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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I believe Krent left the teacup in the garden where the party was held.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    I believe Krent left the teacup in the garden where the party was held.

    *Suddenly, a mechanized claw pops out of the ground, grabbing the Teacup. A massive, drill-nosed machine, to which the claw was attatched, erupts from the ground, comepletely obliterating the garden*
    (From the Cockpit of the Digging Destroyer) Ohhh Teacupland...I'M BAAAAAACK!! Mwahahaha! man, being stuck between dimensions is not fun, I tell ya! I spent the whole time playing chess with Shell....and most of the time, he won! Wondering where I got this Drill bot? hehehehe...I found a way to temporarily access my home Tenth Dimension! borrowed this from my neighbor before reality shifted and I got warped out. ahh...neighbors. what would I do without them? hehehe.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *teleports Krent's teacup to Krent before it is damaged*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *teleports Krent's teacup to Krent before it is damaged*

    *the teacup materializes in the air before Krent, But his senses tingle at the arrival of Antagonist and he misses it as it drops to the floor. Luckily the new shag carpet in the castle cushions its fall and prevents it from harm*

    I sense a disturbance in the tea-flow-chi.

    *goes outside to have a look-see*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *the teacup materializes in the air before Krent, But his senses tingle at the arrival of Antagonist and he misses it as it drops to the floor. Luckily the new shag carpet in the castle cushions its fall and prevents it from harm*

    I sense a disturbance in the tea-flow-chi.

    *goes outside to have a look-see*

    *Just as he leans towards the window, the Digging Destroyer bursts through the wall, destroying a good portion of the room*

    Minioneer- "Sir, you are just borrowing this machine. Perhaps you should be a little more careful...."

    Antagonist- "The person I borrowed it from is still back home in the tenth dimension, and we're still stranded here. it was nothing short of a miracle that we were able to exist in the Tenth Dimension for as long as we did, what with all the reality shiftings. hows he going to find out what shape it's in, much less get here to confront us about it?"

    Minioneer- "Sigh...by the way, where are Shell and Enemia?"

    Antagonist- "On vacation. Now, lets get that teacup!"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Just as he leans towards the window, the Digging Destroyer bursts through the wall, destroying a good portion of the room*

    Minioneer- "Sir, you are just borrowing this machine. Perhaps you should be a little more careful...."

    Antagonist- "The person I borrowed it from is still back home in the tenth dimension, and we're still stranded here. it was nothing short of a miracle that we were able to exist in the Tenth Dimension for as long as we did, what with all the reality shiftings. hows he going to find out what shape it's in, much less get here to confront us about it?"

    Minioneer- "Sigh...by the way, where are Shell and Enemia?"

    Antagonist- "On vacation. Now, lets get that teacup!"

    Persistent, aren't we? By the way, which neighbor did you borrow that fantastic machine from? *Teleports the teacup to a safe secret location*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Persistent, aren't we? *Teleports the teacup to a safe secret location*
    Minioneer- "huh. I just remembered, i have to get back to the base. Good luck with your...ahem, "Venture", sir"
    Antagonist- "(Waves, then turns his attention back to Mirazone) hmmmm.....you seem to have us beat, you strange fellow....but who needs a teacup when i can take this beauty?"

    *Grabs Mizarone's teleporter*

    Antagonist- "hehehe....I wonder what this button does (Pushes button) uh oh...that shaking can't be good....?"

    *castle teacup, its inhabitants, And the Antagonist disappear in a flash of blinding light, leaving only Krent and Mizarone behind, overlooking the gaping hole where the castle was*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Minioneer- "huh. I just remembered, i have to get back to the base. Good luck with your...ahem, "Venture", sir"
    Antagonist- "(Waves, then turns his attention back to Mirazone) hmmmm.....you seem to have us beat, you strange fellow....but who needs a teacup when i can take this beauty?"

    *Grabs Mizarone's teleporter*

    Antagonist- "hehehe....I wonder what this button does (Pushes button) uh oh...that shaking can't be good....?"

    *castle teacup, its inhabitants, And the Antagonist disappear in a flash of blinding light, leaving only Krent and Mizarone behind, overlooking the gaping hole where the castle was*

    Good thing I have a backup phone. *Presses the recall button and recall Teacupland and its inhabitants* *Remotely destroys the phone Antagonist stole to make it slightly more difficult for the Antagonist to get back.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *castle teacup, its inhabitants, And the Antagonist disappear in a flash of blinding light, leaving only Krent and Mizarone behind, overlooking the gaping hole where the castle was*

    *But Krent's sunglasses protected him from the blinding flash and he could see it was not the castle and Antagonist that dissapeared, but instead Krent and Mizarone have been teleported and digitized into the phone.*
    mizarone wrote: »
    Good thing I have a backup phone. *Presses the recall button and recall Teacupland and its inhabitants* *Remotely destroys the phone Antagonist stole to make it slightly more difficult for the Antagonist to get back.

    I'm afraid that won't work. The castle has defenses against "I win" buttons being used on it, and if we are now inside your old phone, destroying it would be a bad idea. We'll have to come up with something more creative.

    In fact, I would say the castle is the only thing not teleported away and it, and everyone in it, are still where they were. Granted floating in space because us two and the rest of Teacup Land is now in this phone of yours. So? Theoreticaly if we are in a digital version of Teacup Land in the memory banks of an advanced cell phone.... Maybe someone on the other side will think of something, but they probably think they are the ones who got teleported away.

    All this thinking has made me tired though. *goes to take a nap*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *But Krent's sunglasses protected him from the blinding flash and he could see it was not the castle and Antagonist that dissapeared, but instead Krent and Mizarone have been teleported and digitized into the phone.*

    I'm afraid that won't work. The castle has defenses against "I win" buttons being used on it, and if we are now inside your old phone, destroying it would be a bad idea. We'll have to come up with something more creative.

    In fact, I would say the castle is the only thing not teleported away and it, and everyone in it, are still where they were. Granted floating in space because us two and the rest of Teacup Land is now in this phone of yours. So? Theoreticaly if we are in a digital version of Teacup Land in the memory banks of an advanced cell phone.... Maybe someone on the other side will think of something, but they probably think they are the ones who got teleported away.

    All this thinking has made me tired though. *goes to take a nap*

    Nice theory. Problem is that the phone doesn't have enough memory to store Teacupland in the virtual world and the phone programmed to not digitize what it cannot store safely in memory.

    So this means Teacupland is fine and according to my sensor the Atangonist teleported himself to another dimension. So, we just have to wait for the reset button to cool down and we can set it to send us back to Teacupland. By the way, where are your clothes?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Nice theory. Problem is that the phone doesn't have enough memory to store Teacupland in the virtual world and the phone programmed to not digitize what it cannot store safely in memory.

    So this means Teacupland is fine and according to my sensor the Atangonist teleported himself to another dimension. So, we just have to wait for the reset button to cool down and we can set it to send us back to Teacupland. By the way, where are your clothes?

    My clothes? I took them off of course. Why do you ask?

    *starts flexing all manly like*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    My clothes? I took them off of course. Why do you ask?

    *starts flexing all manly like*

    That's not awkward...... :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Nice theory. Problem is that the phone doesn't have enough memory to store Teacupland in the virtual world and the phone programmed to not digitize what it cannot store safely in memory.

    So this means Teacupland is fine and according to my sensor the Atangonist teleported himself to another dimension.

    Antagonist- "I Did not!"
    *Falls from nowhere in front of them.*
    Antagonist- "How dare that sensor lie about my whereabouts!"
    *Smashes the reset button/sensor*
    Antagonist- "wait....why's everybody looking at me like that...what did I do?"
    *Looks at the smashed reset button*
    Antagonist- "oh.......you wouldn't happen to have a spare one of those, would you? hehe....uh oh..."

    *Notices Krent, comepletely naked*
    Antagonist- "Oh my. No one needed to see that. Here, wear this"
    *Tosses him a spiked outfit with the Antagonist's personal symbol on the front, complete with an evil cape*
    Antagonist- "Always keep a spare for occasions like these....you'd be surprised how often this happens...(Shudders)"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    your avatar reminds me of a scene from "oceans eleven" o.o;
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Suddenly, a mechanized claw pops out of the ground, grabbing the Teacup. A massive, drill-nosed machine, to which the claw was attatched, erupts from the ground, comepletely obliterating the garden*
    (From the Cockpit of the Digging Destroyer) Ohhh Teacupland...I'M BAAAAAACK!! Mwahahaha! man, being stuck between dimensions is not fun, I tell ya! I spent the whole time playing chess with Shell....and most of the time, he won! Wondering where I got this Drill bot? hehehehe...I found a way to temporarily access my home Tenth Dimension! borrowed this from my neighbor before reality shifted and I got warped out. ahh...neighbors. what would I do without them? hehehe.....

    Crikey! *The King see's the Antagonist reappear from the Royal Balcony and runs off down the corridor to get the Holy Teacup and run to the panic room he had built somewhere he can't remember, but trips over the newly installed shag pile, the next thing he knows there is a flash of light and he is somewhere else*

    What's going on? Hello? Report? Status? Men? Teska? Anyone? Bogglesworth? Hello?

    *The King runs back to his throne and curls up in it*
    your avatar reminds me of a scene from "oceans eleven" o.o;

    Also yes, give this person honorary membership as a member of the order of the teacup for having the cutest avatar ever. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Crikey! *The King see's the Antagonist reappear from the Royal Balcony and runs off down the corridor to get the Holy Teacup and run to the panic room he had built somewhere he can't remember, but trips over the newly installed shag pile, the next thing he knows there is a flash of light and he is somewhere else*

    What's going on? Hello? Report? Status? Men? Teska? Anyone? Bogglesworth? Hello?

    *The King runs back to his throne and curls up in it*

    Here sir!!
    It appears Antagonist has found his way into our new dimension somehow.....:eek:
    What are your orders?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *K'raq walks through the door of Castle Teacup and sees the Antagonist*
    K'raq: Well, well. Look whose back. Long time no see, eh?
    *K'raq pulls out his disruptor and levels it at the Antagonist*
    K'raq: What did you do this time?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    Here sir!!
    It appears Antagonist has found his way into our new dimension somehow.....:eek:
    What are your orders?

    Red Alert! Secure Castle Teacup! Find the Holy Teacup and Prince Bogglesworth! :eek:
    Kraq999 wrote: »
    *K'raq walks through the door of Castle Teacup and sees the Antagonist*
    K'raq: Well, well. Look whose back. Long time no see, eh?
    *K'raq pulls out his disruptor and levels it at the Antagonist*
    K'raq: What did you do this time?

    K'raq! Stun him and take him to the dungeons. He will cause not so much trouble there. haha! :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *K'raq pulls Prince Bogglesworth out of his pocket*
    K'raq: I was taking the prince for his daily walk, and I think the Holy Teacup is in its rightful place.
    *K'raq puts down Bogglesworth, who runs to the King. He then fires his disruptor on stun at the Antagonist*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kraq999 wrote: »
    *K'raq pulls Prince Bogglesworth out of his pocket*
    K'raq: I was taking the prince for his daily walk, and I think the Holy Teacup is in its rightful place.
    *K'raq puts down Bogglesworth, who runs to the King. He then fires his disruptor on stun at the Antagonist*

    *sends a message to kraq* hold your fire, I have an idea.

    *sends a message to the King* We are struck in the Atagonist Pew Pew game. Start a new game and select Krent as your fighter. You will end up playing against the real Atagonist. He ended up stuck with us as well
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kraq999 wrote: »
    *K'raq pulls Prince Bogglesworth out of his pocket*
    K'raq: I was taking the prince for his daily walk, and I think the Holy Teacup is in its rightful place.
    *K'raq puts down Bogglesworth, who runs to the King. He then fires his disruptor on stun at the Antagonist*

    Well done K'raq! *huggles the Prince*
    mizarone wrote: »
    *sends a message to kraq* hold your fire, I have an idea.

    *sends a message to the King* We are struck in the Atagonist Pew Pew game. Start a new game and select Krent as your fighter. You will end up playing against the real Atagonist. He ended up stuck with us as well

    Ooo, this is a curious turn of events.

    *plays the Pew Pew game and uses Krent as his fighter, equipping him with a birthday suit and a marshmallow gun* :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well done K'raq! *huggles the Prince*

    Ooo, this is a curious turn of events.

    *plays the Pew Pew game and uses Krent as his fighter, equipping him with a birthday suit and a marshmallow gun* :eek:

    Well, that was an odd sensation! Ooh! I always wanted a marshmallow gun.

    *waits for player 2 to join*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *K'raq stops, but keeps his disruptor in hand, not liking having been ordered to cease fire. He then waits for when he is needed*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *Wakes up from being stunned*
    Good to see you haven't changed...ow...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Wakes up from being stunned*
    Good to see you haven't changed...ow...

    *A boomng voice seeming to come from everywhere*

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *A boomng voice seeming to come from everywhere*


    *Krent starts to pelt Antagonist with marshmallows, and then uses his "overload" ability to lob one giant marshmallow into the air. It explodes covering everyone and everything with white sugary goo*

    Yuck it's all in my hair! Wait how is all this this going to help us?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Wakes up from being stunned*
    Good to see you haven't changed...ow...

    K'raq: Same to you.......
    *K'raq is still holding his disruptor*
    Krent wrote: »
    *Krent starts to pelt Antagonist with marshmallows, and then uses his "overload" ability to lob one giant marshmallow into the air. It explodes covering everyone and everything with white sugary goo*

    Yuck it's all in my hair! Wait how is all this this going to help us?

    *K'raq covered in marshmallow, looks as angry as a Klingon could get. He looks like he'll shoot the next person who does anything wrong*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *Krent starts to pelt Antagonist with marshmallows, and then uses his "overload" ability to lob one giant marshmallow into the air. It explodes covering everyone and everything with white sugary goo*

    Yuck it's all in my hair! Wait how is all this this going to help us?

    well, the more marshmellows you pelt the Atagonist with, the easier he will be to capture when we get out of here.

    *looks at Keaq*

    Might not want to use the overload ability any more
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *comes back after taking a nice hot bath to get all the marshmallow out of her hair*
    Well Antagonist, you certainly seem to have announced your return with a bang.....I have to say though, Teacup Land wasn't the same without you :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    *comes back after taking a nice hot bath to get all the marshmallow out of her hair*
    Well Antagonist, you certainly seem to have announced your return with a bang.....I have to say though, Teacup Land wasn't the same without you :rolleyes:

    Yeah, what she said. Just don't try and recapture Ruby Island. The Tea Turtles are happy again and laying eggs. :cool:
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