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Scimitar bugged?



  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Here is an example of weapon power bug on the Scimitar, will post it in the bug report forum as well.

    - Weapons power level = 122
    - There are 3 Dual Beam Banks on the ship, no other energy weapon

    1) Used one weapons power battery to add +75 weapons power for 15.4 sec to the ship, bring total power from 122 + 75 = 197
    2) Fire one Beam Overload 3 = -50 weapons power, fire the two other DBB = -10 X 2 = -20
    3) 197 - 50 -20 = 127, therefore, power displayed should be 125
    4) Instead of 125 in power level displayed, the power is shown to drop to around 70-75??? :confused:

    Suspicion : Bug is causing a single Beam Overload 3 to drain power TWICE, resulting in lower than expected power level

    Please QA this, thanks

    Nope. There is the UI cap of 125, but the actual weapons power cap is around 150. I would know because on my Odyssey I have 125 weapons power visible, and then I hit EPtW2 which brings my power up to 155 (I am only about 5 over the 125 cap), I do a full 6 beam broadside with the cutting beam (-68 energy) and I end up sitting at around 90-95 energy.

    So your -70 from 150 would make sense dropping it down to 75.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Here is an example of weapon power bug on the Scimitar, will post it in the bug report forum as well.

    - Weapons power level = 122
    - There are 3 Dual Beam Banks on the ship, no other energy weapon

    1) Used one weapons power battery to add +75 weapons power for 15.4 sec to the ship, bring total power from 122 + 75 = 197
    2) Fire one Beam Overload 3 = -50 weapons power, fire the two other DBB = -10 X 2 = -20
    3) 197 - 50 -20 = 127, therefore, power displayed should be 125
    4) Instead of 125 in power level displayed, the power is shown to drop to around 70-75??? :confused:

    Suspicion : Bug is causing a single Beam Overload 3 to drain power TWICE, resulting in lower than expected power level

    Please QA this, thanks

    If thats a bug, then its bugged for every ship.

    I believe thats not a bug and is intended to work that way. Beam Overload uses the same mechanic as an ability power drain instead of an equipment power drain. It drains -50 off the current power and uses EPS systems to regain that lost power.
  • goodoleboy01goodoleboy01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just so you're all aware, our internal QA department has been working hard to try to find any kind of bug that could cause the Scimitar to take higher than expected amounts of damage. I've also looked into this personally.

    A few specific notes:
    -After closely analyzing the data for the Singularity Distribution Unit, I don't see any way that this could impact the amount of hull or shield damage that you take. It doesn't actually interact with those features on your ship in any way. (It does interact with Shield Regeneration, but not Shield Hardness.)

    -After asking one of our programmers to investigate the possibility of the Scimitar somehow inheriting data from a player's equipped shuttle, we've come to the conclusion that this is almost certainly not the problem, either. Essentially, if you were somehow getting data from the shuttle, this would be making your ship *stronger*, not weaker. For example, your power level bonuses would go up, etc.

    There was a case where the Singularity Inverter could be equipped on a shuttle and still used by the ship (or vice versa) - this was related to an incorrect flag on that specific console, not a general issue with how shuttles and ships interact.

    -I considered the possibility that Scimitar pilots might be running with abnormally low Shield Power as a result of running with maxed weapons and the rest in Aux for Thalaron Pulse, Cloaking effectiveness, etc. After investigating Shield Hardness at extremely low power levels, I've determined that it doesn't appear to be causing any weird damage multipliers to happen or that sort of thing. Shield Power *does* influence Shield Hardness, it's just not causing any sort of aberrant behavior that I've been able to detect.

    These are just a couple examples of things that I personally investigated; I'm addressing them directly because they've been brought up in this thread or seemed like possible culprits from my perspective.

    As mentioned earlier in the thread, we did find some issues with Shield Regeneration and address those. We simply have not found anything related to Shield Hardness or Hull Damage Resistance.

    This is not to say that it's impossible for there to be a bug that could be causing some players to experience higher damage than they should be. We will continue to investigate, and if any players still feel that they are suffering some sort of amplified damage, please provide us with the best information you can to help us reproduce the issue.

    Wow - Cryptic, this is the most detailed and personalized feedback that I've ever seen in my time playing STO. Even if the scimitar is still borked, I retract my statement earlier in this thread and will now buy the 3 pack so I can help find any remaining bugs. Well done - you've impressed me and earned 5000 of my zen!
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think there is definatly an issue with the crew damage rate and the hull melting, I find that my crew drop just be seeing the borg, heck I have come into stfs with 800 of 3000 crew and I havent even done anything, where were they, shore leave or something, The shields seem to have sorted themselves now, I use regen shields, so by default there a bit paperlike, but they do come back, as for the hull, it does seem to melt rather fast, I can usualy counter this with my assimilated module, SIF gen, and my engi bofs. I suspect some of the issues may be due to the way people fly them and what there arming them with, as someone said above, cannons on it meen you have to get realy close, and a ship that large will take more damage faster as its got more surface for the enemy to hit, I run a beam/2x single cannon hybrid on my tac officer and it seems to work, I am just leveling a romy science to 50 and will be trying out a total beam build to see if that helps. ( I will probably get grief for this post from a member of this forum, as many of my previous posts have, but i choose to ignore his pettyness)
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    johankreig wrote: »
    I think there is definatly an issue with the crew damage rate and the hull melting, I find that my crew drop just be seeing the borg, heck I have come into stfs with 800 of 3000 crew and I havent even done anything

    If you have been in a space battle previous your crew will be still recovering, they don't instantly recover after you leave the battle zone; just like cool down don't instantly cool down after a battle.

    But if say you just logged on and they still haven't recovered then this may be an issue.
  • corjetcorjet Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do notice the apparent issues with the Romulan Dreadoughts; either version. I noticed that they do not regenerate shields fast enough, even if you get the Tulwar and put all emitter arrays, or shield amplifiers; with no universal consoles what-so-ever. Now that I'm writing this - I also have noticed this on my T'varo; but she's fast and maneuverable so I try to mitigate that. Anyway - I grabbed the valdore to get the [Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] to see if that would help, it does to a degree, but not enough most of the time. When it does help - it's when the shields are at full most of the time lol

    I also noticed the loss of crew problem - when you get very low you can hardly do anything. So I tried putting all Biofunction Monitor's and then as many Emergency Force Fields, and combinations of them... To no avail. The best 'you can get' is with a mixture of about 50/50 of them on the Falchion with 3 and 3. And even then this isn't enough. I did this because as noted - I saw this on the T'varo, but with that one I try to mitigate it with having the Jem'Hadar space shield. It seems that with the number of crew low - the ship can't regen shields, and everything else, let alone run the ship... IE: Not enough Damage Control Engineers to fix the problems lol With the Andorian Charal it's the sam - so did a similar setup (below) and that helps.

    I've also tried to mitigate the 'inertia' problem - but that is something 'we'll' have to live with. With all the testing I did I've gone with the Scim with all plasma infusers, all universal consoles (including the Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator, and the singularity stabilizer - which can help the ship heal with quantum absorption ability), three biofunction consoles, an electroceramic and one Monotanium Alloy console... 2 uncommon technician BOff's, 1 Rare Technician BOff, and one uncommon nurse BOff. The loss of crew seems to be the biggest factor because you can't hardly do anything without them... I run 2 Fleet Advanced Plasma DHC's with 1 VR MkXII Plasma DHC and 1 Advanced Fleet DBB, the Rapid Reload Transphasic, the Breen Space set Deflector & Impulse, the Jem'Hadar space shield, Field Stabilizing Singularity, 1 VR MkXII Plasma Turret and the Tractor beam mine launcher with a MkXII Plasma torp at the rear.

    I have noticed many times that the ship will get hit by an invisible weapon of some sort - mostly in STF's and prior to this setup I would see damages of like 26k and then a 15k, or 32k and 20k... But they're all multiple hits of at least 2 which is just enough or more than enough to kill the ship. Now, the ship still gets killed but the damages are generally around 20k and are still multiples.

    Yes @axellightning & @johankreig - Even if you respawn after a battle - they do not recover fast enough. It would seem 'logical' that if you respawned, that your entire crew would be back - but most of the time it's at like 1 or two 'crew' as indicated by the icon below the shields.
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The devs are looking into it my friend, lets hope they find what ever this is and fix it :)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The devs are looking into it my friend, lets hope they find what ever this is and fix it :)

    And we can totally see the fruits of them looking into and working on the Scimitar bugs... with an update on carrier pets...?

    Yeeeeah... -.-
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And we can totally see the fruits of them looking into and working on the Scimitar bugs... with an update on carrier pets...?

    Yeeeeah... -.-

    Well archoncryptic posted a few pages back, and how often do you see that when a bug thread is opened.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well archoncryptic posted a few pages back, and how often do you see that when a bug thread is opened.

    Perhaps it means we've proven we're worth listening too?? no matter what, i'm glad they are focusing on it, and just as glad for the intelligence and willingness to share experiences and solutions of the denizens in this forum.
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Regarding the crew damage concerns, that's a part of how crew damage works for all ships.

    Basically, most attacks that cause crew damage either take a percentage of your total crew or a certain minimum value, whichever value is higher. (This means that small ships with lower crew totals still often take a higher percentage than large ships.)

    This is unintuitive, and it's something that we intend to address in some way in the future.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Regarding the crew damage concerns, that's a part of how crew damage works for all ships.

    Basically, most attacks that cause crew damage either take a percentage of your total crew or a certain minimum value, whichever value is higher. (This means that small ships with lower crew totals still often take a higher percentage than large ships.)

    This is unintuitive, and it's something that we intend to address in some way in the future.

    Before you can do that, I'd thank you to find a way to make Crew more... worthwhile. It's next to unnoticeable. Make Crew do something more notable. Like having Team abilities rely on them. Or having it boost some stats based on how much you have and what type of ship you use.
  • hatepwehatepwe Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just curious, is the Scimitar not considered a carrier for the purposes of that new fancy setup? Because either I missed it and it's not live yet or my Scimitar doesn't have access to that function.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hatepwe wrote: »
    Just curious, is the Scimitar not considered a carrier for the purposes of that new fancy setup? Because either I missed it and it's not live yet or my Scimitar doesn't have access to that function.

    It's only on Tribble Test Server currently.
  • twistedvaccinetwistedvaccine Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom61sto wrote: »
    It's only on Tribble Test Server currently.

    What new fancy set up might this be?
  • pherraspherras Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What new fancy set up might this be?

    New carrier interface , go look on the tribble forum section
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The devs are looking into it my friend, lets hope they find what ever this is and fix it :)

    Youre a Believer ;-)

    But nevertheless...thx for investigating and response....that really gives some hope !

    I really dont know why you Guys (Cryptic) didnt realize something flying your own one ?!

    Do you only check Programming.....or do you fly these ships ? And Compare ? And then Adress ?
  • goodoleboy01goodoleboy01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So, I got on a couple times tonight and tried to buy the 3 pack... both times I got an error message saying "this item is not currently available for purchase."

    Cryptic, did you pull it from the store till you unfracked it? If so, please hurry and fix it fast! I actually want the Scimitar now that you're fixing it!
  • seitei1seitei1 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Like having Team abilities rely on them.

    ...Tactical Team already does in that it's boost to damage(Yes, it has one, though minor) scales based on Crew levels. It's the only part of any Team that does, though.
    Or having it boost some stats based on how much you have and what type of ship you use.
    Already does-Hull Regen is based on it. Thing is Hull Regen basically stops in combat and isn't very fast even out of combat, even for a Full Carrier(Which usually have 2000-4000 Crew).

    Given how fast Crew get smacked to ineffective or dead, one would want for Crew to be more resistant before making changes to abilities.
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    seitei1 wrote: »
    Given how fast Crew get smacked to ineffective or dead, one would want for Crew to be more resistant before making changes to abilities.


    I was thinking the same thing. :)
  • revan999revan999 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not sure if this is the right spot to post this as the conversation in here tends to change back and forth but it's mostly about problems with the scimitar so either way.

    I mostly have one question about all of this as this is the major thing that had bothered me since I got the ship ,why is the shield area and the area this ship takes damage almost 50% larger then it needs to be?

    Really , take a look at it , this ship takes hits like it's hull is hugging the shields (you could be well away from an explosion and take a good chuck of kinetic damage still because your shields that are almost a kilometer too large for the ship.) Or maybe it's just me , I don't know. Either way the shields area where they can take damage is far too large even for this ship.


    That being said , I don't understand the bubble shields anyway because by nemesis they had shields that were fit to the hull. That's a different rant tho ...

    edit: As I may not be describing my complaint very well , if the shield's area was scaled down some , an explosion and aoe effects would not hit the ship as if it was sitting so close to them, as really , the ship isn't that close to some of them.
  • syndonaisyndonai Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    revan999 wrote: »
    edit: As I may not be describing my complaint very well , if the shield's area was scaled down some , an explosion and aoe effects would not hit the ship as if it was sitting so close to them, as really , the ship isn't that close to some of them.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reason warp core breaches seem to do more damage than they should.

    Peacekeeper High Command
    Scorpius - Zelbinion Mk II
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK After the the shield regeneration fix, my survivability in my scimitar has increased quite a bit.

    I'm not having my trouble tanking as i feel it should be able to, not nearly as much as my oddy, but they are completely different setups and my oddy is built to tank.

    I haven't been seeing the spikes in damage as i had before and my shields properly redistribute finally... If there is still bugs in the system I'm not experiencing them. So that makes me wonder why others claim they are, maybe there is some special case situation in their case that I'm unaffected by.
  • revan999revan999 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK After the the shield regeneration fix, my survivability in my scimitar has increased quite a bit.

    I'm not having my trouble tanking as i feel it should be able to, not nearly as much as my oddy, but they are completely different setups and my oddy is built to tank.

    I haven't been seeing the spikes in damage as i had before and my shields properly redistribute finally... If there is still bugs in the system I'm not experiencing them. So that makes me wonder why others claim they are, maybe there is some special case situation in their case that I'm unaffected by.

    I never even noticed the reg problem or the other problems people have had. The only thing that I have ever seen that I find odd is that it seems to take warpcore and other AOE damage from much farther and harder then you would expect since the ship itself isn't that close.
  • megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Scimitar's hull bug is still there... This ship is squishier than my attack ship.. The hull damage it takes is clearly bugged to hell, and they still haven't fixed this issue. I'm going to stop using mine until the hull bug is fixed, if it doesn't get fixed within 2 weeks (That's quite generous), then I'll be contacting my credit card company to do a charge back for the zen that I purchased to get this ship pack.
  • corjetcorjet Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK After the the shield regeneration fix, my survivability in my scimitar has increased quite a bit.

    I'm not having my trouble tanking as i feel it should be able to, not nearly as much as my oddy, but they are completely different setups and my oddy is built to tank.

    I haven't been seeing the spikes in damage as i had before and my shields properly redistribute finally... If there is still bugs in the system I'm not experiencing them. So that makes me wonder why others claim they are, maybe there is some special case situation in their case that I'm unaffected by.

    How did you fix the shield regen?
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I didn't fix anything while the ship stats UI is still bugged not showing regen, they fixed the Regeneration issues i was having.

    ok lets look at the attack ship for a minute 4 engineering consoles and + 40 overall power unless you are in the Falchion I don't think your going to get the same survivability as a bug ship... Not to mention you have such absurd turn rate on a bug that, changing your shield facing shouldn't be problem. The only thing the scimitar in terms of survivability has over bug is 1.1, instead of 1.0 shield mod and 5,500 hull hp, and battle cloak. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Jem%27Hadar_Attack_Ship

    There are so many other factors including doffs skills and even accolades that help survivability. But everyone knows the bug is capable of ton of survivability, and is one of the best escorts around, so comparing a special lockbox ship to cstore ship is unfair. The closest comparison is another warbird, like the mogai or ha'pex.
  • jdskjflkjdfklsjfjdskjflkjdfklsjf Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just got mk xii KHG set and my shield regen is ZERO WTF Tried in combat and still ZERO WTF With elite fleet shields i have regen but not with the KHG Can we fix this crapola pls.

    112k dil 192k exp 30 bnp 35 days wait 3000 omega marks What a f'n let down
  • madmansnipes007madmansnipes007 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013
    [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Warp Core Breach dealt 7060 (31525) shield damage to you.

    [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 45325 (88044) Kinetic Damage to you with Warp Core Breach.

    WTF I tanked it for 2mins then killed it got this dmg at 4-5km away at full speed and died:mad:
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just got mk xii KHG set and my shield regen is ZERO WTF Tried in combat and still ZERO WTF With elite fleet shields i have regen but not with the KHG Can we fix this crapola pls.

    112k dil 192k exp 30 bnp 35 days wait 3000 omega marks What a f'n let down

    It's an old bug. Some shields don't display their regen. Try putting your shield power on full and take some damage, then cloak and get out of combat. you'll see your shields slowly filling.
This discussion has been closed.