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Starships: Model errors, issues and feedback



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Okay, I found out the Gal-X hull material issue has been fixed. However, if you have a broken one that doesn't change colors (like I did) the ship needs to be decommissioned and a new one obtained from the C-Store. After that, all the pieces match when changing materials.

    However, other issues (like the center engine being a direct copy of the starboard engine) and the 'fins' not quite being on the pylons remain.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well I see everyone here is pointing out issues with ship models... My largest problem in this game is sound. Make this game legitimatly sound like like star trek and I'll pay for it. It really sounds dumbed down and something I'd expect of a 90's something sega game. If you want a star trek experience it should sound like one too... They need to be punched up big time. It reminds me of an old dos game where the phasers go pew pew and torps go pooooo really dumbed down silently and everything else in the background is kind of not there too.

    Ok everyone feel free to flame me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's not a matter of flaming so much as your request as written here falling flat seeing that it's so out of context with the present subject matter. If you want to successfully crusade for sound improvements, I'd suggest you start your own thread and put your issues on the table for others to see and relate with. If the idea gets more supporters, odds are the Devs will take note of it.

    Sadly, the Ship ArtDevs whom glance in here really can't help you with that, veggiemon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Couple of Defiant updates:

    - The starboard nacelle isn't obviously lopsided along the ships centre line anymore (been that way for a little while now) though I think they're still not dead accurate (but close enough) looking at the joins.

    - The starboard nacelle is now correctly showing the ship name again. (as of the patch today)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ultrawave wrote: »
    Couple of Defiant updates:

    - The starboard nacelle isn't obviously lopsided along the ships centre line anymore (been that way for a little while now) though I think they're still not dead accurate (but close enough) looking at the joins.

    - The starboard nacelle is now correctly showing the ship name again. (as of the patch today)

    Adjusted for the second, left the first in as it seems to still apply.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I guess this is the place to mention this. It appears that my refit Intrepid underwent an odd color change following the recent addition of nacelle animations. There are certain parts that are set to what appear to be the default colors, even though I have my own colors selected. The parts affected seem to be the hull and saucer. I have "None" pattern selected. What is especially interesting is that on the saucer (Discovery), the top half is the default grey, while the bottom half is my selected color! This appears to be an issue with the "None" pattern.

    I will update with pics as time provides, PM me if I don't in a timely fashion. I may also look into various combinations that make this happen, but that is highly unlikely.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    A few new sneaky Akira updates:





    Felderburg wrote: »
    I guess this is the place to mention this. It appears that my refit Intrepid underwent an odd color change following the recent addition of nacelle animations. There are certain parts that are set to what appear to be the default colors, even though I have my own colors selected. The parts affected seem to be the hull and saucer. I have "None" pattern selected. What is especially interesting is that on the saucer (Discovery), the top half is the default grey, while the bottom half is my selected color! This appears to be an issue with the "None" pattern.

    I will update with pics as time provides, PM me if I don't in a timely fashion. I may also look into various combinations that make this happen, but that is highly unlikely.

    Some SS would be nice, yes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ran out of room on the first page for the new Akira issues list:

    Akira: side by sides (Old side by sides for those who would like to compare.)
    1. Special torpedoes seem to be firing from everywhere BUT the dorsal torpedo nacelle. Tricobalt cluster torps seem to launch from the bow and heavy plasmas / rear torpedoes launch from somewhere beneath the ship.

    2. The dorsal phaser arrays do not extend far enough around the saucer, the ventral phaser arrays are broken up into four strips, two along the darkened indentations between the rim and the bulge and two much smaller ones are on either side of the weapon pimple.

    3. Missing Starfleet decals from ventral saucer bulge

    4. Dorsal hull decals missing the ship registry

    5. Aft shuttle bays 1 & 2 are too small; the doors are the incorrect shape and are not numbered

    6. Central shuttle bay / Cargo doors missing.

    7. There is a little nodule jutting out beneath the landing platform at the aft of the saucer that should not be there.

    8. Forward fighter / shuttle launch ports / observation (or arboretum?) windows far far too tiny.

    9. Dorsal Torpedo nacelle:

      • Dorsal torpedo nacelle too small.

      • Dorsal torpedo nacelle is too low, the angle of the strut should be increased slightly.

      • The dorsal grouping of four forward torpedo tubes have only the two centre tubes textured as torpedo tubes. (Though, the textures could be removed completely and the launchers turned into actual tubes)

      • The ventral grouping of three forward quantum torpedo tubes are missing.

      • The aft port and starboard quarter groupings of three tubes each are missing. (I think Capnlogan would have fun with this, since he does like giving torpedoes fun angles with which to launch. ^.^ )

      • The aft grouping of two torpedo tubes should not be there.

    10. Aft section of engineering hulls are the wrong shape

    11. Missing cargo(?) doors on aft bridge superstructure, between the two sloping "shoulders" that angle away from the superstructure.

    12. Aft nacelles too long

    13. Various other small, possibly inconsequential details missing
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I noticed a bug with the new Vor'Cha (T4) last night - the starboard (right) nacelle trail seems to be broken. When you first move it appears briefly then vanishes.

    I haven't been on tribble yet (as I am at work) to see if this is present in the new tribble build and, if it is, to see if its also present in the new T5 Vor'Cha that went live to tribble yesterday - so hopefuly its just a simple bug, but thought its worth mentioning here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I noticed a bug with the new Vor'Cha (T4) last night - the starboard (right) nacelle trail seems to be broken. When you first move it appears briefly then vanishes.

    I haven't been on tribble yet (as I am at work) to see if this is present in the new tribble build and, if it is, to see if its also present in the new T5 Vor'Cha that went live to tribble yesterday - so hopefuly its just a simple bug, but thought its worth mentioning here.

    The T4 Vor'cha is unchanged on Tribble, i can still only see 3 trails.
    I dont have access to the new T5 version, can't test that one.

    Before one of the last patches the Vor'cha only had 2 trails coming from the red glowy impuls engines which i found to be perfectly fine.
    I do not wish to see trails coming out of plated hull parts. (same with Akira Class or Constitution Class Warp Enginses, the blue comes out of the metal plated back of the necelles... just looks silly).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Personally I don't like the trails at all in any context except for the warp in/out animation, so I wish we could actually toggle it on/off, but its the art direction the devs have taken so I think its safe to say that it's here to stay and that all ships should be defaulting to having trails from all impulse/warp drives.

    I'll check the new T5 Vor'Cha when I get home, though I expect it will have the same issue.

    Also, while we're on the subject of bugs regarding the Vor'Cha, the FX animations like slipstream still do not fit the ship - they're about 50% too small and so the warp nacelles hang outside of the animation.

    I have also noticed that the same issue with the slipstream animation is present on the Hegh'ta Bird of Prey as well - though with the Hegh'ta this may be due to the fact that with its wings up it has a wider silhouette compared to its wings down.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Just checked, and the same bugs on the T4 Vor'Cha ARE also on the T5 variant. The missing nacelle trail, the small slipstream FX, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I noticed a bug with the new Vor'Cha (T4) last night - the starboard (right) nacelle trail seems to be broken. When you first move it appears briefly then vanishes.

    I haven't been on tribble yet (as I am at work) to see if this is present in the new tribble build and, if it is, to see if its also present in the new T5 Vor'Cha that went live to tribble yesterday - so hopefuly its just a simple bug, but thought its worth mentioning here.
    Personally I don't like the trails at all in any context except for the warp in/out animation, so I wish we could actually toggle it on/off, but its the art direction the devs have taken so I think its safe to say that it's here to stay and that all ships should be defaulting to having trails from all impulse/warp drives.

    I'll check the new T5 Vor'Cha when I get home, though I expect it will have the same issue.

    Also, while we're on the subject of bugs regarding the Vor'Cha, the FX animations like slipstream still do not fit the ship - they're about 50% too small and so the warp nacelles hang outside of the animation.

    I have also noticed that the same issue with the slipstream animation is present on the Hegh'ta Bird of Prey as well - though with the Hegh'ta this may be due to the fact that with its wings up it has a wider silhouette compared to its wings down.

    Added to the first page
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    comander lvl nebula class graphic has no impulse engines
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Vladd wrote:
    comander lvl nebula class graphic has no impulse engines

    its intended and determined to be part of canon, although it is a point of contention.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    posted in graphical bug section, but just in case its gets missed link is here
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Thanks for fixing the height of the saucer on the Polaris model in the latest patch. This does fix the problem of seeing through a hole in the back of the saucer. The Polaris saucer might have been lowered too much as it sticks into the Comet hull right above the deflector dish.

    Now we just need fixes for:

    Luna, Sol, and Comet pylons to not touch the Polaris hull.

    Sol Saucer is also to high but not as much as the Polaris saucer was. This is a problem when using the Sol or Luna Mission Pods as the Sol saucer touches the bottom of them. The Impulse engines are too low on the Sol saucer and lowering the Sol saucer would align them better to match the other ship saucer/impulse alignments.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    There are now some new bugs for the T5 Vor'Cha and its new C-Store variant.

    Z3R0B4NG made a new thread on it, and to quote him:
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    1: the "Mission Pod" is to far up, should be place lower:

    2: whatever this thing is called, the polygons dont touch each other correctly, you can see a thin white or black line in the middle:

    3: Federation Escape Pods... realy? plz remove.

    4: windows on the Mission pod should be placed a few pixels higher, they are right over the edge.

    PS: if you look at the HUD for a second, it would be nice to actually see a Vor'cha icon instead of a K't'inga one... but the ship icons are screwed up in the whole game, you can't even distinguish an Escort from a Cruiser in PvP just by looking at the icon, it allways shows the same thing. I know this was fixed months ago but it seems to have sneaked back in.

    The last part he mentions, in regards to the ship icon, seems to be a little more complex. For some people its appearing with a K't'inga icon, for others like myself it appears with a Bird of Prey icon. Whether you get a K't'inga or a Bird of Prey may be related to whether you have the Vor'Cha or the new costume set as the default template, I haven't test that myself, but the Bird of Prey icon was in relation to the T5 Vor'Cha itself for me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Pylon between mission pod and engineering hull is ofset to the right
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Why is the Sovereign under T4? :confused:

    Anyway i don't know if its been added, but the UV mapping needs to be fixed on the saucer.
    Because right now there are several areas where the texture warps and deforms windows and stuff and generally just looks wierd.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    I purchased a Vorcha ship skin from the C-Store, and I am very pleased with the new options for appearance it grants to the Vorcha refit.

    However, upon zooming in on the saucer section of the new skin, there is a subtle, visible seam artifact that appears where the port and starboard halves of the 'saucer' meet. I noticed this subtle seam when taking close-up screen prints of my new ship. It basically looks like a very thin whitish line. I was able to change angles and get shots where the seam is not noticeable, but it would be better if it was not there at all.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Here's what I have noticed. Apologies if something has already been mentioned - I just read the first post and hope that it contains everything.

    Federation General Issues
    - A lot of ships are still missing the red stripe / yellow arrow Starfleet markings (first introduced on STOs Excelsior?)
    - Teal Federation emblem should be removed from all ships (un-canon, too large, "looks wrong"), replaced by the stripe/arrow mentioned above.

    T2 Escort: Saber-class
    - Has blueish warp(?) glow on the aft of its secondary hull. It shouldn't. Perhaps hint at a small shuttlebay instead?
    - Dual Phaser Banks fire out of the warp nacelles. Might be better to move them to the "notch", TOS-style?

    T2 Science: Nova-class
    - Dual Phaser Banks fire out of the bussard collectors (?!)

    T5 Cruiser: Excelsior-class
    - There is a tiny gap between the bridge section and the saucer, only visible if you look at the right angle. Lowering the bridge just a bit should take care of this.

    KDF General Issues
    - KDF emblem is missing the yellow circle.

    T5 BoP: Hegh'ta-type
    - Windows on command module side extend into what looks like a door or an armour plate, with one window placed directly on the "seam".
    - Wing-mounted cannons still have torpedo launcher graphics attached to them. This has been partly dealt with by "hiding" the upper side of the swivels behind an additional model element, but the lower sides still have this issue. Additionally, this texture is also present on the cannons' barrels. Would it be possible to just exchange it with the alternative skin version of the launcher texture (i.e. yellow torpedo launcher = red cannon barrels; red torpedo launcher = yellow barrels)?
    Alexraptor wrote: »
    Why is the Sovereign under T4? :confused:
    The ship tiers don't seem to be in correct order - tier 0 should actually be tier 1 and so on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Thanks for fixing the height of the saucer on the Polaris model in the latest patch. This does fix the problem of seeing through a hole in the back of the saucer. The Polaris saucer might have been lowered too much as it sticks into the Comet hull right above the deflector dish.

    Now we just need fixes for:

    Luna, Sol, and Comet pylons to not touch the Polaris hull.

    Sol Saucer is also to high but not as much as the Polaris saucer was. This is a problem when using the Sol or Luna Mission Pods as the Sol saucer touches the bottom of them. The Impulse engines are too low on the Sol saucer and lowering the Sol saucer would align them better to match the other ship saucer/impulse alignments.
    There are now some new bugs for the T5 Vor'Cha and its new C-Store variant.

    Z3R0B4NG made a new thread on it, and to quote him:

    The last part he mentions, in regards to the ship icon, seems to be a little more complex. For some people its appearing with a K't'inga icon, for others like myself it appears with a Bird of Prey icon. Whether you get a K't'inga or a Bird of Prey may be related to whether you have the Vor'Cha or the new costume set as the default template, I haven't test that myself, but the Bird of Prey icon was in relation to the T5 Vor'Cha itself for me.
    Ansrza wrote:

    Pylon between mission pod and engineering hull is ofset to the right
    Alexraptor wrote: »

    Anyway i don't know if its been added, but the UV mapping needs to be fixed on the saucer.
    Because right now there are several areas where the texture warps and deforms windows and stuff and generally just looks wierd.
    Valias wrote:
    Here's what I have noticed. Apologies if something has already been mentioned - I just read the first post and hope that it contains everything.

    Federation General Issues

    T2 Escort: Saber-class
    - Has blueish warp(?) glow on the aft of its secondary hull. It shouldn't. Perhaps hint at a small shuttlebay instead?
    - Dual Phaser Banks fire out of the warp nacelles. Might be better to move them to the "notch", TOS-style?

    T2 Science: Nova-class
    - Dual Phaser Banks fire out of the bussard collectors (?!)

    T5 Cruiser: Excelsior-class
    - There is a tiny gap between the bridge section and the saucer, only visible if you look at the right angle. Lowering the bridge just a bit should take care of this.

    KDF General Issues
    - KDF emblem is missing the yellow circle.

    T5 BoP: Hegh'ta-type
    - Windows on command module side extend into what looks like a door or an armour plate, with one window placed directly on the "seam".
    - Wing-mounted cannons still have torpedo launcher graphics attached to them. This has been partly dealt with by "hiding" the upper side of the swivels behind an additional model element, but the lower sides still have this issue. Additionally, this texture is also present on the cannons' barrels. Would it be possible to just exchange it with the alternative skin version of the launcher texture (i.e. yellow torpedo launcher = red cannon barrels; red torpedo launcher = yellow barrels)?

    Added. Sorry for the delay, was in China for a week and a half and extremely jet laggy and busy and not wanting to go through and edit the first page for the last couple of days. >.<

    Alexraptor wrote: »
    Why is the Sovereign under T4? :confused:
    Valias wrote:
    The ship tiers don't seem to be in correct order - tier 0 should actually be tier 1 and so on.

    If I had room, I would add this explanation to the front page:

    The reason I have the tiers listed as I do is because of a forum conversation I had with Dstahl shortly after launch in the original errors and issues thread by -Jes-. When I had asked, very specifically, about some of the wording in the engineering reports which referred to ships like the DSSV as tier 5 and RSV as tier 4, he confirmed that the RDML ranked ships were indeed broken into two tiers, 4 & 5. At this point, none of the devs who follow this thread have contacted me to correct me; logic dictates that they must still use this tier structure, at least internally.

    Likewise, when I asked (specifically) if the Miranda / Shi'kar / Centaur class was Tier 1 or Tier 0, Dstahl responded that they were Tier 0.

    The above responses from Dstahl have dictated the entire structure of my ship error thread.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    So the Assault Cruiser then is really technically an Inferior ship than a Galaxy or even an Excelsior.

    That just makes me mad. :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Alexraptor wrote: »
    So the Assault Cruiser then is really technically an Inferior ship than a Galaxy or even an Excelsior.

    That just makes me mad. :mad:

    No, they are both RDML ranked, it is likely simply how they organise them within their offices. I like to imagine it is easier to send out a memo that says "S4 poly count too high, S5 UV needs work" than "Recon Science Vessel polygon count too is high, Deep Space Science Vessel UV textures need work"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    I purchased a Vorcha ship skin from the C-Store, and I am very pleased with the new options for appearance it grants to the Vorcha refit.

    However, upon zooming in on the saucer section of the new skin, there is a subtle, visible seam artifact that appears where the port and starboard halves of the 'saucer' meet. I noticed this subtle seam when taking close-up screen prints of my new ship. It basically looks like a very thin whitish line. I was able to change angles and get shots where the seam is not noticeable, but it would be better if it was not there at all.



    The seam artifact seems to have been repaired. Thank you!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    The seam artifact seems to have been repaired. Thank you!

    Thank you VERY much for the update. Removed from the front page. (YAY space! :D )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    One thing I wanted to mention about the Klingon B'Rel Bird-of-Prey is the warp engine grilles Cryptic added to the back of the wings. The BoP's warp engines are actually at the back of the main hull of the ship (the red engine sections) as seen in this video at about the 6:08 mark: BoP Warp.

    Here's screencap of it as well: BoP Warping.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Amosov wrote:
    One thing I wanted to mention about the Klingon B'Rel Bird-of-Prey is the warp engine grilles Cryptic added to the back of the wings. The BoP's warp engines are actually at the back of the main hull of the ship (the red engine sections) as seen in this video at about the 6:08 mark: BoP Warp.

    Here's screencap of it as well: BoP Warping.

    if this is in regards to the one just added to tribble, you will want to report it in the tribble forums. They won't look here for tribble related issues, I've been told.

    I just typed all that while wearing mittens! xD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    if this is in regards to the one just added to tribble, you will want to report it in the tribble forums. They won't look here for tribble related issues, I've been told.

    I just typed all that while wearing mittens! xD

    It's actually on all versions of the ship, I was just reminded about it when I saw one earlier today in the Neutral zone.
This discussion has been closed.