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Scheduled Maintenance (May 4, 2013)



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    mrspam404mrspam404 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kelorel wrote: »
    The severe outage that occurred earlier was fixed to ensure that specific network wide crash never occurs again. So in a way it does make sense. The down time here is not to kick you in the balls, its to fix the lag and other connection issues being caused by the added load to the network. Be happy they are telling you what they are doing here.

    Also, the world does not revolve around Americans, surprised? They are setting this time for maintenance because it is what they feel works best for them and is as reasonable as possible. This is a larger maintenance than usual so it takes more time and more workers than normal to fix, which is why this isn't happening at 2am.
    But don't let me stop you from whining and making a fool of yourself. More laughs for me.

    My world revolves around me, and I happen to be American. You know, the country that Cryptic is from. Where every Star Trek series has come from. Where every Star Trek movie has come from. Where this game was made. And for the most part this game revolves around Americans, as normal patch hours are in the early morning hours US time. Which I would have no problem with if it didn't happen 4 or 5 times in a week like it does with this company some weeks.

    Secondly, I can care less if you think I am whining or making a fool of myself as you mean nothing to me. The world doesn't revolve around you, Surprised? I'm voicing an opinion, if you don't like it,well Like I said, I don't really care.

    Third, I'm sure doing it now does work best for them, rather than doing it at 2am. I'm sure their workers don't want to come in that late when they could be sleeping. Who cares what the customers want right? As long as they keep buying Zen.

    Which was the point of my post. I have subbed this game before. I have bought Zen before. I will not in the future. Anyone else that wants change I guess can either come on here and "CRY" as you say(because anyone who has an opposite view as you is whining), or they can show how they feel with their wallets.

    Oh well, going back to making the world revolve around me now....
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    turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, can't say I'm fond of the game being down again, but I do hope the matter of these frequent problems the last few days gets dealt decisively with before the Twenty-First and if that means sacrificing a few hours here and there until then to ensure that I can create a Romulan character and a level one KDF character and enjoy myself in the new material...

    Well, then, I'm willing to sacrifice those few hours now for not having to lose them later.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
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    vaewenvaewen Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I didn't? :confused: What amarad4658 said is accurate and exactly what I was conveying.


    Brandon =/\=

    Shouldn't you be twitching or +1ing somebody's face, or something like that instead of bothering to post on STO's OWN forum?
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    crackerz1crackerz1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    guess i'll go play Candy Crush Saga...
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    nateofborg6nateofborg6 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just hoping it gets fixed right this time. one thing that was going wrong for my fleet for the last 4 hours was fleet invites not working.
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    tango2bravotango2bravo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pops70 wrote: »
    Oh well. I won't complain too much. As much actual money I have spent on Zen I could buy my own server. Just hope my contributions go to quality hardware. As for Neverwinter, did gaming really need another fantasy hack and slash? The Neverwinter brand should have died when the Bioware login servers were TRIBBLE and thousands of accounts compromised. Just sayin..Bioware seems to taint games that would otherwise have potential.

    You know after all the chatter here I went and looked and its a good looking game. Outstanding even. We should be able to access it from the holodecks. Neroadaptive holoprograms with augmented users.
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    captainabbadoncaptainabbadon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sometimes thing get broke, fix is good. you make fix. cryptic make broke. how can be fix if broke is too much to fix. not enough they make go. just make it go. hope after no broke again. too many fix is broke!
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    idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OMG, live web cam! With live chat for us to rage in!

    Lol ..doesn't need to be interactive though, just curious about the tech. :)
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually this is my real account... I just don't spend my life on the forums like some people ;) Didn't really see much point to posting anything before I got bored due to server down time today lol

    And I'm not saying you're not allowed to be grumpy about down time, just that it's not always as cut-and-dry as people seem to believe it is.

    Ill be frank with yeah.. Im far from grumpy. Actually in a good mood for the most part.

    And I understand that. But when I asked brandon a simple question he couldnt be bothered. And that in itself to me.. puts a question there. I dont expect him to answer everyone on the forums, but the question that should be asked by all is what exactly is cryptic doing to help better these down times. And we should get a straight answer. I dont think thats hard thing to do.

    "We are adding more servers." "We increased system space" you get the point. Nothing in his post that I quoted, said anything in anyways shape or form "to me" that they arent on the same server. Yes they share certain systems.. but he didnt confirm or deny they are on the same server. I dont care if they are to be frank. I just want to have a good time enjoying this game. Like everyone here id suspect. I would just hate to see LoR have endless hours of no play because they arent doing something they could be doing to make the game more enjoyable.. thats all Im getting to.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sometimes thing get broke, fix is good. you make fix. cryptic make broke. how can be fix if broke is too much to fix. not enough they make go. just make it go. hope after no broke again. too many fix is broke!

    Okay, who invited the Pakleds? :cool:
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    tango2bravotango2bravo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sometimes thing get broke, fix is good. you make fix. cryptic make broke. how can be fix if broke is too much to fix. not enough they make go. just make it go. hope after no broke again. too many fix is broke!

    Worth repeating.
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    trbblemedictrbblemedic Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All this talk about hamsters is just wrong. Lets get it right once and for all, It's TRIBBLES in the machine again. Darn things get into everything. :P
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    kyleburgesskyleburgess Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well it natural for this to happen. Since heat, programs, and traffic can cause issues with the function of them. When you have issues on going like we have had going on the last week, the only thing is to pin point the issue, and replace it or the connections, and move the system to a better much cooler spot. Another isnt the amount of games the company may have on servers. For one they may have hundreds of servers for more than one game. So that cant be the issue. and for another thing is that you all cry a little to much bout the down time. Look at it this way at least you dont have to flip their bill for tech and upkeep. just chill and if you have any more issues or concerns, contact customer support, where they can explain this to a level you can understand.
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    lored2deathlored2death Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amarad4658 wrote: »
    He just said they aren't on the same server.They share the same network equipment which is what they are fxing/upgrading.What part don't you understand?

    No he didn't. he didn't *eve* say they weren't on the same server....read more carefully. Cryptic is being "cryptic" about how they are explaining what resources NW and STO share.
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    comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    I don't wish to be rude, Brandon, but the above is rather an insult to your players intelligence.

    Two nights in a row you have had unplanned outages of all your games, not just STO, not just NW, all of them.

    Clearly there is an issue with somthing that connects all the games.

    So, when people talk about how cryptic need to keep games seperated, then we may well have a point.

    The increased load from NW clearly broke something shared by all the games.

    Now, from a semantic point of view, I'm sure its true that each game has its own dedicated hardware, so seperate servers.

    However, not everyone on these august fora is totally au fait with the correct nomenclature for game hosting hardware.

    What is abundantly clear is that hardware shared by all your games failed catastrophically.

    what is also abundantly clear, is that such a failure is attributable to the wholly predictable load on said hardware by the numbers of people playing NW.

    And what is finally abundantly clear, is that this should never have been allowed to happen.

    It was a lack of foresight.

    Those shared resources you mention simply failed to stand up to the demands on them.

    Thus, non network technicians can easily be forgiven for saying the servers failed. Maybe it was the switches, or the magic widgets or the tribbles.......but from a non tech point of view, they're all server stuff.

    If you spent a little less time correcting a simple semantic error and a little more time putting Cryptics hand up to a lack of foresight, then a lot more goodwill would be forthcoming.

    tldr.....cryptic made a huge error, stop trying to correct peoples understanding of tech hardware instead of admitting said error.

    The way I see it.... They are not all sharing "one" server.... they share a Connection that brings them out to you... if that connection fails then all games Fail....

    now tell me this....

    Would you rather have not had this "repair" today and suffer consequences that my put your captain out of Action tomorrow?


    would you rather have that "out put Database" fixed right now in order to prevent more outages in the future.. Giving you more time have fun and level you captains up??


    would you rather have had this "repair" Friday given you no time to finish you CC event and get your reward?


    do you expect every MMO to be perfect and not suffer damage????

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    nightstalker61nightstalker61 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, at least it is bar time in the US. See everyone after last call. Plus, the Doctor is in!! (Doctor Who time). Facts of IT, Networks break (Probably CISCO or HP Procurve) and if you don't fix them immediately you'll get a nice cascade failure that will cause more extended outages and a lot of headaches.
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    kryznixkryznix Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear Devs,

    This is getting F*c*ng ridiculous, the past few days the servers been down during my main time to play.... now maintenance during my main time to play.

    Congratulations you have officially made a new player who loved the game enough to try and bring friends and co-workers to it... to a player who thinks this game is run by idiots and has me ready to move back to GW2 or TSW.

    Ive played pretty much every major MMO and Ive never experienced so much downtime aside from initial release's.

    Maybe its a fluke, but another week of this shi* and ill be leaving. Get your shi* together please.

    Disappointed (aka: a paying customer)
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrspam404 wrote: »
    My world revolves around me, and I happen to be American. You know, the country that Cryptic is from. Where every Star Trek series has come from. Where every Star Trek movie has come from.Where this game was made. And for the most part this game revolves around Americans, as normal patch hours are in the early morning hours US time. Which I would have no problem with if it didn't happen 4 or 5 times in a week like it does with this company some weeks.

    Secondly, I can care less if you think I am whining or making a fool of myself as you mean nothing to me. The world doesn't revolve around you, Surprised? I'm voicing an opinion, if you don't like it,well Like I said, I don't really care.

    Third, I'm sure doing it now does work best for them, rather than doing it at 2am. I'm sure their workers don't want to come in that late when they could be sleeping. Who cares what the customers want right? As long as they keep buying Zen.

    Which was the point of my post. I have subbed this game before. I have bought Zen before. I will not in the future. Anyone else that wants change I guess can either come on here and "CRY" as you say(because anyone who has an opposite view as you is whining), or they can show how they feel with their wallets.

    Oh well, going back to making the world revolve around me now....

    Yet PWE is from china ...:rolleyes:

    Now when you stop whining about "your" continent (thou I dont think you own it...maybe Im wrong) you will see that Star Trek movies and everything (even cryptic) is not made only for US because you see ,there are not enough people in US to make games /movies/software to bring alot of money so everything US makes is for ...well ,the rest of the world.

    p.s . pwe is from China :D
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    moutoku343moutoku343 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oh well, there's always romance of the three kingdoms to play:D:D:D
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    sapyrothsapyroth Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The way I see it.... They are not all sharing "one" server.... they share a Connection that brings them out to you... if that connection fails then all games Fail....

    now tell me this....

    Would you rather have not had this "repair" today and suffer consequences that my put your captain out of Action tomorrow?


    would you rather have that "out put Database" fixed right now in order to prevent more outages in the future.. Giving you more time have fun and level you captains up??


    would you rather have had this "repair" Friday given you no time to finish you CC event and get your reward?


    do you expect every MMO to be perfect and not suffer damage????

    What you wrote has nothing to do with what he was stating.. A big "LOL" for you :P
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    comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kryznix wrote: »
    Dear Devs,

    This is getting F*c*ng ridiculous, the past few days the servers been down during my main time to play.... now maintenance during my main time to play.

    Congratulations you have officially made a new player who loved the game enough to try and bring friends and co-workers to it... to a player who thinks this game is run by idiots and has me ready to move back to GW2 or TSW.

    Ive played pretty much every major MMO and Ive never experienced so much downtime aside from initial release's.

    Maybe its a fluke, but another week of this shi* and ill be leaving. Get your shi* together please.

    Disappointed (aka: a paying customer)

    Apparently you've not seen what goes on with in "inside" every MMO in order to bring you out perfect games so you can enjoy them....

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    cmdrbensoncmdrbenson Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    everyone should just stop ********. Maintenance is Maintenance it needs to be done
    Admiral Sash
    Commanding Officer
    Federation One
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    shadoreshadore Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, at least it is bar time in the US. See everyone after last call. Plus, the Doctor is in!! (Doctor Who time). Facts of IT, Networks break (Probably CISCO or HP Procurve) and if you don't fix them immediately you'll get a nice cascade failure that will cause more extended outages and a lot of headaches.

    Don't blame Cisco. He'll emissary your TRIBBLE. This is clearly the Holographic Doctor's fault. You know what happens when he's left on too long.
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    hatefuldeadhatefuldead Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would just hate to see LoR have endless hours of no play because they arent doing something they could be doing to make the game more enjoyable.. thats all Im getting to.
    And on that I can totally agree with you :) Look at it this way though. It could always be worse. Defiance (which I *try* to play when I'm not in STO) has had numerous unscheduled outages, roll-backs and progression resets all in the past couple of weeks. People have paid real money for boost packs that have been rendered useless due to constant downtime. It's an unfortunate state of affairs that game companies tend to under-estimate their systems and testing needs due to budget restraints imposed upon them by their parent companies and end up playing catch-up afterward to the detriment of their player-base.

    In the end, I've had more up-time than down-time with STO which is something I can't say about some games I currently play and have played in the past so they're doing better here than some. Now... if they would just fix the damn Red Alert instances... lol
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still less than 50 pages. :confused: Geeze people, you disappoint me. :(

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    mazerunnermazerunner Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All this talk about hamsters is just wrong. Lets get it right once and for all, It's TRIBBLES in the machine again. Darn things get into everything. :P

    I suspect the Tribbles ate the NetWork hamster, got fat and popped a wire out of place. Happens all the time.

    "Reason notwithstanding, the Universe continues unabated."
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another evening shot down. Had 20mins to set a few doff missions before it went down. That's another few thousand Dil, I'm not gonna earn. I'll say it again, do this server junk while I'm at work! Don't wait for me to come home and then start it! :mad:
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    mrspam404mrspam404 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    Yet PWE is from china ...:rolleyes:

    Now when you stop whining about "your" continent (thou I dont think you own it...maybe Im wrong) you will see that Star Trek movies and everything (even cryptic) is not made only for US because you see ,there are not enough people in US to make games /movies/software to make alot of money so everything US makes is for ...well ,the rest of the world.

    p.s . pwe is from China :D

    P.s. PWE didn't make Star Trek. Cryptic did. PWE just bought em. Good try tho. The U.S. makes all the good, music/movies/games, then the rest of the world buys them.. Is that your point? My point was that I'm from the US so MY world revolves around me. I never said the world revolves around the US, but thats what you seem to be saying so I'll go along with you.
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    jocelyn2jocelyn2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    We will be bringing down all Cryptic games and services later tonight, Saturday, May 4th, for maintenance. We are planning to conduct this maintenance at 8PM PDT (click here to view in your timezone) and expect it to last for 4 hours. The test server will also be unavailable during this time.

    The goal of this maintenance is for additional performance optimizations to help avoid the outages we've seen recently.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding,

    - The Star Trek Online Team

    UPDATE: We are planning to conduct this maintenance at 8PM PDT (click here to view in your timezone) and expect it to last for 4 hours.

    It's because they are being attacked.
    I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job...

    ...because he will find an easy way to do it.

    -Bill Gates
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    paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No worries... I just picked up TNG Season 3 on Blu-Ray so maybe I'll go watch some of that instead. :)
This discussion has been closed.