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Scheduled Maintenance (May 4, 2013)



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    grandadmthrawngrandadmthrawn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aoav160 wrote: »
    Yeah right.

    ok, so network maintenance, in peak hours over a weekend.
    Not exactly good planning.
    I can understand if it was all 'fail' but network maintenance, in peak hours over a weekend.
    Ok....... No one in their right mind who's hosting something like this game would ever plan to do maintenance over a weekend
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    lethallarry1lethallarry1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hatepwe wrote: »
    I say vanity pets for everyone! It's the only way to be sure we don't harbor ill will after two evenings in a row of no gaming :D

    Or did you guys just assume we're all out watching Iron Man 3?

    I just got back from Iron Man 3. I'd give it a 6.5 outta 10.
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    hatefuldeadhatefuldead Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It never ceases to amaze me, no matter what game I play or what company manages it... Whenever things go awry for smooth and consistent game play the outcry is the same for each and every one...

    "<Company X> doesn't respect us as customers!!"
    "I'm going back to <Game Y>!!"
    "Give me free stuff!!"
    "How dare you interrupt your service during the times *I* want to use them?!?"

    And on and on... Contrary to popular belief no company is 'out to get' their customers. Most companies are actively trying to address the concerns of their customer base but don't always have adequate resources to do so in the turn-around their customers demand (with online games this appears to be "before it was broken in the first place"). Most companies will not go out of their way to interrupt their services at all, let alone during "prime time" (which is an interesting concept for a game played world-wide).

    No, I'm not advocating for Cryptic or Perfect World or any company... I'm just saying that going online to the forums and throwing a temper tantrum doesn't specifically help in any way. Your game won't be up any faster, your sense of self-importance won't be any more fulfilled, and you will only have succeeded in sounding like every other spoiled individual in today's "instant gratification" marketplace.

    Anywho, yeah... my 2 cents ;) Flame away, as I'm sure you will.
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    evostvoevostvo Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A Saturday night maintenance, only Cryptic & Perfect World could do such a cruel thing, could of at least waited for a Midnight fix, but nooooo, lets do it at peak hours so the developers can get some sleep & rest so they can come back to the office and NOT fix bugs that have been in the game since launch, yea:mad:
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Cryptic said to themselves: "let's TRIBBLE with all these nerds and see how much rage we can generate from them this weekend by crashing the system Friday and Saturday night!"?

    Isn't it obvious?

    The internet is powered by anger and rage. So are the servers at Cryptic.

    There has not been much anger or rage recently, because no one has torqued the Fleet-Mark levels or released broken-to-hell P2Win ships recently. The batteries are nearly depleted, that's why we're seeing these outages.

    This outage... during Game Primetime... is designed to stoke and enrage the fanbase and quickly recharge the servers. They will increase the length of the downtime, give us false hope about the game coming back up and then let the game go down again.

    They aren't doing this because they are poor programmers. Nor are they sick sadistic trolls. It's just a simple unavoidable fact of the Online World.... without rage and anger the servers stop turning and everything goes dark.

    This is why, incidently, all IT-help-desk services are outsourced to foreign countries. The rage you vent on the poor woman in India who can't fix your phone is what actually powers the network.
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    towdogtowdog Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aoav160 wrote: »
    Yeah right.

    Yes! Fire everyone with experience, and replace them with people who get to learn from scratch. That'll teach 'em.

    Actually, off to Netflix to get another couple episodes of DS9 in while the techies get to sweat blood in a server room.
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    cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hatepwe wrote: »
    I say vanity pets for everyone! It's the only way to be sure we don't harbor ill will after two evenings in a row of no gaming :D

    Or did you guys just assume we're all out watching Iron Man 3?

    I saw Iron Man 3 last night.... awesome. But vanity pets for everyone? Are you nuts? COMBAT pets for everyone!! :D
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    fowllanguagefowllanguage Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :D:D:D yayyyyy the new gerbils have arrived !!!!!!:)
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    tango2bravotango2bravo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I hope this isn't some ploy to prevent server overheating or something. Shut down STO so NW or some other game doesn't crash.

    STO is by far the best game this company or anyone out there for that matter has.
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same old routine that goes on around here. Man must be hard to be a community rep and dodge the hard questions. Yep and Im sure once LoR arrives will have more downtime because.. yeah there not on the same server aye brandon ;)

    Just funny that all this downtime happened when Neverwinter went to open beta. I mean really.. Im not shocked whats so ever you couldnt respond to my very direction questions. Again same old routine 3 years strong.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    punktribblepunktribble Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    Isn't it obvious?

    The internet is powered by anger and rage. So are the servers at Cryptic.

    There has not been much anger or rage recently, because no one has torqued the Fleet-Mark levels or released broken-to-hell P2Win ships recently. The batteries are nearly depleted, that's why we're seeing these outages.

    This outage... during Game Primetime... is designed to stoke and enrage the fanbase and quickly recharge the servers. They will increase the length of the downtime, give us false hope about the game coming back up and then let the game go down again.

    They aren't doing this because they are poor programmers. Nor are they sick sadistic trolls. It's just a simple unavoidable fact of the Online World.... without rage and anger the servers stop turning and everything goes dark.

    This is why, incidently, all IT-help-desk services are outsourced to foreign countries. The rage you vent on the poor woman in India who can't fix your phone is what actually powers the network.

    nah you're wrong, nerds are like the darkside...they feed upon rage and anger, this is to help the nerds not the servers :D
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    grandadmthrawngrandadmthrawn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It never ceases to amaze me, no matter what game I play or what company manages it... Whenever things go awry for smooth and consistent game play the outcry is the same for each and every one...

    "<Company X> doesn't respect us as customers!!"
    "I'm going back to <Game Y>!!"
    "Give me free stuff!!"
    "How dare you interrupt your service during the times *I* want to use them?!?"

    And on and on... Contrary to popular belief no company is 'out to get' their customers. Most companies are actively trying to address the concerns of their customer base but don't always have adequate resources to do so in the turn-around their customers demand (with online games this appears to be "before it was broken in the first place"). Most companies will not go out of their way to interrupt their services at all, let alone during "prime time" (which is an interesting concept for a game played world-wide).

    No, I'm not advocating for Cryptic or Perfect World or any company... I'm just saying that going online to the forums and throwing a temper tantrum doesn't specifically help in any way. Your game won't be up any faster, your sense of self-importance won't be any more fulfilled, and you will only have succeeded in sounding like every other spoiled individual in today's "instant gratification" marketplace.

    Anywho, yeah... my 2 cents ;) Flame away, as I'm sure you will.

    yeh but it makes me feel better lol. i mean, network work, during a weekend, its fine on thursdays, i always expect the game to be offline on thursdays, but on a weekend......
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well enjoy your nerdrage, I'm off to The city (New York) to enjoy myself with people.:D
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    dwolf1400dwolf1400 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've only been playing for two weeks and this is the first time I've seen a server outage?

    Does this happen often?

    How long does it usually last?
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    sonoframonsonoframon Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hatepwe wrote: »
    I say vanity pets for everyone! It's the only way to be sure we don't harbor ill will after two evenings in a row of no gaming :D

    Or did you guys just assume we're all out watching Iron Man 3?

    If we get vanity pets, it should be of a Borg blade server... Or a switch.

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    kipardkipard Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not to be the debby downer here but was saturday night necessary. This is one of the few times during the week I actually have time to brain dump and play video games!
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    grandadmthrawngrandadmthrawn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dwolf1400 wrote: »
    I've only been playing for two weeks and this is the first time I've seen a server outage?

    Does this happen often?

    How long does it usually last?

    server is normally down every thursday for 4 hours
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    punktribblepunktribble Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dwolf1400 wrote: »
    I've only been playing for two weeks and this is the first time I've seen a server outage?

    Does this happen often?

    How long does it usually last?

    Stop playing now........happens all the time.......lol happens when the servers get overloaded or someone forgets to feed the hamsters :rolleyes:
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    lethallarry1lethallarry1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kipard wrote: »
    Not to be the debby downer here but was saturday night necessary. This is one of the few times during the week I actually have time to brain dump and play video games!

    I second that thought.
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    grandadmthrawngrandadmthrawn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    server is normally down every thursday for 4 hours

    i know! other half in bed asleep, me + gin + sto + chatting :P
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We're really slipping tonight folks. We should be up to page 52 by now. :mad:

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    aoav160aoav160 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sonoframon wrote: »
    If we get vanity pets, it should be of a Borg blade server... Or a switch.

    And after server stability updates.
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    cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dwolf1400 wrote: »
    I've only been playing for two weeks and this is the first time I've seen a server outage?

    Does this happen often?

    How long does it usually last?

    Every Thursday for about 4 hours, plus whenever someone forgets to properly grease the hamster wheel that powers the network hub. Ooh, but there was that one time that the hamster didn't get fed for 3 days... that was bad.
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    hatefuldeadhatefuldead Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just funny that all this downtime happened when Neverwinter went to open beta
    Which... could very easily be explained by them sharing network equipment without them having to be on the same server... but hey... you're obviously determined to be 'right', no? ;)
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    punktribblepunktribble Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    We're really slipping tonight folks. We should be up to page 52 by now. :mad:


    hmmm did you know........down time is Gorn time.......cause the internet is for Gorn, the internet is for Gorn, Kirk up all night defending his home from Gorn, Gorn, Gorn :rolleyes:
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    idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm glad you guys are doing this (whatever it is exactly you are replacing). :)

    A more detailed blog or post about technical stuff would be even cooler if possible, preferrably with pics of wires and shiny hardware + hamsters.
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    mdsmith1mdsmith1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been playing a few months and it really is a bit much - I'm not going to whine or lose it over not being able to play on a saturday night, but really...this game is down or has issues a TON. Get you're act together or people WILL get tired of it.
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    comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    so i've got to put my own two cents in here.
    No problem, do maintenance, but dont put it slap bang in the middle of a saturday night for all the americans.... or at least NOT at the weekend....

    Im on the West cost... And I dont mind the downtime AT ALL... infact I rather be right now... with out a schedule, rather than having the whole Database Cook itself inside out because Cryptic didnt put Their Money into making better equipment so we can all play later on with out having more outages.... Attracting more people into playing it... for its loyalty to fixing problems and not outages in the future....

    Brandon You have My Support in all...

    for making STO my home and passion!!!!

    My fleets appreciate you aswell!!!!!

    PS: thank you for accepting my Friend Invite Earlier in the LoR Beta Stream!!!

    @comrademoco ^_^

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    kipardkipard Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, either way. Thank you to the crew working on a saturday to keep the game up and running. I appreciate it.
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