unfortunitely, the first one has become needed... they don't listen anymore... and soon CBS will pull the license since they are doing so much to kill the Trek-ness of the game... those new ESD signs alone are just more cartoon than trek... except the trek cartoon looked more real than those ugly animated thngs...
Short term: add back old stfs so we can play both new and old. My opinion: I like the new style, but I surely miss the fun of playing the old ones. There is also a thread about it.
Mid term: make few save-able configurations for ship layout of boffs, weapons and consoles (or pretty much whatever is on the ships slots) so we can quickly change the ship station assignments for bridge officers, weapons and consoles. That would help tremendously for some pvp configurations, stfs, pve or for whatever we want. It is a pain every time we change assignments we need to re-arrange the abilities. Well, at least people like me that bind those abilities to keys. Not to mention that this takes some time. We could have a combo box from which we select the one we want. I would put this as short term but I think it involves some changes (database and prog) that may be not extremely simple).
Long term: more content, more factions, less bugs. Also, having 2 buckets for skill/spec, one for ground and one for space, IMO would balance the game tremendously. Many ppl complain that pvp-ers are all space or all ground. This way, If you are skilled then you can kick a$$ in both and no more reason to start whining about this.
1 Fire the current Dev Staff for thier unparalleled destruction of what a game used to be.
2 Crafting is rediculous with this uneccesary fee of dilithium that should go with the old dev team
3 Skills need to become sensable currently they are not you no longer have enough points to have a proper ship let alone do anything on the ground
I would say fire the management staff, lol, devs are the worker bees, they design what they are told to. I doubt the final decision is devs'. Maybe don't go that far to fire them, but at least re-organize them so that we see a more star trek-like universe, not people doing stf-s dressed in suit and tie and things like that. At least make those a holodeck mission where we can get tommy guns and fight gangsters. lol. Really, you go on esd and see people dressed in all kind of crazy, non-star trek clothings. I understand the nature of the business, to have lots of customizations (many you can buy), but at least filter all those through a star trek net. And all those funny looking signs, Thank God qo'nos looks a little better...
With skills, I tend to agree and as I said on a prior post, I think a fix would be to split the space and ground specs. Because the way it is forces you to either spec like crazy for space if you do pvp space, either ground for pvp ground. Then if you play an stf/fleet action, either ground or space will suck. If you try to have a ballanced toon, then definitely you are at a disadvantage in both pvp space and ground. We'll see, maybe in season 25 (if it gets that far) we will see those changes (that hopefully won't mess up everything else). lol.
Here's my wish list, based on my experiences over the last year plus and on the F2P stuff on Tribble:
Short Term: Please offer Promotion Packages of appropriate teired white equipment.
Example- I make Commander (Teir 4), wouldn't it be great to get a requisition package that contains white MK V items for the ground and that ships requisitioned are equipped with white MK V basic loadouts?
This is not game breaking and won't hurt the economy any- people will still eventually want to upgrade to blue or better MK VI gear. What it does do is allow players to play, right of the box.
It makes sense in a military mind set to at least outfit the troops in the basic gear to survive. And new player coming into F2P won't be faced with the sticker shock of trying to equip his toon/ship/BOFFs with each level.
Mid term: Klingon PvE Content. I don't really need to elaborate and I don't need to point to the desperate need the community has for that. It's important!
Long term: Foundry tools and a Foundry rewards system that's reasonable and makes sense. The complaints from the communtiy regarding STO's content, or lack there of, quite a common sight. Let's empower the players into making their own content. Establish a reward system that benefits not only the players that participate but also the talented players that create. If even that means developing a unbias thrid party to judge, grade and establish rewards for player created content.
I feel that making the Foundry as robust and exciting an engine as it can be would go a long way toward curtailing the "No Content" complaints.
1. Add more attainable armor (like the new STF awards), perhaps just costume armor? If not make mark 12 attainable with Borg encryption codes.
2. Add more ships, with more variety, no more re-skins of the galaxy thanks How about the Jupiter?
3. Make lower tier ships viable to play at any rank in the game.
No More Cash Grabbing. This Includes Lottery Boxes, Pay-4-Chance Items, or any other such half baked idea to gouge money from a player base that's shown to be quick to jump on a new hot item with out thinking first.
Not Charging a single EC or other game currency to create a new costume. I had two empty costume slots and I went to go create something cute to ware around the winter event and BAM!!! I was charged for almost every little change I made to the outfit, change a color, BAM EC's added to the cost. wanted to Remove the fleet logo Bam More EC's Added. I ended up spending almost 10k in Energy Credits to finish the outfit. not cool not cool at all
Better CS, that's right Better Customer Service. I takes up to and some times more then a week for a CSR to send me an update on a ticket and it's always the same cookie cutter response telling me to read the FAQ's which never have an answer
Mid-term requests
More Uniform packs. I've been asking for the 29th Century Uniform packs since launch and I've yet hear anything never remotely close of a oh, yes that's on the list or sure sounds like a good idea thanks
More Personal Inventory Slots and Bank Slots the ( 3x and 4x ) limit placed on the number of times you can buy more slots on any given toon is counter productive. and I don't for one second by this "it bogs down the instance for everyone the more slots someone has" yarn. other MMOs never had this issue. of course they had better system/server set ups.
Make it so that as long as we've got a device or some consoles in our personal inventory they count as being part of our ship's powers for use.
Long-term requests
Ground Environment Update. You did a great job with the Space Visual update and all the old ground zones need a good one two pass over with a power buffer.
Make it so that one can get the Mark XII Gear without playing Elite. New Specile Reserve STF Gear MkXII could be one part for say 80 EDC's twice that of what it takes to get a MkXI part. it's fair.
Get Rid of this Normal/Elite stuff. it's ugly. it should be one difficulty to rule them all.
Love the IP and Love the Social interactions being part of a fleet brings. now please how me how to love Cryptic.
More visual effects with the different sets. Especially the sets that have no visual effects already.
Grab Fleet members to join the Defera Borg invasion together.
Replay the Breen series "Cold Call" mission while talking to the Ambassador in the Defera sector (I forget the sector's name). It doesn't trigger when I hit replay from the mission/calendar window for some reason.
Mid Term:
Sets that operate on console synergy, and are mostly crafted sets rather than PvE questing rewards.
Faster PvP starts, as I've yet to see a PvP match actually start, nor even seen an existing one to join. Perhaps only require 1 vs 1 PvP and allow for drop-in, drop-out (up to 5 team members per side) until their is only one faction left standing. Maybe make PvP rewards reflect the odds ratio (3 versus 1) and the amount of time spent in the match, to prevent players abusing the freedom of the system.
More PvP-PvE hybrid missions. I've seen one PvE mission versus the Borg in which the KDF can race the FED player to the mission finish (the one you get at K-7 starbase). I'd like there to be more of these and for them to have their own category in the calendar/mission interface so it is easier to join them.
1. Aim for a Clan Wars (Fleet Wars) interface like World of Tanks has for it's Clan Wars. Basically Fleets control territory in the neutral zone in their faction's name, make strategic moves, and then fight scheduled PvP matches in ST:O. With the F2Pers this, I predict this would make some revenue and energize PvP. Make the stakes a couple of diluthium mines, and maybe a 10 zone map to control.
2. Improve the first person shooter aspect of ST:O, specifically the PvP variant. It's pretty lively already, but it'd be more fun (Don't get me wrong, I like the Defera Borg invasion zone---it's pretty fun). Make it smoother and a little more like a 3D MMO shooter. Add more gun, gear, and skill customization for the primary avatar in PvP land war. Note: I'm not talking about the spaceship play---I like that fine.
3. Add another PvP faction, like the Borg, unlocked once you reach endgame with a KDF officer.
im not sure what short/mid/long term things i want but i these:
Gorn Females? (well its gonna be strange but worth a try
No more getting multiple Boff reqs from C- Store so u can have to get one and the rest are like the regular Boff w/o using C-points (Humans, Vulcans) (though this maybe a stupid one...)
1. Change the "Scan area" to have the option of selecting what you are scanning for i.e. Anomalies, mission waypoints etc... it can be frustrating to be trying to find the next console or what have you only to have the scan default to the nearby anomaly
2. The ability to close the interaction boxes like the "access Exchange" or enter system boxes, these get in the way if I'm not going to that location.
3. Better descriptions for equipment Example I have a Tricobalt Torp launcher that I can't mount on my Explorer class Cruiser and I have no idea why since it's a common ship weapon with no rank limit listed
I'll get back to you on mid and long range wants...
#1 - Holstered weapons and tricorders visible on characters during away missions. (i.e. Rifles slung to back and pistols on waist.
#2 - a TRIBBLE BANK, where we can keep our tribbles we breed away from consumables sometimes stored in the regular bank.
#3 - a working USHAAN on Andor, similar to how it was during the beta testing.
#1 - an Excomp with attacking ability like the Horta.
#2 - more bridge types/designs....NX-O1 Bridge, Reliant Bridge, Excelcior Bridge, or a "Contest To Design A New Bridge"
#3 - more Alien BOFs and Duty Officers: refer to Star Trek Enterprise and the movie Star Trek The Voyage Home (Council Chamber scene) and Star Trek Undiscovered Country (Khitomer Conference) - Denobulan, Rigellian, Grazerite, Kasheeta, Xelatian, Zaranite, Bzzit Khaht, Ariolo, Arcadian, Aaamazzarite, Coridan, Vorgon, Yridian, Xindi-Arboreal, Xindi-Reptilian, Xindi-Primate, Kazon. Focus on those who are members of the Federation circa 2161, 2286, 2293, and 2379
#1 - Fleet Meeting locations...officer/meeting rooms in lower area of Earth Starbase, and/or Fleet Starbases (either/or in Space or Planet-side).
#2 - Expanding to the Gamma Quadrant via Bajoran Wormhole and Delta Quadrant (i.e. Star Trek Voyager) giving access to more gameplay throughout the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.
#3 - more Mini-Games (i.e. Poker, Tongo, Dom-jot, Parrises Squares, Basic Phaser Target Practice, Velocity (Star Trek Voyager), and Tri-Dimensional Chess). Some of these games could also be played PVPs or challenges to help acquire credits, Gold-Press Latium, Dilithium, Special Gear, Equipment, Clothing or new Titles.
*ability to put "Kits" on BOFs
*more Pets (i.e. Archer's Beagle (Porthos), Data's Cat (Spot), Janeway's Irish Setter (Mollie)) and give them some added limited ability enhancement when called. If not just having them would be cool.
*more ability to design uniforms (i.e. allowing to mix mercenary with uniform). Contemporary "Off=Duty" clothing jeans, shorts, t-shrts (i.e. Starfleet Academy Clothing Gear such as Athletic t-shirt, hoodies, sweatpants and or Star Trek Online Clothing Gear) and/or OST Mirror Universe variations (i.e. Kirk's Top), and/or Star Trek Motion Picture Security clothing, and/or NX-O1 baseball cap wore in first episode.
*scaling down some of the bridges just like the Constitution Class Bridge...to more realistic scale, some of them are just to big.
*working Shuttle Bay, where all small crafts can be accessed to complete small craft needed missions, or new multi-missions for future episodes.
*ability to Refit/Retrofit Old Starships...adding more consoles, weapons, consumables, or BOFs, slots. A way of crafting a starship using an old starship from one's inventory. Why can't I have another aft weapon slot refitted onto my NX Class? Instead of refitted starships being something we have to buy in the C-Store Why not have players spend credits, dilithium, etc. or have to complete special missions and/or Fleet Missions to acquire components needed for a refit. And since refits take time...why not have it take time like the missions for Duty Officers (i.e. 20hrs to refit or add aft weapon slot and/or 48hrs to add a console slot to engineering. Of course, this should not be an easy task and refits should have limitations. i liked that we had the option to craft a Delta Flyer oppose to simply buying it from the C-Store.
Things To Continue...
I like the puzzles we needed to solve in many of the "Featured Episodes." They made me do a little thinking and made me work for my end rewards.
Things I Miss...
After login, the screen with Character Selection...I miss the first original background on the edge of a station with space and planet in the background. The second revamp background of a transporter was okay, but now the Defiant bridge background isn't all that cool.
The Stateroom (on Earth Starbase) with stair cases on both sides (it made it more grand).
Personally, I didn't like the fact that everyone can achieve Vice Admiral given a short amount of time. I thought ranking-up should of been longer or achieved a rank-up after completing a number of "Fleet Special Missions" as a reward. For example, for my third Starfleet Character I tried to keep him at each rank for as long as possible (i.e. Commander Lvl 40) to make it more challenging. Once I completed all the missions available for Commander then I allocated my skill points. Even though I notice that Command Lvl 40 was equivalent to Captain Lvl 30 (or something like that). I did however accumulated some uncommon and rare BOFs by holding out.
QUESTION: Will ranking up continue? Something similar to WOW through new expansion packs which would grand access to new realms and new abilities to skill-up.
#3 - more Alien BOFs and Duty Officers: refer to Star Trek Enterprise and the movie Star Trek The Voyage Home (Council Chamber scene) and Star Trek Undiscovered Country (Khitomer Conference) - Denobulan, Rigellian, Grazerite, Kasheeta, Xelatian, Zaranite, Bzzit Khaht, Ariolo, Arcadian, Aaamazzarite, Coridan, Vorgon, Yridian, Xindi-Arboreal, Xindi-Reptilian, Xindi-Primate, Kazon. Focus on those who are members of the Federation circa 2161, 2286, 2293, and 2379
That's been needed for a while... also more parts for the alien creation tool.
you maybe interested to know SOME of those are coming as Doffs.
#3 - more Mini-Games (i.e. Poker, Tongo, Dom-jot, Parrises Squares, Basic Phaser Target Practice, Velocity (Star Trek Voyager), and Tri-Dimensional Chess). Some of these games could also be played PVPs or challenges to help acquire credits, Gold-Press Latium, Dilithium, Special Gear, Equipment, Clothing or new Titles.
totally agree... star trek was big on games... and yet we have... none? unless you count... spin the wheel...
*ability to Refit/Retrofit Old Starships...adding more consoles, weapons, consumables, or BOFs, slots. A way of crafting a starship using an old starship from one's inventory. Why can't I have another aft weapon slot refitted onto my NX Class? Instead of refitted starships being something we have to buy in the C-Store Why not have players spend credits, dilithium, etc. or have to complete special missions and/or Fleet Missions to acquire components needed for a refit. And since refits take time...why not have it take time like the missions for Duty Officers (i.e. 20hrs to refit or add aft weapon slot and/or 48hrs to add a console slot to engineering. Of course, this should not be an easy task and refits should have limitations. i liked that we had the option to craft a Delta Flyer oppose to simply buying it from the C-Store.
ahhh... the old "customize your ship" option... Star Trek Legacy planned to do that but it didn't make the final cut of the game... and if Riker could take the Old Ent and glue a third nacelle and a phaser lance on it, why can't we?
QUESTION: Will ranking up continue? Something similar to WOW through new expansion packs which would grand access to new realms and new abilities to skill-up.
it has been discussed... but since STO hasn't even had ANY new content in a year, it's not a priority... obviously.
I'm not really sure what are these fit...maybe mid-term - long term
More uniform options!! It is kind of boring having the same variations on an outfit. The Klingons don't even have off-duty uniforms (at least that show up). (If the Klingons don't maybe consider some for the Orions at least.)
Long term:
Interactions on a personal level with NPCs so the storyline has more life to it. Maybe create some basic interactions that can be played out with NPCs like Bridge officers, or other officers. Something that allows for friendships etc. so there is something more than fighting and missions.
Short-Term: Nothing I can think of atm. I will edit once I think of more.
Mid-Term: Fix anomalies spawning in the middle of a hill in exploration missions.
Long Term: Better commendation system rewards in general. The only one that has real rewards is Diplomatic, the rest are just bland *new doff*. Also the diplomatic stuff is so slow even once you get to rank one, there just isn't enough diplomacy xp granted for investigations at that rank.
Stuff you can actually do on your own bridge and ship. Interactions with your BOFF's would be a good start. Missions/dailies on your ship would be even better. Also say if you have a bartender duty officer you can assign them to something called civilian duty and you would find him serving drinks and stuff in the crew deck lounge. Some real customization for your ship basically. Basically make going inside your own ship interesting and not boring.
More maps in exploration missions both space and away types. It becomes all the same after a while. Also adding secondary or bonus objective to these missions would spice them up a bit.
Short-term: No more grinding for EDC and salvage in STFs;. Would be far easier for everyone to just grant a requisition at the end of the mission, like the original STF's granted a piece of Borg tech.
Medium-term: 1# Place the Deferi Invasion mission on the queuing system where the STF's are located.
2# If we don't want to grind the STF's for the good gear, allow us to craft it instead.
Long-term: Give us the ability to receive skill points for our ship and ground skills, even though we've reached the level cap. (Doesn't have to be a lot, just small amounts when we complete a mission).
Short term: Fix the Boff cloning issues on my bridge. I'd like my officers to all have a place on that wide open expanse. I take alot of time tweaking all of my Boff's appearances as well as their skills, I'd like to at least have my bridge cosmetically reflect that. It doesn't bother me nearly as much that there isn't anything to do on my ship, as much as it bothers me that my officers aren't all represented. On a side not to this, i'd love to be able to set a uniform for my whole ship. My Boff's and captain having one uniform scheme and the rest of the npc's on my ship having mismatched uniforms make me want to find my ships quartermaster and toss him out the airlock.
Mid term: I'd like to see a form of refitting for old favorite ships. I got very attactched to a couple of them, heck i used my nx-class until i hit captain, just because i didn't want to see it become defunct. I'd like to see a way for us to upgrade them, either through a special ship refit at spacedock or something, where we can trade dilithium or w/e to upgrade them. It would also make for a more interesting spacescape out there, with VA's not all flying around in the same few classes of ships.
Long Term: I'd like to see the romulans become playable.
I enjoy alot of the new changes, and hope that the drive to improve doesn't fizzle out again.
Short term: Fix the Boff cloning issues on my bridge. I'd like my officers to all have a place on that wide open expanse. I take alot of time tweaking all of my Boff's appearances as well as their skills, I'd like to at least have my bridge cosmetically reflect that. It doesn't bother me nearly as much that there isn't anything to do on my ship, as much as it bothers me that my officers aren't all represented. On a side not to this, i'd love to be able to set a uniform for my whole ship. My Boff's and captain having one uniform scheme and the rest of the npc's on my ship having mismatched uniforms make me want to find my ships quartermaster and toss him out the airlock.
Mid term: I'd like to see a form of refitting for old favorite ships. I got very attactched to a couple of them, heck i used my nx-class until i hit captain, just because i didn't want to see it become defunct. I'd like to see a way for us to upgrade them, either through a special ship refit at spacedock or something, where we can trade dilithium or w/e to upgrade them. It would also make for a more interesting spacescape out there, with VA's not all flying around in the same few classes of ships.
Long Term: I'd like to see the romulans become playable.
I enjoy alot of the new changes, and hope that the drive to improve doesn't fizzle out again.
I was going to post...but I think you covered my short/mid/long-term goals
Euro friendly invasion timezones
MX STF gear to get outfit
Ability to exchange 2 rare borg salvage for 10 EDCs
Borg liberated over speices (Gorn,Andorian,Orion etc)
abilty to become your first officer (so we can be borg,breen,Reman or photonic)
Fleet starbases
More playable fractions
(My main three playable fractions)
1.- PvP has broken -> carriers and heavy unbalanced -> anybody play
2.- Ground need love. Champions online has the same "game engine2 and have a lot of options, if this game where 50% of complex of champions online in ground, will become to fantastic game.
4.- Don't build a cake 15 ingredients, to fit races with no compatible lores in two major factions. ( Example: Orions with klingons?, this is startrek ?, Gorn with klingons?. Klingons are xenophobic race, they no integrate in their culture, only conquest ). Be respectful with the races backgrounds.
5.- Gigant space zone with persisten worlds.
6.- Un reclamed space zone, with open pvp.
7.- Private pvp and pve with less rewards. People that not belongs to fleet can´t play for population issues.
8.- Crafting vessels, space stations, etc... economy driven by players.
9.- Open Gamma quadrant
10.- No more levels, more skill oriented game.
11.- Free selection of vesseles. The appearance does not have a hard relationship with the characteristics.
12.- Why i have to fit 5 members to do a fleet. Prevents the formation of small communities. Money is enough.
13.- Sideckick system that allow to play Battleground with your friend.
* Relook at the reward system in STF's. One EDC is a tad ridiculous as a reward... Consider perhaps handing out a minimum of 2 guaranteed, with say a 20% chance to drop an extra 1 and a 5-10% chance for 2 extras.
* PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, allow us to buy the ingame ships for EC again or DRAMATICALLY reduce their cost in Dilithium. The ships are already free ingame, why is it made such a mission to change your mind?? I am a casual STO player and will Never afford another Tier 4/5 ship due to the cost. I really felt like a change of ship, but so much for that....
* I know it's being looked into, but the crafting needs serious love. Again, due to Dilithium, I will not be crafting anymore. The amounts needed are WAY beyond what I could ever afford. I understand the need to balance just being able to craft the strongest items, but have perhaps SLIGHTLY weaker options available that you can just spend research materials on.
* Weapon FX need fixing. A dual beam bank (goes for any dual weapon really) should not fire from either side of your ship. It should be 2 beams fairly close together. What I would love is to have hardpoints. You can still kit your ship as normal, but it highlights where on the ship the weapon will be mounted It shouldn't interfere with firing arcs at all.
* Implement some kind of hydroponics bay into your ship. Allow us to collect plant samples when on away missions and use those to discover new or more effective Hypospays etc...
* On Away Missions, they SERIOUSLY need work. The fact that I Definitely already know I'll either be scanning or killing 5 of whatevers down there is tedious. I'd suggest introducing more puzzle oriented play. You can perhaps only scan 2 of whatever is planetside, then there is a "piecing together" section. You need to analyse the drawings/markings/schematics and figure out what they mean. You could go one further and have certain optional goals only achievable by certain classes.
* Variety. There is Far to much of the same. Even with the ship tailor etc. You need to introduce far more ways of making yourself unique. Either add a stack more sets, or provide some other means of "uniquely" (I know there will never be ONLY one) marking yourself. Honestly I would do a Complete Item overhaul. Make purple items feel special. Create a loot system that works. I have not used ONE weapon that has dropped in missions. All my rewards from missions are better.
It's been almost two years since I last gave my thoughts here.
* Rework STF rewards. Grinding 40 missions for one piece of Mk. XI gear is insanely prohibitive in terms of time, and since I already have a bunch of purple standard issue Mk. XI stuff, Rare Borg Salvage does nothing for me. Maybe if it were tradeable for more Encrypted Data Chips, it'd feel like less of an ordeal.
* Take dilithium out of crafting, or at least lower the costs for unreplicable materials. Again, the costs are insanely prohibitive for doing just about anything, and not everyone wants to fiddle with the dilithium exchange. Why not use different mats you can find in-game?
* Better align non-scaling rewards like the Efficient Impulse Engines Mk. IV to the level you actually do the mission.
* A wider range of alien bridge officers. And I don't mean defectors from other races. I'm talking Federation members. Tiburonians, Efrosians and Napeans jump to mind. And for Klingons, the Arin'Sen and Kriosians, who are canonically Klingon subject species.
* A makeover for Starbase 39 Sierra and Starbase 114 in the Celes System, turning them into full-out social areas.
* Excise Mackenzie Calhoun from the game and hurl him callously into the Discard Bin of Awful Names for Aliens.
* New sectors like Deferi space, populated by original species with original conflicts. Again, half the joy of Star Trek is exploration. We like blasting Klingons, yeah, but Star Trek is about seeking out new life and new civilizations. The Deferi are this; where's the next contender?
* A Tier 5 Akira with Peregrine launch bay.
* A wider range of side-story missions that you can access and play through outside of the primary story arc. Perhaps it's time-consuming, but it also gives players more to do. Because let's face it, the Genesis content doesn't cut it when it comes to immersion. Give us something to do on the side that doesn't come from a cookie cutter.
i love this game so i only have 1 long term Q is one of the best star trek characters have him just show up out of the blue at any time even doing while your trying to do a mission becouse thats what he does lol and let us deside how we handle him i think would be fun for us and great for the writers becouse you just go crazy and do any thing with the story becouse thats what Q is like:)
my short term change... the "deflector dish" on the bird of prey... is not on the front... thats the torpedo launcher. the deflector array is on the wings and it just looks silly launching torps through your "deflector" fx
also id like a t5 ship able to use the new ning'tao class skin... why give the klingons a modern looking bird of prey but have them all fly the one in star trek 3 when they get to end game?
medium fleet opperated star bases
long term... playable romulan faction / ships and race. ill even settle for them being part of the federation.
Mid term: make few save-able configurations for ship layout of boffs, weapons and consoles (or pretty much whatever is on the ships slots) so we can quickly change the ship station assignments for bridge officers, weapons and consoles. That would help tremendously for some pvp configurations, stfs, pve or for whatever we want. It is a pain every time we change assignments we need to re-arrange the abilities. Well, at least people like me that bind those abilities to keys. Not to mention that this takes some time. We could have a combo box from which we select the one we want. I would put this as short term but I think it involves some changes (database and prog) that may be not extremely simple).
Long term: more content, more factions, less bugs. Also, having 2 buckets for skill/spec, one for ground and one for space, IMO would balance the game tremendously. Many ppl complain that pvp-ers are all space or all ground. This way, If you are skilled then you can kick a$$ in both and no more reason to start whining about this.
I would say fire the management staff, lol, devs are the worker bees, they design what they are told to. I doubt the final decision is devs'. Maybe don't go that far to fire them, but at least re-organize them so that we see a more star trek-like universe, not people doing stf-s dressed in suit and tie and things like that. At least make those a holodeck mission where we can get tommy guns and fight gangsters. lol. Really, you go on esd and see people dressed in all kind of crazy, non-star trek clothings. I understand the nature of the business, to have lots of customizations (many you can buy), but at least filter all those through a star trek net. And all those funny looking signs, Thank God qo'nos looks a little better...
With skills, I tend to agree and as I said on a prior post, I think a fix would be to split the space and ground specs. Because the way it is forces you to either spec like crazy for space if you do pvp space, either ground for pvp ground. Then if you play an stf/fleet action, either ground or space will suck. If you try to have a ballanced toon, then definitely you are at a disadvantage in both pvp space and ground. We'll see, maybe in season 25 (if it gets that far) we will see those changes (that hopefully won't mess up everything else). lol.
2. Add content
3. Fix bugs
4. Fix the game, make it worth playing.
Short Term: Please offer Promotion Packages of appropriate teired white equipment.
Example- I make Commander (Teir 4), wouldn't it be great to get a requisition package that contains white MK V items for the ground and that ships requisitioned are equipped with white MK V basic loadouts?
This is not game breaking and won't hurt the economy any- people will still eventually want to upgrade to blue or better MK VI gear. What it does do is allow players to play, right of the box.
It makes sense in a military mind set to at least outfit the troops in the basic gear to survive. And new player coming into F2P won't be faced with the sticker shock of trying to equip his toon/ship/BOFFs with each level.
Mid term: Klingon PvE Content. I don't really need to elaborate and I don't need to point to the desperate need the community has for that. It's important!
Long term: Foundry tools and a Foundry rewards system that's reasonable and makes sense. The complaints from the communtiy regarding STO's content, or lack there of, quite a common sight. Let's empower the players into making their own content. Establish a reward system that benefits not only the players that participate but also the talented players that create. If even that means developing a unbias thrid party to judge, grade and establish rewards for player created content.
I feel that making the Foundry as robust and exciting an engine as it can be would go a long way toward curtailing the "No Content" complaints.
2. Add more ships, with more variety, no more re-skins of the galaxy thanks How about the Jupiter?
3. Make lower tier ships viable to play at any rank in the game.
No More Cash Grabbing. This Includes Lottery Boxes, Pay-4-Chance Items, or any other such half baked idea to gouge money from a player base that's shown to be quick to jump on a new hot item with out thinking first.
Not Charging a single EC or other game currency to create a new costume. I had two empty costume slots and I went to go create something cute to ware around the winter event and BAM!!! I was charged for almost every little change I made to the outfit, change a color, BAM EC's added to the cost. wanted to Remove the fleet logo Bam More EC's Added. I ended up spending almost 10k in Energy Credits to finish the outfit. not cool not cool at all
Better CS, that's right Better Customer Service. I takes up to and some times more then a week for a CSR to send me an update on a ticket and it's always the same cookie cutter response telling me to read the FAQ's which never have an answer
Mid-term requests
More Uniform packs. I've been asking for the 29th Century Uniform packs since launch and I've yet hear anything never remotely close of a oh, yes that's on the list or sure sounds like a good idea thanks
More Personal Inventory Slots and Bank Slots the ( 3x and 4x ) limit placed on the number of times you can buy more slots on any given toon is counter productive. and I don't for one second by this "it bogs down the instance for everyone the more slots someone has" yarn. other MMOs never had this issue. of course they had better system/server set ups.
Make it so that as long as we've got a device or some consoles in our personal inventory they count as being part of our ship's powers for use.
Long-term requests
Ground Environment Update. You did a great job with the Space Visual update and all the old ground zones need a good one two pass over with a power buffer.
Make it so that one can get the Mark XII Gear without playing Elite. New Specile Reserve STF Gear MkXII could be one part for say 80 EDC's twice that of what it takes to get a MkXI part. it's fair.
Get Rid of this Normal/Elite stuff. it's ugly. it should be one difficulty to rule them all.
Love the IP and Love the Social interactions being part of a fleet brings. now please how me how to love Cryptic.
More visual effects with the different sets. Especially the sets that have no visual effects already.
Grab Fleet members to join the Defera Borg invasion together.
Replay the Breen series "Cold Call" mission while talking to the Ambassador in the Defera sector (I forget the sector's name). It doesn't trigger when I hit replay from the mission/calendar window for some reason.
Mid Term:
Sets that operate on console synergy, and are mostly crafted sets rather than PvE questing rewards.
Faster PvP starts, as I've yet to see a PvP match actually start, nor even seen an existing one to join. Perhaps only require 1 vs 1 PvP and allow for drop-in, drop-out (up to 5 team members per side) until their is only one faction left standing. Maybe make PvP rewards reflect the odds ratio (3 versus 1) and the amount of time spent in the match, to prevent players abusing the freedom of the system.
More PvP-PvE hybrid missions. I've seen one PvE mission versus the Borg in which the KDF can race the FED player to the mission finish (the one you get at K-7 starbase). I'd like there to be more of these and for them to have their own category in the calendar/mission interface so it is easier to join them.
1. Aim for a Clan Wars (Fleet Wars) interface like World of Tanks has for it's Clan Wars. Basically Fleets control territory in the neutral zone in their faction's name, make strategic moves, and then fight scheduled PvP matches in ST:O. With the F2Pers this, I predict this would make some revenue and energize PvP. Make the stakes a couple of diluthium mines, and maybe a 10 zone map to control.
2. Improve the first person shooter aspect of ST:O, specifically the PvP variant. It's pretty lively already, but it'd be more fun (Don't get me wrong, I like the Defera Borg invasion zone---it's pretty fun). Make it smoother and a little more like a 3D MMO shooter. Add more gun, gear, and skill customization for the primary avatar in PvP land war. Note: I'm not talking about the spaceship play---I like that fine.
3. Add another PvP faction, like the Borg, unlocked once you reach endgame with a KDF officer.
Gorn Females? (well its gonna be strange but worth a try
No more getting multiple Boff reqs from C- Store so u can have to get one and the rest are like the regular Boff w/o using C-points (Humans, Vulcans) (though this maybe a stupid one...)
There may be more from me!
the mek'leth: that's the short sword the holographic Klingons carry in the Starfleet Academy event .
To go along with that: Mek'leth slash,trust and parry moves.
and a parry move for the bat'leth as well.
2. The ability to close the interaction boxes like the "access Exchange" or enter system boxes, these get in the way if I'm not going to that location.
3. Better descriptions for equipment Example I have a Tricobalt Torp launcher that I can't mount on my Explorer class Cruiser and I have no idea why since it's a common ship weapon with no rank limit listed
I'll get back to you on mid and long range wants...
More Missions
Long term:
More missions, especially at level cap.
#1 - Holstered weapons and tricorders visible on characters during away missions. (i.e. Rifles slung to back and pistols on waist.
#2 - a TRIBBLE BANK, where we can keep our tribbles we breed away from consumables sometimes stored in the regular bank.
#3 - a working USHAAN on Andor, similar to how it was during the beta testing.
#1 - an Excomp with attacking ability like the Horta.
#2 - more bridge types/designs....NX-O1 Bridge, Reliant Bridge, Excelcior Bridge, or a "Contest To Design A New Bridge"
#3 - more Alien BOFs and Duty Officers: refer to Star Trek Enterprise and the movie Star Trek The Voyage Home (Council Chamber scene) and Star Trek Undiscovered Country (Khitomer Conference) - Denobulan, Rigellian, Grazerite, Kasheeta, Xelatian, Zaranite, Bzzit Khaht, Ariolo, Arcadian, Aaamazzarite, Coridan, Vorgon, Yridian, Xindi-Arboreal, Xindi-Reptilian, Xindi-Primate, Kazon. Focus on those who are members of the Federation circa 2161, 2286, 2293, and 2379
#1 - Fleet Meeting locations...officer/meeting rooms in lower area of Earth Starbase, and/or Fleet Starbases (either/or in Space or Planet-side).
#2 - Expanding to the Gamma Quadrant via Bajoran Wormhole and Delta Quadrant (i.e. Star Trek Voyager) giving access to more gameplay throughout the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.
#3 - more Mini-Games (i.e. Poker, Tongo, Dom-jot, Parrises Squares, Basic Phaser Target Practice, Velocity (Star Trek Voyager), and Tri-Dimensional Chess). Some of these games could also be played PVPs or challenges to help acquire credits, Gold-Press Latium, Dilithium, Special Gear, Equipment, Clothing or new Titles.
*ability to put "Kits" on BOFs
*more Pets (i.e. Archer's Beagle (Porthos), Data's Cat (Spot), Janeway's Irish Setter (Mollie)) and give them some added limited ability enhancement when called. If not just having them would be cool.
*more ability to design uniforms (i.e. allowing to mix mercenary with uniform). Contemporary "Off=Duty" clothing jeans, shorts, t-shrts (i.e. Starfleet Academy Clothing Gear such as Athletic t-shirt, hoodies, sweatpants and or Star Trek Online Clothing Gear) and/or OST Mirror Universe variations (i.e. Kirk's Top), and/or Star Trek Motion Picture Security clothing, and/or NX-O1 baseball cap wore in first episode.
*scaling down some of the bridges just like the Constitution Class Bridge...to more realistic scale, some of them are just to big.
*working Shuttle Bay, where all small crafts can be accessed to complete small craft needed missions, or new multi-missions for future episodes.
*ability to Refit/Retrofit Old Starships...adding more consoles, weapons, consumables, or BOFs, slots. A way of crafting a starship using an old starship from one's inventory. Why can't I have another aft weapon slot refitted onto my NX Class? Instead of refitted starships being something we have to buy in the C-Store Why not have players spend credits, dilithium, etc. or have to complete special missions and/or Fleet Missions to acquire components needed for a refit. And since refits take time...why not have it take time like the missions for Duty Officers (i.e. 20hrs to refit or add aft weapon slot and/or 48hrs to add a console slot to engineering. Of course, this should not be an easy task and refits should have limitations. i liked that we had the option to craft a Delta Flyer oppose to simply buying it from the C-Store.
Things To Continue...
I like the puzzles we needed to solve in many of the "Featured Episodes." They made me do a little thinking and made me work for my end rewards.
Things I Miss...
After login, the screen with Character Selection...I miss the first original background on the edge of a station with space and planet in the background. The second revamp background of a transporter was okay, but now the Defiant bridge background isn't all that cool.
The Stateroom (on Earth Starbase) with stair cases on both sides (it made it more grand).
Personally, I didn't like the fact that everyone can achieve Vice Admiral given a short amount of time. I thought ranking-up should of been longer or achieved a rank-up after completing a number of "Fleet Special Missions" as a reward. For example, for my third Starfleet Character I tried to keep him at each rank for as long as possible (i.e. Commander Lvl 40) to make it more challenging. Once I completed all the missions available for Commander then I allocated my skill points. Even though I notice that Command Lvl 40 was equivalent to Captain Lvl 30 (or something like that). I did however accumulated some uncommon and rare BOFs by holding out.
QUESTION: Will ranking up continue? Something similar to WOW through new expansion packs which would grand access to new realms and new abilities to skill-up.
That would be totally great... I currently do that by using only a sword and have the "Ent mirror belt" makes the knife look like an extendo sword...
Agreed. my tribbles are also 80% of my bank
more bridges would be great IF they come with accurate uniform options and don't have the clone issues.
That's been needed for a while... also more parts for the alien creation tool.
you maybe interested to know SOME of those are coming as Doffs.
totally agree... star trek was big on games... and yet we have... none? unless you count... spin the wheel...
Dabo is lame.
yes, that way we don't need to re-power-map every time we take a shuttle out.
ahhh... the old "customize your ship" option... Star Trek Legacy planned to do that but it didn't make the final cut of the game... and if Riker could take the Old Ent and glue a third nacelle and a phaser lance on it, why can't we?
it has been discussed... but since STO hasn't even had ANY new content in a year, it's not a priority... obviously.
More uniform options!! It is kind of boring having the same variations on an outfit. The Klingons don't even have off-duty uniforms (at least that show up). (If the Klingons don't maybe consider some for the Orions at least.)
Long term:
Interactions on a personal level with NPCs so the storyline has more life to it. Maybe create some basic interactions that can be played out with NPCs like Bridge officers, or other officers. Something that allows for friendships etc. so there is something more than fighting and missions.
Mid-Term: Fix anomalies spawning in the middle of a hill in exploration missions.
Long Term: Better commendation system rewards in general. The only one that has real rewards is Diplomatic, the rest are just bland *new doff*. Also the diplomatic stuff is so slow even once you get to rank one, there just isn't enough diplomacy xp granted for investigations at that rank.
Stuff you can actually do on your own bridge and ship. Interactions with your BOFF's would be a good start. Missions/dailies on your ship would be even better. Also say if you have a bartender duty officer you can assign them to something called civilian duty and you would find him serving drinks and stuff in the crew deck lounge. Some real customization for your ship basically. Basically make going inside your own ship interesting and not boring.
More maps in exploration missions both space and away types. It becomes all the same after a while. Also adding secondary or bonus objective to these missions would spice them up a bit.
Medium-term: 1# Place the Deferi Invasion mission on the queuing system where the STF's are located.
2# If we don't want to grind the STF's for the good gear, allow us to craft it instead.
Long-term: Give us the ability to receive skill points for our ship and ground skills, even though we've reached the level cap. (Doesn't have to be a lot, just small amounts when we complete a mission).
Mid term: I'd like to see a form of refitting for old favorite ships. I got very attactched to a couple of them, heck i used my nx-class until i hit captain, just because i didn't want to see it become defunct. I'd like to see a way for us to upgrade them, either through a special ship refit at spacedock or something, where we can trade dilithium or w/e to upgrade them. It would also make for a more interesting spacescape out there, with VA's not all flying around in the same few classes of ships.
Long Term: I'd like to see the romulans become playable.
I enjoy alot of the new changes, and hope that the drive to improve doesn't fizzle out again.
I was going to post...but I think you covered my short/mid/long-term goals
Euro friendly invasion timezones
MX STF gear to get outfit
Ability to exchange 2 rare borg salvage for 10 EDCs
Borg liberated over speices (Gorn,Andorian,Orion etc)
abilty to become your first officer (so we can be borg,breen,Reman or photonic)
Fleet starbases
More playable fractions
(My main three playable fractions)
2.- Ground need love. Champions online has the same "game engine2 and have a lot of options, if this game where 50% of complex of champions online in ground, will become to fantastic game.
3.- Real playable factions ( cardassians, romulans, breens , etc... )
4.- Don't build a cake 15 ingredients, to fit races with no compatible lores in two major factions. ( Example: Orions with klingons?, this is startrek ?, Gorn with klingons?. Klingons are xenophobic race, they no integrate in their culture, only conquest ). Be respectful with the races backgrounds.
5.- Gigant space zone with persisten worlds.
6.- Un reclamed space zone, with open pvp.
7.- Private pvp and pve with less rewards. People that not belongs to fleet can´t play for population issues.
8.- Crafting vessels, space stations, etc... economy driven by players.
9.- Open Gamma quadrant
10.- No more levels, more skill oriented game.
11.- Free selection of vesseles. The appearance does not have a hard relationship with the characteristics.
12.- Why i have to fit 5 members to do a fleet. Prevents the formation of small communities. Money is enough.
13.- Sideckick system that allow to play Battleground with your friend.
Regards !!!
* Relook at the reward system in STF's. One EDC is a tad ridiculous as a reward... Consider perhaps handing out a minimum of 2 guaranteed, with say a 20% chance to drop an extra 1 and a 5-10% chance for 2 extras.
* PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, allow us to buy the ingame ships for EC again or DRAMATICALLY reduce their cost in Dilithium. The ships are already free ingame, why is it made such a mission to change your mind?? I am a casual STO player and will Never afford another Tier 4/5 ship due to the cost. I really felt like a change of ship, but so much for that....
* I know it's being looked into, but the crafting needs serious love. Again, due to Dilithium, I will not be crafting anymore. The amounts needed are WAY beyond what I could ever afford. I understand the need to balance just being able to craft the strongest items, but have perhaps SLIGHTLY weaker options available that you can just spend research materials on.
* Weapon FX need fixing. A dual beam bank (goes for any dual weapon really) should not fire from either side of your ship. It should be 2 beams fairly close together. What I would love is to have hardpoints. You can still kit your ship as normal, but it highlights where on the ship the weapon will be mounted It shouldn't interfere with firing arcs at all.
* Implement some kind of hydroponics bay into your ship. Allow us to collect plant samples when on away missions and use those to discover new or more effective Hypospays etc...
* On Away Missions, they SERIOUSLY need work. The fact that I Definitely already know I'll either be scanning or killing 5 of whatevers down there is tedious. I'd suggest introducing more puzzle oriented play. You can perhaps only scan 2 of whatever is planetside, then there is a "piecing together" section. You need to analyse the drawings/markings/schematics and figure out what they mean. You could go one further and have certain optional goals only achievable by certain classes.
* Variety. There is Far to much of the same. Even with the ship tailor etc. You need to introduce far more ways of making yourself unique. Either add a stack more sets, or provide some other means of "uniquely" (I know there will never be ONLY one) marking yourself. Honestly I would do a Complete Item overhaul. Make purple items feel special. Create a loot system that works. I have not used ONE weapon that has dropped in missions. All my rewards from missions are better.
* Rework STF rewards. Grinding 40 missions for one piece of Mk. XI gear is insanely prohibitive in terms of time, and since I already have a bunch of purple standard issue Mk. XI stuff, Rare Borg Salvage does nothing for me. Maybe if it were tradeable for more Encrypted Data Chips, it'd feel like less of an ordeal.
* Take dilithium out of crafting, or at least lower the costs for unreplicable materials. Again, the costs are insanely prohibitive for doing just about anything, and not everyone wants to fiddle with the dilithium exchange. Why not use different mats you can find in-game?
* Better align non-scaling rewards like the Efficient Impulse Engines Mk. IV to the level you actually do the mission.
* A wider range of alien bridge officers. And I don't mean defectors from other races. I'm talking Federation members. Tiburonians, Efrosians and Napeans jump to mind. And for Klingons, the Arin'Sen and Kriosians, who are canonically Klingon subject species.
* A makeover for Starbase 39 Sierra and Starbase 114 in the Celes System, turning them into full-out social areas.
* Excise Mackenzie Calhoun from the game and hurl him callously into the Discard Bin of Awful Names for Aliens.
* New sectors like Deferi space, populated by original species with original conflicts. Again, half the joy of Star Trek is exploration. We like blasting Klingons, yeah, but Star Trek is about seeking out new life and new civilizations. The Deferi are this; where's the next contender?
* A Tier 5 Akira with Peregrine launch bay.
* A wider range of side-story missions that you can access and play through outside of the primary story arc. Perhaps it's time-consuming, but it also gives players more to do. Because let's face it, the Genesis content doesn't cut it when it comes to immersion. Give us something to do on the side that doesn't come from a cookie cutter.
Engineering Fleet 2 is 5 min long
Miracle Worker 3 is 4 min
And i think the Multi - Vector Assault Mode's need too be shorted as well a 10 min timer i think is too long
also id like a t5 ship able to use the new ning'tao class skin... why give the klingons a modern looking bird of prey but have them all fly the one in star trek 3 when they get to end game?
medium fleet opperated star bases
long term... playable romulan faction / ships and race. ill even settle for them being part of the federation.
Only issue i have at moment