Mods, I love you, don't sticky this.
I haven't seen it yet, but apparently the most recent episode of Picard does *something* that invalidates STO canon pretty badly. (Don't spoil it here, please.) We've always known when the TV shows got this close to our timeline, stuff would happen that would step on us and our ten years of stories. Given how much we've all been enjoying Picard this season, we're fine with it. STO is it's own thing, and always will be, and we'll tell our own stories no matter what happens.
Honestly I could see a way to harmonize those *spoiler* things without too much issues for either, granted it demands certain things to happen a certain way though those things are not out of the realms of possibility (sorry being ultra vague but that's best way I can say it without spoiling).
Though I'm fine with STO being its own thing too.
Seen it (and it rocked btw) and yeah, STO is now in 'alternate timeline canon'. Certain things can be shoe-horned in as happening later in the STO timeline, but to be honest, I prefer our current Enterprise.
However, at least we know the cast of Star Trek Legacy now.
Basically, without too much spoiler, replace a few assets with other ones and most of the continuity survives. The Path to 2409 would have to go, though, and a certain faction will be a problem.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Personally, I enjoyed the story so far, through all its twists, turns, and changes. I enjoyed the change with the previous "rejunction" of the timeline in the Iconian War. I'd be more than okay with another.
Thank you for everything so far, Cryptic, and to everything yet to come.
I already know about the PIC finale spoilers and I haven't even started PIC season 3, on youtube I've seen a couple of clips of a certain android, some of Worf, but nothing too much.
I see two things that were added in PIC's last episode that would have to be dealt with to keep things in accord, for now.
See this link for open discussion of what those are:
STO un-destroyed the Tax Uthot. It's changed the lore it received to let its story happen. It is different when there is an active series. Unreconcilable differences could come relatively soon. (In which case, there are a lot of ships with Red Matter Capacitors in 2411; one accident, and we could have a timeline split.) But I don't think we're there, yet. If there has to be a split, I hope it is made part of the story.
But, we'll see. Karl definitely knows more of what the rest of the devs are thinking than any of the rest of us; I acknowledge that.
At this point I think its safe to say that STO is a separate timeline, as everything they'd have to do to line up with Prime Timeline... might as well make a new game as it would probably require the removal of the Romulan Republic and a LOT of other things. Doens't mean we won't have things from Canon make their way into STO, but STO is not Canon itself.
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You're kidding right? In STO:
- Beverly Crusher NEVER was Captain of the USS Pasteur (Again, you think she took a demotion from Head of Starfleet Medical and Admiral to command a ship 10 years later?)
- There was an Enterprise 1701-G commissioned in 2402. The 1701-F was either decommissioned/destryed that same year (the Odyssey Class was also launched in 2385 - not 2409, and is considered obsolete.)
- 7of9 JOINED Starfleet and Captainmed the 1701-G. (In Delta Rising she has VO that claims she never stayed in Starfleet and only agreed to serve as a Consultant because of the Delta Rising situation and Iconian War. Her personality in that arc seems to have regressed to an older version of herself from Star Trek: Voyager. In the arc she speaks like she did when she was on Voyager.
- Did you see ANY Galaxy-X ships in the Federation Fleet in Picard? Looks like in the ACTUAL Prime Timeline, that Class never existed.
STO tried to maintain cannon parity and did a pretty good job; but PICARD showed STO is now a Distinct and separate Timeline onto itself (There is too large a diversion now to handwave away.). And that's okay
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On the other hand, STO has always had a slight distance from any particular Trek because of having to cover all the different series and movies at once, similar to the way a Storyteller (GM in D&D terms) had to do with the various World of Darkness games because while the setting was shared between those games they were not completely synched (often the same historical figures were secretly either werewolves, mages, or changelings depending on which game history you looked at for instance) and the systems did not exactly match up perfectly either.
Actually, no we cannot "ignore JJ's Contribution to Star Trek" since those events are too tightly integrated into the game. And besides, the friction between Romulan factions makes for a lot more interesting plot possibilities than the old monolithic RSE would have. Societies in flux have the most conflict and therefore make the most fertile ground for stories, that is where the Chinese curse "may you live in Interesting times" comes from.
The pretense of canon no longer matters in Star Trek so STO really would be best served by focusing on its own universe.
Another good reason for STO to do so is that modern Whatever Trek is just a long Freudian Slip admitting that even they (not STO) know that everything prior to 2009 is a superior product.
Here is where STO can distinguish itself through solid escapist science fiction with just enough verisimilitude to be thought provoking without being overbearing.
Very light gymnastics actually, about as much as is required to make a cup of tea.
Not really. We have two versions of Seven of Nine, both of which are NOT in Starfleet, Tuvok is an Admiral, Geordi is a Captain, the Enterprise-F is a much newer ship...
There's a LOT of things that would have to be altered, requiring at LEAST Butterfly level Temporal Manipulation to keep anything that came before. And then we have the added issue of making new stories that could very well conflict with Canon as any content in the 25th Century will ultimately clash with STO.
The easiest way to "reconcile" them is honestly branch the two off from each other and proceed as we have for the last... what? 13 years or so? We can integrate things from the new shows, but the hoops that would have to be jumped through to keep STO in the realm of "canon" while we have new content coming out is far too much.
We know alternate realities exist. And since the game itself was never declared Canon by the Powers That Be... I don't see why anything MUST change to conform wholesale. You're asking the Devs to make an entirely new game at this point.
Both can coexist just fine.
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A lot can happen in 10 years. Granted we've had the two different portrayals of Seven of Nine for a while that's just a character inconsistency but tell me they don't happen in the shows. Tuvok got promoted by one rank, he's only a commodore, compared to how long it took him to reach captain it's a fast leap but hardly unrealistic. Geordi could just get his uniform updated in game, commanding officers are always referred to as captain anyway, or maybe he took a field comission back down to captain. Picard proposed a similar kind of demotion in season 1.
The old F we've discussed.
It's very easy to sort out if you're just willing to try.
Don't get me wrong the multiverse is a joyous thing but it's also becoming a crutch for lazy writing and pointless reboots in recent years. I mean that as a general term not about Star Trek. I was bitterly disappointed by Superman and Lois which I was hoodwinked into believing was a spin-off in the established continuity its characters came from but the writers decided against it and immediately lost me as a viewer for all future seasons. That's neither here nor there but the venting is therapeutic.
I know any non TV or movie thing is a soft canon deal, maybe it is maybe it isn't until the alpha says otherwise. And sure I'm being precious about it but STO was all we had for a while there, back when the Prime Universe for all we knew wasn't coming back. And with how much the game has done to keep itself aligned sure it's a bit irritating when someone disregards it in a show but I don't see how it's so easily relegated to a sideverse when it only takes minimal effort to reshuffle it.
I have imparted all I can to make my case, if anyone needs me I'll be sat on my own in the corner over there.