Let see the hour wait for fvk que. Balence issues so forth.
This actually reinforces my position.
Back in the day there were no missions for the Klingons, so they had to level via PvP. They started PvP early and played often, and got good. Damned good. So good the average PuG player had no clue why those BoP's were shredding them like cabbage in a Cuisinart.
They developed a reputation for being impossible to fight and, because they were impossible to fight, they were obviously using hax and cheese and all the other things they shouldn't oughta have done.
The 'superiority' of the Klingon faction in the PvP queues is the direct result of training for PvP early in their careers, before tragic mistakes in build, spec, powers selection, and tactics get built into the character. The legacy these old timers left has persisted, with the average Klingon faction member having access to senior players who can teach them how to PvP effectively. Klingon PvP'ers take pride in their hard-won skills and pass them down to the next generation who then bear the standard forward to yet the next. This culture came about because Klingons were in their beginning a PvP only faction.
If Klinks want a faster queue then they want more players to have the knowledge and skills they need to compete. They want players who grow accustomed to dealing with Klinks early in their career and who aren't afraid to enter the FvK queue. They want players who, like themselves, were involved in PvP early in their careers, who learned the mistakes to avoid and the combinations that work long before they enter the elite queues.
We had that, it was called the KDF....didn't work out so well
...could it be possible they just had a TRIBBLE concept? (one pvp-focussed faction not makes much sense, does it?) ;D... should work if it's implemented on all factions, so that everyone just could choose which way to go to obtain all the goodies ...
Some guys try try again, but there is a vertical wall to the learning curve, and only the very most persistent players get up to the top. Pig-headed, stubborn, don't like to lose types who will repeatedly bash their heads into the wall until they get help to get over it. And yes, everyone currently in PvP either grew up with STO from the beginning, or had other players teach them.
I've only been playing for about 14 months, so I didn't grow with the game. I also never had anybody mentor me in PvP. I mostly started looking into PvP builds and tactics to see what I could bring to my PvE game. I knew the PvP players would know the game's systems better than anyone. So I started lurking PvP threads to see what they were up to, shamelessly stealing ideas, and creating ships that vaporized PvE content. I also spent a lot of time researching the game's various nitty gritty details. Eventually I dipped my toe into actual PvP and realized I had surpassed the "insta-gank" barrier and could hang in there long enough to be somewhat effective and learn something. Then I started getting better from there.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
No one PvPs, even those of us who would really want to, for several reasons:
1. Queues never pop. Ever. I have gotten sufficiently bored to attempt it several times, and it NEVER, EVER HAPPENS. I am very busy. I cannot afford to wait unproductively for hours at a time unable to do anything because the queue could...possibly...pop. This is significantly impacted by the sheer amount of workload piled upon players by the increasing profusion of TRIBBLE you have to do: Starbases, rep, getting enough EC to not starve to death, grinding your daily minerals on all your alts if you want to fly more than one type of ship and not starve to death because the Starbase ain't building itself...the list goes on. Opportunities for unproductive activity like sitting in a dead queue that never pops are few. You need to get work done. And that means if it doesn't pop, you have to be doing other things.
2. The available queued formats have extreme entry barriers: The team format requires that you have an actual team present. While you COULD technically go in with a random team of buffoons you've never met, this is a recipe for certain defeat. So what's the point? STO's PvP arena is a team game, and you need a team. Period. Otherwise, you are simply wasting your time...and lots of it, because it ain't gonna pop anytime soon, and you have work to do.
3. The amount of stuff you need to be competitive keeps getting larger. Rep equipment, fleet, lockbox and C-Store ships, the list goes on. This stuff doesn't just magically appear like manna from heaven. This workload keeps everyone very busy.
So, it's just plain tough to find anyone to fight you. Let's say that you are avaialble a whopping 50% of the time. At any given time, there's a 50% chance you're available for action. A team of 5 such people is therefore ready for action only 3% of the time (0.5^5 = 0.03125). In the 3% window in which all 5 of you are ready for action, you need to intersect with another team's similar availability window. If, say, 10 other such teams exist (There aren't that many in STO, I'm pretty sure), the probability that a team is not ready for action is around 97%. The probability that no other team is ready for action is thus a fairly high 73%, which means that 73% of the time, in the 3% of the time that your team can fight, nobody can fight you. A fight will therefore only occur with approximately 2% probability, given these figures.
The real figures are much worse. How much do you play? Probably not around 12 hours a day. Let's try a team of players who play 2 hours a day: That's 8.3% chance of availability. Probability that your team is ready for action? 0.0004% of the time. IT AIN'T HAPPENING. You're more likely to win a lockbox ship than you are to have your team ready for action...and the odds out of 10 other such teams, someone else will be available to fight you...well, that's bad. You may as well gamble on Total Existence Failure. You will randomly cease to exist with greater probability that a game is likely to happen.
So what's that leave us?
Kerrat. Kerrat is great. Lotsa people in Kerrat. A place where one guy can go and shoot up some other guys. This is what PvP should be. The queue format is DOOMED by the simple math of probability.
1. Queues never pop. Ever. It seems that way, but they do in fact pop.
2. The available queued formats have extreme entry barriers: The team format requires that you have an actual team present. While you COULD technically go in with a random team of buffoons you've never met, this is a recipe for certain defeat. Nah, I pug all the time.
3. The amount of stuff you need to be competitive keeps getting larger. Rep equipment, fleet, lockbox and C-Store ships, the list goes on. Not all required, and certainly not to get started.
So, it's just plain tough to find anyone to fight you. Let's say that you are avaialble a whopping 50% of the time. At any given time, there's a 50% chance you're available for action. A team of 5 such people is therefore ready for action only 3% of the time (0.5^5 = 0.03125). Your availability isn't random, people in fleets tend to be around at the same time. And most people fight in peak hours.
It's not as bad as you are depicting.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
- PvE is much more rewarding since there are team play and you get loot and other stuff.
Unless Cryptic alter the Universe, like adding exploration zones, and open the galaxy for players to explore "where no man has gone before" then there is no point, at least for me, to spend 30 minutes doing PvP whre I do not gain anything.
I prefer, to spend 30 minutes do 2 or 3 STF's and I get dilithium, omega marks, loot, EC's, etc...
If exploding players in PvP started to drop loot and cool stuff that was really worthy to hunt, then I would probably consider get into PvP.
Also, the statement I made by open new space and exploration zones, was to make PvP more of a challenge where players could explore space and solar systems, get into mining and all sort of things and with the risk of being captured, destroyed and looted.
Just my 2 EC's.....
SFX Fleet Captain Kar
Join StarfleetXtreme
Never seen it happen, at least not within a reasonable timespan. I once sent a minion to do so because it was required as a workaround for annoying bug. It took HOURS.
I imagine your not-a-team also gets annihilated as a result, making the entire exercise largely a waste of time. Sure, you could just aim for participation credit, but that's a pretty low bar and scarcely qualifies as PvP. Sure, you could stand there in line for hours at a time if you really want to, but for the dubious privilege of being destroyed piecemeal when the opposing TEAM shows up. STO arenas are a team game. Showing up without a team is basically the equivalent of showing up at Kerrat in a Miranda.
Your availability isn't random, people in fleets tend to be around at the same time.
How I wish that were so. However, even if you play 100% of the time, the times in which you are not being interrupted by the need to do some other critical in-game work can be pretty damn close to random. It is not enough to merely be online: You also have to NOT be busy with the requirements of the game's work: Feeding your starbase, rep, etc. And that stuff is pretty damned random when you look at it on the larger scale.
Most people also have to WORK during peak hours, which further restricts the amount of time you can actually play. If you apply the same availability rules to the specific set of peak hours, even 50% availability within those hours yields some really bad numbers.
That's not to say you can't FORCE the issue, but that point you're talking about the catherding involved in trying to challenge another specific team to a duel, which falls outside of the random queues.
The rest of the time you get no fight at all, or are on the receiving or inflicting end of a PUGstomp in which one side that remembered to actually bring a team annihilates the side which decided this detail wasn't important. Few like BEING PUGstomped and many don't even like doing it.
Never seen it happen, at least not within a reasonable timespan. I once sent a minion to do so because it was required as a workaround for annoying bug. It took HOURS.
Bad luck. I usually have queues popping all day long.
I imagine your not-a-team also gets annihilated as a result, making the entire exercise largely a waste of time. Sure, you could just aim for participation credit, but that's a pretty low bar and scarcely qualifies as PvP. Sure, you could stand there in line for hours at a time if you really want to, but for the dubious privilege of being destroyed piecemeal when the opposing TEAM shows up. STO arenas are a team game. Showing up without a team is basically the equivalent of showing up at Kerrat in a Miranda.
The vast majority of people I run into in the Arena pug it. Same goes for Cap and Hold.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
Best PvP game I think is still Pirates of the Burning Sea. If STO used that format PvP would be successful. With that said, missle and toy spamming ect ect shuts down peoples comps. I have a system built for gaming and my FPS can be put into the red by an experienced premade, it is no fun when you are clipping thru a battle and it turns players off.
"buy a better system"...well that works fine when you are rich but most people don't have a few grand to drop on a new system just so they can PvP. Whats the answer...I am not sure, maybe the Graphics are too good on this game, I am not a comp guru so I really do not have an answer. I do know I burned up 2 graphics cards playing STO before I got my new system.
All in All PvP is "THE" way to test out your skills as a Ship Captain. You really cannot brag about how good you are or how mighty your ship is until you have the guts to fight the ultimate fight...Player vs Player...You may win you may lose but you will never have a better sense of game accomplishment then when you put some loud mouth game trolling braggart in their place.
One last thing: do friendly matches with your friends and get experience then go to Kerrat and fight the random players and then jump into the Big Dog PvP Ques its all in fun anyway because if you die...you do not lose anything...repeat...you DO NOT lose anything.
just my 2 ec's worth
"Sips her PWE Koolaide and looks at alllll the goodies in the Z store"
Badname Betty (PvP...PvE...STF...Trophy Hunter...Latnium Collector...Federation)
Commander Morgana (PvP...PvE...STF...KDF)
1000 day vet and LTS
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] STO Join date: 7 Feb 2010
then jump into the Big Dog PvP Ques its all in fun anyway because if you die...you do not lose anything...repeat...you DO NOT lose anything.
Mmm...maybe not items, ships, or other things like that.
But a lot of folks don't like taking a hit to their pride because they were killed in PvP. Plenty of folks are sitting on their bridge, eating an apple and saying, 'I don't like to lose'.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Imho the best space PvP i played was Battlestar Galactica Online just after it went open beta that was such a fun time to play it and the open PvP format was great.
If STO had the open PvP format it would be so much fun and PvP wouldnt be as a joke as it is now
pvp has this problem that it has folks who make premades and annilate those testing there toes as a pug .
if your first experiance of pvp is getting killed 15 times in secs you wont ever touch it again
pvp has this problem that it has folks who make premades and annilate those testing there toes as a pug .
if your first experiance of pvp is getting killed 15 times in secs you wont ever touch it again
solve this and maybe pvp would flourish
yea but that would require some update from cryptic.Last pvp update was 3 years ago .
I play PvP a lot, and i like it, at least, i did before. I think i'm gonna stop play pvp, because of enormus advantage that developres gave to romulans. More and more people every day using cowardish ways for killing you: from cloak bo+dem+doff's, and they kill you in 2 seconds that way, and there is no deffence of it. Last night some MT dude from one famous fleet, 80 percent of match was cloaked, i his damage was over 1.5 milion. Every single target he killed using that method, kill in 2 secs, then cloak and escape. After cooldown, he kill next guy, then cloak again, and again, and again. There is no point to play att all against that kind of players.
I mean, i dont know what Cryptic want to do with pvp, in few months, pvp match will look like this: cloaked Romulans search eich other on the map. If they dont nerf theese things, pvp will die. Its worthless to play like this, at least put much bigger cooldowns for theese things, and battle cloaks. I mean - kill from cloak in 2 seconds, yeah, big skill, that every low can learn, and call himmself pro.
I have good and bad news, some of my dedicated PvE friends have mastered theirselves, 20k+ dps in stfs, beated no win scenario dozen of times with all species eyes closed, they want a challenge, so I have tried to get them into pvp, and succeeded to bring them into couple 40+ matches and they loved it, we won 39 of those matches and only lost to dental, we beated hobo, sob and other teams with our PvE team. The good news are that there are some great players coming to pvp, as long as I keep trying. Bad for you are that they will be fighting on my side, resistance is futile
Say the word, it saves the world. CUUCUUMBEER!"-With slight partigen with it." Proud member or DPS-800"-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
More and more people every day using cowardish ways for killing you: from cloak bo+dem+doff's, and they kill you in 2 seconds that way, and there is no deffence of it.
Reverse shield polarity will at least give you a few seconds to react.
Last night some MT dude from one famous fleet, 80 percent of match was cloaked, i his damage was over 1.5 milion. Every single target he killed using that method, kill in 2 secs, then cloak and escape. After cooldown, he kill next guy, then cloak again, and again, and again. There is no point to play att all against that kind of players.
There're a few ways to detect cloaked ships. Sensor scan, antiproton sweep ... even equipping a science console and ramping up your auxiliary power will help you spot cloaked ships.
Not going to lie, I've been ganked a couple of times. You learn to adapt, or you don't, in which case you keep getting ganked.
Mmm...maybe not items, ships, or other things like that.
But a lot of folks don't like taking a hit to their pride because they were killed in PvP. Plenty of folks are sitting on their bridge, eating an apple and saying, 'I don't like to lose'.
It's not the losing or blowing up that is a problem, it is the smack talking after i blow up that hurts. I know I can ignore a player, but it is often the same person that does the QQing after he/she blows up. The point is, if PVP is to succeed the community needs to not gang &$!? every lone starship they come across. Often times matches get out of balance quickly, with one player afk from the start and two others rage quitting the match or not respawning....that leaves two players who get swarmed and destroyed without having a chance to bring his/her alpha strike to the opposing team. I will often times to idle and watch the battle when my pug team outnumbers or outmatches the opponent.
Lastly I wonder about people who have no problem being horribly mean to people because they happen to be better at STO than others, or those people who have ship names designed to mock opposing players. STO has not done much for my view of humanity.
In my proposal, before a character reaches level 10 and acquires a new starship he must participate in at least one ground PvP and one space PvP. When he acquires the mission to gain a new starship, he must enter the queues and accomplish a specific goal, such as employ a power from his power tray. The lessons would get more complex as the character levels up, and at each tier he would have to participate in more PvP, so one of each type of PvP at level 10, two of each type at level 20, etc. (A player could, of course, do more than just the levelup mission, and this should be rewarded too.)
Prolly not a good idea. Some players (like me, for instance) have absolutely no interest in pvp. None. Zero. Ziltch. Nada. If the game had tried to force me to pvp at level 10 then that would have been the end of me playing STO.
It's never good to "force feed" something to players who may not want it. It turns them off.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Command Officers of the USS Wyvern (from left to right): Aurellia Eshkah (Tactical); Indigo Shae (Engineering); Nysiay Chysiayki (VA, Ship Captain) Jeclia Sek (Science); Vally Mantivour (Security)
I honestly feel the 'obnoxious jerks' part is exaggerated by many people. I spend all my time in Ker'rat (which is QQ center in STO PvP) and the occasional Aren/C+H pug. I might come across ONE 'obnoxious jerk' a day, at most. Granted, that's just my anecdotal experience. . .but I don't think there are hordes of 'obnoxious jerks' in PvP. Most players are pretty chill and just roll with the punches.
The worst it regularly gets in a place like Ker'rat is some players (including me) might see a person QQing about getting blown up, and egg them on. It's mostly playful banter/teasing.
So. . .yeah. A thicker skin really is needed. Honestly, you need a thick skin to really spend time on the Internet as it is. . .unless you spend all your time in an echo chamber where you won't see any controversial or insulting comments/discussions.
The worst it regularly gets in a place like Ker'rat is some players (including me) might see a person QQing about getting blown up, and egg them on. It's mostly playful banter/teasing.
Even there, folks may or not may not respond to the PvE player that's ranting and raving. Which leaves it mainly being that PvE player that is going to offend somebody, be obnoxious, and be the person to be ignored (outside of them being hunted down more...ahem).
I play PvP a lot, and i like it, at least, i did before. I think i'm gonna stop play pvp, because of enormus advantage that developres gave to romulans. More and more people every day using cowardish ways for killing you: from cloak bo+dem+doff's, and they kill you in 2 seconds that way, and there is no deffence of it. Last night some MT dude from one famous fleet, 80 percent of match was cloaked, i his damage was over 1.5 milion. Every single target he killed using that method, kill in 2 secs, then cloak and escape. After cooldown, he kill next guy, then cloak again, and again, and again. There is no point to play att all against that kind of players.
I mean, i dont know what Cryptic want to do with pvp, in few months, pvp match will look like this: cloaked Romulans search eich other on the map. If they dont nerf theese things, pvp will die. Its worthless to play like this, at least put much bigger cooldowns for theese things, and battle cloaks. I mean - kill from cloak in 2 seconds, yeah, big skill, that every low can learn, and call himmself pro.
get a sci with you made to detect cloaked ships and stop QQing about famous fleets and people knows how to use their ships.
2. THere's no learning curve. You jump into PVP and you either end up with a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing OR you ARE the guy who doesn't know what he's doing and you end up getting shredded.
Prolly not a good idea. Some players (like me, for instance) have absolutely no interest in pvp. None. Zero. Ziltch. Nada. If the game had tried to force me to pvp at level 10 then that would have been the end of me playing STO.
It's never good to "force feed" something to players who may not want it. It turns them off.
I have already conceded that mandatory PvP may not be acceptable, somewhere around post #3. However, having Adm.Quinn offer it as a mission, "We need all the captains we can get to conduct fleet training exercises," for example, with the option to decline the mission like any other would expose players to the existence of PvP, and offer them a place they can practice PvP with their peers or with level adjusted mentors in ships of their tier.
haha...yeah, I remember those days.
This actually reinforces my position.
Back in the day there were no missions for the Klingons, so they had to level via PvP. They started PvP early and played often, and got good. Damned good. So good the average PuG player had no clue why those BoP's were shredding them like cabbage in a Cuisinart.
They developed a reputation for being impossible to fight and, because they were impossible to fight, they were obviously using hax and cheese and all the other things they shouldn't oughta have done.
The 'superiority' of the Klingon faction in the PvP queues is the direct result of training for PvP early in their careers, before tragic mistakes in build, spec, powers selection, and tactics get built into the character. The legacy these old timers left has persisted, with the average Klingon faction member having access to senior players who can teach them how to PvP effectively. Klingon PvP'ers take pride in their hard-won skills and pass them down to the next generation who then bear the standard forward to yet the next. This culture came about because Klingons were in their beginning a PvP only faction.
If Klinks want a faster queue then they want more players to have the knowledge and skills they need to compete. They want players who grow accustomed to dealing with Klinks early in their career and who aren't afraid to enter the FvK queue. They want players who, like themselves, were involved in PvP early in their careers, who learned the mistakes to avoid and the combinations that work long before they enter the elite queues.
...could it be possible they just had a TRIBBLE concept? (one pvp-focussed faction not makes much sense, does it?) ;D... should work if it's implemented on all factions, so that everyone just could choose which way to go to obtain all the goodies
I've only been playing for about 14 months, so I didn't grow with the game. I also never had anybody mentor me in PvP. I mostly started looking into PvP builds and tactics to see what I could bring to my PvE game. I knew the PvP players would know the game's systems better than anyone. So I started lurking PvP threads to see what they were up to, shamelessly stealing ideas, and creating ships that vaporized PvE content. I also spent a lot of time researching the game's various nitty gritty details. Eventually I dipped my toe into actual PvP and realized I had surpassed the "insta-gank" barrier and could hang in there long enough to be somewhat effective and learn something. Then I started getting better from there.
For example: Bootcamp guide
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
1. Queues never pop. Ever. I have gotten sufficiently bored to attempt it several times, and it NEVER, EVER HAPPENS. I am very busy. I cannot afford to wait unproductively for hours at a time unable to do anything because the queue could...possibly...pop. This is significantly impacted by the sheer amount of workload piled upon players by the increasing profusion of TRIBBLE you have to do: Starbases, rep, getting enough EC to not starve to death, grinding your daily minerals on all your alts if you want to fly more than one type of ship and not starve to death because the Starbase ain't building itself...the list goes on. Opportunities for unproductive activity like sitting in a dead queue that never pops are few. You need to get work done. And that means if it doesn't pop, you have to be doing other things.
2. The available queued formats have extreme entry barriers: The team format requires that you have an actual team present. While you COULD technically go in with a random team of buffoons you've never met, this is a recipe for certain defeat. So what's the point? STO's PvP arena is a team game, and you need a team. Period. Otherwise, you are simply wasting your time...and lots of it, because it ain't gonna pop anytime soon, and you have work to do.
3. The amount of stuff you need to be competitive keeps getting larger. Rep equipment, fleet, lockbox and C-Store ships, the list goes on. This stuff doesn't just magically appear like manna from heaven. This workload keeps everyone very busy.
So, it's just plain tough to find anyone to fight you. Let's say that you are avaialble a whopping 50% of the time. At any given time, there's a 50% chance you're available for action. A team of 5 such people is therefore ready for action only 3% of the time (0.5^5 = 0.03125). In the 3% window in which all 5 of you are ready for action, you need to intersect with another team's similar availability window. If, say, 10 other such teams exist (There aren't that many in STO, I'm pretty sure), the probability that a team is not ready for action is around 97%. The probability that no other team is ready for action is thus a fairly high 73%, which means that 73% of the time, in the 3% of the time that your team can fight, nobody can fight you. A fight will therefore only occur with approximately 2% probability, given these figures.
The real figures are much worse. How much do you play? Probably not around 12 hours a day. Let's try a team of players who play 2 hours a day: That's 8.3% chance of availability. Probability that your team is ready for action? 0.0004% of the time. IT AIN'T HAPPENING. You're more likely to win a lockbox ship than you are to have your team ready for action...and the odds out of 10 other such teams, someone else will be available to fight you...well, that's bad. You may as well gamble on Total Existence Failure. You will randomly cease to exist with greater probability that a game is likely to happen.
So what's that leave us?
Kerrat. Kerrat is great. Lotsa people in Kerrat. A place where one guy can go and shoot up some other guys. This is what PvP should be. The queue format is DOOMED by the simple math of probability.
It's not as bad as you are depicting.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
PvP in STO sucks big time.
- There is no balance;
- There is nothing to gain (skills, loot, etc)
- PvE is much more rewarding since there are team play and you get loot and other stuff.
Unless Cryptic alter the Universe, like adding exploration zones, and open the galaxy for players to explore "where no man has gone before" then there is no point, at least for me, to spend 30 minutes doing PvP whre I do not gain anything.
I prefer, to spend 30 minutes do 2 or 3 STF's and I get dilithium, omega marks, loot, EC's, etc...
If exploding players in PvP started to drop loot and cool stuff that was really worthy to hunt, then I would probably consider get into PvP.
Also, the statement I made by open new space and exploration zones, was to make PvP more of a challenge where players could explore space and solar systems, get into mining and all sort of things and with the risk of being captured, destroyed and looted.
Just my 2 EC's.....
Join StarfleetXtreme
Me on the Web
I imagine your not-a-team also gets annihilated as a result, making the entire exercise largely a waste of time. Sure, you could just aim for participation credit, but that's a pretty low bar and scarcely qualifies as PvP. Sure, you could stand there in line for hours at a time if you really want to, but for the dubious privilege of being destroyed piecemeal when the opposing TEAM shows up. STO arenas are a team game. Showing up without a team is basically the equivalent of showing up at Kerrat in a Miranda.
How I wish that were so. However, even if you play 100% of the time, the times in which you are not being interrupted by the need to do some other critical in-game work can be pretty damn close to random. It is not enough to merely be online: You also have to NOT be busy with the requirements of the game's work: Feeding your starbase, rep, etc. And that stuff is pretty damned random when you look at it on the larger scale.
Most people also have to WORK during peak hours, which further restricts the amount of time you can actually play. If you apply the same availability rules to the specific set of peak hours, even 50% availability within those hours yields some really bad numbers.
That's not to say you can't FORCE the issue, but that point you're talking about the catherding involved in trying to challenge another specific team to a duel, which falls outside of the random queues.
The rest of the time you get no fight at all, or are on the receiving or inflicting end of a PUGstomp in which one side that remembered to actually bring a team annihilates the side which decided this detail wasn't important. Few like BEING PUGstomped and many don't even like doing it.
Bad luck. I usually have queues popping all day long.
The vast majority of people I run into in the Arena pug it. Same goes for Cap and Hold.
"buy a better system"...well that works fine when you are rich but most people don't have a few grand to drop on a new system just so they can PvP. Whats the answer...I am not sure, maybe the Graphics are too good on this game, I am not a comp guru so I really do not have an answer. I do know I burned up 2 graphics cards playing STO before I got my new system.
All in All PvP is "THE" way to test out your skills as a Ship Captain. You really cannot brag about how good you are or how mighty your ship is until you have the guts to fight the ultimate fight...Player vs Player...You may win you may lose but you will never have a better sense of game accomplishment then when you put some loud mouth game trolling braggart in their place.
One last thing: do friendly matches with your friends and get experience then go to Kerrat and fight the random players and then jump into the Big Dog PvP Ques its all in fun anyway because if you die...you do not lose anything...repeat...you DO NOT lose anything.
just my 2 ec's worth
Badname Betty (PvP...PvE...STF...Trophy Hunter...Latnium Collector...Federation)
Commander Morgana (PvP...PvE...STF...KDF)
1000 day vet and LTS
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] STO Join date: 7 Feb 2010
If your fps is keeping you frop pvp you need to examine your settings.
Mmm...maybe not items, ships, or other things like that.
But a lot of folks don't like taking a hit to their pride because they were killed in PvP. Plenty of folks are sitting on their bridge, eating an apple and saying, 'I don't like to lose'.
If STO had the open PvP format it would be so much fun and PvP wouldnt be as a joke as it is now
if your first experiance of pvp is getting killed 15 times in secs you wont ever touch it again
solve this and maybe pvp would flourish
yea but that would require some update from cryptic.Last pvp update was 3 years ago .
I mean, i dont know what Cryptic want to do with pvp, in few months, pvp match will look like this: cloaked Romulans search eich other on the map. If they dont nerf theese things, pvp will die. Its worthless to play like this, at least put much bigger cooldowns for theese things, and battle cloaks. I mean - kill from cloak in 2 seconds, yeah, big skill, that every low can learn, and call himmself pro.
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
There're a few ways to detect cloaked ships. Sensor scan, antiproton sweep ... even equipping a science console and ramping up your auxiliary power will help you spot cloaked ships.
Not going to lie, I've been ganked a couple of times. You learn to adapt, or you don't, in which case you keep getting ganked.
It's not the losing or blowing up that is a problem, it is the smack talking after i blow up that hurts. I know I can ignore a player, but it is often the same person that does the QQing after he/she blows up. The point is, if PVP is to succeed the community needs to not gang &$!? every lone starship they come across. Often times matches get out of balance quickly, with one player afk from the start and two others rage quitting the match or not respawning....that leaves two players who get swarmed and destroyed without having a chance to bring his/her alpha strike to the opposing team. I will often times to idle and watch the battle when my pug team outnumbers or outmatches the opponent.
Lastly I wonder about people who have no problem being horribly mean to people because they happen to be better at STO than others, or those people who have ship names designed to mock opposing players. STO has not done much for my view of humanity.
Prolly not a good idea. Some players (like me, for instance) have absolutely no interest in pvp. None. Zero. Ziltch. Nada. If the game had tried to force me to pvp at level 10 then that would have been the end of me playing STO.
It's never good to "force feed" something to players who may not want it. It turns them off.
Command Officers of the USS Wyvern (from left to right):
Aurellia Eshkah (Tactical); Indigo Shae (Engineering); Nysiay Chysiayki (VA, Ship Captain)
Jeclia Sek (Science); Vally Mantivour (Security)
it's just not appealing ... at all..... thankfully there are many other things to do in STO than have to deal with them.
and I do.... and I enjoy STO.
dont need pvp..there are a lot of Naussicans and Borg to deal with....and that is very enjoyable.
The internet has not done much for my view of humanity.
In essence, humanity not done much for my view of humanity.
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
The worst it regularly gets in a place like Ker'rat is some players (including me) might see a person QQing about getting blown up, and egg them on. It's mostly playful banter/teasing.
So. . .yeah. A thicker skin really is needed. Honestly, you need a thick skin to really spend time on the Internet as it is. . .unless you spend all your time in an echo chamber where you won't see any controversial or insulting comments/discussions.
Even there, folks may or not may not respond to the PvE player that's ranting and raving. Which leaves it mainly being that PvE player that is going to offend somebody, be obnoxious, and be the person to be ignored (outside of them being hunted down more...ahem).
get a sci with you made to detect cloaked ships and stop QQing about famous fleets and people knows how to use their ships.
1. I'm not really into it.
2. THere's no learning curve. You jump into PVP and you either end up with a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing OR you ARE the guy who doesn't know what he's doing and you end up getting shredded.
PVP jsut isn't worth it IMO.
I have already conceded that mandatory PvP may not be acceptable, somewhere around post #3. However, having Adm.Quinn offer it as a mission, "We need all the captains we can get to conduct fleet training exercises," for example, with the option to decline the mission like any other would expose players to the existence of PvP, and offer them a place they can practice PvP with their peers or with level adjusted mentors in ships of their tier.