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Power Hue Disabled!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I intend to keep this topic going until the devs add it back to the game, so for the people who have to complain go ahead, this is my only complaint with the game so far and I intend to keep going till they add it back in.

    This a game it's suppose to be fun, be damned if it don't fall in with canon.

    It's a one man crusade! You are very much in the minority it seems. Has the game stopped being fun because of the lack of multi-coloured phasers then?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    No, I don't have to get over anything I want what I want and I will push this matter until they reactivate the "bug" because it was FUN, get over that yourself.

    I hope they ban you. being a moron should be against the T&C
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pandajuice wrote: »
    Wow are you selfish. You may not care what is canon and what fits within the universe, but Cryptic does and a majority of the players do too.

    It wasn't pushing that got it removed. It was removed because it was never intended to be in the game in the first place. Please understand that. The developers said it was a bug and artifact left over from the CO engine. I'm not threatening to get you in trouble. I'm warning you that you're breaking the forum rules by continuing to harp on a topic that has been closed and dealt with twice by the GMs.

    Hmm... selfish... please explain how I am any different for those griping about it not being in canon in the first place. In essence they are just as selfish as I am for how hard they've pushed to get it fixed when there are other people who want it.

    I know exactly what it is, and i know exactly where it came from. I'm not arguing it was a bug. What i'm arguing is that it wasn't something that was harmful to the code of the game, or way things were played in game. Infact to be honest I want more color options. Like i said i'd love black torpedoes. It was all personal preference.

    The GM's may have closed other threads because people started bickering and flaming each other and the conversaion was getting no where. I also believe that if you having a valid conversation and not bickering like a pair of children the GMs have no reason to stop this thread.

    But as I said I will push this issue till they reinstate the ability for me to change my weapon color. Even extend the color of the pallet we are allowed to choose from.

    I hope they ban you. being a moron should be against the T&C

    So tell me, how is pushing for something you want being a moron, please explain.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If your enjoyment level hinges on being able to change the color of the pew pew rayguns on a pretend spaceship, why are you even playing games in the first place?

    This sums it up perfectly...

    I don't see anyone whining about not being able to make their starship pink, yellow, purple, or whatever.

    But I guarantee that if there was a command that did it and then it was patched out, we'd have the same people arguing over it, in the "name of customization".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »

    So tell me, how is pushing for something you want being a moron, please explain.

    Because you're an irrational douchebag who wants to pimp his ride in a Star Trek based game.

    Guess what, CBS aren't going to let them **** with canon like that!

    Not only that but you don't have any numbers behind you, you're the only one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    OK, come one WTF seriously. You give us a game where the character creation is almost perversely detailed, to the point where you can even increase or decrease the womans breast and hip size size even down to how thick you want the persons feet to be.

    Then you give us horribly limited ship modifications, and when there is something fun to add a little character to an individuals ship, whether on purpose or not, you fing disable it. I don't know if you disabled it because everything in cannon was orange, red and blue for the federation and green for the rest of the universe but to be frankly honest i don't give a rats a$$.

    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    I think the problem is unlike champions this isn't Cyrptics own original property. They got the license to do this from someone else who had the copy right. And thus are limited to what they can do. If CBS told them that they had to limit the customization of the ships etc to fit as closely as possible to Star Trek Lore then Cyrptic has to do so.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NON ISSUE :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vexiom wrote:
    Wow, that's quite the delusion that you have going on there.

    1) How are you going to "push" exactly? All you can do is keep bumping a single forum thread. As long as you stay in the thread, the forum mods don't care, and the devs won't ever read it. If you spam the forums, your account will be shut down. That isn't exactly what I would call pressure.

    2) There was very little pushing to have it removed. It was reported as a bug, and it got squished because it wasn't supposed to be in the game. That's all.

    3) Whether you care about canon or not is irrelevant. Cryptic is working with a licensed IP, and therefore are not able to do whatever they want regarding the look and feel of the game. So, even if the devs wanted to put it back it, its unlikely that they could. Why do you think it got removed so fast in the first place? Not because of technical issues, that's for sure. Its because it could cause a legal/contractual issue with the holder of the IP.

    1) Your right... I can't sit in the forums, people don't care here except to gripe.

    2) I have played MMOs for around 8 years, i've seen some games with some pretty big bugs that never got removed and affected game play. This did neither, and in my opinion would have made pvp harder and more fulfilling a challenge had they left it in.

    3) Come on lets face one simple fact. You think anyone at paramount really cares that in game we're using pink or purple, over the "issued orange". And just because something wasn't done in the movies don't mean it can't be done in game. If you want a star trek style excuse.

    It's been over 50 years since the last major encounter with the borg. Due to continued technological advancement and the fact captain janeway brought back technology that was 26 years advanced to what we had and that was thanks to an alternative timeline where Admiral Janeway had been stuck in the delta quadrant for much longer. Also thanks to the original reports from Lt. Commander Data and Commander shelby during their contact with the borg cube and her initial assesment of rotating sheild harmonics to keep the borg weaponry from penetrating their shields we also learned that rotation of weapon frequencies could affect the borg in the same manner. There was a slight downside as the rotation of weapon frequency also cause a change in the color spectrum but there were no noticable side effects other than that.

    There is that valid enough??
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MavrykDH wrote: »
    I am going to go ahead and agree with the O.P

    What does it matter if it doesn't fit the I.P? multiple uniforms, the captain always going on away missions, an ensign/lieutenant being given full command of a starship, patterned hulls and customized ships, credits etc etc The list of things that doesn't fit the Star Trek canon is long, very long, but were included in to make the game more enjoyable.

    I personally liked having crimson red phaser, and it meant that I could have two different weapon types without having to worry about the forward weapons being orange and the rear ones being green (which in itself is opposed to canon as far as I am aware.).

    The simple solution would of either of been to disable the custom colours when entering a PvP area or to have it set up that only the player can see it. But alas, they disable it altogether to keep the die hard fans from crying, even though most of the game is opposed to canon.

    The IP holder may care if it doesn't fit the IP. We have no idea what CBS OKed and didn't OK.

    but judging the lack of ship customization to character customization I'm guessing there was a clause to keep the ships as close to the IP as possible.

    As well as keeping the races as close to IP as possible as most customization options are disabled when you pick specific races.

    so if it is in fact a issue of the license holder not wanting pink phasers then no matter how much the OP or anyone else pushes it's not going to happen. If the devs did put it in against the license holder's wishes then well they would lose the license then no STO for us.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    1) Your right... I can't sit in the forums, people don't care here except to gripe.

    2) I have played MMOs for around 8 years, i've seen some games with some pretty big bugs that never got removed and affected game play. This did neither, and in my opinion would have made pvp harder and more fulfilling a challenge had they left it in.

    3) Come on lets face one simple fact. You think anyone at paramount really cares that in game we're using pink or purple, over the "issued orange". And just because something wasn't done in the movies don't mean it can't be done in game. If you want a star trek style excuse.

    It's been over 50 years since the last major encounter with the borg. Due to continued technological advancement and the fact captain janeway brought back technology that was 26 years advanced to what we had and that was thanks to an alternative timeline where Admiral Janeway had been stuck in the delta quadrant for much longer. Also thanks to the original reports from Lt. Commander Data and Commander shelby during their contact with the borg cube and her initial assesment of rotating sheild harmonics to keep the borg weaponry from penetrating their shields we also learned that rotation of weapon frequencies could affect the borg in the same manner. There was a slight downside as the rotation of weapon frequency also cause a change in the color spectrum but there were no noticable side effects other than that.

    There is that valid enough??

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well... one could say: the physics on which the beams are based dont allow the change of colors. but its a GAME. and i for myself had great use for colored beams to help me see in the midst of battle where my weapons are aiming at! especially then, when theres a blob of thirty ship signatures on my screen in a rude mixture of flashing colors, shipnames and chaotic movement...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Because you're an irrational douchebag who wants to pimp his ride in a Star Trek based game.

    Guess what, CBS aren't going to let them **** with canon like that!

    Not only that but you don't have any numbers behind you, you're the only one.

    You really think CBS / Paramount are going to care over this??

    And you can be assured i'm not the only one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    You really think CBS / Paramount are going to care over this??

    And you can be assured i'm not the only one.

    for all we know yes they do care. I mean Lucas is down right anal about anything to do with the Star Wars IP so it wouldn't be to hard to imagine CBS/Paramount is. I know they were when it came to Star Trek the Experience from working there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I know exactly what it is, and i know exactly where it came from. I'm not arguing it was a bug. What i'm arguing is that it wasn't something that was harmful to the code of the game, or way things were played in game. Infact to be honest I want more color options. Like i said i'd love black torpedoes. It was all personal preference.

    See, you're wrong and you won't admit that. It was a bug. Bugs and glitches are unintended mess-ups in the game. It was harmful to the code of the game because it wasn't intended to be in the game in the first place, just like male heads stuck on female bodies weren't intended to be that way. It doesn't harm the code of the game to have a transsexual character every once in a while, but guess what? Cryptic doesn't want it in their game, so they fixed it. Just like the colored weapons.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sabrem wrote: »
    I think the problem is unlike champions this isn't Cyrptics own original property. They got the license to do this from someone else who had the copy right. And thus are limited to what they can do. If CBS told them that they had to limit the customization of the ships etc to fit as closely as possible to Star Trek Lore then Cyrptic has to do so.

    I am sorry, I must have missed the link youprovided to thier contract on what is and isn't allowed. Can you repost the link for it? Huh? You can't? Why not? Ah! you don't have it. Ok so since you don't have it, do us a favor; SHUT UP and color. This goes for everyone else who thinks they know what Cryptic is and isn't allowed to do wiht the IP. If you don't have the contract, shut your mouth on it since you have ZERO basis to speak from.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Who really cares, it's just colour. what I would like them to disable is, cry babies ablility to post on forums. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Who really cares, it's just colour. what I would like them to disable is, cry babies ablility to post on forums. :)

    I'd pay another lifetime subscription for that option to be added as well :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seraan wrote:
    I am sorry, I must have missed the link youprovided to thier contract on what is and isn't allowed. Can you repost the link for it? Huh? You can't? Why not? Ah! you don't have it. Ok so since you don't have it, do us a favor; SHUT UP and color. This goes for everyone else who thinks they know what Cryptic is and isn't allowed to do wiht the IP. If you don't have the contract, shut your mouth on it since you have ZERO basis to speak from.

    I don't but I have experience working in the IP for paramount. Trust me they can be really anal over the IP. So much so that the actors at Star Trek the experience had to watch every episode featuring there race ever made, read a rather long back ground story, and could get fired for breaking character at any time. We also had people get fired for borrowing the uniforms to take personal pictures in.

    and that you said goes for the other side as well, you don't know what Cyrptic can and can't do either, so stop assuming that it's not a IP license issue. Since you have no idea rather it is or not.

    Now it may have nothing to do with CBS at all, I'm just guessing. And to me it seems like a logical guess.

    and before someone says it, I'm not trying to come off as "I worked for them so I know everything"

    I'm just giving a example of how anal CBS can be. So yeah it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they limited what Cyrptic could do with ships.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Hmm... selfish... please explain how I am any different for those griping about it not being in canon in the first place. In essence they are just as selfish as I am for how hard they've pushed to get it fixed when there are other people who want it.

    So tell me, how is pushing for something you want being a moron, please explain.

    Arguing over established canon is like arguing against the sky looking blue or 2+2=4. Asking Trek to be Trek isn't selfish, any more than saying "the sky is blue!" or "2+2=4" is selfish.

    Asking Trek to change just cause you like shiny flashy things is the very definition of selfish.

    Asking something to change when you don't even care about the universe in question, it's mythos or canon, is selfish.

    Asking a 40+ year archetypal world-wide phenomenon to change just cause you want it to is selfish.

    (--this is the part where instead of owning up to that, you hurry up and shift gears into another argument point, which itself will be discredited, then jump to another and another, so on and so forth)

    And pretending not to know why this entire "premise" makes you selfish might make some think you're a "moron."

    Though I know better -- that many on your side of the debate are intentionally playing "dumb" so as to ignore issues that destroy your selfish and/or baseless arguments.

    Now I'm off to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.
    Go figure.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    and this is why I am against it... Black torpedoes with a black background ..... combine with black beams and cannon shots .... from a stealth capable vessel.....

    Am I the only one who sees how exploitable this is ?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pandajuice wrote: »
    See, you're wrong and you won't admit that. It was a bug. Bugs and glitches are unintended mess-ups in the game. It was harmful to the code of the game because it wasn't intended to be in the game in the first place, just like male heads stuck on female bodies weren't intended to be that way. It doesn't harm the code of the game to have a transsexual character every once in a while, but guess what? Cryptic doesn't want it in their game, so they fixed it. Just like the colored weapons.

    Bugs and glitches are unintended i'll grant you that, but just because it was there does not mean it was actually harmful in anyway shape or form, and it was there from a source where it's working and in use, so really it's not a bug, just an extra piece of code that could have been left in. And it also added to the game in my opinion.

    I have done my share of programing and as i've said before played games that were really buggy where the bugs actually affected the game and the game playability, this did neither, so removing it was not about affecting the game.

    And as to CBS/Paramount and their IP, I'd like to hear from cryptic if this was the actual reason. I'd like to know the official reason.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sabrem wrote: »
    I don't but I have experience working in the IP for paramount. Trust me they can be really anal over the IP. So much so that the actors at Star Trek the experience had to watch every episode featuring there race ever made, read a rather long back ground story, and could get fired for breaking character at any time. We also had people get fired for borrowing the uniforms to take personal pictures in.

    and that you said goes for the other side as well, you don't know what Cyrptic can and can't do either, so stop assuming that it's not a IP license issue. Since you have no idea rather it is or not.

    Now it may have nothing to do with CBS at all, I'm just guessing. And to me it seems like a logical guess.

    Same here! I worked for Paramount IP as well! How small of world. I really enjoyed the lunches there a lot. Wait, no never, worked there. I personally don't care whether you worked there or not. I am not trying to be an antagonist, but people coming in threads and posting that they worked for PM, CBS, whatever and know who the contract is, doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Unless you have the contract, and not even then thanks to the lawyers, it means very little. All we know from Cryptic is they pulled it our since they say it was a copy over from CO and it was not supposed to be there, regardless of what our own views on that command are. So since that is the ONLY official response from them, it was a bug and they fixed that bug, again I am not saying that decision is right or wrong.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Second the game involves a great deal of customization, that should relate back the the modification of your ship as well. And brutally honest I don't care a bit about intellectual property.

    This is my line of thought as well. In game I can mate bits of a Miranda, Centaur and Ushraan together in order to make something new and decidedly uncannon. In fact I did that with my escort and cruiser as well, just because I could and fiddling is nice.

    Tweaking the visible light my phasers/disruptors throw out is a logical extension to this. There is even a cannon reasoning for it: "We've changed the frequency". TNG, Best of Both Worlds Pt1, the Ent-D shoots a rainbow (if you go frame by frame). Thus whilst a left over from Champions leaving /powerhue in the game is inline with the Trek cannon.

    Not that it matters. PvPers complained they couldn't have easy mode. And I'm sure CBS want Phasers orange and Disrupters green.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Gadareth wrote: »
    and this is why I am against it... Black torpedoes with a black background ..... combine with black beams and cannon shots .... from a stealth capable vessel.....

    Am I the only one who sees how exploitable this is ?

    No you are not.

    The powerhue command only allow changing the hue of the device, you could not darken it or even make it greyer.

    While would have liked the powerhue command to remain, it was decided to remove it. Whether or not the color change will return as a UI option, is unknown. The command itself should not have been there. It was fun while it lasted. I personally finding the all disruptor green battles boring, can't tell who is shooting at who.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    It was a BUG!!! Disruptors are Green, Phasers are yellow/orange Poloron is purpleish. changing the colors was taking advantage of a bug.

    They fixed the bug, get over it!!

    Exploiting the bug to make your phasers look like disruptors or whatever should be illegal and get you banned for exploiting a bug.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seraan wrote:
    Same here! I worked for Paramount IP as well! How small of world. I really enjoyed the lunches there a lot. Wait, no never, worked there. I personally don't care whether you worked there or not. I am not trying to be an antagonist, but people coming in threads and posting that they worked for PM, CBS, whatever and know who the contract is, doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Unless you have the contract, and not even then thanks to the lawyers, it means very little. All we know from Cryptic is they pulled it our since they say it was a copy over from CO and it was not supposed to be there, regardless of what our own views on that command are. So since that is the ONLY official response from them, it was a bug and they fixed that bug, again I am not saying that decision is right or wrong.

    Right and as I said in my edit I was just giving a example of how Anal CBS can be over the IP not trying to come off as I knew what the deal between paramount and cryptic was. But knowing how anal CBS can be it wouldn't surprise me one bit that the "bug" that is a option in Champions from what I understand, was only a bug because it went against CBS/Paramount wishes. Otherwise why would they offer it in one of their games and not the other?

    again I could be totally wrong, I'm just putting it out there as a possibility. We may never know for sure though, but if that is the reason all the pushing in the world will do nothing.

    as for me, I don't care one way or the other, I never used it but I didn't mind seeing others use it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    While would have liked the powerhue command to remain, it was decided to remove it. Whether or not the color change will return as a UI option, is unknown. The command itself should not have been there. It was fun while it lasted. I personally finding the all disruptor green battles boring, can't tell who is shooting at who.

    FC: Follow the Yellow.
    Fleet: PEW PEW PEW PEW.

    As it stands now:

    FC: I'm kinda shooting at the fourth cube from the left at my 6 o'clock position.
    Fleet: WTF? *randomly starts firing*

    Being able to pickle a target is handy.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It wasn't disabled. It was A BUG and they fixed it. This was never designed for this game. It was old code leftover from champions online.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArykGrev wrote: »
    1)Arguing over established canon is like arguing against the sky looking blue or 2+2=4. Asking Trek to be Trek isn't selfish, any more than saying "the sky is blue!" or "2+2=4" is selfish.

    2)Asking Trek to change just cause you like shiny flashy things is the very definition of selfish.

    3)Asking something to change when you don't even care about the universe in question, it's mythos or canon, is selfish.

    4)Asking a 40+ year archetypal world-wide phenomenon to change just cause you want it to is selfish.

    (--this is the part where instead of owning up to that, you hurry up and shift gears into another argument point, which itself will be discredited, then jump to another and another, so on and so forth)

    5)And pretending not to know why this entire "premise" makes you selfish might make some think you're a "moron."

    6)Though I know better -- that many on your side of the debate are intentionally playing "dumb" so as to ignore issues that destroy your selfish and/or baseless arguments.

    Now I'm off to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.
    Go figure.


    1)established, yes but just because something has worked for 40 years does not mean there isn't a new and better way to do it.

    2) Then I am selfish as is everyone who wants something changed to their way of thinking, but that human nature.

    3) I very much care about the universe and the mythos but i also don't see how changing a color of a weapon changes the mythos in even the slightest. Thought i will grant i'm not the giggest trekkie here but i am still into it. I just would like to see minor things.

    4) again what your missing about star trek is that it's ABOUT CHANGE, it's about growing and expanding. As Q said to picard in the last minutes of "All good things" True exploration isn't about stars and nebula, it's about charting the true possibilities of existence. The very fact that star trek is 40 years old and that people are trying to keep it from growing and changing by rigidly sticking to canon negates what star trek is about in the first place.

    5&6 ) I understand everything thats been said here, and i understand the premise of things, but yess maybe i'm being a little selfish in wanting something that just makes things a little more fun.

    I wouldn't say my arguments are baseless as this is just a game and the basis is the simple fact i enjoyed something in game and it was pointlessly removed, and i'd like to see it returned.

    Part of my plan is to keep this thread at the top of the list on the first page as long as I can. Maybe I am being selfish but so is everyone else.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Beaker2009 wrote: »
    It was a BUG!!! Disruptors are Green, Phasers are yellow/orange Poloron is purpleish. changing the colors was taking advantage of a bug.

    They fixed the bug, get over it!!

    Exploiting the bug to make your phasers look like disruptors or whatever should be illegal and get you banned for exploiting a bug.

    Illegal is such a strong word.

    You talk like an EVE player, so let me put this to you like this. It's a cold hard universe out there and I'll take whatever advantage I can get. So would you and if you wouldn't, didn't or couldn't then your a moron and should GB2WOW.

    Right done.
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