Credit to
-Jes- for the initial effort, the first section is a direct quote:
Ok, I'm hoping to make a catalogue here of known STARSHIP MODEL issues. This means anything from phasers shooting out from nowhere, to clipping textures, visual glitches and Canon inconsistencies.
PLEASE, post ONLY if you have any NEW info on issues or inconsistencies any ship might have, as posting info already found here will only hamper my efforts to update this thread.
If you are only here to flame or whine or otherwise argue semantics, PLEASE GTFO NOW!
Please utilise (pictures) and (pages) when submitting info to help keep the bloat down on the front page posts.
Federation:Tier 0
Centaur has windows and escape pods on Impulse Engines
Canon Inconsistencies:
- Constitution:
- Reference Aft hull and ventral saucer sensor domes not lit on in game model
- Windows on nacelle pylons in incorrect location.
- Windows on in game model do not match canon
- Miranda: Studio model shots
- NX-01Replica:
Tier 1- Escort:
- Impulse glow errors: 1 2
- Impulse engines glowing through hull
- Single cannon weapon pimple obscuring windows on the ventral bow of the Rapier saucer. (Can we get some actual torpedo launchers instead of the ugly pimple place holders on the hulls?)
- Using the Sabre hull restricts you to Type 1 windows, possibly because the Sabre hull is the only one that has no windows
- Science Vessel:
- Cruiser: Christie's model shots
Canon Inconsistencies:
Tier 2- Heavy Escort:
- Oslo strut does not attach well to the Zephyr nacelle, causing the nacelle to clip with the saucers
- Oslo: Rear turrets all firing from port hardpoint
- Oslo, and Zephyr are missing shuttle bays and phaser strips are wrong or missing
Akira: side by sides
The following is a partial list. View the full list of errors HERE
- The dorsal phaser arrays do not extend far enough around the saucer, the ventral phaser arrays are broken up into four strips, two along the darkened indentations between the rim and the bulge and two much smaller ones are on either side of the weapon pimple.
- Missing Starfleet decals from ventral saucer bulge
- Dorsal hull decals missing the ship registry
- Aft shuttle bays 1 & 2 are too small; the doors are the incorrect shape and are not numbered
- Central shuttle bay / Cargo doors missing.
- There is a little nodule jutting out beneath the landing platform at the aft of the saucer that should not be there.
- Research Science Vessel:
- Heavy Cruiser:
Tier 3- Tactical Escort:
Canon Inconsistencies:
Studio model
- Milamber3 points out some lighting issues.
- Defiant (and variants) overscaled. They should be smaller than the Tier 1 Escorts
- Canonical Defiants had quad cannons, why don't we?
- No light showing ship's Name
- Bow section not curved / angled downwards enough - Comparison shots 1 2
- Both nacelles need to be remodelled / repositioned in accordance with the studio model
- Rear Nacelles glow not glowy enough (Material Type2a also much deeper blue)
- LR Science Vessel:
- Exploration Cruiser:
Enterprise D model reference shots from Christie's auction
- Celestial ship name "obscuring" windows (flickering). Suggest moving the name down to just above the registry, possibly following the same parabola.
Canon Inconsistencies:
- Main deflector needs more of an overbite and should be more of an orange lopsided bowl with a blue glow from behind the flat deflector structure inside of it.
- There should be a smoother transition between the hull and the pylons
- Missing ship name beneath forward torpedo launcher
- Texture error on hull
- Secondary hull "rim" needs RCS thrusters.
- Neck is too thick, too V shaped. Should curve more: Game Model: 1 2
- Hull / pylon texture misalignment
- Ten forward windows missing from bow
- Warp grilles should have a uniform glow all the way around like the STO Teaser pics.
- Shuttle bays 2 & 3 positioned incorrectly, not wide enough, missing windows left of shuttle bay 2
- Spine that runs along the ventral stardrive section far too angular, nearly all of the structural lines on the ship should be smooth and flowing (See above side and model shots)
- None of the materials mimic the look of canon Galaxy
- Missing Battle Bridge bulge from engineering hull post separation (Reference pics: 1 2 3)
- Gap above centre impulse engine, missing the pair of red stripes that run the length of the spine: In game - Canon shot
Noble class:
Sovereign reference shots from Doug Drexler's blog site. Thanks, Valiant797!
Sovereign reference shots contributed by Alexraptor
Super size reference shots contributed by Amosov
Studio model shots
Tier 5
Most Canon Klingon ship designs in STO appear to be scaled 'against' Federation ships, and as such aren't even close to Canon scale.
[*]Most canonical Klingon ships have bright fore and aft facing spotlights that are missing in STO.
[*]Where Is the K'Vort cruiser?
[*]Several ships have nacelles / wing tips that hang outside of the slipstream tunnel
[*]Suggest renaming "Saucer" with "Command Module" "Bridge Module" or simply "Head" inside of ship customisation screen.
Tier 0:
D12 / B'rel BoP: (Studio model reference) 1 2
Canon Inconsistencies:
This is one of the most iconic Klingon ships, full stop, yet it has an egregious lack of detail. This is not only sad, but absolutely shameful on Cryptic's part. As seen throughout the series and films, the classic Bird of Prey ranges from 51 metre scouts to 600+ metre cruisers and is the work horse of the Empire. This style should absolutely have its detail increased; the level of detail should, at the very least, match the Season 2 detail updates on the Galaxy, Intrepid, Comet, and Nomad. Not only should the texture and model be fixed and fixed well, there should be a classic Bird of Prey in every tier.
Tier 1:
[*]Quldun BoP:
This ship uses the Enterprise series warship design that, for all intents and purposes, is older than the D12 Bird of Prey seen in Star Trek II - IV (Retired because they were likely to be as dangerous to their own crew as their enemies). It seems unlikely that it would be superior to the D12 / B'rel styled Tier 0 Bird of Prey.
[*]K'Tanco class battlecruiser:
[*]Somraw Class Raptor
Impulse exhausts should be Indigo / Violet
Tier 2:
[*]Norghi BoP:
This is an ENT series-based model, a design older than the retired D12 Bird of Prey mentioned previously, sharing much of the design philosophy of the Tier 1. It could at least be more 'TMP/TNG' like the B'Rel / K'vort.
[*]K't'inga Class:
Canon Inconsistencies:
Huge side by side studio model / in game model comparison. (Note that in several places, multiple rows of windows have been replaced with a single row, making the ship appear much smaller.)
Tor'Kaht costume issues:
This is an ENT series-based model (making it older than the retired D12 Bird of Prey seen in ST II - IV), sharing much of the design philosophy of the Tier 1. It could at least be more 'TMP/TNG' like the B'Rel / K'vort.
Why is this ship not the K'Vort, a well known heavy attack ship used in the series in roles that, within the STO tier structure, would span nearly every tier?
Tier 4/5:
Out of those 8 weapon hardpoints only the wing-tip cannons do anything.
Using various weapons combos:
This affects all similarly designed Birds of Prey.
Canon Inconsistencies:
Why is this ship not the K'Vort, a well known heavy attack ship used in the series in roles that, within the STO tier structure, would span nearly every tier?
Canon Inconsistencies:
This is one of the most iconic Klingon ships, full stop, yet it has an egregious lack of detail. This is not only sad, but absolutely shameful on Cryptic's part. As seen throughout the series and films, the classic Bird of Prey ranges from 51 metre scouts to 600+ metre cruisers and is the work horse of the Empire. This style should absolutely have its detail increased; the level of detail should, at the very least, match the Season 2 detail updates on the Galaxy, Intrepid, Comet, and Nomad. Not only should the texture and model be fixed and fixed well, there should be a classic Bird of Prey in every tier.
(Requests exist to use the DS9 model as it is the Prime time-line as opposed to the alternate "All good things" anti-time variant)
Canon Inconsistencies:
D'Deridex Warbird: Christie's model shots
Massively underscaled. It is supposed to be (at least) one KILOMETER long, larger than even a Galaxy Class. (available data varies from 1.042km to 1.353km)
Norexan / Mogai Escort: (John Eaves reference shots)
Romulan BoP:
Model used is that of the Romulan warship seen in Enterprise which may not fit all that well in STO. (Though the new OP quite likes it. )
Battle Cruiser: (Memory Alpha Reference)
Aft Impulse engines missing.
Doomsday Machine:
STO model has much rougher design, as opposed to TOS (remastered).
It's been mentioned that the Sovereign may be getting some love next. On a particularly slow day at work (today) I stumbled across this post on the Drex Files. Good reference stuff.
On a side note, this is the "First Contact" Enterprise. There were some minor changes for Nemesis. I personally like the First Contact version better.
And some shots of the new Long Range Science Vessels
Excellent reference shots! I'll add these to the Sovereign section.
Phaser strips should be removed completely from the models and replaced with the proper phaser emitter/banks to fire from.
Mainly because having phaser strips on ships originally designed with banks in mind just looks wierd and interrupts the flow of the hull design, and canonly the miranda and constitution always did have wide firing arcs.,_firing_phasers.jpg
Updated the appropriate sections and modified the overall look of the list.
If it's too busy or hard to read, please do provide me feedback.
If I've missed anything please do let me know.
A couple of texturing issues with the Noble
1. Saucer, Starboard side - The 3rd row of windows from the edge of the saucer are broken and incomplete. While the flickering from them isn't as noticeable as it is with other vessels, such as the error with the Dervish saucer, there are numerous instances of window flicker across all tiers.
Noble Saucer Windows
2. Saucer, Starboard side - Staying on this side and moving to the front, there is a visible texture error with the ship name and registry number. The raised section on which it's applied causes it to partly snap off. It looks fine on the port side though.
Noble Registry - Name
Prometheus Pylons
The pylons look more or less spot on if you look at them from above or below, however, side on they look somewhat poor with how they attach to the hull, so a bit of smoothing and tweaking in that area mightn't hurt.
Prometheus, Starboard
Prometheus, Port
Added to the list.
Because of that it is somewhat difficult to mix Orion with another pattern, since the hull colors simply don't match.
You can see what I mean on this shot:
The hull section uses Orion pattern and looks clearly blueish compared to the saucer section.
The TOS beam as well as being fat, can fire at certian angles through the hull and due to its oversie the if you look down on the saucer while the beam fires from under it will seem of the beam, and vice versa if u looking up from underneath.
the Nimbus lights up quite nicely using dual plasma beams, if i tried different weapons maybe it would give a multi colour affect / using single beams fom the aft slot has no affect on the ship.
*not tested yet fore single beams or other types of dual beams.
the version of the Niumbus i use is a mix of different parts, i will add them later, but now the screen shots.
first 3 in this folder show the ToS beam, ln one im looking down on the ship while it fires at a target below, giving a red circle on my saucer section. the other 4 show how the Nimbus lights up.
Screen shots
They look like a wave when viewed from behind.
Most of those screenshots don't really give any evidence of model or texture errors.
In the case of the TOS Enterprise, why use anything but its phaser banks?
In the case of the Nimbus firing beams that seem to change shape shortly after firing, that is not a starship model error.
If you can, host a picture of that on tinypic or imgur for us.
I will say, however, that Miranda class ships are generally modular, and it's not inconceivable that they would have minor variations from canon ( We are 30 years ahead of the latest canon version of the Miranda, so they would probably get upgrades of some sort.
Same basic idea applies to some of the other canon items listed. A lot of them involve windows... ships can have different window types, do these errors apply to all window types, or just the ones used on screen? (I mean: most ships on screen have rectangular thing windows, but we can choose to put round ones on our ships. Are the round window placements also incorrect?)
Speaking of windows, maybe the in game Nova class just has the lights turned off?
Also, the "canon" inconsistencies between steamrunner and zephyr don't really apply, in my opinion. Although the Zephyr is an updated steamrunner, it's still a different class.
Anyways, sorry to nitpick a little, I'm just curious about these things. Great thread, I approve!
Appreciated, but I must refer you to the first post:
If you want to argue that you think the ships look better flawed or that detail can be ignored and sloppiness and lazy modelling accepted and excused for a difference in the time frame then here is not the place for it. Take it to another thread and point out how wrong our list of contributors are in wanting fixes.
Don't forget to read back into the previous version of this thread and see where CapnLogan, the ship dev, agrees with everyone listed in the credits of the Klingon error post and calls the work of his predecessors sloppy and poor (to paraphrase).
Appreciated and understood. No hard feelings.
Added as: Impulse engines should be taller, same colour as the hull, and have 4 slots instead of 3. Shuttle runway markings missing from fantail.
One of the Star Cruiser nacelle sets, when viewed from far away, glitches like crazy. The nacelles seem to flip, and become red where they should be blue. Images of far and near:
I've never seen that one happen to my Star Cruiser. Cropped and hosted here, let us know what video card you have and a general summary of your graphic settings and I'll add it to the main post.
That looks like Nomad saucer nacelles and pylons with an Emissary hull. Not so sure of the pylons, though, which are they?
ATI Radeon 3200 HD
I just have the regular graphics settings bar open, it's at the "recommended" level (one less than maximum). I can glance around the advanced settings if you want.
By the way, this was not my star cruiser, it was another player's, so I don't know anything at all about the parts, sorry
Added to the appropriate sections.
"[*]Overall geometry of the ship is incorrect. Here are some side by side comparison pics: 1 2 3 4"
It is a total mess, I dont know why the devs are so busy fixing the Nomad and Comet when we have this...Sovereign monstrosity flying around...its terrible! I hope they do this ship justice..cause it really needs a ton of work.