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Scheduled Maintenance (November 13, 2012) - The Launch of Season 7: New Romulus



  • spectral3spectral3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The game is only free from Real Life money transactions if the indivudal user in question never converts earned Dilithium to Zen and never takes advantage of fleet holdings that have been paid in part by Zen.

    Otherwise, whether you action the transaction with your own money or someone elses... that transaction costs RL life money.

    So no, only rarely is it truly free. Though you yourself may not put any of your own money into a transaction, so from you point of view it didn't cost you anything.

    OK fine, but as i state, spending by individuals is optional, some choose to, some choose not to, but that should not entitle people to insult the people providing for their entertainment. Coding is not simple, errors do occur and estimates can be off, anyone who has ever done any programming knows that complete times are always estimates,
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    psymantis wrote: »
    Because most people don't think in binary. A game isn't either perfect or not worth playing so why shouldn't people give views on how a game can be improved? Or should I use the same logic you did and say if you don't like the complaining on the forums, don't use them?;)

    If people didn't complain here and on tribble, Season 7 would be largely unchanged from the Class 5 clusterchuck it was to the Class 3 clusterchuck it's become :)
  • spectral3spectral3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The game is only free from Real Life money transactions if the individual user in question never converts earned Dilithium to Zen, never buys items from the exchange that were bought with Zen and never takes advantage of fleet holdings that have been paid in part by Zen.

    Otherwise, whether you action the transaction with your own money or someone elses... that transaction costs RL life money.

    So no, only rarely is it truly free. Though you yourself may not put any of your own money into a transaction, so from you point of view it didn't cost you anything.
    If people didn't complain here and on tribble, Season 7 would be largely unchanged from the Class 5 clusterchuck it was to the Class 3 clusterchuck it's become :)

    Big difference between insulting/complaining and constructive critisicm, I always welcome the latter, but find the first to be depressing and detrimental to the creative process
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I fixed the third link. It should now go back to the correct post.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    spectral3 wrote: »
    I am relatively new to STO, will S7 really be that bad for game play?

    There are doomsayers at every season release. Best thing to do is play the new stuff and decide for yourself.

    Just make sure not to play any of the new Tau Dewa stuff until you've played "Cutting the Cord", for continuity's sake. :)
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    spectral3 wrote: »
    OK fine, but as i state, spending by individuals is optional, some choose to, some choose not to, but that should not entitle people to insult the people providing for their entertainment. Coding is not simple, errors do occur and estimates can be off, anyone who has ever done any programming knows that complete times are always estimates,

    I don't think it's insulting to say that Cryptic have lied to players before about content, that Cryptic also stealth-ed in changes without announcing them (E.g. the Doff grinder costs). I don't think it's insulting to say they very rarely give good customer service especially in replying to complaints that might be difficult for them to manage PR wise.

    I don't think it's insulting to criticizing them for not fixing legacy bugs in the game that have been ticketed time and again only to see no action being taken. I don't think it's insulting to to say that it took them a whole week to fix gamebreaking bugs in both the end-game missions and the first mission in the game as well as a whole clutch in-between.
    Today my whole group in an STF was disconnected and the mission automatically dropped and when I formed a new group and we killed Armek that the game bugged and spawned a whole group of Borg at the start of the match making it impossible to complete and get the loot bags.

    I don't think it's that people are overly demanding or that the game under-valued it's that quite simple much of it is half-assed and only half-fixed.

    I think players who have spent money and time on this game have every right to complain.:cool:
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is lolworthy, 25k fleet credits for a purple doff if you're lucky enough to be in a fleet at that level... which many are not. :)

    Since you do not need them to level your fleet base, the price of purple duty officers should be high enough to make them 'very rare'.
  • stonesdeltastonesdelta Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, just saw that. I've requested it to be updated. My OP was correct -- 6-10am PDT.


    Brandon =/\=

    Wait PDT or PST? ...? so... how many more hours?
  • darwin789darwin789 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »

    How am I supposed to get enough of security DEPARTMENT doffs (that is assault squad, armory OR security officers) when from purchasing ~100 tactical fleet doffs I usually get ~5 security department doffs and ~95 tactical department doffs? What am I supposed to do with all those white tactical department doffs I don't need? Sell them for nothing on exchange or discard them? At least with the old system I could change them into greens and then sell those greens or change into blues etc. and earn enough to buy needed white security department doffs from exchange. Now with the reassign dilithium price increased this won't be an option...
  • dorusnonndorusnonn Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Season 7? I say hit the warp button, Helmsman!

    I dare to quote a classic line here: "Lets see whats out there!"
    Being here since 2011 Spring
  • psymantispsymantis Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wait PDT or PST? ...? so... how many more hours?

    3 hours and 15 minutes if it goes to schedule.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    darwin789 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to get enough of security DEPARTMENT doffs (that is assault squad, armory OR security officers) when from purchasing ~100 tactical fleet doffs I usually get ~5 security department doffs and ~95 tactical department doffs? What am I supposed to do with all those white tactical department doffs I don't need? Sell them for nothing on exchange or discard them? At least with the old system I could change them into greens and then sell those greens or change into blues etc. and earn enough to buy needed white security department doffs from exchange. Now with the reassign dilithium price increased this won't be an option...
    They changed the specialization requirement to department specific; therefore, all the duty officers you are talking about will fall into the Tactical department. You will no longer, within most cases, see the requirement for security, assault squad, armory, etc... The new requirement will be random tactical officers. You can now use those unused tactical officers to fill projects.


    Old Project Requirement Approach: 60 Assault Officers <--- Specialization Specific.
    New Project Requirement Approach: 60 Tactical Officers <--- Department Specific.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2012
    Wait PDT or PST? ...? so... how many more hours?

    PST. Still stuck on DST lol The OP has the correct time, including a link to see the time in your timezone. Less than 3 hours to go! :WHOOT:


    Brandon =/\=
  • darwin789darwin789 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »
    They changed the specialization requirement to department specific; therefore, all the duty officers you are talking about will fall into the Tactical department. You will no longer, within most cases, see the requirement for security, assault squad, armory, etc... The new requirement will be random tactical officers. You can now use those unused tactical officers to fill projects.


    Old Project Requirement Approach: 60 Security Officers <--- Specialization Specific.
    New Project Requirement Approach: 60 Tactical Officers <--- Department Specific.

    You are wrong mate. There are 7 departments: tactical, security, engineering, operations, science, medical, civilian. There are numerous specializations (assault squad, armory, botanist, biologist, warp theorist, conn officer etc.). Check it out http://www.stowiki.org/Duty_officer

    Projects that previously required specific specialization (for example assault squad officers) will now require specific department (in this example security department doffs - that means assault squad, armory OR security doffs).

    So my question still stands.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    darwin789 wrote: »
    You are wrong mate. There are 7 departments: tactical, security, engineering, operations, science, medical, civilian. There are numerous specializations (assault squad, armory, botanist, biologist, warp theorist, conn officer etc.). Check it out http://www.stowiki.org/Duty_officer

    Projects that previously required specific specialization (for example assault squad officers) will now require specific department (in this example security department doffs - that means assault squad, armory OR security doffs).

    So my question still stands.
    You answered your own question.

    You haven't realized it yet.

    As I have been telling everyone, the specialization requirement is no longer an issue.

    New requirements are department specific.

    Duty officer specialization is no longer relevant.
  • roger420freitasroger420freitas Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Reassignment prices are INSANE! :eek:

    Sweet Zombie Jizzus! :(
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »
    You answered your own question.

    You haven't realized it yet.

    As I have been telling everyone, the specialization requirement is no longer an issue.

    New requirements are department specific.

    And that doesn't at all answer Darwins original issue.:o
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Reassignment prices are INSANE! :eek:

    Sweet Zombie Jizzus! :(

    We tried our best to get them to modify it, we had a 70 odd page thread of complaints about this and there was no response from the devs.

    On this specific issue they have been disgraceful in their customer service.

    Firstly they stealthed the change in on tribble (it was never official announced in the notes)

    Secondly when people complained they did nothing.

    Shameful by all accounts.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »

    Your post clears up one thing, that you can buy fleet doffs for fleet credits, though when I did that before the doff was locked upon claiming so I couldn't commit them to fleet projects...

    Secondly, you've stated that we can recruit new doffs for free, this is no longer true as the patch notes state there is now a 1000 Dil price for General Recruitment and that the price is higher than that for the individual class recruitments... This will kill fleet progression for me as for the past 8 weeks I've been the only one contributing anything in my fleet and I simply can't afford the Dilithium any more for officers/starbase upgrades/reputation purchases/living and breathing in a PWE world...

    I'm really looking forward to season 7, except for the part where PWE decided to take a dilithium shaped stick and ram it up my back-end.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Original question:
    darwin789 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to get enough of security DEPARTMENT doffs (that is assault squad, armory OR security officers) when from purchasing ~100 tactical fleet doffs I usually get ~5 security department doffs and ~95 tactical department doffs?

    What am I supposed to do with all those white tactical department doffs I don't need?

    Sell them for nothing on exchange or discard them?

    At least with the old system I could change them into greens and then sell those greens or change into blues etc. and earn enough to buy needed white security department doffs from exchange. Now with the reassign dilithium price increased this won't be an option...
    I answered his question twice. See my posts above.
    Secondly, you've stated that we can recruit new doffs for free, this is no longer true as the patch notes state there is now a 1000 Dil price for General Recruitment...
    ....but, you can still get department specific duty officers for free or at a low price.
  • baronvonhellerbaronvonheller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We tried our best to get them to modify it, we had a 70 odd page thread of complaints about this and there was no response from the devs.

    On this specific issue they have been disgraceful in their customer service.

    Firstly they stealthed the change in on tribble (it was never official announced in the notes)

    Secondly when people complained they did nothing.

    Shameful by all accounts.

    Not to mention it now costs 1K Dilithium to do the "General Recruitment" assignment as well. Perhaps they can add a Universal Grinding console in a future update? LOL
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Your post clears up one thing, that you can buy fleet doffs for fleet credits, though when I did that before the doff was locked upon claiming so I couldn't commit them to fleet projects...

    Secondly, you've stated that we can recruit new doffs for free, this is no longer true as the patch notes state there is now a 1000 Dil price for General Recruitment and that the price is higher than that for the individual class recruitments... This will kill fleet progression for me as for the past 8 weeks I've been the only one contributing anything in my fleet and I simply can't afford the Dilithium any more for officers/starbase upgrades/reputation purchases/living and breathing in a PWE world...

    I'm really looking forward to season 7, except for the part where PWE decided to take a dilithium shaped stick and ram it up my back-end.

    lol the only words of comfort I can offer is the that through continued complaining and criticizing the size of that Dilithium Love Stick is now a little smaller than it was before, it will still require *some* lube though:o
  • doalxkdoalxk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »
    Original question:

    I answered his question twice. See my posts above.

    No see, that wasn't quite his question. In the starbase you can buy 3 specific "departments" of doffs, which gives you either a doff from the security or the tactical department. His question was what is he to do with all the say, tactical doffs when he needs security department doffs for the starbase, since which department they are in is random.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    PST. Still stuck on DST lol The OP has the correct time, including a link to see the time in your timezone. Less than 3 hours to go! :WHOOT:


    Brandon =/\=

    eveyone eat some branflakes and get rdy to kick romulan bum and take names
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    doalxk wrote: »
    No see, that wasn't quite his question. In the starbase you can buy 3 specific "departments" of doffs, which gives you either a doff from the security or the tactical department. His question was what is he to do with all the say, tactical doffs when he needs security department doffs for the starbase, since which department they are in is random.

    Link: I answered his question here.
  • darwin789darwin789 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »

    As I have been telling everyone, the specialization requirement is no longer an issue.

    Sure, and that's a good thing of course. I won't need a lot of assault squad officers, but instead I'll need a lot of security department doffs and I ain't getting enough of them from fleet doffs packages.
  • dkevadkeva Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey guys, opened the launcher and it patched to complete in no time. Is the patch live, or did the prepatching cover the whole update?
  • robinsonfamilyrobinsonfamily Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Perhaps they can add a Universal Grinding console in a future update? LOL

    Ya, we both could hope! I would pay money for that type of console!
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    darwin789 wrote: »
    Sure, and that's a good thing of course. I won't need a lot of assault squad officers, but instead I'll need a lot of security department doffs and I ain't getting enough of them from fleet doffs packages.
    So, buy them in the exchange with energy credits.
  • doalxkdoalxk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »

    Okay, let me try to explain this one more time. In the starbase store, unless they have changed it since I last looked, you can buy Duty officers either as "random" which is any of the 7 "departments" which is 500/per, or a specific class for 750/per white. These are military/engineering/medical. A military doff can give you either any of the specializations within either the security or the tactical departments. They are two different "departments" so if the new system switches it over to being you need x tactical officers, you still can't just buy "tactical" officers from the Doff store on the starbase, but rather "military" officers with a random chance of being either "tactical" or "security" with all the random sub-specializations which will not matter now.
This discussion has been closed.