Whoa now. Before you go off all <insert crazy star trek alien reference here because your old pal Indigofyre is too tired to think of something witty> on us with those referral keys I have to warn you why I do not think posting them on the public forums is appropriate.
They get eaten up real fast and they will never change (unless you are really the ball with keeping your post up to date). This will leave these keys open for poor unknowing players to pick them up and find out they are already in use. This will lead to frustration for these players just hoping to help someone out. Which will lead to frustrated tickets sent to the GMs asking why their friend referral key didn't work and we will have no way of tracking that they simply found it on the forums. We will have to look up the key, see that it is already active, and then tell the player "I am sorry this key has already been activated." Now we are in a pickle. Do we deactivate the first key to give it to this second person because they are reporting the issue, or do we tell this second person "I am sorry, find another one"?
All I am saying is that it can lead to a whole potential can of worms which will then lead us to having to stop the trading of buddy keys when there really is no reason to stop it. Please stick to the "PM me and I will give you a key" arrangements that have been working out for oh so long.
They get eaten up real fast and they will never change (unless you are really the ball with keeping your post up to date). This will leave these keys open for poor unknowing players to pick them up and find out they are already in use. This will lead to frustration for these players just hoping to help someone out. Which will lead to frustrated tickets sent to the GMs asking why their friend referral key didn't work and we will have no way of tracking that they simply found it on the forums. We will have to look up the key, see that it is already active, and then tell the player "I am sorry this key has already been activated." Now we are in a pickle. Do we deactivate the first key to give it to this second person because they are reporting the issue, or do we tell this second person "I am sorry, find another one"?
Maybe something which you should have considered before making the best ship within you game a reward almost everyone wants and only a small bunch of them can get by using the "legal" ways?
i still wonder whats wrong with these people? still complaining, are they jealous or something, just say it, i have a word for them but i dont want to offend them or sumthin, its not a bad word also....
Ps im fond of debates i'd like to be corrected so that i could mature more thank you all...
Maybe something which you should have considered before making the best ship within you game a reward almost everyone wants and only a small bunch of them can get by using the "legal" ways?
Just a hint...
MMmmm your absolutely right.... the can of worms is already open.......by Cryptic!!!!
They aren't offering EC just to use the key. They are offering EC to upgrade to a full account.
Thats the psuedo-RMT going on.
I disagree, because if the person does not activate to the full account what are they going to do with a million credits?
If they decide STO ain't for them then its no skin off their nose. The guy keeps his credits and the kid got to try a game out for free. If he does decide that he likes the game then he has a cool mil waiting for him to start off his career with a bang.
If you do not enjoy the game enough to purchase it then the offer of in game currency will not make you suddenly enjoy the game you don't like.
MMmmm your absolutely right.... the can of worms is already open.......by Cryptic!!!!
Phoxe and the Dragon have already shown they will beat people up if they push the rules too far. I don't think we would want to push this referral agenda any harder then we need to.
well is there a lose? its a win win... both people benefit...
Because what anyone sees in a demo or trial where they only get to experience the first few missions is in absolutely no way representative of this game. They don't get a hint about just how poorly done, repetitive, and generally lacking in content the game actually is. So this is in truth aiding Cryptic in ripping people off just to get a ship.
If you're enjoying the free STO Demo and plan on purchasing the game, get started the right way. Use my referral key and get $1Million in-game energy credits!
I will give you 500,000 once the key is activated and the game is purchased, and 500,000 more in one month after the first subscription payment is made.
Get any ship you want, deck it out with top notch weapons and equipment, and fill your crew with purple bridge officers. It's WIN WIN !
First come, first served. Please right-click my name to PM me with your email address if interested. :cool:
This is actually a really cool Idea, Makes me think of Cryptic Fans supporting the game,
Im sure they didnt see this coming,, but im also pretty sure this wave you started could become, quite successful and a Win Win Win for every one!
You aren't paying them EC to buy you a copy of the game so you aren't exchanging them for a real life PRODUCT.
You are paying them EC to buy themselves a copy of the game and enter a code outside of the game (think: small scale data entry) so you ARE exchanging them for a real life SERVICE.
THAT is where it runs afoul of the rules.
That and the fact that you don't own your energy credits. If a glitch happens and you lose them or your account gets TRIBBLE, Cryptic will try to help you because they want a reputation for customer service but they aren't legally obligated to and you never actually owned the Cryptic points. Everything in the game itself is Cryptic's property, including the characters they rent your access to and the inventories those characters have and the abilities those characters have. So technically, you're promising Cryptic's property in exchange for a real life service (entering a code).
This is why, by my estimation, you're better off offering prospective players a service NOT attached to a product with any monetary value in exchange for the referral. As in, "accept my referral and I'll help you level" because you're not offering anything that is Cryptic's property and you're also not advertising an out of game service.
Obviously, you could offer to mow people's lawns (a service) or wash their cars (a service) or flat out buy them a copy of the game or a timecard for their participation, trading one out of game service for another but at that point it is no longer topical for THESE forums and constitutes advertising.
IMHO, the thing that does seem perfectly allowable is to offer playing with people (no virtual goods which you don't own exchanged; no advertising an out of game service) and you CAN get quite creative with that.
For example:
Accept my referral and I'll teach you to PvP.
Accept my referral we can level together.
Accept my referral and I'll help you with the fine points of the costume creator.
Accept my referral and I'll help you learn how to use your abilities and what gear to choose.
Accept my referral and I'll run STFs with you whenever our schedules allow.
At that point, you are not promising anything that you can't guarantee even in the event of a catastrophic glitch and you also aren't promising/offering something out of game (ie. advertising). You're just saying, "Wouldn't it be cool if you accepted my referral? Here are things we could do together!"
To be blunt, it's the difference between the world's oldest profession (exchange of goods) and asking somebody out (Hey! We should go to the park and walk around! By the way, I'm double-jointed).
Ok I tried to look the other way for as long as possible but I am going to comment to keep it from getting out of hand.
The TOS/EULA are very specific (while at the same time being vague, neat isn't it?). We do not allow account trading/sharing, and we do not allow selling in game merchandise for real money out of the game.
This particular issue is neither of those.
In this case the theoretical "referral" is some happy go lucky Star Trek fan who is looking to try out the STO demo. They are going to sign up anyway, nothing is going to stop them. Joseph001 is simply attempting to incentivize the use of his referral code with the promise of some in game money. He is not forceing them to purchase the game, and he is not asking for anything in return for the energy credits.
If you break down the parts.
Is using his referral code against the TOS? No.
Is giving someone 1 million energy credits against the TOS? No.
It would be the same moral ambiguity if you offered to purchase a copy of STO for your friend/family member/significant other under the stipulation that they try it for a month as your referral. Or if you offered to purchase a time card for them so they could activate their accounts and you could get the bonuses.
Now Cryptic's stance on this subject could change. If it does then I promise nobody will get infractions for this first wave. We will simply send you PMs saying to cut it out, you will, and we will all go on our merry ways. Until that time though I do not see a problem with people looking to get more people into our game.
Now if you don't mind there are brand new feds out there for me to devour.
Of course you are going to look the other way on this eula violation because you are trying to get customers to sell your game for you. What's incredible is that there are people desparate enough to do this. Your company would have less shame from this whole deal by actually hiring and paying cash money to those customers who do want to do your jobs for you and sell this lousy game.
Of course you are going to look the other way on this eula violation because you are trying to get customers to sell your game for you. What's incredible is that there are people desparate enough to do this. Your company would have less shame from this whole deal by actually hiring and paying cash money to those customers who do want to do your jobs for you and sell this lousy game.
They pretty much are, they're dangling a carrot reward they have every intention of selling in the C-Store 2-3 months from now (despite their claim that any non cosmetic items created with a gameplay effect would be available in game somehow). You know the marketing people are seeing the reaction this ship has stirred and thinking to themselves "Score! Look how much they want that ship, I'm betting the PvPers will spend $25 worth of CP's to get it if we add that cloak to it! *Smedley Hi5 all around*"
Now that these forum violations have been given the official rule bending pass, I'm just waiting for the catgirl players to start posting offers of "hawt cyb0rz" in return for taking their referrals. :rolleyes:
Maybe you havent been keeping up, but Cryptic has already determined this doesnt break the rules, and their determination is all that matters.
I'll point out this:
Now Cryptic's stance on this subject could change. If it does then I promise nobody will get infractions for this first wave. We will simply send you PMs saying to cut it out, you will, and we will all go on our merry ways. Until that time though I do not see a problem with people looking to get more people into our game.
And I'll add that we are currently shielded by IndigoFyre's interpretation of what the rules mean are. But all I'm saying is that I have a different interpretation of what the rules mean and that I think my interpretation is closer to what we'll see should this situation fall under more intense scrutiny. IndigoFyre said that s/he wasn't terribly awake when s/he was posting as I recall. So what we have is a temporary ruling from one employee. That's it.
People can use their in-game resources in any way they see fit, real money bribes must go under the table, as is (im)proper. Nothing to see here, move along.
And I'll add that we are currently shielded by IndigoFyre's interpretation of what the rules mean are. But all I'm saying is that I have a different interpretation of what the rules mean and that I think my interpretation is closer to what we'll see should this situation fall under more intense scrutiny. IndigoFyre said that s/he wasn't terribly awake when s/he was posting as I recall. So what we have is a temporary ruling from one employee. That's it.
Thats fine, you are free to believe whatever you want. However, IndigoFyre's opinion is all that matters until another Cryptic employee says differently.
Now that these forum violations have been given the official rule bending pass, I'm just waiting for the catgirl players to start posting offers of "hawt cyb0rz" in return for taking their referrals. :rolleyes:
Sorry, but you dont get to decide what is a violation and what isnt. Their not violations until Cryptic says they are.
Yes sir, Mr. Hall Monitor! Didn't mean to upset your forums! Sorry pet, but you don't get to tell me what to think either.
Because I like your avatar!
There = used when describing a place or used with a verb. "The car is over there." or "There are only 4 lights."
Their = used when describing something belonging to a person. "I like their car."
They're = used as an abbreviation of They Are. "They're not violations until Cryptic says they are."
No flame, no sarcasm, just an easy way to remember.
Is giving someone 1 million energy credits against the TOS? No.
Going to disagree on your logic. They pay $30. They get 500,000 energy credits. They pay another 15-30 (time card or whatever) and they get 500,000 energy credits. In return the person gets an in game item that someone else paid $45-60 dollars for. (technically 5 people paid $45-60 for)
There are serious ethical ramifications for allowing this (people selling in game currency using real currency to get an item in game). It cheapens the game. Ruining the value of the item. Makes a lot of people upset. Possible sub cancellations and just no one playing.
Its an entire can of worms if it isnt stopped.
It is not even the same as buying the game and a game card for a family member or friend. Its not the same as just giving someone energy credits. Someone is PAYING for the credits. The person selling the credits is charging, combined, 5 people around $300 to get a ship.
Does that sound ethical? That one person gives out 5 million energy credits for $300 US? Is it now ok for someone to pay $14US and get a million energy credits?
You can say that the person isnt getting something, that is wrong, they are getting something in return. They are getting a usable tier 5 ship.
Going to disagree on your logic. They pay $30. They get 500,000 energy credits. They pay another 15-30 (time card or whatever) and they get 500,000 energy credits. In return the person gets an in game item that someone else paid $45-60 dollars for. (technically 5 people paid $45-60 for)
The difference is, they may be paying but they are paying a fee they'd have to pay to receive or use the credits anyway and they aren't paying the person supplying the credits.
It's analogous to me offering to pay 100k credits to anyone who donates $5 to Haiti relief. I don't receive the money. It's also not like Cryptic is selling the currency because somebody earned it rather than magically making it appear.
I think there are definitely reasons to be wary of this or for Cryptic to consider banning this (for instance, what if the person offering doesn't make good? Is it advertising? Do the credits even belong to the player offering them or are all credits property of Cryptic?)... But I don't think it's credit selling. It's a number of questionable things, possibly, but not credit selling.
I wonder how long before the gold farmers spin off this. Pay X amount and they'll use your referal and get you your ship. Nah, probably no money in it, after getting the game and all.
I wonder how long before the gold farmers spin off this. Pay X amount and they'll use your referal and get you your ship. Nah, probably no money in it, after getting the game and all.
Actually... That might BE a concern. Gold farmers actually tend to get banned a lot in these games and are constantly buying new boxed copies every time they get a ban. They generally get enough money from gold sales and scammed credit cards to justify buying lots of boxed copies or they don't bother with an MMO at all.
This is why, by my estimation, you're better off offering prospective players a service NOT attached to a product with any monetary value in exchange for the referral. As in, "accept my referral and I'll help you level" because you're not offering anything that is Cryptic's property and you're also not advertising an out of game service.
I 100% agree with you on this. It doesnt involve in game currency or the sale or transfer real life goods just to obtain an in game item. It would also provide some level of responsibility on the part of the "buddy". Like helping them level. Teaching them about crafting. Etc. And not just ignoring them when they flounder around in lower level content. It would keep subscription retention. And add to the STO community. Trading in game currency for real life currency to obtain an ingame item doesnt encourage community at all.
I still have my keys from the preorder. And the buddy keys here. And I would be willing to do that, help someone out through their experience in STO. Its actually more rewarding that the ship and more rewarding for cryptic because their subscription would be pretty much guaranteed beyond the month or two the one that took the million energy credits plays.
People just want to do things the easy way. Moral obligation doesnt exist in a world full of instant gratification.
The funny thing people are doing this over a stupid ship. They arent bothering to ask real life friends or people they know that may or could play the game with them. They are finding people that just want to check the game out.
I wonder what those people will think once they realize they can make 1 mil energy credits by the time they hit captain and that they were ripped off. Someone wants a buddy key from someone who will help them and teach them then find someone on the forums that is willing to spend the time to grow the community. You'll actually learn something and might enjoy the game.
All though I dont think Cryptic will stop this. They see instant dollar signs and are willing to turn a blind eye as the community base drops. Sure having a few people subscribe and pay for 2 months will look good. For two months. After that it will be back to subscription drop offs.
5 people who pay for 2 months is worth far less than 5 people who pay for a year.
The difference is, they may be paying but they are paying a fee they'd have to pay to receive or use the credits anyway and they aren't paying the person supplying the credits.
It's analogous to me offering to pay 100k credits to anyone who donates $5 to Haiti relief. I don't receive the money. It's also not like Cryptic is selling the currency because somebody earned it rather than magically making it appear.
I think there are definitely reasons to be wary of this or for Cryptic to consider banning this (for instance, what if the person offering doesn't make good? Is it advertising? Do the credits even belong to the player offering them or are all credits property of Cryptic?)... But I don't think it's credit selling. It's a number of questionable things, possibly, but not credit selling.
Unfortunately, the person selling the credits is getting something in return. It isnt anywhere near being close to getting 100k if you donate money to Haiti Relief. Someone is Paying $60 so they get 1 mil energy credits and the seller gets an in game item. If the person offering the energy credits wasnt receiving anything in return. There would not be an issue of gold selling. Unfortunately, they are receiving something in return.
Yes sir, Mr. Hall Monitor! Didn't mean to upset your forums! Sorry pet, but you don't get to tell me what to think either.
LOL, right. Your the one talking about imaginary "violations" and then proceeding to act like the grammar police, and then you call me a hall monitor? Irony FTW. And your right, I could care less about telling you what to think. You can think whatever you like, and be wrong.
Your game, your rules, I suppose.
They get eaten up real fast and they will never change (unless you are really the ball with keeping your post up to date). This will leave these keys open for poor unknowing players to pick them up and find out they are already in use. This will lead to frustration for these players just hoping to help someone out. Which will lead to frustrated tickets sent to the GMs asking why their friend referral key didn't work and we will have no way of tracking that they simply found it on the forums. We will have to look up the key, see that it is already active, and then tell the player "I am sorry this key has already been activated." Now we are in a pickle. Do we deactivate the first key to give it to this second person because they are reporting the issue, or do we tell this second person "I am sorry, find another one"?
All I am saying is that it can lead to a whole potential can of worms which will then lead us to having to stop the trading of buddy keys when there really is no reason to stop it. Please stick to the "PM me and I will give you a key" arrangements that have been working out for oh so long.
Except using the referral key is completely free. What the player does after that is entirely up to them and has nothing to do with the guy's offer.
I'm just saying is all.
Maybe something which you should have considered before making the best ship within you game a reward almost everyone wants and only a small bunch of them can get by using the "legal" ways?
Just a hint...
to all:
i still wonder whats wrong with these people? still complaining, are they jealous or something, just say it, i have a word for them but i dont want to offend them or sumthin, its not a bad word also....
Ps im fond of debates
They aren't offering EC just to use the key. They are offering EC to upgrade to a full account.
Thats the psuedo-RMT going on.
MMmmm your absolutely right.... the can of worms is already open.......by Cryptic!!!!
I disagree, because if the person does not activate to the full account what are they going to do with a million credits?
If they decide STO ain't for them then its no skin off their nose. The guy keeps his credits and the kid got to try a game out for free. If he does decide that he likes the game then he has a cool mil waiting for him to start off his career with a bang.
If you do not enjoy the game enough to purchase it then the offer of in game currency will not make you suddenly enjoy the game you don't like.
Phoxe and the Dragon have already shown they will beat people up if they push the rules too far. I don't think we would want to push this referral agenda any harder then we need to.
This is actually a really cool Idea, Makes me think of Cryptic Fans supporting the game,
Im sure they didnt see this coming,, but im also pretty sure this wave you started could become, quite successful and a Win Win Win for every one!
You aren't paying them EC to buy you a copy of the game so you aren't exchanging them for a real life PRODUCT.
You are paying them EC to buy themselves a copy of the game and enter a code outside of the game (think: small scale data entry) so you ARE exchanging them for a real life SERVICE.
THAT is where it runs afoul of the rules.
That and the fact that you don't own your energy credits. If a glitch happens and you lose them or your account gets TRIBBLE, Cryptic will try to help you because they want a reputation for customer service but they aren't legally obligated to and you never actually owned the Cryptic points. Everything in the game itself is Cryptic's property, including the characters they rent your access to and the inventories those characters have and the abilities those characters have. So technically, you're promising Cryptic's property in exchange for a real life service (entering a code).
This is why, by my estimation, you're better off offering prospective players a service NOT attached to a product with any monetary value in exchange for the referral. As in, "accept my referral and I'll help you level" because you're not offering anything that is Cryptic's property and you're also not advertising an out of game service.
Obviously, you could offer to mow people's lawns (a service) or wash their cars (a service) or flat out buy them a copy of the game or a timecard for their participation, trading one out of game service for another but at that point it is no longer topical for THESE forums and constitutes advertising.
IMHO, the thing that does seem perfectly allowable is to offer playing with people (no virtual goods which you don't own exchanged; no advertising an out of game service) and you CAN get quite creative with that.
For example:
Accept my referral and I'll teach you to PvP.
Accept my referral we can level together.
Accept my referral and I'll help you with the fine points of the costume creator.
Accept my referral and I'll help you learn how to use your abilities and what gear to choose.
Accept my referral and I'll run STFs with you whenever our schedules allow.
At that point, you are not promising anything that you can't guarantee even in the event of a catastrophic glitch and you also aren't promising/offering something out of game (ie. advertising). You're just saying, "Wouldn't it be cool if you accepted my referral? Here are things we could do together!"
To be blunt, it's the difference between the world's oldest profession (exchange of goods) and asking somebody out (Hey! We should go to the park and walk around! By the way, I'm double-jointed).
Of course you are going to look the other way on this eula violation because you are trying to get customers to sell your game for you. What's incredible is that there are people desparate enough to do this. Your company would have less shame from this whole deal by actually hiring and paying cash money to those customers who do want to do your jobs for you and sell this lousy game.
They pretty much are, they're dangling a carrot reward they have every intention of selling in the C-Store 2-3 months from now (despite their claim that any non cosmetic items created with a gameplay effect would be available in game somehow). You know the marketing people are seeing the reaction this ship has stirred and thinking to themselves "Score! Look how much they want that ship, I'm betting the PvPers will spend $25 worth of CP's to get it if we add that cloak to it! *Smedley Hi5 all around*"
Now that these forum violations have been given the official rule bending pass, I'm just waiting for the catgirl players to start posting offers of "hawt cyb0rz" in return for taking their referrals. :rolleyes:
Maybe you havent been keeping up, but Cryptic has already determined this doesnt break the rules, and their determination is all that matters.
I'll point out this:
And I'll add that we are currently shielded by IndigoFyre's interpretation of what the rules mean are. But all I'm saying is that I have a different interpretation of what the rules mean and that I think my interpretation is closer to what we'll see should this situation fall under more intense scrutiny. IndigoFyre said that s/he wasn't terribly awake when s/he was posting as I recall. So what we have is a temporary ruling from one employee. That's it.
Thats fine, you are free to believe whatever you want. However, IndigoFyre's opinion is all that matters until another Cryptic employee says differently.
Can see it, but eww
Sorry, but you dont get to decide what is a violation and what isnt. Their not violations until Cryptic says they are.
Yes sir, Mr. Hall Monitor! Didn't mean to upset your forums! Sorry pet, but you don't get to tell me what to think either.
Because I like your avatar!
There = used when describing a place or used with a verb. "The car is over there." or "There are only 4 lights."
Their = used when describing something belonging to a person. "I like their car."
They're = used as an abbreviation of They Are. "They're not violations until Cryptic says they are."
No flame, no sarcasm, just an easy way to remember.
Going to disagree on your logic. They pay $30. They get 500,000 energy credits. They pay another 15-30 (time card or whatever) and they get 500,000 energy credits. In return the person gets an in game item that someone else paid $45-60 dollars for. (technically 5 people paid $45-60 for)
There are serious ethical ramifications for allowing this (people selling in game currency using real currency to get an item in game). It cheapens the game. Ruining the value of the item. Makes a lot of people upset. Possible sub cancellations and just no one playing.
Its an entire can of worms if it isnt stopped.
It is not even the same as buying the game and a game card for a family member or friend. Its not the same as just giving someone energy credits. Someone is PAYING for the credits. The person selling the credits is charging, combined, 5 people around $300 to get a ship.
Does that sound ethical? That one person gives out 5 million energy credits for $300 US? Is it now ok for someone to pay $14US and get a million energy credits?
You can say that the person isnt getting something, that is wrong, they are getting something in return. They are getting a usable tier 5 ship.
The difference is, they may be paying but they are paying a fee they'd have to pay to receive or use the credits anyway and they aren't paying the person supplying the credits.
It's analogous to me offering to pay 100k credits to anyone who donates $5 to Haiti relief. I don't receive the money. It's also not like Cryptic is selling the currency because somebody earned it rather than magically making it appear.
I think there are definitely reasons to be wary of this or for Cryptic to consider banning this (for instance, what if the person offering doesn't make good? Is it advertising? Do the credits even belong to the player offering them or are all credits property of Cryptic?)... But I don't think it's credit selling. It's a number of questionable things, possibly, but not credit selling.
Actually... That might BE a concern. Gold farmers actually tend to get banned a lot in these games and are constantly buying new boxed copies every time they get a ban. They generally get enough money from gold sales and scammed credit cards to justify buying lots of boxed copies or they don't bother with an MMO at all.
I 100% agree with you on this. It doesnt involve in game currency or the sale or transfer real life goods just to obtain an in game item. It would also provide some level of responsibility on the part of the "buddy". Like helping them level. Teaching them about crafting. Etc. And not just ignoring them when they flounder around in lower level content. It would keep subscription retention. And add to the STO community. Trading in game currency for real life currency to obtain an ingame item doesnt encourage community at all.
I still have my keys from the preorder. And the buddy keys here. And I would be willing to do that, help someone out through their experience in STO. Its actually more rewarding that the ship and more rewarding for cryptic because their subscription would be pretty much guaranteed beyond the month or two the one that took the million energy credits plays.
People just want to do things the easy way. Moral obligation doesnt exist in a world full of instant gratification.
The funny thing people are doing this over a stupid ship. They arent bothering to ask real life friends or people they know that may or could play the game with them. They are finding people that just want to check the game out.
I wonder what those people will think once they realize they can make 1 mil energy credits by the time they hit captain and that they were ripped off. Someone wants a buddy key from someone who will help them and teach them then find someone on the forums that is willing to spend the time to grow the community. You'll actually learn something and might enjoy the game.
All though I dont think Cryptic will stop this. They see instant dollar signs and are willing to turn a blind eye as the community base drops. Sure having a few people subscribe and pay for 2 months will look good. For two months. After that it will be back to subscription drop offs.
5 people who pay for 2 months is worth far less than 5 people who pay for a year.
Unfortunately, the person selling the credits is getting something in return. It isnt anywhere near being close to getting 100k if you donate money to Haiti Relief. Someone is Paying $60 so they get 1 mil energy credits and the seller gets an in game item. If the person offering the energy credits wasnt receiving anything in return. There would not be an issue of gold selling. Unfortunately, they are receiving something in return.
LOL, right. Your the one talking about imaginary "violations" and then proceeding to act like the grammar police, and then you call me a hall monitor? Irony FTW. And your right, I could care less about telling you what to think. You can think whatever you like, and be wrong.