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Official Romulan Ship and Singularity Mechanic Feedback Thread



  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Think the Fleet T'Varo 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci console setup works best and make it more balance with the Enchance battle cloak and the Boff setup look right also.

    The Fleet Dhelan 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci console setup is ok and makes it on par to a Kumari Escourt as the Rommie own glass cannon ship. it might suffer from less resistance with 1 less Eng console, but it should make up for it with it's speed and battle cloak.

    Fleet Mogai now look just about right with the 4 Tac, 4 Eng, and 2 sci console setup. i never see the Mogai as a Sci Ship to begin with and i always seen it as a ship comparable to a Breen Attack ship or a Klingon Vorcha attack cruiser so the new set up should fit with the Mogai while the role of Sci ship falls to the Ha'nom.
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fleet Mogai now look just about right with the 4 Tac, 4 Eng, and 2 sci console setup. i never see the Mogai as a Sci Ship to begin with and i always seen it as a ship comparable to a Breen Attack ship or a Klingon Vorcha attack cruiser so the new set up should fit with the Mogai while the role of Sci ship falls to the Ha'nom.


    The old Mogai setup was closer to the Breen ship (STO's interpretation of it anyway), due to the Lt Comm sci slot.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    capnmanx wrote: »

    The old Mogai setup was closer to the Breen ship (STO's interpretation of it anyway), due to the Lt Comm sci slot.

    I think the old Mogai set up was more of a sci ship set up than a Tac/Sci ship of the Breen Chel Grett. it did had more Sci consoles which i think it had around 4 or 5 on the Fleet Mogai with 2 only Eng console slots while the rest is Tac b4 the change. but either way still it's similar to the Breen ship set up except it has a Eng set up as a secondary instead of Sci.
  • nightbringer83nightbringer83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about changing fleet d'd to somthing like this:
    Normal Refit Fleet Refit
    Hull 32500 38500 42250
    Shield 1 1 1.05
    Base TR 6.0 6.5 6.8
  • daskippadaskippa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trwarbuck wrote: »
    I love this function of the Singularity Warp Core. But I do have a question. Why does it seem like every other race can also perform these abilities? Are they going to be unique to the Singularity Core or can Standard Warp Cores do them also?
    But overall I love the Singularity abilities. I have been playing the Romulan material as a Closed Beta player. I love the material, using the Singularity abilities has saved my life many of time already. I can notice the difference between a 1 charge usage and a 2, 3, 4, or 5 charge usage. I say to you Devs, keep up the good work and as the US military would say ... Bravo Zulu (or good job).

    They will be unique to the space elves until they aren't; just ask the klinks :D
  • tajrektajrek Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like to chime in here and say i love the new Mogai . The changes ake me want to play it. Thank you.
  • rattraps123rattraps123 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry cryptic ship people, I hate to be so negative about your designs, But some of the Cryptic made romulan ships are really Really ugly. Can you please do something to tone down the ugly ships and make them look and feel more cannon and romulan looking. How about using some Star Trek Armada 1 & 2 romulan ships.

    The Dhelan is Just dreadfull.. wtf is that ? Why does it need a double wings ?

    The D?ridthau Warbird ......... It's SO ugly i'm speechless. PLEASE change.

    The Ha?apax .... Looks like a #enis...REALLY ?

    The Ha?feh ... NO !

    http://galen82.deviantart.com/art/Romulan-D-shara-WIP-3-Oct-09-139030638 YES ! This SHOULD be a Romulan ship.

    http://brstarship.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/romulan_warbird_04.jpg AMAZING !!!!!!!! This should be a Tier 5 Romulan ship !

    http://www.tacticalstarshipcombat.com/FASA/sds/romulan_v34.htm Here's your Carrier for the Romulans ....


    A Simple google search would have given you better designs for Romulan ships.

    Please consider changing some of your designs to make them more 2409 Romulan style. Thank you Cryptic. I look forward to playing STO : LOR So far the Romulan side from 1-lvl 21 is Amazing an fun and fresh, it should be a HUGE Hit with Star Trek fans.
  • andrew0182andrew0182 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So far i haven't had any problem with the rommy ships and on that note well done cryptic engineers.

    Tho i do feel that there should be more rommy ships to the game maybe add the D7 variant from the original series as a centurion rank ship maybe.

    Oh and a second well done to the cryptic engineers for the rommy interior it is very impressive and a far better job done than the federation interior i might add :)
    The engine room is my most fave of the rommy ship interior.

    Tho so far i haven't come across a trophy show yet but over all excellent work cryptic.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Speaking purely about visuals - I have decided I really dont like the Ha'feh, or really any of those three.

    The design is fairly boring and spartan. It sort of feels Romulan but then not really.

    What keeps going thru my head as I am playing is that Im flying a 747 or the Space Shuttle.

    Pretty sure its "set in stone" but I think the ship model needs another pass.

    Usually the ship guys do outstanding work but these are a bit ho-hum and bland compared to their other designs.
  • bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fed bolian officer on bridge (have not aligned with either faction yet)
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

  • raklau1971raklau1971 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I ran in to a problem with the warbird mirror variants last night, on a reward pack labeled mirror universe Ha?feh Assault Warbird I got the Mirror Ha?apax Advanced Warbird instead.

    On a 2nd reward pack labeled Ha?nom Guardian Warbird I was'nt able to open it because the error text said I already had a Mirror Ha?apax Advanced Warbird which I took to mean that it also would have awarded the Mirror Ha?apax Advanced Warbird regardless of what the reward pack labeling said.
  • dharmalogicdharmalogic Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As i've posted in other threads, I still want to see the Mogai restored to being sci focused.

    I have played with the Ha'anom Sci ship. It's great- except that:
    A- It's poorly designed (the geometry/skin)
    B- It looks NOTHING like a Romulan ship save it's wings.
    C- The sci focus Mogai was a great hybrid for sci-tac's tac-sci's

    So here's what I propose:
    You took the Ha'apax and used the skin to make a cruiser, a sci ship and a tac (the latter two being 'pieces' of the ha'apax whole.
    For the Fleet mogai, apply the same principle: The mogai is a tac ship BUT we can choose between both variants.

    Why not just make the lt cmdr boff slot universal? Because:
    1- Then it could be slotted as tac, which is a blance concern
    2- it wouldn't help the console arrangement

    Therefor: The Mogai should be offered as two variations: The original sci focused mogai and the newer Eng focused Mogai.

    Very little work on cryptics part, with big returns on customer satisfaction.
  • whoami2whoami2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nice... I want to test out those stuff lets do it!
  • rocketciaranrocketciaran Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great ship with incredible graphics that make push this game to a whole new level!

    LOVE IT.
  • rocketciaranrocketciaran Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The singularity core adds a whole extra level to the game play and makes everything far more interesting however I think that you could explain it a little better, a singularity can mean many things, is it a wormhole, a black hole, zero point energy or what?

    I think the power up time is perfect and needs no adjustment, these abilities put Romulan ships over the top of KDF and federation ships and so there has to be a limit of its capabilities.

    In my opinion these new powers are a great addition to the already incredible content on the Romulan faction.

    love it!
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is a bit off-topic, but salamiinferno... can you please create an Official Legacy of Romulus Character Creation, Trait, and Ground thread. I'd do it myself, but then it really wouldn't be Official, and I have run into some things I'd like to provide feedback about that do not relate to story or arc. Thanks, and sorry about the non sequitur.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The singularity core adds a whole extra level to the game play and makes everything far more interesting however I think that you could explain it a little better, a singularity can mean many things, is it a wormhole, a black hole, zero point energy or what?

    I think the power up time is perfect and needs no adjustment, these abilities put Romulan ships over the top of KDF and federation ships and so there has to be a limit of its capabilities.

    In my opinion these new powers are a great addition to the already incredible content on the Romulan faction.

    love it!

    A quantum singularity is a black hole.
  • idontmind77idontmind77 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like that green design and wanted to customize my ship (T'liss). Just letting you know, some drop-downs are empty and the first purchase did not react. Had to do it twice. No big issue, but worth mentioning.
  • dexterbateman416dexterbateman416 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like the Singularity Cores myself. It add spice to space battle when you see a ship implode then explode. Also, all those keen powers that come with them. I really can't complain with Romulan tech.
    I don't take sides, I work angles. More choices that way.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just noticed, and wanted to thank you for, the fact that when I click on the Skills tab from my ship Status page... it takes me to my Space Skills! I know, it's a tiny change, but rather nice.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As feedback is listened too and implemented with the romulan ships I am hoping one day same thing will happen with the kdf ships :)
  • sirstingsirsting Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I tend to agree with the most of what people are saying and having the singularity core with the added ship combat is pretty cool. It gives it an awesome romulan feel when you are in space combat.
  • patarmarkanpatarmarkan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to give my feedback concerning romulan cloaking technology.

    In my understanding romulan cloak is more advanced than klingon cloak.
    Therefore I was very astonished when a nausicaan torpedo hit me about 3 seconds
    after I was fully cloaked AND hit evasive maneuvers.
    Some seconds later I was chased by 3 power siphon probes. Still on full cloak...

    This is NOT what I think a romulan cloak should be like.
    Watch out for my Starship Comparator app at
    http://ssc.levega.de or http://www.stoshipcompare.tk
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What were your Aux levels?

    How close to the ship were you?

    Cloak isn't a WIN button.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • grayfoxjamesgrayfoxjames Member Posts: 1,516 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The intro walk through states you can't cloak while in combat yet I was able to cloak while being fired at in a red alert situation. I don't know if that's a gameplay bug or just the voice over intro/walkthrough bug stating the wrong info.
    Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox
    Fleet Leader of:
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    Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
    Liberty Guardians
    U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class

    Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
    Website: https://www.libertytaskforce.com
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    Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
    Email: CSDynamix@Hotmail.com
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to give my feedback concerning romulan cloaking technology.

    In my understanding romulan cloak is more advanced than klingon cloak.
    Therefore I was very astonished when a nausicaan torpedo hit me about 3 seconds
    after I was fully cloaked AND hit evasive maneuvers.
    Some seconds later I was chased by 3 power siphon probes. Still on full cloak...

    This is NOT what I think a romulan cloak should be like.

    Cloak doesn't stop you from being hit by things fired before you cloaked. It's not faction specific.
  • torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, just finished some tampering around on Tribble, and I have to say, I'm very, very, VERY impressed with what I've seen of LoR so far.

    Regarding ships, here are my impressions;

    #1 - Ship Appearance: Kudos to whoever came up with these Romulan ships. The "canon" Romulan ships (like the D'Deridex and the Valdore) look FANTASTIC. They hold true to their movie counterparts while at the same time taking advantage of STO's impressive graphics. As for the (for lack of a better term) "Cryptic Original" warships (like the Ha'pex...did I spell that right) and the somewhat edited ships (like the new tier 1 warbirds)...DANG. Seriously, whoever designed those things needs a raise. They look fantastic! Each of them has a somewhat "avian predator"-like feel to them. Absolutely stunning work across the board, I'm loving these new Romulan warships.

    #2 - Ship Mechanics: All of the Romulan ships seem to fly, turn, and fire well. I noticed some graphical glitching when firing dual beams from the Tier 1 warbird, but I believe that was the only notable problem I have come across (will update if I see any more). I really love the "drop-stop-and-fire" mechanic that some of the warbirds have, where the torpedos seem to drop out of the ship and hover for a second before zooming off after their target. Very, very cool!

    #3 - Singularity System: I have a love-hate relationship with this thing. In terms of gameplay, it works very well, and gives a huge advantage for Romulan players. I initially had some doubts about how this system would balance out with other factions abilities in STFs and PvP, but these doubts were settled when I noticed that Romulan warbirds have lower EPS levels then other factions craft.

    #4 - Cloak: My opinion here is torn between balance and canon. In canon, the Romulans have the best cloak of any species, and in LoR the Romulan Battlecloaks hold true to that standard, as all warbirds have cloaks superior to all other faction vessels (with the exception of the KDF B'rel Retrofits "Enhanced Battle Cloak"). On the side of balance, however, I'm a little concerned that the advanced Romulan cloaks in tandem with the Singularity capability will make Warbirds a little overpowered in Player-Verses-Player environments.

    Anyway, these are just my initial thoughts on the matter :0

    - Torvin Echo
  • balordezulbalordezul Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So as some of you know I have posted feedback from being a VA Romulan and I hit VA again on Friday after the server wipe earlier this week.

    After playing the system non stop and looking at the new MK X warp cores vs the MK X Singularity Cores I feel the warp cores are hands down the winners. Yes you get some interesting powers with the singularity powers but the passives I have seen from warp cores are insane.

    I know people complained at the beginning but I have played through it twice now and that -40 power is a hard hitter. I feel the warp core passives offset the need for a penalty for singularity cores. If anything and I still don't think you need a penalty do a reduction in turn speed to Romulan ships.

    Just input from a long time pve sto tester.
  • darthsykus29darthsykus29 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    balordezul wrote: »
    So as some of you know I have posted feedback from being a VA Romulan and I hit VA again on Friday after the server wipe earlier this week.

    After playing the system non stop and looking at the new MK X warp cores vs the MK X Singularity Cores I feel the warp cores are hands down the winners. Yes you get some interesting powers with the singularity powers but the passives I have seen from warp cores are insane.

    I know people complained at the beginning but I have played through it twice now and that -40 power is a hard hitter. I feel the warp core passives offset the need for a penalty for singularity cores. If anything and I still don't think you need a penalty do a reduction in turn speed to Romulan ships.

    Just input from a long time pve sto tester.

    I agree with this not to mention that the passive power gain on the singularity core is base on the power level of the core it self so while we wait the 60s for the core to come back online we will be at a disadvantage. I'm not a pvp'er but I know that anyone using an energy drain build will be at a great advantage against rom ships just because they take a -10 to all power levels. I really don't think that it is needed as there is no penalty for warp cores and the power inc and other passives are on 100% of the time, which will put other ships at a greater advantage than rom ships seeing as they will have more power to play with when allocating power levels on their ship + the bonuses from skills will boost that far greater than it will a rom ship.:mad:
  • dharmalogicdharmalogic Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As I've posted elsewhere, I still think the Mogai specs with the sci focus are more balanced then the new Eng focus build.

    Also, with D'dex having a sci focus it lacks compensation for it's awful turn rate and speed.

    The design of the ha'apax is awful (and all the ships that are based on it). The wings and necelles look great, but the neckless body, the underside, all of it looks un-romulan and half thought out. I've flown the Defender sci version of it as well, and hate if for sci. I felt the Vesta was a waste in terms of playability, and this has similar problems. However if the updated TNG Rom Sci ship comes out, it should (if true to cannon) be smaller, more maneuverable and posses all sci abilities which will at least give sci players a choice on what to fly. (I hope the TNG Sci ship is in the c store and not a lockbox drop, which I'm guessing would make sci players feel even more left out of the warbird line).

    It puzzles me as to why the new warbirds are so un-sci friendly. The FEDS have balance of the three play types, the KDF has a heavy tac/eng focus, and if true to cannon the warbirds would be tac/sci focused. It's not reflecting in the choices cryptic is making, and it doesn't appear to be giving the game balance.

    I still think, if players are equally divided on the issue, that the Mogai should be available at fleet ship level as both versions you've let us play, if you aren't going to revert it to the original build. The T'varo could be more universal, similar to the BoPs of the KDF, and the D'dex needs some major help, as it is very difficult to move. (BTW the Ha'apax has more mass then a D'dex, so maybe it should suffer the turn/movement problems, and the D'dex should get a boost).
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