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GM/ Customer Service/ Billing Support and Tickets



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    f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    this isn't really the place for that, posting anyone's personal info on the forum can get you banned, you can file a GM ticket in game by clicking the "?" next to your mini map and then clicking file GM ticket, or you can file one on the forum by clicking the "Support" link at the top of the page and following the links for reporting harassment, you can post all of that stuff in the GM ticket. Unfortunately there is no other way to contact a GM directly, they can't even receive ingame /tells or mail.
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    rekshawkinsrekshawkins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Every time I attempt in game, my ticket does not seem go anywhere, when I click view open tickets I see nothing.
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited October 2012
    Every time I attempt in game, my ticket does not seem go anywhere, when I click view open tickets I see nothing.

    Feel free to check out the first post in this thread for info on how you can email in directly to Support :)


    Brandon =/\=
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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm sorry i did not get what you siad.!:eek:
    I'm so happy :D
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    emeraldagenda12emeraldagenda12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Every single ticket I have ever written about any problems I have ever had on and off since BETA, has never been responded to in a positive manner, ever. This is a new MMO record for me.

    Might as well call it an "apology letter" when you respond to my tickets, maybe some flowers or something. I'm pretty upset especially since the latest issue, where I tried to send my D'Kora to the proper character and it magically opened and was then stuck now to my science officer alt.

    How about that time when my KDF character was stuck inside the mission territory of the last DS9 mission, 2 months and the exact same response after casting tickets in "could you please give us more details".

    Really? You would think after 6 tickets and 2 months of waiting about 7 months ago that something would actually happen, but that KDF character was stuck for 2 months with no real, human response.

    After one of the patches down the road, my character was able to leave the mission territory, it was not something that was fixed due to my ticket.

    I always try to just let things flow, just let small problems slide. But I am pretty tired of the cyborg responses to my tickets about some critical issues. Please move my D'kora to the correct toon or re-package the item so I can do it myself.

    Enough apologies, you haven't given me a positive response since I starting testing this game

    Also, you owe my fleet mate her Fleet Module.

    Good Luck with that I told her.
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    emeraldagenda12emeraldagenda12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yeah, way to move my feedback from feedback about my ticket issues. I seriously hope someone looks into this company, they really love the money but hate everything else that has anything to do with the game and the people who try to enjoy it.
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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The thing with the ticket's now that no one is getting back to mine at all so i will like to know why. Thank you if you can tell me !!
    I'm so happy :D
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    tankalot42otankalot42o Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i gave up one expecting a response to tickets some time ago,

    seems like a pointless task to me.

    i started playing when f2p came out, and of the 3-4 tickets ive submitted , none have ever gotten a response
    join date: Jan. 2012
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    seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012
    Trolling is the only PVP thats worth playing in STO :D
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dealing with PvP'ers is dealing with massive egos. and the suck-ups, sycophants and hangers-on to the ones they deem the 'leetist' no different really than a high school clique of jocks and their entourage. highly doubtful mods will do anything about as it's also an 'old boy' network going on here. they're not going to step in a censure people they have known for a long time, play with, in a fleet with or whatever.

    biggest issue in general, is without that censure, new players...which every mmo needs, once they meet that wall of trolls won't bother with the forums and maybe the game thereafter. saw another game go down that route, mods that had been around for years letting trolls they knew run rampant...community steadily declined and then the player base.

    after it reached it's height, and stayed there for 5 months...company finally stepped in and got new mods, replaced all the old ones. the trolling ended and the forums and the game itself started recovering. best bet is just notify PWE. skip cryptic or the mods here.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    One more for MAVs logs i guess. That OP ... wow....priceless sprinkles *chapeau*In before lock
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, since the dissapearence of the "report" button, it has become very easy for the more... annoying people to mess around.

    People simply dont know, and don't want to be bothered with finding the appropriate page on the PWE site, and finding the information, to then finally write a mail, that there is a good chance that will be ignored.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    case in point, this was a topic all it's own, now it's not. as i said, expect mods to do everything they can to hide things. they've been here too long. notifying cryptic or the mods useless, contact pwe directly. there was no reason to move it into this catagory...but it does bury it rather well
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    case in point, this was a topic all it's own, now it's not. as i said, expect mods to do everything they can to hide things. they've been here too long. notifying cryptic or the mods useless, contact pwe directly. there was no reason to move it into this catagory...but it does bury it rather well

    Yea I was just wondering... This topic had nothing to do with the "now" OP... why was it hidden here?
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Or is it that the report function is routed through the workday shifts of the customer support team? Then maybe there something needs to be done?

    ^^^ this. We don't have any visibility into PWE's ticket system. We see what we see when we're reading, and nothing else. Tickets you open go to PWE, and we never even hear they happened. Among other things, this means that if you want to complain about actions one of us takes, you have no fear that we'll see it or ever know it was you. I personally think that protection of your rights outweighs any inconvenience caused by having us out of the loop.

    We don't work for PWE, and they can't give us assignments or they'd run afoul of labor laws. We're just volunteers who have a little extra power in our daily reading, that can be taken away at any time without notice or recourse.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    case in point, this was a topic all it's own, now it's not. as i said, expect mods to do everything they can to hide things. they've been here too long. notifying cryptic or the mods useless, contact pwe directly. there was no reason to move it into this catagory...but it does bury it rather well

    Speaking for myself, I disagree with the notion that my mandate is to help PWE bury threads or that I'd ever hide a thread just because I don't like it.

    My personal mandate is to enforce Forum Rules, promote a Community that people enjoy being a part of, and help to improve and focus feedback. Every moderation I do is to that end, to the best of my ability.

    That said, syberghost is right... I'm not paid to do this and my time and energy is limited. If I see it, if I have time, and if I have the proper (fair) mindset while I'm reviewing a post or a thread, I'll moderate it.

    As to why the thread was merged... I didn't do it and don't have an explanation. It's not unreasonable, given the topic.

    I think PWE might be open to bringing back the in-forum "Report Post" functionality. It would certainly help us find things that need moderation before they get too far gone.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply.

    Well, then how to best report at least the most extreme stuff to the moderators? I mean, we don't want to degrade certain subforums into constant flamefests, do we?

    Report them to PWE. BranFlakes will see it. Also, next time there's a call for new mods, perhaps some PvP regulars would care to apply...
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Speaking for myself, I disagree with the notion that my mandate is to help PWE bury threads or that I'd ever hide a thread just because I don't like it.

    My personal mandate is to enforce Forum Rules, promote a Community that people enjoy being a part of, and help to improve and focus feedback. Every moderation I do is to that end, to the best of my ability.

    That said, syberghost is right... I'm not paid to do this and my time and energy is limited. If I see it, if I have time, and if I have the proper (fair) mindset while I'm reviewing a post or a thread, I'll moderate it.

    As to why the thread was merged... I didn't do it and don't have an explanation. It's not unreasonable, given the topic.

    I think PWE might be open to bringing back the in-forum "Report Post" functionality. It would certainly help us find things that need moderation before they get too far gone.

    never said it was done for pwe, and you've also kind of made my point for me. topic was merged, it was not a good reason since the post wasn't just about support tickets. you've also defended the merge even not knowing the reason for it...mods must display a unified front eh? that's the whole problem with choosing people to moderate from the player base. they can rarely remain completely above friendships they've made.

    then there's fleets they may be in, groups they run with in game, etc. favoritism and a blind eye. this is from an objective perspective, not accusations directed at you in particular mind.

    mods may allow posts that are clearly trolling, inflammatory because they know the person posting. excuse it by telling themselves 'that's just how they are they don't mean anything by it' or may even agree with what the poster says...even though it could have been phrased differently but that gets over looked. then there's not wanting to censure someone popular, who has a following. fear of reprisals in game, or at least 'why u mod me man'.

    nothing wrong with volunteer mods if
    no one knows who they are in game and they don't advertise they are one.
    no one knows who they formerly were on the forums.
    they treat everyone as a potential troll/flamer.
    if they are anonymous in both arenas then it makes it that much easier to maintain impartiality. if they view everyone in the same light, then it's easier to mod when required and much less likely to let things slide because the poster is someone the mod knows.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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    admiraltirad235admiraltirad235 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1. fix the fact that I cant get into the new sector block on TRIBBLE even though Im lvl 50
    2. add some more weapons types
    3. add mods
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is not a referendum on the Volunteer Mod program. If anyone has a problem with it, or with any particular Mod, then Bran_Flakes is your guy and a support ticket is the way to go. I don't say that out of arrogance, I say that because that's the way it works and the buck stops at Bran_Flakes. If we need additional guidance, he's the one who will do it.

    The forums are not an appropriate venue for any specific discussion about moderation because:

    #1: The forums are about Star Trek Online, not about the forums. Discussing the forums on the forums does not generally constructively contribute to the reason PWE runs them in the first place. Now if you want to discuss the Community within the rules, that's different.

    #2: Discussion of moderation actions is against the Forum Rules. The rules are clear that if you have a problem with moderation you need to open a ticket. The ticket will be reviewed by somebody other than the person who did the moderating (and the Volunteers have no visibility into their ticket system anyway).

    That said, the subject of what the Mods did or didn't do or shouldn't do is now closed as far as this thread is concerned. If you have an issue with the forums, open a ticket. It's that simple. Any further off-topic discussion about moderation in this thread will be referred to the Community Manager for investigation.

    If anyone still has any questions about how to open a ticket, or if they want additional clarification about when they should open a ticket, I'd be happy to help.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    For a couple of months I have been reporting cheating to the staff here through the Request GM Help menu. Since these reports I have not received a single response to the status of the complaint. In addition, I have some pretty solid evidence of the cheats, or at least evidence that the players I reported have been masking their existence in combat logs to mask evidence of bot, addon, and mod usage.

    So far, no response from the complaints department. Completely ignored. Bots, adds and mods have not only gone unpunished as I've encountered the same players and player accounts in pvp over and over again, but the use of these cheat programs seems to be spreading. I have encountered more and more players capable of sustaining over 300k in damage without having to heal. Some of them deliberately flaunting the cheat by letting opponents in a 3v1 (in one instance I was involved in) continuously fire on them for minutes before bothering to engage them.

    As a player who owns all Mk XII purple tac consoles on a tac officer in a Jem'Hadar Attack ship and is well educated on skill point distribution, it is apparent that the (unknown entity) in the combat log that is taking damage from players as well as dispatching them, is cheating. (my attempt to assure readers that I am not presenting this issue with knowlege gaps in this game's mechanics).

    So I pose my question..., is anyone working in the quality assurance department or am I sending my serious concerns regarding Star Trek Online's integrity to an empty office? And if someone is working these cases then why does the problem keep getting worse (I'll admit the possibility of subjectivity on that particular)? And why have I not received a single response?

    Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    Could someone on the Cryptic/Perfect World staff respond to this post?

    I look forward to an answer. This issue has all but ruined my STO gaming experience and this is a game I really don't want to give up on.

    Thank you for your time.
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    robuille wrote: »
    For a couple of months I have been reporting cheating to the staff here through the Request GM Help menu. Since these reports I have not received a single response to the status of the complaint. In addition, I have some pretty solid evidence of the cheats, or at least evidence that the players I reported have been masking their existence in combat logs to mask evidence of bot, addon, and mod usage.

    So far, no response from the complaints department. Completely ignored. Bots, adds and mods have not only gone unpunished as I've encountered the same players and player accounts in pvp over and over again, but the use of these cheat programs seems to be spreading. I have encountered more and more players capable of sustaining over 300k in damage without having to heal. Some of them deliberately flaunting the cheat by letting opponents in a 3v1 (in one instance I was involved in) continuously fire on them for minutes before bothering to engage them.

    As a player who owns all Mk XII purple tac consoles on a tac officer in a Jem'Hadar Attack ship and is well educated on skill point distribution, it is apparent that the (unknown entity) in the combat log that is taking damage from players as well as dispatching them, is cheating. (my attempt to assure readers that I am not presenting this issue with knowlege gaps in this game's mechanics).

    So I pose my question..., is anyone working in the quality assurance department or am I sending my serious concerns regarding Star Trek Online's integrity to an empty office? And if someone is working these cases then why does the problem keep getting worse (I'll admit the possibility of subjectivity on that particular)? And why have I not received a single response?

    Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    Could someone on the Cryptic/Perfect World staff respond to this post?

    I look forward to an answer. This issue has all but ruined my STO gaming experience and this is a game I really don't want to give up on.

    Thank you for your time.

    Keep in mind that any action taken on a player is governed by PWE Privacy Policy and is only disclosed to the player to whom the action pertains. It is never released in any other manner, and you will never receive an update on the investigation by PWE staff.

    The only acknowledgement you will EVER get from PWE staff is that the complaint has been received and appropriate measures will be taken (and how appropriate those actions are is solely at the discretion of the GM investigating the complaint).

    So, if you're waiting for PWE to tell you the results of the investigation, unfortunately, don't hold your breath. Also, simply because that player wasn't permabanned doesn't mean any action wasn't taken. As a permanent ban is the virtual game world equivalent of the death penalty, understandably it's only used in the most grevious of violations and no lesser action would be warranted.

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    finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I love when you submit a ticket and 5 days later you still have no answer other then the auto response and when I got the auto response I checked my list and what do you know no ticket there even after refreshing. this has happened 2 times and I am a lifetime member:mad: oh and no action memtioned
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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bluegeek wrote: »
    This is not a referendum on the Volunteer Mod program. If anyone has a problem with it, or with any particular Mod, then Bran_Flakes is your guy and a support ticket is the way to go. I don't say that out of arrogance, I say that because that's the way it works and the buck stops at Bran_Flakes. If we need additional guidance, he's the one who will do it.

    The forums are not an appropriate venue for any specific discussion about moderation because:

    #1: The forums are about Star Trek Online, not about the forums. Discussing the forums on the forums does not generally constructively contribute to the reason PWE runs them in the first place. Now if you want to discuss the Community within the rules, that's different.

    #2: Discussion of moderation actions is against the Forum Rules. The rules are clear that if you have a problem with moderation you need to open a ticket. The ticket will be reviewed by somebody other than the person who did the moderating (and the Volunteers have no visibility into their ticket system anyway).

    That said, the subject of what the Mods did or didn't do or shouldn't do is now closed as far as this thread is concerned. If you have an issue with the forums, open a ticket. It's that simple. Any further off-topic discussion about moderation in this thread will be referred to the Community Manager for investigation.

    If anyone still has any questions about how to open a ticket, or if they want additional clarification about when they should open a ticket, I'd be happy to help.

    Well siad mate :)
    I'm so happy :D
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    sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    can't load launcher again rereinstalled again
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    admiraltirad235admiraltirad235 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ever since the update I have been experiencing extreme lag, being disconnected, not being able to login, etc.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    May I please have your attention:

    This thread is not an appropriate place to post about in-game issues; it is not the ticket system and you shouldn't expect to get any support by posting here. Neither GM's nor Customer Support nor Devs are looking at this thread. The only people looking here are Moderators and we can't help you.

    If you're looking for unofficial technical support, or wish to post about a bug, there are other forums set aside for that.

    If you have an issue for which you need customer support, you should submit a ticket via the support website at https://support.perfectworld.com or send an email to customerservice@perfectworld.com.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
This discussion has been closed.