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Free t5 base-access for all!



  • abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    finious2 wrote: »
    well I do have to say one thing,

    thank you NOP for making it that much harder to finish fleet holdings because of your free invites people feel they don't have to finish their own fleet holding because all they have to do is ask for invite from you.

    so you did accomplish your trolling ways.

    I will say this, as an additional note, the starbase was well thought out by Cryptic and PWE, but they failed epically as the large fleets spawned quickly and the evidence was firsthand in pvp, hence the lack of players due to ship and equipment against smaller fleets it was disappointing. Also, keep in mind the COUNTLESS lifetime membership players that are spanned into many different fleets that paid for these memberships and stayed with smaller fleets due to friendships with those that this game allowed us to meet. Why should a small fleet fail? Or be limited? Fact is one dev, whom will remain mentionless, after the first 3 months of starbase launch were pushing a tier 3 Starbase within his home LGBT fleet when the many other fleets were struggling to pass tier 2 and now are at Tier 5. This should of been thought of then or shot as a red flag, but instead it wasn't it was shunned to the curb and still is after about a year and countless losses of players to this game. As much as I love this game, show me any dev or moderator in a small fleet, respectfully, I doubt there is. The small fleets are forgotten about just as the Klingon faction and their epic cries for more content on that side of the game.

    Why should a small fleet be held back, once everyone in a small fleet is gone, you are forced to join a larger one after leaving the fleet you created. Sad but true, too many variables on that level which is the whole point this channel should be commended, it's about players helping players instead of thinking this game isn't worth it or shunning this channel. A starbase means nothing, the gear you have yeah, but if you are close with your fleetmates it makes it all worth the while and keeping the small fleets together.

    Thanks again to those that created this channel.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I've invited a lot of people to my fleets' (Fed and KDF) bases via this channel and many of them are in small fleets with their friends. And they want to stay in small fleets with their friends. With a base invite, they've got access to T4 and T5 gear that they'd never really expected to unlock in their fleet.

    They get the best of both worlds. They get to stay where they want and they get the best equipment in the game.

    I'm not seeing much downside for medium-to-largish fleets that aren't T5, either. If their members want to shop, their members have to contribute to get provisions and credits. And they aren't contributing to me.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I've invited a lot of people to my fleets' (Fed and KDF) bases via this channel and many of them are in small fleets with their friends. And they want to stay in small fleets with their friends. With a base invite, they've got access to T4 and T5 gear that they'd never really expected to unlock in their fleet.

    They get the best of both worlds. They get to stay where they want and they get the best equipment in the game.

    I'm not seeing much downside for medium-to-largish fleets that aren't T5, either. If their members want to shop, their members have to contribute to get provisions and credits. And they aren't contributing to me.

    As a member of a medium-large fleet, I think it's been great. Heck, you yourself FPN have invited me to your stuff a couple times in the past.

    It's good for us, so if we are impatient and want something nice earlier, we can get it, but still have the resources and manpower to eventually unlock stuff for ourselves and also then invite people as well.

    Besides, it isn't like the holdings are going anywhere either. I mean, they aren't gonna magically vanish. Nor does getting things early seem to discourage people from donating to get it for ourselves permanently.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I haven't joined yet but that will change today... why? I've spoken to a few mates that have used it and guess what nothing bad happened, they got what they wanted with no drawbacks. Cast aside the hate and realise we are all in this together. See you on the channel.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    finious2 wrote: »
    thank you NOP for making it that much harder to finish fleet holdings because of your free invites people feel they don't have to finish their own fleet holding because all they have to do is ask for invite from you.
    Whilst it is true, people can jump across to high tiered fleets and get the goodies they want, they still need the fleet credits in order to buy those items. How are they going to get those fleet credits? By providing their current fleets with their own resources.

    It works out for both. You can't have people in low-end fleets always buying from high-end fleets without them having first gained the fleet credits to buy the high-end items with. That, and they're still going to have to work on their own fleets to acquire the ship access.

    I know it's been mentioned in the OP about KDF ship access being open come November, but there are a million+ players in this game, if they all decided to take that offer up, there would be a problem.

    This system works, and we should all be grateful. I've made use of it (and I run two other fleets); it's a very friendly channel.
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So just joined the channel and within 3 minutes got a reply, got to the starbase, brought my stuff said hi an thanks then left..... everything went fine. Just wish i could remember the fleet name. So what i learned from this, don't believe the hater's just join an shop till you damn drop.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Very early on in the Starbase debate vs the difficulties that a small fleet would face... I was of the opionion that a small fleet SHOULDN'T expect to ever reach a T5 base. Or at least, not reach it with the ease of a large fleet. Nor did I think, and still don't, that any accommodation should be made for smaller fleets (with the exception of possible allegiances)

    This makes real world sense to me... Any mililitary organization has "bases" that are appropriate to the unit size stationed there... Star Trek canon supports this as well... not every base visited was the caliber of Earth Space Dock, but that didn't mean that the equipment available to those units was substanded.

    Then the Ferenghi took over and started charging for access to higher tiers... this I felt was a horrendously bad thing for the game... in all truth I was disgusted by this tactic.

    Along comes NOPPS... exactly as it should be... large hubs of advanced equipment made available to all units... serving as supply depots, at no additional cost to the player.

    Does it slow the advancement of the smaller fleets base... to some extent... sure, I can see that... and can see somehow see the point of the small fleets complaint... but only to a point.

    Here, the PLAYERS, have removed a reason for small fleet members to truely abandon their fleet in favor of a larger fleet. Gone & removed... Fleets (originally intended to be groups of friends with similar interests playing together, and this has been restored... with no negative effect on the game play itself (small fleet members are not disadvantaged by not having access to higher tier equipment). They no longer need to make the choice between playing with their friends, or getting into a large fleet for equipment.

    While this doesn't apply to ships (since you have to actually join the fleet to have access to its shipyard)... everything else... EVERYTHING else is made available at no additional cost.

    At first, I thought as other non-T5 fleet leaders do.. I hope my members dont learn about this... it will only extend our march to T5 (Currently T4, and halfway to T5). Then, on the KDF side (T2)... I saw some fleet members leave... because they needed/wanted better equipment. I broke my silence, and told these members that they could go to NOPPS... and get their equipment with out leaving ... they were ecstatic... actually increased their donations because they needed more Fleet Credit, did their shopping... and were happy they didn't need to leave the fleet. Key point... Donations went UP. So, we have shifted the focus of the KDF fleet on military track, and provisioning for science and engineering. Projects are getting filled faster, because they no longer look at it as a waste of time, or that their goal is so far away that it is not worth the grind. (I.e. really, a small fleet grinding out to T5 Eng (Elite Weapons) is a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG and expensive way to go for the little extra umph provided by the elite weapons (and would cost the individual player much more than the large fleet member).

    My opinion has changed... not only do I promote the NOPPS channel... I help out where I can (T3 Mine and T3 embassy)... pay it forward if you will. I shifted the development of my base(s) to match this new reality... I can focus on one track, and provision for the fleet needs... yes... they need to "travel" to another base to get the advanced equipment.. but they get it, and return...

    To the fleets involved in this venture... thank you... thank you for removing the disadvantage being placed on small fleets. If anything, you have breathed new life into them.


    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well put johnny, my fleet is tier 3 so we can never expect the good stuff but now! Thanks to NoP public channel and the awesome fleets on there.
  • scotty1967scotty1967 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I used to use the public service channel all the time, I gave invites and requested invites.
    it was a great channel but the admin a mods ruined it.

    Just before public service went private I joined the NoP channel and found that it was pretty much the same but with one very big difference...

    No control freak admin and mods.
  • scotteriusscotterius Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This service is great. It is not only free, but invite time and politeness is just as good or better than when I payed for consoles, attack ship pets, and other teir 5 items.

    I remember I waited for days for an officer to be on to invite me for some of those items. Nop, is step forward. I have been able to get everything I wanted in that particular play session.

    Join while starbase invites last!
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Thank you so much. Very helpful in getting some XII gear that my own fleet hasn't quite unlocked yet. Good area for general STO knowledge too. In return I make my tuffli available for invites as well as whatever things our fleet can provide too. :)

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • iraqborgiraqborg Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have used NoP now 4 times and as long as someone is on invites and responses are very fast telling all my friends about this channel
  • shazam382shazam382 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Love this channel, going to start sending invites from my fleet on it once we hit tier 5 Engineer in a month or two.
  • scarrnscarrn Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just jumped into the forum to thank everyone connected with the NoP channel.

    GREAT idea, great people, and I enjoy helping my little bit with the freighter/cell ship.

  • azmodeasazmodeas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I quite like the channel, the folks are friendly and helpful. Thank you NoP ! you folks rock. An made it possible to aquire elite fleet singularity core an elite drones for my scim. Cheers your all fab folks .

    Thank you NoP.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This whole fleet starbase thing is total bs. First, you have to join a fleet. Then, you have to pray that fleet is currently focused on shipyard updates (in all likelyhood, not.) Next, you have to spend months, if not years, grinding out resources and spending billions of ec in the exchange to get what you need. Then, after all that, you have to obtain 5 fleet ship modules to actually buy the frakkin thing ( or 1, provided you've already bought the c-store regent). Seriously, why is this so hard to get? Its not like its an overly powerful ship (and yes, I'm describing the process for getting the fleet assault cruiser). I got the fleet star cruiser, and was extremely disappointed. I really expected more for all that effort.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ghyudt wrote: »
    This whole fleet starbase thing is total bs. First, you have to join a fleet. Then, you have to pray that fleet is currently focused on shipyard updates (in all likelyhood, not.) Next, you have to spend months, if not years, grinding out resources and spending billions of ec in the exchange to get what you need. Then, after all that, you have to obtain 5 fleet ship modules to actually buy the frakkin thing ( or 1, provided you've already bought the c-store regent). Seriously, why is this so hard to get? Its not like its an overly powerful ship (and yes, I'm describing the process for getting the fleet assault cruiser). I got the fleet star cruiser, and was extremely disappointed. I really expected more for all that effort.

    Not sure if you're being serious or trolling, but I'll bite.

    You don't have to do any grinding whatsoever... I know I didn't. Just be an active participant in a big fleet and contribute occasionally to get the fleet credits needed to purchase the good stuff.

    If you find yourself grinding non-stop with little or no personal enjoyment, then you're not playing the game correctly ;)
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    As a member of a rapidly growing fleet, House of Beautiful were one of the first to get Free invites to NOP, there is literally no strings attached, no 'special favours' or back street deals.

    Thanks Ni Na for the invites, much appreciated and may our fleet continue to grow :)
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    shar487a wrote: »
    Not sure if you're being serious or trolling, but I'll bite.

    You don't have to do any grinding whatsoever... I know I didn't. Just be an active participant in a big fleet and contribute occasionally to get the fleet credits needed to purchase the good stuff.

    If you find yourself grinding non-stop with little or no personal enjoyment, then you're not playing the game correctly ;)

    Well, I must be doing something wrong then, because I really don't find any enjoyment in working to get these fleet starbase assignments done. It never feels like I'm accomplishing anything. The same is true with the omega rep system. I just really think they've set the requirements way too high for the rewards you get.
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ghyudt wrote: »
    This whole fleet starbase thing is total bs. First, you have to join a fleet. Then, you have to pray that fleet is currently focused on shipyard updates (in all likelyhood, not.) Next, you have to spend months, if not years, grinding out resources and spending billions of ec in the exchange to get what you need. Then, after all that, you have to obtain 5 fleet ship modules to actually buy the frakkin thing ( or 1, provided you've already bought the c-store regent). Seriously, why is this so hard to get? Its not like its an overly powerful ship (and yes, I'm describing the process for getting the fleet assault cruiser). I got the fleet star cruiser, and was extremely disappointed. I really expected more for all that effort.

    hmm, to fully gear a ship up shouldnt take more than 400 mil, not all Fleet ships are equal and non are OP as intended. Just cus it's a fleet ship, it's not an I win button.

    Ask yourself why you are disappointed with the ship you got, what did you expect from it and what was yoru play style and get the ship to match.

    Joining a fleet to get FC is part of the game i'm afraid, it's proof you actually contributed to the fleet and means you can't leech off them. Joining a fleet is much more than just earning credits. It's about meeting new people, new friends and having mentors teaching to play PVE or PVP.

    I totally enjoy the two fleets I am in at the moment, great people and great experiances. Maybe you need a break from the game to try new things.
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Well, I must be doing something wrong then, because I really don't find any enjoyment in working to get these fleet starbase assignments done. It never feels like I'm accomplishing anything. The same is true with the omega rep system. I just really think they've set the requirements way too high for the rewards you get.

    If it feels you are the only one contributing to you Fleet/ Starbase projects, maybe it's time to leave and find another 'Active' Fleet to play with and enjoy more with more equal contributions.
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Well, I must be doing something wrong then, because I really don't find any enjoyment in working to get these fleet starbase assignments done. It never feels like I'm accomplishing anything. The same is true with the omega rep system. I just really think they've set the requirements way too high for the rewards you get.

    Check the fleet contributions tab -- are you the #1 contributor to your fleet projects? Is anyone else contributing nearly as much? If answer #1 = yes and answer #2 = no, then you may want to consider moving to a larger, more active fleet, especially if your primary objective is to acquire gear. Active fleets, especially those that use VOIP communications to organize events and coordinate efforts, can really change and improve your in-game experience.

    Yes, there are many female players in STO lol :D
  • my1alts2alt3my1alts2alt3 Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So I think to myself...'Self, you should go join this channel and participate'..so I do, and within 5 mins I am '/muted'. So much for 'an active channel free of ego, unnecessary rules, and heavy-handed moderation'. Here is the situation.

    I have a low tier solo fleet and have paid $$$ to fill out all my consumables and Dil and doff requirements for my projects, and I only lack Fleet Marks to complete my projects. And having read on the forums about how some people are flush with marks and have no credits, I figured that this would be the place to ask for somebody to spend their marks on my projects, so they could then instantly leave my fleet and go spend their credits in a higher tier fleet to get the gear they want. It helps others to turn their stockpiled marks into elite gear, and it helps me advance my projects. It is a win/win for everybody. Now along the way I have accrued a few low tier minor provisions that I will never use myself, so I offered these as an incentive for whomever wished to drop their marks on my projects. I NEVER asked for any type of compensation for this service, just join my fleet, spend your marks, buy my provisions OR NOT, and then leave.

    I was instantly accused of 'Profiteering' and promptly silenced or muted or whatever it was that happened to me. I have since left the channel and probably wont return.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So I think to myself...'Self, you should go join this channel and participate'..so I do, and within 5 mins I am '/muted'. So much for 'an active channel free of ego, unnecessary rules, and heavy-handed moderation'. Here is the situation.

    I have a low tier solo fleet and have paid $$$ to fill out all my consumables and Dil and doff requirements for my projects, and I only lack Fleet Marks to complete my projects. And having read on the forums about how some people are flush with marks and have no credits, I figured that this would be the place to ask for somebody to spend their marks on my projects, so they could then instantly leave my fleet and go spend their credits in a higher tier fleet to get the gear they want. It helps others to turn their stockpiled marks into elite gear, and it helps me advance my projects. It is a win/win for everybody. Now along the way I have accrued a few low tier minor provisions that I will never use myself, so I offered these as an incentive for whomever wished to drop their marks on my projects. I NEVER asked for any type of compensation for this service, just join my fleet, spend your marks, buy my provisions OR NOT, and then leave.

    I was instantly accused of 'Profiteering' and promptly silenced or muted or whatever it was that happened to me. I have since left the channel and probably wont return.

    I believe the issue is that you shouldn't be recruiting (albeit, it seems that wasn't your intention) to Fleets in this channel.

    I do wish that, similar to how we can be invited to another fleets map to take advantage of their higher tier, that there was a reverse mechanism for us to be invited to smaller fleets (such as yours) to donate, without the hassle of leaving our existing fleet... joining, then leaving, and rejoining our current fleet.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So I think to myself...'Self, you should go join this channel and participate'..so I do, and within 5 mins I am '/muted'. So much for 'an active channel free of ego, unnecessary rules, and heavy-handed moderation'. Here is the situation.

    I have a low tier solo fleet and have paid $$$ to fill out all my consumables and Dil and doff requirements for my projects, and I only lack Fleet Marks to complete my projects. And having read on the forums about how some people are flush with marks and have no credits, I figured that this would be the place to ask for somebody to spend their marks on my projects, so they could then instantly leave my fleet and go spend their credits in a higher tier fleet to get the gear they want. It helps others to turn their stockpiled marks into elite gear, and it helps me advance my projects. It is a win/win for everybody. Now along the way I have accrued a few low tier minor provisions that I will never use myself, so I offered these as an incentive for whomever wished to drop their marks on my projects. I NEVER asked for any type of compensation for this service, just join my fleet, spend your marks, buy my provisions OR NOT, and then leave.

    I was instantly accused of 'Profiteering' and promptly silenced or muted or whatever it was that happened to me. I have since left the channel and probably wont return.

    You can't offer any kinds of incentives at all for anything. Any and all services must be offered completely free of charge or not at all. Because you were using provisions as incentives, you broke the main rule of the channel and thus were muted. There is no dictatorship going on, you broke a rule.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    Thank you for the NOP Public Service Channel.


    I am sad that there are people complaining about the generosity of other players. I can't say I know much, if anything, about the people/fleets that are providing this service, and I certainly don't care to know of any sort of interfleet rivalry/politics that has left bad blood between players (not my business in general, and irrelevant to this enterprise...).

    What I can say with 100% Fact and Gratitude is NOP PS has provided perfect SERVICE to me and my many (17) alts. I have never received any thing but friendly invites, "Your Welcome" responses to my "Thanks", and polite "No Thank Yous" (or equivalent) to any offers of recompense or payment.

    There's never been any sort of agenda, drama, or issue. I post in the channel what I'm looking for ("May I please have an invite to a T3 KDF Mine for Mk XII Consoles" or whatever), and like a genie granting a wish, I magically get said invite. What more could any player ask for?

    Ok... So yeah, some times my requests have gone unanswered. But hey, it's no big deal. I don't pester or spam the channel. I ask a couple times over my course of play and if some one is available they send an invite. If not, then I try again later in another play session. I get it. Sometimes there's just no one on, but within a day or two I get whatever it is I need.


    Thank you NoP Public Serivce!

    I'd like to give specific thanks/recognition to @NinaStepford and @FuturePastNow who have numerous times sent me invites to Fed and KDF Starbases and Mines. Thank you both!!

    Oh, and because I can't say it enough, in case I wasn't clear: Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • leg999leg999 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    who want gold see my photo!!!
    buy gold here[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • my1alts2alt3my1alts2alt3 Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I believe the issue is that you shouldn't be recruiting (albeit, it seems that wasn't your intention) to Fleets in this channel.

    So there is a HUGE difference between recruiting fleet members and giving temporary access to a fleet. A literal interpretation of the 'Recruitment' rule would place everybody using this channel in abeyance of the rules, because this is the place to recruit people who wish to temporarily have access to a higher tier fleet.
    lan451 wrote: »
    You can't offer any kinds of incentives at all for anything. Any and all services must be offered completely free of charge or not at all.

    It seems to me that your two sentences contradict each other. Offering to give away provisions for free *IS* free of charge. Again, a literal interpretation of the rules could give some mods an excuse to use their powers and protect the masses from the evil 'Profiteer'. I contest that a power-mad mod was looking for an excuse to use their power, and without giving any time to determine the true intent of my post, muted me for their own personal satisfaction.

    Whatever the intentions of the creator of this chat channel, handing off power to people who actively desire power is a recipe for disasters such as this one to happen. Beware this chat channel, the 'Literal Rules Interpretation Police' are swarming all over it.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It seems to me that your two sentences contradict each other. Offering to give away provisions for free *IS* free of charge.

    That is not what "incentive" means. It means:
    noun \in-ˈsen-tiv\

    : something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder

    You were offering provisions to those who donated to your fleet by your own admission.
    Now along the way I have accrued a few low tier minor provisions that I will never use myself, so I offered these as an incentive for whomever wished to drop their marks on my projects.

    That is not the same as giving them away for free. If you had just said "I have fleet provisions that I'm giving away for free" this wouldn't even be an issue. But since you offered them as incentive for donations, you got muted. It's your fault for breaking their rules.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm aware this might sound like a real dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Does the Odyssey (that comes with the T5 Shipyard) require a Ship Token? I figure as it's a unique vessel, it might be acquired without one.
This discussion has been closed.