It's been a month since I contributed here, okay, here it goes.
Short Term: Terran Empire and Mercenary uniforms available to the KDF, Orion outfits available to KDF females of any stripe and a hot Vulcan officer in the KDF available via the DOFF system.
Medium Term: Playable Romulan, Cardassian and Ferengi "mercenaries" in race specific ships.
Long Term: A Romulan faction with a full assortment of Romulan Ships, associate races and outfits.
Short Term:
1. Bug fixes and NPC/BO routing in Cardassian related areas. My new Adm has had more trouble here than my VAdm which was around not long after Beta.
2. Better explanation of skill stats and what they actually do. It's established that skills are modified by 100 if you max a skill, but it isn't clear if there's a cap or if it's +100%, this has led to the 7/7/9 rule of thumb, but a clear answer would help us decide if we spread the points thin or opt to max them out entirely.
3. Rebalance of Subnucleonic Beam.
1. More Engineering Ensign and Lt. Powers. Emergency Power to X is only useful for specific things at specific times. Not once have I needed anything but Emergency Power to Shields I/II for my Cruiser and when Miracle Worker and Emergency Power to Shields III is available, the only other Ensign power you need is Engineering Team I/II. The Excelsior kind of suffers with the Ensign Engineer sitting with nothing to do.
2. Ship interior uses. Yes ships should have a few customizable parts, but what about tailors, common weapon requisitions, firing ranges for competitions/testing, or missions that function like puzzles from the Featured Episodes that require particular use of the Labs or Engineering compartments? There are tons of ideas here for an underused part of the game--not necessarily combat oriented either.
3. Better exploration mission variety, feels like the basic mission patters for the Sector Patrols get simplified versions for the clusters.
1. Romulan and Cardassian/Dominion (True Way) factions. These two do need to be in game eventually, well done, not under provided for as the Klingons were at launch. Since we know that eventually the map will likely be made a big zone, it makes sense to increase the reach of the Klingon Empire and change the reach for the Federation to give "breathing room" for each faction. A possible addition would be Neutral Zone allotment for the powers where crossing is either not permissible except on a possible PvP server, diplomatic immunity (FDC) non-attackable, or mission related, with the exception of warring factions. As it stands on the Galactic Map, the Federation have free run of the major power's sectors without incident with the exception of the central block for the Klingon Empire. The respective powers also have fewer blocks or sectors, making room for less content--example is the Klingons who until recently could not get far and now for what purposes?
2. Empire reaction and accountability. Sort of a reputation system. Over the course of the game you meet and react to different cultures and they seem to think your the only captain doing anything of importance, so why should they not treat you differently based on actions taken in previous missions or against mutual enemies. Romulans in general seem to have this dyslexic attitude to the Captains. If I choose to do something, say through a particular Feature Episode, would my decision affect further non-episodic content? Or should I expect them to forget that I did anything? FDC should also count towards Fed Characters and PvP accrued Marks for KDF. Admittedly this may be over-reaching or difficult, but would be very cool to have in a Captain-centric universe.
3. Ship tier re-adjustment, slow down on ship creation, or make one heck of an overhaul. Effectively the system is heavily lopsided towards R.Adm and Vice Adm, with no signs of slowing down with Fleet Adm. What is going to happen to all of our ships that are Tier 5? Surely no Tier 6 ships can be coming b/c what happens to the C-Store rewards and selected ships if they are made less useful? The Odyssey Class may throw in a wrench and it has some people wondering.
There is a lot of feedback on this forum, but I am sure that the developers have a hard time sorting it all out and getting a sense of what are the small things they can knock out really quick, and what larger things they should focus on first.
So let's make it easy for them.
Please list your top three requests for the devs in each of the following categories:
Short-term requests
These are small things that seem like they could maybe be done within a patch or two.
Fixing a graphics glitch on a starship model
Adding additional NPC vendors to starbases
Tweaking something in the way the fleet interface works
Mid-term requests
These are things which realistically would take a couple of months for the devs to do, given dev time, testing, balancing, and so on.
Adding more fleet actions past the crystalline entity
Strengthening the death penalty/difficulty
Overhauling Memory Alpha
Long-term requests
These are "direction of the game" kind of things. Stuff that you want them to do over the next year or two of the game's development.
More choices in how to complete content - ie, maybe missions with a diplomatic rather than a pure combat solution depending on choices you make during the mission.
More stuff for fleets - fleet-owned starbases, "raid" interfaces that allow fleets to do fleet actions together, etc.
More playable factions (romulans, cardassians, etc)
Disclaimer: All of the examples above are just that, examples. They're not meant for you to agree or disagree with, just to give an idea of what type of requests might fall into each category.
Please try to keep your posts short and to the point so that it's easy for the devs to make lists out of them and check things off as they go. Please don't respond to other posters, instead just post what your top three in each category are. If you want to discuss someone's suggestion, do it in another thread. This way, the developers will be able to easily identify what the top requests are from players, and have less chance of losing anyone's feedback in the noise.
Edit: 2-9-10:
I want to thank everyone who's taken the time to post their top requests so far. This is something that will hopefully be very helpful to the developers, and should make it a lot easier for them to see all of our requests.
Just to reiterate - when you post, please try to stick to the short/medium/long-term format as much as you can, and try to keep things short and to the point. Feedback like this works best when they can boil it down to a list of bullet points, and then use that in their internal planning discussions.
Edit: 2-14-10:
Wow! 600 replies! And most of them really good ones too. This is great feedback, thank you everyone. Hopefully the devs are reviewing periodically and keeping notes Like all of you, I'd like to see some communication or a summary from them of what their priorities look like in light of all this feedback.... but keep posting it anyway! I am sure they are reading it!
Also... I got some pretty funny PMs today. I'm a little flattered, but I don't work for Cryptic! I'm just a player like all of you are. Really! That said, I will do my best to help anyone out who asks me a question or something... but I can't really do anything to make the servers come up faster when they crash or anything like that. So um... anyway I just wanted to make sure everyone realizes that.
Edit: 2-15-10
Just so that everyone realizes, Cryptic definitely IS reading this thread
Short Term: Get rid of the Fleet action ques, bad idea from the get go.
Stop worrying about the graphics of this game so much, it's gorgeous as it is if you have the video card and puter to run it.
Address the bugs it has before any other major patches or updates, as S4 has a ton of them.
Mid Term: Content, Content, Content, missions, daylies, STF, etc. Vet players are getting very bored. Nough said.
Long Term. New non combat ways of dealing with enemies, why be a diplomat if you're just going to blow them up anyway.
New ships and more ways to make a ship your own instead of looking like everyone elses, personal gear, as well as things to craft.
Allow different factions to work together if they choose to do so, Ie, FDK/FED, FED/ROM, etc.
Add the Xindi and the Tholians to this game. The Xindi alone are 5 races that could make for a ton of content and missions as well as, STF's. :cool:
Mid Term:
1. Ship Renaming: Why does this cost anything again?
Long Term:
1. Maps! It would be SO helpful to be able to zoom from the map sector I'm in to another sector block and see what's there from the galaxy map instead of blindly plotting from one sector to another and hoping the system who's location I may not know is in the place I'm headed. And while we're at it, why not have each system tell us what's IN said system! Treasure Trading station isn't listed on any map or anything.
2. Space Flight: See my sig. What do you mean I can't barrel roll? Or do a 180 vertical loop for that matter? Or even fly in a straight 90 degree angle along the Z axis? Sure, someone somewhere might get confused and ragequit because he forgets what direction he's going, but space flight bound to a galactic "ground" is... a poor decision.
I would also like to add to that:
Ship names: Why can we not have to ships with the same name? We can add a letter to the end of the registry number, so why can't we use that to differentiate between multiple ships with the same name? Y'know, like in the actual series. Not really a major gripe nor particularly important, but something I would like to see changed.
I know people keep asking for more content, and sure enough we are told that more content is on the way. Great!! But what we rally need is more variety of content. Since when was Star Trek ever about going around, blowing ships up, beaming down and killing everyone in side, beaming back up and then blowing up more ships?
There needs to be more variety. Consider the diplomatic missions, they could really be great. In fact, their was one that I really liked. It was in the Bajor system, where you had to meet two Cardasian captains in your briefing room, talk and work out the problem. Not a single weapon was fired in that mission. THAT was Star Trek!! Diplomacy, exploration and first contacts done in a way that is more reflective of ST and less shooting and blowing up of things. That is what we really need in terms of content.
And a little love to the KDF wouldn't go amiss. It needs bringing up to the same standards as the Fed portion of the game. At the minute it seems very biased towards the feds.
And with regards to ship interiors, I'm curious as to why there is no briefing room behind the bridge, especially since we've been in there for a mission. It would also be nice if at some point down the line, we had more options for the look of corridors and engineering etc, not just the bridge. Though interiors aren't really the most important thing that need looking at, right now.
What we need now is to see a decrease in output of "Cosmetic Content" and an increase in actual gameplay content.
Short Term:
A - Feature Episode Series 4 implemented, and made good.
B - A flat skill point buff for all Klingon missions. If you're not going to bother making more content, at least make the existing content pass faster. You can roll this back later, when there's decent content to take its place.
C - The Doff system implemented. And made good.
Medium Term:
A -
A revamp of the "Research" system. In its current state, it's an entirely competent MMO crafting system. You run around collecting widgets, and you combine those widgets into higher-quality items than you would ordinarily expect to get as drops. If this wasn't Star Trek, that would be fine. But this is Star Trek, and scientific research should be more than just a crafting system, it should be a fully integrated aspect of gameplay. I would suggest a number of sub-paths aside from the primary research tree, each with fewer items and slower progression. Most importantly, these sub-paths should be based on actual science, not game mechanics. "Nanotechnology" and "Temporal Science" are acceptable research paths, "Body Armor" is not.
B -
The Bridge Officer system has had a few holes in it for a while. Why do I have nine commanders on my ship? Skill usage and rank should be divorced from eachother so that we can have a hierarchy that isn't crazy. I'd also like to see a bit of a skill system: an officer's should be defined by more than just a collection of eight abilities. And you can't expect me to believe that the whole Saurian/Lethean "Efficient" situation is what you really want. It reeks of a mistake that you've been afraid to fix. You can't possibly want each faction to have a specific race that is mathematically superior to all others.
Long Term:
A -
The ability to play as a character that doesn't fit into the traditional MMO faction structure.
Romulans and Cardassians both have issues with being implemented as unique factions. Firstly, a massive amount of new content would have to be produced. Second, storywise, there are issues: Cardassia Prime already has one foot in the Federation, and the True Way is a terrorist organization that has already had its head cut off during a Federation questline. The Romulans are better, but they still have issues. For one, half of their population is disenfranchised refugees that don't actually identify as members of the empire.
These issues could be removed, of course, but the razing of Cardassia and crippling of the Romulans are both serious plot developments that drove the story forward, and having either of them suddenly be restored to a pre-Dominion War state overnight isn't progress, it's regression.
What I'd rather see is, as some other people have indicated, a sort of "Independent Captain" "faction." Use a reputation system somewhat similar to WoW's: Quest lines could allow you to earn the trust of various groups, and thus gain access to their missions. Similarly, ships would be restricted: there would be a class of generic ships for everyone, but if you want access to a specific group's ship, you either have to come from the group that produces it or have done enough work for them to gain their trust. Engaging in piracy against a group would hurt your reputation. The groups that you can do work for could include the Klingons, Federation, Romulans, "New" Dominion, "Old" Dominion, Ferengi, whoever.
As a bonus point, I also like this approach because it would allow for the Romulan empire and Dominion and whoever else to be kept relatively "pure." I appreciate that the Klingon empire has adopted a new philosophy that involves a multi-species approach to military building, but everybody in the Galaxy doesn't need to adopt the same.
There's also the matter of player splintering to consider. Does STO really have enough people to support a four-way PVP structure? Are there enough people looking for STFs at any moment that they can be split four ways and still expect to find them? This structure would not only maintain the current two-way split, but since independents could theoretically group with either KDF or Fed, it would actually bridge the two and reduce splintering.
B -
The "Officer" System: the Bridge Officer system is flawed, but not bad. The Duty Officer system is a bit of a mystery, but I like the look of it. To me, however, the Doff system looks like a collection of things that you wanted to add to the Boff system, but were ended up spinning off into something different for whatever reasons you have. While I'm sure they were decent reasons, I still have to imagine that a unified system would ultimately be superior.
C -
More definition of ship interior, more use for ship interior (social **** doesn't count.) This has obviously come up before, but a massive number of Trek episodes took place entirely on the ship. The interior of the ship, right now, is almost worthless. You've done a decent job of making it a sort of "house" for us to run around in, but I don't want a house, I want a real mission zone.
I'd like to see more ship options at Tier 5. On the Fed side I really like the look of my heavy cruiser and would be great to have a T5 retro fit avilable for them as option other than the engineering heavy Excelsior.
Mid Term
Some use for the old ships that I have out grown. Some real use for the fighter/shuttles other than redoing the Vault.
Long Term
Some way to get the PVP and PVE ques to pop quicker. Kinda frustrating waiting hours for a match to start. The borg red alerts are working out pretty nice though. Possibly something along that vain.
Short term I would have to say, biggest thing would be a ingame target marking system, borg red alert makes this glaringly obvious.. I invite everyone in my RA to team, and atleast 1 out of 3 times one person who is a VA or lower, decides to go off and solo 2 cubes and 3 sphere's... They don't speak english, all I can do is type their name and follow and pray they can understand.. WoW added it like 3 years ago that the leader could mark targets..
Mid term I'd like to see more of the borg/undine plotline evolve, and cryptic point purchased ships have a VA version.. I really loved enterprise series, and I want the NX, but I can't use it! There is not enough endgame ship variety!
Another mid term would be to see loot evolve a bit, play any mmo that uses similar color coding a common dual heavy cannon should do a lot less than a purple... I used to craft a full purple gear set, but hell green and blue are just as good.
Long term I would like to see more group based activity, the borg quests, and RA's are 1/50th of what should be there grouping should not be rare, this IS a M. Multiplayer O. Last I checked
Let me start by saying that the improvements made to the game ahve been outstanding!
That being said, I have a few suggestions, ideas to chew may have heard them before and for that I apologise....My first suggestions coud be considered short or mid range depending on how complex it would be to actually implement....The suggestions are based on improving the immersive experience in the game:
1) As in WOW (sorry!), have NPC characters actually turn and face your character when you are interacting with them.
2) Set the default mode to ground (character view) when you log-in....we take the time to create a character first and we play the game as a captain of a ship, as opposed to as a ship itself.....I think this would help us identify more with our characers and other players......even if you logged out while in Sector space or in tactical view, we should log in as our characters on our bridge, rather than as a starship in space....we can always switch to tactical view when needed.
3) Have the Mission Logs actually accesible from the SEATED position behind your desk in your ready room!
4) Simplify the emotes....let us type the emote we want to do (again as in WOW....sorry I keep bringing that up)
Longer range suggestions:
1) Add more voiceovers to NPC's.....again, as in WOW or other MMO's, when you click on an NPC to interact with them, have a variety of short, simple greetings that could be played.
2) If possible, combined with the suggestions of navigating Sector Space from your bridge, would it be possible to show the Space mode in a separate window (like your Map) while on your bridge...sort of like Picture in Picture mode....and when in tactical mode the same window could show an animated view of your bridge (with diferent selectable points of view, maybe)....your character and bridge officers might do different actions based on your use of the Bridge Offciers powers....your character could do something different everytime you issued an action of some sort....the crew and the bridge view could shake and rattle when you were hit by enemy fire....the creative opportunities here are endless....(might even include an option for a secondary monitor for those that might be so you could see both at all times??)
That's about it......that should keep you busy if you feel there's any merit in the ideas.....otherwise just keep doing the great job you've been doing!
Short long and mid term Fix the exchange please, I liked that you limited it displaying only 400 items. But it needs a time limit on how long your stuff is up there. So that people don't break it, like it is now, by posting 400 of one type of item for an insane price, I am referring to the crafting reagents. Otherwise keep up the good work!
Short Term:
1. Include or better avaliability of ship plasma weapons XI and XII
2. adding a holodeck(accesspoint) to ship interior
Med Term:
1. bringt unarmed combat in line with meele weapons. either by increasing damage or adding some usefull effects i.e. stun, knockdown, finishing moves.
2. pets for feds
3. carrier type ship for feds
Long Term:
1. Ship Interior, better map, nicer corridors and room, interaction and customization (Playerhousing) - personaly i wouldnt mind if i have only one custom interior no matter what ship im on as long its very detailed.
2. Fleet. Replacing the Fleet Assistance NPC Ship from admiral with the ability to have a pet ship with one of your captain rank BO commanding a captain rank ship. if levelcap is raised increase to two pet ships and than to 3 at fleet admiral. maybe add a MCC(Multi Character Controll) System to switch ships while inside a mission map.
3. Ship Damagesystem, lasting during Missions. (Instand Repair when leaving the Mission).
Short Term: In the short term I'd like to see more "Feature Episodes", I know with FTP on the way thats hard to do ATM, but again it keeps players, new and old interested in STO
Mid-Term to Long Term: Total Ship Customization- Let us pick our ship from the get-go. Many of us have a favorite ship class, but with the current system we can't use them as they are from earlier tiers. Why not let us pick a ship and have it scale to our level or allow us to modify it as we level by adding console slots, weapons, improved sensors etc, by visiting spacedock and paying a set amount for the modification/upgrade?
Long Term: Many of us would like this one, but the ability to "Pilot" our ship from the bridge, or at least pick a destination from the bridge and have it autopilot us to the destination while we're on the bridge. The Autopilot would be much the same as it is now, the real trick would be Cryptic figuring out how to script the entire bridge/crew to move with the ship as the autopilot makes the transition to your destination. The viewscreen would show whats directly in front of the ship allowing us to see the other systems/player ships as we pass them or while sitting idle.
-limited time missions would be awsome
-make it so you can change career path without going threw everything again
-maybe add missions exclusive to each rank?
- more storylines
- add more ships to c store that can be accessed at any rank
Fix the ever spinning ship issue going into PvP instances and warping from sector to sector.
Have the developers play World of Warcraft (alot! )to learn about a group queue system that had been perfected and works well
Hire some good reputable player's <stares at the ceiling whistling a Klingon show tune> to work the bars and meeting places actively as color characters handing out bar related only missions, prizes, and goodies. This is a universe populated by very knowledgeable folks in Star Trek lore. Many of of which spend at least some time at the meeting places unwinding from a hard day blowing up Borg, spinning their tales. Many much more then "some" time. Look at all the serious role playing fleets. It's a seriously un-tapped resource your over looking. It would also give you some needed moderators in those places.
Put a join-able bar fight feature into Drozana station.
Add a bar to memory Alpha
Let Klingons from the Borg front come to DS9 to unwind under open treaty like Dorzana station....Quarks just isn't the same being run like a boy scout camp.
please let me buy an Orion rags costume for my federation Orion. (big revenue on cryptic points there boys!)
Or...even better yet make a mission like "comet, & Nerve tonic" out of it with the outfit a prize!
Stop undermining the ship tier system. Remake it completely, or release *only* ship skins.
Make it worth it for people to stay subbed or go Gold after F2P.
Make all Boff stations upgradeable to CMDR with the boffs.
Long term:
More missions.
*reasonable*, cosmetic only C-Store items
more crafting
more ship interiors
Goodies for fleeties.
As someone rather new to the game (old account but loooooong gap) and taking another hiatus due to diffculties:
- Fix Caitian Manes. They look terrible, my character is bad without hair of some sort (yes I see the irony :P ).
- Fix the cloned Bridge Officers. Like the Caitian Manes this gives me the impression the game is unfinished or allows stuff to remain unfinished. Generally lowers the game's quality.
- Provide some other general game quality improvements. I feel I have been paying for an unfinished product.
- Improve the starting experience. You go from a rather cool intro mission arc to being shunted towards pointless tasks like explore a sector or defeat enemy contacts. Shunting players into repeatable quests this early gave the impressions little thought is being paid to content. If story quests are there, they need to be more visible.
- Better internal ship customisation. This doesn't feel like my ship.
- Less focus on C-Store early on. Give us more options without forcing us to pay for it on top of a sub. With all the C-Store uniform items and adverts being rammed in my face I started to feel I was being taken for a ride.
- Lower the overall cost of playing. No offence but the quality of this game is not worth what I have paid for over the last few months. There are far more polished games out there for cheaper.
- Continue with game quality improvements.
- Improve graphical performance and animation quality.
- Voiceovers.
- NPCs and player models should not feel like I am back in the mid-00's.
- Give a more structured means of levelling. Improve the experience when questing. Running around looking for one last interactable item in a huge map is bad.
- Remove poor quests. I had one to run back and forth between two NPCs talking to them. It was a joke and frustrating.
- Vastly improve environments. Qo'Nos is all in alien language. No markers on the map for hubs make it ahrd to navigate. Instance maps have invisible walls, fade out instead of going through doors with animations to enter buildings. No real sense of being on an alien planet, fed bunker, etc etc.
- Final improvement to game quality. Make it look polished!
Some of it probably has been posted here before but this is the view of someone still pretty new to the game. I'll try F2P I guess but I just don't feel the game is worth paying it's current cost right now. Not with considerably better options available or on the horizon.
Mid term I'd like to see more of the borg/undine plotline evolve, and cryptic point purchased ships have a VA version.. I really loved enterprise series, and I want the NX, but I can't use it! There is not enough endgame ship variety!
I'm working on a decent size Borg quest line in the Foundry but still trying to get the hang of it. Not really sure how that works though (just available to me or everyone?) or if the Devs get ideas from there...
short term
Ping and Probe..during engagements its to easy to loose allies location and finding enemies can be time consuming. It would be nice to launch a probe from your area map and get a since of dIrection. Ping could be used as a here I am or even a HELP ME NOW buttonMidterm
More lower lvl Abilities and less does a tactical ability cancel a engineering ability..example tact team vs engineering team
My KDF decloaks when I take an incoming message....FIX IT PLEASELongterm
Set destination from your bridge...I hear the the sector walls will be coming down in the future..(great idea)..I'd love to ride out the trip on my bridge and on the view srceen see the stars going by ,maybe the crew saying " I hear we're heading for the neutral zone. We are going to see some action."
Planets need some attention...I'd like to see fully mapped planets, perhaps minning equipment..It's hard to believe I still come across anomallies stuck in the ground making my scanner useless...this is easily the biggest sore spot in the game.I hate when I have to beam down to the planet for a run around scan this scan that. But not to seem like I'm the space improvements,the optional shooter mode,You're doing good....still aways to go.
Incoming Hail..I'd like to see tells come in as incoming hails..a popup..or something similar..sector wide hail.
More uniform/clothing options for Klingon Faction.
Show kits on Klingon Faction.
Med term goals:
Better ship and station environments. Feels like a shopping mall most of the time. Most of the people are just walking around aimlessly. Please give characters more functions.
Long term goals:
Add guild cities/stations. At this point, guilds feel the same as groups. Guild Cities/Stations would add function to guilds. Guild Cities/Stations could add player bonuses, social functions and special gear. Just some random ideas.
Add Bridge function. Star Trek isn't Star Trek without the bridge. Controlling the ship from the rear view is nice but that's not how Star Trek works. The bridge designs in this game are beautiful. Why waste it? Lets us at least spend time on the bridge while flying from place to place, instead of the rear view.
STOP Changing the Weapons! Plasma weapons (Ship and Personal) used to have a chance to do a certain amount of Plasma fire damage over time. . . Why is it gone? Damage Over Time Personal Weapons DOT3 did a guaranteed 5-8 radiation damage over 15 seconds in a 10' radius (at VA), It doesn't read that way anymore.
I Have Millions of ECs Invested into selling these Special weapons with all my chars. . . Why did you change it? It is what made those weapons worth selling and buying. . . If you dumb down each weapon type, then what is the difference between them. It also takes all the strategy out of the game! Different play styles become useless because all weapons are the same essentially., . .
Each Weapon class and type in the game should be unique, and play into our chosen skill points invested Skills. . . Each type can be used to attack opponents in many different ways. . . Which equals our play styles. . . Why dumb all of them down to be the same just a different type of damage, if we are to utilize our skills? Please keep these unique weapons Unique!
OK sorry about that rant. . . The weapon pop up statistics may be the problem, which then makes the above not apply. So please fix these pop ups. Please Leave ALL the information about the weapon in the pop ups.
Medium Range Goal Ideas:
Crafting: You Developers have been AWESOME at going to all the trouble to make 4 sub-systems on each star ship. You have given us several different strategies for controlling those sub-systems through skills and through consoles we can put in the ship. But even though I can craft Everything with ALL my chars. . . I can only make 3 engineering consoles through all the ranks until I reach Vice Admiral. . . Then at V.A. I can make and use all the consoles available. . .
But most of my crafting needs in game before Vice Admiral are for engineering consoles I can't make or use until VA. I need to be able to craft "Increased Power Consoles" for each sub-system that you put in the game. But they are not amoung the 3 you allow me to craft. I have to try to find them on the exchange. But who makes them? I can't on any of those consoles with any of my Fed or Klink chars. . . So where do they come from? See. . . ? The need for expanded crafting abilities? Why can't we make all our consoles for each rank? It just doesn't make sense to me. . . So there ya go. . .
Long Range Goal Ideas:
Can you folks, create crafting missions that give us the ability to create unique items, or perhaps all each of the fore mentioned consoles? Missions to get special blue prints to make new and unique sets? Not only ship power sets, but ship weapon sets, personal weapon, shield, armor and kit sets?
A bigger more detailed universe with more planets per system, more things to explore and scan, more tasks to perform, like saving civilizations, negotiating peace, stopping more planet killing events. . .
Flying from inside the wonderfully detailed bridges, having a use for all the interiors of the ships you created, like fixing our own battle damage from inside the engine room, navigational arrays, bypassing plasma relays from inside jefferies tubes, or at least sending repair teams to the indicated areas on a battle damage console inside the bridge. . . mini game perhaps?
Fighting and fixing things outside, of M or L class planets. Like sending an away team in space suites to fix some mining equipment on an asteroid with no atmosphere. . . Or fighting in space suites on the surface of a resource rich moon for a resource battle?
Finally, Is there any way to list your requirements for models and textures used in your game engine? I taught 3D animation and modeling at a local Art College for 12 years and I bet there are many more of us 3D savvy users, who would be tickled pink to help you with modeling objects, creating useful textures, and simple animations. . .
We could be one of your greatest resources. . . There are tons of modders out there, who LOVE the Trek Universe, and YOU ARE that Trek Universe that is left for us. . . Could we help you please?
I am a very good modeler, in Lightwave, and in Maya, have taught animation in both programs, and was a Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, so I can create any texture needed. . . I have used many more 3D modeling programs and texture creation programs than just those 3 as well. I believe I can say with certainty that I am not alone in wanting to help you to continue to succeed. . . Just another idea. . .
Thanks for listening and a Great Game, and for everyone who took the time to read this. Thanks ALL!
I got a Long Term Idea that i would like to get people's Thaughts on. I was wondering Who would like them to Create a Romulin Empirae or The Cardissian Union like they do for the Federation or Klingon Empires. Kinda like the old Star Trek BOTF Game.
I don't Know about the rest of you but when i first saw a Romulin Warbird i Knew i wanted to fly around the Gaxly in one. so if anyone from Cryptic can put this up that would be awsome.
I got a Long Term Idea that i would like to get people's Thaughts on. I was wondering Who would like them to Create a Romulin Empirae or The Cardissian Union like they do for the Federation or Klingon Empires. Kinda like the old Star Trek BOTF Game.
I don't Know about the rest of you but when i first saw a Romulin Warbird i Knew i wanted to fly around the Gaxly in one. so if anyone from Cryptic can put this up that would be awsome.
1. Have more section 31 missions where we actually get to use a stolen enemy ship (like in doomsday) from other factions (cardassian, hirogen, undine, etc.) with unique, very rare rewards related to that species.
2. Hybrid character creation experiments as an Extremely Rare and EXTENDED (at least a couple of weeks in real time) mission that literally takes you all over the galaxy gathering DNA samples, multiple forms of data and information to be tested in your ships science lab or on a starbase or remote planet somewhere, and if successful you receive that hybrid character as a unique bridge officer or a playable character.
3. More species oriented ship options at each tier for playable characters (ferengi, andorian, gorn, etc.).
Hi All. . .
Ok here goes: we now go do exploration missions to find particles or scan data, to use to build every current craft-able item. Some of the particles are Rare Particles, like Anyon Particles etc. . .
What if we looked at crafting in a different way, which would put more power in the hands of the crafters, with less boundaries like the current system has. Boundaries like only being able to craft 3 engineering consoles until Vice Admiral when you can suddenly make them all but only for Vice Admiral. Big Boundary.
So what if each Rank or Level of item had a appropriate number of Slots in them for Rare Particles to be added to them. So there is a Base Item creation requirement of regular level 1 through 6 particles (example 30 Alien Artifacts) to create the Base item. But then the crafter could put in 1 of the Rare Particles in the Slot or Slots of that item. On Higher Level objects there would be more Slots then on Lower Level objects.
Here is the really different part: What if each of the Rare particles had a Unique Property about it. For instance (this is just my made up example): Lets say a "Anyon particle" has the Property of changing the items Critical Hit Chance when placed in a weapon. And if the same "Anyon" had a Critical Hit Defense Chance when put into a shield. When put into a piece of Body Armor it is what turns the Base Armor into the Targeting Armor the 5% Critical Hit Chance. . .
So in this way, the Craft Person could choose what Characteristics each crafted item would have. . . This (in my opinion) would allow for a huge expansion of the crafting system. And allow each Craft Person to be much more expressive when creating items. Another example just to make sure my point is understood, is this:
Chroniton and Transphasic torpedos are some of the most under utilized items in the game (in my opinion) Why would we waste one of our ship weapon slots on these torpedoes which do very little damage but give a minor tactical bonus instead of a lot of damage? Which is why not very many people seem to use them.
However with this new idea, a Craft Person, could make a Transphasic torpedo for a Vice Admiral rank that could in this example get 50 percent of its total damage through the shield of an enemy. The Craft Person could do this because when making a torpedo of Vice Admiral rank the "Base Torpedo" of that rank would have 3 or 4 slots to put these Rare particles with their Unique Properties. So if one of the particles gives the Transphasic Torp. the pass through the shields damage ability, then by putting 3 or 4 of those same particles in the "Base Torpedo" slots, they could then change a weak weapon into a real force to be reckoned with. . .
Of course that particle would give a "Pass Through Damage Resistance" when applied to a Ship Shield. . . So I hope that this gets all of us thinking about some of the incredibly cool things that could be created.
This idea would also give a new meaning to the term "Play Style" since it would give such a incredible variation to all the flavors of weapons, shields, armors and other things that could be crafted. . . Think about Croniton Torps if they could almost stop an enemy for a few seconds,. . . Then even weak weapons could take it down. And even Very Large Battleships would be vulnerable to small ships. . . perhaps even a few fighters. . .
And there could always be a limiting Cap on how many of the same type of Rare Particle a High Level item could have, for the sake of keeping the items balanced. But I think most of the balancing should come from the creation of unique items with opposite effects, as in the example of the Anyon powered Transphasic Torpedo verses the Anyon powered Ship Shield. . .
OK there ya go: Have some fun with that idea everyone. . . I am having fun with it. . . As I am sure you can tell. Thanks for the great game Cryptic!
Short Term: Terran Empire and Mercenary uniforms available to the KDF, Orion outfits available to KDF females of any stripe and a hot Vulcan officer in the KDF available via the DOFF system.
Medium Term: Playable Romulan, Cardassian and Ferengi "mercenaries" in race specific ships.
Long Term: A Romulan faction with a full assortment of Romulan Ships, associate races and outfits.
1. Bug fixes and NPC/BO routing in Cardassian related areas. My new Adm has had more trouble here than my VAdm which was around not long after Beta.
2. Better explanation of skill stats and what they actually do. It's established that skills are modified by 100 if you max a skill, but it isn't clear if there's a cap or if it's +100%, this has led to the 7/7/9 rule of thumb, but a clear answer would help us decide if we spread the points thin or opt to max them out entirely.
3. Rebalance of Subnucleonic Beam.
1. More Engineering Ensign and Lt. Powers. Emergency Power to X is only useful for specific things at specific times. Not once have I needed anything but Emergency Power to Shields I/II for my Cruiser and when Miracle Worker and Emergency Power to Shields III is available, the only other Ensign power you need is Engineering Team I/II. The Excelsior kind of suffers with the Ensign Engineer sitting with nothing to do.
2. Ship interior uses. Yes ships should have a few customizable parts, but what about tailors, common weapon requisitions, firing ranges for competitions/testing, or missions that function like puzzles from the Featured Episodes that require particular use of the Labs or Engineering compartments? There are tons of ideas here for an underused part of the game--not necessarily combat oriented either.
3. Better exploration mission variety, feels like the basic mission patters for the Sector Patrols get simplified versions for the clusters.
1. Romulan and Cardassian/Dominion (True Way) factions. These two do need to be in game eventually, well done, not under provided for as the Klingons were at launch. Since we know that eventually the map will likely be made a big zone, it makes sense to increase the reach of the Klingon Empire and change the reach for the Federation to give "breathing room" for each faction. A possible addition would be Neutral Zone allotment for the powers where crossing is either not permissible except on a possible PvP server, diplomatic immunity (FDC) non-attackable, or mission related, with the exception of warring factions. As it stands on the Galactic Map, the Federation have free run of the major power's sectors without incident with the exception of the central block for the Klingon Empire. The respective powers also have fewer blocks or sectors, making room for less content--example is the Klingons who until recently could not get far and now for what purposes?
2. Empire reaction and accountability. Sort of a reputation system. Over the course of the game you meet and react to different cultures and they seem to think your the only captain doing anything of importance, so why should they not treat you differently based on actions taken in previous missions or against mutual enemies. Romulans in general seem to have this dyslexic attitude to the Captains. If I choose to do something, say through a particular Feature Episode, would my decision affect further non-episodic content? Or should I expect them to forget that I did anything? FDC should also count towards Fed Characters and PvP accrued Marks for KDF. Admittedly this may be over-reaching or difficult, but would be very cool to have in a Captain-centric universe.
3. Ship tier re-adjustment, slow down on ship creation, or make one heck of an overhaul. Effectively the system is heavily lopsided towards R.Adm and Vice Adm, with no signs of slowing down with Fleet Adm. What is going to happen to all of our ships that are Tier 5? Surely no Tier 6 ships can be coming b/c what happens to the C-Store rewards and selected ships if they are made less useful? The Odyssey Class may throw in a wrench and it has some people wondering.
Short Term: Get rid of the Fleet action ques, bad idea from the get go.
Stop worrying about the graphics of this game so much, it's gorgeous as it is if you have the video card and puter to run it.
Address the bugs it has before any other major patches or updates, as S4 has a ton of them.
Mid Term: Content, Content, Content, missions, daylies, STF, etc. Vet players are getting very bored. Nough said.
Long Term. New non combat ways of dealing with enemies, why be a diplomat if you're just going to blow them up anyway.
New ships and more ways to make a ship your own instead of looking like everyone elses, personal gear, as well as things to craft.
Allow different factions to work together if they choose to do so, Ie, FDK/FED, FED/ROM, etc.
Add the Xindi and the Tholians to this game. The Xindi alone are 5 races that could make for a ton of content and missions as well as, STF's. :cool:
I would also like to add to that:
Ship names: Why can we not have to ships with the same name? We can add a letter to the end of the registry number, so why can't we use that to differentiate between multiple ships with the same name? Y'know, like in the actual series. Not really a major gripe nor particularly important, but something I would like to see changed.
I know people keep asking for more content, and sure enough we are told that more content is on the way. Great!! But what we rally need is more variety of content. Since when was Star Trek ever about going around, blowing ships up, beaming down and killing everyone in side, beaming back up and then blowing up more ships?
There needs to be more variety. Consider the diplomatic missions, they could really be great. In fact, their was one that I really liked. It was in the Bajor system, where you had to meet two Cardasian captains in your briefing room, talk and work out the problem. Not a single weapon was fired in that mission. THAT was Star Trek!! Diplomacy, exploration and first contacts done in a way that is more reflective of ST and less shooting and blowing up of things. That is what we really need in terms of content.
And a little love to the KDF wouldn't go amiss. It needs bringing up to the same standards as the Fed portion of the game. At the minute it seems very biased towards the feds.
And with regards to ship interiors, I'm curious as to why there is no briefing room behind the bridge, especially since we've been in there for a mission. It would also be nice if at some point down the line, we had more options for the look of corridors and engineering etc, not just the bridge. Though interiors aren't really the most important thing that need looking at, right now.
What we need now is to see a decrease in output of "Cosmetic Content" and an increase in actual gameplay content.
A - Feature Episode Series 4 implemented, and made good.
B - A flat skill point buff for all Klingon missions. If you're not going to bother making more content, at least make the existing content pass faster. You can roll this back later, when there's decent content to take its place.
C - The Doff system implemented. And made good.
Medium Term:
A -
A revamp of the "Research" system. In its current state, it's an entirely competent MMO crafting system. You run around collecting widgets, and you combine those widgets into higher-quality items than you would ordinarily expect to get as drops. If this wasn't Star Trek, that would be fine. But this is Star Trek, and scientific research should be more than just a crafting system, it should be a fully integrated aspect of gameplay. I would suggest a number of sub-paths aside from the primary research tree, each with fewer items and slower progression. Most importantly, these sub-paths should be based on actual science, not game mechanics. "Nanotechnology" and "Temporal Science" are acceptable research paths, "Body Armor" is not.
B -
The Bridge Officer system has had a few holes in it for a while. Why do I have nine commanders on my ship? Skill usage and rank should be divorced from eachother so that we can have a hierarchy that isn't crazy. I'd also like to see a bit of a skill system: an officer's should be defined by more than just a collection of eight abilities. And you can't expect me to believe that the whole Saurian/Lethean "Efficient" situation is what you really want. It reeks of a mistake that you've been afraid to fix. You can't possibly want each faction to have a specific race that is mathematically superior to all others.
Long Term:
A -
The ability to play as a character that doesn't fit into the traditional MMO faction structure.
Romulans and Cardassians both have issues with being implemented as unique factions. Firstly, a massive amount of new content would have to be produced. Second, storywise, there are issues: Cardassia Prime already has one foot in the Federation, and the True Way is a terrorist organization that has already had its head cut off during a Federation questline. The Romulans are better, but they still have issues. For one, half of their population is disenfranchised refugees that don't actually identify as members of the empire.
These issues could be removed, of course, but the razing of Cardassia and crippling of the Romulans are both serious plot developments that drove the story forward, and having either of them suddenly be restored to a pre-Dominion War state overnight isn't progress, it's regression.
What I'd rather see is, as some other people have indicated, a sort of "Independent Captain" "faction." Use a reputation system somewhat similar to WoW's: Quest lines could allow you to earn the trust of various groups, and thus gain access to their missions. Similarly, ships would be restricted: there would be a class of generic ships for everyone, but if you want access to a specific group's ship, you either have to come from the group that produces it or have done enough work for them to gain their trust. Engaging in piracy against a group would hurt your reputation. The groups that you can do work for could include the Klingons, Federation, Romulans, "New" Dominion, "Old" Dominion, Ferengi, whoever.
As a bonus point, I also like this approach because it would allow for the Romulan empire and Dominion and whoever else to be kept relatively "pure." I appreciate that the Klingon empire has adopted a new philosophy that involves a multi-species approach to military building, but everybody in the Galaxy doesn't need to adopt the same.
There's also the matter of player splintering to consider. Does STO really have enough people to support a four-way PVP structure? Are there enough people looking for STFs at any moment that they can be split four ways and still expect to find them? This structure would not only maintain the current two-way split, but since independents could theoretically group with either KDF or Fed, it would actually bridge the two and reduce splintering.
B -
The "Officer" System: the Bridge Officer system is flawed, but not bad. The Duty Officer system is a bit of a mystery, but I like the look of it. To me, however, the Doff system looks like a collection of things that you wanted to add to the Boff system, but were ended up spinning off into something different for whatever reasons you have. While I'm sure they were decent reasons, I still have to imagine that a unified system would ultimately be superior.
C -
More definition of ship interior, more use for ship interior (social **** doesn't count.) This has obviously come up before, but a massive number of Trek episodes took place entirely on the ship. The interior of the ship, right now, is almost worthless. You've done a decent job of making it a sort of "house" for us to run around in, but I don't want a house, I want a real mission zone.
I'd like to see more ship options at Tier 5. On the Fed side I really like the look of my heavy cruiser and would be great to have a T5 retro fit avilable for them as option other than the engineering heavy Excelsior.
Mid Term
Some use for the old ships that I have out grown. Some real use for the fighter/shuttles other than redoing the Vault.
Long Term
Some way to get the PVP and PVE ques to pop quicker. Kinda frustrating waiting hours for a match to start. The borg red alerts are working out pretty nice though. Possibly something along that vain.
Mid term I'd like to see more of the borg/undine plotline evolve, and cryptic point purchased ships have a VA version.. I really loved enterprise series, and I want the NX, but I can't use it! There is not enough endgame ship variety!
Another mid term would be to see loot evolve a bit, play any mmo that uses similar color coding a common dual heavy cannon should do a lot less than a purple... I used to craft a full purple gear set, but hell green and blue are just as good.
Long term I would like to see more group based activity, the borg quests, and RA's are 1/50th of what should be there grouping should not be rare, this IS a M. Multiplayer O. Last I checked
That being said, I have a few suggestions, ideas to chew may have heard them before and for that I apologise....My first suggestions coud be considered short or mid range depending on how complex it would be to actually implement....The suggestions are based on improving the immersive experience in the game:
1) As in WOW (sorry!), have NPC characters actually turn and face your character when you are interacting with them.
2) Set the default mode to ground (character view) when you log-in....we take the time to create a character first and we play the game as a captain of a ship, as opposed to as a ship itself.....I think this would help us identify more with our characers and other players......even if you logged out while in Sector space or in tactical view, we should log in as our characters on our bridge, rather than as a starship in space....we can always switch to tactical view when needed.
3) Have the Mission Logs actually accesible from the SEATED position behind your desk in your ready room!
4) Simplify the emotes....let us type the emote we want to do (again as in WOW....sorry I keep bringing that up)
Longer range suggestions:
1) Add more voiceovers to NPC's.....again, as in WOW or other MMO's, when you click on an NPC to interact with them, have a variety of short, simple greetings that could be played.
2) If possible, combined with the suggestions of navigating Sector Space from your bridge, would it be possible to show the Space mode in a separate window (like your Map) while on your bridge...sort of like Picture in Picture mode....and when in tactical mode the same window could show an animated view of your bridge (with diferent selectable points of view, maybe)....your character and bridge officers might do different actions based on your use of the Bridge Offciers powers....your character could do something different everytime you issued an action of some sort....the crew and the bridge view could shake and rattle when you were hit by enemy fire....the creative opportunities here are endless....(might even include an option for a secondary monitor for those that might be so you could see both at all times??)
That's about it......that should keep you busy if you feel there's any merit in the ideas.....otherwise just keep doing the great job you've been doing!
1. Include or better avaliability of ship plasma weapons XI and XII
2. adding a holodeck(accesspoint) to ship interior
Med Term:
1. bringt unarmed combat in line with meele weapons. either by increasing damage or adding some usefull effects i.e. stun, knockdown, finishing moves.
2. pets for feds
3. carrier type ship for feds
Long Term:
1. Ship Interior, better map, nicer corridors and room, interaction and customization (Playerhousing) - personaly i wouldnt mind if i have only one custom interior no matter what ship im on as long its very detailed.
2. Fleet. Replacing the Fleet Assistance NPC Ship from admiral with the ability to have a pet ship with one of your captain rank BO commanding a captain rank ship. if levelcap is raised increase to two pet ships and than to 3 at fleet admiral. maybe add a MCC(Multi Character Controll) System to switch ships while inside a mission map.
3. Ship Damagesystem, lasting during Missions. (Instand Repair when leaving the Mission).
Mid: More pre-TNG ships (I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to the New Orleans and Freedom class ships!)
Long: Ability to customize game soundtrack. Rather than using the built in media player, I'd like to be able to add my own tracks to the ingame music.
Also, I'm sure this has been asked before, but what would be the possibility of seeing the Achilles class ship from "Dominion Wars" in this game?
Short Term: In the short term I'd like to see more "Feature Episodes", I know with FTP on the way thats hard to do ATM, but again it keeps players, new and old interested in STO
Mid-Term to Long Term: Total Ship Customization- Let us pick our ship from the get-go. Many of us have a favorite ship class, but with the current system we can't use them as they are from earlier tiers. Why not let us pick a ship and have it scale to our level or allow us to modify it as we level by adding console slots, weapons, improved sensors etc, by visiting spacedock and paying a set amount for the modification/upgrade?
Long Term: Many of us would like this one, but the ability to "Pilot" our ship from the bridge, or at least pick a destination from the bridge and have it autopilot us to the destination while we're on the bridge. The Autopilot would be much the same as it is now, the real trick would be Cryptic figuring out how to script the entire bridge/crew to move with the ship as the autopilot makes the transition to your destination. The viewscreen would show whats directly in front of the ship allowing us to see the other systems/player ships as we pass them or while sitting idle.
-limited time missions would be awsome
-make it so you can change career path without going threw everything again
-maybe add missions exclusive to each rank?
- more storylines
- add more ships to c store that can be accessed at any rank
-maybe add sub career paths?
Fix the ever spinning ship issue going into PvP instances and warping from sector to sector.
Have the developers play World of Warcraft (alot! )to learn about a group queue system that had been perfected and works well
Hire some good reputable player's <stares at the ceiling whistling a Klingon show tune> to work the bars and meeting places actively as color characters handing out bar related only missions, prizes, and goodies. This is a universe populated by very knowledgeable folks in Star Trek lore. Many of of which spend at least some time at the meeting places unwinding from a hard day blowing up Borg, spinning their tales. Many much more then "some" time. Look at all the serious role playing fleets. It's a seriously un-tapped resource your over looking. It would also give you some needed moderators in those places.
Mid-term requests__________________________________________________________________
Put a join-able bar fight feature into Drozana station.
Add a bar to memory Alpha
Let Klingons from the Borg front come to DS9 to unwind under open treaty like Dorzana station....Quarks just isn't the same being run like a boy scout camp.
please let me buy an Orion rags costume for my federation Orion. (big revenue on cryptic points there boys!)
Or...even better yet make a mission like "comet, & Nerve tonic" out of it with the outfit a prize!
Long-term requests____________________________________________________________________
Add more ground missions.
When ground mission queues don't fill after a certain period of time allow spots to fill up with bridge crew to fill vacant spots.
Pump some money into this game before old republic come out...your in for some heavy competition my friends.
Stop undermining the ship tier system. Remake it completely, or release *only* ship skins.
Make it worth it for people to stay subbed or go Gold after F2P.
Make all Boff stations upgradeable to CMDR with the boffs.
Long term:
More missions.
*reasonable*, cosmetic only C-Store items
more crafting
more ship interiors
Goodies for fleeties.
- Fix Caitian Manes. They look terrible, my character is bad without hair of some sort (yes I see the irony :P ).
- Fix the cloned Bridge Officers. Like the Caitian Manes this gives me the impression the game is unfinished or allows stuff to remain unfinished. Generally lowers the game's quality.
- Provide some other general game quality improvements. I feel I have been paying for an unfinished product.
- Improve the starting experience. You go from a rather cool intro mission arc to being shunted towards pointless tasks like explore a sector or defeat enemy contacts. Shunting players into repeatable quests this early gave the impressions little thought is being paid to content. If story quests are there, they need to be more visible.
- Better internal ship customisation. This doesn't feel like my ship.
- Less focus on C-Store early on. Give us more options without forcing us to pay for it on top of a sub. With all the C-Store uniform items and adverts being rammed in my face I started to feel I was being taken for a ride.
- Lower the overall cost of playing. No offence but the quality of this game is not worth what I have paid for over the last few months. There are far more polished games out there for cheaper.
- Continue with game quality improvements.
- Improve graphical performance and animation quality.
- Voiceovers.
- NPCs and player models should not feel like I am back in the mid-00's.
- Give a more structured means of levelling. Improve the experience when questing. Running around looking for one last interactable item in a huge map is bad.
- Remove poor quests. I had one to run back and forth between two NPCs talking to them. It was a joke and frustrating.
- Vastly improve environments. Qo'Nos is all in alien language. No markers on the map for hubs make it ahrd to navigate. Instance maps have invisible walls, fade out instead of going through doors with animations to enter buildings. No real sense of being on an alien planet, fed bunker, etc etc.
- Final improvement to game quality. Make it look polished!
Some of it probably has been posted here before but this is the view of someone still pretty new to the game. I'll try F2P I guess but I just don't feel the game is worth paying it's current cost right now. Not with considerably better options available or on the horizon.
I'm working on a decent size Borg quest line in the Foundry but still trying to get the hang of it. Not really sure how that works though (just available to me or everyone?) or if the Devs get ideas from there...
Ping and Probe..during engagements its to easy to loose allies location and finding enemies can be time consuming. It would be nice to launch a probe from your area map and get a since of dIrection. Ping could be used as a here I am or even a HELP ME NOW buttonMidterm
More lower lvl Abilities and less does a tactical ability cancel a engineering ability..example tact team vs engineering team
My KDF decloaks when I take an incoming message....FIX IT PLEASELongterm
Set destination from your bridge...I hear the the sector walls will be coming down in the future..(great idea)..I'd love to ride out the trip on my bridge and on the view srceen see the stars going by ,maybe the crew saying " I hear we're heading for the neutral zone. We are going to see some action."
Planets need some attention...I'd like to see fully mapped planets, perhaps minning equipment..It's hard to believe I still come across anomallies stuck in the ground making my scanner useless...this is easily the biggest sore spot in the game.I hate when I have to beam down to the planet for a run around scan this scan that. But not to seem like I'm the space improvements,the optional shooter mode,You're doing good....still aways to go.
Incoming Hail..I'd like to see tells come in as incoming hails..a popup..or something similar..sector wide hail.
More uniform/clothing options for Klingon Faction.
Show kits on Klingon Faction.
Med term goals:
Better ship and station environments. Feels like a shopping mall most of the time. Most of the people are just walking around aimlessly. Please give characters more functions.
Long term goals:
Add guild cities/stations. At this point, guilds feel the same as groups. Guild Cities/Stations would add function to guilds. Guild Cities/Stations could add player bonuses, social functions and special gear. Just some random ideas.
Add Bridge function. Star Trek isn't Star Trek without the bridge. Controlling the ship from the rear view is nice but that's not how Star Trek works. The bridge designs in this game are beautiful. Why waste it? Lets us at least spend time on the bridge while flying from place to place, instead of the rear view.
Short Term Goal Ideas:
STOP Changing the Weapons! Plasma weapons (Ship and Personal) used to have a chance to do a certain amount of Plasma fire damage over time. . . Why is it gone? Damage Over Time Personal Weapons DOT3 did a guaranteed 5-8 radiation damage over 15 seconds in a 10' radius (at VA), It doesn't read that way anymore.
I Have Millions of ECs Invested into selling these Special weapons with all my chars. . . Why did you change it? It is what made those weapons worth selling and buying. . . If you dumb down each weapon type, then what is the difference between them. It also takes all the strategy out of the game! Different play styles become useless because all weapons are the same essentially., . .
Each Weapon class and type in the game should be unique, and play into our chosen skill points invested Skills. . . Each type can be used to attack opponents in many different ways. . . Which equals our play styles. . . Why dumb all of them down to be the same just a different type of damage, if we are to utilize our skills? Please keep these unique weapons Unique!
OK sorry about that rant. . . The weapon pop up statistics may be the problem, which then makes the above not apply. So please fix these pop ups. Please Leave ALL the information about the weapon in the pop ups.
Medium Range Goal Ideas:
Crafting: You Developers have been AWESOME at going to all the trouble to make 4 sub-systems on each star ship. You have given us several different strategies for controlling those sub-systems through skills and through consoles we can put in the ship. But even though I can craft Everything with ALL my chars. . . I can only make 3 engineering consoles through all the ranks until I reach Vice Admiral. . . Then at V.A. I can make and use all the consoles available. . .
But most of my crafting needs in game before Vice Admiral are for engineering consoles I can't make or use until VA. I need to be able to craft "Increased Power Consoles" for each sub-system that you put in the game. But they are not amoung the 3 you allow me to craft. I have to try to find them on the exchange. But who makes them? I can't on any of those consoles with any of my Fed or Klink chars. . . So where do they come from? See. . . ? The need for expanded crafting abilities? Why can't we make all our consoles for each rank? It just doesn't make sense to me. . . So there ya go. . .
Long Range Goal Ideas:
Can you folks, create crafting missions that give us the ability to create unique items, or perhaps all each of the fore mentioned consoles? Missions to get special blue prints to make new and unique sets? Not only ship power sets, but ship weapon sets, personal weapon, shield, armor and kit sets?
A bigger more detailed universe with more planets per system, more things to explore and scan, more tasks to perform, like saving civilizations, negotiating peace, stopping more planet killing events. . .
Flying from inside the wonderfully detailed bridges, having a use for all the interiors of the ships you created, like fixing our own battle damage from inside the engine room, navigational arrays, bypassing plasma relays from inside jefferies tubes, or at least sending repair teams to the indicated areas on a battle damage console inside the bridge. . . mini game perhaps?
Fighting and fixing things outside, of M or L class planets. Like sending an away team in space suites to fix some mining equipment on an asteroid with no atmosphere. . . Or fighting in space suites on the surface of a resource rich moon for a resource battle?
Finally, Is there any way to list your requirements for models and textures used in your game engine? I taught 3D animation and modeling at a local Art College for 12 years and I bet there are many more of us 3D savvy users, who would be tickled pink to help you with modeling objects, creating useful textures, and simple animations. . .
We could be one of your greatest resources. . . There are tons of modders out there, who LOVE the Trek Universe, and YOU ARE that Trek Universe that is left for us. . . Could we help you please?
I am a very good modeler, in Lightwave, and in Maya, have taught animation in both programs, and was a Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, so I can create any texture needed. . . I have used many more 3D modeling programs and texture creation programs than just those 3 as well. I believe I can say with certainty that I am not alone in wanting to help you to continue to succeed. . . Just another idea. . .
Thanks for listening and a Great Game, and for everyone who took the time to read this. Thanks ALL!
I don't Know about the rest of you but when i first saw a Romulin Warbird i Knew i wanted to fly around the Gaxly in one. so if anyone from Cryptic can put this up that would be awsome.
I don't Know about the rest of you but when i first saw a Romulin Warbird i Knew i wanted to fly around the Gaxly in one. so if anyone from Cryptic can put this up that would be awsome.
Did I miss something?
Mid Term
Long Term
2. Hybrid character creation experiments as an Extremely Rare and EXTENDED (at least a couple of weeks in real time) mission that literally takes you all over the galaxy gathering DNA samples, multiple forms of data and information to be tested in your ships science lab or on a starbase or remote planet somewhere, and if successful you receive that hybrid character as a unique bridge officer or a playable character.
3. More species oriented ship options at each tier for playable characters (ferengi, andorian, gorn, etc.).
Ok here goes: we now go do exploration missions to find particles or scan data, to use to build every current craft-able item. Some of the particles are Rare Particles, like Anyon Particles etc. . .
What if we looked at crafting in a different way, which would put more power in the hands of the crafters, with less boundaries like the current system has. Boundaries like only being able to craft 3 engineering consoles until Vice Admiral when you can suddenly make them all but only for Vice Admiral. Big Boundary.
So what if each Rank or Level of item had a appropriate number of Slots in them for Rare Particles to be added to them. So there is a Base Item creation requirement of regular level 1 through 6 particles (example 30 Alien Artifacts) to create the Base item. But then the crafter could put in 1 of the Rare Particles in the Slot or Slots of that item. On Higher Level objects there would be more Slots then on Lower Level objects.
Here is the really different part: What if each of the Rare particles had a Unique Property about it. For instance (this is just my made up example): Lets say a "Anyon particle" has the Property of changing the items Critical Hit Chance when placed in a weapon. And if the same "Anyon" had a Critical Hit Defense Chance when put into a shield. When put into a piece of Body Armor it is what turns the Base Armor into the Targeting Armor the 5% Critical Hit Chance. . .
So in this way, the Craft Person could choose what Characteristics each crafted item would have. . . This (in my opinion) would allow for a huge expansion of the crafting system. And allow each Craft Person to be much more expressive when creating items. Another example just to make sure my point is understood, is this:
Chroniton and Transphasic torpedos are some of the most under utilized items in the game (in my opinion) Why would we waste one of our ship weapon slots on these torpedoes which do very little damage but give a minor tactical bonus instead of a lot of damage? Which is why not very many people seem to use them.
However with this new idea, a Craft Person, could make a Transphasic torpedo for a Vice Admiral rank that could in this example get 50 percent of its total damage through the shield of an enemy. The Craft Person could do this because when making a torpedo of Vice Admiral rank the "Base Torpedo" of that rank would have 3 or 4 slots to put these Rare particles with their Unique Properties. So if one of the particles gives the Transphasic Torp. the pass through the shields damage ability, then by putting 3 or 4 of those same particles in the "Base Torpedo" slots, they could then change a weak weapon into a real force to be reckoned with. . .
Of course that particle would give a "Pass Through Damage Resistance" when applied to a Ship Shield. . . So I hope that this gets all of us thinking about some of the incredibly cool things that could be created.
This idea would also give a new meaning to the term "Play Style" since it would give such a incredible variation to all the flavors of weapons, shields, armors and other things that could be crafted. . . Think about Croniton Torps if they could almost stop an enemy for a few seconds,. . . Then even weak weapons could take it down. And even Very Large Battleships would be vulnerable to small ships. . . perhaps even a few fighters. . .
And there could always be a limiting Cap on how many of the same type of Rare Particle a High Level item could have, for the sake of keeping the items balanced. But I think most of the balancing should come from the creation of unique items with opposite effects, as in the example of the Anyon powered Transphasic Torpedo verses the Anyon powered Ship Shield. . .
OK there ya go: Have some fun with that idea everyone. . . I am having fun with it. . . As I am sure you can tell. Thanks for the great game Cryptic!