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Crashing Issue on Console, Game is Still Locked

ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
There is a technical issue on Console this morning that is causing some crashes, so we're going to keep Xbox and Playstation locked until it's fixed. More information as it comes in, keep an eye on this thread.

UPDATE ONE: The issue is, unfortunately, a bigger one that needs to be fixed by our Core team of engineers. We don't have an ETA for opening the game at this time.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    All hands on deck huh?

    Movie night it is.
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
    UPDATE TWO: Right now we're working on two options:
    1) A potential fix that may allow us to launch the new story update today.
    2) Rolling back Xbox and Playstation to the previous build so that you folks can at least get in and play today.
    We'll let you know as soon as we know.
  • ozarkkrazo#9514 ozarkkrazo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    on PSN still down 2:41 cent. get on it boys/gals ;)

  • sparkopolis#9935 sparkopolis Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I have dailies to to and this has completely screwed up my schedule. When is that rollback going to happen and why is it even necessary? Aren't you testing the changes on a TEST SERVER?
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    How do you think they caught the bug? Yeah, test server..

    At the risk of being called a white knight, you can miss a day. Toys flying out of prams won't change anything.
  • sparkopolis#9935 sparkopolis Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    Toys? Prams? What the f*** are you even talking about?
    The question was why is a rollback necessary if no changes are being made to the actual game servers? Couldn't be bothered to answer that one? Can't help but give your zero cents worth of input? Maybe shut up if you don't have answers to legitimate questions? Nope, too busy white-knighting.
    Edit: And no, you don't get to somehow avoid it just because you preemptively called what you're doing what you obviously know it to be.
  • iivertrix#8736 iivertrix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    The rollback shouldn't be necessary in the first place, they should've forseen this issue in a test server before they launched the update and maintenance on the actual server.
  • sparkopolis#9935 sparkopolis Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    The rollback shouldn't be necessary in the first place, they should've forseen this issue in a test server before they launched the update and maintenance on the actual server.
    Thank you for making my point.

  • caparzoukcaparzouk Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Will there be time extensions on the event and elite captain upgrade token due to the downtime?
  • marty#8674 marty Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I blame skynet
  • mdbranstetter#2313 mdbranstetter Member Posts: 1 New User
    Q is up to mischief again.
  • marty#8674 marty Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    We need things to make us go
  • millefune#8468 millefune Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    The last time something big like this happened when they did the graphics overhaul during the first KDF Recruitment event. I'm guessing it's because the PlayStation 4 and X-Box (?) can't handle the amount of new things they're putting in. I suggested they lessen the amounts of NPCs spawned that was causing the crashes on Qo'nos, and that fixed it now that all those random characters aren't walking around anymore, but now First City looks like a ghost town (worth it to not have to flip a coin for a crash every went to First City, or had to leave the warehouse after saving Ch'Gren). Same thing happened with DS9, but it's fixed now too after either lessening the amount of players in each instance and/or the number of random NPCs. It's less packed, but at least it still has some NPCs walking around here and there.

    So maybe the new content has too much detail, or lighting effects/sources, or enemies, or NPCs? Can't wait until they make a PlayStation 5 version (supposedly the new PlayStation is as good as a high-end gaming computer from 2019/2020)... and to actually be able to find one at a store, so we don't have to pay some outrageous scalper price.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    Well, good news is, chip shortage should be resolved shortly.

    Though TBH, given the truly ungodly amount of NPCs running around Qo'nos Academy I find it hard to believe NPC count is an issue. Besides which I'm there for function, not flora and fauna. Though Ganalda runs a lot worse at times than either Qo'nos locale, longest load in the game too on console.

    I suspect the crash is surrounding Janeway overwriting parts of the Delta arc, which still causes issues on PC now.
  • sparkopolis#9935 sparkopolis Member Posts: 26 Arc User

    Can't wait until they make a PlayStation 5 version (supposedly the new PlayStation is as good as a high-end gaming computer from 2019/2020)... and to actually be able to find one at a store, so we don't have to pay some outrageous scalper price.

    I was visiting my daughter over the weekend and downloaded STO on her PS5 just so I could log in long enough to grab my daily allowance of dilithium. After my return trip home, I found myself wishing I had checked out how long the load screens are on the PS5 when using the tailor. Obviously on PS4, they're intolerable. Opportunity missed. Overall I was impressed with the system though. I didn't think I was going to like the new controllers but found them to be pretty awesome. I would never pay the marked-up scalper prices out of sheer principle. I wish nobody would. It's almost always better to buy the later versions of new generation consoles, after they've worked out any issues and slimmed the thing down... and hopefully after they've returned to black.
  • zeldafan6284#9812 zeldafan6284 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I suspect the crash is surrounding Janeway overwriting parts of the Delta arc, which still causes issues on PC now.

    I suspect the same thing, that and somehow the upgrades to how many dry docks and such players can have too possibly. But that's just my 2 cents
  • marty#8674 marty Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Maybe it’s the supply chain…or covid
  • iivertrix#8736 iivertrix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    When I first when on it this morning, it was fine, then maintenance kicked in and it said it would be finished at 4:30 pm. Now it says 1 am. That's 8 and a half hours longer than planned. I'm surprised they haven't sorted it yet in all honesty considering that maintenance started at 12pm.
  • piconic1702piconic1702 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Lol sto was never offline so long.in the last 12 years...now its name is star bugs offline lol
  • iivertrix#8736 iivertrix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @piconic1702 said:
    > Lol sto was never offline so long.in the last 12 years...now its name is star bugs offline lol

    It's not just that, it's also the lack of information that they're giving us about about situation right now. They last gave us an update at around 7pm and it's now 10 pm. Either they're really busy or they can't be bothered to tell us.
  • devastator9965#6255 devastator9965 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    What about the anniversary gifts will We lose today's gift And if it's not fixed what about tomorrow's
  • iivertrix#8736 iivertrix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @"devastator9965#6255" said:
    > What about the anniversary gifts will We lose today's gift And if it's not fixed what about tomorrow's

    Absolutely no idea, we are in the dark on this right now along with everything else.
  • scrof#7781 scrof Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    What about the anniversary gifts will We lose today's gift And if it's not fixed what about tomorrow's


  • firegaming2021#4767 firegaming2021 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I do hope they extend all those things tomorrow if they don’t get this fixed today.
  • iivertrix#8736 iivertrix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    As they say "don't get your hopes up"
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    Oh of course, elite captain token day isn't it (POSSIBLY T6 token too).

    13 hours before reset.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,614 Arc User
    Aren't you testing the changes on a TEST SERVER?
    ...they should've forseen this issue in a test server before they launched the update...
    Updates don't always go as planned, and Test servers don't always behave the same as the Live servers - probably due to the massive difference in the amount of players playing.
    I once reported a bug in [redacted] which was tested by the QA folks on the Test server and it was ignored as a false report.
    Sent a few screenshots to the QA lead via a forum PM and they tested again and found nothing wrong.
    I then sent in a video of the bug, which was ridiculously easy to reproduce, and they tested again on the Live server and confirmed the issue.
    In that particular case, it wasn't a major game-breaking thing like we have on STO today, but our Inventory in [redacted] was filling up with Event items that didn't work.
    caparzouk wrote: »
    Will there be time extensions on the event and elite captain upgrade token due to the downtime?
    What about the anniversary gifts will We lose today's gift And if it's not fixed what about tomorrow's
    I suspect they'll extend the giveaways to compensate for the lost day today.
    ...I found myself wishing I had checked out how long the load screens are on the PS5 when using the tailor. Obviously on PS4, they're intolerable.
    The problem here is the game loading all those graphical previews - I wish they'd just switch it so we get the 'Advanced' tab which only needs to load the list of names.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
    edited March 2022
    UPDATE THREE: We don't actually have much of an update, but it's been three hours so I thought I'd let you know even that. Both options are being looked at, more as soon as we know.

    I can confirm on here that we will be extending the giveaways and the Anniversary Event, but we may not be able to do so right away.
  • devastator9965#6255 devastator9965 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    Not to worry. Guess it's a good thing you found it before it went live, you'd end up with a whole line of trebuchets outside the office.

    Now we continue the waiting game.
This discussion has been closed.