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"Couldn't Transfer Character"



  • dp1149dp1149 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Also stuck on the Rapier - Home Stretch after exiting the wormhole...tried force verify, reboot, safe mode, changing away team lineup (I read that somewhere), and so on. Still can't finish. :(

    At least I'm not wasting as much time on this as I did with Night of the Comet and the disappearing shards...
    Damn the torpedoes, warp speed ahead!
  • undocumentedundocumented Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Stuck at Cold Storage, tried everything I've seen mentioned from enabling/disabling set visuals to verifying files, very frustrating at this point...

    Going to go see if its on all my captains or just this one :rolleyes:
  • ortsimortsim Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm getting this at 'Researcher Rescue" from the Klingon Missions. I'm running the TOS connie as my ship. I had to skip it to progress my alt's leveling.
  • fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Still broken.... I'm hoping that with the update tomorrow it'll be fixed.
  • schveddellschveddell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Having the same problem, whenever attempting to enter the Kassae system, as well as the Terrh system.
  • jamesknight79jamesknight79 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    soto928 wrote: »
    Been trapped on the surface of Brea III for about 30 minutes now. Submitted a ticket no response. Cant beam up to ship or transwarp out it consistently gives me the "Couldn't Transfer Character" error.

    Same here. Can't complete the mission without aborting it, redoing it all over again, and having time wasted. :( Submitted both a bug and GM report, but from the replies here, I doubt anything will be fixed. :(
  • fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Good news - I finally was able to complete Rapier!
  • soeren5soeren5 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Played last night for an hour, and haven't had the issue a single time. Here's me hoping it has been fixed.
  • vikingborgvikingborg Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Was able to finish Raiper and continue to play for a couple of hours without a single problem.
  • josegasparjosegaspar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2 days later... no reply to ticket.
    First tickets do not show up in records, ticket:
    REFERENCE: 121117-000794
    STATUS: Waiting
    DATE SUBMITTED: 11/17/2012
  • xariamaxariama Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Still a problem. Can't beam down to Starbase 114. And this bug's been in the game for how long now? And it still isn't fixed?
    Lane Bjorn Jorgensson, Captain, ISS Voltaire

    Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
  • sylveriareldensylveriarelden Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Saturday's Child - The Princess and the Klingon- Couldn't Transfer Character when I try to beam down to the planet.

    Tried Normal and Safe login both failed. Tried to restart from the beginning of the episode, doesn't make a difference. Boots me out to the login screen every time. It's something to do with the server content or the connections. Perhaps load balancing on the client/server?

    Anyway, I've given up on trying to get into it for now- I'll wait till there's some forward movement on this, and if there isn't by the time my subscription goes to renew I'll be cancelling it. I've been reading through all of the posts on the forums about this same issue, and some of them are pretty old- makes me think Cryptic/Perfect World isn't too interested in keeping customers if they're not paying attention and responding to the issues accordingly. I'm actually amused at some of the "pat answers" coming from the service responses... If one person calls you a horse, you can probably ignore it safely. If 50 people call you a horse, perhaps it's time to start looking for a saddle.

    PS - for all the fanbois/gurls: Posting feedback on errors in this game isn't a forum whine, it's customers letting the company know something needs to be addressed. If it's not being addressed, the customers take their money elsewhere- simple. If it's not addressed, eventually the company loses all their customers and you will eventually lose the game too. It's a business after all. Funny how that works, huh?
    It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.

    Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Encountered same bug when replaying the Featured Series, in this case the Cold Comfort story. When attempting to beam in Raveh II System, I got the "Couldn't Transfer Character" as well. Tried to re-log, restart STO, dropped the mission and hailed again but no joy. In short: i'm stuck again(!) with the lobi/accolade hunt in this series.

    Working as intended? Cuz every time we get the same old annoying bugs back in this game
    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh well, guess what? Can't finish Cold Case as well, cuzz the story continues to Raveh System. Same error occurs, ending in the logging screen again.
    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • ergonalergonal Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Also got that problem with starbase 114, anybody having the issue when you beam down to New Romulas, you end up with no away team??...or is that a me thing??
    "Everyone smiles in the same language"
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It's a server timeout issue. this is what happens when you get a disconnect due to lag while trying to map transfer.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It's a server timeout issue. this is what happens when you get a disconnect due to lag while trying to map transfer.

    Nope, haven't seen any 'not responding' message. As soon the game want to load the map, I instantly get a error and the only thing I can see after this message is the log-in screen.
    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • jadizbanejadizbane Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This not a perfect solution but at least you can get the mission done. Restart Star Trek Online in Safe Mode and this should allow you to continue. This just worked for me now on Saturday's Child
  • sylveriareldensylveriarelden Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm not buying the lag disconnect thing. If it was lag- it would be consistent with any map- not just one in particular. (at least, you would think)

    Another workaround- this might help anyone having issues getting stuck on a particular mission- just go into your Episodes and SKIP it and drop the mission- then move onto the next one. Works perfectly fine although you can't claim the rewards/skill points until you go back and complete it (if it ever gets fixed)

    Ok, small rant- I think it's rather stupid that we have to skip content if we're subscribing to the game- sort of defeats the purpose of paying for the experience in the first place, IMO
    It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.

    Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
  • c0nd1t10nr3dc0nd1t10nr3d Member Posts: 638 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    brickyard wrote: »
    Encountered same bug when replaying the Featured Series, in this case the Cold Comfort story. When attempting to beam in Raveh II System, I got the "Couldn't Transfer Character" as well. Tried to re-log, restart STO, dropped the mission and hailed again but no joy. In short: i'm stuck again(!) with the lobi/accolade hunt in this series.

    Working as intended? Cuz every time we get the same old annoying bugs back in this game

    I can confirm that this bug has reappeared while trying to enter the Raveh II system during the Breen Missions. It's extremely annoying!

    I managed to get in after a while though by not giving up! I got the "Cannot Transfer Character" thing many times during the process but I eventually got into the Raveh II system and completed the Mission (Cold Case). I'm really looking forward to doing the whole thing again now for Cold Comfort... "NOT" lol.

    Anyway, I hope the Devs are aware that this issue has resurrected itself and can resolve it soon. ;)
  • sslorrsslorr Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Well count me as one of the ones effected by this bug for the Reveh system both cold comfort and coldcase.

    What is odd, is that I was having this problem at first with cold comfort, then skipped it to do the next which is cold case, and it let me enter for the cold comfort, but ofcourse I clicked on the wrong response to the breen guy and failed mission. So I left restarted mission and low and behold i got the same error of couldn't transfer. Ahhhhhhh! then when i gets to reveh again for cold case it wont let me go there either.

    Hope they fix this before the replay ends, cause I am on new toon and want to complete the lobi accolades.
  • yoetrayoetra Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm having this issue trying to beam down to the station during the Scene of the Crime mission (part of War is Good for Business).

    Nothing I do seems to let me move on.
  • vanityeldritchvanityeldritch Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    yoetra wrote: »
    I'm having this issue trying to beam down to the station during the Scene of the Crime mission (part of War is Good for Business).

    Nothing I do seems to let me move on.

    Same problem for me, same mission. Wont let me beam to the starbase... "Couldn't Transfer Character" and booted.
  • abrraxasabrraxas Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have the "Couldn't Transfer Character" while doing the mission: Saturdays Child. :confused:

    After I have secured the area, it asks me to beam to the surface, I choose my away team hit ok, and then a message box appears saying "Couldn't Transfer Character". it then logs me out and I'm left with just the sign in screen.

    Iv'e tried logging back in using the safe mode as well as normal login, but everytime I try to beam to the surface I get the same message again.

    Please could I get this looked at.


    Mods: For some reason I do not have permissions to create new threads in any part of the forum, including bug reports etc

    Many thanks for your time.

    Happy New Year


    I'm not sure if it was dumb luck or a good workaround but I got it to work finally.

    When the mission told be to beam down, I moved my bridge officers around in their slots (Still the same officers that I usually use on away teams) but just moved them around a bit. Hit ok, and Hey presto it worked.

    Hopefully this works for you guys too.

    Cheers :)
  • menofonekindmenofonekind Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    i have made 2 chars in the past 2 days, and with both this bug occurs on the Mission

    War is good for Business when i shall beam to starbase 114.

    Cos this one is some sort of Storyline Mission, i would have to do 10 or more minor quests, to gain the EXP i would get with this one. And even than i am quite not sure if i can proceed with the following 'Storyline' Mission, which will usually set available, after completeing the last in the line

    I hope u understand my meaning, cos i am no native.


  • caiphuscaiphus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    brickyard wrote: »
    Oh well, guess what? Can't finish Cold Case as well, cuzz the story continues to Raveh System. Same error occurs, ending in the logging screen again.

    I have the same problem with Raveh. I can't finish Cold Comfort OR Cold Case. I'm not having the problem anywhere else, just this specific system, so I"m not really buying the whole lag thing.
  • menofonekindmenofonekind Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    abrraxas wrote: »



    I'm not sure if it was dumb luck or a good workaround but I got it to work finally.

    When the mission told be to beam down, I moved my bridge officers around in their slots (Still the same officers that I usually use on away teams) but just moved them around a bit. Hit ok, and Hey presto it worked.

    Hopefully this works for you guys too.

    Cheers :)

    i've done it just for a try the same way, and ure right it helps getting missions work again.

    :):) *thumbs up 4 u*
  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yesterday I managed to load the Raveh II System without any tricks. Could finally finish the two story missions in this map. That was after one day. Something's strange is going on for sure.
    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • typlixomtyplixom Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Trying to do the Tour the Galaxy... accept the mission and then beam up only to get this error message. Tried restarting the game several times, as well as my computer, and when I accept the Tour mission and beam up it gives me the same message again and I get logged out....

    It's been 3 years and there still isn't a fix?????? :confused::confused:
  • milsaromilsaro Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    4 years.. cant beam out from K-7. 2nd day.

    beamed out.. but 2 days trapped guys.. :(
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