My position is that the more exclusives you have in this game the less attractive it is to newer players. Thus taking the Trek feeling out of Star Trek. So lets not be so greedy about sharing some of them.
Simple compromise: Make a tradable C-Store item for those who have the MU uniforms that grants the MU uniforms to whoever uses it.
That way theres still another way to get it and those who are feeling generous enough can "share" the uniforms with who they want to.
Of course this could be promlematic too since it might promote RWT, but its an idea.
I appreciate you reasonable comments and I agree some compromise is needed.
The problem as I see it, is that you all want exclusives that everyone can get and that doesn't make them, exclusive, it makes them inclusive. If you have the lifetime in CO and have the mirror uniform, good for you. If you happened to join STO after that, oh well too bad for you. Let the flames of love begin.
And exclusives IMO do not belong in games, it is wrong.
There was a time when there was NO exclusives to games other than some fancier packaging and behind the scenes content.
But up until recently the actual game content of games was identical, and if it was not it could be obtained by anyone who wished it.
Exclusives is the bane of gaming as a whole and will only serve to alienate others.
Translation: "Give me for free what others paid for, because it is not fair that they have something that I do not have. In my perfect world, where you have to work to make the money to buy the item, I get it without the effort at all. This is my world..and it is perfect."
We paid for it. We have it. We keep it. You want it.. ask Cryptic to put their lifetime sub offer back on CO.. and go buy a subscription.
Translation: Mine all mine muhahahahahahahahaha.. ginger kids dont share.
Paying for means: I give money for something I see and want.
I'm really sure the CO-lifetimers did see "Lifetime abo for Champions Online" = paying once for CO and not monthly. I bet they didnt even know about STO that times.
So they didnt pay for it, they payed for something else and got that as addidtion later.
Simple compromise: Make a tradable C-Store item for those who have the MU uniforms that grants the MU uniforms to whoever uses it.
That way theres still another way to get it and those who are feeling generous enough can "share" the uniforms with who they want to.
Of course this could be promlematic too since it might promote RWT, but its an idea.
So your simple compromise is that one person who feels generous could give it to the entire server for free? I don't think that sounds much like a compromise at all, sorry.
A vet reward past the 1 year mark is a good compromise.
You Play Champions.......I do not. I play STO, the only thing I am complaining about in the above mentioned post is that I have been around since STO was still on the drawing boards, and I feel that it is unreasonable to ask me as a Prelaunch Investor to go buy a lifetime subscription to another game to get a set of uniforms. This unreasonable Champions promotion was the only one that asked you to spend 200+ dollars for something totally unrelated to STO for a set of uniforms. I call B.S. when I see it. In fact the other promotions were all offered to players of this game, not others. Once again thanks you proving all my point made in the above mentioned post beyond a reasonable doubt.
My position is that the more exclusives you have in this game the less attractive it is to newer players. Thus taking the Trek feeling out of Star Trek. So lets not be so greedy about sharing some of them.
What are you talking about? Lots of games have exclusives newer players can't get. WoW has put out a Collector's Edition for the original game and all it's expansions. With each one there's an exclusive pet you can only get by purchasing the CE. These usually sell out relatively quickly with no chance of getting it once it's sold out. It hasn't stopped Blizzard from having subscriptions through the roof.
And it's not like Cryptic is the first one to cross promote. Starcraft 2 is offering a WoW pet. if I want that pet, I'll buy the game. If I don't want the game, I won't complain that I couldn't get the pet, that simple. I know you're mad that you couldn't get the MU uniforms, but the truth is, it wasn't worth $200 and that's fine. I certainly didn't want that uniform $200 bad.
But I also don't mind that I don't have it. I knew what I had to do to get it and I passed. Same thing with the preorder bonuses. I didn't buy every single one for the freebies, I picked the one I liked best and decided it wasn't worth spending the extra money. I think you're better off convincing them to create a MU uniform from a later series and putting that in the shop.
Again, "limited time" and "exclusive" mean just that. If Cryptic goes back and makes everything available at a price, they lose credibility. They're already working on a new MMO, and if they decide to use the same types of promotions, no one will go for them because they'll remember to complain a lot and just buy it as a separate item on the C-store.
It is ironic though that the world of Star Trek, a world where all humans are equal, where inequity, bigotry and, yes, elitism is a thing of the past has been co-opted into this nickel and dime haves and have nots operation.
Gene Roddenberry's ashes in orbit must be spinning so fast they're in danger of opening a singularity.
What are you talking about? Lots of games have exclusives newer players can't get. WoW has put out a Collector's Edition for the original game and all it's expansions. With each one there's an exclusive pet you can only get by purchasing the CE. These usually sell out relatively quickly with no chance of getting it once it's sold out. It hasn't stopped Blizzard from having subscriptions through the roof.
And it's not like Cryptic is the first one to cross promote. Starcraft 2 is offering a WoW pet. if I want that pet, I'll buy the game. If I don't want the game, I won't complain that I couldn't get the pet, that simple. I know you're mad that you couldn't get the MU uniforms, but the truth is, it wasn't worth $200 and that's fine. I certainly didn't want that uniform $200 bad.
But I also don't mind that I don't have it. I knew what I had to do to get it and I passed. Same thing with the preorder bonuses. I didn't buy every single one for the freebies, I picked the one I liked best and decided it wasn't worth spending the extra money. I think you're better off convincing them to create a MU uniform from a later series and putting that in the shop.
Again, "limited time" and "exclusive" mean just that. If Cryptic goes back and makes everything available at a price, they lose credibility. They're already working on a new MMO, and if they decide to use the same types of promotions, no one will go for them because they'll remember to complain a lot and just buy it as a separate item on the C-store.
I do not know where you have been, but no other promotion for this game was unattainable by the STO player base,so expensive and had nothing to do with Star Trek. I did put the money for the DDE /TOS uniforms and they gave those away for free.
Most other promotions are still available the GM's have said the preorder bonuses are now vendor specific bonuses, collectors,DDE still get all their exclusives. So unfortunately the point you make is one for other games.
It is ironic though that the world of Star Trek, a world where all humans are equal, where inequity, bigotry and, yes, elitism is a thing of the past has been co-opted into this nickel and dime haves and have nots operation.
Gene Roddenberry's ashes in orbit must be spinning so fast they're in danger of opening a singularity.
/Agreed....many of these people just don't get the Star Trek overtones and life lessons
It is ironic though that the world of Star Trek, a world where all humans are equal, where inequity, bigotry and, yes, elitism is a thing of the past has been co-opted into this nickel and dime haves and have nots operation.
Gene Roddenberry's ashes in orbit must be spinning so fast they're in danger of opening a singularity.
Not that ironic. We're talking about the Mirror Universe where such things are commonplace.
I do not know where you have been, but no other promotion for this game was unattainable by the STO player base,so expensive and had nothing to do with Star Trek. I did put the money for the DDE /TOS uniforms and they gave those away for free.
Most other promotions are still available the GM's have said the preorder bonuses are now vendor specific bonuses, collectors,DDE still get all their exclusives. So unfortunately the point you make is one for other games.
Right, Cryptic decided to cross promote to drum up some interest and excitement about their other game. This isn't a new concept; companies have been doing it for years. Some people went for it, others didn't.
I'm sorry that those uniforms weren't worth the money to you. That doesn't mean they should be made available in a different way to accommodate you.
And don't start in with how this is Star Trek, and people don't follow the spirit of the show, blah, blah, blah. It's a game that you clearly spent a LOT of money on. Capitalism is very much against the spirit of the show, and it didn't stop any of us from buying the game (multiple copies in some cases), the LTS, etc.
But I also don't mind that I don't have it. I knew what I had to do to get it and I passed. Same thing with the preorder bonuses. I didn't buy every single one for the freebies, I picked the one I liked best and decided it wasn't worth spending the extra money. I think you're better off convincing them to create a MU uniform from a later series and putting that in the shop.
I had the chance to go lifetime with CO...I knew what I was getting into. I didn't get it for one good reason: superhero games aren't really my style (although I DID have some fun in CoV). $200.00 wasn't worth it for the unis, so I passed. I would love to see them (or alternatives) available in some form, but I won't cry and whine if I don't get them. I also didn't get all of the special pre-order bonus items as, while all of them were things I wanted, I had to pick-and-choose what were the top of my list. I went with the DDE & CE (from GameStop), but didn't get the Amazon/BestBuy/etc. It would have cost too much.
What it comes down to is money. Cryptic wants to make as much as possible, but some things just can't be gotten anymore. The MU unis are one of them. I say to make them available as a special accolade unlock or Vet reward...just not up for sale in the C-Store.
Paying for means: I give money for something I see and want.
I'm really sure the CO-lifetimers did see "Lifetime abo for Champions Online" = paying once for CO and not monthly. I bet they didnt even know about STO that times.
So they didnt pay for it, they payed for something else and got that as addidtion later.
So unfortunately the point you make is one for other games.
So fortunately the point he made is a valid one. It has been done before.. it will be done again. So just put the kleenex away and go about your life. Stop whining about not having what others paid for.
So fortunately the point he made is a valid one. It has been done before.. it will be done again. So just put the kleenex away and go about your life. Stop whining about not having what others paid for.
silence i say :O youve paid your moneyz... go waiz.. you smell :O share with your umpa lumpas!
I paid for it. You pay for it .. you get it. You are not asking to share. You are saying "Give me free what you paid for."
Go back to Russia.
hmmm trying to start a war over the mirror uniforms aye? :O tell ya what.. meet me at earth spacedock were argue it out on zone chat and give the fourm moderators a rest
People keep jabbering about other games doing exclusive, but those oh so many games that also have exclusives dont hand them out with an ENTIRELIY DIFFERENT GAME!
So yeah, WoW may have had special limited editions.... but its still WoW.
Right, Cryptic decided to cross promote to drum up some interest and excitement about their other game. This isn't a new concept; companies have been doing it for years. Some people went for it, others didn't.
I'm sorry that those uniforms weren't worth the money to you. That doesn't mean they should be made available in a different way to accommodate you.
And don't start in with how this is Star Trek, and people don't follow the spirit of the show, blah, blah, blah. It's a game that you clearly spent a LOT of money on. Capitalism is very much against the spirit of the show, and it didn't stop any of us from buying the game (multiple copies in some cases), the LTS, etc.
The uniforms are worth something, but not being extorted into buying Chanpions Online Lifetime that was not worth it. Not to accommodate just me, but several subscribers....
Antitrust case law example: Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer have to be sold separately they can not be bundled to force you to buy one to get the other that is a totally unrelated program.
Captialist I bet you said boo hoo no freedoms for slaves, or no right to public education for all, or for suffrage for women's voting rights. You represent what wrong with America, and what Star Trek represents being beyond your narrow minded shortsightedness.
I have been around since this game was on the drawing board, and it is unreasonable to ask A Prelaunch Lifetime Investor who has spent $200 (software) on the title, to buy another games lifetime subscription to at 200+ to get a uniform pack. It would be reasonable and prudent to make reasonable accommodations for Prelaunch Investors and make it a later veterans reward for New Lifers, Longterm subscribers, monthly subscribers. Thank you for proving my point for me.
People keep jabbering about other games doing exclusive, but those oh so many games that also have exclusives dont hand them out with an ENTIRELIY DIFFERENT GAME!
So yeah, WoW may have had special limited editions.... but its still WoW.
Unless you count the WoW exclusives you could only get randomly by buying many many packs cards for their Collectable Trading Card Game. A stunt Sony also pulled in SWG and EQ2
So fortunately the point he made is a valid one. It has been done before.. it will be done again. So just put the kleenex away and go about your life. Stop whining about not having what others paid for.
Your ignorance is mind boggling, You Paid FOR A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, NOT the mirror universe uniform set it was a bonus. So you brought a full Kleenex box to a battle of wits..........Good Job
Your ignorance is mind boggling, You Paid FOR A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, NOT the mirror universe uniform set it was a bonus. So you brought a full Kleenex box to a battle of wits..........Good Job
Fixed it for ya.
I purchased. If you purchase too, it's all yours.
I appreciate you reasonable comments and I agree some compromise is needed.
There was a time when there was NO exclusives to games other than some fancier packaging and behind the scenes content.
But up until recently the actual game content of games was identical, and if it was not it could be obtained by anyone who wished it.
Exclusives is the bane of gaming as a whole and will only serve to alienate others.
Translation: Mine all mine muhahahahahahahahaha.. ginger kids dont share.
I'm really sure the CO-lifetimers did see "Lifetime abo for Champions Online" = paying once for CO and not monthly. I bet they didnt even know about STO that times.
So they didnt pay for it, they payed for something else and got that as addidtion later.
So your simple compromise is that one person who feels generous could give it to the entire server for free? I don't think that sounds much like a compromise at all, sorry.
A vet reward past the 1 year mark is a good compromise.
What are you talking about? Lots of games have exclusives newer players can't get. WoW has put out a Collector's Edition for the original game and all it's expansions. With each one there's an exclusive pet you can only get by purchasing the CE. These usually sell out relatively quickly with no chance of getting it once it's sold out. It hasn't stopped Blizzard from having subscriptions through the roof.
And it's not like Cryptic is the first one to cross promote. Starcraft 2 is offering a WoW pet. if I want that pet, I'll buy the game. If I don't want the game, I won't complain that I couldn't get the pet, that simple. I know you're mad that you couldn't get the MU uniforms, but the truth is, it wasn't worth $200 and that's fine. I certainly didn't want that uniform $200 bad.
But I also don't mind that I don't have it. I knew what I had to do to get it and I passed. Same thing with the preorder bonuses. I didn't buy every single one for the freebies, I picked the one I liked best and decided it wasn't worth spending the extra money. I think you're better off convincing them to create a MU uniform from a later series and putting that in the shop.
Again, "limited time" and "exclusive" mean just that. If Cryptic goes back and makes everything available at a price, they lose credibility. They're already working on a new MMO, and if they decide to use the same types of promotions, no one will go for them because they'll remember to complain a lot and just buy it as a separate item on the C-store.
Gene Roddenberry's ashes in orbit must be spinning so fast they're in danger of opening a singularity.
I do not know where you have been, but no other promotion for this game was unattainable by the STO player base,so expensive and had nothing to do with Star Trek . I did put the money for the DDE /TOS uniforms and they gave those away for free.
Most other promotions are still available the GM's have said the preorder bonuses are now vendor specific bonuses, collectors,DDE still get all their exclusives. So unfortunately the point you make is one for other games.
/Agreed....many of these people just don't get the Star Trek overtones and life lessons
Not that ironic. We're talking about the Mirror Universe where such things are commonplace.
My thoughts on the topic are in the first post.
Right, Cryptic decided to cross promote to drum up some interest and excitement about their other game. This isn't a new concept; companies have been doing it for years. Some people went for it, others didn't.
I'm sorry that those uniforms weren't worth the money to you. That doesn't mean they should be made available in a different way to accommodate you.
And don't start in with how this is Star Trek, and people don't follow the spirit of the show, blah, blah, blah. It's a game that you clearly spent a LOT of money on. Capitalism is very much against the spirit of the show, and it didn't stop any of us from buying the game (multiple copies in some cases), the LTS, etc.
I had the chance to go lifetime with CO...I knew what I was getting into. I didn't get it for one good reason: superhero games aren't really my style (although I DID have some fun in CoV). $200.00 wasn't worth it for the unis, so I passed. I would love to see them (or alternatives) available in some form, but I won't cry and whine if I don't get them. I also didn't get all of the special pre-order bonus items as, while all of them were things I wanted, I had to pick-and-choose what were the top of my list. I went with the DDE & CE (from GameStop), but didn't get the Amazon/BestBuy/etc. It would have cost too much.
What it comes down to is money. Cryptic wants to make as much as possible, but some things just can't be gotten anymore. The MU unis are one of them. I say to make them available as a special accolade unlock or Vet reward...just not up for sale in the C-Store.
You translation sucks.
I paid for it. You pay for it .. you get it. You are not asking to share. You are saying "Give me free what you paid for."
Go back to Russia.
I am sure you are wrong.
So fortunately the point he made is a valid one. It has been done before.. it will be done again. So just put the kleenex away and go about your life. Stop whining about not having what others paid for.
silence i say :O youve paid your moneyz... go waiz.. you smell :O share with your umpa lumpas!
hmmm trying to start a war over the mirror uniforms aye? :O tell ya what.. meet me at earth spacedock
So yeah, WoW may have had special limited editions.... but its still WoW.
The uniforms are worth something, but not being extorted into buying Chanpions Online Lifetime that was not worth it. Not to accommodate just me, but several subscribers....
Antitrust case law example: Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer have to be sold separately they can not be bundled to force you to buy one to get the other that is a totally unrelated program.
Captialist I bet you said boo hoo no freedoms for slaves, or no right to public education for all, or for suffrage for women's voting rights. You represent what wrong with America, and what Star Trek represents being beyond your narrow minded shortsightedness.
I have been around since this game was on the drawing board, and it is unreasonable to ask A Prelaunch Lifetime Investor who has spent $200 (software) on the title, to buy another games lifetime subscription to at 200+ to get a uniform pack. It would be reasonable and prudent to make reasonable accommodations for Prelaunch Investors and make it a later veterans reward for New Lifers, Longterm subscribers, monthly subscribers. Thank you for proving my point for me.
Unless you count the WoW exclusives you could only get randomly by buying many many packs cards for their Collectable Trading Card Game. A stunt Sony also pulled in SWG and EQ2
Your ignorance is mind boggling, You Paid FOR A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, NOT the mirror universe uniform set it was a bonus. So you brought a full Kleenex box to a battle of wits..........Good Job
hes on a roll today
I mean seriously, why on earth should the effort Cryptic has put into these uniforms be lost on a "minor" elitist crowd of players?