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Power Hue Disabled!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you want the kind of stupid customization you ar talking about, go into your video properties and change all your gammas. Make everything all messed up and then you will be customized.
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    OK, come one WTF seriously. You give us a game where the character creation is almost perversely detailed, to the point where you can even increase or decrease the womans breast and hip size size even down to how thick you want the persons feet to be.

    Then you give us horribly limited ship modifications, and when there is something fun to add a little character to an individuals ship, whether on purpose or not, you fing disable it. I don't know if you disabled it because everything in cannon was orange, red and blue for the federation and green for the rest of the universe but to be frankly honest i don't give a rats a$$.

    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    If your meaning pvp then it's not a true PVP system because you know what your being hit with. A true PVP system, means you should have NO knowledge of what the other person has to attack you with.

    So... then no game in the world currently does "True" pvp in your eyes... in every other game i've played you can identify the enemies weapons/spell-types by the incoming effects. You can tailor your defence accordingly, it's called observation... a useful skill.

    EvE let you set resistances to specific damage types on shields and hull, and you knew what was coming at you based on the effect.
    WoW is even easier, you're facing a mage who uses frost... guess what, all his spells look Frosty!
    Warhammer is a piece of cake, with less categories of damage type than WoW, and they are all pretty obvious.
    Conan... meh, never played it.

    If you think the true essence of pvp lies in fiddling with the game to disguise your attacks (in a way that has already been confirmed as unintended), i'm guessing your also the kind of player who uses G15's to bypass global cooldowns.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I love all the ppl whinging about cannon and blatantly ignoring all the things in this game that arent cannon, that keep getting mentioned over and over, and get ignored over and over lol
    These pick an choose aruer types are funy as hell
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    QQ, QQ

    i lol'd
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    buddah7118 wrote:
    I love all the ppl whinging about cannon and blatantly ignoring all the things in this game that arent cannon, that keep getting mentioned over and over, and get ignored over and over lol
    These pick an choose aruer types are funy as hell

    So just because there are already some non canon things, we should just keep changing things until the game becomes hello kitty island adventure?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    buddah7118 wrote:
    I love all the ppl whinging about cannon and blatantly ignoring all the things in this game that arent cannon, that keep getting mentioned over and over, and get ignored over and over lol
    These pick an choose aruer types are funy as hell

    You mean the things I've mostly addressed that you seem to have blatantly ignored? ;)

    I've pointed out that many "things" posted by many people, including yourself, either have precedence in Trek and can be justified or are necessary evils for the sake of game mechanics. Only the occasional one is an actual unnecessary canon infraction, and I usually agree that something needs to be done about those also.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    You mean the things I've mostly addressed that you seem to have blatantly ignored? ;)

    I've pointed out that many "things" posted by many people, including yourself, either have precedence in Trek and can be justified or are necessary evils for the sake of game mechanics. Only the occasional one is an actual unnecessary canon infraction, and I usually agree that something needs to be done about those also.

    The thing is I love this game as it is so far, but i really liked the fun changing of weapon colors i thought it was a riot. Taking it out is a little less fun in the over all aspect.

    As to all the things canon or not canon, i don't really care i'm not so heavy into star trek that i know that i can speak or twitter in klingon, or know the guy to the star trek universe inside and out. I'm here for fun because I like the game and i like star trek.

    I posted this thread not in an attempt to ignore all the other non canon things but to get something added that I enjoyed.

    and to answer another question put to me, no i don't think it's true PVP, in any of the sense. I've PVPd in a few different games and not one was ever able to disguise enough of what weapons they were using to make it a shock as to what attacks they were going to use.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    I've pointed out that many "things" posted by many people, including yourself, either have precedence in Trek and can be justified or are necessary evils for the sake of game mechanics.

    Disruptors on fed ships IS in cannon then?
    USS Lollipop (a dev ship) is cannon now?
    Multiple different ships (with different roles) having the same name is cannon too?
    Captains sharing exact same names is cannon too?
    I can keep going if you like...
    and to hello kitty tolly one: no, Im saying they either need to go with cannon or not go with cannon. Not break it qwhen they feel its too infklexible for their own tastes then disable neato things that personalize our ships when it isnt, and claim it was cannon breaking. Thats bullcrap lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why is this even still being discussed?

    Here, I'll sum up the arguements for everyone coming in late:

    For: It's fun and doesn't hurt anyone. This is a game, canon means nothing.

    Against: It was never intended to be in game. It was a bug that got fixed. It's not canon and breaks immersion. And it just plain looks stupid.

    There, no more discussion needed. Stop going around in circles.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I love how any decent argument gets ignored.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pandajuice wrote: »
    Why is this even still being discussed?

    Here, I'll sum up the arguements for everyone coming in late:

    For: It's fun and doesn't hurt anyone. This is a game, canon means nothing.

    Against: It was never intended to be in game. It was a bug that got fixed. It's not canon and breaks immersion. And it just plain looks stupid.

    There, no more discussion needed. Stop going around in circles.
    Nice invald summary.

    Its useful for identified people on your side
    Its a fun customization
    Multiple colors for phasers and disruptors is canon
    Disruptors being on Fed Ships is more un-canon than what color they are
    Ships on opposites sides should not have same colors

    It can be used for PVP weapon Identifcation
    It current canon TNG and after that the colors are as they are
    It was not implemented correctly and would take time to do and there are more pressing priorities
    People will abuse it to make obnoxious colors

    Some Info
    The weapons can be told from each other by the combat text and the color saturation
    The IP licence me dictate what colors the weapons should be
    It was a left over command from CO that was not intended (i.e. it was a bug)

    Did I miss any?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Did I miss any?

    Nope I think you got the most of it. Anyone else have any ideas for this list?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No power hue. No, no, no.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    newarrior wrote: »
    No power hue. No, no, no.
    THe thread for voting is somewhere else.

    I'd however love to hear if you have something useful to add. Why, No?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    buddah7118 wrote:
    Disruptors on fed ships IS in cannon then?

    See... obviously you didn't read my response before... and you might not read this one.
    No, it's not canon and I agreed previously something should be done about this. I think it was in my reply to you that I even elaborated to say the easiest "fix" for this now is to have two phaser variants and two disruptor variants, so Federation uses phasers and Klingons use disruptors but both factions retain access to the varying stats.
    USS Lollipop (a dev ship) is cannon now?

    Ships can be named a lot of things. Some things fit into the "feel" of Trek better than others. This one, not so much, but it's also not a programmed aspect of the game. Ship names are created by users - not by Cryptic as part of the game. It's a bit sad to see this name chosen by a dev, but still.. they're an individual.

    What players name things and what Cryptic names things are two entirely different things.

    If you're suggesting we can only use ship names that we've seen within the IP before... well... if you think that then there's really no point in debating it with you because you clearly have no idea what the subject matter is even about.
    Multiple different ships (with different roles) having the same name is cannon too?

    A minor consistency problem but, again, these aren't names that Cryptic is establishing. The alternative is to introduce naming police or to take away our ability to name our ships. I'd easily classify naming our ships a required mechanic and therefor a necessary evil. Cryptic would never be able to put in enough possible names to provide every ship ever created a unique name.
    Captains sharing exact same names is cannon too?

    See, this is where I start to think that you mean we can only use names that are seen on screen, which is a preposterous concept that has nothing to do with canon. Why couldn't there be multiple people with the same last name? Or even the same full name? I have the same name as my father in real life. Are you saying we couldn't both be captains because our names would be the same?
    I can keep going if you like...

    Please do. These are entertaining.

    And it's spelled "canon". If you're going to debate a thing at least have the decency to know how that thing is spelled. :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    THe thread for voting is somewhere else.

    I'd however love to hear if you have something useful to add. Why, No?

    Cyrptic doesn't allow polls/voting/petitions/etc.

    Personally, I don't like the "clown" uniforms, green and yellow ships, or pink phasers. I'd remove them all, but I understand Cryptic wants a lot of options for customization in this game. I'll take any win I can get.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yay! It's gone. Now my Blue Phasers on my Connie are actually special. Woo hoo!

    If they left the color hue command in it would have invalidated any kind of special weapons we could get, not just the Blue Phasers but maybe other stuff in the future. Stuff that is colored differently, but within reason. Stuff that will be popular on the Exchange, but would not if there was a color hue command.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't see a problem one way or the other. I think it would be funny to see someone get killed with pink phasers...That's why I normally buy pink paint balls so my enemy is covered in pink, I usually have a good laugh and it's embarrassing for my counterparts. Take the colors, keep the colors, doesn't really matter I'm still trying to install the game!! lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    Yay! It's gone. Now my Blue Phasers on my Connie are actually special. Woo hoo!

    If they left the color hue command in it would have invalidated any kind of special weapons we could get, not just the Blue Phasers but maybe other stuff in the future. Stuff that is colored differently, but within reason. Stuff that will be popular on the Exchange, but would not if there was a color hue command.

    Having system created and non-standard color variants would be interesting, and make the colors special. the standard color would be common version and have uncommon and rare types other colors. So people that like the colors could pay the premium for them. This would also allow a specific color to be only one weapon type. So the first time you see that Navy Blue weapon fired at you you may not know what it is, but from then on you would.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    buddah7118 wrote:
    Disruptors on fed ships IS in cannon then?
    USS Lollipop (a dev ship) is cannon now?
    Multiple different ships (with different roles) having the same name is cannon too?
    Captains sharing exact same names is cannon too?
    I can keep going if you like...
    and to hello kitty tolly one: no, Im saying they either need to go with cannon or not go with cannon. Not break it qwhen they feel its too infklexible for their own tastes then disable neato things that personalize our ships when it isnt, and claim it was cannon breaking. Thats bullcrap lol

    well you are right about the first three..the third one could very well be cannon. I mean I share my name with all kinds of people in the world, just google your first and last name and I'm sure you will find the same. Just because you only saw a small percentage of people in the universe doesn't mean that there wasn't at least one other guy named James Kirk.

    now ship names are different, even in the real navy no two active ships are ever named the same. Now there was another ship named enterprise for example, but it was out of service before the current air craft carrier took the name.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    See... obviously you didn't read my response before... and you might not read this one.
    No, it's not canon and I agreed previously something should be done about this. I think it was in my reply to you that I even elaborated to say the easiest "fix" for this now is to have two phaser variants and two disruptor variants, so Federation uses phasers and Klingons use disruptors but both factions retain access to the varying stats.

    Ships can be named a lot of things. Some things fit into the "feel" of Trek better than others. This one, not so much, but it's also not a programmed aspect of the game. Ship names are created by users - not by Cryptic as part of the game. It's a bit sad to see this name chosen by a dev, but still.. they're an individual.

    What players name things and what Cryptic names things are two entirely different things.

    If you're suggesting we can only use ship names that we've seen within the IP before... well... if you think that then there's really no point in debating it with you because you clearly have no idea what the subject matter is even about.

    A minor consistency problem but, again, these aren't names that Cryptic is establishing. The alternative is to introduce naming police or to take away our ability to name our ships. I'd easily classify naming our ships a required mechanic and therefor a necessary evil. Cryptic would never be able to put in enough possible names to provide every ship ever created a unique name.

    See, this is where I start to think that you mean we can only use names that are seen on screen, which is a preposterous concept that has nothing to do with canon. Why couldn't there be multiple people with the same last name? Or even the same full name? I have the same name as my father in real life. Are you saying we couldn't both be captains because our names would be the same?

    Please do. These are entertaining.

    And it's spelled "canon". If you're going to debate a thing at least have the decency to know how that thing is spelled. :rolleyes:

    Good point alert, prepare to be ignored.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cool blue phasers are both cool and canon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First, calm down. There is no point about freaking out, when in fact speaking assertively, yet reasonably would most likely boost your credibility.

    Second, this isn't Champions Online. While pink phasers might be cool for Star Trek Babes Online, it does not fit with the intellectual property of Star Trek.


    Glad the hue power is done. the only thing it was good for was letting pewpew kiddies show off and feel important in some way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    ahhh now a defender's ox has been gored. Can't have that now can we.

    I'd rather see the ability to navigate around inside my own ship. Fly from point A to point B from the comfort of my Captain's chair. I'd rather be able to FIGHT from inside the vessel than to see anything other than Red or white phasers and Green disruptors.

    But that's my personal beef.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    jardail wrote:
    ahhh now a defender's ox has been gored. Can't have that now can we.

    I'd rather see the ability to navigate around inside my own ship. Fly from point A to point B from the comfort of my Captain's chair. I'd rather be able to FIGHT from inside the vessel than to see anything other than Red or white phasers and Green disruptors.

    But that's my personal beef.

    And on the flip, mine is the colored phasers and ship modifications.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    jardail wrote:
    ahhh now a defender's ox has been gored. Can't have that now can we.

    I'd rather see the ability to navigate around inside my own ship. Fly from point A to point B from the comfort of my Captain's chair. I'd rather be able to FIGHT from inside the vessel than to see anything other than Red or white phasers and Green disruptors.

    But that's my personal beef.

    I'm with you on this one, there are far more important things missing from the game. For God's sake add some decent exploration missions for a start. The colour of weapons is a triviality, personally I like my weapons to look how they should from the TV shows and movies.

    We already have everyone running around in costumes like they are from some super-hero comic or film, do we really need multi-coloured disco lights in space too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    cordy38 wrote:
    I'm with you on this one, there are far more important things missing from the game. For God's sake add some decent exploration missions for a start. The colour of weapons is a triviality, personally I like my weapons to look how they should from the TV shows and movies.

    We already have everyone running around in costumes like they are from some super-hero comic or film, do we really need multi-coloured disco lights in space too.
    Interesting I want color change for same reason. Tactically for me Disruptors are better, I would like to fire a more Fed Friendly color. I had mine colored Slightly indigo Blue 235.

    I know I could tell all weapons by other things than color. Disruptors has bright centers, Phasers where solid colors with sparkels. Disruptor cannons were small projectiles, Phaser cannons were large. Photon torpedoes were smaller than Quantum.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    cordy38 wrote:
    there are far more important things missing from the game

    So then why did they take the simple easy one out. It's not like it was causing any issues.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I want pouwerhue back in the game please.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Please support the removal of forum colors to match the in game blandness.

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