There's no reason to slot ionic if you have 5 other things that do it better. :rolleyes:
The skill has been nerfed into uselessness. And I'm not using the term nerf willy-nilly like some do. This wasn't a bug fix, this wasn't a balance, this was an extreme nerf. As others have mentioned in this thread there were many other perfectly valid balancing options available (simply remove the stun, best idea I've read so far), but instead it was turned into foam rubber and nobody with 2 brain cells will use it anymore.
I'm still using Ionic and noticed no real difference.
That's because I always pair it up with my CC and use it for the DR debuff than for control.
PvP community got this skill nerfed (for good reason). And by God I'm proud of them.
And tip my hat.
No more loser cloak/Torp builds (I'm looking at you Romulans) exploiting disables for easy kills, then cloaking off into the sunset unscathed.
Well, I suppose only the good pilots will be able to handle using it effectively now, that I can live with.
At least the cookie cutter builders will now be SOL.
*A standing ovation for the PvP community who stood together to get this OP skill nerfed*
Ill be buying them drinks for the next week.
I completely agree with those that feel the nerf was overkill. There were alternatives they could of taken with this ability.
As to the PvPers who are for the change. You do understand youre proving the very thing people accuse you of correct? You demanded a change to a mechanic. The mechanic is nerfed into the ground and your reaction is to rejoice? Just last week were you not claiming up and down that PvPers dont wish to ruin PvE or greatly effect it? That PvP brings 'balance' to this game. In what way is an ability that is 'shot in the general direction' of something balanced compared to everything else that can do as this mechanic is intended?
This sounds more like PvPers being sore losers and gleefully dancing around after theyve changed the rules so they no longer have to suffer a loss. I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
Ill remember this in a few years when PvP comes up as an option on a poll again.
This sounds more like PvPers being sore losers and gleefully dancing around after theyve changed the rules so they no longer have to suffer a loss. I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
Ill remember this in a few years when PvP comes up as an option on a poll again.
I couldn't agree more, and thank you for posting this for me.
I completely agree with those that feel the nerf was overkill. There were alternatives they could of taken with this ability.
As to the PvPers who are for the change. You do understand youre proving the very thing people accuse you of correct? You demanded a change to a mechanic. The mechanic is nerfed into the ground and your reaction is to rejoice? Just last week were you not claiming up and down that PvPers dont wish to ruin PvE or greatly effect it? That PvP brings 'balance' to this game. In what way is an ability that is 'shot in the general direction' of something balanced compared to everything else that can do as this mechanic is intended?
This sounds more like PvPers being sore losers and gleefully dancing around after theyve changed the rules so they no longer have to suffer a loss. I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
Ill remember this in a few years when PvP comes up as an option on a poll again.
I couldn't agree more, and thank you for posting this for me.
And thank you too, rodentmaster, for injecting some sanity into this thread. Against all the gleeful trolling, it was much needed.
I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
TBH, I'm having a difficult time not feeling that way about some of the PvE posters in the thread. Oh, no doubt I believe some of the PvP folks are trolling out the wahzoo...but the PvE folks are just kind of making me feel sad.
Let me ask, how hard is it to hit a cube with ionic now ?
You'd have to be a ****** to miss a target like that in pve.
And if all the complaints about the change are based on pve play being affected, then you're a god awful pilot.
Fact is, ionic killed (what was left of pvp)
Maybe a lot of you never bothered to pvp, fine. But it had a massively detrimental effect to the pvp community. It literally made Ker'rat a ghost town.
The change is not so huge, that one can't adapt in pve play.
In fact I'd argue its everybit as effective in pve...again, how hard is it the hit a cube with ionic ?
How hard is it to get point blank before using it on a sphere ? Or wait to until the spheres are clustered in GravWell ?
This minor change will have a negligible effect for pve content, meanwhile it will correct a huge imbalance in pvp.
In my book, this change is weighted in logic. And its a good one overall.
I completely agree with those that feel the nerf was overkill. There were alternatives they could of taken with this ability--
--This sounds more like PvPers being sore losers and gleefully dancing around after theyve changed the rules so they no longer have to suffer a loss. I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
Ill remember this in a few years when PvP comes up as an option on a poll again.
Whoa whoa whoa!
Hold on there buddy. See you don't understand. PVP players are smarter and look at things from all possible directions. It's how we can identify if something is super broke better than any PVE player can. It's just something PVE players lack.
PVE players are just playing a simulation... They don't know what a 'human' target can do. The human mind, how it thinks and react... PVE players can't handle that. PVP players can hit you with an attack combination that will make you throw your keyboard...
No one understand the game mechanics better than PVP players, that's just a fact. If a mechanic is super broken-- We'll be the 1st to tell you. I would be glad people like that are around. For balance. Without balance the universe would be destroyed (Deferi time).
I can bet you're on of those people who liked the black cloud console preventing shield balancing. I know your type... The game would be in a horrible state if it was up to PVE players. Believe that...
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
plate: And yet... if you use something else that wasn't a redundant combination you'd probably do more and/or kill faster.
Like there is many options in the LT intel slots.
The only other damage ability is EMP 1, which does a "maybe" disable on one target and exotic damage.
Where with Ionic I can grav well, grab a ton of ships, hit them with IT, and debuff the resistance of several ships not only for my grav well damage, but also my incoming torp spread, it's subsequent radiation damage, my beam weapons, and every damaging attack from anyone else firing on it at the time..
So I'm PRETTY sure that IT is doing its fair share damage-wise.
Also there's a thing called the quote feature, I suggest you use it.
Just did a run with my Pathfinder through Argala against the Kazon. I noticed that I pretty much all the time caught ships in the Turbelence. Then, in one situation, I thought I finally had a case where they might escape - just when I fired it on a Kazon Cruiser, it popped Aux2Dampeners. It still got caught in the IT. (And yup, it was pretty much at maximum range. I am not very subtle when fighting NPCs.)
So I guess all claims of the death of IT are exaggerated. It's still working great at its job. But it will probably not be so annoying against players. Time to give some NPC ships this ability.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Just did a run with my Pathfinder through Argala against the Kazon. I noticed that I pretty much all the time caught ships in the Turbelence. Then, in one situation, I thought I finally had a case where they might escape - just when I fired it on a Kazon Cruiser, it popped Aux2Dampeners. It still got caught in the IT.
So I guess all claims of the death of IT are exaggerated. It's still working great at its job. But it will probably not be so annoying against players. Time to give some NPC ships this ability.
Obviously you cheated. I mean, cmon, you magically made IT work just by using this thing you call "intelligence"? Yeah right.
Just did a run with my Pathfinder through Argala against the Kazon. I noticed that I pretty much all the time caught ships in the Turbelence. Then, in one situation, I thought I finally had a case where they might escape - just when I fired it on a Kazon Cruiser, it popped Aux2Dampeners. It still got caught in the IT. (And yup, it was pretty much at maximum range. I am not very subtle when fighting NPCs.)
So I guess all claims of the death of IT are exaggerated. It's still working great at its job. But it will probably not be so annoying against players. Time to give some NPC ships this ability.
One place I could see it potentially being an issue would be with the Undine.
Obviously you cheated. I mean, cmon, you magically made IT work just by using this thing you call "intelligence"? Yeah right.
I made it work without applying intelligence.
Well, other than using an "intelligence" ability. The only intelligence I required at that point was "oh, Kazon ship in range, quick, press the button." And saying "oh no, wasted, it's aux2dampening... Oh, wait, it got caught anyway. Kazon dumb, ha ha."
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
One place I could see it potentially being an issue would be with the Undine.
Do you mean for those annoying teleports they love to do? Could be. But I had the impression powers got completely lost en route to a Bio-Cruiser that teleports away. Very annoying, there goes the Gravity Well... We hardly ever knew it.
Undine are kinda living click-baits.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Odd how many times PvP has 'died a terrible death' in this game..Starting to remind me of Megatron in all the Transformer movies. This seems to be a common theme with PvPers. Something isnt going the way you want. You want it fixed. Its nerfed into the ground and becomes relatively useless to the PvE crowd. Instead of stepping up and saying. 'Thats not what I wanted' instead its 'Time to Celebrate'. And when people on the other side of the game step up and criticize it. The reaction from the PvP crowd is 'But it killed PvP'.
If PvP was dead, how is this mechanic affecting a dead portion of the game? PvP according to the PvPers has been dead for years.
The truth is this mechanic is no more balanced then it was prior to the nerf. But since it will no longer be utilized by anyone in your 'dead' PvP you and others trolling this thread could careless. Youre simply here to revel in the change and rub it in the faces of those on the PvE side.
As for your accusation that players must be bad pilots if you cant hit anything with it. I could say the same about you prior to the nerf. See how that works?
Let's be honest here, this change benefits escorts more than anyone else.
Something came in to game took escorts from untouchable to killable is the planets lined up correctly. Enter the whining and voila, change to the ability.
Do you mean for those annoying teleports they love to do? Could be. But I had the impression powers got completely lost en route to a Bio-Cruiser that teleports away. Very annoying, there goes the Gravity Well... We hardly ever knew it.
Undine are kinda living click-baits.
Nah, wasn't thinking about the Fludic jumps...
...I was dorking around in the battlezone and forgot how the Nicor will sometimes go all zippity about as they're moving.
And let's have all those NPC's beta-stack on your sorry behind too, while we're at it. But we all know how that's gonna end, do we? You end your buddies will whine again, loudly, and get that nerfed; cuz EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! when you can still win; but gawd forbid someone else has a toy that might make your epeen shrink.
Odd how many times PvP has 'died a terrible death' in this game..Starting to remind me of Megatron in all the Transformer movies. This seems to be a common theme with PvPers. Something isnt going the way you want. You want it fixed. Its nerfed into the ground and becomes relatively useless to the PvE crowd. Instead of stepping up and saying. 'Thats not what I wanted' instead its 'Time to Celebrate'. And when people on the other side of the game step up and criticize it. The reaction from the PvP crowd is 'But it killed PvP'.
If PvP was dead, how is this mechanic affecting a dead portion of the game? PvP according to the PvPers has been dead for years.
The truth is this mechanic is no more balanced then it was prior to the nerf. But since it will no longer be utilized by anyone in your 'dead' PvP you and others trolling this thread could careless. Youre simply here to revel in the change and rub it in the faces of those on the PvE side.
As for your accusation that players must be bad pilots if you cant hit anything with it. I could say the same about you prior to the nerf. See how that works?
I like how you paired the logical fallacy of all these calls of "PvP is dead!" with the equally fallacious claim of "Ionic turbulence is absolutely worthless in PvE!"
I mean, did you even read the post from the guy that's still pegging NPCs with IT? Either it's still working, or he's some kind of PvE savant.
And let's have all those NPC's beta-stack on your sorry behind too, while we're at it. But we all know how that's gonna end, do we? You end your buddies will whine again, loudly, and get that nerfed; cuz EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! when you can still win; but gawd forbid someone else has a toy that might make your epeen shrink.
take a some yoga.................close your eyes and relax a few minutes
Totally uncalled for
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Just did a run with my Pathfinder through Argala against the Kazon. I noticed that I pretty much all the time caught ships in the Turbelence. Then, in one situation, I thought I finally had a case where they might escape - just when I fired it on a Kazon Cruiser, it popped Aux2Dampeners. It still got caught in the IT. (And yup, it was pretty much at maximum range. I am not very subtle when fighting NPCs.)
So I guess all claims of the death of IT are exaggerated. It's still working great at its job. But it will probably not be so annoying against players. Time to give some NPC ships this ability.
Hmm...What is it about Argala that might make this test a bit skewed. Could it be the wave after wave of ships in clusters? Could it be that theyre clustered to begin with? Could it be that their Carriers are 3 times the size of the Ody and CBC?
As for your accusation that players must be bad pilots if you cant hit anything with it. I could say the same about you prior to the nerf. See how that works?
As I suggested earlier, I propose we nerf their torps (just for PvP, of course) to where they only fire off volleys 'in the general direction' of their foes. THEN we'll talk piloting again.
I like how you paired the logical fallacy of all these calls of "PvP is dead!" with the equally fallacious claim of "Ionic turbulence is absolutely worthless in PvE!"
I mean, did you even read the post from the guy that's still pegging NPCs with IT? Either it's still working, or he's some kind of PvE savant.
How is it a logical fallacy when its evident that given the choice of an ability that will work or something that might, maybe if you get lucky by firing it in the direction of said target could work the player is going to choose the ability that has less chance in it?
And as my post before mentions. Argala is a poor place to test this. Large ships, large clusters. Kind of easy to fire it and hit things. He even admits the last one even he was uncertain if it would land so essentially it could of been skill or it could of been luck.
Hmm...What is it about Argala that might make this test a bit skewed. Could it be the wave after wave of ships in clusters? Could it be that theyre clustered to begin with? Could it be that their Carriers are 3 times the size of the Ody and CBC?
Of course you're gonna fire AoE CC at a cluster of ships, they invented constriction anchors and tractor beams for that single-target stuff.
I'm still using Ionic and noticed no real difference.
That's because I always pair it up with my CC and use it for the DR debuff than for control.
And tip my hat.
No more loser cloak/Torp builds (I'm looking at you Romulans) exploiting disables for easy kills, then cloaking off into the sunset unscathed.
Well, I suppose only the good pilots will be able to handle using it effectively now, that I can live with.
At least the cookie cutter builders will now be SOL.
*A standing ovation for the PvP community who stood together to get this OP skill nerfed*
Ill be buying them drinks for the next week.
Who wants a cold one ?
As to the PvPers who are for the change. You do understand youre proving the very thing people accuse you of correct? You demanded a change to a mechanic. The mechanic is nerfed into the ground and your reaction is to rejoice? Just last week were you not claiming up and down that PvPers dont wish to ruin PvE or greatly effect it? That PvP brings 'balance' to this game. In what way is an ability that is 'shot in the general direction' of something balanced compared to everything else that can do as this mechanic is intended?
This sounds more like PvPers being sore losers and gleefully dancing around after theyve changed the rules so they no longer have to suffer a loss. I dont personally think all PvPers are this way but those currently posting in this thread are definitely giving a bad name to the community.
Ill remember this in a few years when PvP comes up as an option on a poll again.
I couldn't agree more, and thank you for posting this for me.
I couldn't agree more, and thank you for posting this for me.
And thank you too, rodentmaster, for injecting some sanity into this thread. Against all the gleeful trolling, it was much needed.
TBH, I'm having a difficult time not feeling that way about some of the PvE posters in the thread. Oh, no doubt I believe some of the PvP folks are trolling out the wahzoo...but the PvE folks are just kind of making me feel sad.
You'd have to be a ****** to miss a target like that in pve.
And if all the complaints about the change are based on pve play being affected, then you're a god awful pilot.
Fact is, ionic killed (what was left of pvp)
Maybe a lot of you never bothered to pvp, fine. But it had a massively detrimental effect to the pvp community. It literally made Ker'rat a ghost town.
The change is not so huge, that one can't adapt in pve play.
In fact I'd argue its everybit as effective in pve...again, how hard is it the hit a cube with ionic ?
How hard is it to get point blank before using it on a sphere ? Or wait to until the spheres are clustered in GravWell ?
This minor change will have a negligible effect for pve content, meanwhile it will correct a huge imbalance in pvp.
In my book, this change is weighted in logic. And its a good one overall.
Whoa whoa whoa!
Hold on there buddy. See you don't understand. PVP players are smarter and look at things from all possible directions. It's how we can identify if something is super broke better than any PVE player can. It's just something PVE players lack.
PVE players are just playing a simulation... They don't know what a 'human' target can do. The human mind, how it thinks and react... PVE players can't handle that. PVP players can hit you with an attack combination that will make you throw your keyboard...
No one understand the game mechanics better than PVP players, that's just a fact. If a mechanic is super broken-- We'll be the 1st to tell you. I would be glad people like that are around. For balance. Without balance the universe would be destroyed (Deferi time).
I can bet you're on of those people who liked the black cloud console preventing shield balancing. I know your type... The game would be in a horrible state if it was up to PVE players. Believe that...
Like there is many options in the LT intel slots.
The only other damage ability is EMP 1, which does a "maybe" disable on one target and exotic damage.
Where with Ionic I can grav well, grab a ton of ships, hit them with IT, and debuff the resistance of several ships not only for my grav well damage, but also my incoming torp spread, it's subsequent radiation damage, my beam weapons, and every damaging attack from anyone else firing on it at the time..
So I'm PRETTY sure that IT is doing its fair share damage-wise.
Also there's a thing called the quote feature, I suggest you use it.
So I guess all claims of the death of IT are exaggerated. It's still working great at its job. But it will probably not be so annoying against players. Time to give some NPC ships this ability.
Obviously you cheated. I mean, cmon, you magically made IT work just by using this thing you call "intelligence"? Yeah right.
i lol'd
One place I could see it potentially being an issue would be with the Undine.
I made it work without applying intelligence.
Well, other than using an "intelligence" ability. The only intelligence I required at that point was "oh, Kazon ship in range, quick, press the button." And saying "oh no, wasted, it's aux2dampening... Oh, wait, it got caught anyway. Kazon dumb, ha ha."
CC on the Undine in general is a pain, due to their teleport skill.
Do you mean for those annoying teleports they love to do? Could be. But I had the impression powers got completely lost en route to a Bio-Cruiser that teleports away. Very annoying, there goes the Gravity Well... We hardly ever knew it.
Undine are kinda living click-baits.
Odd how many times PvP has 'died a terrible death' in this game..Starting to remind me of Megatron in all the Transformer movies. This seems to be a common theme with PvPers. Something isnt going the way you want. You want it fixed. Its nerfed into the ground and becomes relatively useless to the PvE crowd. Instead of stepping up and saying. 'Thats not what I wanted' instead its 'Time to Celebrate'. And when people on the other side of the game step up and criticize it. The reaction from the PvP crowd is 'But it killed PvP'.
If PvP was dead, how is this mechanic affecting a dead portion of the game? PvP according to the PvPers has been dead for years.
The truth is this mechanic is no more balanced then it was prior to the nerf. But since it will no longer be utilized by anyone in your 'dead' PvP you and others trolling this thread could careless. Youre simply here to revel in the change and rub it in the faces of those on the PvE side.
As for your accusation that players must be bad pilots if you cant hit anything with it. I could say the same about you prior to the nerf. See how that works?
Something came in to game took escorts from untouchable to killable is the planets lined up correctly. Enter the whining and voila, change to the ability.
Nah, wasn't thinking about the Fludic jumps...
...I was dorking around in the battlezone and forgot how the Nicor will sometimes go all zippity about as they're moving.
And let's have all those NPC's beta-stack on your sorry behind too, while we're at it. But we all know how that's gonna end, do we? You end your buddies will whine again, loudly, and get that nerfed; cuz EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! when you can still win; but gawd forbid someone else has a toy that might make your epeen shrink.
I like how you paired the logical fallacy of all these calls of "PvP is dead!" with the equally fallacious claim of "Ionic turbulence is absolutely worthless in PvE!"
I mean, did you even read the post from the guy that's still pegging NPCs with IT? Either it's still working, or he's some kind of PvE savant.
take a some yoga.................close your eyes and relax a few minutes
Totally uncalled for
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Hmm...What is it about Argala that might make this test a bit skewed. Could it be the wave after wave of ships in clusters? Could it be that theyre clustered to begin with? Could it be that their Carriers are 3 times the size of the Ody and CBC?
As I suggested earlier, I propose we nerf their torps (just for PvP, of course) to where they only fire off volleys 'in the general direction' of their foes. THEN we'll talk piloting again.
How is it a logical fallacy when its evident that given the choice of an ability that will work or something that might, maybe if you get lucky by firing it in the direction of said target could work the player is going to choose the ability that has less chance in it?
And as my post before mentions. Argala is a poor place to test this. Large ships, large clusters. Kind of easy to fire it and hit things. He even admits the last one even he was uncertain if it would land so essentially it could of been skill or it could of been luck.
Of course you're gonna fire AoE CC at a cluster of ships, they invented constriction anchors and tractor beams for that single-target stuff.
Hell, my PE torps are enough to CC one target.
So youre saying thats the ONLY use for it?
Was it? Turnabout is fair play. If they want to 'stick it' to the PvE-er, I say let those spheres beta-stack them en masse in return. And