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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Meh, fine.

    But if my Castle gets damaged. I'm coming after you! *points* :mad:

    *unzips the portal and goes back to sitting under his umbrella in the Royal Gardens*

    Antagonist- "Alright....ahem....so, why are you guys in there? Get out! Its my portal, not yours! And, while you're at it, you mind stopping the whole continuous expansion thing?"

    Iris, Cornealeous, and Steve(In unison)- "And why would we do that?"

    Steve- "Ok...why did you guys say that at the same time as me? You did that on purpose, didnt you

    Iris- "What? You two were the ones copying what I said!"

    Cornealeous- "Dont act like the victim, Iris, I'm the one who was being copied! And after my TV got destroyed, too....hey, guy outside, you dont know Mirazone, do you? We're supposed have tea later."

    Antagonist- "Look, sorry about the TV, but....why won't you guys stop the expansion again?

    Iris- "If we keep forcibly expanding the prison, the warden will be forced to set us free!"

    Cornealeous- "They thought they were so clever...trapping us inside of a rift in reality, because the prisons all filled up...."

    Steve- "We were great pioneers in science, and then, lo and behold! we suffered the greatest fall, from riches to chains, Prisoners of cruel, Ironic Fate!"

    Iris- "...stop trying to make yourself sound smart, steve"

    Steve- "I cant help it! My parents were Shakespearean scholars!"

    Iris- "sigh...well, steve's still right; just because our creation made an opposite version of President Earl Greyson..."

    Antagonist- "Wait a minute.....This invention of yours...it wouldn't happen to be called the Klesser, would it?

    Cornealeous- "Ah, you are familiar with it? im surprised....after all, its been...what, 20 years or so?"

    Antagonist- "....uhh...well, if you guys were the Ancient Teacuppers who invented the Klesser....then...Its...been about...40,000 years or so....so ya, you were kinda...off..."

    Cornealeous- "...Are you certain? ...well...this is great news! That means our sentence is up!"

    Iris- "we asked them to give us a definite length for our sentence, cause "Eternity" just seemed non-specific, and, quite frankly, lazy."

    Steve- "The warden must have been in a good mood; he glared at us, mumbled something about us under his breath(Probably a compliment), and then smiled and said 40,000 years!"

    Cornealeous- "It wasn't untill after the trial that they found out that the prisons were full, and put us in here instead. and its good that they did; imagine how confusing it would have been if we died while waiting in a conventional cell?"

    Iris- "So...umm...what's your name?"

    Antagonist- "I suppose you wouldnt recognize the greatest mastermind of all time, considering that you havent seen another living thing in 40,000 years...but, I am the Mighty, brilliant, and devilishly handsome Antagonist!"

    Iris- "Ah....a pleasure to meet you! Anyways, you mind telling the Warden that our sentence is up and asking him for the Key?"

    Antagonist- "...err...any distinguishing features I should look for? anything definite? Like skull fractures, or missing bones? I imagine he's going to be....older than you remember...

    Iris- "well, he always wore a bowler camp...but, it might look a little worn.."

    Antagonist- "...good enough. Where should I look for him?"

    Cornealeous- "Try the shopping mall underneath that new castle thing...he's always hanging out there"

    Antagonist- "You mean the catacombs? ....meh, alot can change in 40,000 years"

    *Turns to MaxSpock*

    Antagonist- "Tell Mirazone the news! ill be in the catacombs! Oh....and remember, double-agent, dont hesitate to steal some of his schematics on the side...mwehehehe"

    *Heads off to the catacombs to find the Warden's key, so he can reclaim his portal....*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Antagonist- "Alright....ahem....so, why are you guys in there? Get out! Its my portal, not yours! And, while you're at it, you mind stopping the whole continuous expansion thing?"

    Iris, Cornealeous, and Steve(In unison)- "And why would we do that?"

    Steve- "Ok...why did you guys say that at the same time as me? You did that on purpose, didnt you

    Iris- "What? You two were the ones copying what I said!"

    Cornealeous- "Dont act like the victim, Iris, I'm the one who was being copied! And after my TV got destroyed, too....hey, guy outside, you dont know Mirazone, do you? We're supposed have tea later."

    Antagonist- "Look, sorry about the TV, but....why won't you guys stop the expansion again?

    Iris- "If we keep forcibly expanding the prison, the warden will be forced to set us free!"

    Cornealeous- "They thought they were so clever...trapping us inside of a rift in reality, because the prisons all filled up...."

    Steve- "We were great pioneers in science, and then, lo and behold! we suffered the greatest fall, from riches to chains, Prisoners of cruel, Ironic Fate!"

    Iris- "...stop trying to make yourself sound smart, steve"

    Steve- "I cant help it! My parents were Shakespearean scholars!"

    Iris- "sigh...well, steve's still right; just because our creation made an opposite version of President Earl Greyson..."

    Antagonist- "Wait a minute.....This invention of yours...it wouldn't happen to be called the Klesser, would it?

    Cornealeous- "Ah, you are familiar with it? im surprised....after all, its been...what, 20 years or so?"

    Antagonist- "....uhh...well, if you guys were the Ancient Teacuppers who invented the Klesser....then...Its...been about...40,000 years or so....so ya, you were kinda...off..."

    Cornealeous- "...Are you certain? ...well...this is great news! That means our sentence is up!"

    Iris- "we asked them to give us a definite length for our sentence, cause "Eternity" just seemed non-specific, and, quite frankly, lazy."

    Steve- "The warden must have been in a good mood; he glared at us, mumbled something about us under his breath(Probably a compliment), and then smiled and said 40,000 years!"

    Cornealeous- "It wasn't untill after the trial that they found out that the prisons were full, and put us in here instead. and its good that they did; imagine how confusing it would have been if we died while waiting in a conventional cell?"

    Iris- "So...umm...what's your name?"

    Antagonist- "I suppose you wouldnt recognize the greatest mastermind of all time, considering that you havent seen another living thing in 40,000 years...but, I am the Mighty, brilliant, and devilishly handsome Antagonist!"

    Iris- "Ah....a pleasure to meet you! Anyways, you mind telling the Warden that our sentence is up and asking him for the Key?"

    Antagonist- "...err...any distinguishing features I should look for? anything definite? Like skull fractures, or missing bones? I imagine he's going to be....older than you remember...

    Iris- "well, he always wore a bowler camp...but, it might look a little worn.."

    Antagonist- "...good enough. Where should I look for him?"

    Cornealeous- "Try the shopping mall underneath that new castle thing...he's always hanging out there"

    Antagonist- "You mean the catacombs? ....meh, alot can change in 40,000 years"

    *Turns to MaxSpock*

    Antagonist- "Tell Mirazone the news! ill be in the catacombs! Oh....and remember, double-agent, dont hesitate to steal some of his schematics on the side...mwehehehe"

    *Heads off to the catacombs to find the Warden's key, so he can reclaim his portal....*

    You're not going to find the key there, I know where it is. The key is the heart of the Klesser and if the tear affected the key.... Oh, we are in deep [CENSORED]
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    You're not going to find the key there, I know where it is. The key is the heart of the Klesser and if the tear affected the key.... Oh, we are in deep [CENSORED]

    *The King shakes his head at the entire affair*

    Blumming disasters always popping up! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    At least they seem nice enough, as long as they don't join Antagonist in his ever-present mischief.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *dons teacup helmet*

    I have a bad feeling. Where's Kraq when you need him? He's back soon.

    *offers cup of tea to the king*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    At least they seem nice enough, as long as they don't join Antagonist in his ever-present mischief.

    You're right; as long as they join me, everything will be fine....wait, that's not what you said, is it....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    You're right; as long as they join me, everything will be fine....wait, that's not what you said, is it....

    Antagonist, is Minioneer on the Klesser? I need him to ask something about the power levels. If I am right, they are off the charts right now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *dons teacup helmet*

    I have a bad feeling. Where's Kraq when you need him? He's back soon.

    *offers cup of tea to the king*

    *Sips it* Thank you! :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Antagonist, is Minioneer on the Klesser? I need him to ask something about the power levels. If I am right, they are off the charts right now.

    If he is on the Klesser, ask him to get off. We don't want him to break it and compound our catastrophes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Antagonist, is Minioneer on the Klesser? I need him to ask something about the power levels. If I am right, they are off the charts right now.

    Just got word from the Teacup Scouting Party... They're over nine-thousand.

    That's Jersey levels, man. Jersey levels.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *has totally forgotten what's going on, so is sat back on his throne, hearing peoples problems* :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Did we ever cook that Gorn traitor my lord? I don't believe we've had infidel stew in quite some time...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    Did we ever cook that Gorn traitor my lord? I don't believe we've had infidel stew in quite some time...

    I don't remember. I remember we put him in that big hole outside.

    Hey we should have Cook-Off. Whomever can cook the finest Gorn-Stew wins.... something.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    I don't remember. I remember we put him in that big hole outside.

    Hey we should have Cook-Off. Whomever can cook the finest Gorn-Stew wins.... something.

    The winner of the Teacup Land Cook-Off shall win a replica of the royal signet for making the best Gorn stew in the land. The Princess has ordered it.
    Chefs, you may begin your preparations.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    The winner of the Teacup Land Cook-Off shall win a replica of the royal signet for making the best Gorn stew in the land. The Princess has ordered it.
    Chefs, you may begin your preparations.


    *dons chefs hat, washes hands thoroughly, and starts preparing vegetables*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Returns with the key, to free the scientists*

    Antagonist- "Alrighty....hold still you three

    *Activates it, and the three are released. the portal shrinks to the size of a golf ball*

    Iris- "We probably should have mentioned that the rift was only designed to as large as was necessary for the people inside..."

    Steve- "When we left, well...it shrunk....im sure you'll still be able to use it though, if not for what you wanted!"

    Cornealeous- "Good luck, antagonist...we've gotta run!"

    *The three run off into the distance, leaving the antagonist, comepletely stationary save for a twitching eye...and a clenching of his fists*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    The winner of the Teacup Land Cook-Off shall win a replica of the royal signet for making the best Gorn stew in the land. The Princess has ordered it.
    Chefs, you may begin your preparations.

    I must decline, Highness. Inter-species cannibalism is something I frown on.
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Returns with the key, to free the scientists*

    Antagonist- "Alrighty....hold still you three

    *Activates it, and the three are released. the portal shrinks to the size of a golf ball*

    Iris- "We probably should have mentioned that the rift was only designed to as large as was necessary for the people inside..."

    Steve- "When we left, well...it shrunk....im sure you'll still be able to use it though, if not for what you wanted!"

    Cornealeous- "Good luck, antagonist...we've gotta run!"

    *The three run off into the distance, leaving the antagonist, comepletely stationary save for a twitching eye...and a clenching of his fists*

    *Thoroughly uninterested* No, wait, come back.
    *Toddles off to test his revolver*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    The winner of the Teacup Land Cook-Off shall win a replica of the royal signet for making the best Gorn stew in the land. The Princess has ordered it.
    Chefs, you may begin your preparations.


    *wonders what the Gorn did to annoy Princess Teska* Ooo, he's in for it now!

    Don't forgot to take his cybernetics out before you cook him, he could be a choking hazard!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Returns with the key, to free the scientists*

    Antagonist- "Alrighty....hold still you three

    *Activates it, and the three are released. the portal shrinks to the size of a golf ball*

    Iris- "We probably should have mentioned that the rift was only designed to as large as was necessary for the people inside..."

    Steve- "When we left, well...it shrunk....im sure you'll still be able to use it though, if not for what you wanted!"

    Cornealeous- "Good luck, antagonist...we've gotta run!"

    *The three run off into the distance, leaving the antagonist, comepletely stationary save for a twitching eye...and a clenching of his fists*

    Here, take a copy of my plans for a portal generator. Its limited in that it can only connect to the 5 dimensions closest in relation to the generator. (Actually its a toy to teach the basic principles in dimensional physics. Its brightly colored, made out of high impact plastic, and makes happy lights and sounds. Its safe for ages 3 and up)

    *Yells out to Cornealeous* If you want a job, you know where my lab is! I'll keep in touch, old friend!

    Cornealeous: Thanks! I'll consider it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    *wonders what the Gorn did to annoy Princess Teska* Ooo, he's in for it now!

    Don't forgot to take his cybernetics out before you cook him, he could be a choking hazard!

    Yes, yes!! By all means, make sure you take the cybernetics out of him first!!! I don't want to choke on them when judging the contest!!! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Here, take a copy of my plans for a portal generator. Its limited in that it can only connect to the 5 dimensions closest in relation to the generator. (Actually its a toy to teach the basic principles in dimensional physics. Its brightly colored, made out of high impact plastic, and makes happy lights and sounds. Its safe for ages 3 and up)

    *Yells out to Cornealeous* If you want a job, you know where my lab is! I'll keep in touch, old friend!

    Cornealeous: Thanks! I'll consider it!

    Oh my! I had one of these things as a kid! wait a minute...*Takes the miniature tear in reality* Cant do what I wanted too...but I can still use this *Holds up portal* with this pivotal, piece of plastic *holds up toy* and accomplish something just as beneficial! Mwehehehe! *Teleports back to his lair with Minioneer and MaxSpock*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    Yes, yes!! By all means, make sure you take the cybernetics out of him first!!! I don't want to choke on them when judging the contest!!! :eek:

    *takes some Gorn meat and makes a very tasty gumbo with it.*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Oh my! I had one of these things as a kid! wait a minute...*Takes the miniature tear in reality* Cant do what I wanted too...but I can still use this *Holds up portal* with this pivotal, piece of plastic *holds up toy* and accomplish something just as beneficial! Mwehehehe! *Teleports back to his lair with Minioneer and MaxSpock*

    ((Umm, you still have to build it. I only gave you the plans for one.))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    The winner of the Teacup Land Cook-Off shall win a replica of the royal signet for making the best Gorn stew in the land. The Princess has ordered it.
    Chefs, you may begin your preparations.

    *begins preparing a stock pot and gathering essential ingredients*

    This will be the tastiest competition ever

    *grabs a slab of Teaborg meat and carefully removes the implants and nanoprobes. A small device with tubes coming out of it breaks and sprays some kind of viscous liquid all over*

    Oh well, more flavor I guess.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *begins preparing a stock pot and gathering essential ingredients*

    This will be the tastiest competition ever

    *grabs a slab of Teaborg meat and carefully removes the implants and nanoprobes. A small device with tubes coming out of it breaks and sprays some kind of viscous liquid all over*

    Oh well, more flavor I guess.

    Those look like nanoprobes. Think you might want to get a another slab.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If you guys end up being Assimillated, I'm locking myself in the Panic Room.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I don't think we should have any problems with that, after all he has been throughly deaded.......hasn't he?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If you guys end up being Assimillated, I'm locking myself in the Panic Room.

    Have some of the gumbo. Resistance is futile.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    I don't think we should have any problems with that, after all he has been throughly deaded.......hasn't he?

    Actually he's still alive and living outside under that tent we put up, nobody remembers though.

    The poor guy is in agony now you guys have been carving chunks off him for stew!
    mizarone wrote: »
    Have some of the gumbo. Resistance is futile.

    Meh I don't eat that TRIBBLE! We usually feed it to the poor people.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    The poor guy is in agony now you guys have been carving chunks off him for stew!

    Actually, I got mine from the grocery store. Its more likely that it is TeaGator meat from the TeaGator farm from the swamp. Less pain for the big guy in the tent and less borg thingies to remove before cooking.
    Meh I don't eat that TRIBBLE! We usually feed it to the poor people.

    OK, I thought you were judging the stew contest, that's why I offered. Cornealeous is joining me for dinner. You are invited if you want to come over. We will be grilling steaks over a wood fire.
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