I've done this mission on my main Science character ages ago, but was helping a guildie who wanted the accolade. On the last part after destroying the Iconian gateway, we were to beam up and I got the error. My guildies were able to beam back to space with no issues though.
I tried the solutions suggested here (for some reason, when I Force Verify, nothing happens), restarted the PC, and tried to do the missions twice by myself, but still getting the "Couldn't Transfer Character" error. Another guildie of mine is trying to do Cutting Accord on his Klingon, but is also stuck.
Yah, I've been getting this since late last week on this mission. I sent in a ticket and was told it was an issue they were monitoring and to watch here to see when it got fixed. Sad thing is, I dropped the mission and picked it back up, and I can't even start it over now since I get the map transfer error as soon as I try to enter the system.
Hey great, just purchased a LTS and now constantly getting this error. Giving me the feeling I did wrong in making that purchase. :-X
Hope it gets fixed soon. Been playing just over a week without this error popping up a single time. Just created a new character today, and getting it regularly.
Getting this error in Cutting the Cord on attempting to enter the Brea system to begin the mission with K'Muro (45 Klingon Tactical, Qin heavy Raptor). Most vexing.
I've done this mission on my main Science character ages ago, but was helping a guildie who wanted the accolade. On the last part after destroying the Iconian gateway, we were to beam up and I got the error. My guildies were able to beam back to space with no issues though.
I tried the solutions suggested here (for some reason, when I Force Verify, nothing happens), restarted the PC, and tried to do the missions twice by myself, but still getting the "Couldn't Transfer Character" error. Another guildie of mine is trying to do Cutting Accord on his Klingon, but is also stuck.
Just tried safe mode & Force Verify.... neither worked for me.
Having the same issue... actually glad it happened today. I was going to spring for the lifetime membership. Glad I haven't now. No way I'm paying that kind of money for a game with bugs like this in common missions. If it was some 'off the path' mission I could forgive it but this is a main story arc mission.
Really a shame. Have tried all the suggested fixes in this thread, nothing helps. "Couldn't transfer character" every single time and then back to the login screen.
I have now been stricken twice by this bug on 2 different chain quests. I can't advance them.
I have opened a ticket, got a borderline rude, and borderline unprofessional response from the gm. I Was told to skip it and move on.. However on the 2nd quest it took me nearly 2 hours of time, and I got nothing for it.. I only get about 2-4 hours a day to game.. I wasted an evening and am told to suck it up.. unacceptable.
What are my options. I would love to talk to escalation, or management.. Why is this issue acceptable? The game has been out a few years.. All this and Perfect world has the nerve to troll me for $200 for a lifetime subscription? I am a paying gold player.. I expect a whole lot better support for my money.
Does anyone have a way to reach this ivory tower that apparently couldn't give a rats a$$ about their customers experience?
In my opinion they should be fixing this game breaking issue instead of expanding it.
Shame on you Cryptic, I played COH/COV for years.. and Shame on you Perfect world your support is near the bottom of what I have had to deal with in a long time.
To think I was actually strongly considering life time subscription till I got this kind of treatment..
I'm having the same problem, and it persists. In the Rapier mission,after I exit wormhole, I can't continue HOme Strech part.
I have been droped the mission but, again: Couldn't Transfer Character.
Having the same issue... actually glad it happened today. I was going to spring for the lifetime membership. Glad I haven't now. No way I'm paying that kind of money for a game with bugs like this in common missions. If it was some 'off the path' mission I could forgive it but this is a main story arc mission.
Yea.... I feel like we're always beta testing this product. What is this, Microsoft?
It amazes me someone cant post about lip sync while talking in the in game voice client, and gets a MOD response within minutes, but have a real issue, it takes hours, and then nothing for days.
I've been receiving this error consistently since last Thursday's update.... when I'm trying to start the last Breen episode.
The most annoying part is that it boots me from the server...
I understand that Cryptic/Perfect World is working on fixing this... and I may need to wait a week for the next update in order for the bug to be fixed... so give the devs some time. It's not like they can snap their fingers and fix things...
actually now that this is in the correct forum, I see that this has been a problem since April
6 months ago.. I expect some official plan and answer on this topic.. 6 months for this caliber of issue and no public sorry we are working on it.. is not ok.
I love that this was moved to game play bugs, when my main point is I would like to communicate with someone in management to understand what their plan is to address this wide spread issue. I would also like to understand their GM policy as my experience so far has been about a 3/10 and I would like to know how as a company they intend to increase satisfaction and earn my business..
hey I think I've fixed the problem if you have equipment on your ship like like borg tech you might need to disable all the visuals or enable all of them hope this helps
Been trapped on the surface of Brea III for about 30 minutes now. Submitted a ticket no response. Cant beam up to ship or transwarp out it consistently gives me the "Couldn't Transfer Character" error.
Been trapped on the surface of Brea III for about 30 minutes now. Submitted a ticket no response. Cant beam up to ship or transwarp out it consistently gives me the "Couldn't Transfer Character" error.
Same issue here except I chose the "Safe Log in" option which put me outside the Brea and I was able to continue the mission and complete it. This however should not be happening.
Day four of the could not transfer character issue with the cold storage mission. ST:#121023-000663 let's see how long it takes support to get back to me and fix this issue.
Same here. Stuck on the Home Stretch portion of Rapier. I can go off and do other things, but I can't do the next part of the mission. Ticket raised though.
Same issue here except I chose the "Safe Log in" option which put me outside the Brea and I was able to continue the mission and complete it. This however should not be happening.
I'm in the same spot, but choosing the safe login did nothing for me. I even tried dropping the mission and restarting it, but no luck. Can't even get into the Brea system now without being kicked with the error message. It looks like this issue has been occurring for almost a year and no resolution yet? :mad:
Well, I am a little hesitant at making any complaint posts as I have recently received a warning, I believe falsely merited, for flaming. My only thought is that the post that earned me the warning was against the moderators. There's nothing I can do about that but you can see my concern.
Still, this matter does need addressing and maybe it'll come to the dev's notices the more posts there are about it. We can hope, right?
Last night my friend and I were playing 'Cutting the Cord' and, after the ground section of the mission, I was beamed up to my ship to face Sela while my friend was given the Couldn't Transfer Character message and was ejected from the system. She attempted to re-enter and was denied several times. Just before I managed to beat Sela she was able to get back in -- to a different instance. Remember, we were still teamed up so she should have either received credit for my defeating Sela or, at the very least, been transferred into the original instance where I was.
This is not the only issue that the developer's seem to be blithely unconcerned about but as this thread is about this one I will not mention the others here
What I will say is that I hope the developer's get the message before it is too late and decide to fix things instead of adding unnecessary applications such as, for instance, the STO Gateway. I'd like to play the game, not see how well I may (or may not) be doing, on my cellphone or wherever else it can be utilized.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
hey I think I've fixed the problem if you have equipment on your ship like like borg tech you might need to disable all the visuals or enable all of them hope this helps
Same here. Stuck on the Home Stretch portion of Rapier. I can go off and do other things, but I can't do the next part of the mission. Ticket raised though.
Yah, I've been getting this since late last week on this mission. I sent in a ticket and was told it was an issue they were monitoring and to watch here to see when it got fixed. Sad thing is, I dropped the mission and picked it back up, and I can't even start it over now since I get the map transfer error as soon as I try to enter the system.
Hope it gets fixed soon. Been playing just over a week without this error popping up a single time. Just created a new character today, and getting it regularly.
Just tried safe mode & Force Verify.... neither worked for me.
Really a shame. Have tried all the suggested fixes in this thread, nothing helps. "Couldn't transfer character" every single time and then back to the login screen.
- Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!
I am new here, Been playing about 3 weeks.
I have now been stricken twice by this bug on 2 different chain quests. I can't advance them.
I have opened a ticket, got a borderline rude, and borderline unprofessional response from the gm. I Was told to skip it and move on.. However on the 2nd quest it took me nearly 2 hours of time, and I got nothing for it.. I only get about 2-4 hours a day to game.. I wasted an evening and am told to suck it up.. unacceptable.
What are my options. I would love to talk to escalation, or management.. Why is this issue acceptable? The game has been out a few years.. All this and Perfect world has the nerve to troll me for $200 for a lifetime subscription? I am a paying gold player.. I expect a whole lot better support for my money.
Does anyone have a way to reach this ivory tower that apparently couldn't give a rats a$$ about their customers experience?
In my opinion they should be fixing this game breaking issue instead of expanding it.
Shame on you Cryptic, I played COH/COV for years.. and Shame on you Perfect world your support is near the bottom of what I have had to deal with in a long time.
To think I was actually strongly considering life time subscription till I got this kind of treatment..
I have been droped the mission but, again: Couldn't Transfer Character.
Need help!
I exited the client and tried again, it seemed to work. Oh I also logged into another character before trying the load the mission again.
It amazes me someone cant post about lip sync while talking in the in game voice client, and gets a MOD response within minutes, but have a real issue, it takes hours, and then nothing for days.
Love the QA/Customer service.
We've received a few reports of this error -- the team is investigating.
Brandon =/\=
The most annoying part is that it boots me from the server...
I understand that Cryptic/Perfect World is working on fixing this... and I may need to wait a week for the next update in order for the bug to be fixed... so give the devs some time. It's not like they can snap their fingers and fix things...
That being said, I would expect a better response from support.
6 months ago.. I expect some official plan and answer on this topic.. 6 months for this caliber of issue and no public sorry we are working on it.. is not ok.
I love that this was moved to game play bugs, when my main point is I would like to communicate with someone in management to understand what their plan is to address this wide spread issue. I would also like to understand their GM policy as my experience so far has been about a 3/10 and I would like to know how as a company they intend to increase satisfaction and earn my business..
Same issue here except I chose the "Safe Log in" option which put me outside the Brea and I was able to continue the mission and complete it. This however should not be happening.
Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
I'm in the same spot, but choosing the safe login did nothing for me. I even tried dropping the mission and restarting it, but no luck. Can't even get into the Brea system now without being kicked with the error message. It looks like this issue has been occurring for almost a year and no resolution yet? :mad:
Still, this matter does need addressing and maybe it'll come to the dev's notices the more posts there are about it. We can hope, right?
Last night my friend and I were playing 'Cutting the Cord' and, after the ground section of the mission, I was beamed up to my ship to face Sela while my friend was given the Couldn't Transfer Character message and was ejected from the system. She attempted to re-enter and was denied several times. Just before I managed to beat Sela she was able to get back in -- to a different instance. Remember, we were still teamed up so she should have either received credit for my defeating Sela or, at the very least, been transferred into the original instance where I was.
This is not the only issue that the developer's seem to be blithely unconcerned about but as this thread is about this one I will not mention the others here
What I will say is that I hope the developer's get the message before it is too late and decide to fix things instead of adding unnecessary applications such as, for instance, the STO Gateway. I'd like to play the game, not see how well I may (or may not) be doing, on my cellphone or wherever else it can be utilized.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
It worked for me, good job my friend
Same problem I'm having also.