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Ask Cryptic: November 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • nodia2055nodia2055 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    is the way you guys screwed with things in season 7 going to be the way all updates are going to be from now on, little content lot of TRIBBLE with things?
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    what was the point of going free to play if season 7 dilithium earning cuts the massive increses of dilithium needed and the removing of drops drives away the casual players. and before you answer with your "we put dill back in stf rewards answer" I have a 156 IQ thats a pitence compared to what was removed and what is now required. I think most here are not fooled one bit. At least the lack of People in game would strongly indicate this is the case. since you seem driven by the bottom line i would think suckering 50% fewer players out of 25% more cash is cutting your own throat???
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Do you know what you put into S7 that's causing many people's games (including mine) to crash while loading?

    More stuff on starship interiors like holodecks, shuttlebays, and observation lounges?

    (And now the usual question) Where's the love for the KDF?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • ussrevravenussrevraven Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can you tell is anything about the long mentioned First Officer system? Is it being discussed, on hold, changed into something else, etc?

    Are there any plans to rework the Fleet Support ability to include summoning some of our other ships?

    As others have mentioned, the Starbase system is pretty neat, but still really heavily skewed towards large fleets. Is there any chance for a change to the Starbase system to make it a bit friendlier towards small fleets?

    How far in the future does Cryptic have a roadmap set for STO?
  • valiant797valiant797 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Is there any discussion about lowering the dilithium cost for special projects? Although our little fleet CAN do them, we're mostly casual players so it isn't trivial.

    Can we get an option to change the ships in the Fed Starbase conference room (via console perhaps)? Although I love the ships being there, they're ones that no one in my fleet uses.

    Can the ship team get some polish time? There are some long-standing graphical errors on the ships that could use some love (or some additional detail, like pennants)
    <signature under reconstruction>
    Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)

    Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are there any plans on adding in the early concept art work, like the Valiant ship skin?
  • gud123gud123 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    will some of the old ships on c-store become free?? or upgrade some ships to a higher rank??
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Will we see more BOff species in the future, such as the possible addition of tri-career Reman BOffs to the New Romulus Fleet Embassy stores, or Cardassians?

    2) Are there plans to make the standard range of Starfleet and KDF uniforms available to the special rewards BOffs? (e.g. Romulan, Reman, Breen, Jem'hadar)

    3) What plans does Cryptic have regarding functional and customisable ship interiors, including canon ones (e.g. Intrepid for Voyager), as per the following discussion?

    4) Will Cryptic consider allowing players to pay for reconfiguring their BOff station slots for their ships?

    5) Will we be able to get additional BOff costume slots?
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Question 1: With the "concerns" from outside (CBS) sources with the older-era ships not being available "end game" (even though you just promoted Enterprise and TOS via a costume giveaway) as "combat" vessels, has anyone considered/contemplated expanding the "non-combat" ships by essentially converting the Connie, NX, and even Miranda into at least "slightly stripped down Tuffli Freighters"?

    2. Why is Cryptic seemingly against allowing a lot of players, specifically the more casual / older ones, full access to the variety of content, and so intent on shoehorning us into certain types of content? To wit, using information posted by devs on this board and various dev blogs:
    A. Pre Season 7, it was stated that the reputation system is designed to only require 3x 1 hour play sessions a week. This "requirement" is very casual friendly, as it allows a casual player the ability to alternate between Romulan and Omega marks in their "average" 3.5 hour play-time, and still have the ability to farm dilithium or advance their fleet some...
    B. During the dilithium flap that gave me the 3.5 hour "average session", it was also stated that the no-dilithium STFs (actually, no dilithium from any mark source) was considered in light of it needing 4 hours of play to reach the 8k/day cap. Putting this on top of the hour/day for the reputation system, fleet construction, etc. suddenly overwhelms many of the "casual" players and hardens the hardcore against all the "shoehorning" into predicated gameplay styles.
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When will PvP get more maps and gameplay types? (Specifically, when will Facility 4028 or a variant be added for some sort of capture the map style gameplay, where you can send the enemy falling to their deaths by turning force field walkways off?)

    When will the 700 day android BOff have options for Tac, Sci, etc.?.

    What are the plans for "exploration"?

    Why not release more story line missions? They don't have to be Featured Episode quality, with voiceovers and new game tech - just regular missions.

    When will the stories about STO that are currently published in Star Trek Magazine be available for players of STO to read? Not everyone can / will buy the magazine.

    Why artificially time gate the reputation system? Why not allow someone who has gather the appropriate marks / dil / resources (and therefore spent the appropriate time actually playing) to instantly gain reputation levels? The reputation tasks get materials input, and then players have nothing to do while waiting for them to complete.

    When will the Odyssey, Chimera, Bortasqu;, etc. get skin variants? The Vesta was released with 3 visual types, why not the ships I mentioned?
  • judgeslongjudgeslong Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. How about removing dilithium from the game this seams to be one of the biggest headaches ever made.

    2. If dilithium is not removed how about lower the requirements by half for everything that requires dilithium or just removing it completely from star base upgrades, crafting items and duty officers.

    3. Dilithium has made sto just a grind like other mmos not fun. Can we get back to making new missions, episodes and new content.
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will the Argo (shuttlecraft) and the Argo (buggy) make it in the game any time soon?
  • emperorwayne1emperorwayne1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) The elephant in the room obviously. What do you plan to do to address those players, which is pretty much everyone, who is incredibly brassed off by the Dilithium reward reduction, the increase in how much we need to shill out in time/money for it, and any remedies for that?

    2) Why were year/two year old uniforms used as tie-ins to other websites. No one wants something they've been parading around in since Season 3. Why not new uniforms?

    3) Can you actually level with us, as human beings, and admit that number one is a blatant attempt to get us to spend more on Zen? (We're all flesh and blood; we just want honesty. It is the best policy.)

    4) Can you please put the rewards back for doing quick foundry missions?(My favourite, the Nagus missions, were an easy way to get stuff done in relatively short periods. I've got other things to do. Work, other games, family, romance, reading. I don't want to HAVE to spend an hour doing it. I want to be able to choose.)
    If its working in the players favour - "This isn't working as intended. We're going to remove this from the game. You're not playing as we intended."
    If its working in the games favour - "We have too much on our plate to fix this/Working as intended."
  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    With the recent additions in Season 7 and giving us so many more targets that require dilithium and the increase of dilithium that is required for certain aspects such as General Recruitment and upgrading your DoFF's. Wouldn't you think it would be wise to give us more avenues to earn dilithium and increase the CAP? Reduce the cool down on the Reputation system as well so we can put our selves back into the position we were before the update and not have it take forever and a day.

    If you can't put in more ways to earn dilithium perhaps allowing us to use Fleet Credits or EC to upgrade our DOFF's and use of the Marks system to purchase our new gear. Maybe have the gear require so many Elite Marks and allow us to exchange 10 normal marks for 1 elite. At least that would deal with the problem people have with making enough dilithium and the stupidly low cap.
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) When can we expect a new class to select from, maybe a "Command" class would be nice. Most mmo's eventually bring in new classes to give the game more variety, would be nice if sto followed suit.

    2) 29th century outfits.. whats the eta on thiese?

    3) Klingon Content (ships,clothing,missions ect) eta?
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When can we expect the AntiAliasing issue (above 2x AA causes 7 FPS) with ATI/AMD graphics cards and STO to be fixed?

    When will DirectX 11 be out of beta on Holodeck?

    When will we actually get new new rewards instead of recycled ones?

    Where is the Vesta bridge, Prometheus pack (with a special EMH Mark II BO), Voyager pack (with EMH Mark I), and TNG packs?

    What happened to the Relativity uniforms and can the playerbase convince Crypic to put these in the C-Store instead of the Lobi Store?

    Can we have the Empok Nor station as a PvP map with the gas that allows you to shoot your teammates?

    When can the players expect a third playable faction that is completely separate from the current two?

    Is the TWoK Uniform scheduled for a make over and will we ever have a full set of ranks for this uniform?

    When can I buy the Future Imperfect CommBadge?

    Why can't the Academy, TWoK, TNG Admiral S1, and Relativity ranks be used on other uniforms than the ones they came with?

    When will Shuttle/Fighter PvP be implemented?

    Is Christopher Pike's hoverchair and Q's hoverthrone ever going to make it into the game for our toons to use?

    Why isn't there a "For Rent" sign on the old Borg STF store? Is it possible for this location to be converted into a large Storage Locker for toons or fleets that gives us 200 items of storage as a C-Store purchase or some sort reward for some mission/accolade?

    When will we have one complete sector space map and the same for all ship interiors and stations like DS9?

    Will there be more Christmas themed clothing like Santa and Elf hats, full outfits, and Christmas themed project for our Fleet Starbases that can be turned on and off (as in when to show the decorations and when not to) by the Fleet Leaders?

    Why hasn't Utopia Planitia been returned to the game and when will we have a full solar system to fly through for Sol?

    We need more food items for new Tribbles. Things like ice cream on a cone, steak, loaded baked potato, apple pie, etc. When can we expect new Tribbles and new food items?

    Will we ever have a Q oriented mission where he transports us through time onto the bridges of each canon ship to meet their Captain's? This would be a great way to take our toons back to being a Captain to allow a level increase after being demoted with new gear and new ships.

    Is it within the tech to have a fleet emblem on the KDF Honor Guard cape instead of the Empire symbol? If so, can this be emplemented in a similar way like we swap the symbols on our ships?

    When will crafting have a purpose once again and Mk XII items?

    Are there any plans to fix the patterns colors on ships with darker hulls? The darker hte hull, the more it makes whatever pattern color you choose look black and not visible.

    Are there any plans for sub-factions within the current two available? Section 31 for example. A story arc through Feature Episode Series to grand us new hull colors, patterns, interiors, etc. that are in keeping with these organizations. Otherwise, how about a Section 31 ship in a lock box?

    Will we ever get the Andorian Escort and are there any plans for a MU Escort for Fed's in the next lock box?
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What can we reasonably expect for Foundry additions (features and assets) in the next 3/6/12 months? Will we ever see the return of features such as the Dialog with Object objective and patrol path that were pulled due to bugs and never returned? Will the foundry npc bug for the demo record tool ever be fixed?

    Also, any chance the Chimera could gain fleet stats? It's slower than the Fleet Armitage and Steamrunner, but has a weaker hull. I was also thinking a third science console slot would round it out nicely.
  • vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First up: PLEASE tell me there's a timeline to get Klingons back to a level 1 start. I flat out REFUSE to start a new character at level 20. Even if the missions aren't there, let us figure out our way upwards.

    Second: can Lobi be made account wide NOT character bound? I have a couple of crystals spread across multiple characters and it irritates me that I'll never have an use for them.

    Third: are there plans for more dilithium rewarding missions? I know it's gonna get harped on, but there's not a lot of variety if you want to grind dilthium.
  • tachyonharmonictachyonharmonic Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    With the addition of the Fleet Starbase system, and now the Embassy and Romulan/Omega Reputation systems, why the move towards a more time-gated advancement experience for the game?
  • psyloafpsyloaf Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    One of the little tidbits I enjoyed when talking to Admiral D'Vak was that he mentioned Omega Force wasn't just anti-Borg. In fact, it was a force for dealing with any powerful threats like the Undine and the Iconians. With this is mind, are there any plans to have more "themed" sets like these, whether they are MACO/Honour Guard/Omega variants, or entirely new pieces?
    Fleet Advanced Research Vessel T6
    Commander Science, Lieutenant Commander Engineering, Lieutenant Commander Universal, Lieutenant Tactical, Ensign Science
  • darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    KDF Tier 4 Marauding uniform, when will it be available?

    KDF Tier 4 Maruading Enemy Faction Bridge Officer, when will they be customizable?
    I got reminded of this when I saw a Fed Captains Gorn boff on New Romulus, wearing visable Body Armor and Pointed Shoulder pads.

    When are Letheans getting their own Clothing option like all they other KDF Races? A simple Hood would be nice.

    D5 Battlecruiser, when the KDF becomes a little more complete in Season 8 maybe? Perhaps with a Heavy Turret = hits harder + slower rate of fire = Same DPS and is Green, levels with you like the TOS Connie phasers. Perhaps a Heavy Cannon in the fore, like the Heavy Turret.
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just wanted to add 1 question, which is mostly aimed at the Environment Artist(s):

    When will we finally see places like Starfleet Academy fleshed out to include other Starfleet installations such as Starfleet Command? Would also include re-positioning "Admiral Quinn" to Starfleet Command, rather than Earth Spacedock. Another thought is to fleshing out entire starsystems, allowing us to explore more freely, possibly even bringing in the fabled "One Big Galaxy Map".

    Obviously the game engine has the tech for very large environments, or else, how would you explain New Romulus? Not buying the old excuse that the engine doesn't allow for very large maps, after having seen New Romulus (and COs Millennium City).
  • chikahirochikahiro Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    I've long loved Cryptic's "Choose between good and good" philosophy with gear/equipment in their games. When I was starting off as a new MMO player, other games often had bonuses and penalties associated with things, which was a little overwhelming! Whereas with Cryptic, it usually seems like everything is good, but you have to decide what you'll be good at, thus creating a simple opportunity cost versus a more weighty pros vs cons evaluation.

    That said, I've now been playing MMOs for 7 years. While I still love and admire Cryptic's straightforward, no-nonsense method, I do wonder if its time to maybe toy with things that have a little more complexity to them. Perhaps some "experimental" set that has a nice set of bonuses that are countered by non-trivial penalties as a result.

    In short, give yourselves a bit more freedom to make powerful, but challenging, sets.

    My blog! Zen|Dilithium tracking on Thursdays
    As a lifetime member of STO, I officially became a financial liability as of April 2012 when compared to a subscriber.
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will be getting any new Klingon ships in the near future?
    The K'Vort would be a worthy addition to STO.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Fleet starbase questions:
    • Are there ways we'll be able to search for fleets based on factors like starbase level, number of members, and users active within a given period of time?
    • Are there any plans to make it so everyone in the fleet can see what project is queued without being able to change it (read-only), since fleets want people to know what to be prepared for but may not want virtually anyone being able to change which projects come next?
    • Can we get the name of our starbase to appear when doing missions like Starbase Blockade, Fleet Alert, etc. or for it to have an object name in the map instance when visiting the system in the Eta Eridani block?
    • Will there be a Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit added back for the Federation?
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • metriometrio Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will ship costumes return to the Z-store, like the imperial class?
  • starcommando101starcommando101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Can we get an update on the PvP Question asked about a new tech that is being worked on? The Question is below...

    "Q: (russel1997) What is the state of PvP in STO?

    Dstahl: My personal opinion is that PvP has never been a strong suit of STO or of Cryptic Studios in the past. Over the last year, the studio has been coming to terms with this and has dedicated internal development resources to analyzing and building a fun PvP prototype. This has helped us learn and understand the tech necessary to make PvP a healthy part of our games.

    That effort was largely successful internally and helped identify how we should proceed with PvP in the future. Earlier this year, STO jumped at the opportunity to be the first Live Cryptic game to use this new tech and started work on revamping a space PvP map that could serve as a test bed for players to provide feedback. That test map was nearly finished when ?Gozer? left the team. It has since passed to another designer on the team and he is coming up to speed on everything that had been developed over the past several months.

    At this point, we do not feel that rushing something out right away is going to help. In order to improve PvP for the players who currently do like it, it will need more extensive testing time than we?ve typically allowed in the past. The first step is going to be putting a test map out for players sometime in the next few months and then seeing where we go from there. Only after we believe the existing PvP community confirms our opinion that this is an improvement to PvP, will we consider putting serious development effort towards a releasable map set.

    Thus, the writing on the wall is that PvP will continue as is for the duration of Season 6 and will slowly begin to improve in Seasons 7 through 9, with the end goal of having an awesome and fun PvP ?battleground? like map by the time Season 9 ships. Not exactly the best news if you are waiting for new PvP maps, but at least it gives a clear view of what we are doing."

    2) Any plans to update the Dreadnought at all? If so can we know detail about it?
    The Average PvP player
    1) Teamwork and timing is #1
    2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
    3) You are going to die, just get back up
  • captainjk740captainjk740 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are there any plans on revamping the starships like what was done to the Odyssey and Vesta? I like the fact that those ships take into consideration that not just one captain field (Science, Eng., or Tactical) may want to command those ships.

    Will we get new starship skins for the Odyssey?

    Will we get new interiors for our ships? Not all starship have the same ready room, crew lounge, and engineering.

    Also, will we ever get our Department Head/Chiefs and First Officer?
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    A few questions here that may or not be answered:

    #1. With the drought of KDF content in form of KDF account wide ships coming out of the shipyard in the year of 2012 we only recieved the bortasqu' pack. Are we to get any at all in the last month and a half of 2012 or even in 2013?

    #2. Are we going to get a reputation system for our given factions that would allow us to get special items like mak'leths, pain sticks, and ritual type items for each given faction (KDF example).

    #3. Are we going to see any development for both sides as far rura penthe, betazed, trill, andoria, etc (we have transwarp conduit to get to where these areas are or should be but nothing to do with the ones that exist).

    #4. Fleet ships are something that do not seem to be very much used it looks like most people have gone to their basic c-store or free versions. Do you all plan to make changes to make them more desired? (A good example is the Fleet Vo'quv it offers very little and its a tier 5 shipyard ship that takes billions upon billions of resources to get there and then on top of that its a ship with no discount on fleet modules, and offers very little than the free version gives you).

    #5. Are we going to see any use for GPL besides trading it for contraband which happens to appear in doff system once a month?

    #6. The melee system has been improved awhile back in forms of making those weapons useful but are there any plans to clean up melee where it is more user friendly and kinder on the eyes as not being so choppy?

    #7. Any news on talk or work being done towards territory control elements either pve, pvp or both?

    #8. Any new costumes coming for the KDF?

    #9. Donald Trump asked me to prepare this statement he wants you to prove you are not a machine and wants copies of your birth certificate, college records, and water samples from your toilet.
  • rybrarianrybrarian Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Let me start off by saying, I am much less critical about much of the dilithium changes made to the game than (what appears to be) the majority of your userbase. I'm also using the game exclusively F2P though, and that might factor into why. I think if I had been a subscription member, I might be miffed like everyone else was. I -would- like to state, for anyone reading this and not fuming already, that I made an equiv. amount of the dilithium doing the Gorn Minefield in probably less time than STFs, so I think a lot of people were just complaining to complain, sadly. Like you said in your interview post, there are still plenty of ways to get it. That's 100% true.

    If the season 7 content, I think the Cure Elite STF which I've ran I think 6 times on Holodeck and only successfully completed 3 times (so let's say half?) is much too difficult. I'm trying to get those neural processors for the reputation system (which I guess awards dilithium?), and that is just taking too long. My first question would be: can you keep the Omega points lower for "normal" STFs, but reward the neural processors for all of them? You still need 5 to get the reward. I think I'm not the only one complaining the Elite STFs are now bananas hard. You've made them almost so difficult that they've ceased being fun (I usually could complete an Elite pre-Season 7).

    The only other thing I'd really liked change back as the recruitment of DOFFs - the time cap already makes getting new ones a chore, and now having to spend dilithium to do it - and a significant amount at that - is kind of silly. I think it's only really bad with the "General Recruitment" assignment, but with the 'corrections' you guys are planning, please make this a priority.

    I'd really like to play some new mission content. Any chance of New Romulus themed missions in Season 7? I haven't read anywhere that it's for sure happening.

    And a last annoying question, any hint as to what the Tribble reward will be? I'm really hoping for the Reman bridge officer to reappear as a reward since I wasn't playing when it was awarded the first time. Maybe a new Romulan engineer or something? I just vote for a special BOFF since I like them a lot.

    I know this week hasn't been easy on you. I, for one, have liked a lot of the new content to the game.
This discussion has been closed.