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Ask Cryptic: November 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • kubagucwakubagucwa Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It is really to hard to make androian antennas moving like caitian tail ? And the bug making officers levitating above their chairs in bridge view will be fixed soon ?
  • akrilonakrilon Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Are there any new bridge or interior packs, similar to the Belfast interior, being planned for release in the near future?

    Are there any plans to allow for ship interior customization in the near future?

    Thanks! :)
  • pinoirpinoir Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will Miracle Worker actually ever work Miracles?
    Currently Engineering Team will heal broken subsystems but Miracle Worker does not, is it possible that could be added to the ability? At the moment it doesn't really seem to live up to its name when a regular eng team fixes the problems your miracle worker cannot.
  • johnynormusjohnynormus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I recently started to play another game and they award bonus things for subscribers. Have you ever considered giving +x% in the way of fleet marks, omega marks or other currencies to your subscribers as an added perk? I get that you want STO to be a grindfest but it would be nice to have a way to lessen it even slightly for your subscribers.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    With this new reputation system, won't there be conflicts between whether players will give to fleet projects, vs keeping resources for themselves to rank up on the reputation?

    With the dilithium level cap staying where it is, and more things requiring dilithium aka player's time to obtain.
    Don't you see this as a conflict of interest here?

    Won't fleet projects suffer? This could cause some conflict within fleets. Some might even boot under performing fleet members.
    Some might start booting players who don't have the money to buy zen to exchange for dilithium.
    I believe some fleets are already feeling the strain.

    What is the solution to this, other than purchasing zen every week ?

  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) is a redo of Terradome on schedule?

    2) When I log out or enter an STF (ect ect) while in certain places like the starbase, i am not where I logged out. Is that intentional? a
    Same thing as well I transpwarp to starbase. When I leave the starbase zone, i don't end up in eta erandi, i end up where I transwarped from. I understand why this is happening but is there a plan to fix this in the near future?

    3) About a year ago the devs were working on a fix for pets to not be around a ship when it was exploding. If they detected a ship was about to have a warp core breach they would leave the area and when the ship exploded they would resume what they where doing. The devs said it would take a bit longer because it required a programmer to fix it. It has been a year. Any news?

    4) I never hear a definite "kdf content fix on the horizon". I only hear of the "possibility". When "this happens" and if "this happens". When will we know definetly if there is going to be a kdf upgrade?
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just recently purchased the Vesta pack and am very pleased with the the ship.

    But one thing bothers me, why wasn't a Vesta bridge included like one was with the Odyssey pack? They both cost the same.

  • thestormsongthestormsong Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Q: Are there any plans to revamp the old fleet actions?
    They feel a little outdated and chaotic compared to the newer fleet missions introduced with Season 6.

    Q: Could you please consider upping the amount of fleet marks that the Officer of the Watch
    daily gives? It would help our small fleet a lot!

    Q: Any chance of getting more maps like "Colony Invasion"?
    I really like that mission, especially with the random enemies, and it's quite fast.

    Thank you for reading my questions :)


    Joined in March, 2011. Lifer since December, 2011.
  • mtgraves83mtgraves83 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Will we ever see the ship interior customization and ship functionality that was discussed back during the releases of seasons 2 & 3 where we as captains could chose the style of the interior, crew uniforms, etc, & being able to have access to things like the bank, the exchange, etc from our ship interior, or to even plot a course from our bridge?

    2)Will we ever be able to promote a bridge officer to First Officer, or to Captain? It would be nice to be able to promote at least one to captain and maybe be able to give them one of your old ships and be able to call them into battle as a reinforcement ability... Just saying.

    3)Is there any plans to make the fleet system a bit more personalized? Ie. being able to assign members positions and duties within the fleet, having a enlisted list where it would show the fleet members/ their position within the fleet/ the officers under their command, and how many ships are assigned to the fleet? This would also work for the promoting of an officer to captain by listing who they report to.

    4) Have you guys ever considered bring out a ship pack to the Z store that included ships know to the cannon universe but not yet in the game? Ie. Ship pack that includes the Ambassador, Norway, Constellation, Strider, Apollo (Refit), The Original Steamrunner, & the Proxima (Refit) Classes? It would be a great way to get them into the game without having to write a mission script to support their entrance. This is more for us hard core Trek fans.

    Sorry I've never asked before so I have a lot of questions...
    Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not an escalator!!!

  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will Terradome eventually be added to the PvE queue?

    Are any non-borg STFs (for Omega Marks) planned for the future?

    Can EDC be added to the Dilithium Exchange, so that Zen/Dilithium/EDC can all be easily exchanged without having to use contraband as an EDC exchange currency?

    Will the Reman underground in New Romulus eventually become accessible?
  • admiralsvakadmiralsvak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are you going to fix the crashing problem?:mad::mad::mad:
  • thef0xguythef0xguy Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What is the plan to expand the KDF in Season 8?

    When will we see the Excalibur in the fleet store?

    Why do you require a minimum of 1 hour(20min x 3) for the foundry daily reward of 1440 dilithium when you get that same reward in 20 minutes or less from the exploration daily?

    Can get get some kind of daily for replaying episodes?

    What would you personally like to see as the next adventure planet?

    Those are my questions :cool:
  • timerastimeras Member Posts: 33 Media Corps
    edited November 2012
    I know, it's already been asked, but i too really want to know, when we will get another Featured Episode Rerun. The last FE-Rerun was in May and People with Ferasan characters never had a chance to get any of the special rewards. With the latest life time sale many players have also started new liberated borg characters and have no chance for the special boffs and items. So ... can we please have another Featured Episode Rerun?

    Are there any plans for the tactical consoles or consoles in general? There are many universal consoles, but almost everyone knows, that energy damage consoles are the best for the bang and it looks somewhat wrong and boring having 4-5 of the same consoles in a row.
    Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13
    Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13
    Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13
  • robotkadavrobotkadav Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will we get new hull materials for all ships?
    Also, can we get the different parts of existing hull materials separated? (hull plating, deflector array and bussard collectors, so we can select them independently)
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    T5 Exeter. Seems a shame to have out so much work into it but only viable for a few levels. Any chance we can get a fleet Exeter?
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1: In your Dilithium Changes blog, you said you wanted to make Dilithium more available to all players, then proceed to remove the single best source of it in the game. This strikes me as hypocritical. So, my question is such; what was the logic behind removing the Di reward from Chart the B'Tran Cluster? Perhaps if you let us in on that, it might make more sense.

    2: With Season 7, we got Tau Dewa. Are there plans for new sector blocks in Season 8? On a somewhat related note, are you still considering the One Sector Block to Rule Them All? I made a post recently (the orange text in my signature) on why this is a better time than ever to do it.

    3: I've asked this in every Ask Cryptic for the last three months, and you seem to be reluctant to answer, but I'd really like to know: Are you considering allowing players to increase their Dilithium refining cap (either via Gold perk or C-Store unlock)? I ask this simply because there are a LOT of uses for Dilithium, and 8,000 a day doesn't really cut it for some people.

    4: Klingons. For the longest, you've said you've been making content for them. We've see a small bit of it (Alpha was pretty fun), but it's been a while. Without giving any spoilers (I know you can't), how many KDF missions are either in-progress or ready for launch?

    5: Hybrid Energy Types. My personal favorite is the rarest in the game (Plasma/Disruptor Hybrid). When Crafting gets reworked, could we have the ability to MAKE these weapons (provided we have requisite materials - for instance, weapons of both energy types)?
  • savingjsavingj Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can we expect PvP Updates by Season 12? Probably would be pushed back to Season 20 though I'm expecting.
  • toslover#1432 toslover Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This one's a two-part question. :)

    I remember reading somewhere that, concerning interiors, Voyager and TNG were next on the list, but, at that time, it was yet to be decided which interior would go live first.

    Has that decision since been made and, if so, would you be willing to tell us which interior to expect next and, if possible, a timeframe?
  • flazizlle0flazizlle0 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Now that you pretty much killed getting dilithium from the foundry in under a minute can you guys at the very least give players daily dilithium for logging on. Maybe something like a vice admiral who is a silver player will get 480 dilithium for logging on and a gold VA will get 960?
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Current STFs are easy, even on elite. Better ships have been released and mobs are constantly nerfed. Any plans on a 3rd - harder - difficulty level?
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As you can see in my sig, the KDF have a fleet D7, and while they are not nearly on parity with the Feds, I am wondering why we don't have a fleet Exeter. After all the ships are from the same time period, so the "they're too old" excuse isn't cutting it, if the D7 is okay.

    Please consider adding a fleet Exeter to the store, my whole FLEET will get one, that's over 150 sales right there at 4 Fleet modules a pop.

    Make it so.


    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • timjerromtimjerrom Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When can we see the Ambassidor and the Constellation class + when will the exploration get an update, also will we see ny inter ship episodes?

  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dalolorn wrote: »
    Well just in case I somehow miss my chance:

    Will there be a proper Romulan faction?

    When will we find out what happened to Sela?

    Will the Vault ever become a social zone? (please say yes! :D)

    Will crafting ever be revisited? It's currently worthless.

    Same thing for exploration. You said we'd probably have a revamp by S6, it's already S7, what went wrong?

    Two words. Starbase customization.

    One word. Foundry!

    Uhhh... will I ever remember what I wanted to ask-

    Oh, right. Whatever happened with Defera?

    Quoted from the heads-up thread. :)

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    From the Vesta thread
    While the Vesta line is very nice can I point out that the Federation now has a cruiser line (Odyssey), a sci ship line (Vesta) and an Escort (Steamrunner class) for sale in the store with 10 console slots as standard and the KDF have still only got the Bortas Line. Please it must surely be time for the KDF to get some Z-store ships with 10 console slots to give a hint of parity, and not a cruiser but a Raptor/BoP and a science ship.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Will shrouding ever be fixed in ground PVP? It is way to over powered. There is nothing you can do except die when some one unshrouds and hits you with a buffed up pulse wave. I do have a suggestion on how to fix. Make it where support drones allow eng to see shrouders and for science tricorder scan. Then Lower the cool downs on said skills to match match the frequency of shrouding.

    Also why do tactical abilities buff by percentage and engineers and science get bonuses to skills. Seems unfair? Example ground buffs and tactical consoles give a flat percentage increase to damage. Where all but two science and engineering consoles buff resistance by inflating a skill. Look at the ambush skill it has plus to damage, I think it is 35%, but their is no skill anywhere that reduces damage by said percentage amount to provide balance from one shots?
  • husnock1husnock1 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dirlettia wrote: »
    While the Vesta line is very nice can I point out that the Federation now has a cruiser line (Odyssey), a sci ship line (Vesta) and an Escort (Steamrunner class) for sale in the store with 10 console slots as standard and the KDF have still only got the Bortas Line. Please it must surely be time for the KDF to get some Z-store ships with 10 console slots to give a hint of parity, and not a cruiser but a Raptor/BoP and a science ship.


    I may be primarily a Fed, but such a release may actually encourage me to show my KDF toons some much-needed love.
  • ghost2448ghost2448 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Are there any plans to introduce DTI to Star Trek Online, just thought it would be an interesting twist in the storyline which allows for the temporal cold war to come into the fore?

    2) Can we please have some common sense in regards to the amount we pay for Zen as some of us are on lower incomes?

    3) In regards to the whole life subscriber v F2P, are there any plans to at look into giving a few more things into that area to make it more appealing faster slipstream, or the ability to us it more often, a shorter cooldown perhaps? How about, for life subscribers only 10 free transwarp coils per month?

    4) In regards to fleet starbases, how about perhaps creating something which I think happens on War of the Immortals where you have legions joining forces into Alliances, to allow those smaller fleets to gain more members and perhaps have battles between fleets?

    5) KDF, I know a lot of people have asked this, but I think Cryptic needs to get its act together here, I know time is tough, but surely if you want people to stop asking you about it day in day out, you need to put something in KDF?

    6) Can we have something more meaningful for the SB projects, they may make our starbases look nice but that is about it, how about, allowing the starbase by completing it, reduce the amount of time on their next active project by 3hrs or the amount of items needed?

    7) After the embassies what next...colonies?

    8)In regards to the reputation system, how about having one for Starfleet Intelligence, Department of temporal Investigations (considering we already have temporal lock boxes), Klingon High Council and KDF proper?

    9) In regards to lockboxes, how about the next theme being an Orion themed box?

    10) Are there any plans to move from 2409 to 2410? :P
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2012
    Here are some questions from our French and German players:

    Ask Cryptic: November 2012 ? EU Player Questions


    A lot of ships are still missing costume options or the possibility to add a fleet logo. Are you planning to add those in the near future?


    Any news on when the Romulans will be a playable faction?
    Are you planning additional Foundry features like creating enemy unifoms/costumes or adding skills to allies/ennemies?


    How about implementing a DPS Counter?
    Will there be something like a Threat Meter that?s calculating the player?s threat in STFs/raids?


    I?d love to see gameplay similar to Star Trek Bridge Commander. Are you thinking about implementing something like that?


    How would you like this feature: Fleet Admirals being able to put a ?VAT? on items they sell which goes directly into the fleet bank?


    You implemented the DX11 feature. Are you improving that, adding tessellation, better water animation or interactive nebula for example?
    Will there be bigger main hubs or bigger ground areas with housing? It?s possible in CO.


    Will you make Fleet Marks available via PvP Matches at some point?
    Could you change the Set Shields to have clear PvE and PvP bonuses? Plasma weapons for example are unsuitable for PvP with the current Shield Sets.
    Any news on the improvement on PvP?
    What exactly was your motivation behind the changes to the STFs, making items available through projects and dilithium?
    You?ll need to run STFs for the new reputation system. Will veterans with hundreds of STF runs get some kind of an XP-boost for it?
    Winning fleet actions depends on inflicted damage only. Will there be other criteria for new missions?


    Will it be possible to land on freely visitable planets with certain ships choosing whether to land automatically or manually? Would be cool to see the ship on the ground!


    Are you going to implement the Ambassador Class at some point? And would it be possible to implement the Old Constitution Class for higher ranks?


    Could you change the Fleet member limit to the actual # of @Handles instead of characters?
    How would you like a fleet base project to unlock a ZEN-Store uniform for all fleet members to wear? A Fleet would have to gather 20.000 ZEN and 200.000 Dilithium for example.
    What happened to the explorable Sol System? And why was Mars closed?
    Are you planning on revising the decks in the starbase?
    What happened with the idea of having more fleet bank slots?
    Could we get the feature to give the crew on the starbase our own uniforms?
    Could we have more options to customize the HUD?


    Will fleets be able to design their own starbase at some point? Will there be some kind of a fleet alliance system?
    Could you raise the member limit for fleets to 1.000?


    Will there be vehicles on away missions?
    How would you like upgradeable colonies, either for each player (housing) or as an additional feature for fleets?


    What about missing planets like Trill(us) Prime, Betazed or Khitomer? Any plans for the future?


    When will there be a higher level cap and what would it possibly be?
    How about making certain ships obtainable via special quests/missions?


    Will there be more bridge designs like the Belfast?


    Could you implement a cooldown ticker for recruitments?


    Will there be some kind of penalty for AFK players in STFs?
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Q : Will the Third Anniversary (Season 8) for Star Trek Online herald improvement to exploration so as to bring the game even closer to the IP for Trek fans?

    Q: Is new hair tech any higher on the white board than it has been in the past?
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • soriedemsoriedem Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    On New Romulus, does the KDF player unlock cut scenes and story elements that are different or unique in some way for the KDF faction? If not why not?

    Will we finally see the KDF faction completed in season 8?

    Once the KDF faction is complete, does Cryptic plan to offer equal opportunity to the KDF faction in the C-store, in content, and in future releases to the game? or will we continue to see the Federation be given priority in the developer's schedules?
This discussion has been closed.