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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    *orders the chef to have carrot cake and tea ready for the King and goes to set the table in the throne room*
    Didn't we have a sherriff at some point? Someone should be arresting those Teacuppers for not walking in the tunnels!!!! :eek:

    Right! Where's the Sheriff?! Everyone look for him, he must be found. I suppose missing persons is my job since I'm the Sheriff and all. By the way has anyone seen my sunglasses? everything looks kinda dark and hard to see.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    Right! Where's the Sheriff?! Everyone look for him, he must be found. I suppose missing persons is my job since I'm the Sheriff and all. By the way has anyone seen my sunglasses? everything looks kinda dark and hard to see.

    Aha!! So you're the Sheriff!! I thought we had someone around here who was supposed to be the sheriff :D
    Now, the people of Teacup City have been ordered to walk in specially constructed tunnels, so that they are out of the King's way when he's driving. Unfortunately, some of them seem to be having some problems doing that. Perhaps you could give them a hand? Seeing as how you are the Sheriff and all :rolleyes:
    Oh, and your sunglasses, I haven't seen them, you'll have to file a repport with Lost and Found :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Hmmmm...*examines the plans* Hmmm....this is going to come in handy! Excellent work, MaxSpock....not that I have any Idea what it could be...But part of it is a design for one of mirazone's generators! Excellent! I build one and use it to power my Multi-Dimensional Communicator! Mwehehehe!

    Umm... I'm not really qualified for that... ahh, well, I'll give it a go...

    *builds it Antagonist-style (lots of duct tape, discount components, etc.) and places inside a secret, undetectable wathcamacallit that lets Mirazone know whenever Antagonist uses it, and lets him hear the inter-dimensional messages from Antagonist's communicator*
    There! *sends coded mustache message informing Teacup High Command of what he has done*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MaxSpock wrote: »
    Umm... I'm not really qualified for that... ahh, well, I'll give it a go...

    *builds it Antagonist-style (lots of duct tape, discount components, etc.) and places inside a secret, undetectable wathcamacallit that lets Mirazone know whenever Antagonist uses it, and lets him hear the inter-dimensional messages from Antagonist's communicator*
    There! *sends coded mustache message informing Teacup High Command of what he has done*

    *Meanwhile, in the Tenth Dimension*

    Mysterious silhouette- "Hey, good news! Looks like Antagoon found a way to communicate with us!
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "oh ya...he has been gone for quite some time, hasn't he? well, what did he say? Have his debts finally caught up to him?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "actually, he somehow stranded himself in another dimension..."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "That's so typical of him...most people would just find an elaborate why to alter history so that they never got in debt, but noooo, he has to do things the hard way...wait, what did he say?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "Well...he asked me for a recipe using gorn meat...something involving a cooking contest...oh, but he did say that later, he wants to talk to the whole family. he has some brilliant plan he wants help on."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- alright, ill start a phone tree....he had better pay us this time...and this had better not end up like his scheme to become prince and embezzle royal funds...I mean, at least my schemes work!"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    Aha!! So you're the Sheriff!! I thought we had someone around here who was supposed to be the sheriff :D
    Now, the people of Teacup City have been ordered to walk in specially constructed tunnels, so that they are out of the King's way when he's driving. Unfortunately, some of them seem to be having some problems doing that. Perhaps you could give them a hand? Seeing as how you are the Sheriff and all :rolleyes:
    Oh, and your sunglasses, I haven't seen them, you'll have to file a repport with Lost and Found :p

    Ok, I think I have an idea about that.

    *lays trails of self-replicating-jellybeans leading into the tunnels*

    There! No teacuppian can resist gobbling up jellybeans, and it'll take them right where they need to go. Those Tea Researchers sure are clever getting all that technology into a little bean and still make it taste like a marginally flavored blob of sugar.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    *orders the chef to have carrot cake and tea ready for the King and goes to set the table in the throne room*

    *recieves order*

    I see...

    *goes to fridge, and opens it. Grabs the "drinking milk" bottle, pours out glass of milk, then puts milk back in fridge and closes door*

    And Carrot cake....

    *opens walk-in cupboard/larder and brings out the carrot cake*

    Hmmm...but what size....

    *takes the plunge and cuts a large piece and puts it on a plate, and then puts cake back in cupboard/larder and closes the door*

    One cake and milk!

    *puts cake and milk in the serving lift, and pulls the ropes to make the lift go up to the King's throne room*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Meanwhile, in the Tenth Dimension*

    Mysterious silhouette- "Hey, good news! Looks like Antagoon found a way to communicate with us!
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "oh ya...he has been gone for quite some time, hasn't he? well, what did he say? Have his debts finally caught up to him?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "actually, he somehow stranded himself in another dimension..."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "That's so typical of him...most people would just find an elaborate why to alter history so that they never got in debt, but noooo, he has to do things the hard way...wait, what did he say?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "Well...he asked me for a recipe using gorn meat...something involving a cooking contest...oh, but he did say that later, he wants to talk to the whole family. he has some brilliant plan he wants help on."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- alright, ill start a phone tree....he had better pay us this time...and this had better not end up like his scheme to become prince and embezzle royal funds...I mean, at least my schemes work!"
    This is strangely evocative of the Suliban.......I do believe I've been watching too much Enterprise.......:rolleyes:
    Krent wrote: »
    Ok, I think I have an idea about that.

    *lays trails of self-replicating-jellybeans leading into the tunnels*

    There! No teacuppian can resist gobbling up jellybeans, and it'll take them right where they need to go. Those Tea Researchers sure are clever getting all that technology into a little bean and still make it taste like a marginally flavored blob of sugar.
    Brilliant!!! :D That should take care of that problem.
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *recieves order*

    I see...

    *goes to fridge, and opens it. Grabs the "drinking milk" bottle, pours out glass of milk, then puts milk back in fridge and closes door*

    And Carrot cake....

    *opens walk-in cupboard/larder and brings out the carrot cake*

    Hmmm...but what size....

    *takes the plunge and cuts a large piece and puts it on a plate, and then puts cake back in cupboard/larder and closes the door*

    One cake and milk!

    *puts cake and milk in the serving lift, and pulls the ropes to make the lift go up to the King's throne room*
    *retrieves the carrot cake and milk from the serving lift and sets it out for the King when he returns*
    There. Now I think I should get some sleep. Goodnight everyone :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    Ok, I think I have an idea about that.

    *lays trails of self-replicating-jellybeans leading into the tunnels*

    There! No teacuppian can resist gobbling up jellybeans, and it'll take them right where they need to go. Those Tea Researchers sure are clever getting all that technology into a little bean and still make it taste like a marginally flavored blob of sugar.

    *The King finally arrives back at the castle, after a few hours of eating the self replicating jellybeans he found leading in to little holes*

    Somebody left jellybeans everywhere! *the King has collected many of them in Bags to eat later*

    *The King goes into the castle and up to the throne room where he plops down to eat the Carrot Cake and drink the milk* :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    [meanwhile, on the roof of castle teacup]

    *MGDawson is tie-ing a safety harness to a dummy*

    *looks over the edge, then makes sure the rope is secured to the Castle's incredible sturdy flag pole*

    Someone's gotta test the herness...*pushes dummy over side, gently releasing the cable as he goes*

    Everything seems fine...*pulls dummy back up*

    *MGDawson unclips the dummy and puts himself on the ropes, then picks up bucket, sponge and brush*

    What? Someone's gotta clean the gorn off the castle...

    *MGDawson is lifted down by Teagaurds and begine cleaning*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    [meanwhile, on the roof of castle teacup]

    *MGDawson is tie-ing a safety harness to a dummy*

    *looks over the edge, then makes sure the rope is secured to the Castle's incredible sturdy flag pole*

    Someone's gotta test the herness...*pushes dummy over side, gently releasing the cable as he goes*

    Everything seems fine...*pulls dummy back up*

    *MGDawson unclips the dummy and puts himself on the ropes, then picks up bucket, sponge and brush*

    What? Someone's gotta clean the gorn off the castle...

    *MGDawson is lifted down by Teagaurds and begine cleaning*

    *Meanwhile, Romublonde is tempted to cut the rope, and seriously considers doing so. By the time she's decided to cut it, however, MGDawson has already finished his work.*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    [meanwhile, on the roof of castle teacup]

    *MGDawson is tie-ing a safety harness to a dummy*

    *looks over the edge, then makes sure the rope is secured to the Castle's incredible sturdy flag pole*

    Someone's gotta test the herness...*pushes dummy over side, gently releasing the cable as he goes*

    Everything seems fine...*pulls dummy back up*

    *MGDawson unclips the dummy and puts himself on the ropes, then picks up bucket, sponge and brush*

    What? Someone's gotta clean the gorn off the castle...

    *MGDawson is lifted down by Teagaurds and begine cleaning*

    *The King is busy in the bath, Bogglesworth floating round the bubble bath in a rubber Teacup Throne and multicoloured rubber ducks are also floating around. The King is relaxing, his crown replaced by a rubber one that won't rust in the suds*

    *Looks over at the window, noticing somebody finally cleaning off the Gorn Goo* *Waves* :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Looks over at the window, noticing somebody finally cleaning off the Gorn Goo* *Waves* :cool:

    *waves back*

    ohh...that guttering's out....

    *indicates to teagaurds to move left. They move to their left, much to the annoyance of Matt. They then realise their mistake, and move to the right, as Matt swings inhto the pipe*

    Ow. *fixes pipe*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MaxSpock wrote: »
    Umm... I'm not really qualified for that... ahh, well, I'll give it a go...

    *builds it Antagonist-style (lots of duct tape, discount components, etc.) and places inside a secret, undetectable wathcamacallit that lets Mirazone know whenever Antagonist uses it, and lets him hear the inter-dimensional messages from Antagonist's communicator*
    There! *sends coded mustache message informing Teacup High Command of what he has done*
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Meanwhile, in the Tenth Dimension*

    Mysterious silhouette- "Hey, good news! Looks like Antagoon found a way to communicate with us!
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "oh ya...he has been gone for quite some time, hasn't he? well, what did he say? Have his debts finally caught up to him?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "actually, he somehow stranded himself in another dimension..."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- "That's so typical of him...most people would just find an elaborate why to alter history so that they never got in debt, but noooo, he has to do things the hard way...wait, what did he say?"
    Mysterious silhouette- "Well...he asked me for a recipe using gorn meat...something involving a cooking contest...oh, but he did say that later, he wants to talk to the whole family. he has some brilliant plan he wants help on."
    Mysterious silhouette 2- alright, ill start a phone tree....he had better pay us this time...and this had better not end up like his scheme to become prince and embezzle royal funds...I mean, at least my schemes work!"

    *Finally gets around to reviewing the data from MaxSpock's hidden transmitter*

    Interesting, fascinating, intriging... It says I need to install the latest version of the TeaSteam™ video player to view this file.
    *clicks link prompt*
    "you must have TeaFox® web browser version 5.1 or higher to view this website"
    *clicks another linky*
    "you computer does not meet the system requirements to install TeaFox® version 5.1"
    *orders a new computer from NewTea.com and waits 4-6 weeks for delivery*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *Finally gets around to reviewing the data from MaxSpock's hidden transmitter*

    Interesting, fascinating, intriging... It says I need to install the latest version of the TeaSteam™ video player to view this file.
    *clicks link prompt*
    "you must have TeaFox® web browser version 5.1 or higher to view this website"
    *clicks another linky*
    "you computer does not meet the system requirements to install TeaFox® version 5.1"
    *orders a new computer from NewTea.com and waits 4-6 weeks for delivery*

    Did somebody order a computer?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Princess Teska gets out some paper and starts writing*
    His Majesty King Trebort and Her Royal Highness Princess Teska would like to cordially invite you to a masquerade ball
    to celebrate the founding and one year anniversary of the prestigous Order of the Teacup.
    To be held on Friday, July 23, 2010.
    The ball will be accompanied by Tea and Sticky Buns in the gardens, and followed by a parade and fireworks.
    Formal attire is required.

    *sends for the page*
    Have the scribes make copies of this on the royal stationary, you know which ones, they have the image of the Teacup engraved on the front? Yes that's right. Have them sent out to all the citizens of Teacup Land.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *MGDawson has now finished cleaning the side of the castle, and is lifted back ot the roof*

    Ahh, much better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Did somebody order a computer?

    Why yes I did. I suppose you have something that will help?
    Teska wrote: »
    His Majesty King Trebort and Her Royal Highness Princess Teska would like to cordially invite you to a masquerade ball
    to celebrate the founding and one year anniversary of the prestigous Order of the Teacup.
    To be held on Friday, July 23, 2010.
    The ball will be accompanied by Tea and Sticky Buns in the gardens, and followed by a parade and fireworks.
    Formal attire is required.

    Oh, parties are allways lovely.
    *dusts off Bow-tie and bunny ears*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *The King, hearing the news of a ball, tries on his mask for the ball* Nobody will have any idea it's me! *slips his crown back on, hoping it will go unnoticed*

    This is going to be superfun! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    Why yes I did. I suppose you have something that will help?

    Oh, parties are allways lovely.
    *dusts off Bow-tie and bunny ears*

    Yeah, I installed a Batcomputer in the catacombs. And, yes, it can play Crysis.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    *Princess Teska gets out some paper and starts writing*
    His Majesty King Trebort and Her Royal Highness Princess Teska would like to cordially invite you to a masquerade ball
    to celebrate the founding and one year anniversary of the prestigous Order of the Teacup.
    To be held on Friday, July 23, 2010.
    The ball will be accompanied by Tea and Sticky Buns in the gardens, and followed by a parade and fireworks.
    Formal attire is required.

    *sends for the page*
    Have the scribes make copies of this on the royal stationary, you know which ones, they have the image of the Teacup engraved on the front? Yes that's right. Have them sent out to all the citizens of Teacup Land.

    *an average citizen, having just received his invitation, happily skips along to purchase a new tuxedo for the occasion. Noticing a tulip sticking out of the middle of the path, the citizen decides to pull it out of the ground, deciding it would look nice next to the bookshelf. However, when he pulls it out of the ground, he discovers that it is actually a cleverly disguised bomb.*

    Citizen- "Holy Shi–" (The invitation, still intact despite the explosion, falls gently towards the ground, only to be intercepted and snatched up by a familiar individual...)

    *The Evil Antagonist, having just stolen his invitation, happily skips along to his lair to postpone his conference his Tenth dimension contacts, so as to allow time to prepare for the ball*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *an average citizen, having just received his invitation, happily skips along to purchase a new tuxedo for the occasion. Noticing a tulip sticking out of the middle of the path, the citizen decides to pull it out of the ground, deciding it would look nice next to the bookshelf. However, when he pulls it out of the ground, he discovers that it is actually a cleverly disguised bomb.*

    Citizen- "Holy Shi–" (The invitation, still intact despite the explosion, falls gently towards the ground, only to be intercepted and snatched up by a familiar individual...)

    *The Evil Antagonist, having just stolen his invitation, happily skips along to his lair to postpone his conference his Tenth dimension contacts, so as to allow time to prepare for the ball*

    ((The tales of your exploits are extraordinarily amusing. You should write an autobiography :p))

    *skips happily along to buy a new dress and mask for the ball*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ooh, better get out my finery!

    *heads off to his office*

    ahh, perfect! :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    ((The tales of your exploits are extraordinarily amusing. You should write an autobiography :p))

    *skips happily along to buy a new dress and mask for the ball*

    *suddenly considers writing an autobiography, wondering where the idea came from*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Realizing that he is not officially a citizen and so wouldn't be able to go to the party anyways, MaxSpock decides that this would make the perfect opportunity to take a week/week and a half to secretly break into Mizarone's lab and research more powerful dynamite formulas.*

    ((OOC: Vacation! Internet access: unknown but probably none))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *The Evil Antagonist, having just stolen his invitation, happily skips along to his lair to postpone his conference his Tenth dimension contacts, so as to allow time to prepare for the ball*

    *thinks to himself* "Family is important, he shouldn't skip out on those inter-dimensional calls, they're expensive." I, know! I'll send invitations to the people he was talking with! *mails off invitations to the Antagonist's family and get ready for the party*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *thinks to himself* "Family is important, he shouldn't skip out on those inter-dimensional calls, they're expensive." I, know! I'll send invitations to the people he was talking with! *mails off invitations to the Antagonist's family and get ready for the party*

    Minioneer- "Now, first of all, they are in another dimension...so don't be surprised if they dont make it....and besides, isn't one Antagonist enough...ill deliver them though, if you insist....and dont ask how i got here...even im not sure...sigh..."
    *Minioneer leaves, to prepare for the ball, and to deliver Mirazone's invitations*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MaxSpock wrote: »
    *Realizing that he is not officially a citizen and so wouldn't be able to go to the party anyways, MaxSpock decides that this would make the perfect opportunity to take a week/week and a half to secretly break into Mizarone's lab and research more powerful dynamite formulas.*

    ((OOC: Vacation! Internet access: unknown but probably none))

    (Have Fun!)

    *has locked himself in the Teavault accidentally, but nobody can hear him yelling to get him out*

    Fiddlesticks! I knew putting a spring on the door was a bad idea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Minioneer- "Now, first of all, they are in another dimension...so don't be surprised if they dont make it....and besides, isn't one Antagonist enough...ill deliver them though, if you insist....and dont ask how i got here...even im not sure...sigh..."
    *Minioneer leaves, to prepare for the ball, and to deliver Mirazone's invitations*

    don't worry about the travel arrangements, I have that covered.
    (Have Fun!)

    *has locked himself in the Teavault accidentally, but nobody can hear him yelling to get him out*

    Fiddlesticks! I knew putting a spring on the door was a bad idea.

    Does anyone else hear muffled yelling?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    the old teacup thread: [URL="http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?p=2878075#post2878075"]linky[/URL]

    I'll see if my thermal imaging camera detects anything.
    *scans Kings room*

    There's someone in the Vault! Hold on...only 2 people know the code, don't they?

    The King could hardly be foolish enough to not allow an emergency exit to be built in...could he?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    the old teacup thread: [URL="http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?p=2878075#post2878075"]linky[/URL]

    I'll see if my thermal imaging camera detects anything.
    *scans Kings room*

    There's someone in the Vault! Hold on...only 2 people know the code, don't they?

    The King could hardly be foolish enough to not allow an emergency exit to be built in...could he?

    *believes nobody is going to come, so in the last few hours he has before the air runs out, he uses all the TeaCoins in the vault to build a Coin Throne to sit on* :cool:
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