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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Long Term:
    Make Sector Space into one BIG map. I hate all the loading screens
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term: The ability to enter Fleet Actions without a Queue

    Mid-Term: More customization to ship interiors, and having the hallway and rooms change when you change the interior size.

    Long-Term: More Klingon Content!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term: More non-pay clothing options, while keeping the majority as pay types, it would be nice to have a wider selection of clothing.

    Mid term: More exploration and science missions with all kinds of results that can affect you and your crew. Maybe even time travel missions.

    Long term: Ambassdor class and Constellation class ships appearing, maybe a peace treay being made with the Klingons, but an uneasy one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not sure if this is the best place to post these ideas, I have starred the one that I wanted to post that brought me here in the first place.

    **1. I want the ships we purchased with our own money (NX for example), to match the abilities of other ships in our tier. I am a RA, UH, my NX is useless at this level. I paid money for the thing, it should be useful at any level.
    2. More ship interiors! Comprehensive layout, layouts that represent the type of starship, more bridges, etc.
    3. I want to explore the Sol System. Mars, Jupiter Station, etc.

    #1 is the most important for me. If there is a better place to put this suggestion, let me know and I'll repost it there. Thanks! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Localization, localization and localization.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    while some of these request are crazy. its an interesting idea.

    short term is stop it with every item coming to the c-store first and only

    mid term is use your own foundry you the company made to make us mid term content. 7 months of no content and 9 months of c-store items is abismal and hypicitical of any company who call themselves a star trek deveoper. get the greed got the game and perhaps the game can grow

    long term goals: i agree that lt and ensign should have less formidable ship but that requires the game to be redone. lt can command a starship so its possible for that scenario. I dont agree to npc's leveling with u. thats not star trek. npc should be random. the game should be changed to open bigger space. i mean it is space so wtf

    create the game in this apect of star trek. i think the company should redo the game in this aspect
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term:

    1. Less emphasis on the C-Store. Make people actually play the game to get some of these newer items instead of just shelling out more money IRL.
    2. When changing layouts, the rooms should change too. The lounge on a "small" ship like the Defiant should not be the same size as one on the colossal ships.
    3. The ability to select a "ship's uniform" so that all crew wear the same uniform on the ship.


    1. More hybrid ships (not C-Store).
    2. Experimental technology (semi-rare items that provide random abilities that are unique to each character).
    3. More locations to explore like Earth, Jupiter Station, Andoria, etc.


    1. Revamping "exploration" missions. I want to actually explore.
    2. New playable faction. Klingons have gotten some love and now it is time to really start thinking about something new.
    3. Rank-Ship reworking. Not renaming, but just rework how ranks and ships work together. Make "multi-rank" ships. Like there could be a Lt. Commander Defiant, a Commander Defiant, and a Captain Defiant; each having the appropriate abilities.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term:
    - make some much more endgame stf in RA and VA lvl
    - make better reward for stfs than i could craft for myself

    Mid term:
    - i wish, i could buy a retrofit package to any of my ship, so i can use a retrofit akira class in endgame stf
    - new sectors to explore, and finshed Fluidic space

    Long term:
    - much more stf, in lower levels also. for example every front has its own stf: a lower rank and an upper rank version, so ppl can learn the teamplay
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Long term I guess

    Customize the transporter beam effect. Allow the player to choose between the several generations of federation beaming effects, the klingons beaming, bajorans, etc. Perhaps after a player completes all the missions for a faction, they would be awarded that race's transporter effect i.e. complete all the romulan missions to be awarded the option of the romulan transporter beam effect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For being offlined during an STF to not insta-kick you from the group :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term
    -Add a left/right click function to the zone/sector maps so left click zooms to the zone you are clicking on and right click zooms out to the sector space map.

    Mid term
    -Total spacestation/ship/common-area map revamp! Make it look nice and add names so I know where specific areas are. Also, I don't need nor want to know where anyone is on these maps. If the person I am looking for is in the admirals office, I only need to know where the admirals office is. It makes no sense that I just "know" where people are as long as they are on my end of the station.

    which leads me to
    -Add numerous wall displays that you can ask where a certain person is located. It will have a list of all NPC officers on duty and tell you what section of the area they a located in. This is how it's always been done in Star Trek. Why stop now?
    "Computer, locate ______"
    "______is in the Admirals Office"

    -Updating all tooltips to describe how powers specifically interact with each other. The time I spend on the web trying to figure out what helps what is time I don't enjoy.

    -Give the option to describe unknown system explorations as either ground or space based missions. Or better yet give the option to turn off random space or ground missions so that you can just do one or the other if you so desire. If I want to do a specific type of mission, I need to load another screen to find out if It's the type I want. I end up zoneing out of the instance if it's not what I want; which means two more loading screens of trying my luck. Sometimes this means 5 or 7 or even 9 loading screens extra. I don't know about anyone else but I do this a fair amount. It might not be in the spirit of the game but I do it non the less.

    Long term
    -Make sector space a single map. I know that's a really big one but it would make a huge huge difference in the quality of the immersion experience.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. Chatlog catcher, record rp sessions with friends

    2. Automatically match ship interiors and uniforms to the ship exterior by default, while allowing the interiors to still be customized for those who want something different. A TOS Enterprise should have the TOS interior, automatically, not some psuedo motion picture default interior, for example. The NX class, should have Archer's bridge as well. Intrepid class, the Voyager bridge, Galaxy.... TNG... you get the idea.

    3. Uniforms should not cost for the bridge officers or crew, to match your captain's style. And by the same token, if you want to 'mirror universe' them, that option should be a simple check box to do it. Play your evil twins. Why not?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. short term: Ereasing existings bugs from PVE and PVP Ques.

    2. mid term: add much more KDF PVE content, ship skins and cloting to the game

    3. long term: center on the strengths of having two cultural different factions in the game, i.e. different PVE paths etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term

    Add tails and beaks (as a small example) to the character creation process. I’m sure there is room for more variety.

    Mid term

    Add more social functions for people. For instance the ability to play card games (simple, such as uno) and such.

    Long term

    Add speech to the game, I like to talk with people rather than type.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    -Add option to remove the blue and red engine trails (just like the directional shield fx). Opacity slider would work too
    -improve PVE and PVP queues (the "Romulan Temple" instance with 3 players isn't much fun)


    - more missions


    - restructure captain skills so that they don't pidgeonhole you in to using one kind of ship/weapon/BO skills
    - might be fun if BOs were more similar to captains. I dunno, think about it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i have to say i am most concerned with the crushing lack of endgame content. for a game that levels as quickly as STO, it has none of the dynamic endgame content of say DC Online. we need this, because STO is bleeding players hard, if my own fleet is any indication.

    -Unlockables! give us things to unlock: ships/costumes/skins/uniforms. even if they cost hundreds of Emblems or require several already achieved goals [ambassador/member of section 31/etc.]. special unlocks will keep people coming back to see what else they can achieve.
    -replay missions improved. some of the replay equipment has been fantastic. but not all. some has left some of us just wondering why we would want it.
    -Achievements. [not sure if this would fall into a Mid-Term goal or a Short-Term] again, don't mean to keep using DCO's example but they have a grate idea. give skill points for getting achievement points. DCO lets you keep level your skills by using achievement points after you reach cap. it is a set number of achievement points = 1 skill up, but it gives continuing end content to cap'ed players.
    -Enemy Signal Contacts and Empire Defences. nothing more then a bit of randomization needs to be done to these maps. they are all the same with the exact same spawns in the same places. just mix them up a bit. if i'm a klingon, i will see that same map 50 times. just once would i love it to be layed out differently.

    -STF's. i'm sure everyone has mentioned it too. we need lots more of these.
    -Disputed Territory a single aria control map would be fun, give each faction [current/future/NPC] key systems to control and win. give players more then one way to win systems over. fight it out with the other factions or use diplomacy to sway a system to your political view. this would give feds an even footing with the klingon's [klingon's fight harder, fed's can diplomacy to make up the difference]
    -Enemy Signal Contacts. we already have a system for random enemy attacks in sector space, but doing more with it would be nice. give end content players reasons to help out in these fights. make the ESC's have a grater meaning to the game as a whole. rescues/holding actions/assist/assault missions are all in the base content and could be expanded to mean something grater in the ESC's done in sector space.
    -Unique Gear. i would love to see ships mounting odd-ball items. things you don't expect to see or run into. limited invulnerability shields, capture webs, short warp jump systems, odd weapons and deflector style beams that have strange effects on ships. make them extremely expensive or hard to get items [emblems/achievements]. but it will mix up things in PvP and also give end content users a reason to put time into building their own custom ship builds.


    -Klingons. finish the klingons. they are the other half of the story regarding the war. they also would be a good jumping off point for more content with the Iconions.
    -Random Rare Spawns. every so often have a rare enemy spawn in sector space encounters. give these mobs grate item drops and their defeat a barring on the game as a whole. [oops the borg fleet made it to earth, supplies are limited for the next 24 hours while earth rebuilds after the fight].

    thank you for your time, and i can't wait to see what new content you guys at the dev teams come up with next!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term:
    Ability to adjust large map transparency, especially on away missions.

    Mid Term:
    Maybe some type of Indication in clusters whether an upcoming unknown cluster mission is ground or space?
    Ability to set "dual difficulties" one for space missions one for ground

    Long Term
    "open crafting" where you can craft/farm out objects with differing numbers of blank spots and add the effects you wish
    Federation/Klingon teaming allowed for missions in Gamma Orionios
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I do not recall anyone ever asking for a whole new ground system. S4 is a major disapointment as far as I'm concerned. I do not like, use, or will ever see that the new grnd system is an upgrade. It is horrible period. When you have a VA toon that has all MKXI gear and in two shots by a hunter initiate, is dead, this is an upgrade? Really? The grnd game has been ruined period. If you play in the Classic mode, try switching between weapons, then click your tray to select stnd pattern or bolt spray, Your toon stands there and dies in 3 shots or less in most cases. All the while, he is pointing his weapon at the target, like a statue. Great jobs guys, great job. I am an STF vet and have done them many times. I refuse to even try with this so called new system. Hint, IT WAS NOT BROKE< DON"T FIX IT. All people asked for was new mission strings and content, you gave a no way to win situation that borders on impossible. Thank you so much. Hypos are worthless, charges are worthless. Again Great job. The new graphic features are great, we did not ask for them. We asked for new daily missions and storylines. New things to see and acheive. Not the ruination of what was a fine ground system to begin with. If I had not already paid for a "lifetime", they would not get another dime, period. EQ and WOW, did this kinda stuff, you see where it got them. Get ready to join them. I don't need three items to list here, only one. Stop ruining the game I love. Learn what the Star Trek franchise is about ( discovery and exploration), Then realize, this is not DOOM or Quake. First person shooters need not aplly here. GET IT.... Enough people are ready to pull out and have had it. Save the best online game ever and stop trying to be something you're not...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term: fix ship overview for kdf on the main page(http://www.startrekonline.com/ships-index). There are only fed ships at this time and no mention about the kdf's. It doesn't have to be pretty, just so that people see that there are other ships as well.

    Mid term: create a survival mode with waves of attackers, you know what I mean.

    Long term: romulan / cardassian / dominion-faction.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term: Please remove the PvE queues. Waiting a half hour or more for fleet actions is ludicrous.

    Mid: Design ships that look more traditionally Star Trek. No more kitbashes, no more awkward angular stuff tacked on and called a "variant". Do yourselves a favor, get on E-bay and find an old copy of Starship Creator Deluxe. They're like $10 and it will give you lots of ideas for good looking variations on the established classes.

    Long: Please create more missions that aren't so repetitive. At times I feel like the game is Same Trek, Different Day. Kill some baddies, beam down and scan some stuff and/or kill more baddies, rescue the prisoners, go back to ship and repeat. There were a LOT of episodes of Trek that involved so much more. Heck, I haven't seen a single "Stuck In The Holodeck." mission and that happened on the shows at least twice a season.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term

    - Let the "lock tray" function actually lock the tray! When reassigning officers, some of the empty spots on my action bars get filled with other abilities that I don't want to have there and have to remove again. It also tends to remove a few abilities (like the Launch Support Craft - very annoying).

    - More search options in the Exchange, especially when it comes to bridge officers. It's tedious having to sort through 100 KDF boffs looking for one that my fed char is able to use. I would like to search for faction, species and gender.


    - Crafting onboard our ships. We could have a crafting lab or something of the sort.

    - A better ability window, with all active abilities sorted into groups (for example: Ground (Captain and Officers separate), Space (Captain and Officers separate), Ship Abilities, Ship Weapons, Pets, Diplomatic abilities).

    - Be able to resize more HUD elements, like the power tray and the boff ability tray in space.

    Long term

    - Revamp of the skills system. Many of the skills are just plain confusing and it is very difficult to figure out what they do and where to put our skill points. It should be more balanced between ground and space, and many skills could be merged together. Better descriptions for each skill and make it easier to understand just what each skill will boost and how much it will boost.

    - Dual specs! I would love to have the option to switch between a ground-focused and a space-focused spec (or a solo vs group spec, for that matter).

    - Choose the best Foundry missions to become official missions! Let the community vote for their favourites. With the consent of the author, the missions could be fine-tuned by the devs and integrated into the game as official missions. Many of the Foundry missions are very original and fun, and it is a great way to get more content for the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I can't seem to find a post by me in this thread, so in case I missed it somehow, here's my thoughts.

    I have NO short or midterm suggestions, as the game is so sorely lacking in major things.

    The biggie for me is the complete lack of an interaction system that allows us to try to talk our way out of situations, and gives us branching, in-character ways of communicating with NPCs. Many of us have posted ways this might be done. It's no small job, to be sure, but if this is to be a Star Trek game, it really should reflect STAR TREK, which was not about the battles, but about the people and their interactions.

    Second is a deeper exploration system. Something with a number of random elements that allow us to have different missions each time we enter an unexplored system. Again, many of us have offered suggestions for this.

    Finally, we need more KINDS of things to do. That is, not just more content, but more KINDS of content. Variety keeps games afloat, not just more combat. More of the same becomes boring almost immediately. We need things to do that are fun in and of themselves, wherein the reward is that they ARE fun. An example is the music system from Lord of the Rings Online, which is unbelieveably awesome, and kept me busy (and at L26) for nearly two years, all on its own.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sorry, I'm typing this in a dark vehical and on a micro keyboard.

    1. How about a one time C-Store purchace of one additional ships bridge officer slot. Give the player the one time, non reversable choice of a Tac, Eng, or Sci slot. It should apply to any ship the player flies. So if the ship has one Tac slot, it would now have two after the purchace. The purchase slould be one step lower than the higest rank bridge officer slot of that group, (Tac,Eng,Sci.) Or as an option to this, aliow one of your existing BO slots to use one of the presently unused skills. This would apply to any BO placed in that slot.

    2. How about a one time non-reversable C-Store purchace of one additional console slot. The player would have the choice of a Tac, Eng, Sci, Weapon (front or rear) or Device slot. So if the player buys a Eng console slot and the ship already has 4 ENG console slots, it would now have 5 ENG slots. This slot should apply to each ship the player flies.

    Those two changes could greatly change the balance of power between ships and it might make things a little more interesting. The player would be stuck with that choice for the duration of the game. So the choice would need to be a wise one.

    3. How about some monsters. We're beaming down to unexplored planets all the time yet we never encounter anything native to the planet. How about some away team eating plants that need to be killed as we go or something. You can't tell me there aren't any native animals on these planets. Just make it random and maybe few and far between.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term
    • The ability to change the color of the mouse pointer. It is very easy to lose it on the screen and frustrating when trying to find it in the heat of battle
    • Add the ability on the Excelsior Cruiser Retrofit to Transwarp to more Sector Blocks (Gamma Orionis, and the Defari one)

    Mid Term
    • The Poker Tables that you find in the lounges on your starships. Let us use them.
      Host tournaments, have unique rewards like ship weapons etc. similar to what they did with the Casino section of Test Drive Unlimited 2 if you have played that. I would find that more fun then Dabo, as it is a real life game i enjoy a lot :)
    • A lot more STF's and other mission content and side quests with awesome rewards. Also a few more featured series would be great. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the Iconians
    • More of a range of craftable items. this list is fairly small.
    • Increase the level cap

    Long Term
    • Improce the look of systems when you warp in. the size and distance of everything is all wrong. If you have ever plated Infinity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_(MMOG) you will know what I mean. In that game you can actually enter a planets atmosphere and take a trip around the surface, seeing lakes, rivers, oceans, mountians etc.
    • From the above point, you could make some really cool missions where you may need to do a rescue of some strandard civilians. Trying to escape the planet before the sun goes supernova or coming under heavy fire. Much like the medivac choppers out of war movies. You could even pilot a fighter of some description and have dog fights like in Ace Combat or H.A.W.X.
    • Need more systems and quadrants with new races and missions. Perhaps Delta Quadrant. That main aim of Star Trek was to explore and discover new life, which seems to be missed a bit in STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term: get rid of all the smog and smoke in the klingon ships. it takes away from the architecture. at least make it an option to turn off fog or something similar.
    Mid Term: Allow weapons to be seen holstered instead of disappearing when you holster them. put rifles across the back, pistols at sides, etc.
    Long Term: Player housing. not much needing to be said there. make it where you can build a whole house out of many modular parts and add your own furniture like on runescape or something. it will be an easy addition and many players will be absolutely overjoyed with something new they can do.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short-term requests:

    1. Option of filtering Foundry missions by language
    2. Allowing off-duty clothing in any slot
    3. Additional clothing slot for bridge officers (C-Store purchase)

    Mid-term requests:

    1. Some way for players to upgrade their ships when they advance to a higher rank
    2. Duty officer/department head system.
    3. Player-defined species (A player would give the species a name and description, then set restrictions on what values are permitted for it from those that are available for aliens.)

    Long-term requests:

    1. Enhancing the Foundry to permit creating more complex missions
    2. Customization of ship interiors with the Foundry
    3. Ferengi faction in which advancement is based on making profits
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short Term

    Ability for group leader to select targets for the group or individuals this shouldn't be mandatory. Duel shields? so i'm not sure if you can do that one already but would be cool. The ability to change weapon color for your self to see only cus that would be a hindrance to other players otherwise. A warp power short term item boost to increase your world map speed going a warp 7 early on bugs and a temporary boost would be nice

    Mid Term

    Ability to repair your ship yourself if an engineer and others ships the ability to heal as a science officer maybe even boarding party's to fight if your tactical. Warp core as a interchangeable item maybe with more crafting involved to give different effects not just speed more power resistance to effects and change the warp nacelles color

    Long-term requests:

    Tricolors give more control of what your searching for not just point at the closest thing this could also be a upgradeable item with several parts and also give the same options of control to ships sensors Jefferies tubes and the ability to crawl through them? the ability to set a course on the bride and have the ship make its own way there while you roam your ship you could even add random encounters in when your on the ship such as boarding party's at random times would give a brake from the space encounters.

    Maybe the option to desert the federation and join the Klingons and vise verse? you could make this a one time thing and charge to go back

    I think this would be some of the great things that could be and should be changed :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term:

    Better explanations of how the game works for new players! I have no idea what the bank, the exchange or starfleet merits are for!


    More missions of different natures, like indepthification of diplomatic style missions and etc.

    Long term:

    Romulans as playable faction! I originally didn't buy the game because you couldn't play as Romulans and I like Romulans that much, but then got the game because it looks too awesome and figured my money could contribute to you guys developping the Romulans as playable faction!

    The ability to influence something in the Star Trek universe, like maybe if Klingons are able to win so many pvp's in a row in a certain area they can expand the Klingon Empire, and that area can in turn be required by the Fed, etc.

    That's it for now, still learning the game but super heavy emphasis on Romulans!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Short term: Just one since anything else i could want has already been stated. Make the holoemitters unlimited use. Its an illusion that serves no tactical purpose that would require it to be a one time 15minute use item at such a high price.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
This discussion has been closed.