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System Requirements



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ZippyZ wrote:
    I know I have a 600W PSU, but how do I know if I have "one 6 pin PCIE cable"? Is that like a power cable that connects the graphics card directly to the PSU?

    I'm using a 8600GT now, so I don't see a cable running from the card to the PSU.

    Most 600W power supplies will have at least one PCI-E cable. But that's not a guarantee, as we'd need the make and model to be 100% sure. 6-pin would be the default for most, but some have a 6+2 pin connector to be compatible with both 6 and 8-pin connectors.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Most 600W power supplies will have at least one PCI-E cable. But that's not a guarantee, as we'd need the make and model to be 100% sure. 6-pin would be the default for most, but some have a 6+2 pin connector to be compatible with both 6 and 8-pin connectors.

    So it would be part of the cables coming out of the PSU? I do see some not in use tied up in the corner.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ZippyZ wrote:
    So it would be part of the cables coming out of the PSU? I do see some not in use tied up in the corner.

    Yup. That's probably one of the cables tied up in there. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Originally Posted by caseman417 View Post
    thanks very much for the info...I saw another system on Newegg ( I know, I'm a menace) and it says it has an integrated LAN chipset with speed capabilities of 10/100/1000 Mbps. Does this one have wireless or should I just buy a freking 25$ wireless card and stop bothering you? Thanks again...

    oh and here's the link to the system...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16883227179

    The 10/100/1000 Mbps are wired speeds. You could easily throw in a $20+ wireless adapter on those PCs.
    Ditto. Check out craigslist for a Wifi card.

    Re-read this. I add some info.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pentium 4 3.3GhZ 1MB L2 880.48MhZ FSB
    2GB DDR 420MhZ
    ATI HD3450 512MB 52.4GFlops 680MhZ Engine 1070MhZ Memory
    I'm running GTA 4 with 30FPS AVerage on Medium Settings.
    Will I run STO? :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Originally Posted by ZippyZ
    So it would be part of the cables coming out of the PSU? I do see some not in use tied up in the corner.
    Yup. That's probably one of the cables tied up in there. :)

    It will look like this


    Look at the 6 pin at the end.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MilenCho wrote:
    Pentium 4 3.3GhZ 1MB L2 880.48MhZ FSB
    2GB DDR 420MhZ
    ATI HD3450 512MB 52.4GFlops 680MhZ Engine 1070MhZ Memory
    I'm running GTA 4 with 30FPS AVerage on Medium Settings.
    Will I run STO? :)

    Slower PC there, unfortunately. It will run STO, but not well or to a level where you'd experience quite a bit of lag and low FPS.

    I'd upgrade the entire PC. Do you have the make/model of the motherboard? If the motherboard can take an Intel Core 2 Duo and DDR2, then you'll be fine for upgrading the CPU, memory, and video card.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thanks for the help, resident tech gurus!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Originally Posted by MilenCho
    Pentium 4 3.3GhZ 1MB L2 880.48MhZ FSB
    2GB DDR 420MhZ
    ATI HD3450 512MB 52.4GFlops 680MhZ Engine 1070MhZ Memory
    I'm running GTA 4 with 30FPS AVerage on Medium Settings.
    Will I run STO?
    Slower PC there, unfortunately. It will run STO, but not well or to a level where you'd experience quite a bit of lag and low FPS.

    I'd upgrade the entire PC. Do you have the make/model of the motherboard? If the motherboard can take an Intel Core 2 Duo and DDR2, then you'll be fine for upgrading the CPU, memory, and video card.

    Do a search on your PC for dxdiag.exe run it. On the bottom are is a button "save all info" save it as atxt file to the desktop. Open it and post the first 2 sections here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    We're buzy.:D One week till open beta.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You failed on usage of quote tags. :rolleyes:

    I actually know this situation much better than you do since Vox Vorcain is part of my fleet and a close friend. I have talked with him personally about this and his PC. To help the community, I'll share a little here. During his testing, his CPU was at 100% the whole time he played. And that was at idle. Imagine when you get in a graphically-demanding area (ie: not just idling in space), and your 100% CPU usage will be a huge issue. Welcome to lag central. And if you want to run Ventrilo or Teamspeak for voice-over-IP in your fleet while running the STO client? Forget it. You'll need better than a P4 for running STO as the system requirements state.

    On top of that, upgrading from an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Sempron is not "wasting your money". Those two CPUs are very old and outdated for pretty much any game coming out this year. You can rationalize all you want, but don't blame us when your old PC chokes on STO. White Knight, myself, and others are here helping the community with advice on system components that will run STO smoothly. Sure, you can probably run STO on a Netbook, but will it play smoothly or be enjoyable? Probably not. And an Intel Atom processor is comparable to both a Celeron and the earlier Pentium 4 cores (ie: Willamette and Northwood).

    While some of the later Pentium 4 CPUs (ie: Prescott, Cedar Mill, etc.) might run STO on lower to medium settings, but they're still going to be maxed out. That means your CPU will always be working near peak while you play STO, or just about any new game for that matter. Your performance will suffer at some point in that equation.

    The system requirement guidelines and our suggestions exist for a reason. Don't come complaining to us here when you have a poor gameplay experience if you didn't want to believe or follow them.

    lol first of all i tried to be civil but you threw that out the window so lets go then. Who are you to say how my computer would perform in this game when you have not tested it out for yourself. That in itself lacks credibility. You act like you know ever in and out of what p4 would do to this game when you have not first hand tested it out yourself. I play CO on max setting at a res of 12X10, now i am not going to say that i would be performing at max settings on this game honestly I dont know. I would not call giving false advice to entice people to spend money for a new rig or expensive upgrades beneficial to the community. Tell me have you tested every p4 , ddr2, nvidia or ati combination that other people have to confirm you theories cause all you have are theories based upon a flawed system requirement spec. The video card specification for this game proves that. So all im saying to the community is see what happens on your current pc before you go out and start spending your money on hardware that will be obsolete by the summer. The reason i say that is because a new DDR ram is about to come out it might be DDR4 or DDR 5 not sure and motherboards are starting to have more PCI-E slots so you can sli 3 or 4 graphics cards not just 2, also intel is soon going to be releasing a 6 core processor. So ya I am waiting on the smart buy not what the newest and latest tech is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    cipher_nemo, I love it when you put them in their place.:) This is why we make a good team. I know how to made things work but you understand why they works.;)

    lol ya he really put me in my place shooting out knowledge he knows second hand and never has tested himself I love that credibility
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Torue wrote:
    lol first of all i tried to be civil but you threw that out the window so lets go then. Who are you to say how my computer would perform in this game when you have not tested it out for yourself. That in itself lacks credibility. You act like you know ever in and out of what p4 would do to this game when you have not first hand tested it out yourself. I play CO on max setting at a res of 12X10, now i am not going to say that i would be performing at max settings on this game honestly I dont know. I would not call giving false advice to entice people to spend money for a new rig or expensive upgrades beneficial to the community. Tell me have you tested every p4 , ddr2, nvidia or ati combination that other people have to confirm you theories cause all you have are theories based upon a flawed system requirement spec. The video card specification for this game proves that. So all im saying to the community is see what happens on your current pc before you go out and start spending your money on hardware that will be obsolete by the summer. The reason i say that is because a new DDR ram is about to come out it might be DDR4 or DDR 5 not sure and motherboards are starting to have more PCI-E slots so you can sli 3 or 4 graphics cards not just 2, also intel is soon going to be releasing a 6 core processor. So ya I am waiting on the smart buy not what the newest and latest tech is.

    Do you even know how to make a paragraph? I read your thread and everyone but 1 person disagreed with you. And he would know how to tweak his system to get the most performance out of it. Most people don't have his skill level. Techies like him forget that fact. Even the "Can You Run It?" Test told you, you can’t run STO. And you had never ever played this game either. There is a difference between being able to play a game and being able to enjoying it.

    PC Games Hardware has this hand on experience and spoke to STO developers.
    “Star Trek Online: Tech Check
    When talking to the developers we learned that the engine is optimized for dual-core systems - additional cores are not or only slightly utilized. DirectX 10 or DirectX 11 are not supported. FSAA or SSAA can be activated directly in the game.”

    “Star Trek Online: Benchmarks
    The PC of Namco Bandai which we played on was equipped with a Core 2 quad Q8300, four GiByte RAM and a Geforce GTX 260. Taking a look at the Windows Task Manager after a longer gaming session confirmed what the developers told us already: Two cores were fully utilized while the remaining two cores weren't. Since only one test PC was available and we had limited time only, we stuck to benchmarks with highest and lowest graphics settings as well as FSAA and AF. The figure respectively our ship weren't moved to make sure the scene is reproducible.

    As you can see on the benchmarks Star Trek Online was running smoothly on the test PC. With low details the performance of weaker systems can apparently be increased. Additional benchmarks revealed that the Geforce GTX 260 running high details with 4x or even 8x FSAA was just as fast as without Anti Aliasing.”
    "Two cores were fully utilized" that was with a Q8300. Now how do you think your P4 HT will do? You don't have the advance instruction set that the Core 2 or Athlon x2 have which they developed on.

    Intel’s hyper-threading never really work that is why they drop it from their dual-core processors. If you read the i7 review about hyper-threading it still doesn’t work. That why the i5’s don’t have it. It's a marketing thing to get people like you to spend more money.

    You’re still running a processor that AMD kill off with their Athlon K7 and K8 series. The P4 HT was Intel’s answer to AMD K7 processors. It failed! It wasn’t until Intel releases the Dual-Core and Core 2 Duo using AMD technology that they finally got the upper hand. The x86 Agreement allow this. Or not depending on which side your on but Intel paid AMD 1.25 Billion to resolves these lawsuits that AMD brought.

    As far this “DDR4 or DDR5” RAM thing you don’t know anything about. If you’ve built a system in the last two to three years you would know that the prices on these new RAM will be really expense. When DDR3 first came out it was over $500.00 for a 4GB kit. So you want everyone to spend $500.00 plus the fact that when the first motherboards that come out that will be able to use this new RAM will be High End boards that will cost over $300.00. Now who is trying to waste people money? It took over 2 years to get to the prices we have now for DDR3. So you now want everyone to wait 3 years before they can build a new system at a reasonable price. I’m surprise you didn’t mention SATA 600 or USB 3.0 too.

    Oh, you think i7 cost a lot. How much you think 6 core CPU's will cost?

    If you wait long enough something better is always coming out. But when do you do something about it.

    You have no idea what you are talking about. I was a System Administrator before the tech bubble burst. I am currently in tech sales. I’ve ran SLI. I've overclocked. I’ve done liquid cooling. I have been building servers and PCs since 1997. I have been a PC only gamer since 1998. Yes, I do not own a console. I live high tech. I spend hours reading tech news. I love building PCs.

    We have been helping people too either upgrade or get into systems so it will do what they need them to do within their budget. We quote Newegg, Amazon, Fry's, Compusa, TigerDirect. We don't even get paid for this. So what is our reason to get people to spend money on new hardware? What have you been trying to do? Sabotage people gaming experience with STO so they go play TOR?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    oooooooh, damn! Somebody just got wrecked by a (i'm assuming here) silicon valley nerd on a STO forum. Ouch.

    And, WhiteKnight: No offense meant by my characterization of you above. I just really appreciate the way you completely ruined that dude's **** just now. Good job sir. And thanks for the free techie advice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    caseman417 wrote: »
    oooooooh, damn! Somebody just got wrecked by a (i'm assuming here) silicon valley nerd on a STO forum. Ouch.

    And, WhiteKnight: No offense meant by my characterization of you above. I just really appreciate the way you completely ruined that dude's **** just now. Good job sir. And thanks for the free techie advice.

    Thanks. I am a techie with customer services skills. A rare thing in tech. I was a salesperson before entering tech. And you are right I am a native Silicon Valley person. I was born in 1964. I had the old Tube TV, were you would open the back of TV's and remove gas tubes (like light bulbs) and take them to Radio Shack for replacements. Setup those super big CB and TV antenna. Cable TV was new in the mid 70's. Run cables and phone lines. I was 8-9 when I started doing these things. I didn't get the computer bug till my mid 20's. But when I did.

    I don't own a MP3 player yet. My PC is also a HTPC. It can run all media types through Media Center without the use of VLC. A computer should be able to do everything including the dishes. Now if only I can figure out how to get it to go to the bathroom for me.;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ok i have an acer e2220 now the specs say dual core 2.4 but when i run can i play it they say it is a dual cpu and cant play it im confused lol suposed to be a dual core
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    alcadar wrote: »
    ok i have an acer e2220 now the specs say dual core 2.4 but when i run can i play it they say it is a dual cpu and cant play it im confused lol suposed to be a dual core

    Here's the thing. Your CPU is a Intel Dual-Core E2220. Minimum Specs requirement a Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz E4300. These are difference class processors. The Intel Dual-Core is older and no longer made. They don't use the same set of instructions. Now you may still be able to use it but STO was develop on Core 2 and Athlon x2 processor. So if you have any issues you can't blame Cryptic and they wont support you.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Good EvE all just droped in to see whats up and seen all whats I been messing out on. Hello Knight my PC now will run STO with out any lag thx for the info you gave a while back.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    HFATore wrote: »
    Good EvE all just droped in to see whats up and seen all whats I been messing out on. Hello Knight my PC now will run STO with out any lag thx for the info you gave a while back.
    Great. Are you in the beta?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    not yet Knight been updatting this for the game I get beta with my ordser of STO from GameStop.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    HFATore wrote: »
    not yet Knight been updatting this for the game I get beta with my ordser of STO from GameStop.

    Less then 1 week. I can't wait.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Same here Bro same here when it starts I will be there with you all in some real MMO gaming,
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    HFATore wrote: »
    Same here Bro same here when it starts I will be there with you all in some real MMO gaming,

    So what is you system specs?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    About the same still I will get it
    Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090804-1435)
    Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
    Memory: 2816MB RAM
    Vido Card you will see when the game comes out lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    HFATore wrote: »
    About the same still I will get it
    Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090804-1435)
    Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
    Memory: 2816MB RAM
    Vido Card you will see when the game comes out lol

    I was thinking of replacing my card but I think I will wait till the new Nvidia's DX 11 cards come out in a few months. From what I read I will need to lower a resolution to play STO at high settings. But I wont know for sure till beta.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I was thinking of replacing my card but I think I will wait till the new Nvidia's DX 11 cards come out in a few months. From what I read I will to lower a resolution to play STO at high settings. But I wont know for sure till beta.

    That would be a very good card to use by what I been told by forms and so on. But what you have will do real good for a long time. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    HFATore wrote: »
    That would be a very good card to use by what I been told by forms and so on. But what you have will do real good for a long time. :D

    I've never had a real high end GPU before. I've always been around the $150.00 mark. I have a $75.00 Fry's gift card. I am thinking of getting a $250.00 card now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So what is you system specs?

    Hey mate. I noticed you've been giving out what seems like some pretty sound spec advice on here and I'd like your opinion if you have a sec.

    I think I should get pretty good results with my desktop:

    Self Built
    Phenom X4 9650 (not a Phenom II) @ 2.4GHz
    4Gb Corsair DDR3
    Ati (Sapphire) Radeon HD4890 with 1Gb RAM
    Win7 x64

    But although canyourunit.com gives my laptop a midway between min and rec spec on testing my laptop and my own knowledge is telling me I'll be OK, I wouldn't mind another opinion:

    Acer 6920g
    Core 2 Duo T5800 @ 2GHz
    3Gb DDR2
    nVidia 9500m with 512Mb RAM
    Win7 x86

    Cheers :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hey mate. I noticed you've been giving out what seems like some pretty sound spec advice on here and I'd like your opinion if you have a sec.

    I think I should get pretty good results with my desktop:
    Self Built
    Phenom X4 9650 (not a Phenom II) @ 2.4GHz
    4Gb Corsair DDR3
    Ati (Sapphire) Radeon HD4890 with 1Gb RAM
    Win7 x64

    This system should run STO on high/very high. Should be really enjoyable experience.
    But although canyourunit.com gives my laptop a midway between min and rec spec on testing my laptop and my own knowledge is telling me I'll be OK, I wouldn't mind another opinion:

    Acer 6920g
    Core 2 Duo T5800 @ 2GHz
    3Gb DDR2
    nVidia 9500m with 512Mb RAM
    Win7 x86

    Cheers :)

    With laptop graphic we seems to give them more leeway. A gaming laptop is just so expense. You should be able to play STO on low resolution with medium setting. But we just really don't know for sure.

    EDIT: When will talk resolution we mean in game resolution. You don't need to change you PC resolution.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought.

    I'll try the laptop out in open beta and see how I get on.

    I loaned my PC to my sister when hers went down. I may just have to get it back...lol

    Thanks for taking the time to reply...much appreciated.
This discussion has been closed.