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Scimitar bugged?



  • xxninjaz1xxxxninjaz1xx Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I personally love the ship.
    Ok there may be a few problems with the shields and hull, but those are easily worked around and once you find those work arounds, the ship is pretty good.
    The only issue i have with it is the thalaron pulse.
    Even when fully buffed, all power to aux (because thats what the damage is based off for the pulse in case people havent realised) and skill in particle gens, i can only max the damage at 30-40k.
    For a weapon that is 1-hit kill for every NPC in the game, the player version sucks.
    However, this is an issue that i can live with since the pulse isnt the only way to cause damage, and it is generally a good ship. :D
  • alteri1alteri1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ive seen some scims fly in, nuke everything and fly out. Others ive seen fly in get nuked re-spawn and then get nuked again. I think it might be bugs mixed with not using it properlly
  • gilgalad195gilgalad195 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So decommissioning my shuttle will fix some of the scimitar problems? I will definitely do that!
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So decommissioning my shuttle will fix some of the scimitar problems? I will definitely do that!

    It will help.. After that, in my experience its more of an alchemical amalgam of the consoles you have installed. The good, thebad and the really ugly ones are listed here and there throughout the threads here in this forum. If you have any of the legacy pack consoles installed, I recommend removing all of them then replacing them one at a time, noting down if they help or cause more problems..Make sure to add in a couple rcs consoles and a couple particle generators, and put an engineering BOFF in the Universal Lt Cmdr station and you'll be well on your way to having a wonderfully enjoyable ship :)..
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Cheers to the devs! They have taken notice and are starting to refit all our Scimitars! :)

    From today's patch notes:

    "The Scimitar's shields will now properly regenerate while cloaked if the Singularity Distribution Unit is equipped.
    Ship shields will now appropriately display their values while in sector space."
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am not knocking your use of beams or your build, in fact your build is almost identical to mine except mine uses romulan faction beams and torp. What I do not understand is how your plug in is counting the damage, because I run ACT daily in eSTF, and nobody (seriously NOBODY) hits 14k on any ship encDPS, now in the DPS column yeah sure NP, my JHDC gets 12-14k DPS even if I afk for a sandwich, but not encDPS. The encDPS is counted through the entire mission, so at any point you are not hitting something you lose DPS (like when you pull agro on the gate and have to move out some).

    Is it possible you are reading something incorrectly, or can you share where you got your plug in, because something does not jive.

    I would also be happy to run with you and compare ACT numbers, I just want to understand how you are getting your numbers. I may be using a bad plug in.

    My Scimitar clocks out at 9k DPS and 5k encDPS, and like I said, its almost the same as yours but plasma and I also run aux2bat.

    What doffs are you using ? I am using 3 beam 1 torp and the one that gives extra power to emergency power.

    I know where you are coming from bud, but nope, not misreading. Ok this screen is of a parse in my Jemmy dread using Romulan beams, however you can see it's perfectly possible to get higher enc dps:-

    Screeny of ACT

    My Scimitar does more damage than my Jemmy Dread, seriously, possibly thanks to the awesomeness that are advanced Romulan Drones. I will mention though, high enc DPS is often a side effect of been on a dps poor pug. If you are in there with others doing decent dps then it drops big time. When you are in there with folks who struggle to top 3k though it's a different story. ;)

    As to my doffs, they're truly naff, and nope no aux 2 bat. 3 blue damage control doffs and a couple of rubbish doffs I can't remember. Skills build is based around eptw and fire at will. I don't even have T5 in ANY rep (highest is my T3 Romulan rep. lol), so I fully expect DPS to go up as I get better equipment, doffs and rep.

    ACT plugin is this one http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=584871&highlight=plugin

    So heh, if it's not right, blame the plugin. lol Either way, my point still stands that anybody who can't break at least 6k enc dps in this ship has it set up wrong.

  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You guys mind moving your dps parse stuff to another thread? You're hijacking this one where we are trying to get to the bottom of all the issues.....
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gorlock691 wrote: »
    You guys mind moving your dps parse stuff to another thread? You're hijacking this one where we are trying to get to the bottom of all the issues.....

    They aren't hijacking the thread. The thread is about bugs on the ship, and that includes damage output and BOff abilities/layout bugs as well. It's also about general ship gameplay and how the bugs are affecting that.

    So sorry to say, it's still on topic.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    theyve nerfed the thaleron and although shields now repair, the scimitar is even more squishy than it was..
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sorry, my mistake. I haven't noticed any dps issues with the ship. Thought it was all hull/shields/crewmen....
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    theyve nerfed the thaleron and although shields now repair, the scimitar is even more squishy than it was..

    God I hope not. I haven't changed a thing since before the patch. I'll keep an eye out and test more.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gorlock691 wrote: »
    God I hope not. I haven't changed a thing since before the patch. I'll keep an eye out and test more.

    Much appreciated.. Seems when they fxed one thing, they opened up another can of worms elsewhere..
  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ya Im still having issues with my Scimi as well. The shields to regen now, but it actually doesn't display in the UI that it is, next to shield regen rate it always says 0/-1 no matter what.

    Also I just went threw ISE twice, once with my Fed in a Breen Cruiser and again with my Scimi. Skill wise and console wise both char/ships are very close to each other, with my Romulan being slightly better skilled for tanking, and yet I still had to cloak every 10 sec to stop myself from dieing constantly, while in the Breen ship it was insanely easy to stay alive, I only went below 50% hull once.

    My Scimi even has more heals since I went with an Eng in the Lt. Cmdr Universal slot AND a Sci off with Transfer Shields in the Ensign Uni. So put simply, for one of the largest playable ships in the game the Scimi sure is squishy.
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am speechless, they made it worse, I guess this guy will be flying the Risa Corvette and I am out $50, thanks Cryptic for taking my money.

    Then again, maybe the Risa Corvette will be just as buggy.

    I give up.
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    Much appreciated.. Seems when they fxed one thing, they opened up another can of worms elsewhere..

    Quite possible. I've been playing more with same configuration. Only thing I changed was dual beams in the front instead of cannons.
    It looks like I have my shuttle back, but I don't.
    Squishy again. Hull and crew.
    This is against non-borg targets. The borg are even worse of course.

    I'd rather have it like it was last night. Fixed with the exception of the charging shields when cloaked..... :(
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Welllll, isnt this just jolly good effin fun.. Ok, one thing at a time.. Archon, I know ypur really busy but can you please start a trace on these bugs with the scimi and take a look to see where they start from and fix it?? Please?? Seriously.. we spent 50 dollars on the bird and frnkly because of other things in the game it feels like cryptic et all doesnt care because we're romulan and therefore, of no significant importance.. It makes me angry, it hurts, its horribly wrong.. Please do something..
  • roejspinodjiroejspinodji Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The shield bug (console shields work and regenerate while cloaked) seems fixed now. The overall shield regeneration still seems not right, as the displayed regeneration is -1/0. A bit strange.
    What I noticed is, that the hull resistances still seem not working properly. The defense value of the ship seems to be not considered at all. Is it possible, that whatever speed you are flying, you still get the defense malus of -15% (as you would be not moving at all)?
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just had a very strange experience.. Earlier in i believe this thread it was suggested i remove and replace the scimitar consoles.. Well, i removed them buit didnt replace them before participating in ICE just as a test. Without the consoles, the shields held just as well as any federation or klingon ship. After replacing the consoles, the ship was better in that it kept a better turn rate than before, but was almost as squishy as it was before.. I'm still running my own tests on it so i have nothing concrete yet, but i'll keep trying and see what comes up..
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    *We fixed an issue where a fix was fixed from fixing

    Hey cryptic....you are fixing again...id laugh if i wanted to...thats the usual way....fixing the game to death...and fixes in patchnotes that dont work lol.....cant stand it anymore.....only sarcasm left sry.....tssss really.....with the tribbles youve been fast though lol
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    I just had a very strange experience.. Earlier in i believe this thread it was suggested i remove and replace the scimitar consoles.. Well, i removed them buit didnt replace them before participating in ICE just as a test. Without the consoles, the shields held just as well as any federation or klingon ship. After replacing the consoles, the ship was better in that it kept a better turn rate than before, but was almost as squishy as it was before.. I'm still running my own tests on it so i have nothing concrete yet, but i'll keep trying and see what comes up..

    A point I tried to make earlier was that the cloaked shields console was turning my shields into sieves, which was my problem with it and why I don't use it, nothing to do with shields not healing whilst cloaked.... Seems to me what you just reported could so easily be the same problem. Try taking this console off and see if you are still squishy. I only run the secondary shields console now, I'll have to do some more runs though in light of folks saying it's now even squishier.

    Regarding the dps discussion, nope not off topic. The thread title is scimitar been bugged, and there is indeed discussion in here from folks saying they can't get high dps in a Scimitar. The dps discussion came about as a response to both this, and also a response to my saying that I had found a work around (as have others posting here) for the squishyness. As in not only was I surviving infected elite without popping once, but doing very high dps at the same time, regardless of the fact that a part of the workaround is reducing weapons power to put the power into aux in order to improve self heals (works for healing others too, first place in elite crystaline if you heal anybody you see with less than 1/3rd hull left using hazard emitters). So as pointed out, it's very much on topic. ;)

    Anyway, I'm going to go and retest again now, with and without the console of squishyness (aka shields whilst cloaked, aka singularity distributor unit).


    Retested, console is working fine now, and ship felt just as tanky. Of to do an infected run now.

    Update 2: Tested in ISE with 2 consoles. Not squishy at all, didn't die once. Damage lower though than using the singularity distributor unit as it's taking up a slot I usually put a flow cap console into... It's not worth the bother using more than 1 set console in PvE imho.
  • ga1enga1en Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi all, me again. I just finished some tests with the new changes to the shield while cloaked console. I works well now.

    Cloaked shield regen works well and moving around while cloaked to get to the next battle area in the various missions/eSTFs means i get to keep my shields up almost all the time.

    Regarding the seemingly increased squishyness, yeah I experienced that. I then recalled a situation that happened before where some consoles were fixed but resulted in strange effects on the ships.

    The old solution was to remove all the consoles on your active ship (including weapons and batteries and hangars). Switch to another ship and make that active. Then go back to the old ship that's empty of stuff and make that active. Then put all the consoles back onto the ship.

    That seems to reset all the consoles. And yes my Scimitar once again works just like it used to be, but with cloaked shield regen now. Sadly the shield regen display is still borked at 0/-1sec but I could live with that.

    The 2 remaining bugs that while annoying can be worked around is the hull taking huge damage from high yield torps and exploding warpcores/singularities, and the unusually large numbers of crew deaths from any torpedo or ship exploding nearby.

    Lol :P this is the only ship i have that goes around with 0-200 crew and around 2800 injured. Rather amusing. Fortunately Miracle Worker and Hazard Emitters takes care of the missing hull repairs that a crew would normally do. Brace for impact also helps to delay the onset of no crew.

    Also staying away from any ship that is about to explode helps keep my hull from melting. I'm wondering if the fact that the exploding ships are inside my collision box is causing the extreme hull damage.

    By staying away from any ship (i.e I start turning away at the 7km mark) I've been able to minimize the hull melt problem. Also staying at least 6km from any cube when they explode seems to prevent my hull from melting also. Crew still dies at 6km but I can live with that. Note that being 5km or less from a cube will do extreme damage to your hull and usually kill all your crew, at least in my experience.
  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm unsure about the bugs, I mean the hull and crew deaths are a given. But, I still break 8k dps on ISE and can pretty much pop a KASE cube in under a minute. However, the hull still seems to be the issue, and I think Tactical team seems to not work on some occasions. I really cannot figure it out, as I don't use the consoles that came with the ship. *Shrugs*

    It certainly is bugged for damage resistance and crew death, dps wise, I doubt very much. I tested this yesterday by the way, before the new patch today. I also got rid of my shuttle, so I have no idea if that helped. Even though on some occasions I go from 100% hull/shields straight down to 20%, which never happened on my fleet Dhelan.
  • roejspinodjiroejspinodji Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm unsure about the bugs, I mean the hull and crew deaths are a given. But, I still break 8k dps on ISE and can pretty much pop a KASE cube in under a minute. However, the hull still seems to be the issue, and I think Tactical team seems to not work on some occasions. I really cannot figure it out, as I don't use the consoles that came with the ship. *Shrugs*

    It certainly is bugged for damage resistance and crew death, dps wise, I doubt very much. I tested this yesterday by the way, before the new patch today. I also got rid of my shuttle, so I have no idea if that helped. Even though on some occasions I go from 100% hull/shields straight down to 20%, which never happened on my fleet Dhelan.

    I experienced the same, tac team sometimes does not work. After activation the shield distribution does not work.
  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well. Doing more experimenting today....
    I've been running with a purple Monotanium alloy mk xi....It didn't seem to help....
    Since it bases it's percentage off of your hull and the scimitar hull seems to be bugged I decided to switch it out for a biofunction monitor instead. (same tier and colour)...
    Lo and behold....
    As I've said before. I do all my testing in Beta Thoridar. (Lots of exploding birds of prey for driving through. Lol)
    Normally I finish the missions with 1/3 crew or less. (Remember I'm driving through some explosions on purpose).

    The Biofunction monitor seems to be holding my crew up much better. I'm still taking crazy hull damage, but at least my crew is staying at reasonable levels. Ending most of the time with 2/3 crew or better.

    While this doesn't help with determining what the problem is at least it might be a temporary workaround.

    I'm going to try doing some testing without some of the universal pieces today also.
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited July 2013
    This thing seems unbearably weak. I regret buying the 3-pack now. It feels as though things bypass the shields on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel invincible, sometimes I feel like I've hung shower curtains on my ship to use as shields.

    Switching back to my Orb Weaver until this mess is sorted out.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Switching back to my Orb Weaver until this mess is sorted out.

    Well, this will likely never be fixed, if it can't be done within the first two weeks. Cryptic's track record suggest they stop caring after the initial sales period is over, after that you are on your own. Just look at the countless number of bugs that are still in game. Besides, instead of fixing a bug, all they need is to introduce a brand new ship and people will flock to buy. I am definitely seeing a lot less Scimitar flying around than last week.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Well, this will likely never be fixed, if it can't be done within the first two weeks. Cryptic's track record suggest they stop caring after the initial sales period is over, after that you are on your own. Just look at the countless number of bugs that are still in game. Besides, instead of fixing a bug, all they need is to introduce a brand new ship and people will flock to buy. I am definitely seeing a lot less Scimitar flying around than last week.

    Yup, I stopped using my Scimitar as well. Shame though, it fitted my char perfectly.

    If they ever decide to fix it properly, I might go back to it. Though as you said, Cryptic's track record is about as sad as you can get. :(

    Should have learnt with the Andorian escort's, but they at least fixed them :rolleyes:
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • gorlock691gorlock691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well. Running now with the biofunction monitor and monotanium alloy. Removed the shield while cloaked console. Didn't want to lose a set piece, but the ship is bearable now.
  • madmansnipes007madmansnipes007 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013
    gorlock691 wrote: »
    Well. Running now with the biofunction monitor and monotanium alloy. Removed the shield while cloaked console. Didn't want to lose a set piece, but the ship is bearable now.

    Yep I've tried all the ships I have today never died scimitar I died 5 times one infected lol ships a piece of TRIBBLE wast if money
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yep I've tried all the ships I have today never died scimitar I died 5 times one infected lol ships a piece of TRIBBLE wast if money

    heh. Itried a few times to get some experiments done with the consoles, but failed monumentally each time.. first time i was dc'd just as the estf was starting and the second time everyone left except for myself and this poor little corvette. I'll try again tomorrow..
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