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Starships: Model errors, issues and feedback



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yeah I wasn't sure if they're lit or if its just a reflection from the flash, but that fan made version definitely shows them far more clearly, as well as showing the correct yellow glowing strip on the engine array (though it appears to be missing the lower red glowing bit)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There is a small clipping issue with the Defiant model. I am unsure if this effects the other two skins.

    The centerline pinstripe art, dorsal side, directly in front of the bridge clips with the ship's hull.




    Just putting it out there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    someone made a thread outlining the problems with the NX-Class

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Tuskin wrote:
    Anyways, you should post this in the Starship errors thread here


    hmmm... ok

    copy & paste:

    Just unlocked my NX Class Ship and took it for a short test drive.

    1: NX Class has no Escape Pods, since STO only lets us choose between 4 sets of Windows with Escape Pods there is no way to have no Escape Pods.
    (i could live with the escape pods, if they weren't so blindingly bright !!! the only material that looks good on the NX-01 is the dark Nr. 4 and then the pods stick out extremely )

    CGI - Model

    2: Texture Flickering on Windows and Escape pods.

    Flickering Windows
    Flickering Escape Pods
    Missing Windows

    3: left and right Floodlights are not identical

    Compare left and right

    also the 3 Floodlights arround the Bridgedome are completely missing:
    compare with CGI-Model

    4: long STO Registry number overlaps with blinky blinky lights
    it would be in the correct position if our registry was as short as NX-01 but with NX-90000000001 it should be a little more in the center ;P

    5: Shuttlebay goes HERE

    6: I'd suggest that we get a 5the Material Type that does the color of the ship justice, the only one that get's close is Material Type 4 but that doesn't realy look right either.

    7: U.S.S. ... or no U.S.S. ?

    should there be a U.S.S.?
    I can't decide, on the show there is none, but then there was no Federation and now it is 2409...

    8: left impulse engine glows bright when at full impulse or slipstream, right engine doesn't (all ships do that !!!)

    9: 2 tiny green lights on shuttle doors, dont seem to be working right they are to small to see what is wrong but sometimes only one is visible while watching from chase perspective...

    these 2 lights: KLICK

    some resources for the Dev's:


    have fun.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    hmmm... ok

    copy & paste:

    Just unlocked my NX Class Ship and took it for a short test drive.

    1: NX Class has no Escape Pods, since STO only lets us choose between 4 sets of Windows with Escape Pods there is no way to have no Escape Pods.
    (i could live with the escape pods, if they weren't so blindingly bright !!! the only material that looks good on the NX-01 is the dark Nr. 4 and then the pods stick out extremely )

    CGI - Model

    2: Texture Flickering on Windows and Escape pods.

    Flickering Windows
    Flickering Escape Pods
    Missing Windows

    3: left and right Floodlights are not identical

    Compare left and right

    also the 3 Floodlights arround the Bridgedome are completely missing:
    compare with CGI-Model

    4: long STO Registry number overlaps with blinky blinky lights
    it would be in the correct position if our registry was as short as NX-01 but with NX-90000000001 it should be a little more in the center ;P

    5: Shuttlebay goes HERE

    6: I'd suggest that we get a 5the Material Type that does the color of the ship justice, the only one that get's close is Material Type 4 but that doesn't realy look right either.

    7: U.S.S. ... or no U.S.S. ?

    should there be a U.S.S.?
    I can't decide, on the show there is none, but then there was no Federation and now it is 2409...

    8: left impulse engine glows bright when at full impulse or slipstream, right engine doesn't (all ships do that !!!)

    9: 2 tiny green lights on shuttle doors, dont seem to be working right they are to small to see what is wrong but sometimes only one is visible while watching from chase perspective...

    these 2 lights: KLICK

    some resources for the Dev's:


    have fun.

    Running VERY short of space in the first post. I had a very nice looking block of text going on, but had to cull it and other data from the first post just to get the following in.

    Would be really nice if the mods would uncap the character limit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    UFP emblem is red in sector space, but blue in the ship customization window.

    Bug Shot
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    UFP emblem is red in sector space, but blue in the ship customization window.

    Bug Shot


    On a serious note, I created a thread that addresses the big wrong way up UFP emblems and why we shouldn't have them at all. Mtattersal replied with "point taken", so with any luck, we'll lose those unnecessary badges, or at least be able to select "none".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hardpoint error with the NX-01, the rear beam weapons come out of the rear RCS thrusters on the Saucer, they should come out of the area highlighted in my picture.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Tuskin wrote:
    Hardpoint error with the NX-01, the rear beam weapons come out of the rear RCS thrusters on the Saucer, they should come out of the area highlighted in my picture.
    UFP emblem is red in sector space, but blue in the ship customization window.

    Bug Shot

    Unfortunately, that first post is absolutely at the character limit, so I can't add them to it.

    On the bright side, mtattersal and capnlogan quite often keep up with the thread as it progresses, so will likely see these.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Regarding Type 0 Klingon Bird-of-Prey customization. I own the dvd set for Star Trek III. I transcribed this from the subtitles for a dvd extra documentary, entitled 'Spacedocks and Birds of Prey' (very few notes in parentheses are my own. Make of them what you will.).

    I felt this was as good place as any to archive the intent of the designers.


    Bill George - ILM - Additional Spacecraft Design:
    When we were approached with the ST III project it became clear very early on, reading the script that there was alot more design work involved in this one than Star Trek II and it was a real challenge for us, because when you design a ship you want it to look as though it fits the culture but at the same time you want it to mirror the characterizations of the culture.

    In other words, for the Klingon Bird-of-Prey we wanted it to look aggressive and mean as well as Klingon.

    Leonard Nimoy - Director:
    When we went to ILM I said, in effect, it should be like a bird on attack. It should be swooping and frightening. And I gestured with my arms this way as though these were the wings, and somebody suggested that the wings might change, which they did. I'm not sure how the audience awareness we had of that, but the wings actually changed position as the thing went from a cruising position into a diving, swooping, attacking position. But I was very interested in the idea that it should have this outstretched neck as though you were a bird flying to attack a creature. Or sometimes you see a bird swooping down towards the water to dive in and come up with a fish in it beak.

    Bill George - ILM - Additional Spacecraft Design:
    Very often the way it would start would be lots of sketches, a whole variety of directions and then we would present those to the director, Leonard Nimoy. And he would pick the ones that he would like, and then from that we would get closer and closer to the ultimate design.

    What we want to get across, if we're successful with the design is not only that is looks like a different culture but that it has some sort of character that reminiscent of the culture. In other words, for the Klingon ship it would be mean and aggressive looking. And there were lots of sketches done for the ship and ultimately there was never one that was chosen as "okay, that's the design." There were things that Leonard liked about some of them and other things he liked about others, so we came up with a hybrid.

    This here (handling all green, unfinished model) is the first prototype that was built of the Klingon Bird-of-Prey. And we do these prototypes a lot as study models because then you can pick them up and see what they would look like in the film. This one is unique in a couple of ways. On is that is has these moving wings which was kind of revolutionary at the time. That was so it could get into kind of a posture, the firing posture, which was much more aggressive.

    And one of the sketches that I worked from, interestingly enough, that Nilo (Nilo Rodis-Jamero was the visual effects art director for Star Trek III) gave me was this one here (produces b/w sketch of body builder in 'crab most muscular' pose) of this muscle man. And he said "Make it look like that". Which at first took me by surprise.

    But the kind of downturned arms became the posture for the wings in attack position, and the other thing that was very distinctive were these shoulders, these big trapezius muscles here. And that was the genesis of why I came up with this kind of radial fin area that would, no matter how you bent the wing would still retain that mass (points to the two humps atop the aft section of the model) and give it, hopefully the look of the muscle man. Also I thought this guy looked like a football player. It influenced the way I built the prototype in that these large trapezius muscles sections here, which were made of these fins, these kind of radial fins. So as the wings moved, the mass still was there.

    And I incorporated what looked like shoulder pads (points to forward housing around the fins) on the shoulders. Then I went a step further (points to bow of the model) and put in a chin guard around the command section. And all these little things add up to it kind of looking like this--hopefully reminiscent of it but not exactly-- And I think contribute to the character of the ship.
    (view of model in film. I noted top of its wings - pattern and all - were green.)

    Another interesting thing about the ship was in the very first draft of the film we got when we started it was not a Klingon ship.
    (view of study model from bottom. With rust colored wing pattern)

    It was actually a Romulan ship that Kruge had commandeered somehow. And the open sequence with the merchantman (the freighter) was different. It was actually these Klingon ships (K't'inga? the world will never know...) hanging out, saying, "Where is he?" Then all of a sudden he appears right in the middle of them. Kind of blowing them all away to show that he's a really bad character. The reason why I'm bringing this up is that since it was originally a Romulan ship - and I am a big fan of the original series - I put in this graphic on the bottom, that was reminiscent of the birds wings on the bottom of the original Romulan ship, to try to tie the two together.
    (film view of BoP looming over Merchantman. Underside wing pattern is rust colored)

    Ultimately, it was decided that it was jus a Klingon ship, but the wing pattern stayed.

    Ralph Winter (associate producer):
    And that model, I think, still today is good from any angle. It's just amazing. You can photograph it from any point of view and have a pretty compelling image that just looks sinister and bad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Thank you for that, Psi'a. ^.^ I am thankful to have read it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Sure thing. Glad it's being read. The whole documentary is fascinating. It explains the development of Spacedock. The themes behind the development of Excelsior and Oberth also. The study models for Excelsior are interesting. As they are closer to Oberth in component style.

    Just goes to show that is a lot of thought put into these models. I'm so happy to see the polishing that we are getting with these iconic designs And I dare say, the artists who design for STO have been as dedicated when they put forward the 25th century custom variants. I looks to be a fascinating process to observe how one sometimes informs the other.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I think Valias is referring to the fact that the B'rel appears to have the primary neck, and a second seperated beam below it, with these two neck sections essentialy being split by a sizable gap - so it looks likes its got a neck and some kind of seperated support beam which is obviously incorrect.
    Exactly. :3
    If you think about it, if they had the warp nacelle placed properly, firstly the Klingon red warp trail would obviously be the wrong colour - and I am willing to bet that is faction-fixed (i.e. all klingons have to have red trails).
    Actually, my new Orion is currently flying a Somraw, and this ship has two different colours on its trails. Red impulse and orange warp. Well, reddish orange, but definitively another colour. Looking at the new forum header I also see that the Vulcan ship has a yellow trail despite being a Federation vessel, so it seems to be technically possible.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I posted this on the cruisers page as it was concerning the Galaxy class cruiser, but I thought I would post it here as It concerns the Fed textures as a whole in general.

    I've been doing a little bit of research recently into all the Fed ships we currently have in STO at present and have noticed that If there is one thing there lacking...it textures,or in STO terms materials.

    Now I'm not saying that all of them are bad, I just think they need a little bit more polish. I absolutely love my Galaxy class cruiser,but the one thing I think the feds need is a couple more textures to choose from.

    There are quite a few inaccuracies in the current textures when on certain models, and especially on the Galaxy class.

    Most Fed ships have the standard Aztec design to them, and for the most part the textures do show this...but with strange vent like squares everywhere, and I just looks a little odd.
    The Klingons look so awesome now with there new "green dirt" looking texture which I think looks so cool, we just need a more Fed accurate one now.

    Also I mentioned a while ago about having a more accurate Galaxy deflector. I think a couple of people on the forums including Amisov have noticed that the Galaxy needs the "Over bite" shape to it and that its not just a blue texture.

    On the filming model the Galaxy's deflector dish was In two parts, the brownish striped part and the the overall deflector in the middle (Which lights up blue).
    Now if we where to have a new texture this would eliminate most of the problems and It would also be a good opportunity to have a another Deflector texture.

    These are my only gripes so far, and just a couple of things that will make the Feds(and my Galaxy...thank you CapnLogan)look a little more screen accurate.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Valias wrote:
    Actually, my new Orion is currently flying a Somraw, and this ship has two different colours on its trails. Red impulse and orange warp. Well, reddish orange, but definitively another colour. Looking at the new forum header I also see that the Vulcan ship has a yellow trail despite being a Federation vessel, so it seems to be technically possible.

    I noticed that too on the new Vulcan ship at least - so it seems the differing colour of the warp trail may be possible, but it still leaves the question of what the BoP would look like with a big red flat trail with an equaly big flat yellow trail on top - or samdwhiched between two red trails.

    I'm willing to bet it will look odd, and I really wouldn't be surprised if that was at least partialy behind the thinking of those two tiny nacelles being added - unless whichever dev that did the model really trully did not know what the differing engine sections were.

    Eitherway, the proper green warp housing with the proper yellow glow really needs to be added to the back of the engine to improve the look.

    I would also like to see that red blob texture removed from both the B'Rel's engines and from the red portions of the nacelle for the Vor'Cha - it just looks like such a poor texture compared to the rest of the ships and it doesn't look like its glowing either - it should instead be a red texture with a whiter glow in the centre, rather than a black texture with a red blob.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Since I just watched Star Trek IV, I'm going to chime in and say that the BoP should have an entire ship warp trail effect, like in the movie. That would be sweet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Felderburg wrote: »
    Since I just watched Star Trek IV, I'm going to chime in and say that the BoP should have an entire ship warp trail effect, like in the movie. That would be sweet.

    That trail is only while at warp, though.

    Personally I wish they'd finally add the toggle to turn off the trails. The game looks so much better with the no-trails mod, makes it look less like some odd cartoon hybrid and more like an actual Star Trek game :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That trail is only while at warp, though.

    Well... right. That's why it's a warp trail effect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That trail is only while at warp, though.

    Personally I wish they'd finally add the toggle to turn off the trails. The game looks so much better with the no-trails mod, makes it look less like some odd cartoon hybrid and more like an actual Star Trek game :P

    Agreed. Once I got the no warp trails mod, it made the game seem SO much nicer. I hadn't ever considered that the trails made the game visually annoying to me, but once they were gone, I was ecstatic. I think they should give us a toggle / menu option to get rid of the engine trail and blob glow sprites on the impulse engines. Perhaps there are other non-lifers who are subconsciously turned off by the glows and trails which turns into a last straw kind of deal for them.

    (Don't) save the trails! Save the subs! :3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In today's Tribble build, my ship name finally fits on the nacelles. It looks like the font size for the ship name was lowered, but the font used for the registry number was unchanged.

    Also, the port nacelle now has the proper red marker light, and the ship name+registry is properly attached to the nacelle - it doesn't "float" any more.

    Here's a pic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    MightionNY wrote: »
    In today's Tribble build, my ship name finally fits on the nacelles. It looks like the font size for the ship name was lowered, but the font used for the registry number was unchanged.

    Also, the port nacelle now has the proper red marker light, and the ship name+registry is properly attached to the nacelle - it doesn't "float" any more.

    Here's a pic.

    Removed from first page :) Thank you very very much for the update. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Removed from first page :) Thank you very very much for the update. :D

    Don't forget, the portside nav light is now red, as my pics shows. :)

    edit: Odd, my tinyurl to that pic stopped working... anyway, it's here if needed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    MightionNY wrote: »
    Don't forget, the portside nav light is now red, as my pics shows. :)

    edit: Odd, my tinyurl to that pic stopped working... anyway, it's here if needed.

    Got it. Thanks :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Btw don't think i saw it on the list but...

    The Galaxt Class Pylons have too sharp a curve.
    It should be a softer more drawn out curve.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Alexraptor wrote: »
    Btw don't think i saw it on the list but...

    The Galaxt Class Pylons have too sharp a curve.
    It should be a softer more drawn out curve.

    I agree with any changes to the Galaxy class. Pylons need altering.(Thinning out) and also I've mentioned before a new deflector model. The deflector is a seperate dish(In the centre of the deflector there is a overal dish part)not just a glowing blue texture. Its also missing the RCS thrusters at the front of the secondary hull.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I was admiring someone else's nebula in Sol system, and I noticed that on the mission pod, there is a thin line between its upper and lower half where the space behind it is visible. Someone with a nebula ought to do some testing. Screenshot to come soonish.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I have this type of Bug on the Dreadnought, almost the texture of the weapons is out of phase with respect to the texture of the vessel.

    How can I fix this?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Didn't realize there was a thread for this. I made this post earlier today, and I think it can be lumped in here. I'll try and get a pic up at some point to illustrate.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Prohmeteus wrote:
    I have this type of Bug on the Dreadnought, almost the texture of the weapons is out of phase with respect to the texture of the vessel.

    How can I fix this?


    This is a known bug, and there is a fix for it either already on tribble or coming to tribble soon - and so should be corrected in the Season 3: Genesis update that goes live on December 9th.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    weapons and impulse effects not located on ship, more below and behind, been 2 patches no fix, all bug tickets /gm requests apparently fed to targs. please help fleet noticing my absence and asking questions, give me somthing good to say please.
This discussion has been closed.