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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    ((Fortuneately, the gear MaxSpock was given was protected against EMP. So, when the EMp was gone the radio resumed normal operations. We got most, if not all of Antagonist's Double Agent plans.))

    :eek: clever!

    Just in case, though...the teashoes are always broadcasting. They generate their own power supply from walking...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *all tv's (Tea-v's?) and radios are suddenly interrupted by a special broadcast from Princess Teska*
    Ladies, gentlemen, and others, could I have your attention please? Thank you. In my recent research into the Royal Archives, it has come to my attention that the first whole week in July is supposed to be devoted to the yearly Tea Festival, which is held in Mount Tealeaf. We apologize for missing these important dates, but the point is that we know about it now! Therefore, I hereby declare the Tea Festival to be open. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    ((Fortuneately, the gear MaxSpock was given was protected against EMP. So, when the EMp was gone the radio resumed normal operations. We got most, if not all of Antagonist's Double Agent plans.))
    ((Not sure about this one. If you instantly know that I effectively made MaxSpock a Quadruple-Agent, It might cause some plot-problems. Otherwise I wouldnt have had the EMP....Maybe only some got through, and the Meaning is Open to pretty Broad Interperatation? Unless, of course, you knowing instantly plays a major role in your planned storyline))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    ((Not sure about this one. If you instantly know that I effectively made MaxSpock a Quadruple-Agent, It might cause some plot-problems. Otherwise I wouldnt have had the EMP....Maybe only some got through, and the Meaning is Open to pretty Broad Interperatation? Unless, of course, you knowing instantly plays a major role in your planned storyline))

    ((This was mostly trebort's idea, not mine. I'm more like Q from the Bond movies on this one. I'm sure you can come up with a clever idea to fix this, but for now let's say we only got parts and most of it is taken out on context.))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    ((This was mostly trebort's idea, not mine. I'm more like Q from the Bond movies on this one. I'm sure you can come up with a clever idea to fix this, but for now let's say we only got parts and most of it is taken out on context.))

    ((Sounds good to me, ill try not to do anything too ridiculous or silly. As for the scrambling of the message, we could say that's just because of the cheap, lead paint I used in the lair:D))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    ((Not sure about this one. If you instantly know that I effectively made MaxSpock a Quadruple-Agent, It might cause some plot-problems. Otherwise I wouldnt have had the EMP....Maybe only some got through, and the Meaning is Open to pretty Broad Interperatation? Unless, of course, you knowing instantly plays a major role in your planned storyline))
    mizarone wrote: »
    ((This was mostly trebort's idea, not mine. I'm more like Q from the Bond movies on this one. I'm sure you can come up with a clever idea to fix this, but for now let's say we only got parts and most of it is taken out on context.))
    Antagonist wrote: »
    ((Sounds good to me, ill try not to do anything too ridiculous or silly. As for the scrambling of the message, we could say that's just because of the cheap, lead paint I used in the lair:D))

    *has no idea what they're talking about, and decides to just smile and wave :D*
    *decides to go watch the tea drinking contest at the Tea Festival*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    *has no idea what they're talking about, and decides to just smile and wave :D*
    *decides to go watch the tea drinking contest at the Tea Festival*

    ((eheheh, sorry. We probably should have used PMs for this discussion.))

    *heads off to join the Tea Festival*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Antagonist- "All in good time. First, I need to do something as a precaution... *Activates an EMP plot device, disabling the radio* I suspect K'raq maybe spying on us with one of his flycams, so I set off a temporary EMP, so if you have a cell phone, you'll need to wait a couple of hours before you make any calls...ya, sorry about that. Oh, and please, for my sake, don't ask how an EMP can be temporary. Now, The reason I called you here..."

    *leans in closer*

    Antagonist- "Now, as you may know, Teacup land has decided to spy on me. How, I don't know. What I do know is that I have a very delicate operation in the works, that may insure the success of all of my many endeavors for years to come!"

    *Leans in even closer*

    Antagonist- "So, Considering the circumstances, I have decided that, to insure my success, I need someone like you. Someone who those Teacuppers trust."

    *Leans in even closer, to the point where MaxSpock's Personal space has likely been violated*

    Antagonist- "What I need is a Double-Agent, an Inside Man."

    *Leans in so close that MaxSpock's and the Antagonist's noses are touching*

    Antagonist- "And that man, MaxSpock, is going to be you!"

    *Resumes his original position*

    Antagonist- "Your primary mission will be feeding them false information, and trying to figure out who their spy is. Other than that, sabotage and info-gathering should keep you busy. So....Congratulations, Double-Agent! You start immediately! Dismissed."

    *The Antagonist exits the conference room, joined by Minioneer in one of the hallways of the lair*

    Antagonist- "Brilliant, eh Minioneer? If they decide to send a spy, Ill know about him before he even gets here, with MaxSpock as a double-agent!"

    Minioneer- "Sir, while it is a good plan, I cant say I share your optimism; Even your best plans have a tendency to spiral into excessively complicated, out of control situations....speaking of which, you haven't shown me what's in that box yet..."

    Antagonist- "Ah! Thank you for reminding me, Minioneer! Come, to the control room! I shall show an object that will be the harbinger of my ultimate salvation! Mwehehe...."

    *The two head to the control room, unaware that they just hired a double agent to work as a double agent spying on the people who hired him to spy on the Antagonist in the first place...or that the contents of the Antagonist's mysterious box will only make even more confusing and complicated....*

    *Tries to reconstuct the transmission*
    "All in good time. First, I need to do something as a precaution... *STATIC* ... K'raq may be .... temporary ..., ...have a .... couple of hours..., sorry about that. ... please, ... ask how...temporary. Now, The ... call... as you...know, Teacup land has ...me. ... I .. know...I have a very delicate ..rash in the....ears ... Consider...stances ... to...success, I...like...Someone whose Teacup...rust. What...a Double-...Man....Max... is going to...Your primary...feeding... formation, and ...figure out...their ...other... sabo...gathering should keep you busy. So....Con...-Agent! You ...mediate...! Dismissed."

    Wow, lots of good info here: It seems that K'raq is only temporary and only has a few hours to live, Antagonist has a rash in his ear and likes rusty teacups, someone named Double-Man Max is going to the primary feeding which may mean lunch, And they are figuring out how to collect wooden shoes and even have a con-man to mediate. All very interesting.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *Tries to reconstuct the transmission*

    Wow, lots of good info here: It seems that K'raq is only temporary and only has a few hours to live, Antagonist has a rash in his ear and likes rusty teacups, someone named Double-Man Max is going to the primary feeding which may mean lunch, And they are figuring out how to collect wooden shoes and even have a con-man to mediate. All very interesting.....

    I thought K'raq was on vacation though? :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    Antagonist- "All in good time. First, I need to do something as a precaution... *Activates an EMP plot device, disabling the radio* I suspect K'raq maybe spying on us with one of his flycams, so I set off a temporary EMP, so if you have a cell phone, you'll need to wait a couple of hours before you make any calls...ya, sorry about that. Oh, and please, for my sake, don't ask how an EMP can be temporary. Now, The reason I called you here..."

    *leans in closer*

    Antagonist- "Now, as you may know, Teacup land has decided to spy on me. How, I don't know. What I do know is that I have a very delicate operation in the works, that may insure the success of all of my many endeavors for years to come!"

    *Leans in even closer*

    Antagonist- "So, Considering the circumstances, I have decided that, to insure my success, I need someone like you. Someone who those Teacuppers trust."

    *Leans in even closer, to the point where MaxSpock's Personal space has likely been violated*

    Antagonist- "What I need is a Double-Agent, an Inside Man."

    *Leans in so close that MaxSpock's and the Antagonist's noses are touching*

    Antagonist- "And that man, MaxSpock, is going to be you!"

    *Resumes his original position*

    Antagonist- "Your primary mission will be feeding them false information, and trying to figure out who their spy is. Other than that, sabotage and info-gathering should keep you busy. So....Congratulations, Double-Agent! You start immediately! Dismissed."

    *The Antagonist exits the conference room, joined by Minioneer in one of the hallways of the lair*

    Antagonist- "Brilliant, eh Minioneer? If they decide to send a spy, Ill know about him before he even gets here, with MaxSpock as a double-agent!"

    Minioneer- "Sir, while it is a good plan, I cant say I share your optimism; Even your best plans have a tendency to spiral into excessively complicated, out of control situations....speaking of which, you haven't shown me what's in that box yet..."

    Antagonist- "Ah! Thank you for reminding me, Minioneer! Come, to the control room! I shall show an object that will be the harbinger of my ultimate salvation! Mwehehe...."

    *The two head to the control room, unaware that they just hired a double agent to work as a double agent spying on the people who hired him to spy on the Antagonist in the first place...or that the contents of the Antagonist's mysterious box will only make even more confusing and complicated....*
    Teska wrote: »
    *all tv's (Tea-v's?) and radios are suddenly interrupted by a special broadcast from Princess Teska*
    Ladies, gentlemen, and others, could I have your attention please? Thank you. In my recent research into the Royal Archives, it has come to my attention that the first whole week in July is supposed to be devoted to the yearly Tea Festival, which is held in Mount Tealeaf. We apologize for missing these important dates, but the point is that we know about it now! Therefore, I hereby declare the Tea Festival to be open. :p

    *The King orders everyone in Teacup Land to stop work and celebrate for the entire week, and orders fireworks be displayed everywhere* :eek:

    Happy Tea Festival!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *The King orders everyone in Teacup Land to stop work and celebrate for the entire week, and orders fireworks be displayed everywhere* :eek:

    Happy Tea Festival!
    *ears pirk up upon hearing the loud tanoy anouncement by the King, drops the hedge trimmers, which were being used to carve several bushes into the shape of a teapot pouring into a teacup, and begins watching the fireworks*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    stop work?

    Ok...I'm off to my city, Nova, for a few days. See ya!

    *teleports to Nova using teaphone, which has been decorated with streamers and baloons everywhere*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    momiji wrote: »
    *ears pirk up upon hearing the loud tanoy anouncement by the King, drops the hedge trimmers, which were being used to carve several bushes into the shape of a teapot pouring into a teacup, and begins watching the fireworks*

    *sits next to the bunny to watch the fireworks*
    Ooooohhhh!!!!!!! Pretty!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ((ooc: Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to make a quick announcement. We have enough pages to the wiki now that if you want to create a new one, make sure you do a search first to make sure there isn't already an existing page for that topic. :rolleyes:
    Also, I am in need of a photoshop expert.......I'd like to have a picture of King Trebort in a party hat to put on his birthday page, but alas I have zero photoshop skills. :( You can either send a link to me, or put it on the page yourself, either one works. That is all. :D))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Sits by Teska oohing and ahing over the fireworks also*

    ((I don't have "photoshop" skills, but I can edit pictures using alternative programs ^___^ happy to give it a go))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *MGDawson is enjoying himself, eating cake and drinking tea, while chatting to the residents of Nova as fireworks fly into the sky*

    Oooh, look at that one!

    I hope everyone is watching my edits on the Wiki
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *MGDawson is enjoying himself, eating cake and drinking tea, while chatting to the residents of Nova as fireworks fly into the sky*

    Oooh, look at that one!

    I hope everyone is watching my edits on the Wiki

    *While of teacupland is reveling in the fun and fanfare of a tea-related holiday, The Antagonist celebrates a much Darker event...*

    Antagonist- "Well? What do your scans say, Minioneer?"
    Minioneer(Using fancy, cheesy-looking equipment to analize the Contents of the mysterious box, a strange, black, textureless orb)- "I dont believe it sir...your hypothesis was correct; this is a self-sustained tear in the fabric of reality....how exactly did you come by this again?"
    Antagonist- "Ran across it while exploring the Catacombs....well, what do you say we hook it up?"
    Minioneer- "Hook it up to what, sir?(The Antagonist wheels out a portal-generator, with an orb)...that portal generator? Really?

    Antagonist- "I dont see the problem...After all, once I hook it up, ill be able to reach any Dimension I want! Mwehehehe....soon...soon...."

    Minioneer- "The one you made out of parts from that dumpster behind that electronics store?"
    Antagonist- "Well, it was supposed to be from Radio Shack's dumpster, but someone else offered them a better publicity deal...."

    Minioneer- "The one you built using ducktape?"

    Antagonist- "Ducktape's cheap, alright? Would you rather i have used that fancy electrical tape? And besides, I have a state of the art power source! (Grabs the orb just as it begins to screech again, occasionally phasing out of existence, and places it in the slot on the portal-generator. Suddenly, a tear in reality itself appears in the portal, distorting the area around it) See? I mean, so what if its extremely unstable? And so what if It's thousands of years old?(Turns towards Minioneer, away from the portal, where a strange disturbance is forming in the center of the tear) I mean, at most, it'll short out. (The disturbance grows in size, manifesting as a horizontal line, still relatively centered, Minioneer looking at it intently) Seriously Minioneer, Tell me, what's the worst that could happen?"

    Minioneer- "....Probably....that, sir..."

    *The Antagonist turns around, just as the Disturbance begins to Open, revealing a massive, glowing Eye......*

    Antagonist- "Ok....so...that's pretty bad...I suppose..(the eye starts to dilate rapidly, emitting a moaning, echoing screech)....Ya, there isn't any chance that it's the good kind of creep, unholy screeching-noise, is there? (Screeching becomes louder, more disturbing) Ya....I didn't think so..."

    ((Oh, and feel free to add to any of my articles(The Antagonist article and the Minioneer article for now, eventually King Mocha and the Generals); Ill make whatever changes are needed, so dont be shy:). After all, I could use all the help I can get:D))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Meanwhile, the KIng disappears to his much unused office in Castle Teacup while everyone is celebrating to do the much needed Teacup Land Paperwork*

    *In his office, the King sees huge piles of documents he has never read before, including a recept from Orbs are Us for a strange black one that was delivered to the catacombs by mistake, as well as a letter from the Bank of Teacup Land, altering the APR of the King's credit card* :eek: Robbing Monsters!

    TeaGuards! Take over Bank of Teacup Land and fire the manager. :cool:

    *the King goes off to the 5th floor bathroom with a file under his arm, once there he gives the cold tap in the sink three turns to the right, opening a secret passage to the Catacombs, he slides down the tube and pops out in the catacombs, right next to Totoro, who is sleeping*

    *The King follows the sign posts saying Black Orb This Way ----> until he finds a spot where the box should be* It seems to be missing! Golly! *checks the folder, reading the warning about the Orb opening a tear in reality that could expand and destroy all of Teacup Land if used* Hmmm....

    *runs back upstairs to the castle and sits down on his throne, picking up the TeaPhone built in to the side of it and calls 0800 ANTAGONIST (2682466478)*

    Hello? It's me the King. I don't suppose you have a Black Orb do you? It could be very dangeous. If you do have it, don't use it. Just bring it back and put it on the doorstep and I'll give you... urm.... a shiny mangic wand instead? :D .... How are you? I am well. Happy Teacup Day!... Bogglesworth says Hi too. Toodles! *hangs up*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    just in case, I have been editing the Wiki at work, though it is slightly unstable in IE6 when logged in. Therefore, I have been editing it without logging in, using IP [COLOR="Black"][/COLOR] just so ya know

    *Nova city is a hustle-an-bustle with celebrations, cake eating and tea drinking. Celebratory images, made out of coloured tea sloshed on paper are hanging everywhere.*

    Very abstract, these art works. I like it!

    *Baron Dawson attempts his own, and fails miserably*

    At least I can rule the city better than making tea paintings, eh? *gives wry smile*

    *Nova residents nearby laugh*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Teska stumbles sleepily into the room with a cup of highly caffeinated green tea*
    Someone please tell me I'm not the first one to stay up till 3am watching star trek and regret it in the morning... :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Meanwhile, the KIng disappears to his much unused office in Castle Teacup while everyone is celebrating to do the much needed Teacup Land Paperwork*

    *In his office, the King sees huge piles of documents he has never read before, including a recept from Orbs are Us for a strange black one that was delivered to the catacombs by mistake, as well as a letter from the Bank of Teacup Land, altering the APR of the King's credit card* :eek: Robbing Monsters!

    TeaGuards! Take over Bank of Teacup Land and fire the manager. :cool:

    *the King goes off to the 5th floor bathroom with a file under his arm, once there he gives the cold tap in the sink three turns to the right, opening a secret passage to the Catacombs, he slides down the tube and pops out in the catacombs, right next to Totoro, who is sleeping*

    *The King follows the sign posts saying Black Orb This Way ----> until he finds a spot where the box should be* It seems to be missing! Golly! *checks the folder, reading the warning about the Orb opening a tear in reality that could expand and destroy all of Teacup Land if used* Hmmm....

    *runs back upstairs to the castle and sits down on his throne, picking up the TeaPhone built in to the side of it and calls 0800 ANTAGONIST (2682466478)*

    Hello? It's me the King. I don't suppose you have a Black Orb do you? It could be very dangeous. If you do have it, don't use it. Just bring it back and put it on the doorstep and I'll give you... urm.... a shiny mangic wand instead? :D .... How are you? I am well. Happy Teacup Day!... Bogglesworth says Hi too. Toodles! *hangs up*

    Answering machine- "Hello, you've Reached the Antagonist's Evil Lair! Im not here Right Now, so Scram! Im probably in the middle of some ingenious plot, so ill call you back if I get a chance. if not, then...well....too bad for you....hmmm, did that come off as to laid back? I want to sound at least a bit official...what's that Minioneer? What do you mean its still recording? Oh, for the love of– *To leave a message, press 1. to do nothing, hang up"

    ((And @Teska, you arent the only one....*Groans*))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ...*the King goes off to the 5th floor bathroom with a file under his arm, once there he gives the cold tap in the sink three turns to the right, opening a secret passage to the Catacombs, he slides down the tube and pops out in the catacombs, right next to Totoro, who is sleeping*...

    *Krent is seen curled up with Totoro with a incredibly content look on his face*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    ((And @Teska, you arent the only one....*Groans*))
    Yay!!!! That makes me feel better :D
    Krent wrote: »
    *Krent is seen curled up with Totoro with a incredibly content look on his face*
    erm.... :rolleyes:

    Where's the King? I don't believe I've seen him all day. Come to think of it, there hasn't been much of anyone around today. :(
    Did everyone stay up till 3am last night watching star trek? :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Teska wrote: »
    Yay!!!! That makes me feel better :D

    erm.... :rolleyes:

    Where's the King? I don't believe I've seen him all day. Come to think of it, there hasn't been much of anyone around today. :(
    Did everyone stay up till 3am last night watching star trek? :eek:

    I think that may be just what happened. I stayed up late watching III and IV, myself
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *MGDawson is sleeping, with the occasional quiet snore, in his Baron residence in Nova city*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Meanwhile, The Antagonist calls the Orbs Are Us Super store*

    Antagonist- "Hello? Yes, I would like to speak to your manager please? Wait, you are the manager? ...Excellent! You see, one of your orbs .... wait, did I find it in the catacombs? Why do you care? .....What do you mean its "Not one of our products"? So...your saying that you needed to reach a quota, so you just sold an orb you found in the Ancient Underground? Kinda cheap, dont you think? ....Yes, I tried to use it in a portal machine....What do you mean it will continue expanding until it destroys everything? ....Cant you stop it? wait....you have no idea how it works? Well, a giant Eye appeared in the middle, does that mean anything? ....What do you mean you have "No Idea" because its "Not Technically yours"? ....probably not a good thing? I could have figured that one out myself, thank you very much! ...No, thank you for your time, you mindless blue-collar fool!"

    *Hangs up*

    Minioneer- "Well?"

    Antagonist- "Can you believe it? That self-sustaining tear in the fabric of reality isn't one of their products!"

    Minioneer- "Considering they're a toy company, I cant say I'm surprised, sir..."

    Antagonist- "I guess its up to us to figure out what's going on....and up to us to save the world!"

    Minioneer- "Sir, Im sure that Mirazone would be able to help us out; after all, he is–"

    Antagonsit- "Get his help? Again? Pfft, we can handle this...most likely...Just get the Antago-Copter ready, alright?"

    Minioneer- "Sigh...."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why do I get the feeling something bad is about to happen.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ooh. Need to tell Mizarone something....

    *dials Mizarone in Teaphone*

    *ring ring*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    Ooh. Need to tell Mizarone something....

    *dials Mizarone in Teaphone*

    *ring ring*

    *answers in TeaPhone*

    Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *Sensing imminent danger, Totoro wakes Krent up and offers him a ride on the creepy Cat Bus which takes him strait to the Antagonist's lair*

    *Krent bursts through the door where the haywire experiment has gone awry*

    What is going on hear?! Totoro says that something very wrong is going on but I don't fully understand his growls and roars.

    *sees the ever widening rift*

    Holy mother Mary riding sideways on a candy-pink fatboy! What is that?? ! ! !
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