Know what would be nifty, imho, for ISA? Add in some of those Tractor and Regen Probes from the Alerts.
ive always had this in my mind as a good add in for some of the stfs/pve Qs
Escorts with some punch with a hi defense mod to counter hi dps weapons with no accuracy mods
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
And let's have all those NPC's beta-stack on your sorry behind too, while we're at it. But we all know how that's gonna end, do we? You end your buddies will whine again, loudly, and get that nerfed; cuz EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! when you can still win; but gawd forbid someone else has a toy that might make your epeen shrink.
Who do you think I am and who my buddies are?
I am very sympathetic to the PvP cause. It used to be my favorite part of STO (much to my surprise), but got ruined with the gear creep, universal console nonsense and lockbox ships.
But I still (or rather: again, since I stopped playing for 2 years) play the game, focusing on the "Grind". Because I still kinda like flying around in a fancy spaceship and fire off powers and blow up sh*t.
PvE is still not hard, and where it's hard (Elite content) it lacks the depth that made PvP good - it is still all about DPS, not about tactics. But a thread like this just proves that demanding genuine tactics from players and thinking about how to time their abilities and how to combine them might be demanding too much of them. Or maybe it is actually not demanding too much of them, but they are not used to it and will try to resist any attempt to do so. (Even if they turn around and claim that it's lame that NPCs just are bags of hit points - but don't dare making NPCs go zippy and me requiring to coordinate and plan my attacks to take into account their mobility! And also don't give them lame cheater abilities like half-covering invulnerability shields! And don't give them Player-Strength Tachyon Beams!)
Anyway - APB "stacking" is a thing in PvP, and on the other hand it's not, because everyone is running Tactical Team anyway. NPCs stacking Attack Pattern Beta like crazy would probably barely be noticeable in STO's PvE, because who isn't running Tactical Team all the time? If you want to have any hope of surviving a vaper's alpha strike, you need it.
If anyhting, the problem of APB stacking might be directed against the NPCs - they are hurt far worse by it then players, since they generally do not have TT, there are frigates that can spam it, and NPCs rarely have resistances in the first place, so negative resistances are really devastating. And that is part of the whole "DPS" mentality of the game and why we have such a giant gap between player damage output - one team knows how to maximize stacking APBs and Plasma Doping and what-you-have, and the other doesn't. If we could get those power outliers fixed and focus more on the stuff that the DPS "Elites" are also doing - timing, coordination, manoeuvring, positioning - then the game would probably be far better and could also allow more interesting NPC tactics.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
lel, look at the n00bs whine... pvers have been the stars of this game for so long they actually forgot how to be humble. lol @ meimein00b, the exact representation of why this game is an utter failure. whenever you realize you're wrong, two things happen.
a) start insulting pvpers
b) change topic
lel, look at the n00bs whine... pvers have been the stars of this game for so long they actually forgot how to be humble. lol @ meimein00b, the exact representation of why this game is an utter failure. whenever you realize you're wrong, two things happen.
a) start insulting pvpers
b) change topic
predictable hahah
So you want people to be humble while you behave like an ***? Sorry to break it to you but thats not how the world works.
Hmm...What is it about Argala that might make this test a bit skewed. Could it be the wave after wave of ships in clusters? Could it be that theyre clustered to begin with? Could it be that their Carriers are 3 times the size of the Ody and CBC?
This is pretty much like most combats go these days, don't they? Most of the patrols feature NPC groups these days. The Kazon ships may be bigger than some, but on the other hand, most ships don't even have speed buffs like Aux2Dampeners or Emergency Power to Engines or Evasive Maneuvers. For them it's not even relevant to discuss things.
And if you think of something like Infected or the other Borg STFs - there are plenty of group of ships there. Or ships that are just gigantic in size in the first place (and slow as molasses, too.)
But hey, I wasn't surprised that I managed to catch NPC groups, either. What surprised me is that I was basically at maximum range, fired the Ionic Turbelence, and the Kazon Cruiser popped Aux2Dampeners and ran away, but was still caught in the area of effect.
It's difficult to get a good feeling for the exact size of the Turbelence's area of effect, but it might be larger than people expect here. MAybe they also underestimate the speed of the Turbulence's projectile.
I know that the tendency to exaggerate and assume the worst of players can be difficult to overestimate.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Odd how many times PvP has 'died a terrible death' in this game..Starting to remind me of Megatron in all the Transformer movies. This seems to be a common theme with PvPers. Something isnt going the way you want. You want it fixed. Its nerfed into the ground and becomes relatively useless to the PvE crowd. Instead of stepping up and saying. 'Thats not what I wanted' instead its 'Time to Celebrate'. And when people on the other side of the game step up and criticize it. The reaction from the PvP crowd is 'But it killed PvP'.
If PvP was dead, how is this mechanic affecting a dead portion of the game? PvP according to the PvPers has been dead for years.
The truth is this mechanic is no more balanced then it was prior to the nerf. But since it will no longer be utilized by anyone in your 'dead' PvP you and others trolling this thread could careless. Youre simply here to revel in the change and rub it in the faces of those on the PvE side.
As for your accusation that players must be bad pilots if you cant hit anything with it. I could say the same about you prior to the nerf. See how that works?
According to Mustcrum, he's tested it and seems to catch any target in what your problem ?
(As I had predicted myself the change has very little impact on pve)
So what's the big deal for you ? I don't get it.
Meanwhile it fixes a huge discrepancy in pvp gameplay. I guess you're just selfish, and don't care others enjoyed pvp, before disables online.
Has the change drastically changed your pve gameplay ? No it hasnt, in fact is every bit as effective as it once was..
Furthurmore pvp was more active before Intel ships came out. (Maybe not bustling with life persay but relatively speaking a lot more busy then now)
It literally died overnight due to Intel disable builds.
No one in Ker'rat anymore.... You used to find a fight within a few minutes, now you can stay there all afternoon and not run into anyone. This dates back to Intel ships and their ability to disable player ships.
So it was a good decision. For all parties involved pve AND pvp
If you can't see that, then you're very selfish and are way too pve biased to give a logical argument.
Of course you're gonna fire AoE CC at a cluster of ships, they invented constriction anchors and tractor beams for that single-target stuff.
Hell, my PE torps are enough to CC one target.
You mis-read the comment. The point was that Argala is a biased test. Even if you horribly miss the intended target, there are so many ships spawning in such proximity, that something will randomly get snagged in the IT zone.
That's also not representative of most missions and spawns, is the point. In short: One anecdote in a heavily weighted test does not prove a point.
I can understand his point, too. I think it's a valid observation regarding Argala in general.
It's becoming apparent that you refuse to read something other than "IT sucks now, **** you Cryptic!"
It's still a good AoE for clusters of ships, as well as a cloud of APB.
So it can't home in and you have to think a little. Boo-fricking-Hoo, that doesn't make the skill trash.
Alright then how would you feel about torpedoes requiring you aim? I mean how unfair is it that someone can just turn their ship in the general direction of you and slam you with torpedoes that were self-guided?
What about beam arrays? Theres definitely no sort of required aiming there besides getting withing 10k of your enemy.
But its nice to see instead of actually responding to me youre accusing me of throwing a temper tantrum. When this entire time Ive been civil with you. And if you feel as if I hurt your feelings because I called PvPers in this thread out for their less then respectable behavior. If the shoe fits.
Right now its not me thats stomping my feet and getting upset for not getting my way. But when you lower yourself to attacking someone youre debating. Thats definitely a temper tantrum.
lel, look at the n00bs whine... pvers have been the stars of this game for so long they actually forgot how to be humble. lol @ meimein00b, the exact representation of why this game is an utter failure. whenever you realize you're wrong, two things happen.
a) start insulting pvpers
b) change topic
predictable hahah
As usual, y'all got this figured backwards.
Whenever you can't win in PvP, two things happen:
1) You start sucking up to Bort, so he will 'fix' it for you;
2) You start taking away things from PvE-ers, gleefully laughing about it, and then disingenuously act indignified when they don't like that.
Here is what you should have done:
1) Instead of crying like a baby, you should have concentrated on finding ways to defend yourself.
2) If And if you can't do what's described under 1) ... wait for it... use the same stuff your opponent uses.
According to Mustcrum, he's tested it and seems to catch any target in what your problem ?
(As I had predicted myself the change has very little impact on pve)
So what's the big deal for you ? I don't get it.
Meanwhile it fixes a huge discrepancy in pvp gameplay. I guess you're just selfish, and don't care others enjoyed pvp, before disables online.
Has the change drastically changed your pve gameplay ? No it hasnt, in fact is every bit as effective as it once was..
Furthurmore pvp was more active before Intel ships came out. (Maybe not bustling with life persay but relatively speaking a lot more busy then now)
It literally died overnight due to Intel disable builds.
No one in Ker'rat anymore.... You used to find a fight within a few minutes, now you can stay there all afternoon and not run into anyone. This dates back to Intel ships and their ability to disable player ships.
So it was a good decision. For all parties involved pve AND pvp
If you can't see that, then you're very selfish and are way too pve biased to give a logical argument.
Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you missed my first post where I stated there were other ways of approaching this ability and fixing it without going overboard. It was only a few posts before yours.
So like plasma doping ? No thanks I'm not someone who looks for exploits for easy wins using broken skills. But that's just my upbringing.
Plasma doping is dopy. :P Or was, I should say, as it simply got fixed. And no, that was not a nerf, but simply fixing an unintended side-effect of scaling to Epic Mk XIV. Whoever used it, I feel sorry for the investment they made into that, but that fix was clearly coming a mile wide.
1) You start sucking up to Bort, so he will 'fix' it for you;
2) You start taking away things from PvE-ers, gleefully laughing about it, and then disingenuously act indignified when they don't like that.
Here is what you should have done:
1) Instead of crying like a baby, you should have concentrated on finding ways to defend yourself.
2) If And if you can't do what's described under 1) ... wait for it... use the same stuff your opponent uses.
it's all about the balance.
thats what you spacebar heroes dont get, it's all about the balance. In every game - not just STO - there should be balance between classes, when there's something drastically broken there's no fun in playing. Imagine if the borg got a new weapon that could oneshot you through everything - Unless you had an Obelisk carrier.
What would you do? because that's pvp atm, unless you have a ss3 ionic ship you're no one in the tac department.
I'm kinda sure you'd QQ on the forums instead of getting the Obelisk. OFC, that's just an example.
Another thing, when i say "pve heroes" "spacebar heroes" "faw heroes" mean people like the above idiot, not all the pvers - i have a lot of friends who don't play pvp - just they're not arrogant.
Sorry for wall of text, might be hard for you to understand, so squeeze your neuron buddy, i believe in you
Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you missed my first post where I stated there were other ways of approaching this ability and fixing it without going overboard. It was only a few posts before yours.
Ok sure, they could've come at with a different angle.
But I dont see the big deal, its just the tracking that's been changed.
And (I have to test this myself, since mustcrums test data is not good enough for some)
But my first impressions are it won't miss much at all on pve targets.
Ill edit this if I find different results myself.
I can't for the life of me see anyone being more then mildly annoyed at the change... I mean it'll be so negligible for pve, I can't understand the uproar.
And considering it fixes a massive hole in pvp, I say it was an acceptable compromise.
Though if you had a better idea, I missed the details of it. I'm willing to listen to compromises.
I can't for the life of me see anyone being more then mildly annoyed at the change... I mean it'll be so negligible for pve, I can't understand the uproar.
And considering it fixes a massive hole in pvp, I say it was an acceptable compromise.
Plasma doping is dopy. :P Or was, I should say, as it simply got fixed. And no, that was not a nerf, but simply fixing an unintended side-effect of scaling to Epic Mk XIV. Whoever used it, I feel sorry for the investment they made into that, but that fix was clearly coming a mile wide.
I hear ya about the people who invested in upgrades. I do kinda feel bad for them..
In regard to your #2 , that's kinda one of the reasons places like kerrat are dead now...the only ones in there are cloaked with Intel ships (for the most part)
And then no one finds one another ! People stay cloaked looking for an easy target..
Effectively turning pvp into a bunch of people hiding behind their cloaks. The only time there's any action is when some gets bored and plays the bait.
So they drop their cloak, and get disabled and one shotted...then that person says, well I'm not being the "bait" anymore and goes back to staying cloaked ..
Its not fun..
it's all about the balance.
thats what you spacebar heroes dont get, it's all about the balance. In every game - not just STO - there should be balance between classes, when there's something drastically broken there's no fun in playing. Imagine if the borg got a new weapon that could oneshot you through everything - Unless you had an Obelisk carrier.
What would you do? because that's pvp atm, unless you have a ss3 ionic ship you're no one in the tac department.
I'm kinda sure you'd QQ on the forums instead of getting the Obelisk. OFC, that's just an example.
Another thing, when i say "pve heroes" "spacebar heroes" "faw heroes" mean people like the above idiot, not all the pvers - i have a lot of friends who don't play pvp - just they're not arrogant.
Sorry for wall of text, might be hard for you to understand, so squeeze your neuron buddy, i believe in you
That was a 'wall of text'?! LOL.
Anyhow, Borg still have that one-shot invisi-torp thingy going on; but to wit my point under 1), nothing Evade Target Lock can't fix.
Since you gave a half-way decent reply, I'll do likewise, and admit that balance is important... in PvP. In PvE, however, us "spacebar heroes", as you call us, just like to bang things up, lovingly unbalanced, but with the suspension of disbelief that we're actually in a real fight. I never pretended otherwise.
Ionic Turbulance could have been made totally balanced. for PvP, if just the disable component had been, erm, disabled. Everyone would have been happy. Removing the chase, however, was kinda lame. And no, staying on top of your target (Hello Warp Core Breach.. and Kitty) isn't always feasible.
If I recall correctly, only that red-ball-of-death on my Fleet T'Varo Retrofit also doesn't chase (otherwise it would be ueber-OP); but, as a general rule, yes, I think weps should follow their target until they hit (or are shot down, in some cases). Simply put: there was no real good reason to remove the chase from PvE. Not even from PvP, IMHO, when the disable had been removed from IT.
If I recall correctly, only that red-ball-of-death on my Fleet T'Varo Retrofit also doesn't chase (otherwise it would be ueber-OP); but, as a general rule, yes, I think weps should follow their target until they hit (or are shot down, in some cases).
You know I could've lived with ionic being targetable, and destructable before hitting.
That's a good one ill admit...maybe better then what we currently have.
Alright then how would you feel about torpedoes requiring you aim? I mean how unfair is it that someone can just turn their ship in the general direction of you and slam you with torpedoes that were self-guided?
What about beam arrays? Theres definitely no sort of required aiming there besides getting withing 10k of your enemy.
But its nice to see instead of actually responding to me youre accusing me of throwing a temper tantrum. When this entire time Ive been civil with you. And if you feel as if I hurt your feelings because I called PvPers in this thread out for their less then respectable behavior. If the shoe fits.
Right now its not me thats stomping my feet and getting upset for not getting my way. But when you lower yourself to attacking someone youre debating. Thats definitely a temper tantrum.
Torps and beam arrays can miss, and there's a myriad of ways to soak their damage. Call for an unguided torpedo when there's one that completely renders the target useless for the duration of it's effect.
You're telling everyone that IT is completely useless in PvE when it's simply not true and is still quite effective despite its lack of locking-on, despite the fact that said locking-on has made it god-mode versus players.
Should there have been a better way to handle it? Sure, but the current solution has come nowhere close to crippling it's usefulness.
I can't for the life of me see anyone being more then mildly annoyed at the change... I mean it'll be so negligible for pve, I can't understand the uproar.
And considering it fixes a massive hole in pvp, I say it was an acceptable compromise.
Though if you had a better idea, I missed the details of it. I'm willing to listen to compromises.
Thing is, there aren't all that many alternatives for IT (at usual Lt. level). Intelligence Team? Not really needed on a Phantom. Viral Impulse Burst? Yeah, that's sure gonna p*ss off a few ppl when you try that on spheres in, say, isa. :P Electromagnetic Pulse Probe? Eh. So, Ionic Turbulence was an *excellent* debuffer (like an APB for Intel). And now it don't chase no more.
You know I could've lived with ionic being targetable, and destructable before hitting.
That's a good one ill admit...maybe better then what we currently have.
It already has the visual of a ball of steamy death, kinda. And it travels slowly enough for peeps to shoot it down (sorta like that huge plasma bolt in Borg Red alerts).
Thing is, there aren't all that many alternatives for IT (at usual Lt. level). Intelligence Team? Not really needed on a Phantom. Viral Impulse Burst? Yeah, that's sure gonna p*ss off a few ppl when you try that on spheres in, say, isa. :P Electromagnetic Pulse Probe? Eh. So, Ionic Turbulence was an *excellent* debuffer (like an APB for Intel). And now it don't chase no more.
Unless it stopped de-buffing targets, it's still an effective debuffer. The only thing removing lock-on did was change it from an automatic debuff to a big cloud of "You don't wanna be in that".
No one whines about needing targets to run into EWP, and that thing had to be used point-blank by driving past your target.
IT was balanced with a meat clever instead of a paring knife. Also keep in mind there are other NPCs out there other than the Borg, faster NPC. There is also a good chance that those running IT do not have access to cc abilities. So using crowd control abilities so you can use another crowd control ability is not an option.
IT was balanced with a meat clever instead of a paring knife. Also keep in mind there are other NPCs out there other than the Borg, faster NPC. There is also a good chance that those running IT do not have access to cc abilities. So using crowd control abilities so you can use another crowd control ability is not an option.
Can't we all get along:rolleyes:
If you're in an STF, it's hard to not find at least one person running gravity well.
ive always had this in my mind as a good add in for some of the stfs/pve Qs
Escorts with some punch with a hi defense mod to counter hi dps weapons with no accuracy mods
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Who do you think I am and who my buddies are?
I am very sympathetic to the PvP cause. It used to be my favorite part of STO (much to my surprise), but got ruined with the gear creep, universal console nonsense and lockbox ships.
But I still (or rather: again, since I stopped playing for 2 years) play the game, focusing on the "Grind". Because I still kinda like flying around in a fancy spaceship and fire off powers and blow up sh*t.
PvE is still not hard, and where it's hard (Elite content) it lacks the depth that made PvP good - it is still all about DPS, not about tactics. But a thread like this just proves that demanding genuine tactics from players and thinking about how to time their abilities and how to combine them might be demanding too much of them. Or maybe it is actually not demanding too much of them, but they are not used to it and will try to resist any attempt to do so. (Even if they turn around and claim that it's lame that NPCs just are bags of hit points - but don't dare making NPCs go zippy and me requiring to coordinate and plan my attacks to take into account their mobility! And also don't give them lame cheater abilities like half-covering invulnerability shields! And don't give them Player-Strength Tachyon Beams!)
Anyway - APB "stacking" is a thing in PvP, and on the other hand it's not, because everyone is running Tactical Team anyway. NPCs stacking Attack Pattern Beta like crazy would probably barely be noticeable in STO's PvE, because who isn't running Tactical Team all the time? If you want to have any hope of surviving a vaper's alpha strike, you need it.
If anyhting, the problem of APB stacking might be directed against the NPCs - they are hurt far worse by it then players, since they generally do not have TT, there are frigates that can spam it, and NPCs rarely have resistances in the first place, so negative resistances are really devastating. And that is part of the whole "DPS" mentality of the game and why we have such a giant gap between player damage output - one team knows how to maximize stacking APBs and Plasma Doping and what-you-have, and the other doesn't. If we could get those power outliers fixed and focus more on the stuff that the DPS "Elites" are also doing - timing, coordination, manoeuvring, positioning - then the game would probably be far better and could also allow more interesting NPC tactics.
It gets into that..."You don't need X, you can do ABC, but you'll need more than just Y"...sort of thing, imho.
You're right about one thing, though: this thread is upsetting me too much.
a) start insulting pvpers
b) change topic
predictable hahah
It's becoming apparent that you refuse to read something other than "IT sucks now, **** you Cryptic!"
It's still a good AoE for clusters of ships, as well as a cloud of APB.
So it can't home in and you have to think a little. Boo-fricking-Hoo, that doesn't make the skill trash.
So you want people to be humble while you behave like an ***? Sorry to break it to you but thats not how the world works.
And if you think of something like Infected or the other Borg STFs - there are plenty of group of ships there. Or ships that are just gigantic in size in the first place (and slow as molasses, too.)
But hey, I wasn't surprised that I managed to catch NPC groups, either. What surprised me is that I was basically at maximum range, fired the Ionic Turbelence, and the Kazon Cruiser popped Aux2Dampeners and ran away, but was still caught in the area of effect.
It's difficult to get a good feeling for the exact size of the Turbelence's area of effect, but it might be larger than people expect here. MAybe they also underestimate the speed of the Turbulence's projectile.
I know that the tendency to exaggerate and assume the worst of players can be difficult to overestimate.
According to Mustcrum, he's tested it and seems to catch any target in what your problem ?
(As I had predicted myself the change has very little impact on pve)
So what's the big deal for you ? I don't get it.
Meanwhile it fixes a huge discrepancy in pvp gameplay. I guess you're just selfish, and don't care others enjoyed pvp, before disables online.
Has the change drastically changed your pve gameplay ? No it hasnt, in fact is every bit as effective as it once was..
Furthurmore pvp was more active before Intel ships came out. (Maybe not bustling with life persay but relatively speaking a lot more busy then now)
It literally died overnight due to Intel disable builds.
No one in Ker'rat anymore.... You used to find a fight within a few minutes, now you can stay there all afternoon and not run into anyone. This dates back to Intel ships and their ability to disable player ships.
So it was a good decision. For all parties involved pve AND pvp
If you can't see that, then you're very selfish and are way too pve biased to give a logical argument.
btw, you want to teach me how the world works? oh well, thanks for supporting my argument on pver arrogance ^^
You mis-read the comment. The point was that Argala is a biased test. Even if you horribly miss the intended target, there are so many ships spawning in such proximity, that something will randomly get snagged in the IT zone.
That's also not representative of most missions and spawns, is the point. In short: One anecdote in a heavily weighted test does not prove a point.
I can understand his point, too. I think it's a valid observation regarding Argala in general.
I hate you
Alright then how would you feel about torpedoes requiring you aim? I mean how unfair is it that someone can just turn their ship in the general direction of you and slam you with torpedoes that were self-guided?
What about beam arrays? Theres definitely no sort of required aiming there besides getting withing 10k of your enemy.
But its nice to see instead of actually responding to me youre accusing me of throwing a temper tantrum. When this entire time Ive been civil with you. And if you feel as if I hurt your feelings because I called PvPers in this thread out for their less then respectable behavior. If the shoe fits.
Right now its not me thats stomping my feet and getting upset for not getting my way. But when you lower yourself to attacking someone youre debating. Thats definitely a temper tantrum.
As usual, y'all got this figured backwards.
Whenever you can't win in PvP, two things happen:
1) You start sucking up to Bort, so he will 'fix' it for you;
2) You start taking away things from PvE-ers, gleefully laughing about it, and then disingenuously act indignified when they don't like that.
Here is what you should have done:
1) Instead of crying like a baby, you should have concentrated on finding ways to defend yourself.
2) If And if you can't do what's described under 1) ... wait for it... use the same stuff your opponent uses.
So like plasma doping ? No thanks I'm not someone who looks for exploits for easy wins using broken skills. But that's just my upbringing.
Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you missed my first post where I stated there were other ways of approaching this ability and fixing it without going overboard. It was only a few posts before yours.
Plasma doping is dopy. :P Or was, I should say, as it simply got fixed. And no, that was not a nerf, but simply fixing an unintended side-effect of scaling to Epic Mk XIV. Whoever used it, I feel sorry for the investment they made into that, but that fix was clearly coming a mile wide.
it's all about the balance.
thats what you spacebar heroes dont get, it's all about the balance. In every game - not just STO - there should be balance between classes, when there's something drastically broken there's no fun in playing. Imagine if the borg got a new weapon that could oneshot you through everything - Unless you had an Obelisk carrier.
What would you do? because that's pvp atm, unless you have a ss3 ionic ship you're no one in the tac department.
I'm kinda sure you'd QQ on the forums instead of getting the Obelisk. OFC, that's just an example.
Another thing, when i say "pve heroes" "spacebar heroes" "faw heroes" mean people like the above idiot, not all the pvers - i have a lot of friends who don't play pvp - just they're not arrogant.
Sorry for wall of text, might be hard for you to understand, so squeeze your neuron buddy, i believe in you
Ok sure, they could've come at with a different angle.
But I dont see the big deal, its just the tracking that's been changed.
And (I have to test this myself, since mustcrums test data is not good enough for some)
But my first impressions are it won't miss much at all on pve targets.
Ill edit this if I find different results myself.
I can't for the life of me see anyone being more then mildly annoyed at the change... I mean it'll be so negligible for pve, I can't understand the uproar.
And considering it fixes a massive hole in pvp, I say it was an acceptable compromise.
Though if you had a better idea, I missed the details of it. I'm willing to listen to compromises.
well said. gg to you sir
I hear ya about the people who invested in upgrades. I do kinda feel bad for them..
In regard to your #2 , that's kinda one of the reasons places like kerrat are dead now...the only ones in there are cloaked with Intel ships (for the most part)
And then no one finds one another ! People stay cloaked looking for an easy target..
Effectively turning pvp into a bunch of people hiding behind their cloaks. The only time there's any action is when some gets bored and plays the bait.
So they drop their cloak, and get disabled and one shotted...then that person says, well I'm not being the "bait" anymore and goes back to staying cloaked ..
Its not fun..
That was a 'wall of text'?! LOL.
Anyhow, Borg still have that one-shot invisi-torp thingy going on; but to wit my point under 1), nothing Evade Target Lock can't fix.
Since you gave a half-way decent reply, I'll do likewise, and admit that balance is important... in PvP. In PvE, however, us "spacebar heroes", as you call us, just like to bang things up, lovingly unbalanced, but with the suspension of disbelief that we're actually in a real fight. I never pretended otherwise.
Ionic Turbulance could have been made totally balanced. for PvP, if just the disable component had been, erm, disabled. Everyone would have been happy. Removing the chase, however, was kinda lame. And no, staying on top of your target (Hello Warp Core Breach.. and Kitty) isn't always feasible.
If I recall correctly, only that red-ball-of-death on my Fleet T'Varo Retrofit also doesn't chase (otherwise it would be ueber-OP); but, as a general rule, yes, I think weps should follow their target until they hit (or are shot down, in some cases). Simply put: there was no real good reason to remove the chase from PvE. Not even from PvP, IMHO, when the disable had been removed from IT.
You know I could've lived with ionic being targetable, and destructable before hitting.
That's a good one ill admit...maybe better then what we currently have.
Torps and beam arrays can miss, and there's a myriad of ways to soak their damage. Call for an unguided torpedo when there's one that completely renders the target useless for the duration of it's effect.
You're telling everyone that IT is completely useless in PvE when it's simply not true and is still quite effective despite its lack of locking-on, despite the fact that said locking-on has made it god-mode versus players.
Should there have been a better way to handle it? Sure, but the current solution has come nowhere close to crippling it's usefulness.
Thing is, there aren't all that many alternatives for IT (at usual Lt. level). Intelligence Team? Not really needed on a Phantom. Viral Impulse Burst? Yeah, that's sure gonna p*ss off a few ppl when you try that on spheres in, say, isa. :P Electromagnetic Pulse Probe? Eh. So, Ionic Turbulence was an *excellent* debuffer (like an APB for Intel). And now it don't chase no more.
It already has the visual of a ball of steamy death, kinda. And it travels slowly enough for peeps to shoot it down (sorta like that huge plasma bolt in Borg Red alerts).
Unless it stopped de-buffing targets, it's still an effective debuffer. The only thing removing lock-on did was change it from an automatic debuff to a big cloud of "You don't wanna be in that".
No one whines about needing targets to run into EWP, and that thing had to be used point-blank by driving past your target.
Can't we all get along:rolleyes:
In deference to Mr. Nimoy's demise I just heard about, I think I'm gonna call it the day with this thread for today.
If you're in an STF, it's hard to not find at least one person running gravity well.