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RE: Atari Sale



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    You feel angry because if you waited you could have gotten the game cheaper with more free time. Why blame the game company? Should you refund your excitement of having the game at launch as well? We all benefit from more people joining the game, or if you prefer, all your money goes down the drain if you quit playing. Will you let irrational logic ruin yet another MMOG? Time will tell.

    Id thatnk you to not talk for me as THATS not why IM ****ed
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    or kissing butt

    ... or people filling page after page with the same redundant beefing about what's wrong with this game and it's marketing and it's "fanboys" and it's developer and... zZzZzZzZzZ

    EDIT: Is there a thread counter or why do you post so much instead of editing? You don't get prices for piling up posts, you know?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    3drage wrote: »
    You feel angry because if you waited you could have gotten the game cheaper with more free time. Why blame the game company? Should you refund your excitement of having the game at launch as well? We all benefit from more people joining the game, or if you prefer, all your money goes down the drain if you quit playing. Will you let irrational logic ruin yet another MMOG? Time will tell.

    WHY IM ****ED:

    Note that the "fiasco" is merely included not because it applies to me "forced lifer" but for completion.

    I dont honestly expect you to read it, most ppl that talk like this dont
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Phoxe wrote:
    I've heard many voicing concerns that we will not be honoring this sale for anyone who took advantage of it this weekend. This is not the case at all, and anyone who decided to take advantage of the offer will receive what they purchased, as advertised.

    I should hope so too :)

    Look forward to seeing all of the new players ingame.

    Last few collectors editions available for those interested - http://www.atari.com/games/startrek_online_digital_deluxe_ed/download

    Enjoy :)
    Faenwolf wrote: »
    ... or filling page after page with the same redundant beefing about what's wrong with this game and it's marketing and it's "fanboys" and it's developer and... zZzZzZzZzZ

    EDIT: Is there a threadcounter or why do you post so much instead of editing?

    Great_Milenko is a well known troll - the ignore feature is your friend ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Some pretty nice avatars since last night. The guy with the pic of the sale ad is pure win.
    3drage wrote: »
    This reminds me of the old saying "Cut off your nose to spite your face."

    I know some of you may be seeing red right now and not thinking rationally, but here's my perspective.

    If the game does not have a decent-sized playerbase funding for this project will drop significantly. Less add-ons, less content, less bug fixes, eventually going the way of many failed MMOGs that could have stood a chance otherwise.

    And? Are you seriously advocating people continue to pay for this mess and HOPE it gets better? Not my problem they released it in the state it's in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sorry if this was already posted but this thread has increased a hundred pages since i last read through it,

    Anyone who was worried that this issue would not be seen by the outside world can now rest easy knowing we've all been noticed

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Jayrune wrote:
    Sorry if this was already posted but this thread has increased a hundred pages since i last read through it,

    Anyone who was worried that this issue would not be seen by the outside world can now rest easy knowing we've all been noticed


    So appropriate :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Seadgir
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Jayrune wrote:
    Sorry if this was already posted but this thread has increased a hundred pages since i last read through it,

    Anyone who was worried that this issue would not be seen by the outside world can now rest easy knowing we've all been noticed


    Hehehe Nice cartoon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    WHY IM ****ED:

    Note that the "fiasco" is merely included not because it applies to me "forced lifer" but for completion.

    I dont honestly expect you to read it, most ppl that talk like this dont

    Hahaha You finally got the Avatar sorted :) Looks good.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Are you seriously advocating people continue to pay for this mess and HOPE it gets better?

    New servers cost money. New content costs money. Hiring a new marketing person is gonna cost money.

    Not sure what part of that people don't understand. Complain about it being a business and all - but fixing things costs money. Not sure what part of that is so difficult.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I am happy and not going anywhere.:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    CobraA1 wrote: »
    New servers cost money. New content costs money. Hiring a new marketing person is gonna cost money.

    Not sure what part of that people don't understand. Complain about it being a business and all - but fixing things costs money. Not sure what part of that is so difficult.

    They wont need new servers if they continue along this path. Also what have they fixed? Last time I checked they broke more than they fixed. There motto should be "One step forward, Two steps back!"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    CobraA1 wrote: »
    New servers cost money. New content costs money. Hiring a new marketing person is gonna cost money.

    Not sure what part of that people don't understand. Complain about it being a business and all - but fixing things costs money. Not sure what part of that is so difficult.

    No I understand completely. Maybe they should have thought of that before releasing it when they did.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    S Are you seriously advocating people continue to pay for this mess and HOPE it gets better? Not my problem they released it in the state it's in.


    and also, i could give two figs about the game getting cheaper, i expect that, it happens. what ****ed me off about this was the doubling of the time for free trial for the hell of it before the pre-order and release day purchasers 30 days are even up. seriously, what good does that do anyone?
    what are they hoping to achieve?

    if this sways people who havent got on board yet to try it out, is 60 days worth of playtime going to make them decide to sub? after we've had legitimate gripes about people having got to the current top rank within their 30 days and have nothing to do. this is just going to make another batch of game purchase that do not convert to subscriptions.

    i want to enjoy this game, and you know what? i am enjoying playing it for now. but all these other things keep cropping up and leave a sour taste in the mouth. theyve got me for my free month, and as things stand one more, but after that something seriously awesomes going to have to happen to get me to stay.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    All they would need to do is give the launchers some kind of carrot and most would be happy. Some kind of cool in game item (as not in lame) for 60 days of loyalty if you were a pre-order at launch. I'm sure they can come up with something to pacify the loyal launchers...

    Also it would be good to get some reassurance this game isn't going to be gone in a few months and not in trouble already that they have to start having fire sales and/or taking desperate measures.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Also what have they fixed?

    I can get into their servers better, and they've released some patches, and they say they're gonna release more patches.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Jayrune wrote:
    Sorry if this was already posted but this thread has increased a hundred pages since i last read through it,

    Anyone who was worried that this issue would not be seen by the outside world can now rest easy knowing we've all been noticed

    Really like that cartoon... Well played, sir... well played...

    Shame on those Fanboys that enjoy the game, though... How could a brand like "Star Trek" attract such people :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I couldn't read 155 pages of this so I just read samplings from beginning to end. What I gather is that the game price went down by $10 and they're now giving more free time when you join. So of course the people who pre-ordered for extra items and the ability to play OB are now angry.

    I pre-ordered the game just like everyone else, and there was never a doubt the game would get cheaper. Someday it'll be selling for $19.99 on the Walmart discount shelf. Are we going to ask for refunds when that happens?

    We pre-ordered for the items and OB time. I've been reading alot about MMOs lately just because I don't think STO is fun right now, so I do web searches. MMOs are NEVER complete. STO rushed through beta which was a mistake, but look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendetta_Online which was released 6 years ago and is still in beta. Or www.swcombine.com which is a browser-based MMO, it's over 10 years old and still has no combat mechanics.

    Cryptic is still in beta whether it's called beta or not. And if you join during this time you are accepting the fact that nothing is perfect. They sold an incomplete product and we bought it. It's a choice that each one of us made so get over it and move on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    CobraA1 wrote: »
    I can get into their servers better, and they've released some patches, and they say they're gonna release more patches.

    You can get into the servers better cause so many people have left already in disgust. Patches to fix Patches to fix the patch they messed up before, Great!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    DarthDozer wrote:
    YIf you think that 0.44433333333333333333333333333333 cents per day to be distracted from my crappy life, my crappy job, and my crappy wife and kids. Then I just have yet another crappy day in my miserable crappy life. As for me I am done with this thread and have posted my last word.


    Oh man, you have my sympathies. I never knew how sad and miserable you were till now.
    I can fully understand why you need this game more than anyone else here. Look bro, if there
    is anything, anything at all that I can do for you in this time of need, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Remember, you can always talk to God, God loves YOU!


    That last bit was a joke, IF there is a God, your not likely on his love list.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I couldn't read 155 pages of this so I just read samplings from beginning to end. What I gather is that the game price went down by $10 and they're now giving more free time when you join. So of course the people who pre-ordered for extra items and the ability to play OB are now angry.

    I pre-ordered the game just like everyone else, and there was never a doubt the game would get cheaper. Someday it'll be selling for $19.99 on the Walmart discount shelf. Are we going to ask for refunds when that happens?

    We pre-ordered for the items and OB time. I've been reading alot about MMOs lately just because I don't think STO is fun right now, so I do web searches. MMOs are NEVER complete. STO rushed through beta which was a mistake, but look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendetta_Online which was released 6 years ago and is still in beta. Or www.swcombine.com which is a browser-based MMO, it's over 10 years old and still has no combat mechanics.

    Cryptic is still in beta whether it's called beta or not. And if you join during this time you are accepting the fact that nothing is perfect. They sold an incomplete product and we bought it. It's a choice that each one of us made so get over it and move on.

    I suggest you read more as I don't think you have the full jist of what's happened. Also STO is not in BETA its released and BETA is pre-Release.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I couldn't read 155 pages of this so I just read samplings from beginning to end. What I gather is that the game price went down by $10 and they're now giving more free time when you join. So of course the people who pre-ordered for extra items and the ability to play OB are now angry.

    You didn't spend any time to ascertain the real point of this thread, so you make an excuse to share your unrelated opinions and criticize others? Lovely. Well, we can say the same about your post: Too long, didn't read.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I couldn't read 155 pages of this so I just read samplings from beginning to end. What I gather is that the game price went down by $10 and they're now giving more free time when you join. So of course the people who pre-ordered for extra items and the ability to play OB are now angry.

    I pre-ordered the game just like everyone else, and there was never a doubt the game would get cheaper. Someday it'll be selling for $19.99 on the Walmart discount shelf. Are we going to ask for refunds when that happens?

    We pre-ordered for the items and OB time. I've been reading alot about MMOs lately just because I don't think STO is fun right now, so I do web searches. MMOs are NEVER complete. STO rushed through beta which was a mistake, but look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendetta_Online which was released 6 years ago and is still in beta. Or www.swcombine.com which is a browser-based MMO, it's over 10 years old and still has no combat mechanics.

    Cryptic is still in beta whether it's called beta or not. And if you join during this time you are accepting the fact that nothing is perfect. They sold an incomplete product and we bought it. It's a choice that each one of us made so get over it and move on.

    I don't think many people are bothered by the price drop at all. Offering new players an extra 60 days free while expecting the existing playerbase to continue paying full rate is the issue here for most.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can get into the servers better cause so many people have left already in disgust.

    They also added more servers, I hear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    CobraA1 wrote: »
    They also added more servers, I hear.

    And they gonna eat those new servers with potatoes after seeing how they deal with customers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Faenwolf wrote: »
    ... or people filling page after page with the same redundant beefing about how Cryptic/Atari can do no wrong with this game and it's marketing and it's "haters or whiners" and it's developer and... zZzZzZzZzZ

    EDIT: Is there a thread counter or why do you post so much instead of editing? You don't get prices for piling up posts, you know?

    OK now I agree wqith your first post
    because if you edit and reedit, you get buried an it seems like noone reads anything past the curent page.
    Im catching up on the thread.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I pre-ordered the game just like everyone else, and there was never a doubt the game would get cheaper. Someday it'll be selling for $19.99 on the Walmart discount shelf. Are we going to ask for refunds when that happens?

    People keep using questionable cause arguments. It is as I posted in the other thread....

    Let me see if I can simplify this for the naysayers, the bottom line is all the "original" players, not counting the LTS, are looking at paying for another month to get the big patch with a lot of content that should have been in the release and with the offer, the new players are not only getting the patch but getting an additional 60 days free for coming late to the party so to speak.

    If Atari and Cryptic can afford to be so generous and give the service away for free to new people for a couple months, then it should surely be able to give the service away for free to those with a vested interest already (think a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush here). This is especially so given many of the original players have and or are going to quite because they dont think it is worth it to pay for another month to get the patch. This is so given the game was clearly not ready for launch.

    Consequently, if getting and keeping (key word) players is the top priority for Cryptic and Atari it seems reasonable to give all the current users and those that have canceled already at least one free month.

    BTW: if one looked at the promotion from a cost perspective, it is actually a net gain value wise of about $5 for new players. IN other word it is as if Atari paid them to play - food for thought...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I couldn't read 155 pages of this so I just read samplings from beginning to end. What I gather is that the game price went down by $10 and they're now giving more free time when you join. So of course the people who pre-ordered for extra items and the ability to play OB are now angry.

    I pre-ordered the game just like everyone else, and there was never a doubt the game would get cheaper. Someday it'll be selling for $19.99 on the Walmart discount shelf. Are we going to ask for refunds when that happens?

    Cryptic is still in beta whether it's called beta or not. And if you join during this time you are accepting the fact that nothing is perfect. They sold an incomplete product and we bought it. It's a choice that each one of us made so get over it and move on.

    Shall I call you tonight and read it like a bed time story? It is filled with villains, hero's and a love triangle.

    Yes, SOMEDAY but not 21 days after launch! If that is your idea of a someday then please, get your casket today cus you haven't much time left.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    CobraA1 wrote: »
    They also added more servers, I hear.

    They may have. They did say they where but tbh I think the new servers will probably be redundant soon.

    With all the bad press and people about to leave (Free month up) I cant see the game gathering any mass amount of new players in the future, Shame as I really wanted STO to work and unlike most I didn't read or watch hardly anything on the game because I like to make my own judgements. Some of the game footage they put out was just plain misleading. See my Sig/The Truth is out there.
This discussion has been closed.