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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited August 2013
    You're supposed ot do the entire tour silly people. :P
    I would start the tour.... usually 10 minutes late... complete the tour, then use what ever time's left to get as far as i can in a a repeat. Seamed fair. The faster your ship, and your navigation skills, the more EC you were rewarded... until they dulled this out with a 1 lap limiter... kinda makes me not interested in doing the race anymore. I had a 2 lap personal record waiting for me to beat.
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kblargh wrote: »
    Sir, you are a troll, and frankly quite beneath most people you're trying to demean here.

    I know it's not the most civilized thing to say, but it's true, and someone has to say it.

    Please go away.

    Regardless of the presentation, his statement was factually correct (according to Cryptic).
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If nothing else, though his question was nothing but inflamatory garbage for which i'm not sure i'm allowed to use the proper language to describe here.

    It's people like this lady that have consistently brought the level of this thread straight down, and it's honestly becoming quite the annoyance.
  • dongemaharudongemaharu Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    People still run it, but far fewer than used to. I do every now and then and pretend the devs don't hate me lol. But I don't bother with rp or di - doesn't matter anymore - and hence the spirit of a "race" is totally dead. Only reason to run it now is to farm a small amount of ec - yes FARM - exactly the thing I'm sure the devs didn't want.

    Sarcasm on.....
    I bet this has been great for the sale of racing uniforms in the Zen store....
    Sarcasm off.....
    That too is true. DI and RP are basically pointless now.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That too is true. DI and RP are basically pointless now.

    Yep, I don't even require points in driver coil for my newest toon nor a transwarp engine. 30mins is all it takes at warp 10 weak sauce. Pretty much makes the reason for transwarp engines, di, and driver coil boost pointless. Oh and the weak 45k+ ec earning potential per hour the tour is now worth.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • mindmagemindmage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kblargh wrote: »
    If nothing else, though his question was nothing but inflamatory garbage for which i'm not sure i'm allowed to use the proper language to describe here.

    It's people like this lady that have consistently brought the level of this thread straight down, and it's honestly becoming quite the annoyance.

    Would you like some tissues? They fixed an exploit and had every right to fix it as they own the game.

    It's people like you that result in my sarcastic cracks on this forum.
    Playing since launch in 2010.
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sir you don't have the capacity to rattle me beyond your own self-embarassment.

    And if people like me resulted in sarcastic cracks, i'd actually be quite happy about that. Certainly better than the TRIBBLE self-righteous inflammatory trolling brought on by people of the same intellect range as yourself. Not that you'd know.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mindmage2 wrote: »
    Will you pathetic whiners get over it? They fixed an exploit and had every right to fix it as they own the game.

    If this ain't a TROLL...don't know what else is? Branflakes are you talking GOOD NOTES :P

    Guess some do need their mommas wash their mouths with SOAP :D

  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    So close. This thread hadn't been posted in for two days, and it was down to page 5. I thought that was the end of it.

    Kirk's Protege.
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Points for tenacity, though, don't you think?
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kblargh wrote: »
    Points for tenacity, though, don't you think?

    Tenacity has some positive connotations. This is just mulishness.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    Tenacity has some positive connotations. This is just mulishness.

    Post of the week. It's not even close.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am NOT going to the dictionary for that word.
  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited August 2013
    AND, as I predicted, prices have actually risen bringing about a black market to obtain the same items at reasonable prices as other players EXPLOIT the needs of newer STO members through the exchange and call it 'fair value'....

    nice job nerfing the one event I truly enjoyed and worked towards earning more effective means of accomplishing the task, which for at least 18 months (longer than I have been onboard) was an effective means of earning sufficient EC without having to be logged in 24/7 grinding away for mere pittance. You do realize that a vast majority of your user base have to earn a living and spend time with family, leaving precious little time for your mmo grindfests, do you not?


    Guess they missed that about their 'target' audience.
  • ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Back there, somewhere I proposed that they did not, in fact, step on the bug. I've been running tour ever since, and getting the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF EC as I did before. It's just spread out over several Toons.

    Here's the gig: you DI/RP a character before the event and park them in ESD at the club. Stack several characters in there, all with fast ships and SSR warp drives.

    Then, when you get to Pelia (on the standard route), instead of transwarping back for the next round, you change characters and start a new loop. Instead of one character looping 3-4 times, I'm stuffing 4 characters through with time to spare.

    For those people using the short route, same thing, just with more characters.

    Frankly I kinda like it this way. Now I can run reputation stuff on all my characters simultaneously rather than having them run Tour, one after another, sometimes waiting weeks to get a new influx of cash.

    A creative person might even find a seductive way to exploit the Exchange system to pass EC from character to character. And thus re-condence the money that had to be won, spread out.

    No exploits have been killed, they just changed the nature of the exploits. THose who still want it can still get it.
  • misslillicaluxmisslillicalux Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I can't even begin to describe how furious I am with this. Even before the corvette, my humble LRSVR with the proper equipment and an astrometrics scientist could run the short route and even with every possible transwarp cooldown, I would still have a 15 second wait in Pelia before I could TW back to ESD. I could make 4.5+ mil in an hour.


    Some dickbag had to go and spoil it for everyone. This was the one non-grind way to make EC. Why is it important? Because of all the price-gouging on the exchange. Now we get to go back to the endless, soul-crushing grindfest.

    Also, PWE, I think you owe me 1000 zen for the Advanced Heavy Cruiser I bought so I could put the transwarp computer universal console it came with on my LRSVR to maximize my transwarp cooldown, since you "fixed" the only reason I bought it.
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just think it's so awesome all the bugfest i've encountered in this game that apparetly goes back for months, that i've submitted tickets to (tailors crashing the game, Rom boffs unavailable at the doctor, friggin first contact missions impossible to progress) going on ignored, while the things that take priority for them are the stuff that players actually benefit from.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Well I shall run the race once more solely for the accolade after that I shall never look up on it again. Although it was a decent chunk of my income gone. As the Borg would say "we've Adapted" and I have done just that through various other methods, but it still stinks that they can find time to fix this but have yet to sort the tailor issues (which worked fine for me before before the alterations) And yes I am miffed that it was nerf'd but like a few have pointed out it was an exploit plain and simple, so I'm just thankful they didn't make the decision to roll back everyone's account that made use of it (I'd be a couple of hundred million in the red)
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2013
    Haven't run the tour in over two weeks now, just doesn't seem worth my time anymore. but hey nice job *not* fixing those other more serious tailor or fleet bugs (sic) :rolleyes:
  • wanderintxwanderintx Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So... people are losing their minds because they can no longer EXPLOIT something?

    For some, sure. The problem for others is Cryptic's heavy-handed approach to it. A 4-hour cooldown on an event that only lasts an hour and does not appear on schedule but maybe twice in a 24 hour period seems a bit excessive. Some might say a smack in the face.

    You could legitimately run the event several times in that hour just as you could run several STFs in during an hour of the reputation event.

    Cryptic could have closed the exploit and allowed players who wanted to enjoy the event for the whole hour make as many complete runs as they could. They chose, even after a thread full of good suggestions, to nerf it in about as strict a manner as possible.
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    it makes me ill.

    You are ill.

    Not in a clinical sense, of course, i'd ne'er gainsay your good health, but if you come here and whine about the whiners, that's probably the only action that's below what you perceive we're doing here.

    Not to dump it all on you, of course, we've had worse customers in this thread, and i wholeheartedly direct this message at each and every one of them.

    Whatever we're doing here, for whatever insane reason that offends you so, the mods have not yet seen fit to shut this thread down. Until such time as they do, whatever it is we're talking about here is our own business (since Cryptic will quite obviously not make it theirs, jokes about constructive criticism notwithstanding).

    So, all you self-righteous ladies want to play in the sand too, it's an open thread, but please, for your own sake, don't go thinking you have some sort of high ground on any level just because you act like you're outraged. You're free to, of course, but it's just not healthy.
  • wanderintxwanderintx Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Their game. They can choose to be as strict or lenient as they like.

    Obviously. If they choose to relent a bit or not on this, it's their call.

    They did ask for feedback though and I'd certainly argue that the method they chose was not the best approach.
  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2013
    AND, as I predicted, prices have actually risen bringing about a black market to obtain the same items at reasonable prices as other players EXPLOIT the needs of newer STO members through the exchange and call it 'fair value'....

    nice job nerfing the one event I truly enjoyed and worked towards earning more effective means of accomplishing the task, which for at least 18 months (longer than I have been onboard) was an effective means of earning sufficient EC without having to be logged in 24/7 grinding away for mere pittance. You do realize that a vast majority of your user base have to earn a living and spend time with family, leaving precious little time for your mmo grindfests, do you not?


    still awaiting an acknowledgement of my feedback about the Tour nerf. :P
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    still awaiting an acknowledgement of my feedback about the Tour nerf. :P

    You're not going to get a response from Cryptic. And your "feedback" was really just complaining.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Here's a thought for you - try playing the game for FUN rather than for loot/rewards.
    (As I say that, I do realize they've made that very difficult...)

    Can you recall what do you do for FUN? if you call fun=grind until your teeth falls off that is a twisted way of looking at things...for any logical person this has become an unending grinding orgy. If they fix the so called "exploits" nobody would be left in this game except for those few masochists who think grinding is FUN...just saying.:D:D:D

    "Make players grind until their eyes bleed or make them pay through the urethra. We don't care how you milk them dry, just make sure that milking them dry until their nipples petrify and fall off is your only goal. Don't deviate from this goal unless you'd rather be on the bread line." - Prime Directive from PWE

    "Ohh my gosh its full of EXPLOITs...shut it down"

  • stavinskyelyasstavinskyelyas Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually I'm feeling a bit "curious" at how the supposed timer will prevent the exploit.

    Let me explain.

    I don't know what the exploit was, as I don't want to know what it was.

    In my case I was doing a 3 and half, to 4 tours when having both Diplomatic immunity
    and the Maurauding buff on my Borg equiped ship. I had to spent also some points in
    the Driver Coil skill.

    That meant having to do a lot to earn the right to make those 3 to 4 tours.

    With the event moving from time to time, I could hardly play it a couple of time each
    week. Making the Tour a little entry, and a fun event as we were doing it with friend,
    trying to get faster than the others and the like. A bit of fun competition.

    At that time we were forced to manage to refresh the buffs at least once during the event
    to hope having the whole speed to finish the 4th tour.

    Now, let face the 'ugly' situation.

    A player who has 1 toon, will be prevented from doing the race more than once. But how
    many of the supposed exploiters have only 1 toon ? In the actual situation, a player with
    3-4 toons with a decend loading time to switch character, and who want to exploit this
    race is going to be able to do it with not much troubles. And he/she will even have a big
    advantage, as such a player can get both buffs and then unlog it character next to the NPC
    in the Earth Spacedock, only needing the buffs for a very short period and not the whole hour other players were needing.

    So what I see is that the "ugly ninja" nerf do nothing to prevent organized exploiters, but clearly make the other players who were doing it in a regular way fully penalized.
    A clear "Epic Fail" from Cryptic, once again.

    So where is the fun anymore ? I don't like ground mission, the only missions I have big
    fun with in Star Trek are the space missions. Sadly the most "rewarding" missions are
    mostly on ground, in the very area I have almost no fun to play. So the race was a fun
    event for me, and for a lot players. So are we supposed to be turning ourselves to the
    "freak grinding" in a kind of environment we don't like ? Or can we hope to see something
    done to give players who do it by the RULES be rewarded, and the poor mechanical
    design being corrected so there is no more possible exploits ?

    And by the way, I started to play to a game that was fun, but the more it get, the more
    Cryptic is turning it in some "Korean Grinding" fiesta, clearly not my kind of game. So
    please Cryptic, stop thinking we are going to keep with you if you keep not listening to your
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually I'm feeling a bit "curious" at how the supposed timer will prevent the exploit.

    Let me explain.

    I don't know what the exploit was, as I don't want to know what it was.

    The exploit was doing the Tour more than once in the 1-hour window.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    The exploit was doing the Tour more than once in the 1-hour window.

    They should just remove it from the game, it serves no purpose at all now. You get better EC returns from a farming foundry mission and that will give you Dilithium as well.
  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2013
    ru4tedward wrote: »
    Back there, somewhere I proposed that they did not, in fact, step on the bug. I've been running tour ever since, and getting the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF EC as I did before. It's just spread out over several Toons.

    Here's the gig: you DI/RP a character before the event and park them in ESD at the club. Stack several characters in there, all with fast ships and SSR warp drives.

    Then, when you get to Pelia (on the standard route), instead of transwarping back for the next round, you change characters and start a new loop. Instead of one character looping 3-4 times, I'm stuffing 4 characters through with time to spare.

    For those people using the short route, same thing, just with more characters.

    Frankly I kinda like it this way. Now I can run reputation stuff on all my characters simultaneously rather than having them run Tour, one after another, sometimes waiting weeks to get a new influx of cash.

    A creative person might even find a seductive way to exploit the Exchange system to pass EC from character to character. And thus re-condence the money that had to be won, spread out.

    No exploits have been killed, they just changed the nature of the exploits. THose who still want it can still get it.

    Thanks for making my point, no exploit was squashed, just nerfs newer players with fewer toons that cannot complete the tour more than once as they have not 'advanced' far enough (in cryptics' twisted perception)
  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2013
    AND, as I predicted, prices have actually risen bringing about a black market to obtain the same items at reasonable prices as other players EXPLOIT the needs of newer STO members through the exchange and call it 'fair value'....

    nice job nerfing the one event I truly enjoyed and worked towards earning more effective means of accomplishing the task, which for at least 18 months (longer than I have been onboard) was an effective means of earning sufficient EC without having to be logged in 24/7 grinding away for mere pittance. You do realize that a vast majority of your user base have to earn a living and spend time with family, leaving precious little time for your mmo grindfests, do you not?


    And now attendance numbers in STO are plummeting. been to risa lately, or any other similar 'high-traffic' area since the nerf, barren and abandoned.

    'mission accomplished' cryptic?;)
This discussion has been closed.