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RE: Atari Sale



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    You feel angry because if you waited you could have gotten the game cheaper with more free time. Why blame the game company? Should you refund your excitement of having the game at launch as well?

    Sorry but you didn't even bother to read why we're angry. Those were my reasons, but the reasons are similar for some of us.

    Thank you for contributing though, next time, read before post.

    Kind regards.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Personally not even going to both with this. I've already canceled my account, which I feel is the best way for all concerned. Nor will I recommend this game to anyone. Cryptic = Epic Failure. 2 MMO's, both same problems, both aren't fixed and 1 should be. They didn't learn about that stuff, what makes you think they really care of you got jacked on a sale they are having?

    They did it to try to revive the flocks of people LEAVING their games. I mean, when I zone, go to pick my new shard, and there's like 3 or 4 shards with AT most, 20ish people in them, yeah, you got a serious problem considering how many were around at the start. Crazy thing is: They never fixed the lag/rubber-banding issue, it fixed itself, by people canceling the game and not playing anymore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    You feel angry because if you waited you could have gotten the game cheaper with more free time. Why blame the game company? Should you refund your excitement of having the game at launch as well? We all benefit from more people joining the game, or if you prefer, all your money goes down the drain if you quit playing. Will you let irrational logic ruin yet another MMOG? Time will tell.

    Yes...the excitement of watching "Retrieving character list" for 15 minutes at a time, for a grand total of 5 hours.
    The excitement of not getting my pre-order items (including the race of my main character) until 3 days after LIVE launch?
    The excitement of hitting level cap and discovering there's absolutely nothing left to do?
    And no, no one benefits from people joining the game if the move that makes them buy the box makes half the current population leave (overly dramatic, I know, it's not just that one move that makes half the pop want to leave).
    Yes, I'd prefer to flush my money down the drain to giving it to Atari/Cryptic, at least then there's a change it'll be fished out by someone who can use it correctly.
    Irrational logic is an oxymoron. Pick one or the other, otherwise you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    This reminds me of the old saying "Cut off your nose to spite your face."

    I know some of you may be seeing red right now and not thinking rationally, but here's my perspective.

    If the game does not have a decent-sized playerbase funding for this project will drop significantly. Less add-ons, less content, less bug fixes, eventually going the way of many failed MMOGs that could have stood a chance otherwise. This is a phase, a telling phase. They are making the price more enticing so that more people will play the game. You have a two-fold warning here. First, the game isn't meeting expected subscriber numbers so they need to modify the enticement point. Second, if people create bad press, leave, rant and rave, less people will likely subscribe and we all lose.

    You bought into an early release of a game, you paid the bleeding edge premium. That's the way it works. You can pick up PS3 games that launched at $60 for less than $20. Do you go back and threaten to sue Sony because they dropped the price? It makes no sense to rant about this, as more subscribers benefits the game directly. I'm sad that a community gets up in arms with pitchforks and torches over something that is completely logical and beneficial to them. The mob mentality is strong in the gaming community, it destroyed UO, made WoW casual, and chipped away many monolithic games into obscurity.

    You feel angry because if you waited you could have gotten the game cheaper with more free time. Why blame the game company? Should you refund your excitement of having the game at launch as well? We all benefit from more people joining the game, or if you prefer, all your money goes down the drain if you quit playing. Will you let irrational logic ruin yet another MMOG? Time will tell.

    I've tried to say Flame War over, I am of peace.

    Since that time It seems others here and there have followed suit. Though they may have been thinking the same way before I even posted.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    You have a two-fold warning here. First, the game isn't meeting expected subscriber numbers so they need to modify the enticement point. Second, if people create bad press, leave, rant and rave, less people will likely subscribe and we all lose.
    Also, forgot to respond to this...
    If the game isn't meeting expected sub numbers, why did the servers keep crashing, and the explanation we were given was that "the interest exceeded our expectations"?
    Second, we don't need to create bad press, every single review of the game does that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I vote this thread be renamed 'the Great Atari Sale Catharsis' Thread.

    Looks like the statement masquerading as an apology is all we're gonna get.

    How long will it be until this too is consigned to history I wonder..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    this might have already been said by someone but thought people should know that STO rep isn't going so great.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Fugazi wrote:
    I vote this thread be renamed 'the Great Atari Sale Catharsis' Thread.

    Looks like the statement masquerading as an apology is all we're gonna get.

    How long will it be until this too is consigned to history I wonder..


    Oh hell yes, they don't have the balls to admit to an actual mistake.

    2 days.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Not happy with this 90 day free nonsense, after pre-ordering and only getting 30 days. The price cut dont bother me . Also in the UK we cant even get the digital d/l from atari.com, talk about how to p*** your paying customers off? Atari/Cryptic, America despite what you may think, is NOT the only country in the world that has an online gaming community. You excluded the rest of the world already with the Del Taco shambles, now you do it again with the 90 free days?

    Last point... before you release any new bugs ( under the disguise of new content) , please fix the exiisting bugs. Might make things easier to track down any new ones when you have no existing ones.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barinor wrote: »
    Not happy with this 90 day free nonsense, after pre-ordering and only getting 30 days. The price cut dont bother me . Also in the UK we cant even get the digital d/l from atari.com, talk about how to p*** your paying customers off? Atari/Cryptic, America despite what you may think, is NOT the only country in the world that has an online gaming community. You excluded the rest of the world already with the Del Taco shambles, now you do it again with the 90 free days?

    Last point... before you release any new bugs ( under the disguise of new content) , please fix the exiisting bugs. Might make things easier to track down any new ones when you have no existing ones.

    Also from Europe, but hell, I'm getting used to getting shafted by US distributors. Oh well, there's more ways to get a game.

    Are you hearing yourself?
    They don't fix bugs. They add stuff to the C-Store. That's their sole purpose right now. The fact that they can't even manage to do THAT speaks volumes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    gulthaw wrote: »
    Sorry but you didn't even bother to read why we're angry. Those were my reasons... {edited for humor}

    As a subscriber I felt carnally insulted, despised, cheated on, and a list of adjectives that I don't feel like repeating again.

    Why? Cause i felt like playing Hello Kitty MMO for awhile

    I understand this is business and butt money should be the first priority.

    A game (this and every other) is a product made to entrap people; a MMO tries to entertain them in bed and, while doing it, intends to gain some money. (AKA pay for play)

    Instead of that Atari did what I call the SOL policy ->
    Any marketing move that can make angry an actual Romulan with the hopes of a few more Remans taking the replacement is a bad one

    This is my feedback so far.
    And I never threatened to cancel or whatever cause I don't believe in threats, but my actions will be to play the new HELLO KITTY MMO regardless !

    A subscriber who really wants STO to be as big a success as my favorite MMO, HELLO KITTY ONLINE.

    Kind regards.

    Wow.. that was deep... Im glad you took the time to share this with us all... I will go try that Hello Kitty you play - but it will never take the place of STO for me .... STO is here to stay !
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It will be more accurate to say LEGO online instead Hello kitty.

    Hello kitty reminds me RO too much :S

    But well, i suppose humor depends on where you are from, I read it a few times and still didn't laugh ^_^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    gulthaw wrote: »
    It will be more accurate to say LEGO online instead Hello kitty.

    Hello kitty reminds me RO too much :S

    But well, i suppose humor depends on where you are from, I read it a few times and still didn't laugh ^_^

    Actually, it's not like LEGO online, it's more like LEGO.
    With half the pieces missing.
    And the distributor tells you that replacement pieces will be available Soon™. For a price.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cannman wrote: »
    I am just waiting and watching CNN for some report of a Die Hard Trekkie or Trekker going Postal at the Atari or Cryptic Office building.........

    And for your information I am a Security Professional and this is a VERY REAL Possibilty.

    Die hard trekkers don't give a rat's in all likelyhood. These complaints are coming from the MMORPG community, not the Trek community.

    If the game were that bad, I could see trekkies freaking out picketing the headquarters in Klingon but that would probably be the extent of it.

    As far as the other TRIBBLE going on in this thread goes. I did pay for lifetime and do not feel particularly screwed over by Cryptic/Atari myself I can see how others that did not buy lifetime might feel that way. That being said, semiliterate forum warring did not help us during the CU or NGE debacles at SOE any more than literate, insightful posts did. Corporations do what corporations are going to do and since Atari owns Cryptic, they call the shots. If Atari chooses to have a sale on the game, Cryptic, must go along with it regardless of their own corporate position on it. They have no other options available to them, the higher powers said so.

    I must say one thing on Cryptic's behalf. I have read a good many pages of this though some were quite difficult to get through due to grammar, spelling, or vitriol and I only saw one post that had been removed for violations. The other thread is still existant even if it is more difficult to find and Cryptic has not really hidden the issue, they simply requested that everything be compiled into a new thread to make easier reading.

    300 pages of screaming does not make pleasant reading material regardless of how important it is to the community, not when 150 pages of useful comments can do the same job without causing the reader's eyes to bleed.

    I am not defending either Cryptic or Atari here, there were some massive TRIBBLE ups and whether it was simply someone at Atari TRIBBLE up and fatfingering the keyboard or one of the brilliant marketting minds decided that this was a good idea. Mistakes were made and these customer issues need to be rectified in order for the community to build. Recruiting new players at the expense of the current customer base is rarely an acceptable position but from reading all the rants in this thread and many others proclaiming the doom of STO during the beta phases, I can understand their position somewhat as well.

    At this point, someone needs to take responsibility for the mistakes and decide what is more important to the company. Whether Atari or Cryptic is at fault, the fix lies at Atari's doorstep since they are responsible for all decisions made at Cryptic due to their ownership of the company. Cryptic can make adjustments on behalf of Atari obviously but something needs to be done soon to keep this whole issue from getting even further out of control than it already is.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So erm.........Atair/Cryptic have only made a statement about the peeps that bought the product during the sale on the weekend?

    Not a single word to us? The folk that have put up with the shocking lack of content despite CO players warning us of this?

    Nothing to soothe our bruised trust?

    what is scary about this is that I'm swiftly going from pure anger to being switched off. I am sooooo far gone with this situation I could honestly say i'm near the point that I feel like I could care less about Cryptic/Atari and that I hope they fail as busineses. Because any business that can so effectively P off virtually the entire fanbase in favour of profit has imo completely lost the plot.

    Profit IS the most important thing for a successful business BUT along with profit is good customer service along with a good product......forget anyone of those and the house of cards is likely to fall.

    I don't care about peoples opinions of businesses being there for profit only......fine......believe what you will. But I might like to point out it is THAT attitude that has led us all up to this point right now.

    If Atari/Cryptic had pushed out a polished product that was designed from the outset as a quality product.....people would be FAR more forgiving. FACT.

    As it is they didn't and so therefore people are justifyably annoyed. People will continue to be annoyed all the while the product lacks polish and Atari/Cryptic persist with this profit before quality mentality.

    In the current financial climate I would have thought that it would make all companies re-evaluate their business models because so so quickly companies can go out of business.

    Think about that Devs/Suits.

    Keep us happy and you keep an income. it's as simple as that. Do not try to fool us or mess us about because for those of us that have morality and ethics will simply not give you another penny.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Die hard trekkers don't give a rat's in all likelyhood. These complaints are coming from the MMORPG community, not the Trek community.

    Lol whatever you say jack.........I for one am a 'Die hard trekker' and I am completely p****d at the complete *******ization of my beloved IP.

    Sure they have slapped in a few beautiful parts here and there.....but on the whole it is clear to me where we the fans had seen an awsome game of our fave IP about to be born.....all that Cryptic/Atari could see was dollars rolling in their eyeballs just like in the cartoons.


    beyond that.

    Edit - I guess as a 'Die hard trekker' what I am seeing is a Star Trek MMO that has almost little understanding of the CORE identifiable nature of what Star Trek really is all about. Sure they got the battle parts down adequatly BUT imagine STO as a trek episode.

    If we took Best of both worlds as an example.....Title credits, Borg cube on screen, Locutus has already been assimilated, Enterprise has a few minutes of battle in space, Borg cube gets disabled, A 5 man away team beams over......kills all the borg, finds Locutus and fights him and all his Borg guards. AT take the weapons battery that locutus was holding and beam back with Locutus. Enterprise hails starfleet and leaves. The End.

    Personally I remember the Episodes being a whole lot more padded than that was.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The whole Discussion would be more reasonable, if some people wouldn't take this thing so personally... I don't think you improve your cause by ranting here... It really seems that you are simply fed up with this game overall and now having some satisfaction adding fresh fuel to the quarrel instead of acting responsible and just leave the thing behind...

    Irony-Mode: Yes... I am really sure the people at Atari just wanted to insult you. It had nothing to do with getting new people to probably subscribe to this game by giving them more playtime till a few more update-cycles are out. This business isn't about making money... And even most successfull companies like Blizzard are of course not at all interested in revenue and such minor things... and of course this is JUST like what SOE did, when they changed SWG down to it's roots with their NGE :rolleyes:

    Please: If you think this issue is the ultimate and only reason to leave STO... Just leave... Now... Farewell... Don't let the Door hit you on the way out... some don't like bottom-imprints on the back of the door ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ya know this so stupid. If you are tired of buying what are in your opinions "bad video games" buy your yourself a console system and get a GameFly account. IMHO STO is fun to play and so far well worth the $39 I paid for it. If I only get 3 months of play out of it before I get bored, distracted, or whatever and move on to my next digital diversion it still only cost me 0.44433333333333333333333333333333 cents per day. If you think that 0.44433333333333333333333333333333 cents per day to be distracted from your crappy lives, your crappy jobs, and your crappy wives and kids. Then you just have yet another crappy day in your miserable crappy life. As for me I am done with this thread and have posted my last word.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    DarthDozer wrote:
    Ya know this so stupid. If you are tired of buying what are in your opinions "bad video games" buy your yourself a console system and get a GameFly account. IMHO STO is fun to play and so far well worth the $39 I paid for it. If I only get 3 months of play out of it before I get bored, distracted, or whatever and move on to my next digital diversion it still only cost me 0.44433333333333333333333333333333 cents per day. If you think that 0.44433333333333333333333333333333 cents per day to be distracted from your crappy lives, your crappy jobs, and your crappy wives and kids. Then you just have yet another crappy day in your miserable crappy life. As for me I am done with this thread and have posted my last word.


    Cool......That is your opinion mate.......it may be a little too generalizing BUT you are entitled to it.

    I think the issue here is the delivery of this forums opinions that causes the most upset. Everyone has their own opinions BUT it goes wrong because people deliver them in less than tactful ways.

    I understand your point. I am not stupid......but the devs have spoken officially that these forums are being listened to by the devs. These companies are trying to evaluate precisely what the main points of contention with the game right as we speak.

    Their eyes are upon us and this IS the very moment that any one who has an opinion should say it.

    If the game was going beautifully and everyone was content overall, then they would not be watching so much as the income would be a lot more secure.

    THIS IS the moment to speak up and be heard.

    And I say that to everyone. If we are not smart enough to realise that and continue bickering we will WASTE our golden chance to let the devs hear how WE feel we want the game direction to move in.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Brucebleo wrote:
    So erm.........Atair/Cryptic have only made a statement about the peeps that bought the product during the sale on the weekend?

    Not a single word to us? The folk that have put up with the shocking lack of content despite CO players warning us of this?

    Nothing to soothe our bruised trust?

    what is scary about this is that I'm swiftly going from pure anger to being switched off. I am sooooo far gone with this situation I could honestly say i'm near the point that I feel like I could care less about Cryptic/Atari and that I hope they fail as busineses. Because any business that can so effectively P off virtually the entire fanbase in favour of profit has imo completely lost the plot.

    Profit IS the most important thing for a successful business BUT along with profit is good customer service along with a good product......forget anyone of those and the house of cards is likely to fall.

    I don't care about peoples opinions of businesses being there for profit only......fine......believe what you will. But I might like to point out it is THAT attitude that has led us all up to this point right now.

    If Atari/Cryptic had pushed out a polished product that was designed from the outset as a quality product.....people would be FAR more forgiving. FACT.

    As it is they didn't and so therefore people are justifyably annoyed. People will continue to be annoyed all the while the product lacks polish and Atari/Cryptic persist with this profit before quality mentality.

    In the current financial climate I would have thought that it would make all companies re-evaluate their business models because so so quickly companies can go out of business.

    Think about that Devs/Suits.

    Keep us happy and you keep an income. it's as simple as that. Do not try to fool us or mess us about because for those of us that have morality and ethics will simply not give you another penny.

    now would be a great time to remove the skill cap imoa
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rumbleskin wrote: »
    now would be a great time to remove the skill cap imoa

    now would be a great time for you to intently watch your thread to see who says what and leave this one alone. skill cap is the least of the worries for this game and this thread.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    They have other FRAUD suit pending?

    Ya, funny isnt it?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    savadious wrote: »
    I see many posts in this thread... and a large percentage of the posters are now BANNED ...

    I must have missed the really big discussion that everyone keeps telling me about that got them banned ..

    no not really, its mostly
    •Creation of undue discontent on the forums.
    •Creation of disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that derail the thread, insulting other posters, etc.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Knyte wrote: »
    now would be a great time for you to intently watch your thread to see who says what and leave this one alone. skill cap is the least of the worries for this game and this thread.

    it is far from the least of our worries. I would put it amoung the top 5 atlest. A few free days now there is somthing not to worry about
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A running tally of articles, pimps, feeds and general stories on the issue.

    News sites


    Gadget Oriented Sites


    Culture Oriented Sites






    Tech Oriented Sites





    Social Oriented Sites



    Game Sites (MMO)








    Gaming Blogs




    Additionally, there are dozens of different forum threads shredding on this - mainly in gamer sites. The issue also made a few WoW sites - that has to hurt! :eek:

    I have seen articles on prominent sites in France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Turkey to name a few but sadly I dont do the languages.

    [Many More to come - Doing what I can to spread the word. I'll organize this more later]
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Loxanna wrote:
    And how do you work out they where banned? If you can get banned for standing up for justice then tbh I don't think they would care. If more people stood up for the rights then we wouldn't be stuck with the Drivel they call MMOs these days.

    Lox, they locked every thread that "sttod up for justice" since they made Zodi's thread primary an d stickied it so ppl couldnt say they were squashing all dissenting opinion when thats what they were doing
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    IMO at this point, fanboy is anyone defending th Empire er I mean Cryptic
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    nothing.....unless you count hot air as something. :)

    or kissing butt
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cannman wrote: »
    LAAAAAAAL:confused:Thanks for the Update. No, I didnt see this:(

    "We are sure the number of people that come in will be greater than those that left. We're a business whatta ya want? It was good business."

This discussion has been closed.