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Power Hue Disabled!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    OK, come one WTF seriously. You give us a game where the character creation is almost perversely detailed, to the point where you can even increase or decrease the womans breast and hip size size even down to how thick you want the persons feet to be.

    Then you give us horribly limited ship modifications, and when there is something fun to add a little character to an individuals ship, whether on purpose or not, you fing disable it. I don't know if you disabled it because everything in cannon was orange, red and blue for the federation and green for the rest of the universe but to be frankly honest i don't give a rats a$$.

    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    Funny when the threads popped up of people complaining about the feature in the game, no one bothered to add their side into the mix in support of it. Then of course it goes away and now the supporters are annoyed.

    Problem is... QQing sometimes catches the ears of the right people. Enough peopled b*tched, moaned, and complained about this and of course, it went away. I can't say I liked the purple or pink weapons... but I did like having my blue phasers. ****es me off it went away... but there just weren't enough people telling the QQ'ers to get lost. I have yet to see a logical explanation as to why it shouldn't be allowed in game. My last post on this subject:
    I'm for the powerhue option too. I only use a light blue (similar to the Gamestop pre-order ship color). The complaint that, "In PvP you don't know what weapon they're firing at you" is ridiculous. Be prepared for everything and you wont need to be concerned what color a weapon is.

    As for the "it's not canon" complaint. This game went outside of the realm of canon when it considered Nero in the timeline. We've gone so far out of timeline since the creation of this that something as absurd as colors of weapons should not be an issue.

    Want to take out pink and purple? Fine. But everything from blue to green, to yellow to orange needs to stay.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny when the threads popped up of people complaining about the feature in the game, no one bothered to add their side into the mix in support of it. Then of course it goes away and now the supporters are annoyed.

    Problem is... QQing sometimes catches the ears of the right people. Enough peopled b*tched, moaned, and complained about this and of course, it went away. I can't say I liked the purple or pink weapons... but I did like having my blue phasers. ****es me off it went away... but there just weren't enough people telling the QQ'ers to get lost. I have yet to see a logical explanation as to why it shouldn't be allowed in game. My last post on this subject:

    I was saying it should be kept when people were complaining.

    The only close to logical i've heard was for PVP. but as if you know what someone is shooting you with and how to defend against it isn't what I call true PVP then to me it's not really a logical argument.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Questarian wrote: »
    I don't believe the "it doesn't fit the IP" argument holds much water when you've got mix-and-match uniforms and ships. the game is Trek themed, not a monument to canon.

    I'll follow up my post with a comment to this: here is what I am to believe a number of people currently think:

    Either a new ship warps into to help or I note some Fed ship needing help so I stop (that is an open fleet action).

    I look at who is there, I notice a captain of the name "YoMomma" and I think "Wow, that person must be from a planet that language is similar to ours but has a different meaning - interesting.

    Next I notice his ship, it is an amalgam of three or more type. Wow says I, he/she must be good since Starfleet had thier engineers couple together that many different plans just so he can fly around in such a thing. He must be good. I wonder what his ship name is? USS BiteMe? Hehe, someone at starfleet must have had a sense of humor that day I say.

    Ok, time to engage the enemy - pink phasers, PINK PHASERS!!!!!!!! OMG, *Totally* blew my immersion in Star Trek. I could see Captain YoMomma of the USS BiteMe that is an amalgam of 4 different ships (wonder what the cost for QA was there?), heck had he just found some Klingon stuff floating in space and retro fitted it into his ship I would be OK - but pink phasers? Man that is too much. I'm quitting this game.

    Yea, I do agree there is cannon to be followed and I do agree it is important - I've made that argument against full 360 Eve type inertia based space flight. I will also say we all draw the lines differently - but this? Really, this? Of all the non-cannon things we can do it is VERY low on the scale. OK, I'll somewhat buy this is the proverbial straw that broke the camels back - but why not then fight over something that isn't a straw when this makes so many happy?

    We see so many tertiary things that are not only just not in ST cannon but are anathema to it that something that was always just a budget thing and fungable by the TV crews as truly "lore breaking" - I can't see it. Then we note the forum desire to truly break cannon in major ways and I see it even less (and not just a few that want to kill this yet bring in truly lore breaking gameplay).

    Personally I think that a certain amount of vocal people on the forums just want to tell others what they can and can not do. It really doesn't matter what the case is - colored beams are popular and the current space model is amongst the silent populace so Rail Rail Rail against the man! Yea, there are some that anything against pure cannon is opposed and I'll respect that, if you are one of those then you *aren't* part of this observation. However I just have to note that the overlap of people who think that pink phasers is totally lore breaking are perfectly happy with nothing along the lines of a galactic plane that ships orient too.

    Personally I would like to either have full customization or pure cannon choices - not some strange in between choices we end up with so often in games as devs try and appease different groups (and tend to just tick them all off).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    strcpy wrote: »

    Personally I would like to either have full customization or pure cannon choices - not some strange in between choices we end up with so often in games as devs try and appease different groups (and tend to just tick them all off).

    I think that is deffinetly something to agree with. personally though i'm all for customization, with no limitation. If i could put 6 nacels on my ship that emit purple light instead of blue i'd enjoy that, just cause i could do it, and black quantum torpedoes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The people that argue that different colored weapons would hide what kind of weapons are being used ignore that a great deal about PVP is unknown to an opponent.

    Sure the player has disruptors, but are they rare collects? What type are they? What kind of armor is that Feddie wearing under her uniform? What edge will that armor give her? What kits do they have? Same thing with the BOs. You really don't know much of ANYTHING about your opponent until they actually use the stuff on you. So really how much more difficult will different colored beams make things if so much is unknown already?

    As for the individuals that argue that the beams cannot be different colors because canon doesn't allow it, are you next going to demand that the emotes be taken out because a Klingon would never do jumping jacks after a fight? Or what about dozens of Klingons in Starfleet after even Worf turned his back on the Federation? Can't have that can we? Don't think that people HAVE to play by your rules or EVERY rule from the show. Go join a role playing fleet and try your best to emulate the series universe. Besides, I for one liked to use the color change to give my TOS Constitution class light blue phasers. Now that IS canon isn't it?

    Lets get all the major bugs worked out first, but later on we should again approach Cryptic about adding this back in. The game has only been out of Beta for like a week, if anybody thinks this is the final product, I would direct you to the differences between the original SWG and the same game a year later.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    THANK YOU, CRYPTIC! No more pink phasers, weapons can actually stay the correct color.

    Fanboys rejoice!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Problem is... QQing sometimes catches the ears of the right people. Enough peopled b*tched, moaned, and complained about this and of course, it went away. I can't say I liked the purple or pink weapons... but I did like having my blue phasers. ****es me off it went away... but there just weren't enough people telling the QQ'ers to get lost. I have yet to see a logical explanation as to why it shouldn't be allowed in game. My last post on this subject:

    You really need to get your facts straight.
    The devs said almost immediately that it was a bug and would be removed.

    The worst QQ'ing started after that, by those who wanted it kept. And it actually being removed just added some fuel to it. Those who didn't want it had had no reason to be the first to QQ- they were already going to get their way.

    I think you need to rewind yourself and realize who started the QQing. You're accusing the wrong folks. But of course... it's easy to accuse those who don't agree with you of being the first to start, huh? :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BorgEmpire wrote:
    would be nice to enable color changes to your weapons "locally" so only you see the colors and not the other players around you.

    This at least helps you be able to tell who's weapon is being fired.

    I am all against the color mess but this i could agreed with.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the removal of the command was really unnecessary and honestly very agitating. I had so much fun customizing my appearance along with what color of beams i used. seeing the same old freakin phaser colors over and over again just gets so damn boring. orange and green everywhere. I couldn't tell who was being attacked and who was doing the attacking.

    I found I could adjust my weapon color and that little thing made everything so much more fun. such a small thing. I tried blue, red, purple, and yes, pink. for some strange reason i have yet to understand myself, i grew attached to the pink phasers. not out of spite toward my fellow player, but because I genuinely liked the color. I especially liked the pink explosion my ship made when i got overwhelmed by a swarm of Klingons. But overnight Cryptic had to go and ruin this fun for me. all thanks to a bunch of dogmatic, and fanatical fanboys.

    What Cryptic should have done was make the appearance toggle-able. i change my phaser color and everybody would see it except for those that turned this feature off. or simply disable the custom colors in PvP zones. everybody is happy.

    the fact people are making such a big deal of this is outrageous, Why aren't you guys raving about the level of ship customization? or the fact you can play a ferengi; a race who is not even part of the federation... or the fact we are all going to end up being admirals...yet still assigned to front line star ships in the middle of all out war. You guys need to get your priorities straightened out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RedSunBird wrote: »
    Fighting someone higher level than me or more experienced than me is different than fighting someone who is using what is, in essence, a cheat.

    Quite honestly, if you don't care about canon, you probably need to play a game with an original IP, and most defanently not based on a franchise as beloved and obsessed over as Star Trek.

    ...again cause the ship and captain naming not being unique is so cannon
    pick and choose what you want to point out much?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hmmm a black phazer would go nicely with my black ship....ahwell :'(.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I for one am glad to see them go. All the pink phasers were hurting my eyes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We don't have K7, there are still issues with some quests, and there are plenty of other problems that actually effect the playability of STO. This seems like an issue that can wait. Hardcore Trekkies are always going to complain about anythig that isn't just right, and the trek universe has been around for 40 years because of them. Of course they have some "pull" with the devs.

    For right now the devs are spread too thin to come up with complicated solutions to minor issues like this. So they just wiped the option. Hopefully later, when everything is smoothed out, they'll add it with options so that one person can see my pink torpedo while another person can choose to see only the default colors. Until they have the time for that programming it'll just be shut off.

    Others have mentioned this, but I also wnt to add for the OP, it's very hard to take a person seriously whe their post consists of "fing this and freak that." switch to decaf and move on.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Only a week live and a nice feature nerved because of pvp, that's one of the reason i hate pvp.
    because something/something is overpowered in PVP it gets nerved in PVE.

    Ever seen a ship engine/shield array in the series/movies ? it should take some min to change shield or other ship equipment.
    so there is no validate point in crying I want see the colour of the pew pew so I can change shields, that way i wanne see the color of the shield so i can switch pew pew
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    OK, come one WTF seriously. You give us a game where the character creation is almost perversely detailed, to the point where you can even increase or decrease the womans breast and hip size size even down to how thick you want the persons feet to be.

    Then you give us horribly limited ship modifications, and when there is something fun to add a little character to an individuals ship, whether on purpose or not, you fing disable it. I don't know if you disabled it because everything in cannon was orange, red and blue for the federation and green for the rest of the universe but to be frankly honest i don't give a rats a$$.

    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    The weapons have colours for a reason.

    When I stack up resists and buffs its helpful to SEE what weapons are being tossed around so my team can coordinate who to attack who.

    QQ for pink phasers much?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    LOL To be honest this isn't freaking out, not even close. My credibility goes with my point not my verbal conjecture.

    Second the game involves a great deal of customization, that should relate back the the modification of your ship as well. And brutally honest I don't care a bit about intellectual property.

    Then I guess it boils down to what would make the majority happy.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    and so on, and so forth....

    And your thread is special, new, interesting because....?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The fact of the matter is the color of your weapon is a part of the weapon. I can't make my axe look like a sword in WoW just because I think swords are cooler.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    TRIBBLE: I showed ikumi your video
    TRIBBLE: (8:29:06 PM) Ikumi: why would i play sto if i can't fire unicorn and rainbow beams
    Lotti: lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Twente wrote:
    Only a week live and a nice feature nerved because of pvp, that's one of the reason i hate pvp.
    because something/something is overpowered in PVP it gets nerved in PVE.

    Ever seen a ship engine/shield array in the series/movies ? it should take some min to change shield or other ship equipment.
    so there is no validate point in crying I want see the colour of the pew pew so I can change shields, that way i wanne see the color of the shield so i can switch pew pew

    It's STAR TREK! It's the IP that doesn't allow it! Get it in your heads you cry babies.

    It's not some random Cryptic self made up IP Space game. It's Star Trek! And they are bound to the IP!

    Just like Turbine is bound to the IP of LOTR with their game.

    For every change that is different from the IP, Cryptic will need to ask permission from the IP owner.

    Pink Pew Pew lasers don't fit in STAR TREK! So get over it!

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm all for people customizing their ship as they see fit. That ability is one of the things that makes Cryptic stand out. That being said I do agree with them removing the bug. You have to look at it from a programmers perspective. A minor bug / hack today will lead to major problems down the road. I know when I write a program if I find even a simple problem, I fix it. Sometimes it takes days or even weeks but I get it done.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Jeronas wrote:
    It's STAR TREK! It's the IP that doesn't allow it! Get it in your heads you cry babies.

    It's not some random Cryptic self made up IP Space game. It's Star Trek! And they are bound to the IP!

    Just like Turbine is bound to the IP of LOTR with their game.

    For every change that is different from the IP, Cryptic will need to ask permission from the IP owner.

    Pink Pew Pew lasers don't fit in STAR TREK! So get over it!


    No, I don't have to get over anything I want what I want and I will push this matter until they reactivate the "bug" because it was FUN, get over that yourself.

    Trilane wrote: »
    I'm all for people customizing their ship as they see fit. That ability is one of the things that makes Cryptic stand out. That being said I do agree with them removing the bug. You have to look at it from a programmers perspective. A minor bug / hack today will lead to major problems down the road. I know when I write a program if I find even a simple problem, I fix it. Sometimes it takes days or even weeks but I get it done.

    I am a computer programmer, and i see no issue with having it in the game, granted i don't know the code for the game but i don't believe a color control will affect the game in any serious manner.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I intend to keep this topic going until the devs add it back to the game, so for the people who have to complain go ahead, this is my only complaint with the game so far and I intend to keep going till they add it back in.

    This a game it's suppose to be fun, be damned if it don't fall in with canon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I intend to keep this topic going until the devs add it back to the game, so for the people who have to complain go ahead, this is my only complaint with the game so far and I intend to keep going till they add it back in.

    This a game it's suppose to be fun, be damned if it don't fall in with canon.

    Yeah see, that's not really how a game based on an established brand works. We play Star Trek Online to play within the Star Trek universe and among its canon. This isn't just another generic space based MMO.

    Also, this issue has been squashed twice now by GMs in other threads and they've definitively answered the question; the colored weapons were a bug and will not be added back into the game at this time, nor anytime in the near future. So if you carry on bumping this thread that's just like all of the others that were locked, I'll report your posts as spam and hopefully you'll be disciplined.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pandajuice wrote: »
    Yeah see, that's not really how a game based on an established brand works. We play Star Trek Online to play within the Star Trek universe and among its canon. This isn't just another generic space based MMO.

    Also, this issue has been squashed twice now by GMs in other threads and they've definitively answered the question; the colored weapons were a bug and will not be added back into the game at this time, nor anytime in the near future. So if you carry on bumping this thread that's just like all of the others that were locked, I'll report your posts as spam and hopefully you'll be disciplined.

    You see, as i've pointed out, i don't really care about what is or is not suppose to be in "canon" or by a branded name. The glitch was fun, and i personally don't care who is upset by it. It is a game lets enjoy it, in any way that is possible.

    As to your threat of reporting me as spam you go right ahead, I will chat with the controllers and and then i will push the issue to the devs from there as well. I have no intentions of letting this go for a bunch of people who don't like it. If you don't want to change the colors don't. But i do.

    I will push until i have my way just the same as all of you who pushed to get it removed, i'll push to get it back in. threatening to get me in trouble does little but spurn me to push harder. And trust me I'm as fanatical for what I want as the people who whine about all the little issues that aren't canon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is not "Pimp My Ride: Alpha Quadrant" so get bent. nobody wants to see your hot pink phaser beams. they make you look like a douchebag
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    You see, as i've pointed out, i don't really care about what is or is not suppose to be in "canon" or by a branded name. The glitch was fun, and i personally don't care who is upset by it. It is a game lets enjoy it, in any way that is possible.

    As to your threat of reporting me as spam you go right ahead, I will chat with the controllers and and then i will push the issue to the devs from there as well. I have no intentions of letting this go for a bunch of people who don't like it. If you don't want to change the colors don't. But i do.

    I will push until i have my way just the same as all of you who pushed to get it removed, i'll push to get it back in. threatening to get me in trouble does little but spurn me to push harder. And trust me I'm as fanatical for what I want as the people who whine about all the little issues that aren't canon.

    Wow are you selfish. You may not care what is canon and what fits within the universe, but Cryptic does and a majority of the players do too.

    It wasn't pushing that got it removed. It was removed because it was never intended to be in the game in the first place. Please understand that. The developers said it was a bug and artifact left over from the CO engine. I'm not threatening to get you in trouble. I'm warning you that you're breaking the forum rules by continuing to harp on a topic that has been closed and dealt with twice by the GMs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I intend to keep this topic going until the devs add it back to the game, so for the people who have to complain go ahead, this is my only complaint with the game so far and I intend to keep going till they add it back in.

    This a game it's suppose to be fun, be damned if it don't fall in with canon.

    The term "tilting at windmills" comes to mind. My money says that you don't even last a week.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vexiom wrote:
    The term "tilting at windmills" comes to mind. My money says that you don't even last a week.

    Then you've lost your money because i paid for a life time account, and i have no intention of giving it up.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    You see, as i've pointed out, i don't really care about what is or is not suppose to be in "canon" or by a branded name. The glitch was fun, and i personally don't care who is upset by it. It is a game lets enjoy it, in any way that is possible.

    As to your threat of reporting me as spam you go right ahead, I will chat with the controllers and and then i will push the issue to the devs from there as well. I have no intentions of letting this go for a bunch of people who don't like it. If you don't want to change the colors don't. But i do.

    I will push until i have my way just the same as all of you who pushed to get it removed, i'll push to get it back in. threatening to get me in trouble does little but spurn me to push harder. And trust me I'm as fanatical for what I want as the people who whine about all the little issues that aren't canon.

    Wow, that's quite the delusion that you have going on there.

    1) How are you going to "push" exactly? All you can do is keep bumping a single forum thread. As long as you stay in the thread, the forum mods don't care, and the devs won't ever read it. If you spam the forums, your account will be shut down. That isn't exactly what I would call pressure.

    2) There was very little pushing to have it removed. It was reported as a bug, and it got squished because it wasn't supposed to be in the game. That's all.

    3) Whether you care about canon or not is irrelevant. Cryptic is working with a licensed IP, and therefore are not able to do whatever they want regarding the look and feel of the game. So, even if the devs wanted to put it back it, its unlikely that they could. Why do you think it got removed so fast in the first place? Not because of technical issues, that's for sure. Its because it could cause a legal/contractual issue with the holder of the IP.
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