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Official Romulan Ship and Singularity Mechanic Feedback Thread



  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    balordezul wrote: »
    I think part of the problem we are having now we are a week out before LoR goes live. The cryptic team are in hard core dev mode most likely working 16hr days. Most likely the Dev team has two lists a "must fix" list and a "this stuff can wait" list. There is a chance the power level might be in the "this stuff can wait" list.

    But I still would like to see this addressed.

    It's in the "wait until the mass complaints and threats start" list.

    just kidding. but the last dev post in here made it pretty obvious that they had made their final decision. Only thing thats going to change it is mass feedback after the launch. And from what we've experienced since the last patch, i think it's going to happen.
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should definitely be able to push your power setting for single subsystem to 100. Not being able to move a slider manually above 85 is a bug and we are looking into it.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am curious though will romulan fleet ships get a fleet skin ?

    It looks like I'll be flying the

    Dhael Warbird as well as several of the other refits great job on their variants(every single one looks great though admittingly I think the valdore concept art looked better) too bad people who have bought the legacy pack don't get them unlocked on test..

    While i still think Dhael has a officer setup and console set up too close to the adv escort, at least now I can fly one with out feeling like misplaced hybrid of mogai and a D'deridex.

    I'm looking forward launch even if the ship set ups aren't as unique I wish they would be..
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should definitely be able to push your power setting for single subsystem to 100. Not being able to move a slider manually above 85 is a bug and we are looking into it.

    That's good to hear...that it's actually a bug and not something you wanted us to test. :)
  • captainforfuncaptainforfun Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should definitely be able to push your power setting for single subsystem to 100. Not being able to move a slider manually above 85 is a bug and we are looking into it.

    Nice you fix that, but the cloak + the singularity abilities are still not worth the -10 to each subsystem.

    So bring some Singularity Cores that block the singularity powers and provide some higher base powerlvls for the subsystems in exchange. So everyone can decide if the -10 per subsystem is worth it or not.
    Reynolds / Thokal

    U.S.S. Helios -Vesta Class / R.R.W. Dark Science - Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer
    U.S.S. Donut - Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit
  • xaeinxaein Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know if this goes here or some where else but i couldn't find in searching if any one else has tried to minimize the singularity status bar just to show the Power level of the core not the abilities, as i cant get it to do that, and since the last little patch, it doesn't count the levels or show the cool down for the core to power up once an ability has been used
  • dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No Science ship at VA?

    Oh and while I am at it: No Shuttle? How bout a Veteran skin?
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
    USS Immortal NX-93608-F (Oddyssey Tactical Cruiser)
    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No Science ship at VA?

    Read that as T5 for some reason...

    MU Ha'nom

    ...are T5, but not VA.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should definitely be able to push your power setting for single subsystem to 100. Not being able to move a slider manually above 85 is a bug and we are looking into it.

    That's a relief. I was able to reproduce it reliably in my Ha'feh - if I started from the 'balanced' setting, I could not push weapons above 85 (to 100). But the preset 'attack' put it up there.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PLEASE tell me we'll be getting some sort of carrier! I LOVE the Romulans, but I love carriers even more!

    All the other ship types have been more or less included except for some sort of carrier... We know that the Romulan's have the Scorpion fighters it'd be odd if we didn't have a ship to launch them with :P

    And Scimitar for the win please!
  • milesvaugnmilesvaugn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Power levels definitely need tweaking, although I really think they are married to the current set-up until at least LoR launch.

    What should have happened -- and never did -- was testing with no-powers singularity cores. This would have allowed balancing of the just-BC Romulan ships vs every other ship in the game. Step two would needed to have been balancing just-BC Roms vs BC+powers Roms.

    Maybe the devs were just afraid that a no-powers core would be the overwhelming choice of players, and somebodies cherished pet project would be discarded after spending so much time coding it. Or maybe they just ran out of time because of the inflexible pre-testing announced launch date. I don't know; I hope that after launch they try again, testing on tribble over months and then get the proper balance into the game.

    The other decision that seems bizarre to me is the whole 'Romulans only get one line of ships' deal. I understand that they may not have wanted to commit to building five more ships in their time-limited schedule, but the idea of Romulans without Birds of Prey is mind-blowing crazy. For all the years that passed between 'Balance of Terror' and 'Search for Spock' the term Bird of Prey referred exclusively to Romulan ships -- and the ship in 'Search for Spock' was designed as a Rom ship, even retaining the green paint and feather-motif through several re-writes.

    Since Bird of Prey = Romulan is something firmly established in canon, and the Roms really do already have two types of (turn-ier and tank-ier) ships, why not finally relent on this? Assign the escort-like ships to the Bird of Prey line, and keep the 5.5 degree of turn per second space-whales in the cruiser-like Warbird line?
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Singularity overcharge seems to not effect quad disruptors. If you use the power all other energy weapons will show a counter on them, but quads do not.
  • cerealplayercerealplayer Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm surprised that the devs seem to keeping the Mogai as the Eng heavy and the Dehlan as the Sci heavy "escort" style ships. It seems that the Mogai was supposed to be the heavier, heavier-damage, but less maneuvarable ship, while the Dehlan would be a smaller, but more rugged ship. The switch was baffling, and the fact that it is not being reverted is even more baffling.
  • lnterphaselnterphase Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here is my personal review, and opinion on the Romulan ships and Singularity mechanics, along with my general experience with each ship from my very first Romulan character.

    T?liss Light Warbird
    As the starting ship, it feels old, and slow, but the story line sells it very well, and as you go thru the lieutenant ranks, it starts living up to it stats and where the ship itself shows its weakness, the singularity mechanic and powers come in and save the day.

    When the time came to get my next ship, I understood why it was backbone of the Romulan Fleet for so many years, and is still very useful today.

    Would I get a Zen, Tier 5, or Fleet version? - Very likely.

    Dhelan Warbird

    I was very excited to get this ship. To me, this looks like a logical development that 100 years would do to the old D7 cruisers they used to get from the Klingons. Aesthetically very nice. Not bad bridge officer layout for its level.

    I found that I didn't need the Singularity powers with this ship as much as I previously did, but when I did use them, I found the plasma shockwave didn't do much for me anymore, but Quantum Absorption was certainly nice to have.

    In play, this ship started out very strong, but towards the end of its level range, it felt overdue for its replacement. I liked the ship, but I was not too sad to see it go.

    Would I get a Zen, Tier 5, or Fleet Version? - I'd consider it, depending on the needs of the character.

    Mogai Heavy Warbird

    At first, I wasn't thrilled to get this ship, and after doing the first mission with it, I was wondering if I would have to get the Dhelan Warbird back out before I was ready for my next ship.

    After some equipment upgrades and bridge officer training, I was sure glad I stuck with it, because it ended up being a really solid, powerful ship. At the end, I really didn't feel the need to get another ship right away and continued my missions with it. I was level 32 before I had to go back to New Romulus, figured out I had not done the promotion yet, so I figured I'd try out the next ship.

    Singularity powers? I felt like it was a great trade off, whether I used the powers or not, I think the mechanic is a success here. I felt like I got something valuable whether I used the powers or not. This is with just a green Singularity Core.

    Would I consider a higher tier version of this ship? - I think I'd be a fool to disregard it.

    D?deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser

    Lovely ship, always have liked it, and really love the Cruisers of Star Trek. However, despite having spent my first year in Star Trek Online with Cruisers, trying everything I could find to make them workable as something other than a 'Heal-boat', I gave up on Federation Cruisers, because I found what I wanted on the KDF side.

    So, with all this in mind, I was looking at the stats and going "Oh god, not again", but I did some research, read the forums, and ended up taking the Dev's advice and actually play it before coming to a conclusion about it.

    I really wanted to give this ship a fair chance, and I really wanted to like my experience with it, so I bought Mk VII and Mk VIII gear to fully equip it as best as possible before even taking it on its first flight.

    Since I knew turn rate could be an issue, I made sure I had a Mk VIII blue RCS console available, as well as a Mk VII green Singularity Core that boosted engine power, just to make sure I covered the basics as well as I could.

    Then I took it for a dry run, tweaked the power levels, and things were not as dismal as I originally thought. Time for a combat run, stayed simple for the first one and it wasn't bad, but wasn't good either, but it seemed like it could have been worse.

    I was amazed at its performance while cloaked....just unbelievable, I think I'm going to like this ship.

    Then I went to fight Elachi, and that can be summarized with a quote from the TOS episode Elaan of Troyius.

    Kirk: Scotty, can we maneuver?
    Scotty: Aye, we can wallow like a garbage scowl against a Warp driven Starship...

    All of the sudden, the green tint made sense.
    Except that I wasn't in sector space anymore, and it was now a brown of a shade that can only be describe as baby TRIBBLE.

    How about its Singularity abilities? Without question, its a 100% detriment to this ship, none of its powers are going to save you, and the power loss is a disaster.

    Would I consider an upgraded version of this ship? - Definitely NOT, in fact, I would actually dissuade anyone asking about it from getting it.

    Bottom line: This ship is NOT fun, the more you need it, the weaker it is. The Tier 2 Mogai is many times the ship that is one is.

    And I say this from the opinion that I would prefer to play STO in a cruiser.


    Congratulations Cryptic, lots of awesome work is plainly visible in the Legacy of Romulus expansion. The Singularity mechanic adds value and depth to the game. Kudos to the team working on the ship models, they look solid, and are enjoyable to watch during game play.

    And to whoever specs out the ships, well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

    Will I play this expansion when its hits Holodeck? - Absolutely, overall, its strengths far outweigh anything else. Heck, after being able to test this on Tribble, I'm reconsidering getting a Legacy Pack, and I was sure I wasn't going to get one before.

    So again, overall, Great Job Cryptic, keep up the good work.
  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PLEASE tell me we'll be getting some sort of carrier! I LOVE the Romulans, but I love carriers even more!

    All the other ship types have been more or less included except for some sort of carrier... We know that the Romulan's have the Scorpion fighters it'd be odd if we didn't have a ship to launch them with :P

    And Scimitar for the win please!

    A lot of us are thinking that the Scimitar will possibly be a 3/pack carrier ship or a tactical carrier like the jem'hadar dread.
  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wardcalis wrote: »
    I'm able to sit at

    wep 110
    shld 35
    eng 15
    aux 15

    but i'm like a glass cannon,

    efficiency trait + maxed warp core potential skill

    thats pretty bad.

    I figure were going to have to max out warp core potential, efficiency, and shield/engine/weapon/aux power skills. and even then we might just barely be up to par with FED/KDF, but even then were going to lose points from other skills because we'll have to max those out.

    And then add the zero point and honor guard/adapted maco to get a slight bonus.

    I'm probably going to only run 100/90 weapon power to actually have some shield and engine power and i'll run plasma and get the bonus 17% damage from the romulan two piece and an embassy console
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wardcalis wrote: »
    I'm able to sit at

    wep 110
    shld 35
    eng 15
    aux 15

    but i'm like a glass cannon,

    efficiency trait + maxed warp core potential skill

    Those numbers...don't add up.

    What ship are you in?
    No WCE? No EP/SP/AP/WP?
    What gear do you have?
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neok182 wrote: »
    thats pretty bad.

    I figure were going to have to max out warp core potential, efficiency, and shield/engine/weapon/aux power skills. and even then we might just barely be up to par with FED/KDF, but even then were going to lose points from other skills because we'll have to max those out.

    And then add the zero point and honor guard/adapted maco to get a slight bonus.

    I'm probably going to only run 100/90 weapon power to actually have some shield and engine power and i'll run plasma and get the bonus 17% damage from the romulan two piece and an embassy console

    Efficient, Warp Theorist
    6 Potential, 6 Efficiency
    6 Engine Performance, 6 Shield Performance
    3 Aux Performance, 3 Weapon Performance

    That's standard for me...what varies will be 6 Aux/0 Wep or 0 Aux/6 Wep. Otherwise, that's what's standard for me. Tac/Eng/Sci...Escort/Cruiser/Science Vessel.


    Are the subsystem power levels that I'm looking at on this Ha'nom (+15 Aux). There's +5 Eng from the Singularity Core and +9.5 Shield from the Engine. There's +5 Shield from the Nukara. When I add a Borg, that would be +5 Wep. 0Point would add +1.8 to all. That's before cycling any sort of EPtE.

    MACO/AKHG shields could add more. Leech could add more. An Eng with all the power goodies that LoR is adding would have more.

    Were I to try to match that on Holo in a D'Kyr (+15 Aux), there would be no +5 from a Singularity Core, only +7.5 Shield from the Engine...then I'd have the following:


    13 less Shield Power.
    3 less Engine Power.
    8 less Aux Power.

    -24 Power by comparison.

    Go 5 pips with SC, then it's -14 Power by comparison because of the +10 additional Eng power that it would get. There's other Singularity Cores out there. Just a case that the boat has the Dual Hyper Injection...so it's getting +Eng Power. There are +Shield and +Aux as well.

    A person that is not used to spending points for power...will definitely experience more of a gap than those that do. I just can't imagine not spending the points on power...it's a Holo thing, not a LoR thing...
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its an 8 point shield difference based on the numbers you're showing, not 18. And unless I missed something getting tweaked, isn't the power bonus from a maxed out singularity core 15 per subsystem?
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its an 8 point shield difference based on the numbers you're showing, not 18. And unless I missed something getting tweaked, isn't the power bonus from a maxed out singularity core 15 per subsystem?

    Spreadsheet was acting up...going to have to recalc them.

    Yeah, it gives +5...then an additional +10 to take it to +15 at 5 pips.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I missed the earlier factoring of the base 5. My fault there.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I missed the earlier factoring of the base 5. My fault there.

    I forgot I had an additional boost to Efficiency I didn't have listed - was throwing off numbers as I was going from the post to the spreadsheet to the game...they should be good now, and I believe that matches the numbers I did with a previous post where I'd had enough caffeine to be doing this stuff. :)

    edit: Found it. Efficient Captain's giving +30 on Tribble compared to +15 on Holo.
  • devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited May 2013
    So what is a maximum potenial output for any end game ship? And what is a realistic one without gimping other stats?
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, perhaps I've been taking for granted how I spend points. I just did a quick glance at a blank build over on STOacademy, turned of requirements, and for pretty much every toon I spend 234k of the 300k I spend in space the same - regardless of career or ship. All my guys are also aliens that tend to have both Efficient/Theorist. Playing around with that spreadsheet, without those skills/traits...yeah, it's a different world. I can see where if folks are used to spending those points - that additional 10-16 or more power they're losing by comparison...perhaps do not have because of gear choices so it's even more...

    ...they'd have a different view on the Singularity Abilities.

    What are the "expectations" from Cryptic on what folks power levels should be with the 40 base? Is it based on them having a certain investment in skill points/traits/gear...or...is it just base?
  • nitehawk27nitehawk27 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Though in fairness about 4 people in my fleet told me "don't buy an Odyssey they turn like a beached whale" and I have plenty of fun in that thing all the same, no matter what anyone says.

    Very true, the larger, slower ships do have a problem turning, but they make up for it in durability and well, have you ever hit someone with 6-8 beam weapons at the same time? massive drain on weapon power but still epic :D

    As for the ships, I feel that the weapons slots may be a bit unbalanced for my style of play, but i guess the figuring out how to properly layout a new ship is half the fun. (by unbalanced i mean that i don't like the layout of the weapon slots, my opinion and not binding for everyone) still I love the gameplay and content, great job guys!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    devorasx wrote: »
    So what is a maximum potenial output for any end game ship? And what is a realistic one without gimping other stats?

    A Warp Core can go higher than a Singularity Core. Singularity Cores are still subject to the 125 cap while the Warp Core can 130 in a single subsystem (Shields, Engines, Auxiliary)...

    ...the Weapon Overcapping thing I've never seen officially addressed, so I'm not sure what Cryptic's view on that - though, you should be able to go higher by a small amount with the Warp Core.

    As to how high you can get a certain number of subsystems though - going to depend on skill build, ship, gear, eh?
  • devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited May 2013
    A Warp Core can go higher than a Singularity Core. Singularity Cores are still subject to the 125 cap while the Warp Core can 130 in a single subsystem (Shields, Engines, Auxiliary)...

    ...the Weapon Overcapping thing I've never seen officially addressed, so I'm not sure what Cryptic's view on that - though, you should be able to go higher by a small amount with the Warp Core.

    As to how high you can get a certain number of subsystems though - going to depend on skill build, ship, gear, eh?

    So, on average at end game, what are power allocation for weps, shield, eng, and aux going to be like?
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, say I was to wave a magic wand and take my Fed Eng out of his Chel Grett, make him a Romulan, and drop him in...pretty much any Warbird (majority are +10 Wep/+5 Eng like the Chel Grett). MACO Shield, Borg, 0Point, Efficient/Theorist, 6 Engine/Shield/Efficiency/Potential, 3 Weapon...cycling EPtS1/EPtW1...hrmm, think that's it. Tribble would add the Manifold stuff. Say I go with a 5 pip Shield Core and add in the Nukara console (dropping...er...something).

    Chel Grett on Holo


    Warbird on Tribble


    Even without the 5 pip for Shields, he'd still come out ahead on Tribble compared to Holo...while picking up those Singularity Abilities.

    If he weren't an Eng though?

    109/30...99/30 without the 5 pip.

    +5 or -5 Shields
    -7 Engine
    -6 Auxiliary

    edit: Forgot the pesky +30 vs. +15 between Trib and Holo again.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Dhealan set bonus seems geared toward defensive heavy, but its got 2 engi slots, the only console that it has that might be considered kinda science is the sabotage probe but it could easily be engineering too...... Why is it not getting aux power instead , if this is indeed suppose to be science heavy escort.. Make a ton more sense if it was engineering heavy like it was before... Becuase both the set bonus and the consoles look to support this.

    The mogai the set bonus seems to be Tactical, while it very much is engineering type buff like Nadion Inversion. But the consoles themselves are very much science, as they deal with draining shields and using the ship's particle generators. With out a good amount of science consoles these abilities will not function quite as well.

    The lack of consistency in the stats vs the consoles vs the console sets seems a bit confusing on what you want these ships to be.
  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, say I was to wave a magic wand and take my Fed Eng out of his Chel Grett, make him a Romulan, and drop him in...pretty much any Warbird (majority are +10 Wep/+5 Eng like the Chel Grett). MACO Shield, Borg, 0Point, Efficient/Theorist, 6 Engine/Shield/Efficiency/Potential, 3 Weapon...cycling EPtS1/EPtW1...hrmm, think that's it. Tribble would add the Manifold stuff. Say I go with a 5 pip Shield Core and add in the Nukara console (dropping...er...something).

    Chel Grett on Holo


    Warbird on Tribble


    Even without the 5 pip for Shields, he'd still come out ahead on Tribble compared to Holo...while picking up those Singularity Abilities.

    If he weren't an Eng though?

    109/30...99/30 without the 5 pip.

    +5 or -5 Shields
    -7 Engine
    -6 Auxiliary

    edit: Forgot the pesky +30 vs. +15 between Trib and Holo again.

    I'm sorry but this dosn't make any sense. how are you getting +10 to weapons, +15 to shields, +5 to engines and +4 to aux with the -40 power?

    the Chel Grett has 40 more base power than the warbird yet has less power levels?

    and even the 125/109/57/44? how? i must be really missing something because this math makes no sense to me.
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