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Much less likely to buy lifetime again



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The specifically listed them and unique and exclusive. That sounds pretty straight forward to me.

    The fact that we only got them a month ago adds insult to injury.

    Exclusive and unique do not necessarily mean those traits are tied to timelines.

    In July, Inception will be exclusive (or unique) to theaters.

    It will be on DVD eventually but I doubt the theater operators are going to mind by the time that happens.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I still see a lot of damage control and no actual action. CO sucks. CO sucked BAD when it launched and Cryptic used the mirror unis to drive sales, knowing STO has a large number of hardcore fans. You misled us, the jobbed us for $3/50 in the c-store, and didnt even have the common courtesy to own up to it.

    I'm sorry you feel that way, and I disagree. I have a lot of fun playing Champs, and always have.

    You should try checking Champs out again if you haven't looked at it in a long time. They've made some great improvements between launch and now. Revelation has launched, with some of the best content that team has ever pout out, and last night they released The Serpent Lantern. If you've already paid for the game and a lifetime, then you have nothing to lose by checking it out.

    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Exclusive and unique do not necessarily mean those traits are tied to timelines.

    In July, Inception will be exclusive (or unique) to theaters.

    It will be on DVD eventually but I doubt the theater operators are going to mind by the time that happens.

    Is it also unique to them?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I'd say a marketing department should make some effort to make the details of their offers as above-board and specific as possible; We shouldn't need lawyers on retainer to really know what's going on.

    In other words, people made assumptions based on the wording of the offer. Offers should be written in such language that the customer shouldn't have to make guesses or assumptions due to vauge or confusing language.

    And, of course, Cryptic should then stand behind their offers. As well as put more thought into what their offering; If the CO incentive was something like the Red Matter capacitor rather than a well-known and desired canon aspect of the Star Trek IP, I doubt we'd have as many folks being irate over the matter (same goes for the Galaxy-X and the Referral scam).

    The problem is that people will make ASSUMPTIONS either way. This is exactly what it was, too, an assumption. Cryptic was very clear that most of these items would be in the C-Store eventually. If you paid $200 for an in-game uniform, and had no interest in playing CO, then that was a choice that YOU made, and a risk that you took. Does it really make sense that something for STO would be offered in another game, and NEVER be made available to the people actually playing STO? Does that really make sense to you?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    I'm sorry you feel that way, and I disagree. I have a lot of fun playing Champs, and always have.

    You should try checking Champs out again if you haven't looked at it in a long time. They've made some great improvements between launch and now. Revelation has launched, with some of the best content that team has ever pout out, and last night they released The Serpent Lantern. If you've already paid for the game and a lifetime, then you have nothing to lose by checking it out.

    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.



    Words are cheap. When you start that next mmo I'll be sure everyone on the forums knows you will be shilling their exclusives a couple months after launch,
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.
    Thanks again for trying to bring some sense, StormShade. The problem was never with your intentions, but always with a few (very loud) people who chose to interpret your sales methods in a way that suited them best.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Is it also unique to them?

    It is, to the degree that any STO perk was unique to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Words are cheap. When you start that next mmo I'll be sure everyone on the forums knows you will be shilling their exclusives a couple months after launch,

    I really wish you would stop. You have been proven wrong time and time again and while some of us understand your point of view you keep thinking you got messed over but you don't address your own responsibility in all of this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    I really wish you would stop. You have been proven wrong time and time again and while some of us understand your point of view you keep thinking you got messed over but you don't address your own responsibility in all of this.

    Oh, but you don't understand. He's a monster. What he does is evil, he has no illusions about it, but it must be done.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Is it also unique to them?
    Yes. Inception will be unique to theaters during July. That's why they call it a theatrical run.
    Words are cheap. When you start that next mmo I'll be sure everyone on the forums knows you will be shilling their exclusives a couple months after launch,
    Cryptic's policy is that you must be a paying subscriber to post on a particular game's forums.

    With that in mind, are you prepared to "cut your nose to spite your face"?

    Aphorisms aside, that's just an unhealthy behavior.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Yes. Inception will be unique to theaters during July. That's why they call it a theatrical run.

    Cryptic's policy is that you must be a paying subscriber to post on a particular game's forums.

    With that in mind, are you prepared to "cut your nose to spite your face"?

    Aphorisms aside, that's just an unhealthy behavior.

    How are they planning to implement that before they launch. Which is when they'll be breathlessly be discussing the exclusives they are spreading among a dozen different retailers?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's just that when they put something on a sales pitch and call it "exclusive" when they're just going to sell it for literally 1% the price a few months later...

    You just don't get it... do you somehow not understand that the money you paid for the CO LTS - which came with the MU Uniforms as a bonus - includes lifetime access to CO??

    If you paid $200 for a CO LTS and got the MU Uniforms, then ~ $197 got you the lifetime access to CO and ~$3 was for the MU Uniform.

    You did not pay $200 for a uniform solely. You made an assumption and it was incorrect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    I'm sorry you feel that way, and I disagree. I have a lot of fun playing Champs, and always have.

    You should try checking Champs out again if you haven't looked at it in a long time. They've made some great improvements between launch and now. Revelation has launched, with some of the best content that team has ever pout out, and last night they released The Serpent Lantern. If you've already paid for the game and a lifetime, then you have nothing to lose by checking it out.

    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.



    No offense, but I have a hard time believing ya'll never intended to use it to snare all the STO fans hangin round.

    StormShade wrote:
    Sure there is. Do you enjoy playing Star Trek Online? Would you enjoy playing it with your friends? Then consider referring them.

    If you do, the real real reward is not some in-game bonus item that we offer you. It's the time you get to spend sharing your hobby with your friend. That's why you should use the referral program, not because you want some in-game perk, but because you want to spend more time with your friend.

    If any of those items ever do make it to the C-store, then you would still be able to earn them for free, rather than paying real money for them, using the referral program.



    I certainly don't enjoy getting my friends to jump into an MMO with shady marketing and an unfinished game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    I really wish you would stop. You have been proven wrong time and time again and while some of us understand your point of view you keep thinking you got messed over but you don't address your own responsibility in all of this.

    I don't care what you wish. I don't answer to you. I'm perfectly willing to take this to PM's if Stormshade requests it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    How are they planning to implement that before they launch. Which is when they'll be breathlessly be discussing the exclusives they are spreading among a dozen different retailers?

    I assumed by "start" you meant "launch":
    Words are cheap. When you start that next mmo I'll be sure everyone on the forums knows you will be shilling their exclusives a couple months after launch,

    Still, it doesn't answer the question of whether such behavior is ill-advised at best and unhealthy at worst.

    It's sad that many chose to reinforce a self-serving cognitive bias than accept that the word has other meanings and:
    a) they were uninformed as to the meaning
    b) willfully ignored the definition based on faith/hope.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    attilio wrote: »
    Sorry to say but you need to read the fine print.

    It is located under item 12. Purchases of the Terms of Service

    Yea but you gotta understand and agree with how business works, if all the masses read the fine print, then they would turn it into some "upon this dayeth on the year of our lord XXIVCICV roman numeral something somtheing legal jargon, on the Consciousness aquisuition of stated intelicutal propertry, acquiescer abides that modification to said property shall not be placed in fault"

    I mean common

    Its like if you cant read its your fault, then learn to read..... if you know how to read, then read though alot of terms and conditions, its your fault if you dont, and if we do that, then the terms and conditions change to more indepth legal jargon....if you do what your supposed to do, the system keeps changing in such a way that you are back a square one.....as a result the system does not really improve, it uses relativism agains you.....thats why I dont feel ripped off, its a free market, I just wont do MMOS anymore if things like this are going to be the trend, and unfourtanaly, thats the way our system works.......
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hey Stormshade,
    thanks for all the responses. I can't say that it's as easy for me to understand since I never purchased a lifetime, but for these people, perhaps you could make the issue... louder.

    Say like next time, just make sure that it's spelled out very, very well so that they know what they're getting into that the item is just a nice bonus on top of the feature they are paying for.

    As for the other people, why are you so upset?

    You bought a product and got it. You got an LTS. Or you got a copy of STO. They just happened to come with a bonus item.

    Now granted, nobody is spending two hundred bucks in the C-Store for MU uniforms, but they also aren't getting an LTS to Champions Online. Now, I personally don't care to play the game. Not because of the game itself really, rather than I played CoX for quite some time and I'm happier to have a Sci-Fi MMO that I like with STO. But that's me. I didn't want Champions, and so I didn't buy it, let alone a life-time subscription.

    If that subscription was not what you wanted, then the obvious answer is that you probably made a mistake buying it. If you think that what you really paid for was a two hundred dollar outfit on STO, then I would normally say that I wish I had your kind of money. However, seeing as how you are ranting and raving about it, you are either hurting for money or quite selfish.

    Good luck, but this was all your choice. I don't think Cryptic did much wrong here. And if your personal esteem rests so much upon having an item that others do not have, then that sounds like a personal problem and my best wishes to you because that personal problem cost you $200 for a costume that you will never wear in RL.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    I'm sorry you feel that way, and I disagree. I have a lot of fun playing Champs, and always have.

    You should try checking Champs out again if you haven't looked at it in a long time. They've made some great improvements between launch and now. Revelation has launched, with some of the best content that team has ever pout out, and last night they released The Serpent Lantern. If you've already paid for the game and a lifetime, then you have nothing to lose by checking it out.

    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.



    so now that you've given us a big middle finger whats next? im really curious to now now that ive wasted a ton of money on some exclusives that now anyone can have. you gonna give us suckers who bought preorders a title saying sucker on it?

    and sarcasm /off would be nice to acknowledge those you did miff with some kind of thank you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's just what happened with the cstore today is going to factor into my future purchase decisions.

    You totally don't understand what the man wrote. The VALUE of a LTS is in not having to pay for the game on a monthly basis so long as the game lasts.

    What you're essentially saying is that you won't go with a LTS again, despite the enormous cost savings in the long run, just because it might come with a special bonus item?? In the long run, you'll end up paying more!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No offense, but I have a hard time believing ya'll never intended to use it to snare all the STO fans hangin round.
    You're right! I need to sue some beer companies for compensation, because they implied that if I drank their product, girls in bikinis would be attracted to me. Well, I've just finished my sixth case today, and there isn't a single bikini around! :(

    I have been grievously misled

    I certainly don't enjoy getting my friends to jump into an MMO with shady marketing and an unfinished game.
    Are you waiting for them to implement doughnuts?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Pegasi wrote: »
    Yea but you gotta understand and agree with how business works, if all the masses read the fine print, then they would turn it into some "upon this dayeth on the year of our lord XXIVCICV roman numeral something somtheing legal jargon, on the Consciousness aquisuition of stated intelicutal propertry, acquiescer abides that modification to said property shall not be placed in fault"

    I mean common

    Its like if you cant read its your fault, then learn to read..... if you know how to read, then read though alot of terms and conditions, its your fault if you dont, and if we do that, then the terms and conditions change to more indepth legal jargon....if you do what your supposed to do, the system keeps changing in such a way that you are back a square one.....as a result the system does not really improve, it uses relativism agains you.....thats why I dont feel ripped off, its a free market, I just wont do MMOS anymore if things like this are going to be the treand, and unfourtanaly, thats the way our system works.......

    So we should have known to come here and read the faq to buy a videogame? wow
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    im really curious to now now that ive wasted a ton of money on some exclusives that now anyone can have.

    How much did you spend on "just exclusives" and what else did you get with your purchase? You're still not getting it... you did not buy exclusives. You bought copies of a game and/or subscription plans that came with extras.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    I'm sorry you feel that way, and I disagree. I have a lot of fun playing Champs, and always have.

    You should try checking Champs out again if you haven't looked at it in a long time. They've made some great improvements between launch and now. Revelation has launched, with some of the best content that team has ever pout out, and last night they released The Serpent Lantern. If you've already paid for the game and a lifetime, then you have nothing to lose by checking it out.

    I won't disagree that we used the Mirror Universe Uniforms to drive sales, but I think you have it backwards. We used that perk to further interest in STO, not the other way around. What you purchased however, was a Lifetime Subscription to Champions, which you still have, and always will. Again, I'm sorry you feel mislead, it was never our intention to make any of our players feel that way.



    Champions is indeed really fun. It's probably one of my most played MMO's at the moment. Though admittedly the C-Store update has made me seriously reconsider that.

    All in all, I think what irritates me is that you used a perk from another offer to drive sales, like you said. On top of that, when I bought the MU it was heavily implied, if not outright stated, that the only way to get the MU uni's was to get the CO LTS. Like it or not, the existence of the MU uni was a large part of my decision to take the plunge on the CO LTS. The LTS itself would not have sold me on it, as the game was in a very late beta state at the time of release.

    The STO FAQ didn't exist back then either, so I had no way to know that the exclusivity of the MU uni was a load of bunk.

    Star Trek isn't a small universe. It's no exageration for me to say that if you listed all the canon, you could probably make books upon books of catalogued material. Especially considering that the MU uni's were nowhere near modern canon.

    If you guys wanted to drive sales you could have added in any number of appealing content, nevermind add some of it as veterans rewards to give people an incentive or goalpost to keep them subbed, rather then add it to the C-Store.

    Combine all that with the fact that I, like many players, just got our working MU uniforms not a month ago, months after the release of the game, and I hope you can understand why some of us are very irritated at this turn of events. I haven't even had a chance to come up with my own decent looking MU uni yet, and it's for sale for 3.50 in the C-Store.

    It'd be nice to have something to show for being an "early buy in" to the MU uniform, at least after the massive hassle it's been. Even if it's just a /sob emote or something.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    so now that you've given us a big middle finger whats next? im really curious to now now that ive wasted a ton of money on some exclusives that now anyone can have. you gonna give us suckers who bought preorders a title saying sucker on it?

    and sarcasm /off would be nice to acknowledge those you did miff with some kind of thank you.

    Yeah, that whole lifetime access thing is a huge insult.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    joe_blue wrote:
    You're right! I need to sue some beer companies for compensation, because they implied that if I drank their product, girls in bikinis would be attracted to me. Well, I've just finished my sixth case today, and there isn't a single bikini around! :(

    I have been grievously misled

    Are you waiting for them to implement doughnuts?

    Drop it, k? Its really gettin on my nerves.
    How much did you spend on "just exclusives" and what else did you get with your purchase? You're still not getting it... you did not buy exclusives. You bought copies of a game and/or subscription plans that came with extras.

    I paid $30 extra dollars for exclusives, buddy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    darksith wrote:
    The problem is that people will make ASSUMPTIONS either way. This is exactly what it was, too, an assumption. Cryptic was very clear that most of these items would be in the C-Store eventually. If you paid $200 for an in-game uniform, and had no interest in playing CO, then that was a choice that YOU made, and a risk that you took. Does it really make sense that something for STO would be offered in another game, and NEVER be made available to the people actually playing STO? Does that really make sense to you?

    Where were they "very clear"? I didn't see anything about that on the box or anything. Forums don't mean anything, most people don't read them all the time. Don't tell me TOS please.

    I think Metallurgist spelled out my feeling right. After the initial frustration, I lost a lot of confidence in Cryptic Studios. How will I believe what they say now? They do follow up on a lot of promises but this makes a permanent blemish on their track record for me.

    Please, PLEASE get rid of the yellow font:eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You totally don't understand what the man wrote. The VALUE of a LTS is in not having to pay for the game on a monthly basis so long as the game lasts.

    What you're essentially saying is that you won't go with a LTS again, despite the enormous cost savings in the long run, just because it might come with a special bonus item?? In the long run, you'll end up paying more!

    One has to wonder if these people would also be complaining if they put the MU Uniforms in the C-Store for $120, instead of offering them with a CO Lifetime sub.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    so now that you've given us a big middle finger whats next? im really curious to now now that ive wasted a ton of money on some exclusives that now anyone can have. you gonna give us suckers who bought preorders a title saying sucker on it?

    and sarcasm /off would be nice to acknowledge those you did miff with some kind of thank you.

    I was thinking "Gullible" or "Foolishly Trusting" myself.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    darksith wrote:
    One has to wonder if these people would also be complaining if they put the MU Uniforms in the C-Store for $120, instead of offering them with a CO Lifetime sub.

    Probably be complaining about the price at that point. Rightly so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Champions is indeed really fun. It's probably one of my most played MMO's at the moment. Though admittedly the C-Store update has made me seriously reconsider that.

    All in all, I think what irritates me is that you used a perk from another offer to drive sales, like you said. On top of that, when I bought the MU it was heavily implied, if not outright stated, that the only way to get the MU uni's was to get the CO LTS. The STO FAQ didn't exist back then either, so I had no way to know that was a load of bunk.

    Star Trek isn't a small universe. It's no exageration for me to say that if you listed all the canon, you could probably make books upon books of catalogued material. Especially considering that the MU uni's were nowhere near modern canon.

    If you guys wanted to drive sales you could have added in any number of appealing content, nevermind add some of it as veterans rewards to give people an incentive or goalpost to keep them subbed, rather then add it to the C-Store.

    Combine all that with the fact that I, like many players, just got our working MU uniforms not a month ago, months after the release of the game, and I hope you can understand why some of us are very irritated at this turn of events. I haven't even had a chance to come up with my own decent looking MU uni yet, and it's for sale for 3.50 in the C-Store.

    It'd be nice to have something to show for being an "early buy in" to the MU uniform, at least after the massive hassle it's been. Even if it's just a /sob emote or something.

    So what you are saying is that you are upset that somebody else other than you has the costume?

    You just said you like CO and so obviously, the LTS you bought has served its purpose well.

    Your real complaint seems to be that other people can dress up like you in the game. That you spending that 200 dollars for another game entirely was an accomplishment that you could go around and wave in everyone's face.
This discussion has been closed.