As you so astutely pointed out yourself, I'm a PvE-er, remember?! The answer should be self-evident. Consider it an IQ-threshold, if you will.
But maybe you can prove me the contrary.
Ok so you're chickening out. PvErs like you do not have rights to say anything about the Ionic change. Shooting NPCs, like you do, requires no specific build.
PvP requires a careful balance of abilities. Viral has been addressed, Ionic has been addressed, Surgical remains.
the change to Ionic says it won't track the enemy. Do NPCs go at full impulse or crazy high speed? No? They don't.
The only way you can prove your superiority is fighting me, in a serious T5U escort environment. Everything you say is... pointless.
...hmm... ok. i'll just jump the sound and quality of many postings in here, while leaving out which ones i mean...
thx for reading.
on a sidenote, as it seemed to not got caught in the "discussion" in here:
the res-debuff persists for several secs if hit by ionic, even if one/something moves out of it! and if one not is able to get some spheres caught in ionic from short distance... well, those ones may shouldn't fighting borg anyways lol :rolleyes:...
and nope, i'm not a speedtanker at all...
the problem is that you want to be nerfed anything that dosen't fits you , i want a nerf to a.p.alpha , FAW, beam overload , and a nerf to ALL damage in game , allsow the defence(evasion) you get from speed i WAY to OP.
The only way you can prove your superiority is fighting me, in a serious T5U escort environment. Everything you say is... pointless.
No, see, unlike you, I feel no need to 'prove my superiority' at all. LOL. I am not chickening out, cuz I never chickened in. I am really just a PvE-er: try and let that sink in.
I do not feel the need to vape unsuspecting people, or cry for nerfs because I can't win. I simply want to casually blow up NPC's, enjoy the suspension of disbelief that I'm really fighting a strong enemy, and get some good gear and abilities while I'm at it, because, well, that's what you do in an MMO.
We just appear to be living in two entirely different worlds. And I like to keep it that way.
No, see, unlike you, I feel no need to 'prove my superiority' at all. LOL. I am not chickening out, cuz I never chickened in. I am really just a PvE-er: try and let that sink in.
I do not feel the need to vape unsuspecting people, or cry for nerfs because I can't win. I simply want to casually blow up NPC's, enjoy the suspension of disbelief that I'm really fighting a strong enemy, and get some good gear and abilities while I'm at it, because, well, that's what you do in an MMO.
We just appear to be living in two entirely different worlds. And I like to keep it that way.
And I have no issues with that, as long as you bring respect to me and every other PvPer. You expected to be treated well after that intial sentence? Instead of confirming my idea of PvErs try doing something that proves me the opposite.
Finally this more than BS ability got a fix ( ty devs ) and ppl on the forum are already complaining about... pve-wise... rotfl, i really can't understand No, correction, i understand, ppl like OP, sorry if i will be a bit rude, just have NO IDEA about pvp and why something need a nerf/fix
Now you just have to use ionic with your brain and not waste it
Finally this more than BS ability got a fix ( ty devs ) and ppl on the forum are already complaining about... pve-wise... rotfl, i really can't understand No, correction, i understand, ppl like OP, sorry if i will be a bit rude, just have NO IDEA about pvp and why somethign need a nerf/fix
epic nando is epic. Cryptic should hire PvPers for quality testing. You can't recognize what's broken and what's not if you only shoot NPCs.
the problem is that you want to be nerfed anything that dosen't fits you , i want a nerf to a.p.alpha , FAW, beam overload , and a nerf to ALL damage in game , allsow the defence(evasion) you get from speed i WAY to OP.
Yes, after a fashion, everything is OP. All Hands On Deck?! It needs to be majorly nerfed for Tactical Captains. APA, FOMM, TI, defuq?! Talk about way, way, way OP! AHOD + Tactical Initiative alone is like a cd-shortener within a cd-shortener! And yes, BFAW needs to be nerfed. Etc.
Or... we could just live and let live, and not have one group try and nerf the other.
Wheter or not the change is justified - Intelligence is still the best spec. (i guess not the only spec with command around but: ) i don't see any reason to put major points into command though i would be happy to hear some.
This is why PvP-whiners should never get a say in anything. If it were up to me, I'd ban you all.
If you ban us all, there will not have a game. PvP is the main side of every MMO, if you want to shoot only computers there are a lot of single players games :rolleyes: Without PvP ( even bad one like here) the game is dead.
If you ban us all, there will not have a game. PvP is the main side of every MMO, if you want to shoot only computers there are a lot of single players games :rolleyes: Without PvP ( even bad one like here) the game is dead.
And this, I suspect, is why PvP is still a part of STO: useful info comes from said community, so the Devs kinda keep it around. Sorta.
If you ban us all, there will not have a game. PvP is the main side of every MMO, if you want to shoot only computers there are a lot of single players games :rolleyes: Without PvP ( even bad one like here) the game is dead.
Oh, god, the funny part is you actually believe what you're shovelling.
If you ban us all, there will not have a game. PvP is the main side of every MMO, if you want to shoot only computers there are a lot of single players games :rolleyes: Without PvP ( even bad one like here) the game is dead.
I generally have empathy to the pvp crowd here because of ignored and 'forever alone' they are but come on: who's gonna quit? all 5 of you?
They already sacrificed that population portion. (if they tried adding some battlegrounds ala WoW it could be a step up. Are there even PVP unique rewards?)
Lol, please. I PvP (Or I used to before I fell behind, and I have in my other MMOs as well) and I can count on one hand the successful MMOs that PvP was the main side of.
For every PvPer there is 100 or more Carebears that can't hack it. Don't delude yourself.
In STO it's even more Carebear then average.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Oh, god, the funny part is you actually believe what you're shovelling.
He's right. The Suppression Barrage accuracy bug was discovered by PvPers, not PvErs. At least we take the time to check one-by-one the new addons and see if they're acceptable or not for the metagame. PvErs don't see many things.
I wonder how a PvEr could have discovered that accuracy tooltip of the one being targeted by SB increases by 100%, while it actually does nor buffs, nor debuffs to accuracy. Thanks to that bort was able to track down the issue which will fix an ability used both in PvP and PvE.
Without PvPers, you'd have a mass of continuously broken abilities meant to go through hitpoint bags faster. Argument Invalidated.
I generally have empathy to the pvp crowd here because of ignored and 'forever alone' they are but come on: who's gonna quit? all 5 of you?
They already sacrificed that population portion. (if they tried adding some battlegrounds ala WoW it could be a step up. Are there even PVP unique rewards?)
Funnily enough, I suppose, I kinda agree with him. Now commonplace builds like A2B were once cleverly thought-out by the PvP-crowd, and then trickled down to the masses. It *would* be a loss if PvP actually got ditched. It gets annoying when their demands for nerfs start to encroach on merry PvE-gameplay, though.
Lol, please. I PvP (Or I used to before I fell behind, and I have in my other MMOs as well) and I can count on one hand the successful MMOs that PvP was the main side of.
For every PvPer there is 100 or more Carebears that can't hack it. Don't delude yourself.
In STO it's even more Carebear then average.
Eve online - great pvp. Here its carebear either way because death is meaningless
Your argument is hopelessly self-defeating: nerf anything good, and then you'll just have a next set of things people will be using; and you'll cry for a nerf of those again. Etc.
Also, stop with the lame saying that using any good ability is using a 'crutch', whereas what you really mean is: 'Everything that can kill me needs to be nerfed, otherwise I'm not as awesome as I thought I was!'
No, that is not how it works. Ionic Turbulence specifically allowed what amounted to stunlocks. Stunlocks are somethnig very particular no one wants. Removing it doesn't create the next stunlock. It means there are no more stunlocks. Full Stop.
I would actually not be suprised if the change has almost no effect on most PVE scenarios, because NPCs usually don't fly all that fast. Only when they have EPTE, Evasive or Aux2Dampeners you'll notice. And, well, most do not.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Now that the patch has started, what's the point of continuing this thread? Ionic is getting the nerf it needed, PvP will have four out of five broken things fixed.
Every other argument is just invalid, and pointless. Looking forward to SS3 nerf, and PvP will be playable again.
Now that the patch has started, what's the point of continuing this thread? Ionic is getting the nerf it needed, PvP will have four out of five broken things fixed.
Every other argument is just invalid, and pointless. Looking forward to SS3 nerf, and PvP will be playable again.
lol thanks.
You get an extra gold star for this post as well. Now only if I could get back into a decent PvP build (only tried twice since DR).
The only other downside really in PvP is the gap between experienced players and new level 60s.
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
I would actually not be suprised if the change has almost no effect on most PVE scenarios, because NPCs usually don't fly all that fast. Only when they have EPTE, Evasive or Aux2Dampeners you'll notice. And, well, most do not.
You clearly aren't playing the game against NPCs lately. They have more high speed manuevers than ever, along with 100% defense "nya nya you can't hit me no matter how close you are or how good your skill specs are, because... MAGIC!!" skills. More than ever the level of BS no-hit skills the NPCs employ is through the roof. Having a skill to keep them in check was a good thing. Making that skill useless was a bad thing.
You clearly aren't playing the game against NPCs lately. They have more high speed manuevers than ever, along with 100% defense "nya nya you can't hit me no matter how close you are or how good your skill specs are, because... MAGIC!!" skills. More than ever the level of BS no-hit skills the NPCs employ is through the roof. Having a skill to keep them in check was a good thing. Making that skill useless was a bad thing.
No, that is not how it works. Ionic Turbulence specifically allowed what amounted to stunlocks. Stunlocks are somethnig very particular no one wants. Removing it doesn't create the next stunlock. It means there are no more stunlocks. Full Stop.
And, like I said, remove the disable from it; I don't care. Only fair. Even Geko admitted ppl shouldn't be disabled, by other players, for anything but a very short time.
I would actually not be suprised if the change has almost no effect on most PVE scenarios, because NPCs usually don't fly all that fast. Only when they have EPTE, Evasive or Aux2Dampeners you'll notice. And, well, most do not.
NPC BoP's still fly forward. And a 3km radius is pretty small. The thing that stuns me, though (pun intended), is why the chasing was, in any way whatsoever, considered a horribly debilitating power in PvP. The disable I get, the chase not. What's next, torps that just just fire in the general direction of an enemy?!
Depending on the ship (cause of the collisionbox), know a funny way to buy some time for folks at a Trans against those pesky Nanite Spheres if nothing else is available? Fly in front of the first one and sit there. Depending on the ship, they'll just get stuck there (if the collisionbox is too small, they'll slide off and on their way) in a traffic jam going nowhere. NPCs are slow and stupid.
Depending on the ship (cause of the collisionbox), know a funny way to buy some time for folks at a Trans against those pesky Nanite Spheres if nothing else is available? Fly in front of the first one and sit there. Depending on the ship, they'll just get stuck there (if the collisionbox is too small, they'll slide off and on their way) in a traffic jam going nowhere. NPCs are slow and stupid.
Now that the patch has started, what's the point of continuing this thread? Ionic is getting the nerf it needed, PvP will have four out of five broken things fixed.
Every other argument is just invalid, and pointless. Looking forward to SS3 nerf, and PvP will be playable again.
You appear to be enjoying this a bit too much. But fair is fair, you won the day. You got all your little nerfs, except for SS3. But I'm sure you'll whine loud enough again to get that too.
what NPC constantly move fast? Undine, kazon, and borg spheres burst in movement but are mostly slow just like all other NPCs. I still can't see how this is a nerf for pve. I guess for some of you change = nerf, because that's what I'm seeing here.
But maybe you can prove me the contrary.
Ok so you're chickening out. PvErs like you do not have rights to say anything about the Ionic change. Shooting NPCs, like you do, requires no specific build.
PvP requires a careful balance of abilities. Viral has been addressed, Ionic has been addressed, Surgical remains.
the change to Ionic says it won't track the enemy. Do NPCs go at full impulse or crazy high speed? No? They don't.
The only way you can prove your superiority is fighting me, in a serious T5U escort environment. Everything you say is... pointless.
thx for reading.
on a sidenote, as it seemed to not got caught in the "discussion" in here:
the res-debuff persists for several secs if hit by ionic, even if one/something moves out of it! and if one not is able to get some spheres caught in ionic from short distance... well, those ones may shouldn't fighting borg anyways lol :rolleyes:...
and nope, i'm not a speedtanker at all...
No, see, unlike you, I feel no need to 'prove my superiority' at all. LOL. I am not chickening out, cuz I never chickened in.
I do not feel the need to vape unsuspecting people, or cry for nerfs because I can't win. I simply want to casually blow up NPC's, enjoy the suspension of disbelief that I'm really fighting a strong enemy, and get some good gear and abilities while I'm at it, because, well, that's what you do in an MMO.
We just appear to be living in two entirely different worlds. And I like to keep it that way.
And I have no issues with that, as long as you bring respect to me and every other PvPer. You expected to be treated well after that intial sentence? Instead of confirming my idea of PvErs try doing something that proves me the opposite.
Dont confuse him...
Now you just have to use ionic with your brain and not waste it
epic nando is epic. Cryptic should hire PvPers for quality testing. You can't recognize what's broken and what's not if you only shoot NPCs.
Yes, after a fashion, everything is OP. All Hands On Deck?! It needs to be majorly nerfed for Tactical Captains. APA, FOMM, TI, defuq?! Talk about way, way, way OP! AHOD + Tactical Initiative alone is like a cd-shortener within a cd-shortener! And yes, BFAW needs to be nerfed. Etc.
Or... we could just live and let live, and not have one group try and nerf the other.
If you ban us all, there will not have a game. PvP is the main side of every MMO, if you want to shoot only computers there are a lot of single players games :rolleyes: Without PvP ( even bad one like here) the game is dead.
And this, I suspect, is why PvP is still a part of STO: useful info comes from said community, so the Devs kinda keep it around. Sorta.
Oh, god, the funny part is you actually believe what you're shovelling.
I generally have empathy to the pvp crowd here because of ignored and 'forever alone' they are but come on: who's gonna quit? all 5 of you?
They already sacrificed that population portion. (if they tried adding some battlegrounds ala WoW it could be a step up. Are there even PVP unique rewards?)
For every PvPer there is 100 or more Carebears that can't hack it. Don't delude yourself.
In STO it's even more Carebear then average.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
He's right. The Suppression Barrage accuracy bug was discovered by PvPers, not PvErs. At least we take the time to check one-by-one the new addons and see if they're acceptable or not for the metagame. PvErs don't see many things.
I wonder how a PvEr could have discovered that accuracy tooltip of the one being targeted by SB increases by 100%, while it actually does nor buffs, nor debuffs to accuracy. Thanks to that bort was able to track down the issue which will fix an ability used both in PvP and PvE.
Without PvPers, you'd have a mass of continuously broken abilities meant to go through hitpoint bags faster. Argument Invalidated.
Funnily enough, I suppose, I kinda agree with him.
This is the thread win right here. The fix/nerf is a good thing.
I would actually not be suprised if the change has almost no effect on most PVE scenarios, because NPCs usually don't fly all that fast. Only when they have EPTE, Evasive or Aux2Dampeners you'll notice. And, well, most do not.
Every other argument is just invalid, and pointless. Looking forward to SS3 nerf, and PvP will be playable again.
lol thanks.
You get an extra gold star for this post as well. Now only if I could get back into a decent PvP build (only tried twice since DR).
The only other downside really in PvP is the gap between experienced players and new level 60s.
You clearly aren't playing the game against NPCs lately. They have more high speed manuevers than ever, along with 100% defense "nya nya you can't hit me no matter how close you are or how good your skill specs are, because... MAGIC!!" skills. More than ever the level of BS no-hit skills the NPCs employ is through the roof. Having a skill to keep them in check was a good thing. Making that skill useless was a bad thing.
lol thanks again.
ps. ask in PvP forums or OrganizedPvP, only way to get help from people who know.
My Healer Odyssey without EPTE goes faster.
And, like I said, remove the disable from it; I don't care. Only fair. Even Geko admitted ppl shouldn't be disabled, by other players, for anything but a very short time.
NPC BoP's still fly forward.
Maybe crying for another nerf will help?!
what the... astonished. He just said the truth about the PvP curve that needs to be reduced, and you keep on insulting. Disgusting behavior.
quoted for epicness.
You appear to be enjoying this a bit too much. But fair is fair, you won the day. You got all your little nerfs, except for SS3. But I'm sure you'll whine loud enough again to get that too.
Just hope Bort remembers who pays his bills.