I figure it stands to reason why the Voth haven't been mentioned in here.
* The Kazon ~ these guys hardly pose a threat, and I couldn't believe they'd have mastered the military required to be a problem for any major players within the current theme. Based on their technology and intellect, I'd vote these guys out.
* The Vidiian ~ providing we were told truthful in Think Tank then the Vidiian no longer pose a threat. Again though, even if they did, a bunch of their ships arriving in Federation of Klingon space would meet a quick demise.
* The Krenim ~ Didn't Janeway correct the timeline here? What future threat do they pose?
* The Malon ~ doesn't interest me at all.
* The Hierarchy ~ doesn't interest me at all.
* The Devore ~ taking into account photonic officers are now members of the crew, I can see the Devore having a problem with that. However, they're more concerned with their own boarders than they are about hunting for photonics elsewhere.
I would like to add two other options to this list; the Vaadwaur for one (they were hostile and had means of getting to our boarders) and (although not seen) the Fen Domar.
The Trabe (the guys who the kazon overthrew and stole their tech) or the krenim (voyager's year of hell with the temporal weapon ship), either one of them would be cool.
This could get very interesting. There is so many to explore in the delta quadrant.
Hopefully we'll get the chance to visit the voyager interior. maybe via time travel.
I'd love to do some missions on the voyager again.
Besides that, there could be alot of interesting Borg missions.
Flying a borg cube is what a lot of players dreamed about. I didn't, but it would be a difference and it will be especially hard to fly it because of the size.
Nevertheless i hope, a borg cube will NEVER be available as a player ship (balance, realism..)
Well out of all the poll choices I think the Krenim would make the most sense, since they had access's to time ships in there own way.
Edit: It just occurred to me The Krenim Species would also fit in with Star Trek Online extremely well cause of the Star Trek: Enterprise Era Time line as well, if you remember in the Episode "Cold Front."
We are introduced to Crewman Daniels, who Explains to archer about the Temporal Cold War.
This in turn starts a small cascade of related episodes,
"Shockwave, Part 1 and 2"
Here is where Daniels Explains about the "many Factions" of the Temporal Cold War from here we now have the Tie into our era.
"Future Tense"
We meet the Tholians.
"Azati Prime"
Again Daniels makes an appearance an shows a part of the future where the Federation and Xindi are fighting in a battle agents other factions on the USS Enterpise - J in the Cold War.
So who's to say the Krenim are not apart of or are a faction of this cold war, we know they have time ship technology we also know they have the ability to change the time line as they see fit, making them an extremely dangerous species with time ship technology.
But after reading the blog about how we could go to the Delta quadrant why not make a transwarp gate, remember Nelix was appointed an ambassador for Starfleet nearing the end of the Voyager series and as we can already make transwarp gates for our fleet starbase's Nelix and the Talaxian's in conjunction with the Federation could have made a connecting transwarp gate over time, as we know Nelix was a Tradesman and Scavenger along with his many other skills.
As for the Idea of a new playable Race, I think being able to play as the Voth would be the best choice they originated from Earth they were just starting to question there life in the Delta Quadrant in the episode "Distant Origin."
What's to say by the time we get to play as them there old beliefs were shaken off and now they wished to also return home or a small minority that believed in the words of Forra Gegen, they are then thrust into finding there way back threw voyagers foot steps as a flotilla like the new Romulans.
Only this time they are paying for Voyagers actions of what they did during there journey threw the Delta Quadrant, finding the few friends of the voyager crew (Talaxians, Ocampa, ect. ect.) and meeting all there enemy's.
If only making time travel was as easy as fitting all the puzzle pieces together.
Just a thought on Delta quadrant transport. Unstable worm holes similar to transwarp coridors. As the development team gets a new delta sector ready, tie these to high level only weekly events that keep changing location. At the end of the week, any new ships still in the sector somehow gets forced back home to find and try out the next new sector. The better sectors could be reused as the wormhole changes postition.
Unstable worm holes similar to transwarp coridors. As the development team gets a new delta sector ready, tie these to high level only weekly events that keep changing location. At the end of the week, any new ships still in the sector somehow gets forced back home to find and try out the next new sector. The better sectors could be reused as the wormhole changes postition.
Devs, just a reminder: STO Feds and KDF have Transwarp Gates. We could build another one to head there. Or even pull a Project Return and Quantum Slipstream there. The Federation can reach the Delta Quadrant with ease. So that solves the Delta Q. ability to get there (and back!).
Honestly, the race I want to meet out there isnt on the poll: THE OCAMPA! No seriously, Janeway sent Evil!Kes back to them. Who knows what they're like now. They could be royally pissed off against the Caretakers for doing what they did to them, now have starships and of course, The Ocampan Force Powers (TM).
I am with him on this one. Janeway not only made a big journey thought the delta quadrant She changed a lot of things for a lot of the quadrant thought out the whole series. I not only wonder what happened to the other caretaker and the ocampa, I wonder what happened to the Neelix and the Talaxian space colony.
There are many great episodes worth expanding on from Voyager. Like when the first time we met the Malon the captain rejected the recycle technology voyager was willing to share because he said it would destroy there economy. (Also violating the Prime Directive a bit) Did the Malon who took that technology convince the current government to use the recycle technology or was there a big fight over it. Think about how this relates to us in today's society and there is a great episode of Star Trek to make from that plot alone.
We've SEEN the Delta Quadrant in Voyager re-exploring... 40 years later... doesn't sound too interesting to me.
Only the Borg and Undine would really be interesting... (and for them we can just go to Gamma Orionis... was that plotline ever finished?) everyone else... small fish, sorry, no mass appeal there.
I would love to see some Kazon Ships... but thats pretty much it.
I'd much rather go to the Gamma Quadrant, beyond the wormhole and explore whats behind it. (the Dev's could finally show what THEY can come up with on their own)
We've *just* had a big plot [a year ago or so...] with the Dominion, i'd say it is time to make peace with the Dominion (for realz now) and see what that Quadrant has to offer besides pew pew vs. some Jem ships.
!!!! NO !!!
I mean, in all those hundred years of the Federation, did they shoot on everything they saw?
Basic STO story procedure: Fly there, shoot this, beam down, shoot there, beam up, shoot something, finished.
The Federation was built up on colonization, diplomacy, less shooting. So why not adding something like a colonization system to the game mechanic for the Voyager update?
You use diplomacy for the permission to build a colony, then you support it. Coordinating workers, handling resources, creat buildings, etc. Bargain with other planets for trade agreements... Like SimCity.
For me, I would be happy about less shooting to resolve all problems.
Regrettably, the staff could not see past the rampant Seven of Nine fanboyism of the last poll.
Back to topic:
Vidiians is a BAD idea. They were "hand-waved" out of the Voyager plot by having the think tank cure the phage.
If we want to expand into the Delta Quafrant, then the FED/KDF War needs to end, and the Iconians need to be shown in the DQ as well.
I kind of agree. The Federation-Klingon storyline needs a resolution to a point, even if it's just a ceasefire. The Federation wishes to continue their exploration programs and I'm sure the Klingons are always looking for new territories to conquer, but doing so while fighting each other is classic spreading their forces too thin.
The Iconians are one of the species that could easily be everywhere in the Galaxy as they have the technology for it and the time in existence to have actually been everywhere. The idea that they are hiding out in an easily unexplored region of the Delta Quadrant makes sense. In fact having Iconian space between Borg Space and the Gamma Quadrant would explain why the Borg haven't expanded in that direction.
Since "encounter" in STO means "blow up". I have to go with the Devore. They are the ones on that list I would feel the least sorry for killing them by the thousands.
I figure it stands to reason why the Voth haven't been mentioned in here.
Of course they're already in.
* The Kazon ~ these guys hardly pose a threat, and I couldn't believe they'd have mastered the military required to be a problem for any major players within the current theme. Based on their technology and intellect, I'd vote these guys out.
Kazon Boffs for the Klingons would be interesting. In fact of all the species in Star Trek, I feel the Klingons would take the Kazon in like wayward sons. Show them how business is conducted.
* The Vidiian ~ providing we were told truthful in Think Tank then the Vidiian no longer pose a threat. Again though, even if they did, a bunch of their ships arriving in Federation of Klingon space would meet a quick demise.
Indeed with them being cured, they would be natural allies for the Federation just as above. I'd like to think with their advanced medical technology they would be a good source of superior survival ground gear. Like high regen armors and such. Again Boffs and high quality medical Doffs.
* The Krenim ~ Didn't Janeway correct the timeline here? What future threat do they pose?
The truly monumental barrier here is that the Krenim Temporal Weapons Ship used Temporal Incursions, meaning that when it fired on itself, it erased itself from ALL timelines. Even if DTI has a record of it, there's no chance of running into it...unless someone in the current timeline actually completes the good doctor's theoretical work.
* The Malon ~ doesn't interest me at all.
They're an interstellar Captain Planet villain. Let the Ferengi sell them clean up tech.
* The Hierarchy ~ doesn't interest me at all.
Let the Klingons handle them.
* The Devore ~ taking into account photonic officers are now members of the crew, I can see the Devore having a problem with that. However, they're more concerned with their own boarders than they are about hunting for photonics elsewhere.
They hated telepaths. And I have telepaths in my crew.
Considering they would want to exterminate the Betazoids and the Vulcans I see a legitimate beef here.
I would like to add two other options to this list; the Vaadwaur for one (they were hostile and had means of getting to our boarders) and (although not seen) the Fen Domar.
Yeah the Vaadwaur could be interesting.
The Fen Domar. And they would be closer to the Big Three than the others. In fact them being a challenger for the Romulan Republic would be likely.
In addition to a Transwarp Gate which is obvious and the Devs have listed it as a possible future fleet holding, but I have another idea.
With the Vesta class added to the game, we now have access to Operation: Full Circle. A Quantum Slipstream Path, basically a section of the map where we could engage our Quantum Slipstream drives and it would function in it's normal function and shunt us non stop all the way to sectors in the Delta Quadrant. Not unlike the Lightspeed Breakaway we have to execute in the last episode of the Spectres series.
I like the idea of having Voth playable species, Boffs and Doffs, especially since we know there are dissenters. I see them being a pretty hostile race since they're very imperialistic, condescending, and close minded. Especially to humans. But they're stagnant.
But I mean the opportunity to fight a Voth City Ship. It's on the same scale as a Unimatrix 47 Command Ship if not bigger.
On the other hand establishing peaceful relations with any of these species would be an excellent path. Especially since diplomacy is so neglected.
And here's hoping for a new STF or two.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I have to say the Krenim empire can have much fun and have a valid reason for the federation/KDF/Rom to come into play by the Krenim disrupting the Temporal Accord. They still have the temporal weapons, that never changed. They could in essence restart the Imperium all over again. It's just like Jetrel said in the episode of his namesake.
"It would not have made ANY difference, don't you see? It was a scientific inevitability, one discovery flowing naturally to the next. If it was not me it would be someone else."
Just because Annorax didn't build his time battleship after Janeway restarted the Krenim timeline doesn't mean someone else wouldn't build one. The Krenim have a whole plethora of things that could happen, very similar to the year of hell episode or our own temporal ambassador mission now every mission presents different era Krenim, or perhaps even more worrisome versions of the same ship as the missions progress. Things that could effect the delta quadrant could easily, given the races now involved in the alpha and beta quadrants, could change our little bit of space because of temporal involvement by the re-envisioned Krenim Imperium, jump started by possible iconian influence that changes the threats already present to 25th century federation/Klingon/Romulans. This would cause the time keepers we already all know about to act to try and preserve the prime timeline, A whole new set of issues and items could come about, temporal shielding, temporal quantum warp cores to allow quadrant styled transwarp. There are many ways to bring them in to the battle and us to the delta quadrant.
Most of the other species rarely ever put up much opposition except the Hierarchy and half the time they sided WITH Voyager, making me feel like they could be sometimes allies, sometimes villains given their vicarious personalities.
The others would be sometimes pests, the Kazon being random encounters in space or in systems.
The Devore could pose a few issues, but for the most part they are a hostile party who MAY try and attack you if you enter their space. With the Krenim as the villains that could easily happen by complete accident as your actions shrinks the Imperium space, growing the Devore borders, you find your ship may just end up in their space by temporal effects and give a few more single player missions.
Malon would be worth a few missions, possibly getting a few new weapons or items from, but they don't pose much threat to a escort or cruiser as it did with Voyager. I can't see them holding their own against a few determined klinks all that well.
Vidiians are done, only I could see them having the phage return IF the Krenim suddenly change something that wipes out or changes the Think tanks mannerisms. The race that is in the think tank that cured the Vidiians suddenly is wiped from history, there is no one to cure them, the Vidiians return to being their nasty selves.
So yes I can see really only the Krenim as being the most nasty of enemies outside of true Borg space.
Also you have the Talaxians and the Haakonian races. The boy Neelix adopted could be continuing or working with Neelix as ambassador to the Federation. there is a way to get to the delta quadrant they call for help. i dunno I still feel the Krenium would be the best enemy.
Quite simply the Hierarchy has not had much put into them in the show which would give Cryptic a good chance to be creative! Personally having seen them in several episodes with not much development I want to see more!
what about using our transwarp gates from fleet bases only that way fleets can do missions there only and it lowers the amount of starships that may be seen ... a search and rescue kinda mission...... this way as missions develop over there you get that much closer to finding that lost ship and her crew ....... you can do missions alone or with other fleet mates .......
Im excited for the upcoming content. Voyager, the voth and Dyson sphere. But but but.....take look in the pve selection page, notice anything......Borg. literally the borg(omega task force) are taking over..and hive onslaught is a waist of time and energy...I enjoy blowing them up same as the next captain, but I also enjoy squashing spiders.
Don't even get me started on the romulan rep.....
Please if your going to add more enemies which are going to have a rep system...please please please add more existing content especially tholian. Elites, more invasions, a new demon class planet. They get repetitive
If STO captains are going into the Delta Quadrant, there are a few practicalities that need to be resolved.
Which were resolved through STO technology. We have transwarp drive, we have a transwarp network hub that gets us to our starbases, and to the Gamma Orionis sector block. We also have quantum slipstream drive.
Q also states in that the Federation begins exploring the Delta Quadrant in the 25th century. Given our faster-than-warp technologies that STO has, I thought it was a given that it would be used to get us to the Delta Quadrant and back quickly.
As EP, I'm extremely surprised that you didn't get rid of a bunch of that exposition to just say, "If we're going to the Delta Quadrant, then we're just going to have a Federation/Klingon/Romulan task force build an outpost complete with a transwarp hub like in Battle Group Omega in the part we're going to."
To which everyone else says, "Okay, cool. Makes sense."
The fact we're 3 years into STO after your team implemented Quantum Slipstream Drive changes along with transwarp changes and you're harping on the length of time Voyager had to take through the Delta Quadrant as a 'problem to be tackled' is extremely shortsighted. The problem was solved years ago from a technology standpoint.
I mean it's even established in the Path to 2409 and in Needs of the Many that the Federation transwarp network hub is constantly being improved upon. Just put a new location in the Delta Quadrant that we decided to build after taking our ships through a quantum slipstream there.
"Look, I think it'd be really cool if we could go across the country from like Philadelphia to California. You know, just like the pioneers did. Manifest Destiny would really be something to re-live."
"Hey yeah, that would be pretty cool. Getting to see the trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All the mountains, and plains... all the forests. When do we start?"
"Well, as you know the pioneers took months or years to get from one part of the country to the other. There were oxen that died. There was dysentery, typhoid... harsh winters, hot summers. I mean, have you ever played Oregon Trail?!"
"Well... yeah... but I mean we have cars now. With air conditioning. I mean we have planes. We have trains -- I mean I don't even think anyone uses Amtrak anymore but it's a possibility. I mean we could even charter a Greyhound bus... there are gas stations... hotels..."
"It would probably take us several months to get there and back. I mean the pioneers had a lot of obstacles we're going to have to learn to overcome. It'll take us a few months to get all this planned out, I'm sure we'll think of something to address the length of time and harsh travel times the pioneers had."
The News Post linking to this thread seems full of the problems of getting STO captains into the Delta Quadrant - but we're already in it!!!
The Federation and the KDF both have access to the Gamma Orionis sector through a Transwarp Conduit leading to Borg & Undine space. Last I checked, these were both in the Delta Quadrant.
Therefore, just expand around what's already there!!!
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The News Post linking to this thread seems full of the problems of getting STO captains into the Delta Quadrant - but we're already in it!!!
The Federation and the KDF both have access to the Gamma Orionis sector through a Transwarp Conduit leading to Borg & Undine space. Last I checked, these were both in the Delta Quadrant.
Therefore, just expand around what's already there!!!
Gamma Orionis is in the Beta Quadrant. Kirk and Khan did not have their showdown in Star Trek II: WoK in the Delta Quadrant.
I actually kind of like the idea of having the Kazon show up specifically because everyone underestimates them. Cryptic could actually play with that idea in-game, by making it so the Feds, Klingons, and other major powers initially ignore them when the Kazon first make their reappearance, beyond maybe assigning some ships to put a stop to the occasional Kazon raid.
Then, since no one was paying attention to what they were up to, maybe have it where a Kazon clan gets their hands on some more serious tech, like Borg/Voth/Iconian/what have you, and they decide to go joyriding across the quadrant with it. Might might make for a fun story arc.
Another idea would be to, again, have everyone pretty much ignore them and assume they are just making raids willy-nilly, only to have it turn out there's a higher power directing their actions. I know, I know...that's already happened quite a bit in STO, most recently with the Tal Shiar and the Iconians, but at least the Tal Shiar were already taken seriously as a threat even before their affiliation with the Iconians was found out. It would be much more shocking to learn what seemed like random Kazon raids were actually part of a much larger and more sinister plan. Maybe said "higher power" could be using the Kazon to do the dirty work neither they or their other possible allies would be willing to stoop to, or maybe it might even turn out the Kazon attacks were just smokescreen after all.
Also, going back to that joyriding in borrowed tech idea, I think that would probably be the best way of letting us try out flying a Borg vessel without actually giving one to us as a fully playable ship. Maybe have it where we have a mission where we need to defend a planet or sector of space from an incoming enemy fleet of one of the other more powerful factions (Undine, Voth, Iconian, etc.) and initially find ourselves horribly outnumbered and outmatched...until our science officers says, "Captain, I'm detecting a dormant Borg cube in the system...."
Finally, beyond the poll options, I actually would most like to see the Vaadwaur show back up again. Not only are they among the Delta Quardrant races with the most means and motives to be a potential threat or, at the very least, another player in STO's current interstellar politics, but I remember being really disappointed that the story hooks laid during the first episode they appeared in never went anywhere during the rest of the Voyager series, specifically because they had such potential as antagonists.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
The News Post linking to this thread seems full of the problems of getting STO captains into the Delta Quadrant - but we're already in it!!!
The Federation and the KDF both have access to the Gamma Orionis sector through a Transwarp Conduit leading to Borg & Undine space. Last I checked, these were both in the Delta Quadrant.
Therefore, just expand around what's already there!!!
Gamma Orionis is not in the Delta Quadrant. Its in the Beta Quadrant.
The Hierarchy seems to be a formidable opponent which we only got a glimpse of in Voyager.
I went with Hierarchy but it was a tough choice between the two.
I had the same thought process.
And include me in those who think DS9 was the better way to go, especially with the STjj reboot. DS9 was darker, better written, and had a lot in common with its big brother Babylon 5 whose cool t-shirts and cologne STV was always stealing before heading out to the mall to hang out.
I have no hate for Voyager, and I think Mulgrew was great.
I voted Devore since i liked how their ships looked like. Also their hate toward telepaths could be explored in diferent stories, like they are hidding something, are afraid of something they did and dont want others to know becouse the telepaths could expose them etc. Maybe even a link with Iconians...
I see the Krenim is winning and it gets me a little sad. Ugly ships equiped with chroniton torps wich are not that good in STO. Both the krenim warship and the scout seen in the show are looking ugly imo, only the temporal weapon ship looked cool, but lets face it, as cool as was showed in the Voyager show, we wont see it in-game firing at a planet like we didnt saw in-game an undine battleship blowing a planet by focusing fire with other undine ships. Not to mention all this temporal stuff can give you a headache :P. And also we got temporal ships ingame allready.
And as others pointed out, a few good races were left out of this poll
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
elite force not on the TV show,
I would love to see them on STO!
But I am glad they are thinking about it and trying to figure out how to give the community what they asked for in the polls.
* The Kazon ~ these guys hardly pose a threat, and I couldn't believe they'd have mastered the military required to be a problem for any major players within the current theme. Based on their technology and intellect, I'd vote these guys out.
* The Vidiian ~ providing we were told truthful in Think Tank then the Vidiian no longer pose a threat. Again though, even if they did, a bunch of their ships arriving in Federation of Klingon space would meet a quick demise.
* The Krenim ~ Didn't Janeway correct the timeline here? What future threat do they pose?
* The Malon ~ doesn't interest me at all.
* The Hierarchy ~ doesn't interest me at all.
* The Devore ~ taking into account photonic officers are now members of the crew, I can see the Devore having a problem with that. However, they're more concerned with their own boarders than they are about hunting for photonics elsewhere.
I would like to add two other options to this list; the Vaadwaur for one (they were hostile and had means of getting to our boarders) and (although not seen) the Fen Domar.
Hopefully we'll get the chance to visit the voyager interior. maybe via time travel.
I'd love to do some missions on the voyager again.
Besides that, there could be alot of interesting Borg missions.
Flying a borg cube is what a lot of players dreamed about. I didn't, but it would be a difference and it will be especially hard to fly it because of the size.
Nevertheless i hope, a borg cube will NEVER be available as a player ship (balance, realism..)
Edit: It just occurred to me The Krenim Species would also fit in with Star Trek Online extremely well cause of the Star Trek: Enterprise Era Time line as well, if you remember in the Episode "Cold Front."
We are introduced to Crewman Daniels, who Explains to archer about the Temporal Cold War.
This in turn starts a small cascade of related episodes,
"Shockwave, Part 1 and 2"
Here is where Daniels Explains about the "many Factions" of the Temporal Cold War from here we now have the Tie into our era.
"Future Tense"
We meet the Tholians.
"Azati Prime"
Again Daniels makes an appearance an shows a part of the future where the Federation and Xindi are fighting in a battle agents other factions on the USS Enterpise - J in the Cold War.
So who's to say the Krenim are not apart of or are a faction of this cold war, we know they have time ship technology we also know they have the ability to change the time line as they see fit, making them an extremely dangerous species with time ship technology.
But after reading the blog about how we could go to the Delta quadrant why not make a transwarp gate, remember Nelix was appointed an ambassador for Starfleet nearing the end of the Voyager series and as we can already make transwarp gates for our fleet starbase's Nelix and the Talaxian's in conjunction with the Federation could have made a connecting transwarp gate over time, as we know Nelix was a Tradesman and Scavenger along with his many other skills.
As for the Idea of a new playable Race, I think being able to play as the Voth would be the best choice they originated from Earth they were just starting to question there life in the Delta Quadrant in the episode "Distant Origin."
What's to say by the time we get to play as them there old beliefs were shaken off and now they wished to also return home or a small minority that believed in the words of Forra Gegen, they are then thrust into finding there way back threw voyagers foot steps as a flotilla like the new Romulans.
Only this time they are paying for Voyagers actions of what they did during there journey threw the Delta Quadrant, finding the few friends of the voyager crew (Talaxians, Ocampa, ect. ect.) and meeting all there enemy's.
If only making time travel was as easy as fitting all the puzzle pieces together.
Master using it and you can have this!
Be black on the right side. Add properly colored Cheron to the game today!
Actually if you do the math it is less then 75 years.
Relevant Voyager Specs:
Maximum sustainable speed: Warp 9.975 for 36 hours maximum ( say Warp 9 for simplicity)
And at warp 1 it would take 1 day to travel 1 light year.
in two days time Voyager could travel 9 light years.
9LY x 8000 days = 72000LY
But because Voyager can only travel 9LY in two days.... 16000 days = 72000LY
16000/365=43.8 years
taking into account the unknown and repairs and such:
48-50 Years to get back home.
Unstable worm holes similar to transwarp coridors. As the development team gets a new delta sector ready, tie these to high level only weekly events that keep changing location. At the end of the week, any new ships still in the sector somehow gets forced back home to find and try out the next new sector. The better sectors could be reused as the wormhole changes postition.
I am with him on this one. Janeway not only made a big journey thought the delta quadrant She changed a lot of things for a lot of the quadrant thought out the whole series. I not only wonder what happened to the other caretaker and the ocampa, I wonder what happened to the Neelix and the Talaxian space colony.
There are many great episodes worth expanding on from Voyager. Like when the first time we met the Malon the captain rejected the recycle technology voyager was willing to share because he said it would destroy there economy. (Also violating the Prime Directive a bit) Did the Malon who took that technology convince the current government to use the recycle technology or was there a big fight over it. Think about how this relates to us in today's society and there is a great episode of Star Trek to make from that plot alone.
Only the Borg and Undine would really be interesting... (and for them we can just go to Gamma Orionis... was that plotline ever finished?) everyone else... small fish, sorry, no mass appeal there.
I would love to see some Kazon Ships... but thats pretty much it.
I'd much rather go to the Gamma Quadrant, beyond the wormhole and explore whats behind it. (the Dev's could finally show what THEY can come up with on their own)
We've *just* had a big plot [a year ago or so...] with the Dominion, i'd say it is time to make peace with the Dominion (for realz now) and see what that Quadrant has to offer besides pew pew vs. some Jem ships.
!!!! NO !!!
More time travel stories please.
Warship Voyager
U.S.S. Dauntless (and I don't care if it is an Alien ship)
Why must it always be about PewPewPew?
I mean, in all those hundred years of the Federation, did they shoot on everything they saw?
Basic STO story procedure: Fly there, shoot this, beam down, shoot there, beam up, shoot something, finished.
The Federation was built up on colonization, diplomacy, less shooting. So why not adding something like a colonization system to the game mechanic for the Voyager update?
You use diplomacy for the permission to build a colony, then you support it. Coordinating workers, handling resources, creat buildings, etc. Bargain with other planets for trade agreements... Like SimCity.
For me, I would be happy about less shooting to resolve all problems.
The Iconians are one of the species that could easily be everywhere in the Galaxy as they have the technology for it and the time in existence to have actually been everywhere. The idea that they are hiding out in an easily unexplored region of the Delta Quadrant makes sense. In fact having Iconian space between Borg Space and the Gamma Quadrant would explain why the Borg haven't expanded in that direction. True, there are lots of telepaths in my crew.
Of course they're already in.
Indeed with them being cured, they would be natural allies for the Federation just as above. I'd like to think with their advanced medical technology they would be a good source of superior survival ground gear. Like high regen armors and such. Again Boffs and high quality medical Doffs.
The truly monumental barrier here is that the Krenim Temporal Weapons Ship used Temporal Incursions, meaning that when it fired on itself, it erased itself from ALL timelines. Even if DTI has a record of it, there's no chance of running into it...unless someone in the current timeline actually completes the good doctor's theoretical work.
They're an interstellar Captain Planet villain. Let the Ferengi sell them clean up tech.
Let the Klingons handle them.
They hated telepaths. And I have telepaths in my crew.
Considering they would want to exterminate the Betazoids and the Vulcans I see a legitimate beef here. Yeah the Vaadwaur could be interesting.
The Fen Domar. And they would be closer to the Big Three than the others. In fact them being a challenger for the Romulan Republic would be likely.
In addition to a Transwarp Gate which is obvious and the Devs have listed it as a possible future fleet holding, but I have another idea.
With the Vesta class added to the game, we now have access to Operation: Full Circle. A Quantum Slipstream Path, basically a section of the map where we could engage our Quantum Slipstream drives and it would function in it's normal function and shunt us non stop all the way to sectors in the Delta Quadrant. Not unlike the Lightspeed Breakaway we have to execute in the last episode of the Spectres series.
I like the idea of having Voth playable species, Boffs and Doffs, especially since we know there are dissenters. I see them being a pretty hostile race since they're very imperialistic, condescending, and close minded. Especially to humans. But they're stagnant.
But I mean the opportunity to fight a Voth City Ship. It's on the same scale as a Unimatrix 47 Command Ship if not bigger.
On the other hand establishing peaceful relations with any of these species would be an excellent path. Especially since diplomacy is so neglected.
And here's hoping for a new STF or two.
"It would not have made ANY difference, don't you see? It was a scientific inevitability, one discovery flowing naturally to the next. If it was not me it would be someone else."
Just because Annorax didn't build his time battleship after Janeway restarted the Krenim timeline doesn't mean someone else wouldn't build one. The Krenim have a whole plethora of things that could happen, very similar to the year of hell episode or our own temporal ambassador mission now every mission presents different era Krenim, or perhaps even more worrisome versions of the same ship as the missions progress. Things that could effect the delta quadrant could easily, given the races now involved in the alpha and beta quadrants, could change our little bit of space because of temporal involvement by the re-envisioned Krenim Imperium, jump started by possible iconian influence that changes the threats already present to 25th century federation/Klingon/Romulans. This would cause the time keepers we already all know about to act to try and preserve the prime timeline, A whole new set of issues and items could come about, temporal shielding, temporal quantum warp cores to allow quadrant styled transwarp. There are many ways to bring them in to the battle and us to the delta quadrant.
Most of the other species rarely ever put up much opposition except the Hierarchy and half the time they sided WITH Voyager, making me feel like they could be sometimes allies, sometimes villains given their vicarious personalities.
The others would be sometimes pests, the Kazon being random encounters in space or in systems.
The Devore could pose a few issues, but for the most part they are a hostile party who MAY try and attack you if you enter their space. With the Krenim as the villains that could easily happen by complete accident as your actions shrinks the Imperium space, growing the Devore borders, you find your ship may just end up in their space by temporal effects and give a few more single player missions.
Malon would be worth a few missions, possibly getting a few new weapons or items from, but they don't pose much threat to a escort or cruiser as it did with Voyager. I can't see them holding their own against a few determined klinks all that well.
Vidiians are done, only I could see them having the phage return IF the Krenim suddenly change something that wipes out or changes the Think tanks mannerisms. The race that is in the think tank that cured the Vidiians suddenly is wiped from history, there is no one to cure them, the Vidiians return to being their nasty selves.
So yes I can see really only the Krenim as being the most nasty of enemies outside of true Borg space.
Also you have the Talaxians and the Haakonian races. The boy Neelix adopted could be continuing or working with Neelix as ambassador to the Federation. there is a way to get to the delta quadrant they call for help. i dunno I still feel the Krenium would be the best enemy.
Don't even get me started on the romulan rep.....
Please if your going to add more enemies which are going to have a rep system...please please please add more existing content especially tholian. Elites, more invasions, a new demon class planet. They get repetitive
Which were resolved through STO technology. We have transwarp drive, we have a transwarp network hub that gets us to our starbases, and to the Gamma Orionis sector block. We also have quantum slipstream drive.
Q also states in that the Federation begins exploring the Delta Quadrant in the 25th century. Given our faster-than-warp technologies that STO has, I thought it was a given that it would be used to get us to the Delta Quadrant and back quickly.
As EP, I'm extremely surprised that you didn't get rid of a bunch of that exposition to just say, "If we're going to the Delta Quadrant, then we're just going to have a Federation/Klingon/Romulan task force build an outpost complete with a transwarp hub like in Battle Group Omega in the part we're going to."
To which everyone else says, "Okay, cool. Makes sense."
The fact we're 3 years into STO after your team implemented Quantum Slipstream Drive changes along with transwarp changes and you're harping on the length of time Voyager had to take through the Delta Quadrant as a 'problem to be tackled' is extremely shortsighted. The problem was solved years ago from a technology standpoint.
I mean it's even established in the Path to 2409 and in Needs of the Many that the Federation transwarp network hub is constantly being improved upon. Just put a new location in the Delta Quadrant that we decided to build after taking our ships through a quantum slipstream there.
"Look, I think it'd be really cool if we could go across the country from like Philadelphia to California. You know, just like the pioneers did. Manifest Destiny would really be something to re-live."
"Hey yeah, that would be pretty cool. Getting to see the trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All the mountains, and plains... all the forests. When do we start?"
"Well, as you know the pioneers took months or years to get from one part of the country to the other. There were oxen that died. There was dysentery, typhoid... harsh winters, hot summers. I mean, have you ever played Oregon Trail?!"
"Well... yeah... but I mean we have cars now. With air conditioning. I mean we have planes. We have trains -- I mean I don't even think anyone uses Amtrak anymore but it's a possibility. I mean we could even charter a Greyhound bus... there are gas stations... hotels..."
"It would probably take us several months to get there and back. I mean the pioneers had a lot of obstacles we're going to have to learn to overcome. It'll take us a few months to get all this planned out, I'm sure we'll think of something to address the length of time and harsh travel times the pioneers had."
*Collective Facepalm*
The Federation and the KDF both have access to the Gamma Orionis sector through a Transwarp Conduit leading to Borg & Undine space. Last I checked, these were both in the Delta Quadrant.
Therefore, just expand around what's already there!!!
Gamma Orionis is in the Beta Quadrant. Kirk and Khan did not have their showdown in Star Trek II: WoK in the Delta Quadrant.
Then, since no one was paying attention to what they were up to, maybe have it where a Kazon clan gets their hands on some more serious tech, like Borg/Voth/Iconian/what have you, and they decide to go joyriding across the quadrant with it. Might might make for a fun story arc.
Another idea would be to, again, have everyone pretty much ignore them and assume they are just making raids willy-nilly, only to have it turn out there's a higher power directing their actions. I know, I know...that's already happened quite a bit in STO, most recently with the Tal Shiar and the Iconians, but at least the Tal Shiar were already taken seriously as a threat even before their affiliation with the Iconians was found out. It would be much more shocking to learn what seemed like random Kazon raids were actually part of a much larger and more sinister plan. Maybe said "higher power" could be using the Kazon to do the dirty work neither they or their other possible allies would be willing to stoop to, or maybe it might even turn out the Kazon attacks were just smokescreen after all.
Also, going back to that joyriding in borrowed tech idea, I think that would probably be the best way of letting us try out flying a Borg vessel without actually giving one to us as a fully playable ship. Maybe have it where we have a mission where we need to defend a planet or sector of space from an incoming enemy fleet of one of the other more powerful factions (Undine, Voth, Iconian, etc.) and initially find ourselves horribly outnumbered and outmatched...until our science officers says, "Captain, I'm detecting a dormant Borg cube in the system...."
Finally, beyond the poll options, I actually would most like to see the Vaadwaur show back up again. Not only are they among the Delta Quardrant races with the most means and motives to be a potential threat or, at the very least, another player in STO's current interstellar politics, but I remember being really disappointed that the story hooks laid during the first episode they appeared in never went anywhere during the rest of the Voyager series, specifically because they had such potential as antagonists.
Gamma Orionis is not in the Delta Quadrant. Its in the Beta Quadrant.
And include me in those who think DS9 was the better way to go, especially with the STjj reboot. DS9 was darker, better written, and had a lot in common with its big brother Babylon 5 whose cool t-shirts and cologne STV was always stealing before heading out to the mall to hang out.
I have no hate for Voyager, and I think Mulgrew was great.
I see the Krenim is winning and it gets me a little sad. Ugly ships equiped with chroniton torps wich are not that good in STO. Both the krenim warship and the scout seen in the show are looking ugly imo, only the temporal weapon ship looked cool, but lets face it, as cool as was showed in the Voyager show, we wont see it in-game firing at a planet like we didnt saw in-game an undine battleship blowing a planet by focusing fire with other undine ships. Not to mention all this temporal stuff can give you a headache :P. And also we got temporal ships ingame allready.
And as others pointed out, a few good races were left out of this poll