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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    Look here. The stuff you're looking for now will be coming very soon.

    Congrats on reaching Admiral!

    This nearly ignores the fact that there is nothing in place NOW... and that there is no ETA on this stuff. This is still disappointing no matter whats coming.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok look, it's my choice as to which pace I choose to level. When you pay my sub fee, then maybe you can give me advice. Until then, I suggest you stop trying to be forum posers and accept the fact that this is just wrong of Cryptic to do to us. I rescheduled my entire month to play the weekend of STO release and I had a blast doing it. So what if I made it to admiral fast? It's an MMO! Last I checked most MMOs don't even START till you max level. Get off your high horses. You wanna level slow, fine, but these games aren't meant to just be a leveling fest. They're meant to be played for a LONG time.

    WOW player definately you have to max lvl to play.

    thats pretty lame way to play mmo's

    i guess your the lvl 100 mohawke night that go attack noobs and call yourselves pvpers
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Content and depth is lacking in many areas. *Cough* Klingon afterthought addon *cough* *cough*.

    This feller didn't get burnt out, he just uncovered what many of us already suspected, a rushed and unfinished game. Good graphics and decent gameplay will only go so far. As a customer and fan, I felt this is just another big issue that should have been tooken care of before launch.

    True, there is lots of good in this game, but what? About a months worth of content for an average player, playing 2-4 hours a day? Well I hope they can keep up with this game, Champions Online, and whatever new MMO they have in the works. Please don't let this just be a money grab.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think cryptic cann never catch up with content, cause it takes far more time/manpower to design a mission/encounter than actually play it...lets say they design 10 new missions...how long takes it (not generated missions)...the text, story, spawnpoints, planet graphics, balancing, bugfixing etc...and then 10 missions are..maybe..2 days ? 3 days until you played them all?

    Thats a problem which all developers face...even mighty blizzard..they cannot keep up with the players....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Poldii wrote:
    I think cryptic cann never catch up with content, cause it takes far more time/manpower to design a mission/encounter than actually play it...lets say they design 10 new missions...how long takes it (not generated missions)...the text, story, spawnpoints, planet graphics, balancing, bugfixing etc...and then 10 missions are..maybe..2 days ? 3 days until you played them all?

    Thats a problem which all developers face...even mighty blizzard..they cannot keep um with the players....

    This is why they spent a lot of their time, money, and resources developing the Genesis system/engine/thingie.

    They input the variables, and out spits a mission that with a few dev tweaks, they can add to what we currently have.

    Is more missions what this MMO needs? Does it have that MMO feeling? Or is it more like a single player experience? Personally, my teammates might as well be A.I. or I just play solo, the missions are so quick and fast, no one sticks around, we don't travel together to do the next thing, we all split different ways and go join some new random server.

    Not to mention that sector chat in this game is far worse than the image that barren chats ever got. It's like 5% Star Trek related, if ever that. And 99% of that 5% is immature remarks on Star Trek. Sigh....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In addition to our compelling scripted content, you'll be able to check out a brand new, Borg-themed Deep Space Encounter. Can you and your friends hold off the coming invasion? It won't be long until you're called upon by Starfleet to save the galaxy!

    Compelling scripted content? Really, there about 2 thinks to do, go to x and kill stuff on the ground, go to y and kill stuff in the aqarium. Oh I forgot, u can scan anomolies on the way.

    Me and my friends? With this game bieng so intstanced it seems almost impossible to get anyone in the same place at the same time..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is why they spent a lot of their time, money, and resources developing the Genesis system/engine/thingie.

    They input the variables, and out spits a mission that with a few dev tweaks, they can add to what we currently have.

    Its an interesting system...but how many variables are there....i dont think it can output missions like the miral hostage one or the doomsday mission....even many patrol missions are more complex. What it can do is generate missions like those we see in the clusters...there you have your variables: space/ground/kill/scan/race/objects/number of enemies. The story cannot be generated...but most of the people dont bother to read them anyway.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Because leveling is a finite process. Endgame is not. It's why WoW expansions and content patches always center exclusively on endgame stuff. In an ideal MMO you spend X time leveling and then as much time as you want doing cool stuff at the level cap.

    Actually, No WoW new stuff does not focus on "End Game Content." After alpha and beta testing for Blizzard I can say this with absolute certainty that it was at least 2 patches after the original release you start getting Harder dungeons and a raid or two. Four to eight Months before you got Upper and Lower Block Rock Spire, Ony, Blackwing Lair, ZG, AQ 20 and 40, and a reducation of level/instance of Scholo. Nax came out just before Burning Crusade. After Burning Crusade come out you had 2 to 3 patches before Kara came out. All the "Wraith of the Lich King" Raids and most of what people now consider "End game" came out in patches like Ulduar, ToC, ICC and others. None of those Original, or expansion worked on putting "Emd Game" into the game because they where too busy introducing, new professions, new races, New abilities, new regular instances, new heroic instances, new mounts, and other new story lines for you to follow. Do you know something else "End Game" is a myth. No MMORPG every truly ends, unless the server is pulled down. Look at SWG, EQ, UOA, and many others that have been round 4+ years, they are constantly add new stuff to keep people interested.

    Secondly you are complaining to the wrong people yet again, focus your complaints towards CBS(the Publisher of the Game), and Atari (Developers/Distributor). Cryptic is running the store and hardware not where the game goes or when it get published.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    TGreth wrote:
    Sorry to hear you rushed to it. *shrug*

    That's what I've been telling Cryptic too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    _ wrote:
    Because leveling is a finite process. Endgame is not. It's why WoW expansions and content patches always center exclusively on endgame stuff. In an ideal MMO you spend X time leveling and then as much time as you want doing cool stuff at the level cap

    Thats what i blame WoW for...prior to WoW the way was the experience...now everyone just screams for "endgame" maybe the leveling should be drastically slowed like in those asia grinder games...1 lvl = 2 month of work/8h a day...if you die you loose xp and gear :( i really dont like this solution....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Something else that just sprang to mind when I was thinking about this situation....

    Its all very well Cryptic adding to the game over the coming months, without a specific timescale, but what of the current subscription that is ticking away day by day with nothing to do in game.....

    That means by the time there is enough new content to actually get your teeth into you're gonna have to pay for another months gameplay, which you will probably complete in days and be back to square one again. I have never seen such a complete and utter farce in video gaming history

    The fact this guy is able to complete all the content and level as far as is possible atm proves the game is lacking, rushed and un-thought through in the first place, no-one should be able to complete an MMO that fast no matter how much time they spend continuously playing it, and those people laughing at him saying he shouldnt have rushed it are talking out of their backsides. Perhaps Cryptic should print a warning on the box in that case that states:


    Phhhhhh, Gene Roddenberry must be turning in his grave.

    Again glad my money is sat in my pocket again and not Cryptics.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    The fact this guy is able to complete all the content and level as far as is possible atm proves the game is lacking, rushed and un-thought through in the first place, no-one should be able to complete an MMO that fast no matter how much time they spend continuously playing it, and those people laughing at him saying he shouldnt have rushed it are talking out of their backsides. Perhaps Cryptic should print a warning on the box in that case that states:


    Phhhhhh, Gene Roddenberry must be turning in his grave.

    Again glad my money is sat in my pocket again and not Cryptics.

    Pretty much. Worse still this is what many, many people have been advocating from the very start-- many due to being burnt by Cryptic's near-fraudulent release of Champions Online. And yet they get shouted down with cries of "troll" and "leave."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    Something else that just sprang to mind when I was thinking about this situation....

    Its all very well Cryptic adding to the game over the coming months, without a specific timescale, but what of the current subscription that is ticking away day by day with nothing to do in game.....

    That means by the time there is enough new content to actually get your teeth into you're gonna have to pay for another months gameplay, which you will probably complete in days and be back to square one again. I have never seen such a complete and utter farce in video gaming history

    The fact this guy is able to complete all the content and level as far as is possible atm proves the game is lacking, rushed and un-thought through in the first place, no-one should be able to complete an MMO that fast no matter how much time they spend continuously playing it, and those people laughing at him saying he shouldnt have rushed it are talking out of their backsides. Perhaps Cryptic should print a warning on the box in that case that states:


    Phhhhhh, Gene Roddenberry must be turning in his grave.

    Again glad my money is sat in my pocket again and not Cryptics.

    An average shooter these days is about 8h-10h, an RPG between 40h-80h...then you finished them...both cost about 50-70 Euros (at last here). So if i finish STO in 80h..i cannot comlpain about the price...and the first month is free....so 2. month i start to pay for aditional content (15 Euro here)..every month...thats when i can start to complain if nothing changes/expands...but i really dont think this will happen...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    Phhhhhh, Gene Roddenberry must be turning in his grave.

    Not that you are entirely wrong, but adding this is just stupid.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MooseOfWoe wrote: »
    In all seriousness, it IS too easy to zerg through the game. No thought is involved and anything sans random purple rares can be obtained very easily with next to no thought or strategy.

    You die, no problem. Bash your head against the already painfully simple enemies until you break through and win thanks to no penalty at all

    No time sinks.
    No money sinks.
    No death penalties.
    No point in class diversity as healers and support are useless sans PvP thanks to the above and DPS loot rewards.

    No longevity.

    Agree with everything he said. The biggest problem is it is way too easy. No death or exp penalties means you can "zerg" the game and max level in a week like the OP. Putting in exp penalties will slow leveling down a bit. They should also consider doing what PotBS does with ship losses. You could always get a free basic Miranda class as a fallback but if your Sovereign gets ganked you lose it and everything that was on it. Maybe even a random crew member dies. Forces you to have to buy a new ship, equipment, etc all over again.
    This also gives you something to do with all the energy credits people claim to have and can't find anything to do with.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its not like the OP is the only one, there are between 100-200 admirals now at least. the mainstream should be in the captain bracket already. so its time to release some more content right now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zerosoul wrote: »
    its not like the OP is the only one, there are between 100-200 admirals now at least. the mainstream should be in the captain bracket already. so its time to release some more content right now.

    I encourage you to count how much % of the playerbase this is...atari announced 1000000 accounts...lets say 500000 is the real number...then we have 200 admirals ? Even 1000 Admirals would be only 0.2% if my math is correct....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    true but as i said before, there will be at least 10-15% admirals till sunday.... numbers going up every day.. lets just say give the game two or three more weeks so even the carebears maxed out.... you think thats enough time to satisfy the admirals or even justify a subscription with the things they add until then ?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zerosoul wrote: »
    true but as i said before, there will be at least 10-15% admirals till sunday.... numbers going up every day.. lets just say give the game two or three more weeks so even the carebears maxed out.... you think thats enough time to satisfy the admirals or even justify a subscription with the things they add until then ?

    I dont know what the critical number is..but i think they have more than enough statistics to see them ;) I actually think thats the reason for the 45 day update plan... It also depends which MMO you see...WoW with 95% maxed out chars is no problem ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zerosoul wrote: »
    true but as i said before, there will be at least 10-15% admirals till sunday.... numbers going up every day.. lets just say give the game two or three more weeks so even the carebears maxed out.... you think thats enough time to satisfy the admirals or even justify a subscription with the things they add until then ?

    I disagree. I´m only getting to Com. this weekend - and I see LOADS of ppl doing the same.

    But I agree: More content NOW is good - as the dedicated players leave otherwise ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That's what you get for Rushing through the game. Now enjoy sitting and waiting for the Raid Episodes to come out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No surprise there. Most MMOGs dont have any decent endgame the first few months. Im gonna lvl to 45 or whatever lvl is the highest and then come back in about 6 months. There should be some more to do by then.

    Ill be captain in a few days so I will easy hit the cap in the free month.
    Got other games to play so that will fit my schedule perfectly.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    im now captain 8, i am a bit 'concerned' about hitting cap. i have not rushed playing, i have played long hours ofcourse, i love trek, im addicted.
    the content that will be released, i know they said more stuff like 10man instances for people in the same fleet, but is that enough i ask myself. many fleets in sto are in excess of 50+ out of that maybe 20 of them are online at any one time.
    once most of us are leveled to cap, i think cryptic could consider adding more instances like 20man - pve.
    it would be easy enough to knock up about 5 story oriented instances for a fleet to goto. to mention loot, the loot table only needs to be the same as deepspace encounters.. nothing special.

    I just think sto has made a great game that is orientated towards fleets, heck they have even said they will probably increase the maximum fleet member cap above 250. why would you want to do that if you can only play fleet battles with 4 or 9 other of you fleet members... i dont get it.

    im happy with the game, dont get me wrong, im just worried about the sustainability of the community. theres only so many times you can level up an alt before you die of boredom...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    C04L wrote:
    im now captain 8, i am a bit 'concerned' about hitting cap. i have not rushed playing, i have played long hours ofcourse, i love trek, im addicted.
    the content that will be released, i know they said more stuff like 10man instances for people in the same fleet, but is that enough i ask myself. many fleets in sto are in excess of 50+ out of that maybe 20 of them are online at any one time.
    once most of us are leveled to cap, i think cryptic could consider adding more instances like 20man - pve.
    it would be easy enough to knock up about 5 story oriented instances for a fleet to goto. to mention loot, the loot table only needs to be the same as deepspace encounters.. nothing special.

    I just think sto has made a great game that is orientated towards fleets, heck they have even said they will probably increase the maximum fleet member cap above 250. why would you want to do that if you can only play fleet battles with 4 or 9 other of you fleet members... i dont get it.

    im happy with the game, dont get me wrong, im just worried about the sustainability of the community. theres only so many times you can level up an alt before you die of boredom...

    There is an easy fix for that. Stop playing for a few months and come back when there is more content.
    Cant belive some suckers bought the lifetime accounts. Those are pointless in a MMORPG. There is usually nothing to do once you are max lvl the first 6 months.

    I intend to max my char then play other games and come back in the fall and see if there is anything new. If not then Ill play something else. Very simple.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Radiozo wrote: »
    There is an easy fix for that. Stop playing for a few months and come back when there is more content.
    Cant belive some suckers bought the lifetime accounts. Those are pointless in a MMORPG. There is usually nothing to do once you are max lvl the first 6 months.

    I intend to max my char then play other games and come back in the fall and see if there is anything new. If not then Ill play something else. Very simple.

    its sad , but its actually the best thing one can do. sto will be on a tough road though, with cataclysm and star wars old republic on its trail. just hope sto doesnt stay/become the carebear fanboy game it is right now, those guys are satisfied with ANYTHING.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry, but I just don´t see any reason to complain about lack of content. I reached Admiral 5 a few days after release by grinding the "Defend Sector Block". We were not even ten at that time. And I knew what I could expect in the end. So did everyone else who was willing to just think about it a little bit.

    At the moment you can complete those episodes you didn´t finish when leveling, you can repeat the last exploration quest and get your ship as well as your ground team all the available MK X Items and after that you can wait for the pvp queues to fill and start grinding for more Bridge Officer Points, Merit Points, Items and by that Credits too. Is that a lot? No. Did I expect otherwise? Of course not.

    I reached 60 in WoW after a few days, I even managed to get my twink at 80 as on of the first 20 Chars in Age of Conan...everytime I know whats coming. Not much. So stop complaining about that. The important part is whats coming next.

    Cryptic has the next 2-3 weeks to open the Gamma Sector and include the first highendcontent. Until then they need to fix and adjust a lot of stuff throughout the game.

    Yeah I know, I´m a little sheep, just following through with everything, blablabla. Believe me, Im anything but that. I just know when its worth to complain and when not. At the moment we haven´t much content, but it has already been announced. The credibility of a dev-team won´t be formed by taking a look at their release-content. Its their effort and quality of work after that. How quickly, often and qualitativ do their serve new challenges.

    So I´m giving them the benefit of the doubt, letting them fix whats needed to be fixed and then, in about two weeks, I´ll state my complaints if there are some. But doing so at this time is just pointless and In my humble oppinion even inappropriate.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    we all knew the first ones would cry again, they allways do, and that's why we told ya when you started your rush :)

    shocking news, we were right ^^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Blackjac wrote: »
    That's what you get for Rushing through the game. Now enjoy sitting and waiting for the Raid Episodes to come out.

    No thats what you happen to get with this particular game.... Instead, enjoy playing a quality MMO, which there are plenty of out, and upcoming, that you won't easily complete the content within such a short timeframe.

    So tell me Blackjac, how do you define rushing through the MMO ???
    Exactly how many minutes/hours a day gameplay do you exactly consider to be playing it at the
    correct speed ???

    All this rubbish about rushing through the game is BS, its an MMO and should provide enough to do for even the most hardcore of gamers, rushing or not rushing should not even enter into it at the end of the day. It's a feeble answer trying to defend Cryptics mediocre flop.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First 50 levels in less than a week shows a serious lack of any kind of real life. Now I do agree that they need to have content but lets get serious the VAST majority will take a bit longer than no live, momma basement living, no job players. With that in mind MOST MMOs do not sweat the end game right away. Thnis allows a quicker release and they can make adjustments as they put the end game in.

    My advice to the OP is to wash his hands, leave the basement and get some sun. Go to a restraunt that does not deliver or serve a dollar menu and enjoy a real meal. Lastly go out and meet some real members of the opposite sex. Not blow up, or in a movie or cyber, I am talking about REAL people and enjoy a date.

    While I understand your point and even appreciate it you fail to realise the real concern here is not what Crypitc can or will provide but the fact you have no life.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Poldii wrote:
    I encourage you to count how much % of the playerbase this is...atari announced 1000000 accounts...lets say 500000 is the real number...then we have 200 admirals ? Even 1000 Admirals would be only 0.2% if my math is correct....

    200 admirals? that's all? If we use the 45 day patch plan that comes out to about 6.5 weeks. So if after 1 week there are 200 admirals, that means there will be around 1300 after 45 days provided the leveling up pace is constant. Even at 1300 that is still less than 0.5% of the total population (using 500000 accounts).

    Hardly time to press the panic button, but still allows for time to get some end game content in place. People just need to calm down, take your time. The game still needs work. Even if you did power level to max chances are things are going to be nerfed, changed, etc. and that character you thought was good won't be so good after all. Happens in every MMO.
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