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Scheduled Maintenance (November 13, 2012) - The Launch of Season 7: New Romulus



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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "The Dilithium cost associated with Reassignments has been increased:
    White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
    Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
    Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium"

    Seriously was this really necessary? New horendous dilithium costs for everything? Have you ever thought that if you're increasing the demand for dilithium that heavily that it might be FAIR to increase supply AND the daily refinement cap as well?

    Anyways here are some new ideas where you could demand some dilithium as well:
    - warping to a new sector block : 1000 dil
    - changing to another ship : 2000 dil
    - unsuccessful STF : 5000 dil
    - paying for a promotion: 5000 dil
    - using a transwarp gate : 1000 dil
    - repairing your ship : 1000 dil (minor) 3000 dil (medium) 5000 dil (major)
    - renaming your ship : 2000 dil
    - failed doff assignment : 1000 dil
    - beaming down/up : 500 dil
    - installing a new deflector : 2500 dil
    - installing a new engine : 2500 dil
    - installing a new shield system : 3000 dil

    I'm sure people will come up with more brilliant ideas. This will bring you closer to your goal to stop dilithium to zen conversion completely.
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    And, because I know it's going to be asked, C-Store releases don't show up in the patch notes. The Vesta(s) and bundle are still scheduled to go live tomorrow :)

    Yes. Copy and paste fail. Thanks!


    Brandon =/\=

    Does this also mean lobi items arent displayed also on the notes, and to continue on the question is.. and you know what iam about to ask.. 29th century outfits.. we gettin them finally or what, or is that next season.. i mean at this rate we are never gonna see them.. even though they were displayed in a video awile ago *couph*
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    slick97477slick97477 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Couldn't agree more..It would seem that is there goal to stop that conversion from dilithium because they lose money from it therefore they want it gone. If there is too high of a demand to use it to progress in game then no one will convert to zen anymore. That thinking however will be the undoing of them in my opinion. Why would you want to try and TRIBBLE the player base that keeps you in business...Nevermind forgot they don't care about it anyway.....This is becoming a real headache, however will see tomorrow what i decide to do...Well if we can play..the last season launch the servers were so full you could not even play so hopefully they have upgraded there server but i doubt that because that would mean they had to spend money instead of making it...hmmm
    If they make something idiot proof. They will come out with better idiots
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "Added Shield Regen Rate to ship status window.

    Note that this only works while in space."

    this is cool, now let us see our shield resistance too
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    kartimozkartimoz Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2012
    Awesome!! I?m looking forward to S7 - (already tested on Tribble) - so exciting :D
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    abrahamjohnson83abrahamjohnson83 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am really delighted with the new content. This is exactly the direction that needs this game. Am glad a lot of new things to explore. Thank you!
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    tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    szim wrote: »
    "The Dilithium cost associated with Reassignments has been increased:
    White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
    Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
    Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium"

    Seriously was this really necessary? New horendous dilithium costs for everything? Have you ever thought that if you're increasing the demand for dilithium that heavily that it might be FAIR to increase supply AND the daily refinement cap as well?

    Anyways here are some new ideas where you could demand some dilithium as well:
    - warping to a new sector block : 1000 dil
    - changing to another ship : 2000 dil
    - unsuccessful STF : 5000 dil
    - paying for a promotion: 5000 dil
    - using a transwarp gate : 1000 dil
    - repairing your ship : 1000 dil (minor) 3000 dil (medium) 5000 dil (major)
    - renaming your ship : 2000 dil
    - failed doff assignment : 1000 dil
    - beaming down/up : 500 dil
    - installing a new deflector : 2500 dil
    - installing a new engine : 2500 dil
    - installing a new shield system : 3000 dil

    I'm sure people will come up with more brilliant ideas. This will bring you closer to your goal to stop dilithium to zen conversion completely.

    I think their intention is for people to buy zen with $ and convert to dilithium.

    It is a shame, though truly. I've enjoyed STO, I'd even go so far as to say it has been one of my most favorite games of all time. My spending $ record supports this (the devs can look this up). However, since this and the removal of the clickies, I've refused to purchase any more zen (I was one click away during the 15% promotion to spend another $50, when I saw this info).

    Their squeezing the life out of players will end up hurting their income. Most players will pay for things if they feel they're getting fair value for their money. However, customers are quick to abandon ship* when they feel they're getting ripped off - especially when there is a great amount of competition (albeit this may be the only STMMO, but it is in competition for usage of time towards entertainment - and face it, there's tons of fun things to do out there and paying/grinding dilithium is not one of them).

    *not that I'm abandoning ship here, but this will curtail many of my activities (such as building my small fleet's starbase, etc), and it would take something extraordinary being added before I consider spending more $. A real shame that such great additions by the devs into S7 could be tainted by something as silly as this...it's all shale.

    My contributions to your list:
    switching characters using their new button: 2000 dil
    switching characters by logging out and back in: 500 dil
    joining a team: 1000 per team member
    assigning an empty quick-key slot: 500 dil
    reassigning a quick-key slot: 5000 dil.
    changing character "title": 1000 dil
    going faster than warp 5: 500 dil/sector

    :D this is too much fun...
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
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    slick97477slick97477 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Quitting when Season 7 comes out:

    If they make something idiot proof. They will come out with better idiots
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Seriously I'm a huge fan of the romulans, but season 7 has little to look forward to.

    Repeat the ridiculousness bank robbery of a currency conversion ala S5 including zeros *don't know what you all are talking about i m sure it isn't that bad*: check
    silly OP toys, with all the feedback in the world just to be ignored again: check
    besides broken toys, zip reason to pvp, for seven seasons and counting: check
    taking out more FA instead of fixing them: check
    continuing on the escorts only train: check (although the hive space was a step in the right direction, sadly everything else including FA rewards structure wasn't)

    once more greed and poor communications overshadows what could have been something I was looking forward to for a long time.

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    adaephondelatadaephondelat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think their intention is for people to buy zen with $ and convert to dilithium.

    It is a shame, though truly. I've enjoyed STO, I'd even go so far as to say it has been one of my most favorite games of all time. My spending $ record supports this (the devs can look this up). However, since this and the removal of the clickies, I've refused to purchase any more zen (I was one click away during the 15% promotion to spend another $50, when I saw this info).

    Their squeezing the life out of players will end up hurting their income. Most players will pay for things if they feel they're getting fair value for their money. However, customers are quick to abandon ship* when they feel they're getting ripped off - especially when there is a great amount of competition (albeit this may be the only STMMO, but it is in competition for usage of time towards entertainment - and face it, there's tons of fun things to do out there and paying/grinding dilithium is not one of them).

    *not that I'm abandoning ship here, but this will curtail many of my activities (such as building my small fleet's starbase, etc), and it would take something extraordinary being added before I consider spending more $. A real shame that such great additions by the devs into S7 could be tainted by something as silly as this...it's all shale.

    My contributions to your list:
    switching characters using their new button: 2000 dil
    switching characters by logging out and back in: 500 dil
    joining a team: 1000 per team member
    assigning an empty quick-key slot: 500 dil
    reassigning a quick-key slot: 5000 dil.
    changing character "title": 1000 dil
    going faster than warp 5: 500 dil/sector

    :D this is too much fun...

    I'm sceptical about the new dil. increases without compensation (they even remove the rewards for stfs), too. However, it could be possible that the exchange ratio of dil-zen will fall very low due the relativ shortness of dilithium that is offered there. They will have no choice then, they have to increase dil. amounts, cause no one wants to exchange 50 for 1 or so.
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    ramos40kramos40k Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tehjonel wrote: »

    Oh man you are sooo right!! :) sadly:(
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    szim wrote: »
    "The Dilithium cost associated with Reassignments has been increased:
    White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
    Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
    Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium"

    Seriously was this really necessary? New horendous dilithium costs for everything? Have you ever thought that if you're increasing the demand for dilithium that heavily that it might be FAIR to increase supply AND the daily refinement cap as well?

    Anyways here are some new ideas where you could demand some dilithium as well:
    - warping to a new sector block : 1000 dil
    - changing to another ship : 2000 dil
    - unsuccessful STF : 5000 dil
    - paying for a promotion: 5000 dil
    - using a transwarp gate : 1000 dil
    - repairing your ship : 1000 dil (minor) 3000 dil (medium) 5000 dil (major)
    - renaming your ship : 2000 dil
    - failed doff assignment : 1000 dil
    - beaming down/up : 500 dil
    - installing a new deflector : 2500 dil
    - installing a new engine : 2500 dil
    - installing a new shield system : 3000 dil

    I'm sure people will come up with more brilliant ideas. This will bring you closer to your goal to stop dilithium to zen conversion completely.

    will you STOP giving them ideas:mad:
    and that's only slight sarcasm...they could actually do it.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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    nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Converting all in dil and reqs: check
    Tribble tested: check
    Popcorn: check :D
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    slick97477slick97477 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yes it is very predictable and will never change as to how they will come up with new ways to create for them to make money off of people trying to get the newest latest and greatest ship or something to that affect. On that note it is gonna be interesting to see how many times the server crashes tomorrow because they did not beta test the system long enough with a massive influx of players(OOPS we are PWE we didnt think of the millions of people who are gonna log on at the same time to buy new ship and run season 7) Oh well we dont care we have there money already so we will fix it when we do....
    If they make something idiot proof. They will come out with better idiots
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    naffoffpwenaffoffpwe Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    will you STOP giving them ideas:mad:
    and that's only slight sarcasm...they could actually do it.

    Don't worry, I'm sure they have far worse ideas already in development...
    The user formerly known as DogsBody.
    Here before PWE (and hopefully) here long after PWE is gone.

    What this game needs is PvP, NOT PWE.
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    naffoffpwenaffoffpwe Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bassmas314 wrote: »
    I'm just hoping that the logjam of mass logins once season 7 goes live isn't as bad as when season 6 was launched; I recall practically all the holodeck servers were full to capacity for a significant amount of time. Hopefully they learned from that and are prepared for the massive traffic influx this time around. That aside, I can't wait to see what this season has to offer.

    Tell you what, I'll make you a deal to help you out here. In return for half your daily dil refining cap earned today, I promise not to log on tonight, that should help the server load and I somehow think I'm going to need the extra dil...
    The user formerly known as DogsBody.
    Here before PWE (and hopefully) here long after PWE is gone.

    What this game needs is PvP, NOT PWE.
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    luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Sever downtime: Pending

    Players who don't usually post on the forums: Pending/registering

    Rage posts about the patch taking a little longer than usual ("it shouldn't take four hours"): Pending

    Rage posts and accusations of incompitence if/when the server is still offline after the ESTIMATED time period has elapsed: Pending

    Rage posts pertaining to not being to log into the game once the server is back online (with the associated lack of understanding of the sheer number of people trying the same thing at the exact same time: Pending

    It's always so predictable.

    Time for popcorn xD

    If I don't get to login tonight , I will be missing a day of grinding and starting the reputation projects. THE HORROR :rolleyes:
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    szim wrote: »
    "The Dilithium cost associated with Reassignments has been increased:
    White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
    Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
    Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium"

    Seriously was this really necessary? New horendous dilithium costs for everything? Have you ever thought that if you're increasing the demand for dilithium that heavily that it might be FAIR to increase supply AND the daily refinement cap as well?
    :: READ: Link # 1: Duty Officers Can Be Purchased With Fleet Credits (Prt. I)

    :: READ: Link # 2: Duty Officers Can Be Purchased With Fleet Credits (Prt. II)

    :: READ: Link # 3: Increased Dilithium rewards for the Fleet Actions

    Problem solved. Next question?
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    adarandreladarandrel Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »
    Don't forget:
    ~ You can buy duty officers with fleet credits from the fleet base.
    ~ You can buy unwanted duty officers from the exchange for energy credits.
    ~ You can recruit new duty officers for free.

    When it comes to the increase in dilithium prices, they only affect your ability to upgrade low quality to higher quality duty officers. If you have completed your duty officer projects for a specific skill, (diplomacy, science, military, etc...), you can buy specific duty officers for dilithium. Its always been that way. Plus, you no longer need to buy higher quality duty officers for projects.

    Why I agree: Since Cryptic has exchanged specialization for department type, you will be able to buy duty officers with fleet credits to fulfill requirements. Congrats. You just won the lottery. Instead of obtaining your duty officers from the exchange, you can now go directly to your fleet store. Its that simple.

    You no longer need to upgrade lower duty officers, so you can sell them for energy credits to buy specific types.

    Exchange price gouging is now over.

    Cryptic just got rid of the middle man.

    I thought that fleet credit purchased doffs could not be used in projects. Is this not the case?
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    adarandrel wrote: »
    I thought that fleet credit purchased doffs could not be used in projects. Is this not the case?
    You can use them for projects.

    I bought them last night, and I was able to use them.
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    To be honest Season 7 doesnt seem to impress me so it going live today does not fill me with joyas it does with both of you for a few reasons

    More Grind
    Dilithium Cuts
    The new STF system
    Another Dilithium well with the embassy.

    The contstant grind for dilithium that we mostly used to do fleet projects is not getting put into STF weapons one we hit Tier 5 which will take months if not longer for a casual player like myself. I'm really thinking this little break I am taking from STO may become permament as not the RL MMORPG called Life seems more interesting and less of a grind than STO
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is what I'm going to listen to as I log in after the S7 patch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeFT3Fh6KFM&feature=relmfu

    Before you ask, the name is just a coincidence. :P
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well we know no KDF ships are coming anytime soon.

    The reply will be okay we won't make you any more ships but we will increase the amount of data samples you can get that you do not need LOL.

    We need moar KDF SHIPS!
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    snakeswar2snakeswar2 Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    one of 3 options will happen with this s7 update: they pull a scotty and get finished ahead of scheduale (slim possibility), get finished on time (good prossability), or takes longer than usual (good posability)
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    spectral3spectral3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am relatively new to STO, will S7 really be that bad for game play?
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    linyive wrote: »

    This is lolworthy, 25k fleet credits for a purple doff if you're lucky enough to be in a fleet at that level... which many are not.

    Give me a break. It's not an alternative.

    As for "price gouging" I've never heard anything as stupid as that Purple doff prices crashed, they didn't increase because of the grinder, quite the opposite.

    The costs on on grinder are ridiculous, the result no one will use them, prices should increase.

    Anyone else have more knowledge than me on this?
    spectral3 wrote: »
    I am relatively new to STO, will S7 really be that bad for game play?

    Short Answer: yes.

    Lets have a betting pool...

    1. Below 3 Hours
    2. 3 Hours
    2. 3.5 Hours
    3. 4 Hours
    4. 4.5 Hours
    5. 5 Hours
    6. 5.5 Hours
    7. 6 hours
    8. 6.5 hours
    9. 7 Hours
    10. 7.5 Hours
    11. 8 Hours
    12. 8.5 Hours
    13. 9 Hours
    14. 9.5 Hours
    15. 10 Hours
    16. 10.5 Hours
    17. 11 Hours
    18. 11.5 Hours
    19. 12 Hours
    20. More than 12 hours.

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    spectral3spectral3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    As I said earlier - we can definitely expect the usual:

    Will never understand why people complain so much about a game that is essentially free (other that what you opt to spend). If it pisses people off so much....DONT PLAY
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited November 2012
    Someone got the times on the launcher wrong.

    one says 3 hours, the other says 4. not a big deal but a silly error.

    Yeah, just saw that. I've requested it to be updated. My OP was correct -- 6-10am PDT.


    Brandon =/\=
This discussion has been closed.