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DEVs nerfbat hit Tau Dewa



  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Have I used Japori to grind?
    Sure i did!
    Would I do that again?
    Of course, anytime again!
    Because Cryptic is leaving us no other chance to have some fun in this game.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    Heh, not trying to be mean but like I said yeah it ought to be insulting.

    That's the whole thing about developer apologism I am trying to explain.

    "Uncle tom" is another term for it but unfortunately very few people don't associate it with racism when what it's actually about is selling out your own people.

    That is exactly what applies to developer apologist - people who sold out the other kids because maybe the other kids didn't wanna play and all that was left was that hall monitor badge?
    That's 100% how I see forum moderators - additionally they do this for free which also takes away jobs - a double sell out.

    Way I look at it is, they don't contribute - they actually take away from the game.
    They'd never ask for improvments or want the game to get better.

    And so we have to continue to do what we started out doing, isolate them socially so they can do as little damage as possible NOT that it's personal like I said it's like a species of parrots maybe a borg parrot race.

    The borg parrot developer apologist collective?

    So it's not one special person or unique individual it's flawed phenomenon that as a whole has to be looked down and if possibly removed entirely, dreaming here of course


    ps. where a parrot is an object that can mimic speech but with zero cognition

    The fact that I'm not buying into the unwarranted assumptions and hysteria, having worked in the gaming industry for several years and knowing a little more than the average player does not make me "a developer apologist," nor does the rigorous application of the rules of inference. The right and wrong you claim to be concerned with should not involve the use of fallacies like Argumentum ad Hominem, which is, yeah, an incorrect inference form, and therefore wrong. In addition, a review of my posts will easily show that I have called for changes and improvement. Me saying "You're freaking out, making assumptions with no basis, and being hysterical" does not negate the reality that I also don't agree with everything any Development company does.

    Obviously there are legitimate reasons for players to avoid levelling in the DQ, not least of which is the insane CPU lag from all the graphics issues in some of the DQ system zones, due in part to the Devs apparently (not certainly) coding for NVIDIA users only. But the post I acknowledged in the edit of my previous post in this thread did not give details of what the exploitative behavior is, and instead of taking a breath, most of you continued to make the same assumption, that this is about power levelling. Others are whining because no details were provided. Guess what? Game publishers seldom reveal details of how to exploit a glitch, with good reason, so they may eventually tell us what the end result of the exploiting was, but the likelihood of them ever telling us exactly how it was done are, at best, slim, and that's a good thing. The post in question does say, after all, that they will share more as soon as they have completed their investigation, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a revelation of the method(s) used to exploit.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Before I posted?
    What the hell is that supposed to mean? If I don't agree with you I'm some evil pawn in a conspiracy?

    It means "prejudice," the act of judging before knowing, and it's not a pretty thing.
  • boosbcboosbc Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    protogoth, my biggest issue with this is that the developers are putting top priority to this issue, where some of my friends are unable to enter the game entirely.
  • revelator6674revelator6674 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Has it occured to you, that it is not your call to make where ppl do their patrols?

    They already had a healthy populated zone like that: Tau Dewa, near Japori.

    Also, forcing ppl to play your new expansion, by effectively locking/nerfing them out of other areas, that has got the be the lamest promo ever. If you want peeps to play your new expansion, make it GOOD.

    Right on. Glad someone else gets it.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Check out this dev blog from Eve Online: http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/long-distance-travel-changes-inbound/

    In it they are telling players that traveling around New Eden will take a lot more time. This is essentially a nerf to the movement system ... and they are calling it as such. Why? Because they want to "force" how players move in the game. Yet the Devs also outline not only why they are doing it, but their expectations of player behavior because of it.

    The blog is long ... but that is how it could (should?) be done.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Let's see...

    The DR stories are buggy. Very much so. Sometimes enough to where it's a chore to get through them.

    Even without the bugs, some of them are just annoying. For one, I thought helping the Kobali was pretty distasteful, and there's no way around it.

    Everyone is Federation. I thought it hilarious how courteous and even tempered they made my Klingon character. And they didn't bother to take out "you and your Federation" nonsense in the story. Thanks?

    A lot of the VO work doesn't match the text.

    There are a few typos (that I noticed), which are glaringly obvious.

    The new, shiny STF has a VO that stumbles on itself. It's like they just crammed the lines together, not caring that they were running together and on top of each other.

    The numerous patrols they send you on in the DQ are on horribly laggy maps. If I want to fight lag, I'll connect via dialup.

    Speaking of patrols, when running through with a friend, we both kept saying "More patrols? Wheres the story?"

    10 new levels of content. what, 3 levels worth of xp? You HAVE to do alternate things. You just have to. Or not level, period.

    Tau Dewa was getting all kinds of people together. Not clicking something and getting free stuff, shooting stuff together. Random people inviting anyone who asked, if they had room. No silly elitism. Playing with people whom you otherwise wouldn't notice exist.

    It was fun, it was silly, there was no exclusivity.

    I'm sorry, but anyone saying "derp they need to nerf powerleveling because I heart the devs, and whatever lame reason they give is good enough" is completely missing the point.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    boosbc wrote: »
    protogoth, my biggest issue with this is that the developers are putting top priority to this issue, where some of my friends are unable to enter the game entirely.

    Don't get me wrong. I have personally reported many bugs, both with DQ and with older content. I have asked for things which one faction has that neither of the other two have and should have (and if anyone pulls the unoriginal "fraction" nonsense again, I'm going to simply disregard what they have to say on the matter, because it will be clear that they are incapable of independent thought and instead simply parrot something which they imagine to be cute). I agree that there are issues older and -- from the players' perspective -- more important.

    But not knowing what exactly Cryptic and/or PWE is concerned about with this particular issue means that we also do not know exactly how important it is. One of the things which has been said is that "a small number of players" were involved. If this were truly about power levelling in Japori as some of the people in this thread have assumed, then "a small number of players" would be an extremely inaccurate description, because Tau Dewa around Japori was full of people in multiple instances.
  • shmojoshmojo Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sinn74 wrote: »

    Tau Dewa was getting all kinds of people together. Not clicking something and getting free stuff, shooting stuff together. Random people inviting anyone who asked, if they had room. No silly elitism. Playing with people whom you otherwise wouldn't notice exist.

    It was fun, it was silly, there was no exclusivity.

    But that's not how Cryptic wants you to play. They want you to spend hours on end playing the new patrol missions that take forever due to the hp of the enemies. If you're having fun, then you clearly aren't playing how they want you to. If someone's found a fun or efficient way of doing something, Cryptic has to shut it down and "fix" it.
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sinn74 wrote: »
    Let's see...

    The DR stories are buggy. Very much so. Sometimes enough to where it's a chore to get through them.

    Even without the bugs, some of them are just annoying. For one, I thought helping the Kobali was pretty distasteful, and there's no way around it.

    Everyone is Federation. I thought it hilarious how courteous and even tempered they made my Klingon character. And they didn't bother to take out "you and your Federation" nonsense in the story. Thanks?

    A lot of the VO work doesn't match the text.

    There are a few typos (that I noticed), which are glaringly obvious.

    The new, shiny STF has a VO that stumbles on itself. It's like they just crammed the lines together, not caring that they were running together and on top of each other.

    The numerous patrols they send you on in the DQ are on horribly laggy maps. If I want to fight lag, I'll connect via dialup.

    Speaking of patrols, when running through with a friend, we both kept saying "More patrols? Wheres the story?"

    10 new levels of content. what, 3 levels worth of xp? You HAVE to do alternate things. You just have to. Or not level, period.

    Tau Dewa was getting all kinds of people together. Not clicking something and getting free stuff, shooting stuff together. Random people inviting anyone who asked, if they had room. No silly elitism. Playing with people whom you otherwise wouldn't notice exist.

    It was fun, it was silly, there was no exclusivity.

    I'm sorry, but anyone saying "derp they need to nerf powerleveling because I heart the devs, and whatever lame reason they give is good enough" is completely missing the point.

    Using patrols to supplement content is, in my personal opinion, shoddy.

    And my aren't they tedious!
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sinn74 wrote: »
    Even without the bugs, some of them are just annoying. For one, I thought helping the Kobali was pretty distasteful, and there's no way around it.

    Everyone is Federation. I thought it hilarious how courteous and even tempered they made my Klingon character. And they didn't bother to take out "you and your Federation" nonsense in the story. Thanks?

    A lot of the VO work doesn't match the text.

    There are a few typos (that I noticed), which are glaringly obvious.

    The new, shiny STF has a VO that stumbles on itself. It's like they just crammed the lines together, not caring that they were running together and on top of each other.

    I also thought it odd that one of my options to reply to Harry Kim was to parrot the Prime Directive, when I was on my Main, a KDF-allied Romulan of the Republic. The Prime Directive to me is little more than a pseudo-ethical explanation for cowardice and non-action. At the same time, as a Republic Romulan, I oppose any and all forms of imperialism, including cultural imperialism ("Why are we allied with the Syndicate," some have asked me, "when they engage in slavery and you say 'Our chief governing passion is Freedom'?" and I always give the same answer: "Because I don't like imperialism any more than I like slavery, and the Syndicate is the true power in the Klingon Empire now, so we have little choice unless we want to pretend that dealing with the Klingons instead of the Orions will accomplish anything. We can influence over time through interaction and by example, and we can even liberate slaves so long as we do it covertly, but we're not going to start a war with our allies over this, in particular because the guise of slavery is used by them to attain their goals, and if they were to make slavery illegal, they would lose the one advantage they have, which advantage makes them very helpful in our Intel and Covert work.")

    I would also point out that you neglected to mention the hideous mispronunciation of Rihan names and words by the voice actors. Seriously, Cryptic/PWE, if you need someone to give you the correct pronunciations of these words, I'll do it for nothing except the satisfaction of hearing Rihan being pronounced correctly.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What're we calling this now? Japorigate? :P
  • snowpig74snowpig74 Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    nyxadrill wrote: »
    Using patrols to supplement content is, in my personal opinion, shoddy.

    And my aren't they tedious!

    ...reminds me of V1.0 (Feb 2010) where you had to do every patrol to gain your exp.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hypl wrote: »
    What're we calling this now? Japorigate? :P

    I've been calling it "The Japori Rising Incident". But Japorigate works too.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    shmojo wrote: »
    But that's not how Cryptic wants you to play. They want you to spend hours on end playing the new patrol missions that take forever due to the hp of the enemies. If you're having fun, then you clearly aren't playing how they want you to. If someone's found a fun or efficient way of doing something, Cryptic has to shut it down and "fix" it.

    I think you're wrong on that.

    What they do not want you to do is power-level against Level 50 enemies with a Level 55 or Level 60 characters.

    Tau Dewa enemies seem to not scale above 50. That's their problem.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    my main issue with this is most of the missions took an hour or more to complete they had some good points but mostly it was regurgitated plot from places they should not have pulled it.

    then theres the fact that if your a new romulan you can no longer until they re enable the maps play. and i mean AT ALL romulan characters can not do their missions right now.

    we are not getting a straight answer and to top it all off they didnt feel they should tag any one devs name on it.

    if your going to bring that many systems down and make that many people suffer we deserve a complete answer not a deflection.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kamipoi wrote: »
    my main issue with this is most of the missions took an hour or more to complete they had some good points but mostly it was regurgitated plot from places they should not have pulled it.

    then theres the fact that if your a new romulan you can no longer until they re enable the maps play. and i mean AT ALL romulan characters can not do their missions right now.

    we are not getting a straight answer and to top it all off they didnt feel they should tag any one devs name on it.

    if your going to bring that many systems down and make that many people suffer we deserve a complete answer not a deflection.

    So let me get this straight. You're demanding that the company provide you with an explanation of how to exploit a glitch or bug? Am I reading this right, or are you simply asking for what the end result of the exploiting was? If the former, get used to disappointment. If the latter, they did say that they will share more as soon as they have completed their investigation, so I would suggest some patience. This isn't the drive-through window at your local fast food joint.
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    protogoth wrote: »
    So let me get this straight. You're demanding that the company provide you with an explanation of how to exploit a glitch or bug? Am I reading this right, or are you simply asking for what the end result of the exploiting was? If the former, get used to disappointment. If the latter, they did say that they will share more as soon as they have completed their investigation, so I would suggest some patience. This isn't the drive-through window at your local fast food joint.

    Can I get cheese on my nerfburger?
  • schloopdooschloopdoo Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If anyone quitting over the loss of Japori patrols needs someone to send their stuff to, I am here for you.
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    if they are fixing it they should tell us exactly what happened that they failed to see earlier other game companies do this.

    now im not saying down to the nity grity details but the general gist of what they found to be an exploit a name to it.

    now im just going to make a guess and say that if they are willing to stop all progression for the romulan faction that it must be something big.

    thats the problem i have is if they cant catch that with tribble or redshirt. and i did not see so much as an apology to those romulans who cannot continue their progression so maybe thats what gets me miffed the most.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    schloopdoo wrote: »
    If anyone quitting over the loss of Japori patrols needs someone to send their stuff to, I am here for you.

    Nope, but you could login and level all of my Toons to "Level 110" ... I'll even give you my MK XII Stuff after you upgraded everything else to MK XIV .. isn't that an tempting offer, cause you know ... playing the game is so much fun now ?
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • xlesha911xlesha911 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    schloopdoo wrote: »
    If anyone quitting over the loss of Japori patrols needs someone to send their stuff to, I am here for you.

    and you can stand their to the end of time waiting to ;)
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    Shut up you disgusting bootlick. This entire game is a grind, and you're blaming people for finding an efficient way to do it?
    I AM WAR.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    Oh, I thought that matching a lower level also scales you down.

    Wait, it does.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    then they need to take out match to their level ;) something they put in this game back in what 2010 or 2011 ;)

    oh btw i dont get ban in wow for using battleground to level my toon ;)
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • dreadcalldreadcall Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think you're wrong on that.

    What they do not want you to do is power-level against Level 50 enemies with a Level 55 or Level 60 characters.

    Tau Dewa enemies seem to not scale above 50. That's their problem.

    The xp reward sclaing for level 50+ enemies does not match the scaling of their hp/shields. Not even close. If farming level 50 mobs wasn't so much more efficient there wouldn't be a problem at all.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    Still making unwarranted assumptions?
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    So you are saying that people teaming and using the match level mechanic, a feature that has existed in sto since...well forever as far as I know, is suddenly an exploit? So anyone who has ever teamed with friends to run story missions or patrols prior to this DR release are all exploiters and cheaters? Once upon a time I can remember running missions as prebuilt "battle groups" with fleet mates just for fun, and I guess using the old mirror universe pve queue as a team and matching the lowest level was an exploit also? This pretty much blankets the ENTIRE concept of teaming and level matching for ANY part of the game. lol wow.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    WOW, just WOW.
    I take a single day off and don't do my 6 hour grind for one stinking level and they shut down an entire sectors patrol missions that never worked right anyhow to fix a mechanic they designed into the game to keep people from leveling faster ?

    It can only get better with a weeks rollback to purge those errant points from peoples toons that used the system they way it was designed.

    GG Cryptic

    "I'm laughing at the superior gameplay"
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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