my post earlier in the thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=13560641#post13560641



    Brandon =/\=
This discussion has been closed.