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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    n0vhpaa wrote: »
    And youre missing the point. You rushed and got burnt. That happens with every MMO. Even WoW had no real endgame content 6 days after launch.

    Kudos for maxing out in 6 days and having nothing to do. You deserve it.

    I agree, maxing out that quickly destroys the experiece, so you should not be complaining.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Baltec wrote:
    Got any evidence to say that they will be treating this game any differently to CO?

    After the whole NGE disaster its clear that a big IP is no defence against poor management and lack of development. We hyave already seen that this game was rushed out way before it was ready which in itself is not a good sign.

    Any evidence that they will be treating it the same? CoX was a success afterall (according to previous poster... it did lead to CO afterall), who's to say this one won't be like that?

    The game hasn't been out long enough for us to really do more than conjecture. Poor end game content and lack of polish at launch is not something unique to Cryptic's games, afterall... pretty much every MMO was similar (to varying degrees).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    just make sure none of you flamers start "whining" too, in 3 weeks time when theres still no end game content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Soluss wrote: »
    just make sure none of you flamers start "whining" too, in 3 weeks time when theres still no end game content.

    Why not? At that point in time it might start being a relevant argument.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    skylr616 wrote: »
    Any evidence that they will be treating it the same?

    The game hasn't been out long enough to really do more than conjecture. Poor end game content at launch is not something unique to Cryptic, afterall.

    I have never played an MMO off the bat that had as little content as this game does. I came into beta expecting a basic MMO but what I found was something I expect from a single player x-box game and not a good one. The latest mass effect feels more like an MMO than this game does AND of much better quality. This game is a massive step backwards in the MMO world and given the past history of the company I do not expect much in the way of content to be added with the up comming patch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sweet... burned through several hours at work debating with you folks.

    Now I can go home and actually play the game for a while :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Baltec wrote:
    I have never played an MMO off the bat that had as little content as this game does. I came into beta expecting a basic MMO but what I found was something I expect from a single player x-box game and not a good one. The latest mass effect feels more like an MMO than this game does AND of much better quality. This game is a massive step backwards in the MMO world and given the past history of the company I do not expect much in the way of content to be added with the up comming patch.


    I'm enjoying the amount of content in the game and don't see getting bored any time soon. I've played through WoW, EQ2, EnB, Eve, LOTRO (best launch IMO), AOC... and several other smaller ones I can't remember. I enjoy this game... so yes, your opinion is just that (and mine is mine, obviously... just expressing it).

    edit: oops, wrong video... DOH!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, what did you expect?

    Even when WoW was released all you had was Molten Core and Onyxia, and even then they were hardly accessable right away, you needed to work at getting attuned and the gear for it. There were many lower level dungeons such as Mauradon and Dire Maul which came later also. But the content came. You know what the difference between this game and WoW? Blizzard had around 5 years to create WoW, and they still didn't get everything in for release. STO went through many developers before coming to Cryptic, and they had to start from scratch and build it from the ground up, so although we heard about this game a long time ago, Cryptic has had to burn the midnight oil I'm guessing to get this game out. And in my opinion they've done a damn fine job. The only qualm I've had is the server issues, but that's being addressed and even then that's nothing to do with the game it's the fact that this game has the makings of being a fantastic MMO.

    Now all I hope and ask of Cryptic is that they give it the time and support that Blizzard did for WoW. That's how a good MMO is created, over a long period of time and that's why so many fail. They get hyped up and then after release they're forgotten about as the devs think that what they put in the game was enough to keep people playing, but it doesn't work that way for MMO's.

    I'ts not a race to finish the game, it's a journey. And by the way, what did you expect you'd be doing when you reached Admiral and the rest of us were enjoying the game and taking our time?

    At the end of the day, you rushed it. But hopefully that once a good few of us are hitting Admiral we'll be able to get some good PvP action going and look forward to the new content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Stinkybudz wrote:
    @ the OP I was wondering about end game sorry to ear it . @ the care bears saying haha you lvld too fast .... to each his own idiots and it dosnt change the fact sto is an unfinished that that was rushed out in 18 months to take advantage of the license.

    Dont let being a fan cloud your judgement.

    Not to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the license... to KEEP FROM LOSING the license. There was a hard-locked date on release. You think they don't know that the game needs a whole lot more? You think they WANTED to launch with a whole lot less? Once they had announced that Klingon PvE was going to be put on the back burner, it became clear at least to me that they were fast approaching their cutoff. They were out of time. They knew it. But they worked up to the last minute, hence the super-short beta period. And they did an awesome job in getting it ready for launch.

    They were already working on Champions when they got the Trek license. They had their own proprietary engine to work with which saved them a lot of money and time. They were confident that they could get STO to live before the license was up. Had perpetual not folded up, pasing the license to a developer who had the resources to make something of it in the short time that was left, someone would have had to wait for the license to expire before it became available as an option again. Because if I remember correctly, it was an exclusive license to develop an MMO based on Star Trek, with the entirety of the IP to work with. Exclusive to Perpetual, which ceased to exist, and CBS permitted it to pass to Cryptic...

    Now that STO is live and generating revenue, in advance of the license expiration, Cryptic has the resources to renew the license and continue to grow the game. They have a lot of work to do. but I predict both Champions and STO to start growing and improving as the entire team no longer has to be pooled together in a massive crunch to meet a hard-locked deadline. Now all they have to do is fix bugs and add content. And you know? They've promised to do exactly that. And the game becomes more and more stable after every period of downtime.

    They have promised increased server capacity very soon. They have promised new episodic content, both for end-game and continued standard missions. They have promised new Klingon PvE missions.

    We have a working core game. Now it just needs to branch out. And it will... And this is coming from someone who was critical enough of Cryptic's design direction to earn warnings and infractions, with a banning likely the next step. Cryptic, in my opinion, has made outstanding use of the limited time and resources they inherited. For what they have managed to do in such a short development cycle, they deserve to be commended.

    Instead we are condemning them? If it weren't for them, it would likely be a couple of months before the trek license would be on the table again, and even if someone might obtain it, it would be 4+ more years before any of us would be able to play.

    So Cryptic... I thank you. You took a very gutsy gamble and made it work. Now, just keep the bug fixes coming and the new content rolling out, that this game may achieve the awesome potential that it has.

    Call me what you will, I don't care. I'm not seeking anyone's approval to state how I feel about all of this. If you're miserable, then I am sorry. As for me, I'm having fun. It's not the game I personally would have preferred, but what I would have preferred would have required much more development time that I am sure, had it been up to cryptic, they would have taken. I can live with what we have. And I know it will get better...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Hey I have an idea. Make a new char, an play through the game at a decent pace. Or go do crafting or explore and get exploration items.

    You rush to Admiral in less than a week and then complain about no endgame content? WoW didn't even have working end game content until 2 months or so after release.

    This post is full of lawls.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In defense for Cryptic, I guess we won't be seeing anything until the majority is around the Captain rank, so most likely "Admiral Content" is just somewhere in the mid area on the to-do list. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Not to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the license... to KEEP FROM LOSING the license. There was a hard-locked date on release. You think they don't know that the game needs a whole lot more? You think they WANTED to launch with a whole lot less? Once they had announced that Klingon PvE was going to be put on the back burner, it became clear at least to me that they were fast approaching their cutoff. They were out of time. They knew it. But they worked up to the last minute, hence the super-short beta period. And they did an awesome job in getting it ready for launch.

    They were already working on Champions when they got the Trek license. They had their own proprietary engine to work with which saved them a lot of money and time. They were confident that they could get STO to live before the license was up. Had perpetual not folded up, pasing the license to a developer who had the resources to make something of it in the short time that was left, someone would have had to wait for the license to expire before it became available as an option again. Because if I remember correctly, it was an exclusive license to develop an MMO based on Star Trek, with the entirety of the IP to work with. Exclusive to Perpetual, which ceased to exist, and CBS permitted it to pass to Cryptic...

    Now that STO is live and generating revenue, in advance of the license expiration, Cryptic has the resources to renew the license and continue to grow the game. They have a lot of work to do. but I predict both Champions and STO to start growing and improving as the entire team no longer has to be pooled together in a massive crunch to meet a hard-locked deadline. Now all they have to do is fix bugs and add content. And you know? They've promised to do exactly that. And the game becomes more and more stable after every period of downtime.

    They have promised increased server capacity very soon. They have promised new episodic content, both for end-game and continued standard missions. They have promised new Klingon PvE missions.

    We have a working core game. Now it just needs to branch out. And it will... And this is coming from someone who was critical enough of Cryptic's design direction to earn warnings and infractions, with a banning likely the next step. Cryptic, in my opinion, has made outstanding use of the limited time and resources they inherited. For what they have managed to do in such a short development cycle, they deserve to be commended.

    Instead we are condemning them? If it weren't for them, it would likely be a couple of months before the trek license would be on the table again, and even if someone might obtain it, it would be 4+ more years before any of us would be able to play.

    So Cryptic... I thank you. You took a very gutsy gamble and made it work. Now, just keep the bug fixes coming and the new content rolling out, that this game may achieve the awesome potential that it has.

    Call me what you will, I don't care. I'm not seeking anyone's approval to state how I feel about all of this. If you're miserable, then I am sorry. As for me, I'm having fun. It's not the game I personally would have preferred, but what I would have preferred would have required much more development time that I am sure, had it been up to cryptic, they would have taken. I can live with what we have. And I know it will get better...

    Kudos, this is the first time I've enjoyed reading a wall of text.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So I just woke up and logged in to the forums to (hopefully) see that people had read the edited OP. Alas, most still haven't seen that I listened to some of the trolls (and wiser people) and have retracted a LOT of the statements in the OP due to the new content coming in a week or two. I was under the impression that we would have to wait till the 45 day patch for new endgame things to do.

    While I am still somewhat disappointed at the lack of stuff to do, a two week period to get us new content is totally acceptable and will address a lot of the issues. So, before you troll here some more and tell me how you "can't believe this or that" about me reaching Admiral, realize that on a lot of points, we agree. I'm not gonna keep beating this dead horse, as the cryptic team looks like they are actually giving us what we are looking for as fast as they can. Plus you can't argue with the fact that, aside from endgame stuff, the launch has been pretty smooth. Just saying, don't just warp to the last page and flame on. There's been a lot of constructive back and forth here and I actually DO listen to those of you that feel differently and have valid points.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Honestly, if they exspect us to stick around and pay monthy, there needs to be enough stuff to do once you reached max leve. No matter how fast you leveled.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Don't be too optimistic that new content will come anytime soon. Champions has been out for some time now and nothing new has been added to that game. There was no end game at launch for CO, there still isn't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So I just woke up and logged in to the forums to (hopefully) see that people had read the edited OP. Alas, most still haven't seen that I listened to some of the trolls (and wiser people) and have retracted a LOT of the statements in the OP due to the new content coming in a week or two. I was under the impression that we would have to wait till the 45 day patch for new endgame things to do.

    While I am still somewhat disappointed at the lack of stuff to do, a two week period to get us new content is totally acceptable and will address a lot of the issues. So, before you troll here some more and tell me how you "can't believe this or that" about me reaching Admiral, realize that on a lot of points, we agree. I'm not gonna keep beating this dead horse, as the cryptic team looks like they are actually giving us what we are looking for as fast as they can. Plus you can't argue with the fact that, aside from endgame stuff, the launch has been pretty smooth. Just saying, don't just warp to the last page and flame on. There's been a lot of constructive back and forth here and I actually DO listen to those of you that feel differently and have valid points.

    I'm just baffled that you're surprised that after a week there is no "end game". Even if there was "end game" I would hope it would require a group of people to do, so you would still be stuck waiting.
    Honestly, if they exspect us to stick around and pay monthy, there needs to be enough stuff to do once you reached max leve. No matter how fast you leveled.

    ... I have never been in a game that had end game ready even a month after release. Perhaps I am miss understanding your view of "end game" but from what I believe it is, its raids type content. Which usually require a group.

    Even WoW didn't have complete end game until several months after launch, and then it couldn't even be finished for several months after that. (Ragnaros/Major Domo)
    Yaumul wrote: »
    Don't be too optimistic that new content will come anytime soon. Champions has been out for some time now and nothing new has been added to that game. There was no end game at launch for CO, there still isn't.

    I believe the there is a major population difference between STO and Champions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I found something to do for entertainment at admiral.

    Go to starbase 24 fleet action and wait at the start until all the low lvl noob ships are in one spot and hit abandon ship on top of them and watch as your warp core explosion kills them all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Let this be a lesson. Dont rush through the game.

    Why should we the players wait on cryptic to catch up? (and I say cryptic, but that also included atari and whoever else pushed for this clearly rushed product to be launched)

    If this game doesn't have anything at the current 'endgame' then perhaps they should have made the level cap even lower (omg, would only take 4 days instead of 5!) and perhaps have actually set something up for players to do while we wait

    I'm sure they will eventually add in things to do for end game content, but considering they only had 5 days of game to begin with (after how long the game was in development?) then my bet is we'll be waiting a very very long time for anything significant
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    LoKi_ wrote:
    I found something to do for entertainment at admiral.

    Go to starbase 24 fleet action and wait at the start until all the low lvl noob ships are in one spot and hit abandon ship on top of them and watch as your warp core explosion kills them all.

    lol Why do it in Starbase 24? Do it at Starbase 01 at the zone in, or at the zone out. ;p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sevok wrote: »
    I'm going to go ahead and use the cliche, "that's what you get for rushing."

    Seriously. The game has been available to you for 6 days. And you're max-level. Wow. By any measure, you rushed. You set a goal for yourself to get to max level as fast as you could. And you did it. Congrats.

    Have you never played an MMO at release before? This is ALWAYS WHAT HAPPENS to people who pick up an MMO at release and rush to max level. They find nothing waiting for them. It is never any different. WoW at release. People rushed to cap. Found nothing. EQ1...EQ2...LOTRO... The list just goes on.

    Just... don't rush to cap in an MMO at release. You'll always find nothing.

    EQ1 had Vox and Naggy as their end game content at release.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    Unfortunately this wasn't about putting out a quality product. This was about money. It was always ONLY about money. 2 years in the developing? Yeah it looks like it.

    The only people here still "rah rahing" the game and company that made it, probably didn't have high expectations to begin with.

    It's a mediocre game at this point, with mediocre results. Maybe one day it will be what alot of us expected it TO be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    n0vhpaa wrote: »
    Let this be a lesson. Dont rush through the game.

    Holy TRIBBLE... really. Its not even friday and the game only officially started Tuesday. I just made Lt. Commander...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is a MMO, or MMORP if you choose. This is not a console game....There should never be a 'end game'. I really whis you types would call it something else. I am sure there will be more content, just as I am sure the 'I want it now' corwd will allways complain.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    To avoid rushing.... on Tuesday, when I got my Amazon Liberated Borg Bridge Officer... I DELETED ALL MY CHARACTERS and started all over! Yes, seriously. Why not? Is there a NEED to rush?

    I re-named my Amazon Liberated Borg Bridge Officer, Three of Thirty Something.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fair enough. I just think people misunderstood what I meant by endgame. I'm not talking about huge space monsters to raid on exactly. I simply was referring to things that you could do that were worth your time. Crafting, Missions, 5 man instances. Anything. Within one day of maxing out I was literally stuck with nothing at all to do besides help out other people. That's fine, but damn... I wanna do stuff at my level too. Just a bit.

    I've been around long enough to know there wont be hardcore raids and massive content. There should be, but there just never is in any MMO.

    I think there is no reason to rush to end game in any MMO. I do not believe in the "game starts at end game" idea. I believe the ride should be just as fun as the end game. And should take a lot longer than it does in most MMO's.

    That said, I agree with you that there should be "something" at end game. There should be real crafting in this game. There should be a level 45 fleet action to grind for gear. There should be a exploration cluster for lvl 45. All this missing was a bad decission. It would not have been that difficult to use the same content template for grinding at end game til they create actual end game content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    skylr616 wrote: »
    Why not? At that point in time it might start being a relevant argument.

    so its only relevant at a time that YOU deem it relevant huh? You are the one that decides how slow/fast someone should be leveling?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    To all you saying he gets what he deserves for rushing through the content.
    Are you even playing the same game we are?

    I have a Fleet mate who despite using every ability in the game, playing as every class in the game, and continuing to calculate out the math behind every single unexplained ability in the game(which is all of them).
    She has hit Captain as of today.

    Myself, a notably slow leveler, have hit Cmdr despite the several hours of sitting still doing nothing but having debates with my Fleet members.

    Leveling is a joke in this game.
    For those of us that played in CB, OB the HeadStart and now, leveling is so insanely quick that its nigh impossible to NOT power level as you now know what all the missions are going to say, what to do, where to go, and what is going to happen next. And we have all heard or read about areas that yield insane amounts of "xp" for literally nothing.

    One player even broke it down and described how a person could attain a new level every 32 minutes if all they did was a certain type of mission.
    You can patrol stack, or exploration stack, or episodic mission stack.

    It is painfully easy to level, and there is no reason that even the newest of MMO players shouldn't be admiral in less than 2 weeks time even with a full time job and 20 kids at home.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Another lesson is don't underestimate your player base and put out enough content to last only a week.

    You know, whats funnier is that they *DO* understand thier player base - and unfortunatelly it's *NOT* you dude...

    Most of the player base is people who play a few hours every day.

    HARDCORE gamers like you, they are not the player base. You guys get bored easily, want tons of content all the time because of your personality, are soooo demanding that you will be bored irregardless of whatever is thrown at you.

    No matter what - there will *always* be someone like you complaining that a MMO doesn't have enough content when it first ships, will him max level in a few days and will complain that there is no end-game.

    Unlike you, I take my time, don't rush, have fun and enjoy the game, it's a time-sink for me when I have 2-3 hours every once in a while, so from my prespective it has tons of content.

    But - glad you got to level 50, maxed out your ship, and pretty much will now wander the cooridors of life aimlessly looking for new thrills to conquer and keep yourself sane. Just don't expect too much sympathy for being a big wet noodle and whining about content and level caps, you're *NOT* the average player dude...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, like everybody else said - Thats what you get for rushing, and there is no denying it. I've seen it on everyone new MMo launch, always get those types who absolutely must reach the cap and they even willing to risk there own health to do it.

    STo will have end-game content, just not yet. If you rushed through to Admiral like many others I know...there all whining now because there isn't really anything for them to do on there main toons.

    I myself rushed just enough to stay a decent way ahead of the Tuesday starting pack and now i'm taking a steady pace, I'm helping fleet members with missions, gathering samples to work on crafting and farming energy credits for some big end-game purchases and earlier I spent the best part of an hour doing the fleet action "Breaking the planet" the rewards for my level, pointless but I had blast doing it, STo needs more big ground missions like this.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Who sais anything about rushing? some of us simply put more time into the game then others... Personally Ive just hit 45.. and to be honest Ive actually tried to slow down my lvling speed as much as posible, to avoid being max lvl to many days before content update.. sadly I failed...

    Mmo's should launch with some kind of endgame, especialy when theyr as "short" as this... and Yes lotro did not have any endgame at first... but you should also know that, that mistake cost Lotro greatly, It was the main reason people quit Lotro...

    Eq1 did have endgame content, Id know I played It from release...

    Eq2 had sufficiently slow lvling that they didnt need endgame at launch, then again they might had It, I just never maxed out ine eq2 as It was to much of a Eq1 clone.

    Then again It hopefully wont be a problem If cryptic actually supplies A sufficient amount of endgame within a week, like they promissed..

    what worries me Is that the STO endgame seems to be 5man... which really limits how long It can take you... Obviously Its not going to even compete to EQ raids which could take months for the best guilds to beat.. and most likely Its not going to require that you "farm" gear to be able to beat it...

    My worry Is that cryptic will have serious problems keeping up with theyr communitys hunger for content, especialy since theyr allrdy behind schedule because theres no initial endgame.
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